#also I'm nervous that this is being done because they're selling the property
trans-xianxian · 2 years
god apparently my landlord is doing an inspection on tuesday but he doesn't know that I have pets so on top of having to clean my entire apartment I'm going to have to hide all evidence of rabbits and find a place for them to go for the whole day -_-
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cinaminho · 6 years
Mafia Stray: You Attempt to leave them
╰ Group: StrayKids
╰ Genre: Angst
╰ Warnings: Mild Violence ,, not proof read
Request: can you do a mafia!stray kids where you try to leave them? and a when they get jealous?
Plot - this will be before their S/O had warmed up to them and realized they loved them. Whether you can't deal with their annoying ego, attitude, or just plain don't want to be there, you decide to try and make a run for it, there can be no wedding without the bride right? They however, catch you no matter if you'd gotten very far or barely made it to/out the door, obviously they're not thrilled but will they let their rational or irrational side handle it?
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Chan 🗝
He had eyes guarding the house while he was away at a cocktail bar conducting business regarding new territory that could make him a great deal of money if he made it a selling ground for his and his father's products, you'd barely been seen by anyone so you doubt anyone would treat you as if you weren't invisible when you passed them by with a small shopping bag of clothes and other things in , you slipped on your dark shades and black coat pulling up the collar to hide your face more as you made your way out the door closing it quietly and down the steps of the large house your eyes shut tightly behind the glasses as you walked past the men, two on each side of the gate that actually lead to your freedom.
You cleared your throat "open the gate." You hoped your tone sounded demanding enough to mask your nervous fear.
The men scanned you, one closest to you leaned a bit closer trying to see behind your glasses which caused you to lean back, they recognized you. "Ms. Y/n, why are you dressed like this?"
You clenched the bag in your hand a bit tighter cursing inside your mind but remaining composed "I'm feeling under the weather, I just have to return these things." You said holding up the bag.
"Return clothes, half eaten food, and deodorant.. In a grocery bag?" Another man chimed in suspicion obvious in his voice.
"Yes." You said all a bit too quickly.
"Well Ms. We could-"
"No thanks, please, open the door." You huffed. The males gave each other a knowing look , but they obliged. Soon you zoomed out but you heard something that made you stop in your tracks, they snitched. "Mr. Bang, we got a runner." Was all you heard before you took flight down the side walk. The sound of tires screeching brought you to a hault as a black charger met you at the corner, you turned the opposite way but His men were right there. You were busted. You let out a defeated whine as you turned back to the car.
Out he came. He stepped out of the drivers side his arm rested on the roof of the car, he looked.. Like he expected you to run.
"I'm honestly surprised you didn't run sooner, good thing I was on my way back."
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Woojin 📍
Didn't try to stop you as he knew someone would find you and bring you back, because you see, if Something Woojin had in his possession came up missing he would raise hell until it was found so when word was put out that his S/O had ran away and that anyone who gave them shelter would suffer consequences the entire city went on a rampage trying to find you, and in a little less than 3 hours there was a knock at his door. Calmly getting up from reading his magazine he answered the door and their you were in the grip of two strangers, one male , one female, they pushed you towards him looking wide eyed with fear before dashing off of the property. You fell at his feet once they let you go.
"Come. We need to talk." He said tiredly.
You scoffed as you got to your feet. "If you think I'm going to stop running you're wrong."
Woojin only looked over his shoulder at you. "And if you think I won't break your ankles so that you can't even think to try and escape you're wrong. Now, I said come. We need to talk."
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Minho 🔫
Surely you were free once you made it to the drive way being as quiet as you possibly could be opening and closing a car door, you quickly put on your seatbelt, you turned on your phone flashlight looking for your keys once you found them you put them into the ignition and started your vehicle, or tried to. The thing would barely make a noise, it'd start up then stop, you looked to see if you'd ran out of gas but that wasn't the problem, was your battery dead? Great. You let a frustrated growl leave your lips as you leaned your head on the steering wheel, so much for your perfect get away. 2 minutes later a tap on your window jolted you up and you were faced with the person you were trying to escape from himself. Minho. When you left he was fast asleep but he looked as if he'd been up all day no bags under his eyes, not sign of him getting out of bed. He wore a small smile as he signaled for you to roll down your window, you didn't budge though. You quickly tried to start your car again, Minho smacked his lips at your rediculous attempts.
"Y/n honestly you couldn't have tried this in the morning?"
"Move the hell back before I run you over." You yelled from the inside of the car as the window was still the wall between you.
"You're not going anywhere." He stated calmly.
"Really now? Well watch this." You taunted. You try to start the car once more but it still wasn't on your side.
"Y/n why do you think I have you driven around, you're not moving in this." He chuckled. You snappily glared at him "what did you do to it?" You said knowing full and well he'd done something now. Minho reached in his pocket holding up a small piece, your eyes widen , it was your small motor starter. He'd taken it out.
"Now then. Get out, come inside, we'll discuss this as calmly as possible." He smirked.
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Changbin 🔗
It was 2 A.M when you got out of bed slickly before grabbing your duffle bag and slipping on some flats tip toeing out the room and down the stairs of the big house. You sat your bag down momentarily to undo all the locks, boy did he have that place sealed shut not a single lock was unlocked. You were having trouble with one as it seemed to be jammed.
"C'mon stupid lock." You whisper yelled.
"Allow me." A deep voice rung.
You froze momentarily before trying harder to get the lock open. With the clicking of you jiggling the lock you didn't notice the sound of The safety on Changbin's gun being removed but heard it loud and clear once it went off, you let out a horrific scream as Changbin shot at the lock you were trying to open, you jerked back ducking and cradling your head. That one shot was all you heard.
"Y/n if you can't hear your fiancee sneak up behind you, how will you survive outside of here?" Changbin spoke. You were shaking and didn't Dare look up. Changbin made his way over to you forcefully yanking you up, his grip made you feel like your circulation was being cut off.
"Face it Beauty, you're not going anywhere without me." He growled viciously.
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He was hurt. He'd never given you a reason to run, atleast he thought he didn't, but of course, you being unhappy was enough it was crazy how you didn't even show any slight sign that you were planning to leave, he didn't understand how he didn't see this coming but he'd heard about it from his friend that worked at a store you'd been in that'd you looked alarmed so he called Hyunjin to see if he knew why you looked stressed, he also mentioned that you asked for directions to a train station which he'd given and now Hyunjin was there waiting in his seat that he knew you were seeing in seeing your belongings there. Once you came back from the restroom you sat down paying no attention to the person beside you who was looking out the window.
"So where exactly where were you escaping to?"
You recognized the voice all too well you quickly shot the man that you were sure was Hyunjin a look he soon looked your way revealing himself to be exactly him. You sprung up from your seat but he grabbed your wrist making you sit. You looked around noticing you two were the only ones there.
"You want to go on a trip then we can but we'll talk about this misunderstanding along the way."
You chuckled "this wasn't a misunderstanding I wanted-"
"You're not leaving me." He spoke sternly looking straight ahead.
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You left in the middle of the night as he wasn't due back from his mission for a week, you lifted one of the bags over your shoulder as you quickly sped walk down the drive way headed to the nearest bus stop but you seen a car slowly approaching the drive way and without much thought you dove into the bushes dropping the bags which you knew you'd regret that. You waited to see if it was an intruder or your fiancee. You peeked through a few vines as the car lights turned off and the drivers door opened it was dark but the porch light made the figure visible, it was definitely Jisung. You cursed a thousand times under your breathe. He looked to see the bags in front of his car, he sighed heavily before turning to the bushes, you closed your eyes haulting your breathing.
"Y/n in case you didn't know I saw you when I pulled up you're not a very fast runner."
You still stayed quiet.
"By the looks of these bags you're going some where for what appears to be a while." Since he got no response he continued on. "Just let me go." You yelled from the bushes. It got quiet then you heard footsteps that were coming over. You picked up a nearby stick squatting down more but ready to swing.
Jisung opened the bushes making him face to face with you. Your eyes suddenly glossed with tears as you knew you weren't getting anywhere tonight. You still tried to make a run for it pushing him away first but he was hot on your trail soon you felt an arm around your waist and a hand over your mouth. You kicked and screamed kicking him a few good times but his grip remained strong as he dragged you through the yard and unlocked the door forcefully bringing you into the house.
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Felix 💉
You weren't sure how long you'd been running as you had a rip in the foot of your stocking, heels in hand, you jumped out the window of a bathroom you were in at a restaurant with Felix, you claimed you had to 'freshen up' and excused yourself but as soon as you got in the restroom you tied your hair up and made an escape you hadn't stopped running yet. That was until your legs started to give out and you collapsed on a nearby park bench. Your heart was beating in your ears it sort of heart, you dropped the heels and sat up on the bench resting your back on the cool surface, leaning your head back looking at the sky you needed to breathe you'd gotten far enough. You were weak your head was pounding from lack of air you groaned.
"Thirsty my love? I brought the Wine."
His deep voice startled you. You looked over to see Felix sitting next to you waving his phone for you too look at and see that he had been tracking you, you looked around trying to see where the chip was.
"It's in that hair clip embedded in a diamond, clever huh?" He grinned. You grumbled snatching the clip from your hand and throwing it off into the distance. Felix Shook his head fakely disappointed.
"I had Jisung make that especially for you."
"You're a maniac let me go!" You barked. "Well now, That'd make me very unhappy if I did and That may be so but you will be my bride." He sneered. You laughed in his face "not if I keep running."
Felix now was inches away from your face "You shouldn't have stopped." He whispered. You furrowed your eyebrows as you heard a slight clink sound and coldness to your wrist, you looked down to see you were handcuffed to the bench, you gasped shooting your other hand over your mouth.
"Now we got all night to sit here and sort this out." He exlaimed.
"I will never give into you there is nothing to be sorted out!" You ywlled through angry tears. They didn't affect Felix though.
"Voluntarily or involuntarily you're coming back with me. Now let's sort this out." He ordered.
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