#also I’m vaccinated I guess I just got unlucky
eepyjay · 2 years
Time to complain
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lynxgriffin · 2 years
Life Update
Hey everyone, got an important update here: so I’ve been sick since the weekend, and while I at first thought it was a bad cold, I tested again today and discovered that I’ve got covid. :( I’ve tried my hardest to dodge it these years, have gotten vaccinated and boosted and stayed masked and have been very careful, but I guess I finally got unlucky. 
To that end, I’m going to try and rest as much as I can, and I probably won’t be answering asks for a bit. I’ll also be skipping FPFN this Friday, so I’ll have to finish off Stray later. Anthrofractal will update today since I powered through and finished that update earlier, but I can’t guarantee I’ll have an update ready for next week. For anyone on my Patreon, Patreon reward sketches will be late this month since I haven’t had any energy to start on them yet. 
Really hoping that I can get past this bad break soon!! Just know that if I’m real quiet around here for awhile, it’s because I’m trying to rest and recover. Since I’ll have a bit of a work hiatus coming up soon, I’m hoping that once I’m fully recovered I can open up commissions! I think I’m just going to do a limited number of slots so that I don’t get overwhelmed, and because I’ve got plenty of other things I need to do during my hiatus. So if you’ve been wanting a commission for a long time and want to snag a slot, look out for that in a couple weeks or so!
Thanks very much for your patience guys, and stay safe!
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sneezyminniejo · 3 years
I Guess I’m Just Unlucky
This was requested on my AO3
TW fever, fainting
Soobin had woken up not feeling particularly great. He couldn't quite place what was wrong aside from most probably having a fever. He was also feeling a bit achy, but brushed it off on the probable fever and the extra dance practice he’d been putting in recently. He slowly got out of bed.
When he arrived in the kitchen, he realized he really wasn’t all that hungry. He decided on two pieces of toast and hoped that the other members wouldn’t question him too much. Unfortunately for Soobin, Yeonjun had very much noticed the lack of food he had taken.
“Soobinie, are you feeling okay? You normally take more food than that.” Yeonjun walked over to the younger and placed his hand on his forehead. “You don’t feel warm, I’m going to grab the thermometer just to be sure.” Soobin nodded and sighed thinking that the thermometer for sure would say he had a fever, sidelining him until further notice. Yeonjun quickly came back and took the younger’s temperature. “You don’t have a fever Binnie. Are you sure you just want toast for breakfast?”
Soobin just nodded. “I’m sure hyung, I’m just not all that hungry this morning.”
As the other three woke up and came out for breakfast Soobin couldn’t help but notice a headache beginning to form. He excused himself from the table and went to the bathroom to get paracetamol. He was only gone for a few seconds and continued eating his toast when he returned.
Dance practice could have gone better. Soobin had found himself feeling rather listless and lethargic for much of the day’s practice, and when asked about it just said he was tired. He honestly wasn’t sure why he was so out of it today, he just was. As much as he wanted to stay late to make up for the disaster of practice, Soobin decided it would be better for him to go home and try to sleep off whatever funk he was in.
The following morning when he woke up, Soobin was feeling equally as bad. However this time he woke up with a headache. He decided to seek comfort today instead of brushing it off. He slowly made his way to the kitchen where he knew the others would be, and rested his head on the first person he could find. Which happened to be the maknae.
“Hyung,” Hueningkai whined. Soobin just whined back in response, which got everyone’s attention. “Hyung, are you okay?” Kai asked with concern evident in his voice. “Don’t feel good.” Yeonjun disappeared to grab the thermometer and put it in the younger’s mouth. The minute long wait was a bit tense, and Beomgyu quickly grabbed the thermometer the second it beeped. 
“It’s normal hyung. Maybe slightly elevated, but normal.” All the members looked, and sure enough it read 98.9, “In what way don’t you feel good, Binnie?” Yeonjun asked “I have a headache, I also just want to go back to sleep.” Taehyun went and grabbed some pain killers for Soobin, but ultimately there wasn’t much that could be done. Soobin once again ate a mediocre breakfast and got ready for another day of dance practice.
Dance practice had been going worse than yesterday. Yesterday, Soobin was just a bit off tempo and seemingly a bit tired, but today, he kept spacing out. He also kept absentmindedly rubbing at his chest as if it were itchy. Eventually a break was called and Yeonjun walked over to the younger who was drinking water. “Soobin, I think it might be a good idea to head back to the dorm to rest. You’re clearly getting sick.” 
Soobin just shook his head. “You know how instructor-nim is about attendance, unless someone has a fever, is puking, has diarrhea, or is meeting with management we have to be present for the entirety of practice.” Yeonjun hummed in response. “Besides, my only symptom of being sick is not feeling good. That’s hardly going to sway instructor-nim into even letting me sit on the sidelines.” When the break ended, Soobin got up, once again rubbing/scratching at his chest.
As dance practice continued, Soobin was feeling progressively worse. It got to a point where he suspected he had finally developed a fever. But seeing as he had so bad with no fever, he couldn’t be sure. Soobin knew he needed to stop when he started seeing black spots in his vision, but a break wouldn’t be called for another half hour. He tried to push through, but his body completely gave out and he collapsed to the floor.
 The other four members froze when they heard a loud thud and saw their leader on the floor. The dance instructor did a quick once over of the collapsed member before deeming the situation as ‘not super serious’ and then ending practice for the day.
The four remaining members stared in shock as the dance instructor packed up their things and left. Taehyun quickly ran over to Sobbin and gave him a more thorough examination. “Guys, Soobin-hyung is burning up.” The other three sprung into action. Kai ran to get ice packs, Beomgyu poured water onto a towel and started to dab his hyung’s forehead, Yeonjun and Taehyun worked in sync to get Soobin’s shirt off to try to cool him off faster.
Upon removing the shirt, the members were shocked to see that Soobins chest was covered in a rash of reddish-purple spots. Yeonjun sighed before speaking. “We need to get him back to the dorm, he’s going to be out for at least a week, maybe more.” The three younger members looked confused and were about to ask what was ailing their leader when he began to stir.
“What happened?” Soobin asked when he came too. Beomgyu spoke first. “Hyung, you spiked a fever and passed out. Yeonjun-hyung seems to know what’s wrong with you, but that’s not important right now. Right now we’re getting you back to the dorm.” Soobin merely nodded and allowed Yeonjun and Taehyun to help him to his feet.
Upon arriving at the dorm, Soobin was promptly sat on the couch while Yeonjun instructed the others on what medicines to grab from their stash. While waiting Yeonjun texted the manager to let him know about the dance instructor’s behavior and Soobin’s condition.
“So what’s wrong with hyung?” asked Taehyun once they were all seated in the living room again. “Soobin-ah, I’m sorry to say, but you somehow contracted chicken pox.” Yeonjun was trying his best not to burst out laughing as he spoke, but the three younger members didn’t have such control and cracked up. Soobin just groaned when he heard that.
“Remember a couple of weeks ago when I went to visit my aunt?” The others nodded. “My little cousin was recovering from the chicken pox, but my aunt assured me he was no longer contagious. I guess she was wrong.” Soobin began to absentmindedly scratch at his chest again, only to have his hand slapped away by the maknae. “No scratching hyung. That’s rule number one, and we’ll all help to make sure you comply.” Everyone nodded in confirmation even though a couple of them were audibly still snickering.
“I’m sorry hyung, but it’s just hilarious that you caught an illness as an adult that you should have gotten as a child.” Soobin rolled his eyes “I lucked out as a child in not getting it, but I’m up to date on the chicken pox vaccination. I guess I’m just an unlucky adult.” The members hummed in understanding, but continued to tease their leader anyway.
It had been announced on social media that all five members would be halting activities while Soobin recovered from his illness. The members did make sure to pop onto vlive to check in with moa. Management decided to be cagey and not disclose Soobin’s illness to the public, which caused some mass panic among fans over the two week quarantine announcement. However, all panic was quickly squashed during the fist live, which Kai was doing. Kai saw all of the questions asking how Soobin was doing and if any of the other members were feeling sick. He started to chuckle before calling “Soobin-hyung, moa wants to know how you’re doing.
Soobin quickly came into frame of the camera looking absolutely ridiculous with oven mitts taped around his hands and calamine lotion all over his face and arms. “Sorry for worrying you moa. I somehow got chicken pox, and for the safety of any staff that may be immunocompromised, we decided to stay in the dorm together.” The duo laughed as they read some of the comments flooding the screen.
Kai chimed in after a moment. “It’s highly unlikely that any of the rest of us will catch it, as we’ve all had chickenpox before and been vaccinated. We’re just playing it safe. Besides, it gives us more time to make fun of the fact that our leader here caught the chicken pox, and now looks absolutely hilarious.” Soobin rolled his eyes before waving to moa and leaving the room.
It was a week before Soobin was given the all clear to resume activities. As predicted no one else got sick. Since Soobin still had a couple spots here and there over his body, his members were still watching him like a hawk to make sure he didn’t scratch. Yeonjun even brought the oven mitts and tape with him just in case.
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unremarkabl · 6 years
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another day, another L
this was prob the worst day of 2019 for me!!!
yesterday got home from my shift and wore my white coat into the house which I NEVER do
then this morning I was running late and forgot it and didn’t realize it until I got to work and the PIC just gave me the darkest chuckle after I told her I forgot my white coat
and idk it’s discouraging AF cause without that white coat I felt so bare and made so many mistakes
and it’s so weird hearing them talk shit about their newest technician and how they joke about firing him
cause that def means they could very well be taking shit about me and all my mistakes when I go on lunch breaks!! whatever tho
but idk is it just the Nigerian accent or does everything she say come off as such a burn to me
“yknow next time, can you not do that” is forever burned into my heart :’(
and how come anytime there’s a mistake i get the blame!!! not all of these are me ok
but it’s so weird to hear everyone else say “it wasn’t me” and I just stand there not knowing what to say
my many mistakes today
- putting the AUX label on FloraClor probiotic for kids, which made the PIC freak out and lecture me on how we should never do that for outside products in case the patient is not willing to buy it.... but in my defense that patient was so grumpy waiting and i was pretty darn sure he wanted it and he did end up buying it so YA but I guess it’s still a good lesson
- telling a customer over the phone we are out of the typhoid vaccine (cause we really were!!! I checked the vaccine room myself!!) but turns out the typhoid vaccine comes in a fuckin oral formulation that we just so happened to have 1 in stock of, so the pic tells me “next time, ask one of us who are more experienced in this” and idk like yeah I get you all have been working there forever but this same phone call happened so many times these last 4 weeks and I would go check myself and report back and nobody ever had an issue with it until today cause of this stupid oral typhoid vaccine... and ya it’s like F me because if this was where I was hoping to work then it’s just all bad that I make these small mistakes cause I feel like it grows so much distrust that the PIC has for me now that she can’t even trust me to stock check a fridge for vaccines??? Idk I hustle all day but I guess cause I’m an idiot and words of aff all I get to hear are these constructive criticisms that I just feel like idk shit yknow HAHA
- and also earlier today it was so busy and I was on hold with one doctors office and helping drive thru with another phone and some lady in a hooded scarf asked for the restroom code so I told her, (just like all the other staff has been doing for the past 4 weeks!) but then I get in trouble cause apparently this lady was sus AF tryna shoplift and I didn’t recognize her sketch behavior and so she got into the bathroom with unpaid merchandise and it was a whole fiasco and the female tech went to go investigate and got cussed out and the store mananger couldn’t figure out what was stolen and yknow its all my fault!!! Fuck me!!! like damn how come the one time a sus ass person comes it happens to be me in the front!! I was not trained to recognize sketch shoplifters and nobody EVER mentioned to me that I’m supposed to page 101 for sus looking customers and not tell them the code like damn
and how come I get so unlucky with consulataions
like methotrexate 6 tabs per week
what a vague ass sig
and of course the patient asks about it and I’m equally shook and then the PIC steps in to consult and I just take another L for being incompetent in front of her and damn yknow
and forgetting my white coat made me have to drive home to go get it in the rain and I didn’t get to buy the subway $6 foot long BMT that only goes on sale on thursdays so I was starving the whole day and it was all just such an L
plus I didn’t get to check my phone or go on a normal break so I didn’t get to reply to that message and ended up getting GHOSTED by yu and damn I’m just sad I wasted so much time thinking of the right words and I thought it was gonna actually go somewhere and yeah what a ducking day :’(
now time to study for capstone tomorrow
fuck bupropion
I need some
why am I so moody
why do I keep fucking forgetting to write the address on controlled medications
and how come I’m such an ez target for customers who wanna abuse Benzos
and why did the drive thru and phones not stop for a whole 1.5 hrs
and why do I feel like I was judged for passing off my unfinished transfer after standing there manning drive thru and phones and filling waiters
oh welll
life goes on
I think for next month I will start a swear jar
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Becoming Mummy
So did you think surely my physical problems were behind me?! I certainly did. I had had thrush of the breast, mastitis and an abscess, and bad separation of my muscles (I didn’t know how bad until later.) Well lo and behold, when my milk was drying up, I noticed a red mark on my left breast this time. You guessed it! I ended up with my second lot of mastitis, in a different breast, even though I wasn’t even breastfeeding!! Back on the antibiotics for me. It was starting to feel like a very cruel joke - great pregnancy with no real complaints, couldn't have wished for a better birth and now it seemed I was being punished for those things in my postpartum recovery 🙄😢
I should also mention a common problem I did experience during pregnancy, and one which continued for a few weeks after I gave birth. I had carpal tunnel syndrome in both my wrists. Late on in my pregnancy, I felt like I had arthritis in both my wrists, and I would wake up for my (umpteenth) trip to the toilet and notice my fingers were sore and swollen. I had probably stopped wearing my engagement ring in January (being due in the April), as it was smaller than my wedding ring. I eventually took my wedding ring off the month before my due date, as I was terrified it would have to be cut off! When I had told my midwife about this at my 38 week appointment, she laughed and said you might be a bit late for physio! It was manageable and I coped by elevating my wrists on my pillow at night to allow the blood to drain away from my fingers. After I gave birth, I was disappointed to learn it hung around for a few months after. I ended up buying a wrist splint from Amazon to wear on my left. It seems silly, but they don’t sell them in pairs, so I had to gauge which wrist was worst and go with that. I went with my left, as my rings were still not going on, much to my dismay!! I eventually got my wedding band on about 8 weeks after I had Cailean but my engagement ring still wouldn’t go on!! I was actually really upset by this, having not worn it since January. The stupid things you think about in the vulnerability of being a new mother - what if people think I've had a child and I'm not married?! I don’t care about things like that in real life, it doesn’t matter if you’re married or not so who cares!! Only very narrow-minded people have issues with that, yet somehow it just flitted into my mind one day. As I say stupid thing to think! But there you go, that’s how strange things can happen when you become a parent and how self-consciousness and dark thoughts can creep in. I actually made a trip to the jewellers where we bought the rings to ask about getting it enlarged. When I told them I was 9 weeks postpartum they looked me and told me it was too soon, I should give it longer. That kind of helped me see sense! I think it was another 4 weeks before I got my engagement ring on and knew I could get it off again fairly easily. I was so happy when I did!! Honestly, when you’ve had the recovery I've had, you take the small wins where you can - which is probably not a bad rule to follow generally as a new parent!!
My husband was such a great help and support during those first few weeks. I was really lucky to have him home for 4 weeks. He took one week of paternity leave and the rest was floating annual leave. Paternity leave would have reduced his pay to half for the second week. Given I'm on statutory maternity pay, that was just not an option. It’s pretty ridiculous when you think about it!
Those first few days without him were a bit of a steep learning curve - trying to get Cailean fed and dressed and myself showered, fed and dressed to go out and walk the dogs was a bit of a challenge! I was lucky to get out before 12 initially, but luckily my two Springers were great and very patient. The most challenging part about the first days when Alex was back at work, was when Cailean was unsettled and very cranky. I’m not going to lie, it is the hardest thing to deal with when your baby is crying constantly, and you have no idea why. What makes it even worse, is the fact that when Daddy came home, it seemed to always be all smiles!! After checking his nappy, feeding him and winding him, I’m not afraid to admit that there have been a few times when I have had to leave the room for a few minutes, just to keep myself sane! (It goes without saying that Cailean was safe in his nest or Moses basket).
One particular day, when Alex was on a backshift, I struggled big time when he left. When Alex left the house, Cailean was smiling and within minutes he was screaming. It was so disheartening! It was honestly like Jekyll and Hyde. 👿 My mum called me in the evening to find out how he was. Before I even thought about it, I had told her i was having a nightmare. I hadn’t eaten dinner, and as far as I could tell there was nothing wrong with him but he just would not stop crying. When I came off the phone I was kicking myself - I was sure my mum would end up coming round to help, so I called her back and told her everything was fine now (I lied). To my relief she wasn't in the car but it turned out I caught her just before she left the house - she arrived at mine 10 minutes later. She looked after Cailean while I had my dinner and relaxed in a much needed bath, and stayed until he fell asleep. Just goes to show, the real superheroes don’t wear capes!! 🦸🏻‍♀️
A few days later, we were unlucky enough to have another trip to the hospital. Alex was still on a backshift but we had noticed in the morning, Cailean hadn't been able to poo for a few days and he was clearly struggling. We tried everything -  bath, 1 fl. oz of water, cycling his legs, nappy balm around his bottom, and massaging his tummy (always clockwise!!!). He was screaming a few hours after Alex had left for work and so upset. Alex called to find out if he had pooed and when he heard him, he thought I should call NHS24. I’m not a paranoid mum by any means, but the fact we had tried everything and he was so uncomfortable, I began to worry about a blockage and also overloading him with milk. They gave me an appointment within the hour at the out of hours service. A nurse practitioner saw us in Dunfermline and Cailean by this point would not stop screaming. His temp wasn’t bad, but his heart rate was elevated. She said she could tell straight away there was something that just wasn’t right. They told us we should go to the NICU in Kirkcaldy (at the hospital where I'd given birth). We were told there might be quite a wait and this was at 9pm by that time. Thankfully, we didn't have to wait too long. The doctors were fantastic and so lovely. We made it clear we thought it was constipation but were worried there was something more serious because of everything we had tried. Well, did he not do a massive poo while waiting on the doctor coming back in the room!!! Honestly, we were so embarrassed/relieved!!! 😅🙈The doctors were so kind and made no issue of it whatsoever. They told us we had absolutely done the right thing because he was so wee, and to call back directly if there were any other issues. If you ever have any concerns, better to be safe than sorry and get it checked! They are too precious not to.
I was out with my neighbour one day, and  I told her about how cranky Cailean was becoming. Having been such a happy and content baby (other than during poo gate!), he seemed to be so unhappy and typically, it was when I was on my own with him. She explained to me that Cailean was probably going through a leap. She told me about an app called the Wonder Weeks, which would track and alert you to each of your baby’s developmental leaps. It is an absolute lifesaver! It teaches you what your baby is learning during each leap (and explains the crankiness!), while telling you how long they will be experiencing it for. The app sets an alarm (we nickname it the alarm of doom!) for when the leap starts and also lists the skills the baby will exhibit at the end of each leap. Here is the link from the App Store for anyone who would like to download it:    I highly recommend it!
My 6 week GP check was yet another trip to the Doctor, and I suspected, the last time I would be checked by a health professional in relation to the pregnancy, unless I made an appointment. I explained about my thus far, horrendous recovery. I also explained I suspected my thrush in my breast hadn’t cleared up. Apparently dry looking skin around the areola is a sign, as well as the fact I was still getting some pain despite not feeding. The doctor told me the cream I was given was due to the fact I was breastfeeding, but I could be prescribed much stronger medication now that I wasn’t. She checked my stitches as well as I had been feeling some discomfort down there. She said she thought there was a sore down there, but it was maybe to do with the way the stitches were healing. I explained I was told I could be referred to a physio for the separation of my abdominal muscles. What was pretty concerning, was she didn’t seem to have any idea about it at all and said she guessed that meant she would just write a letter to the physios at the hospital? I wasn’t convinced she knew what to do, but waited to see what would happen. As it happened, I received a letter within a couple of weeks offering me an appointment, but the appointment wasn’t until the start of July, and my GP check was in May. I guess it was the best I could hope for on the NHS! 🙄
In the meantime, Cailean was given his appointment for his first set of jags. His health visitor had told me to get infant paracetamol and the doses to give him throughout the day whenever he received the Men B vaccine. The fact that she had to ask whether I wanted Cailean immunised or not, was terrifying. Thanks to that report from an American doctor (who has since been struck off and all his findings disproved,) sadly, there are still people who refuse to immunise their children, and now we are seeing a return of those horrible diseases which didn’t exist for long enough. It was a no brainer for me. You can get infant paracetamol from any chemist (you have to show your red book and you’ll for it for free) and you’re advised to give your baby 2.5 ml prior to the jags, and then two further doses every four hours. Cailean was, understandably upset by his jags, although he settled quickly. He slept most of the day after the first two lots, but didn’t show any other ill effects luckily. It’s so horrible watching a needle go into your baby’s soft skin, not once but 3 times!! (for the first and third jags). The third set were definitely the worst for Cailean for some reason. He was just very unsettled and upset the whole day, so much so that I decided against his Baby Sensory class that day. Thankfully, that’s the end of them until he is 1!
Speaking of classes, at around 9/10 weeks, I decided to enrol Cailean in Baby Sensory. Most baby classes you’ll find are based on school term time, so you can usually book a block, bearing in mind that there will usually be a break at some point. Baby Sensory gives babies all types of different stimulation through song, sign language and different objects. Every week is a different theme, but the song at the start and the end are always the same so the babies can learn what to expect. The lady who takes our classes puts so much into it! I couldn’t imagine having to sterilise and disinfect as many different things as she does. It’s a great way to meet other mums and babies. What I like most about it, is seeing the development and how much Cailean has come on since he started. I decided to wait until he was 9/10 weeks, as I didn’t think he would get much out of it before then. His first few classes, he only lasted the first half of the hour, and then fell asleep! Some babies come earlier and it is from 0-6 months, but I definitely think he showed more interest being the age he was. Although he still has his moments, he loves the class and has even started smiling and noticing other babies, which is the cutest thing ever! 🥰🙊
I also take Cailean to Baby Massage which we have just started. Amazingly, this is a free class! It’s such a nice thing to do, and a great way to learn about what can relax your baby, and even help with things like colic and constipation etc. 
One of the best classes we have done so far though, is Water Babies. It is expensive, but the fact your baby is learning to swim from as young as 12 weeks old, is incredible! Cailean was very nearly a water birth, which I think might also contribute how calm he is in the water, as well of course as babies being in the amniotic fluid. The classes are only held in pools warm enough for babies, although we bought Cailean a wee sleeveless wetsuit just to keep him a wee bit warmer. I've not yet braved taking him on my own - my husband has been at all of the classes so far. With Alex working shifts, he won’t always be able to make it, so I said he should go in the pool with him when he can. It also helps to have an extra pair of hands when changing! There have only been 3 classes so far, but he hasn’t cried once (Cailean that is, not Alex!!)! I couldn't believe it when, at the end of the first class, the instructor told us the babies would be going under. However, I needn’t have worried, Cailean did brilliantly! He certainly thought about crying initially, but changed his mind and is now under quite a few times in each class. What’s great about the classes is that you are taught how to teach your baby to swim. There are no armbands, and much of the class is about safety and repetition so the babies come to expect when they will go under, etc. It’s amazing how many of the skills are actually based on babies natural instincts but they always find a way to make it fun! 
In my next blog, I'll cover sleep (or lack thereof!) and also our first trip with Cailean (practicalities) and my ongoing recovery. 
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each of you who have taken the time to read my ramblings so far. I started this blog in the hopes that my experiences might help even just one other person in knowing what to expect, but it’s also helping me deal with the struggles of my recovery and the steep learning curve that is becoming a new mum.  Please continue to share with others if you feel it would be useful and if you’re enjoying the blog. We’re all just winging it on a daily basis, and the support network is vital to keep us all going when the days are hardest! 💖 xx
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