#anyway at least I have the whole weekend to prepare
kimtaegis · 1 year
hate to say it but july kinda sucked
#please let me whine and list all the things that have troubled me this month#first off having to get serious about my master thesis and everything taking so much longer than I want it to (the anxiety. wow)#and mentally preparing to tackle two jobs AND finishing the thesis all at once soon (how......am I gonna do that)#well then ofc my car breaking down and having to spend my last savings on a new one#generally having to spend a shit load of money. all my money. gone within 2 months#wanting to have a big birthday party so badly only for it to get so stressful and Too Much for my introverted perfectionist ass#that I was the first and only one to feel (physically and mentally) sick about four hours in and had to leave my guests on their own#the usual old struggles flaring up again (as in too high expectations towards everything and everyone and myself that leave me disappointed#and on a more irrelevant note lmao: being one of the few people who doesn’t seem to have enjoyed barbenheimer that much?#same for jk’s solo and everything around it it's just not really for me#and thus feeling a little distanced from the fandom and from creating lately...I'll try again this weekend though I'll try#and last but not least my skin is being SO bad again rn that I just want to rip it off my whole body!!!!!!!#yeah! not at all how I wanted july to go! anyways august in a few days let’s move on and hope for the best#SORRY for being negative on here again. there were also nice things. like awi and al and all my other friends.#and birthday gifts and messages. <33
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
okay i think. the presentation/traveling exhibit board concepts im putting together are going to focus on samurai and cowboys since i think both of those are popular historical groups in both the us and japan and now i just. have to read
#this is for my mock jet presentation since i havent heard about interviews yet#but i want to have it prepared anyway to show i am in fact dedicated and have ideas#for my proposals and to be able to walk them through my thought process for this topic#i think it will also be easier to make these interactive for the traveling exhibit part#bc they're just gonna be like the smithsonian traveling exhibits thats just a bunch of giant displays with text and pictures#but they still have a small part that is interactive like the one that i watched over for that one day in feb 2020#had a little mailbox you could put a note in and we could hang them up#that was like. answer one of these questions what would you do if you were mayor of your town#it was an exhibit about rural american history or smth so like#yeah i'll cross that bridge when i get there but im just trying to get ideas#im also gonna just. have a slide dedicated to characters in media in both america and japan#who are samurai and cowboys#just to show that they are popular character tropes and archetypes in media and would have at least#some sort of audience there that would be interested in visiting these exhibits#and the whole point of them being like the smithsonian traveling exhibits is that small towns can get them#and make the information more available bc its free and local and something parents can take their kids to for 30 minutes on a weekend#to learn more about history in their/another country#jdsomavpoisdf anyway#shay speaks
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word count: ~4.3K
paring: Kageyama x fReader
warning(s):  panty stealing, male masturbation, nonconsensual listening (he purposefully listens in on the Reader getting it on), peeping (a hint), and slight obsessive behaviour, Kageyama is a perv in this, so be warned.
authors note: well, much like the Bokuto fic, this has finally arrived; and has taken just as long to complete. After the success of the Perv!Bokuto fic, figured I would continue on and make a series out of it - with the next character (due to popular demand) being Kageyama. If you like it, and want more, please let me know (and who you wanna see next), otherwise please enjoy this fun little piece with our favourite tsundere volleyball player~ 🔮
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Having a roommate was a sensible thing. 
It meant that bills and rent were split evenly, which in turn meant less stress on a young person’s life to make ends meet -  to not have to worry as much about having enough to eat or being able to buy the important things in life - and it meant shared resources, things like appliances, necessities, and cleaning supplies; which meant not having to worry if you’ll go without for long. And it especially made sense that an up-and-coming professional volleyball player would want a similar professional as a roommate.
At least, that was how Hinata Shoyo put it as he begged, nearly going to his knees, the taller raven-headed man, trying to convince his closest friend to get an apartment in the city with him.
And that was Hinata’s main point:, that he was a friend. One that Kageyama had known for years, which meant that not only were they in a similar boat together (having similar schedules, and professional careers), but Hinata was one of the few people Kageyama could stand being around for more than a few hours. 
“So come on please!?” Hinata cried out, clinging to the taller man’s shirt. “You won’t get a better deal, 'cause I know you can’t afford to live in the city yet! And do you really wanna chance moving in with a stranger that you can’t stand!? That might have disgusting habits?”
And well, that was what sold it for Kageyama.
Within a month he was packed and standing in the middle of an empty apartment, with an over-eager red-head as they took the lay of their land; it wasn’t a big place (a standard two-bedroom, one-bath) but there was room to breathe and get comfortable in. And, at the end of the day, if Kageyama had to be stuck living in a place like this and needed a roommate, Hinata was his first and only choice.
It didn’t take long for things to be unpacked and for the dust to settle; because really there was only so much furniture two early twenty-somethings had to their name, but the principal remained the same - that a routine was formed, and rather quickly, that fit Kageyama’s standards.
And really, how could it not? Kageyama would wake up, shower, eat breakfast, and be almost out the door by the time his roommate would finally wake up - meaning there would be no hindrance to the strict routine he wanted to keep and maintain further. And the same can be said whenever he finally got home, he was able to eat and get settled for the evening without too much fuss or interference; able to enjoy the living room, and the apartment as a whole, in peace and silence for a few hours. To allow him to recharge and be more prepared to deal with his more extroverted friend/roommate. 
That’s what the weekends were for anyway, to let loose and enjoy life; and that was where Hinata’s presence was appreciated the most - how he was always able to convince him to step out of his comfort zone and try new things. Though Kageyama would be reluctant, would complain and think of any excuse to not go somewhere, he was always thankful at the end of the day to have someone who cared enough about his social life to not let it crumble. Almost strangers during the week, but roommates and friends when the weekend arrived - it was an ideal situation.
And then you showed up.
Appeared within the apartment without warning; sitting on his couch, on your phone, when he woke up one morning, getting ready to start his day and routine of training and maintaining his schedule; you even had the audacity to tell him, with a sickly sweet and obnoxious smile, coffee was made and ready if he wanted any - as if caffeine was good for an athlete. He left without a word, just a mere roll of his eyes and an annoyed scoff before leaving for the day; coming home later in the evening to give Hinata a piece of his mind.
The redhead was apologetic, as always, doing his best to apologize for the lack of proper warning.  “Though, to be fair, she has been over before! You just were never around!” he tried to reason as if that made anything about the situation better. Hinata explained that he met you at a game; you were the one fan he remembered that night - cheering for him the loudest as they played another round-robin in their division - coming up to him afterward and offering him a celebratory drink; and hey, the man was only human.
One drink turned to two, then three, and soon, they spent the night chatting away; he even left with her phone number and the promise to see each other soon. After a few dates, Hinata proposed the idea of going steady, “‘cause seriously dude, she’s really an amazing girl! I couldn’t pass up this chance and let her go!” Things were going pretty well, and after hanging out the night prior you decided to spend the night, that was all.
And it all made sense, one way or another, as to why you were there that morning; you weren't just some stranger in his home - you were a guest, his roommate's girlfriend. Though Kageyama found it hard to believe that the ‘amazing girl’ Hinata kept gushing about, kept going on and on until Kageyam’s eye would twitch in annoyance, could possibly be you. 
Because you were a nuisance to his entire way of life. A constant hindrance and blockade in his way as he tried to go about his usual routine.
In the mornings, when he used to be the first and only one up, he would have the bathroom and kitchen to himself; to shower and eat in a timely fashion before heading out the door. Now, after you got comfortable staying the night, he would be lucky to make it to practice on time. You hogged the bathroom, your annoying humming as you brushed your teeth and did your hair took too long for Kageyama’s liking - forcing him to use the kitchen sink to get rid of his morning breath. And if you weren’t taking up the bathroom, you would be in the kitchen, monopolizing the space as you made breakfast; constantly getting in his way, dirtying as many of his dishes as you possibly could, and using up all his food that was in the fridge…; he can’t help but roll his eyes, a scowl on his face, whenever you try to offer the sad excuse of a breakfast you had just created to him - he was always too angry to say anything to you when you did, he would just simply put his coat on and leave.
And it wasn’t just the morning routine you would infiltrate and destroy;, oh no, you seemed to want to rip apart the entire routine - one that took him months to build and maintain. Now, when he would come home after a long day of training, of pushing his body to the utmost limit and wanting to do nothing more than relax in his living room (an area normally empty and silent most days of the week, to just breathe deeply and meditate for a few hours and recharge, was now ruined, as whenever he would walk through the door, there you were sitting on his couch, playing some obnoxious and loud game on your phone, and greeting him once again with that stupid giant smile on your face like you’re happy to see him. It made him stomp to his room annoyed and frustrated - always ensuring he slammed the door for you to hear.
At night it was the worst; normally he would go to sleep without issue - as he would go to bed early enough to miss Hinata’s loud nighttime routine - ensuring that he would get the 8-hours of rest he needed to ensure peak performance the next day. But now? With you staying the night? He doesn’t get nearly that many hours. He knows you do your best to muffle the sounds, to make it seem like nothing else is happening on the other side of the paper-thin wall then you and Hinata trying to get comfortable in bed, but it doesn’t work. Kageyama can hear everything; your moans, mewls, gasps, and sighs of pleasure, they all ring so loudly in his ears making it impossible for him to fall asleep - even after they go quiet, after you have been tuckered out and are fast asleep, they play on a loop in his mind.
He knows that neither of you are aware that he can hear you, that he inadvertently listens whenever you fuck, given the bright and cheery smile you both cast his way in the morning as if nothing has changed, as if he wasn’t in on your dirty little secrets.
But he knows, and it plagues him constantly.
Now whenever he finds you in the kitchen, either making coffee or breakfast that is far too much for one person, he cannot stand near you or look in the eyes whenever you offer him a mug or plate; cannot begrudgingly work alongside you as he tried to fix his bowl instant oats and honey; cannot just merely scoff and roll his eyes at you like he normally would - his biting responses now turned into quiet shakes of his head, his heart beating out of his chest as he tries not to stare at you; as he tries not to be entranced by your plush thighs that were barely caged within the smallest shorts he had ever seen; how they would ride up and hide nothing, giving him plenty of fuel for his imagination.
Whenever he sees you on the couch when he gets home, all sprawled out playing on your phone, he doesn’t stomp off to his room and slam the door like he normally would after finding out you ruined his plans; instead, he’s almost stunned in the doorway as you greet him; having the unusual giant impact of making his cock twitch in his pants, made worse when he realizes you're wearing his old high school's jersey. Merely greeting you with a slight raise of his hand before scurrying off as quietly as possible to deal with the newfound tent problem in his sweats.
And at night, he can’t help himself from pressing his ear to the wall; shirt tucked between his teeth to keep his whimpers and moans down as he stroked his heavy, leaking cock to the sounds of your high-pitched moans; closing his eyes and picturing what position you must be in, how pretty you would look with your mouth stuffed with his length, and how thankful you would be with your pussy leaking his cum. The guilt and shame that washes over him once he cums into his hand is almost devastating, but he cannot help but think it’s worth it whenever he wipes himself clean.
You, on the other hand, were clearly blissfully unaware of the situation that had been slowly unfolding over the past few weeks; sweetly ignorant of the secrets your boyfriend’s roommate had been hiding. For all you know, the man who seemed to hate the very earth you walked on - the man who could barely tolerate your existence or be in the same room as you - was slowly starting to warm up to you, becoming somewhat tolerable to be around.
You were ecstatic, happy to know that your relationship with Hinata would no longer jeopardize his friendship with one of his closest friends and overjoyed that the possibility of forcing Hinata to choose a side would not have to befall him. And Hinata? He was just happy to see his two favorite people slowly starting to get along, especially as it meant more opportunities to invite you over.
You liked Kageyama, in the simplest of terms. He seemed to be a decent guy, even if he was high-strung, but you knew it was due to his passion for being the best he can be - and how could fault him for that? 
Besides, you liked his company. He was quiet and more relaxed than Hinata was, which at times was a little more welcomed after a long day of work, or when you first got up and haven't had a cup of coffee yet. And he was polite–sweet even, surprisingly so. It always caught you off guard; Whether that be telling you he bought the kind of yogurt you liked or allowing you to watch something on the TV, even though he was clearly just trying to enjoy the living room in peace, Kageyama's niceness always caught you off-guard.
You were grateful for the change in dynamic, even if it did seem out of the blue; it was a welcomed happenstance, one you weren’t going to jinx or question too much. For you were happy to continue on without the answers, happy to continue to be with Hinata and the perks that came with it, happy to finally feel comfortable in his apartment - to live in the shared space without being seen as a burden.
You finally felt comfortable, and really, what was better than that?
Well, you were too comfortable.
Kageyama knew it to be fact, though Hinata would disagree.
He was grateful you finally felt comfortable in his home. Kageyama wishes you didn't. Because when a person is comfortable, the little, embarrassing habits that they try to hide slowly start to show. For some, like Hinata, it’s having conversations with himself - sometimes loud, sometimes quiet - as well as leaving half-eaten food in the most random of places because he got distracted and forgot them. Kageyama can even admit that he oftentimes forgets food in the microwave, or leaves his shoes in entranceways, inadvertently causing people to trip on them. All things normal, and natural, once comfortable in a space. 
Kageyama wishes yours were little things like that. Talking with your mouth full, or singing loudly in the shower, or leaving wrappers all over the place; anything that could put you in a normal, negative, light (would be better than your bad habits). 
But no. Your bad habit was leaving, your panties where just anyone could find them. And he can tell, neither you or Hinata are aware of it.
Kageyama didn’t notice at first, why would he? Why would he care about your clothes, not like he had any use for your dirty laundry? When he finally did, it was an accident. He entered the bathroom after you had taken a shower, and as he placed the bathmat down on the floor he saw them; a navy pair of lace panties just sitting there, right by the tub. The shower he took afterward was long and very cold.
After that incident, he found them more and more; much like noticing red cars only after you start thinking about them. He would notice that you often forget about your panties when you leave the next morning after spending the night; whether in the bathroom crumpled in the corner nearest the tub, or scattered in some hap-haphazard form near Hinata’s doorway.
At first, he tried to ignore them, leaving them there and pretending they didn’t exist. It did help you were usually close by, your “would you like some coffee, Tobio-san?” or “your breakfast looks ready, don’t forget it this time~” often effectively stealing his attention and thus having him suppress his thoughts to speak with you about the little things you leave behind.
Then it turned into something he couldn’t ignore. Llater as he stared at them a moment or two too long before walking away from them; burning into his memory the colour, shape, and fabric type as he uses the image of you wearing them whenever he wakes from a naughty dream, or needed to cool off in the shower after a stressful day, or whenever he couldn’t sleep because his cock ached for you.
But it didn’t take long before an embarrassing habit of yours turned into a disgusting habit of his. His cheeks would burn red as shame would fill his being, knowing he was the very roommate that Hinata had threatened about when convincing him to move in together, but he couldn’t help it; you unlocked something depraved in him and he was just trying to keep it at bay.
He knows you don’t mean to leave them, or at least not in plain view, but after a while he couldn’t help but have that perverted voice in his head tell him that you were purposefully leaving them for him to find; that they were for him, so why not take a pair? What was the harm in doing that?
And try as he might, that perverted voice broke him down - he was only a man after all. A sinful, disgusting man, who was utterly, hopelessly, and inappropriately attracted to his best friend’s girl.  
Kageyama didn’t steal every pair, he had to be applauded for that. Not because he had self-control, but rather out of self-preservation to not be caught or confronted by you or Hinata. If he stole every pair then you would start to get suspicious, and that could lead to you asking him the dreaded question of ‘have you seen my underwear Tobio? Maybe it got mixed in with your clothes’ and he knew if you did, his flustered face and voice would give it all away. Or worse, that you would take matters into your own hands and start snooping around his room. He could already feel his stomach drop at the thought of your pretty eyes widening in horror once you found his little stash.
No, he couldn’t have it. So, despite all the voices in his head telling him otherwise,  he had to have some self-control; even if it was killing him slowly. 
He wanted to take your prettiest pairs, the ones with lace and silk, but he worried you would notice that for sure, for panties like that are always remembered, so instead he took some of your more plain ones - ones he was sure you wouldn’t notice they were gone as you had plenty of them to spare.
And how useful they proved to be late at night, when he could hear your pretty mewls get higher and higher as you tried to stifle them; not that it would do much, not with how he moved his bed so his head was next to the shared wall, thus gaining a perfect (and comfortable) spot to hear all your pretty sounds. He would wrap your panties around his aching, heavy cock as he used them to help get him off to you; the soft material providing just the perfect amount of friction, different from his fist, to further make believe he was the one ravaging you.
Arm over his face, shielding his eyes from what he was doing and trying to cool his flushed face as his teeth would bite down harshly to his bottom lip,trying to keep his whimpers quiet as he vigorously pumped his twitching cock to you, angry and red in overstimulation. He tried his best to feel satisfied; to reach that high that would finally allow him to sleep…but always ended the same: him bringing a hand up to stifle a wail as he painted those cotton panties of yours with his cum - wishing it was your pussy instead. Shame washed over his being as he kept his eyes shielded from the world. Now that he's gotten away with it, it's only going to get worse from here..
And it did.
Kageyama didn’t want it to, but he fed the beast and now it was clawing at him for more.
And more meant beig risky, much to his dismay. If he could, he'd keep this part of himself hidden deep; but this part could never be sated, not unless he could finally have you. And since he able to fuck you, he had to get as close as he could.
Close meant dangerous. Close meant palming himself through his shorts as he stood behind you while you bent over to grab something out of the oven–trying to distance himself enough so you couldn’t feel him, fighting the urge to pull you by your hips to be flush with his own. Close meant pulling his leaking cock out of his sweats in the morning as he tries to get off as quickly as he can while he peeps through the keyhole of the bathroom door, trying to get a glimpse of your wet naked form through the shower curtain.
Soon, even all that wasn’t enough. Soon, just hoarding your panties wasn’t enough, he had to carry a pair in his pocket - even to practice, despite how easily the flimsy fabric would fall out of gym shorts Soon, just smelling your shampoo as you walked by didn’t leave the lasting impression it once did, now he was reduced to smelling your lavender lotion  you kept in the bathroom as he tried to imagine your soft skin in his hold. And soon, after a long day of training= he would find he was too pent up and tired to even make it to his room. Simply spreading him out on the living room couch and slowly slide your panties up and down his shaft; pretending it's your pretty lips wrapped around his sensitive tip; enjoying the thrill, the shivers of pleasure, in the thought of knowing that you could come home at any moment and catch him in the act.
It was bad, and he knew it, but he still couldn’t stop himself from doing it; from spreading his legs wide on the plush cushions and taking hold of his cock with a delighted sigh; for really, it was the only time he could be vocal and let out his frustrations that he was currently faced with - and the possibility that you might find him was more than worth it for it either meant you would finally confront him and snap him out of his lust-filled craze, or you would join him; either way, it was a victory for the man.
And this habit, this vile and disgusting habit, had now grown into his routine. Instead of coming home, kicking his shoes off, and meditating his stress away he now found peace by coming undone by the thought of you as he did his best not to make a mess of the shared couch.
That was where he found himself now, panting as he pulled his athletic shorts down and freeing his rock-hard cock from where it was uncomfortably caged; wrapping his hand around it with a strangled moan, he began to squeeze the tip; normally he would have a layer of cotton to help soothe his angry erection and provide it that sinfully sweet friction it craved, but you hadn’t visited in over a week - away with Hinata for an away game - and thus he didn’t have any new pairs to use as the others were hidden away, awaiting being washed and returned to you so you could dirty them again.
His hand just had to do as he slowly dragged it up and down, the longwinded whimper clear he needed some relief as his precum slowly lubricated his length, providing less resistance and allowing him to go faster and faster. Before long the only sound that could be heard in the empty apartment were the wet sounds of his hips thrusting up into his fist and the occasional whine that would escape his throat as he tried desperately to finish; all the while his eyes remained closed as he visualized about how pretty you could look bouncing up and down on his cock, how blissfully you would look with your head thrown back as you moaned over how good he made you feel.
“That feels good, doesn’t it baby?” He babbled out, pretending he was teasing you as his hips purposefully thrust up into his tight fist. “Like the feeling of my cock stretching out that pretty pussy don’t you? Nngh! Feels… fuck,,, feels better than Hinata’s doesn’t it?”
His voice was getting higher the closer he got to cumming, feeling his lower stomach twist in knots as he tried to hold back just a little bit longer, wanting to remain in the fantasy he created.
“Just want me to fill you up, don’t you? Make a mess of you for him to find, yeah? Want to show him how to really make you feel good, naughty, dirty, fucking girl. Yeah, just like that, keep doing it just like that, keep squeezing me! I’m! I’m gonna, fuck, gonna cum!”
He cried out, your name leaving his mouth in a broken wail. His body tensed harshly as he threw his head back violently into the pillows and came all over his fist and stomach, body twitching and jumping as he slowly pumped his angry, red cock. He tries coming down from his high slowly; regaining his breath and coming back to reality while still savoring that euphoria.
But his reality came crashing down when he heard your startled and shocked gasp, piecing his ears so sharply that it felt like ice water had been poured over his head,.He whipped his head to face you, entire being filled with fright as gazed at you. Watching as you stood there with the most horrified look on your pretty face, making it clear to him that you had heard everything he said as he feels his whole body heat up in shame and embarrassment; unable to even squeak out a word of explanation or apology.
And yet, a moment passed, and then another, and you still stood there looking at him with the same stunned expression; shoulders still by your ears and body still frozen in shock as your eyes never left his cock - still oozing with sticky cum.
You didn’t run away…. He thought to himself as he heard you gulp down a breath as he stood up. So maybe…. maybe you wouldn’t mind helping him out?
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slxtslovebambi · 1 year
𝙒𝙚𝙩 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙯 💦 💭
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Eren Yeager x Fem!reader | MDNI
Mentions of: Armin, Jean and Connie.
Synopsis: based of : Wet Dreamz by J. Cole.
[ Eren basically is a loner without any game. He finds himself crushing over the popular girl that sits next to him in his math class and keeps passing him cute letters and notes, praying that she’ll be the one that’s going to take his virginity!]
Warnings: Fem!reader, mentions of sex, Eren being head over heels for you, mentions of virginity loss, cuss words etc.
Wc: 2k+
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Eren has always been a laid back kid.
He likes video games, smoking and staying out of drama.
Of course he like girls and stuff like that too, it’s just that he never really went out of his way to try and talk to them. The girls at his college are mostly not interested in him anyways since he’s kinda a loner and he’s not interested in changing anything about that…
At least that’s what he thought until he first met you. He could never forget the day you walked into his math class and sat down next to him, with a warm smile on your face and a cherry lollipop between your plump lips. He immediately noticed your pretty face and the way you smell.
He found himself so fascinated with the way your hair looked that whenever he was watching porn late at night by himself in his college dorm, he specifically looked for girls with a similar hair type. He loved talking to you just to hear your soft voice and cute giggles, but after your professor expressed multiple times that he doesn’t want you guys to distract the other students, you had to switch to exchanging small letters and notes.
At this point Eren has a whole little box full of notes that you wrote him since the beginning of the year.
Everything started off so innocent until you started flirting with him, trying to make him blush and get a reaction out of him, like the virgin whore that he was. Attending classes felt like a reward now, since he gets to spend time with you on a daily basis.
You often catch him starring at you, but you never thought much about it.
If only you knew that secretly he was wondering if you’d be able to make him nut the same way it feels like when he does it himself to your photos.
You’re not the it girl at campus but you are popular for sure. You’ve always been pretty confident, not taking shit from people and making sure that everybody knew not to play around with you. He’s truly fascinated by you and he finds himself quickly developing feelings for you.
Even his friends noticed his behavior change. Since he met you he’s daydreaming a lot more, mostly about the way that your thighs would make a perfect pillow or the cute pout you have on your lips when you don’t understand something and you have to ask him for help.
"Bruh what the fuck? Yoo Eren? Earth to Eren?"
Connie waves his hand in front of Eren's face to catch his attention.
"Huh?" Eren responds, snapping out of his hypnotic state.
"We’re asking if you’re coming to the party on Saturday?" Connie asks curiously.
"Nah I’m busy this weekend, sorry guys." He mutters quietly in response.
"What do you mean you’re busy? You never miss a party!" Jean looks at him shocked.
"Y/n is coming over this weekend, that’s why he’s acting that way." Armin reveals his best friends secret with a smirk on his face.
"He even told me I’m not allowed to come home till Sunday." He continues.
"Wait, wait, WAIT! Y/n L/n? Bro you better forget about her." Connie looks at Eren like he’s insane.
"What? Why?" Eren looks up to his friend, suddenly all ears again.
"She’s like wayyy out of your league, there’s no way she’d let you try anything with her!" Jean shakes his head, trying to prepare his friend for a heart break.
"Who said I wanna 'try anything’?" Eren starts getting annoyed. He knows all of those things but that’s not gonna stop him from dreaming night and day about your pretty lips warped around his dick, crying and gagging for him with that seducing look on your face that you always give him.
"Ohh right, I forgot our boy is still a virgin. Don’t worry, you’re not less of a man!"
Jean ruffles through Eren's hair.
"I never said I was?!" Eren looks offended over at his friend.
"Yeah but you thought it." Connie laughs.
"I hate you guys." He just rolls his eyes… but what if they are right?
Did he ever have a real chance with you?
And do you even like him?
Friday was like any other day…
at least that’s what Eren expected when he sat down next to you like usually.
You immediately noticed that something was off. He seemed so cold and distant and even after you asked him "did I do something wrong?", with a cute pout on your face, he only responded with a "nah don’t worry." before turning his head away from you again. The truth is that Eren was just scared. Hurt and scared to be specific.
What if Jean and Connie were right, and he’s just your way of passing time during your boring lectures.
He always felt a little delusional for thinking there could be something going on between you guys, but the conversation he had with his friends yesterday just made things worse.
Eren basically ignored you for almost the entire lecture, thinking about thousands of reasons why you could think that he’s not good enough for you.
He always had his fair share of insecurities, but he still hoped you’d like him regardless.
However all of his worries got dismissed after he opened the letter you passed him when nobody was looking.
'𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒔𝒆𝒙 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆?'
It said, written perfectly in your handwriting.
You smile at him innocently before tapping the end of your pencil against your bottom lip.
There’s no way you would write something like that if you weren’t interested in him… right?…
You’re so cruel for playing around with him like that. At this point it doesn’t even matter anymore if all of this is a joke or game to you, Eren is willing to risk it all.
If he ever had the glimpse of a chance with you, then now is the time to make use of it and shoot his shot. He’s definitely going to keep the note and brag about it to his friends though, simply to prove them that he’s not some virgin loser and that he knows how to talk to girls, even if he doesn’t do it a lot.
He smiles softly to himself before ripping out a piece of paper from his notebook and scribbling something on it.
He hands it to you while giving you a cocky attitude. '𝘖𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘹 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦' You read on it. '𝑶𝒉 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚?' you write back with a sly smirk on your lips.
'𝘐 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯… 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘨 𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘰'
If having wet dreams about you would count, he’d definitely be considered a pro… so it’s not that much of a lie is it?
'𝒐𝒉 𝒔𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒐? 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒘' You giggle in amusement before you give him the small note.
~That girl is going to be the death of me ~
Eren thinks to himself as he noticed the bugle in his pants. Luckily none of his friends were here, seeing him embarrassed at the fact that he is fully bricked up, because of you just writing on a stupid piece of paper.
'𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯' he writes back, trying to keep his cool to impress you.
Deep down he knew he’s scared to death right now, even if he doesn’t want to admit it…
"You’re still here? Get the fuck out Armin, Y/n's gonna be here in like one hour and I still need to…get ready!" Eren bursts into Armin’s room after hearing him talk on the phone.
He never wanted to impress a girl so bad in his life.
"Shut up Eren I’m talking to my mom!"
Armin puts his phone on silent as he tries to make Eren leave by pushing him away with one hand.
"Fuck no, don’t ruin this for me! You need to leave."
Armin unmutes his phone before he sighs and starts speaking again.
"Wait mom, I- I’m gonna call you back. Yes I promise I won’t drink much. Okay, yeah love you too, bye." He hangs up. "what the hell is wrong with you man?!" he glares at Eren. "Did you already pack your things?" Eren continues bugging him.
"Yes I did, now stop rushing me or I’ll tell Jean and Connie that you practiced how to put on condoms last night!" Armin threatens him, remembering the painfully awkward encounter he had with his best friend.
"Okay okay but you have to leave now, please Armin." Eren nearly begs. This is one of the most important days in his life, there’s no way he going to let anybody fuck this up.
"Fine, I was about to leave anyways." Armin sighs while rolling his eyes as he takes his backpack from his bed and puts it on before grabbing his keys from his nightstand. "Thank you man I love you!" Eren says relived, following Armin to the door.
"Yeah whatever." Armin says before walking out of the door and closing it behind him.
The entire hour that Eren had left, he spent by lighting up scented candles around the house and praying that he won’t mess up, not tonight.
It can’t be that hard right? He watched enough porn to know the basics, he just hopes that you won’t notice it’s his first time.
The moment the doorbell rang he almost had a stroke…. However it was nothing compared to the way his heart was beating fast when you sat down beside him on his bed after he lead you in his room.
Fake it till you make it right? That’s what Eren thought when he started kissing you, pretending that his last kiss wasn’t in middle school. Getting hard on time was much easier than he thought it would be.
He felt his heart skip a beat when your warm hand slides under his shirt as you start trailing your fingers over his abs. Your skin is so unbelievably soft, it feels like heaven. You make him take off his shirt and play with the buckle of his belt before he pulls your face closer by your chin, only leaving inches between you.
"You’re so fucking pretty." He mutters under his breath while inspecting your face.
He always wanted to have you to himself, and seeing you like this, so desperately craving his touch just drives him crazy.
Usually he feels like you hold this power over him, but you whispering quietly in his ear "I want you so bad." was a major ego boost to him.
He can’t believe that his friends almost had him convinced that he wasn’t good enough for you… ridiculous.
He takes off your dress and removes your underwear, as he watches your nipples get hard at the cool air, with a smirk on his face, before he takes out a condom from his pocket.
It’s now or never.
He gets rid of his pants and puts on the elastic rubber just like he practiced the night before.
Now that he’s so close to losing his virginity, realization hits him, killing the adrenaline that just rushed through his veins.
He feels the palms of his hands getting sweaty and his breath quicken as he tries to keep himself from panicking to much.
He takes a deep breath and moves his hardened member to your entrance before you flinch and stop him right when he’s about to put it in.
"What’s wrong?" He asked confused.
Did you notice that he’s completely inexperienced? This is so embarrassing, he should have just told you the truth when he had the chance to.
"I need to tell you something…" you shyly look up to him. "Did… Did I do something wrong?" Eren says, worried that he’s making you feel uncomfortable.
"No it’s just,… please be gentle okay?" You try to avoid eye contact before continuing.
"Don’t laugh at me but… I-I never did this before."
Eren chuckles lightly to himself.
"I’ll try to keep it down for ya."
This is going to be so much more fun than he thought it would be.
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Hope you enjoyed it, I refuse to believe that there’s people out there that don’t know the song, but if you don’t I can only recommend listening to it! 🧎🏾‍♀️
most recent work <3
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glitterjay · 5 months
I need popular heeseung and unpopular y/n who has a crush on him but gets rejected when she tries and confesses but later on gets drunk and ends up in his bed
⭒ popular!heeseung, unpopular!reader, rejection, mention of alcohol / getting drunk, they dont fuck!!
⭒ c's note: it would hurt my following lives if heeseung rejected me
⭒ taglist: @hollyoongs @moon7jay @wondipity @fertilizedtoesw @kwiwin @kissestoenha
lee heeseung, the captain of the basketball team and the man who has been your crush for as long as you can remember, was hosting a party this upcoming weekend to celebrate the team making it to nationals.
of course, the whole institute was invited because he's popular like that, and he knew his friends would want to invite others anyway.
your very own friends have been encouraging you for the past year to finally confess your feelings to heeseung. it wasn't that hard to talk to him at all. he wasn't a jerk type of popular.
"you won't know what could happen if you never try. what if he likes you back?" one of your friends said.
"and what if he rejects me?"
"then you'll be able to finally move on!"
you shook your head, still unsure. you always think you're ready to tell him how you feel, but you can't help but think that to him, you're just another girl who finds him attractive.
and you were right. you grew tired of your circle pestering you to go talk to him, saying how you could even have a chance to hook up with heeseung at the party. so you gathered the courage to approach him during your study hall while he was switching classes.
"heeseung, you've got a second?" you called.
he waved his friends off, shooting a kind smile that always melted you on the spot. "for sure! got questions about the party?"
you balanced on your heels, your hands playing with the hem of your shirt as you prepared yourself mentally.
"look, i know this is crazy and sudden," you started. "but i've liked you for quite some time now. i know you don't even know who i am; i'm just a phantom or whatever, but i just wanted you to know."
his smile never left his face, which was actually making you more nervous. he let out a giggle and ruffled your hair. "i appreciate it, really. there's no day where i don't get something like this told to me, so it's not sudden at all. i'm sorry i can't tell you my feelings, but what i can tell you is that i do know who you are. i've seen you a few times hanging out by the bleachers, and you were in my english class last semester! at least you aren't like those girls who are always on top of my ass." he shivered.
the entire world fell on your shoulders. it's true that you were expecting a rejection, but him actually knowing you left a bittersweet taste in your mouth.
"regardless of what just happened, make sure to have fun, mkay? see you at the party?"
"yeah, see you at the party..."
"i dont want to go!"
"but you told heeseung you'd see him there!"
your friend was trying to get you out of bed, desperately throwing things at you—which you were dodging by being under the covers—so you could start getting ready.
"i don't want to humiliate myself like that."
"it'll be more humiliating if you stay here like a loser. c'mon!"
"ugh, fine!"
it took you about an hour to get ready, considering you had been crying since the encounter with the boy.
once ready, you and your friends headed straight to the party's location. to be honest, you did not want to see heeseung at all, but you deserved to have fun after getting rejected.
but it was not your day at all. you saw him, everywhere. every time you wanted a mew drink, on the dance floor, with his friends, he was in every corner you looked at.
this made you get drunk quite fast, drinking bottle after bottle to help you distract yourself from the thoughts flooding your mind.
later through the night, your friends scattered all over the place. you could feel your head spinning, and you wanted to go home.
you got up from where you were sitting, holding on to anything you could as to not fall.
the amount of people was making it even harder to walk, and in the blink of an eye, you bumped into someone. when you looked up, you saw no other than lee heeseung himself holding on to your waist.
you weren't going to lie, he looked hot. maybe it was the alcohol in your system, but you felt like you could kiss him right there.
"are you okay?"
you didnt answer. you kept staring right at his face. his hair slicked back made his face features a lot more noticeable. he should start styling his hair that way more often.
heeseung dragged you with him to his room. it was the safest place he could think of since it was locked and only he had he key.
he sat you down on his bed and gave you a water bottle he had on his nightstand.
the water was able to sober you up a bit, and now you were aware of your surroundings. still, you had the urge to kiss heeseung's gorgeous face, something you would not think of if you were in your right mind.
"hey, heeseung?"
"can i kiss you?"
"only if you sober up."
© glitterjay | tumblr
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creedslove · 5 months
Hello baby!
What if our favorite cowboy organizes a date with his sugar, the man literally prepares everything alone or the best he can. He organizes everything in his ranch.
It was the first time he was so excited to receive her, prepared a meal, get ready, once he finally picked her up, he was like:
"Hell, sugar... you look so goddamn precious!"
Whisky being literally being a pleaser to his sugar, he teached her how to ride one of his favourites horses, his home, he doesn't know what else to do for her.
I hope you feel much better! I send you a big hug! ✨
Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels) x f!reader
A/N: hi bestie!!! I love this so so so so much, this is such Agent Whiskey coded because he is a people's pleasure, and above all, he's a sugar pleaser, which means he'll please his sugar until the day he dies
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• Whiskey is the king of date: he never lacks ideas, plans or any other thing to take his sugar on a date, he's got a wide range of creativity and money that helps a lot, so it's just a matter of picking up the mood for the day not to overdo himself
• he's definitely the kind of man who would drive you across town just so you can grab that one pie you had when you were PMSing years ago and you never forgot, or he would book you tickets for a weekend getaway if you complain about stress at work and stuff like that
• but even if he's great at pleasing, he's still a romantic at heart, so the best kinds of dates in his opinion, are the ranch dates, because he loves his ranch, it's a huge part of who he is, at his ranch, he's not just the tacky cowboy who talks funny and isn't afraid to pick a fight at places, but instead, he's himself, not Whiskey, just Jack, with his beautiful green fields, his horses, his simple life and his southern manners
• so you can expect a real weekend, because the cowboy isn't just going to invite you for a day, you're going to at least spend the night, have the whole ranch experience, all you gotta do is to say yes to it and he'll make it happen
• and he's a gentleman, let's not forget about that, so even if you insist you can drive to his ranch, chances are you aren't because he'll make sure to pick you up with his Bronco, he just wants you to take on a ride in it because he loves that car, it's pretty, comfortable, it's got status, and he's excited to be seen driving around with you in the passenger seat, just as he's excited to see you wearing your cute sunglasses as your hair flies loose at the window
• that if he doesn't gift you a cowboy hat the minute he picks you up, because yeah, he is gonna buy you a stetson, he just doesn't know when he's gonna give it to you, so why not in the beginning of the adventure, anyway?!
• and let me tell you: that cowboy's ranch is simply gorgeous! He will be so proud and happy to show you around, knowing exactly where to take you and what to do with you there, giving you a tour through the main house that's big and comfortable af obviously and then taking you to the stables so you can see the animals and play with them and all of them
• now, hear me: he loves horses, he's been riding them forever so if you know how to ride them, he will be glad to do so with your company, but if you don't, Jack will be thrilled to teach you from the very beginning, from how to actually get on the horse, to where to hold it and gentle guide it until you are feeling safe
• if the weather is hot enough, you can also expect him to take you swimming out at the lake, because let's face it: do you think Jack Daniels didn't grow up swimming in those waters around the ranch? He knows all the nice and pretty spots to take girls by the way, and you won't be different at all
• in the evening, you can expect him to throw a barbecue or just smoke some meat, but the thing is: it's gonna be outside, it's dark, warm and the lights will be on, making the ranch look so nice, although it's a little bit empty too, but it's a good thing since it's just the two of you spending time together; he'll serve you appetizers, the main dish, and the best liquor Statesman is capable of producing
• and yeah, he will roast marshmallows by the fire and tell you ghost stories about that land as if you two were in a summer camp together, and even if you know there's a big fat chance he's lying, you will still feel slight shivers down your spine and you will cling to him just a little bit tighter once the howling wind blows
• but once you two get back inside, it's sweet sweet love making with a sugar coated cowboy, where you can't have enough of him and he can't get enough of you, loving your body all night long and of course he'll greet you in the morning with breakfast in bed because he's a romantic at heart
• so chances are, you're gonna spend the morning in bed, enjoying the big breakfast and the cowboy's sugar and in the afternoon, he's definitely taking you for a picnic, with everything you're entitled to: a beautiful basket, a nice plaid towel, mini sandwiches and cake, all he wants is to spoil you
• watching the sunset together as you enjoy this romantic time is great, but as soon as the sun sets, he's gonna give you puppy eyes, asking you to stay the night once more, not ready to let you go home just yet 🥺❤️
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antimonyandthyme · 9 months
oscar/mark, a/b/o dynamics
“You’re not being rational about this,” Oscar says, and he sounds surprised, as if he had fully expected Mark to roll over and acquiesce.
In all the time Mark has known Oscar, he can count on one hand the instances in which they’ve butt heads. Most often they rub up against each other with mild annoyances, Hey, answer your phone quicker, this was important, easily solvable things. But this galls.
It isn’t about the offer. Not even that it’d cross every professional boundary in existence, and then throw the whole rulebook into the ocean too. But that Oscar thinks it’s the rational thing to do. Cut and dry, as cold and as clinical as you like.
Oscar’s looking at Mark as if he were a puzzle he can’t figure out. Mark swallows down the fully formed retort on his tongue, Hey, buddy, I don’t know if you’ve noticed in your twenty-something or so years living on earth, but heats aren’t exactly rational—
But that’d just sound petty. And Oscar would just blink at him in that way of his anyway, that way that meant, Why are you so upset?
Mark isn’t in the mood to explain. Definitely not in the mood to explain to someone more than half his age why he doesn’t think it would be a good idea to spend his impending heat together.
“No thank you, Oscar,” he says again.
“But.” Oscar frowns. “I’m right here.”
He isn’t posturing, that much Mark knows, as sure as he is that Oscar would rather roll his eyes than click an extra button to complain on the radio. There are no hidden layers when Oscar speaks, Mark likes that about him. And it isn’t arrogance either. He’s just being frustratingly, infuriatingly, irritatingly, rational.
So Mark has no reason being angry.
“All the same,” he says, as neutrally as he can manage, “I’d rather spend it alone.”
There’s a small, selfish lick of satisfaction at the whipcrack ripple of emotion it causes in Oscar’s expression, which then makes him feel like a giant asshole. But whatever.
Heats. Rational. Sure.
When did we get so old, huh, he said the last time Seb visited, and they had ended up mostly napping like two lazy cats in the sun. On a regular schedule the suppressants work fine, throw in jet-lag into the mix and they see fit to wreak havoc on his body. Migraines and loss of appetite, and the doctor had advised to just lay off during the race calendar.
Which, alright, can be done, except there’re three out of four of the yearly heats that would possibly land on a race weekend.
He detests arranging for services during a race, and spending heats alone is no longer the end of the world it once was. Uncomfortable, certainly, but much less now than when he was younger. The good thing about growing old is that you learn some tricks. You listen to your body and its needs, except when it’s fucking whinging for an alpha who’s absolutely out-of-bounds.
Saturday morning has his temperature surging, and he knows making Qualifying is out of the question. He texts Oscar a perfunctory, Good luck, make us proud, and goes to hunker down in the hotel room.
He’s prepared. The mini-fridge’s stocked, and he’s brought an assortment of toys to deal with the gnawing emptiness. It’s routine at this point. Moan and snarl and curse his existence, grow lucid enough to switch the telly on while stroking his cock and fucking himself with a toy, then back to curling into the tiniest, tightest ball in a mass of blankets, all the while sweating and blurting out half his body weight in fluids. Heave himself up to eat a sandwich. Check on Oscar’s times. Dry-heave a little while texting him congratulations. Go back to bed. Rinse, repeat.
The one bone, the one benefit of having regular heats, is that they don’t last long. By evening, Mark’s body has settled into some not-yet-post-heat-but-getting-there state. His dick is still hard, but at least he doesn’t feel the need to give himself rug-burn by tugging at it every five minutes.
Convenient, because the door-bell rings.
“Fucking hell,” Mark says, unimpressed. “What are you doing here?”
He thought he’d made himself exceptionally clear. But Oscar’s here, looking about as far from usual Oscar as Mark’s possibly seen him. Anxious, disheveled, toe-tapping nervous nonsense. Eyes-shifty, red-cheeked. Impossibly endearing.
“I have had a lot of time to think about this,” Oscar says, which in Oscar-speech means he stared into the abyss for a couple of hours thinking about nothing else. “It occurs to me that I’ve been horribly remiss.”
“You talk like an old man,” Mark says.
“I’m trying to apologize,” Oscar says, agitated. “I didn’t mean to. Offer so flippantly. As if your heat has no significance.”
There is no significance, is Mark’s knee-jerk response, but even he can see it for the lie it is.
“I… was hurtful without meaning to be. I’m sorry, Mark.”
Mark nods stiffly. He might be out of deep waters, but the ache of loneliness takes some time to dispel. Best to close the door in Oscar’s face soon before his body gets any stupid ideas. “Apology accepted,” he says.
Oscar opens his mouth. “That’s not all.”
Of course it isn’t. Oscar smells like pine and those godawful expensive vanilla candles and this is just not a very good time. “Go on,” Mark says, through gritted teeth.
“I wasn’t being truthful earlier.”
Mark blinks. “About?”
“Rationality,” Oscar says, and suddenly it’s as if he hates the word. “That was never why I offered. I thought. I thought it’d be the only reason you’d accept. If I could make you see it as something easy. You’re here, I’m here, you know? Might as well.”
“Oscar,” Mark says faintly.
“Mark,” Oscar retorts. “You get what I’m saying, right? I offered because I want to. You know. Be the alpha in your heat. Christ. Is that how people go about saying it? I don’t fucking know, mate. I just want to help you, like you’ve helped me.”
Oscar sounds as if he’s practiced this in front of the mirror. Practiced it and then gone and fucked it all up anyway, because his ears are bright red and he’s looking as if he wants the tiled hotel floor to swallow him up. He’s staring at the ground, or, quite possibly, at the line of Mark’s erection through his sweatpants.
“Mark. Could you say something please?”
“I don’t think—”
“That it’s a good idea, yeah, I got that earlier. Could I hear something honest, please?”
Oscar’s never once asked Mark for anything. Sure, manager duties aside, Mark busting an arm and a leg to pave the way for a certain career aside, Oscar’s never once asked Mark for more. And now he’s asking, heart on his sleeve, and Mark’s too worn down to say anything but—
“It’d be nice.”
Oscar whips his head up. All hopeful, like a pup promised a treat. “I—what—really?”
“Nice, and completely irresponsible of me.”
“Okay,” Oscar’s saying, and already he’s leaning in toward Mark, shuffling eagerly forward such that he’s breached the doorway. “Okay, but. It’d still be nice, right?”
"Yeah," Mark sighs. “Yes.”
Oscar takes one more step forward. Something clicks in the right direction when he places one hand on Mark’s jaw, and the other on his hip. A lock being turned in place, a scale being tipped. Something like that.
Quick on the uptake, never slow to see his moment of win, greedy, hungry, opportunistic. All traits of a good Formula 1 driver. That’s his boy.
Mark closes his eyes. Regret can come tomorrow, after the race. He pulls the door shut behind them.
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stayandot8 · 1 year
Come With Me
Genre: angst from Part One turning to fluff
Relationship type: established boyfriend/girlfriend
Important Contents: Part 2 of Stay With Me. More proof that I will do absolutely anything if someone asks 😂 Anon, I hope you enjoy this and I hope it's what you had in mind.
WC: 2.9k
Part One l masterlist
“Pack your stuff for a weekend. I’m kidnapping you.”
I couldn’t help my grin as Chris stared at me and my intrusion in his room. His face contorted from shock to confusion the longer I stared back, unmoving and tapping my foot expectantly. 
“What?” He didn’t move, blankly staring at me. 
“I know it’s early, but your brain should be catching up by now. I’m kidnapping you and taking you away to an undisclosed location. Don’t worry, we’re not leaving the country.” I sauntered over to his closet to grab his duffel bag and put it on his bed. “Now start packing before I do it for you and all you can find in your bag are socks.” He smirked at me as he followed me, stopping my movements with a grab at my arm. He whirled me around to face him, drawing his face closer to mine. His breath tickled my nose.
“You know I love being naked around you.” My breath hitched, his voice sending chills down my spine. I missed him like this, playful and cheeky. He had started to return to himself bit by bit. Before I could let it take over fully, I tried to remember my goal for the day. 
“Not when you’re covered in sunburn.” He stepped away from me to look over my features, searching for any hints I was unknowingly giving.
“Sunburn? Are we going to the beach?!” I shrugged, the corner of my lip twitching up as I stepped out of his immediate vicinity towards his door. 
“My car is downstairs. You’ve got ten minutes. And if I see your laptop in your bag, I’m throwing it in the ocean!”
“You drag me out of my house away from my kids to an undisclosed location. The least you can do is stop for snacks.” He turned his whole body to face me from the passenger seat, making his eyes go wide and prepared to beg. Little did he know he didn’t have to. 
“Save your puppy eyes for the inevitable argument over who’s cooking dinner tonight. We’re stopping anyways. You think I’m spending a prolonged amount of time in a car with you and not feeding you? What kind of girlfriend would that make me?” I pulled into a parking space in front of convenience store, grabbing my wallet before getting out. As soon as we had pulled in however, Chris had practically sprinted out of the car and into the store with a child-like excitement returning to his face. I sighed, shutting the car door and following my toddler into the fluorescent-lit store.
I roamed through the aisles, browsing through my different options of chips, snack bars, and candy until I saw someone come to my aisle holding so many bags I couldn’t see his face, I moved so he could pass in front of me, minding my business.
“I don’t know how far we’re going so I got everything.” The familiar voice made me do a double take. 
“Chris, you couldn’t eat that much if you tried.” I shook my head, trying to stifle my laughter as I continued looking for myself. He dropped everything in his hands onto the floor in a loud crash. I widened my eyes to find him jutting out his bottom lip in a pout and faux angry face. 
“I could too.” He crossed his arms and stomped his foot.
“Oh my god, you really are five. I will buy everything in your arms if you pick it all up now.” I grabbed the nearest bag of candy that suited my fancy while Chris heeded my offer, picking up the plastic bottles and bars he had and followed me to the front, not seeing the smile fighting its way onto my lips. 
He stopped at the glasses tower while I waited in line, somehow managing to transfer his haul to me. He looked over the stand carefully, as if contemplating which to wear on the runway. He snatched a hot pink pair with white hearts all over it, clearly a child’s size, and wrestled it over his ears. 
“What do you think?” His face deadpanned to look as serious as he could while sporting them.
“I love them, I do. But I think there’s something that wouldn’t give you a headache if you wore them too long.” He scrunched his face in disappointment, taking hte glasses off and placing them back where they went. He continued, pausing every once in a while to take another pair off the tower and look them over. He had disappeared where I couldn’t see him. I had neared the front of the line and just as I was about to call for him, he appeared again. He had found a dark blue pair with cartoon flames of orange and yellow. They were also clearly made for someone younger, but he now had the biggest smile. A smile that radiated from his joy. A smile that could only appear if he was happy. A smile I hadn’t seen for a while. 
“I found another one too.” He showed off the second pair he was holding. I couldn’t contain it any longer. His joy was infectious. 
Back in the car and officially on the road, I let Chris eat his snacks and scroll through his phone for about ten minutes before I told him the rules for this trip.
“Did you tell everyone about this trip but me?! Changbin just said ‘have fun’ with a winky face and he won’t say any more.”
“Okay, that’s enough of that. Stop trying to ruin it” I reached for his phone and dropped it into my bag in the seat behind him. 
“Hey!” Chris’s eyes were large in shock at what I had dared do, his smile growing ever so slowly. I pulled mine from the pocket between our seats and handed it to him. 
“Open my music and find the playlist called Sunroof Vibes and play it.” 
“What’s your password?” I couldn’t believe he didn’t know already. Had I really not told him until now? I felt the corners of my mouth twitch. 
“Your birthday.” I felt him snap his head towards me. I forced my eyes to stay on the road but I couldn’t miss the flash of his teeth as he giggled to himself. 
“My password is yours. The kids always tease me for it all the time.” The blush was evident on both of our cheeks as a comfortable pause settled on us. He scrolled through my phone and tapped something and a familiar tune started to play through my car speakers. “I don’t think I know this one.” He started to bob his head in time to the beat, looking straight through the windshield to the open road. 
“I made this when I was planning for this trip. It should be full of songs you don’t know. To keep you entertained.” I gave him a pointed look for a second and he rolled his eyes. He bent to search through the bag of snacks before pulling out a particularly huge lollipop. He unwrapped it and stuck it in his mouth, making an overexaggerated noise of contentment as he slouched back in his seat and brought his legs to wrap his arms around. He continued to shake his shoulders in time with the music as he stared out the window, his smile proof that I had the cutest boyfriend ever.
Two hours later, we pulled into the seaside city where our getaway was to take place. The city was smaller, less stores and hustle and bustle around. Once we entered the neighborhood, a street as far as the eye could see with small cottages of varying shapes, sizes, and colors all lining the streets with the beach just on the other side. The sun was high in the sky, beaming down and warming the sand and the water, waiting and inviting us to relax our troubles away. The instant release of tension from Chris’s shoulders as we arrived told me I knew him as well as I thought. He loved the beach as much as I did and now I could show him that I did indeed know him, in case he ever had any doubt. 
When he sat up in the passenger seat, it was to watch the houses pass by, naming them as we drove by. 
“They’re all puns, baby, look! That one says ‘Sun of the beach’ and that one with the yellow roof says ‘Girls just wanna have sun’ and that one says ‘Happy as a clam’. I want a beach house so I can name it something like that.”
“I fully support that dream.” I had to chuckle to myself, his excitement contagious. Even though I knew where we were going. The long road turned from paved to loose gravel, the houses getting farther apart. We were moving from the more populated area to the place where the locals usually stayed when the weather got warmer. Each cottage had about a quarter mile of space around them, most of them directly on the beach itself. One could walk from the descending steps right to the water. Coincidentally, this was where our cottage was. 
I pulled the car into a driveway of paved cement, the carport directly under the seafoam green house and the stairs to the upper deck and house to the immediate left. There was a little wooden crow’s nest, a place to watch the water from above everything, on top. That would be the best place to watch the sun settle down for the night. The sign with the cottage name was Chris’s favorite part though.
“‘Aloha beaches’?! That’s my favorite so far.” He said in wonder as he opened his door and walked around to the trunk to grab his bag and pillow for the night. He started up the stairs and disappeared, his steps creaking above me as I grabbed the rest of the belongings. I grabbed the keys from the lock box and trudged up the wooden stairs. 
He had dropped his stuff at his side while he waited and was staring at the sea, letting the breeze toss his curly hair every which way. His vision had gone distant as he stared out at the rough waters, his features gone soft with his leaning on the railing. This was how I liked to watch him. He looked so at peace with himself, with the world. No one was bothering him, no one demanding him to do this or work on that, no work to bury himself in. When he was alone with his thoughts like this, the quiet moments like this were what made me fall for him in the beginning. This was what he needed. What I needed for him. 
Letting him be alone as he wanted, I reached for his things and unlocked the sliding glass doors to enter our home for the next two days. The first room had a cozy feel about it, being smaller than expected but fully furnished with a plush couch and a television. A bookstand of games of every type stood in the corner, and a picnic table sat next to the kitchen, painted a yellow years ago and had withered with age and use and love. The kitchen with its wooden cupboards and dull wallpaper whispered ‘come, use me. Get comfortable’. The pictures on the website didn’t do it justice. I chose well. 
Down the hallway, there were picture frames on the beige walls full of pictures of seashells and waves, some drawings or paintings and others photos. I stopped to evaluate each, thinking they complimented the place well. Three doorways were scattered along the skinny hall, one leading to a bathroom, one to a bedroom, and another leading to the wooden nest on top of the house. I peeked into the bathing room, seeing more of the pictures of shells along the bright blue along with a pink shower curtain. Fuzzy pink rugs strewn across the floor tied the small room together. 
The bedroom was my second favorite place. More bright blue walls but with pictures of the sand instead of shells. The bed was large, big enough for each of us to have our own space. The comforter was an off-white and tucked into a decorative pillow at the head. A dresser and nightstand completed the room. It was simple but not large enough to feel formal. It was perfect. 
The sound of the sliding door closing brought me out of my adventurous spirit. Chris’s voice called to me from the front room as I put down our bags on the bed.
“Oh my god, they have Uno! We are so playing that tonight!”  He joined me in looking at the different rooms until he caught up with me. “Oh I like this room. And this bed is so big I don’t have to worry about you clinging to me.” He ran his hands over the blanket as he joked. 
“Excuse me?! You’re the Aussie, you’re the koala. You cling to me like your life depends on it and I have seven other people who would back me up on that.” He looked at the ceiling, trying not to laugh at my retort. Mainly because he knew it was true. I grabbed his hand and intertwined it with mine as I dragged him with me back out to the hall. “Let me show you the best part.” We followed the last door up its small staircase and emerged in the little wooden nest. The wooden railing came up to our waist with a bench built in on either side of the rectangular space. The open air around us came straight from the sea, the sound of the water more prominent up here. Our hands still connected, he brought me to the side closest to the water. 
“Let’s eat up here tonight, hm? I think that’s just what we need.” He simply nodded, still looking longingly out at the water. “Come on, let’s go sit in the sand.” That was when he sprinted down the stairs without me and I heard the door slam behind him as he ran towards the water. My laughter was loud, watching his feet kick up sand. He paused when he realized I wasn’t behind him. 
“Come on!” He shouted up at me. 
I grabbed a volleyball on my way down from a side closet in the carport below and spotted a small grill and smirked as the idea blossomed in my mind. I knew what I was getting for dinner. 
The feeling of the sand between my toes was liberating. Watching him sit down and run it through his fingers like a child discovering it for the first time settled something deep within me. I approached him and sat down, only giving him an inch of space between us. 
“What’re you thinking about? You’ve staring at the water every chance you get, all solemn like.” He smiled out at the water, not quite meeting my eyes. 
“Being out here reminds me of home. Makes me think of how small I am in the grand scheme of things here on this planet. He would’ve wanted me to take advantage of my time here, making sure whatever mark I leave on this earth is a good one. I want whoever I become to be someone he could be proud of.”
“He would be proud, Chris. I know he would be.” I nudged his shoulder, already warm from the summer sun. “For what it’s worth, I know I am. Everything you do makes me proud. I know my opinion doesn’t really matter, but-”
“It matters.” He had suddenly gotten so serious, staring striaght into my soul as he interrupted me. “Your opinion means everything to me.” I smiled down at my feet to get away from his eyes and their searing gaze. 
“I’m terrified of the things I would do for you. I don’t think you realize how deep this shit goes for me. You mean everything to me and I truly don’t know what I would do without you. You’re…it for me. I can’t see myself with anyone else.” My turn to stare at the vast crystal blue. 
“I know. I feel the same way. I wouldn't have gotten through it like I did without you. I never want to find out what my life would be like without you.” He tilted my chin to look at him, his simple upturn of his mouth enough to make me melt. 
“You play your cards right and you’ll never find out. Now let’s play some volleyball before we go to the store so I can pick out what meat you’re grilling for me.”
“Oh, I’m grilling for you now? I thought this was my vacation!” He snatched the ball from my other side as he stood and started walking to put some distance between us. 
“How about this? If I can set it to you and you can hit it to where I can’t get it, I’ll cook. But if you can’t, not only are you grilling but you’re paying too.” I raised my brows in defiance of him. 
“What?! How is that fair?” He protested. 
“It’s not!” I said as I slammed the ball towards him. He dove in the sand, missing it but just barely. My fit of giggles was instant as he glanced my way and shook his head.
“Okay, I see how it is. You’re in for it now.” He chased after the ball that went behind him. 
Needless to say his wallet got more of a workout than he did.
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senorabond · 10 months
Rumor Has It: Chapter 6 Peña x f!reader x Pike
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Pairings: Javier Peña x f!reader; Marcus Pike x f!reader; future Peña x f!reader x Pike
Chapter 6 Summary: Javier meets you at the office the next day to help you with the big briefing, then shows you a different side of Houston. 
Rating: 18+ (Minors DNI), Explicit sexual content, additional warnings may be added for future chapters
Chapter Warnings: no use of y/n, previous relationship (Marcus x f!Reader), slowburn, workplace romance, fantasizing, masturbation (m), ohh the yearning
Reader/Character notes: Reader is fem!afab; No mention of Reader’s body size, shape, composition, or skin color.
Words: 5.6k
Author’s Note:  I am having so much fun with this story and can’t wait to share more of it with you. I have a LOT more in store for you all. Muchos besos para mi beta @kilamonster!!! Thank you for reading multiple versions of this and being my Spanish tutor! 💋💜
Series Masterlist || Previous Chapter
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Texas The Next Day
You hate to admit it, but the most difficult part of your day so far was figuring out what the hell to wear. You’d be working at the office with somebody who was your superior on the case, but on a Sunday and outside the social confines of a regular workday. Your usual work attire would be too formal, but you don’t want to swing too far in the other direction and show up looking sloppy. 
Playing it safe, you choose a pair of leggings for comfort but pair it with a smart tunic-length top with a hem that floats around your hips. A pair of simple studs adorn your lobes, and your hair is swept back from your face and off your neck in a utilitarian style. With just a minimal touch of makeup, you feel like your armor is complete. You might wear the same outfit out to dinner with a friend – if you had any here.
You arrive at the office a whole two hours before you and Peña had agreed to meet. You’d already been up and working on the briefing since six that morning anyway and were just getting antsier the longer you worked at home. At least you could prepare the briefing room before Javier shows up and would feel ready to jump right in. 
You greet the weekend security guards and make your way up to the conference room. The normally bustling halls and work spaces are eerily quiet and only half of the overhead lights are on. Once in the shared meeting space, you begin to unpack your box of files and hook your laptop up to the audiovisual setup. 
It feels like only a short time has passed when you hear a knock at the door and Javi is standing there holding a paper box, presumably with more files. You check your watch and see that it’s still a half hour before your meeting time.
“You’re early.” You stand up and Javi walks in, setting the cardboard box on the table.
“So are you,” he counters. “How long have you been here?”
“Umm…” you glance a bit guiltily at the clock on the wall. Javi cocks his head and sets his jaw sternly, but his eyes are playful.
“That’s what I thought.” From the box, he pulls out a cardboard drinks holder with two large coffees, an assortment of creamer and sweetener packets, and another paper bag. “Bagels. Wasn’t sure what you like, so there’s a mix.” 
Your stomach growls in loud appreciation and you blush a bit. In your eagerness to get to the office you skipped breakfast. You decide on a cinnamon raisin bagel and begin slathering it with a hearty amount of cream cheese.
“Thanks, you didn’t have to.” The first bite is carb heaven.
“And you didn’t have to agree to this briefing.” Javi grabs a sesame bagel for himself and takes a small sip of coffee.
“Well,” you pause to swallow. “You asked me to.” 
“And you could have said no.” Javi shrugs off his leather jacket – the same one he wore to the bar the other night – and drapes it over the back of a chair across the table from you. The faint scent of tobacco and citrus and spice floats your way.
Without his usual suit on, the broadness of his shoulders is even more accentuated by his choice of casual wear. He’s wearing a short-sleeved blue button-down shirt tucked into a pair of slim-fitting dark-wash jeans, black leather belt cinched with a plain buckle. You caught a peek of the leather boots he’s got on and wonder how you didn’t hear him walking down the hall. 
“Something wrong?” Javi has an eyebrow lifted.
You realize you’ve been staring and try to recover somehow. “Nothing,” you gesture at your own clothes. “I just feel a bit overdressed.” 
Javi smirks and lets his eyes rake over you, taking your statement as an invitation to look. “I think you look great.” 
Thankful again for the bagel, you rip off a large piece and shove it into your mouth to avoid having to say anything in response. You gesture to the cardboard box and mumble around the bread in your mouth. “What else did you bring?”
Brushing crumbs off his hands, Javi reaches in and pulls out four large accordion folders. “I still haven’t quite made it to the digital age yet,” he prefaces with a frown. You push the coffee and bagels aside and he sets the files down. 
Over the next several hours, the two of you fully entrench yourselves in the conference room, elbows deep in records and evidence Javier and his team have already gathered on the narcos in question: surveillance reports, bank statements, criminal records, photocopies of multiple passports with the same face. There’s so much information to absorb, but Javier is patient as you learn the background of the case and the layers of politics involved. He’s been in the game so long, he’s got entire family trees memorized. 
Javier helps you identify the holes in your strategy you were struggling with last night, and together you come up with workarounds and back-up plans. Soon, the two of you settle more easily into a rhythm, comfortably sharing thoughts and ideas, unafraid to shoot something down if it won’t work. Javier respects your experience with Customs and your time with the FBI, and you can tell he actually listens when you have something to say, even if he’s in the wrong. 
You’re close to finishing the presentation you’ll use to walk the rest of the team through everything when a knock at the door startles you both and breaks your concentration.
“Good evening,” the security guard says. “Still here, I see.” 
Javi chats with the guard a bit in Spanish and you use it as an opportunity to take a quick bathroom break. Outside, the sun hangs low in the sky. You can’t believe how long you and Javi have been working, it feels like only a couple of hours have passed since you had that bagel. Your stomach clenches as you spy the vending machine in the break room and wish you had brought your wallet with you. 
After you finish in the bathroom, you walk back to the conference room to find Javier standing alone, the security guard back off on his rounds. Javi turns to face you when you walk in, pausing to rest his weight into one of his hips, the other knee cocked. The man can really fill out a pair of jeans. 
"We should probably wrap this up soon," he remarks, fidgeting with the pen in his hands. "We've been at it for hours now." 
You know he heard the innuendo as well, because his eyes dart to the side and he clears his throat. If you didn't know better, you might even think the great Javier Peña was blushing a bit. You can't pass up the opportunity to tease him. 
"And that was just on a bagel and coffee. Imagine what we could manage if you bought me dinner." Javi huffs out a small laugh and seems to relax a bit, potential awkwardness avoided. 
As you're walking back to your laptop, Javi asks, "How do tacos sound?" 
You turn around and see the mischief glint in his eyes, his lips twitching under his mustache. "Agent Peña, is that a proposition?"
"Depends on your answer."
Now you're the one blushing. You had noticed the way his eyes were drawn to your legs every time you stood up and walked to the front of the room, could feel the heat of his stare on your ass. He tried to be subtle, but after the first couple of times you had to admit you liked that he was looking. It had been awhile since you felt desired, and having an attractive man check out your ass and flirt with you certainly wasn't the worst thing in the world. It was harmless, and it's obvious you can both keep it professional when you have work to get done. 
"Tacos always sound good to me." 
"I guess we better hurry up and finish, then. Let's run through it one more time and get the hell out of here." 
You stand at the front of the conference room to the side of the projector screen. Javi taps the keyboard and the first slide of your presentation appears. Well-rehearsed now, you walk through your strategy step-by-step. 
First, a team will bring in the shady art dealers and confront them with the evidence that they’re helping launder dirty money. Javier already has the go-ahead to offer them a deal in exchange for their cooperation with the investigation, and you have a back-up plan prepared if they decide to be stupid.  
Next, two undercover agents will pose as competing art dealers at a private gallery event, and establish contact with the narcos. The agents will make them an even better offer than the actual dealers, something that’s less risky for the narcos, while still keeping a lower cut of the profits – basically too good to pass up. 
Javier will decide which of his agents are suited for this move, as it’s the most critical. They’ll need to be able to sell themselves as the real deal and maintain the relationship with the narcos as the case develops.
The following stages of the plan will involve the FBI's assistance, and you already have several ideas in mind for what that entails.
"You've got it," Javi remarks after you finish your spiel. "You're ready." Again, you light up at his praise. There's a small smile on his face that makes the butterflies in your stomach take flight.
"If you say so,” you sigh. “I don't exactly feel ready." 
"Nobody feels ready – if they say they do, they’re lying." It's funny, you think, that although Javier says so little, you still feel comforted by the few words he offers. 
The two of you begin to clean up your workspace and pack up. Javier drops off the box of files in his office while you wait in the elevator bay. You decide to check your phone to catch up on any missed messages and see a text from Marcus: You're going to be great tomorrow. 
The same pressure in your chest returns from the phone call with him last night. You really miss this part of your relationship with Marcus, the friendship and support. In that moment, you almost want to call him up and tell him all about your day with Javier, how great it felt to be working on a case again after being exiled in Rumor Mill Siberia for so long. But you remember the pang you felt when he mentioned his girlfriend and wonder if you’ll ever be able to go back to the way things started with Marcus. 
Javi walks up then, leather jacket and aviators on. "Tacos?"
"Tacos,” you agree, and press the elevator call button. Javi stands close enough to you in the ride down to the lobby that you can feel the supple leather of his jacket graze your arm. 
Throughout the day, your typical observation of personal space began to dissipate. Your bodies were drawn into each other’s orbits over and over, like a rocket slingshotting around the moon. 
Eventually, you found yourself looking for ways to approach and test that invisible electric current, breach its barrier. It was little things: faces hovering near each other as you made a change to the presentation on your laptop; fingertips and hands brushing when you pass each other something; torsos aligning while you’re bent over the conference room table, barely an inch between you.  
You wave to the security guards as you exit the building and Javier points to where his Jeep is parked, just a few spots over from your own tiny Corolla. "We can take my car; I’ll bring you back here when we're done."
"Works for me."
You drop your stuff off at your car first, then hop in the passenger side. The Jeep SUV smells faintly of cigarette smoke and air freshener, but not in an unpleasant or cloying way. There’s a comfortable silence for the first few minutes, then you suddenly remember the question you were going to ask Javier. 
"Out of curiosity, who was it you originally spoke to?"
"When?" Javi pops a piece of gum in his mouth. 
"When you called the FBI."
"Oh, right.” He drums his fingers on the steering wheel as he thinks back. “Uh, some white guy, can't remember his name..." 
You snort. The vast majority of the federal agents you’ve encountered are white men. "That narrows it down." 
"Let me think." He makes a 'pump the brakes' gesture with his hand. "He was an asshole – even for a fed, which is saying a lot. On the young side, stuck up; I wanted to slap him through the phone.” 
“Kind of nasally voice, probably has a rich daddy complex and wasn’t hugged enough as a kid?” 
Javier laughs, “Probably.”
"Yeah, I think that was it. You know him?" 
"We're acquainted," you grumble. You fire off a quick text to Marcus and put your phone back in your pocket. For the rest of the drive you can feel Javier's eyes on you periodically, but he doesn't say anything else until you arrive at your destination. 
You're in a residential neighborhood, the homes older and sunbaked, next to a soccer field that may be more dirt than grass. There’s a food truck parked half a block away, bursting with activity. Rows of bright lights are strung across an outdoor seating area with picnic tables painted beautifully bright colors, and lively ranchera music plays over a speaker. The line is long, but moving quickly, and a crowd mills about the picnic tables while a group of young men play a casual game of soccer nearby, their fast footwork illuminated by the nearby streetlamp. Kids shriek and play, running in a frenzy around the tables; a group of old men sit together, laughing boisterously; and the workers in and around the truck are yelling out orders in rapid-fire Spanish, chatting with customers, and dancing along to the music as they prepare food. The energy and vibrancy of it all makes the air practically sparkle with life.
“They don’t have taco places like this in D.C.” 
"I know." Javi gives you a genuine smile and begins walking towards the end of the line. You follow closely behind him, the music making your steps light. "What would you like?"
"Huh?" Eyes wide, you’ve been too distracted, trying to soak in as much as you can. "Oh, uh... I don't know, what's good?"
"Everything, but we'll start off simple. Unless you feel up for an adventure?" He's still wearing his aviators against the last of the setting sun, but you can still make out the teasing look in his eyes. One of his eyebrows is quirked, waiting for your response. 
You square your shoulders and say, "I'm very adventurous." 
This turns Javier's smile into a smirk. He gives you an appreciative look and you both step forward as the line moves up. About ten minutes later, you're nearing the front of the line. Javier asks if you like cilantro and onions – yes, definitely. Spice tolerance – average, maybe? He takes this all into consideration. 
Javier orders for both of you in Spanish, and it seems like he's a regular with how the workers greet him and chat conversationally. The woman taking his order smiles and nods her head in your direction; she looks to be about in her fifties or sixties, silver streaks in her dark hair pulled back into a chic twist. Javi dismisses her comment with a wave of his hand and smiles, then says something that makes the woman laugh and slap his arm playfully. This light, happy side of Javier is a joy to watch. You imagine it’s probably a side of him people at work never get to see. 
"What did she say about me?" You ask once Javier is back with you. You're standing off to the side with the other customers anxiously waiting for their orders. 
"She asked if you were my girlfriend." Again, you think he might be blushing a little. He fidgets with the receipt in his hands, looking anywhere but at you.
"And? What'd you say?"
"I told her she was the only girl for me, and that I'd never bag a girl who could cook as good as mi mamá." With the sun nearly fully set, Javier finally takes his aviators off and hooks them into the top button of his shirt. 
"Well, I definitely can't cook as good as your mom, that's for damn sure." He laughs and you stand together in companionable silence until your order is called. You're practically salivating over the aromas wafting from the plastic bag. Javier finds a couple of empty spots at a picnic table near the soccer field and begins pulling out paper napkins, plastic utensils, and little containers of different colored salsas. 
"You're in for a treat, Carmen had lengua on the menu tonight." He sets a foil-wrapped package in front of you.
"Lengua?" You eagerly unwrap your gift, your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head at the smells – onions, cilantro, fresh masa tortillas, and meat seasoned and cooked tender, all nestled together in a shiny pouch.
"Yeah, that one in the middle. Try a bite first before you add any salsa."
You do as Javier instructs, leaning over the table to catch the juices and some onions as they fall. "Oh...my god," you mumble, your mouth full. 
"You like it?" Javier digs into his own tacos, going through the motions of preparing them in a way you can tell he's done a hundred times before. 
"What is it?"
"Beef tongue." He bites into his own lengua taco, then watches, waiting for your reaction. The smug bastard doesn’t even try to hide his smile. 
You sputter a bit when you swallow, but don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you go green. The texture of the meat is different than you’re used to, but the flavor can't be denied – the taco is delicious. 
You decide to beat Javi at his own game and take a huge bite of the tongue, letting out a deep moan around your food. He watches you, stone-faced with lips pursed. "So good," you manage to get out. Your moans of pleasure and appreciation for the food begin to gather notice from the group of older men nearby, who start laughing and pointing. One of them calls out something that must be cheeky, as his buddies begin laughing and nodding in agreement. 
Once you finish your last bite and lick the juices from your fingers, you sit back, sated, making sure to ham it up for good measure. 
"Javi, wow," you say, brushing your hair away from your forehead and letting out a heavy sigh. "That was so good." He's chewing his food, trying and failing to look unamused at your antics, his knee jiggling under the table. "I never knew I'd like tongue that much." 
Javier chokes a bit on his food, then begins coughing a little into his fist. "Jesus," he splutters. You laugh and reach across the table to pat the back of his shoulder jovially. 
"That's for trying to get a rise out of me... pendejo." You nudge his leg under the table with your foot for emphasis. He shakes his head and nudges you back.
The group of men nearby laugh uproariously at hearing you swear in Spanish, and one of them returns shortly from the truck with two cold glass bottles of Coca-Cola as a gift. 
"For making us laugh, hermosita," the man says kindly. 
"Muchos gracias," you demure, taking a celebratory swig. The flavor of the soda was slightly different, Coke had never tasted so good. 
"It's Mexican, made with cane sugar." Javier has composed himself, eyes still a little shiny from the tears that came up while he was coughing. 
"It's amazing." Javier nods in agreement, and takes a sip of his own bottle, after raising it in thanks to the gentlemen at the next table over. 
"Which one is this?" You point to the taco on the right. "Brains?"
"Carnitas," Javi says, then clarifies, "Pulled pork." 
"I know what carnitas are, I've been to a Chipotle," you throw back.
"Don't ever say that to me again." 
You share a laugh and continue to dig into your delicious dinner. Javier tells you what each of the salsas are and you sample a bit of each before adding the green one to the carnitas. The remaining taco is al pastor, and doesn't even need salsa, it's so good. 
With all the tacos depleted, you and Javi pick up your trash and walk along the edge of the soccer field together with your bottles of Coke.
"Thank you for the delicious dinner, by the way." 
"No problem, I'm glad you liked it. This is one of my favorite places, reminds me of the small mom-and-pop places back home."
"Where's home?" 
"Laredo – small town on the border. It's not that far, but with work always so busy I don't get out there as often as I'd like to."
You nod in understanding and take a sip of your soda. 
"What about you?"
"I was a military brat, so there really isn't one place that's home." Javi watches you silently, waits for you to elaborate. "I guess D.C. was the last place that felt like home to me, though."
"Do you miss it?" 
"Yeah, I do. I didn't think I would miss it this much actually. It's been kind of a rough transition, to be honest. Haven't really felt like I've settled in here yet."
A soccer ball crosses your path and Javi kicks it back over to the group of guys. "I know what you mean." You wonder if he’s thinking about his time in Colombia, or just being far away from his hometown.
"But this has been great. I haven't enjoyed food like this since moving here."
"Well, I'm always happy to bring you back. Or show you some other great spots," he shrugs casually, but there's a slight tension in his frame, like a wire pulled taut. Your stomach does a little flip at the idea of more evenings like this with Javi, and you decide to change the subject.
"I also wanted to thank you for helping me out with the briefing today. I really appreciate it." You’re looking at the ground, but can feel his eyes glancing over at you. 
"You don't have to thank me – we'll all benefit just as much from this kicking off well tomorrow." The ground is slightly uneven and your shoulders bump occasionally as you walk, but neither of you move farther apart.
Javier didn't have to meet you in the office, bring you breakfast, or buy you dinner. He didn't have to work with you – on a Sunday, no less – for nearly an entire day. But he did, because he wants you to succeed just as much as he wants the entire team to succeed. He just might not be able to put it in so many words. 
You walk around the other edge of the field, Coke bottles now empty, and watch the soccer players pack up their gear. Twilight is emerging, and some of the brighter stars are already appearing in the sky. With the sun down, the breeze is refreshingly cool and carries the scent of jacaranda. 
Your phone buzzes in your bag, interrupting your reverie. It's a text from Marcus: Thanks for letting me know, I'll handle it. You grin as you put your phone away and catch Javier trying to appear as though he hadn't been watching you. 
"That was about the guy you originally spoke to at the FBI. It's being taken care of." Wilkins had always been such a prick, and you’d long suspected he was the source of the nasty rumors back in D.C. Hopefully he'll finally get the ass-chewing he's been begging for all this time.
The crowd at the food truck has dwindled to a few small groups of customers finishing their dinners while employees begin getting everything ready to close shop.
"I guess I’d better get you back to your car. We've got an early start tomorrow." Javier takes your empty Coke bottle and places it in the recycling bin with his own. You wave goodbye to Carmen in the food truck and walk back to his Jeep. 
The entire car ride back takes maybe ten minutes, and you can’t help feeling a little disappointed that it doesn’t take longer. Back at the office parking lot, Javier drives right up next to your sedan. You open the passenger door to get out and Javier reaches out a hand, placing it on your arm to stop you. He clears his throat.
"I- um," he stalls, shifting in his seat. You shut the door to show him he has your full attention, and he starts again. "I'm glad you're here. And I’m grateful for the hard work you’ve already put on the case." 
You're not quite sure what to say. Javier's words create a warm, pleasant glow in your stomach, the butterflies becoming more familiar now the more you’re around him. 
"I think I might have come across wrong, at first.” His eyes meet yours, holding your attention. “I didn't just want to use your connections with the FBI. I wanted you." 
The warm glow in your belly begins burning, igniting the butterflies’ wings. 
"Thank you for saying that."
"I mean it." Javier's eyes are warm, wide and earnest. They’re holding you there, and all you can do is nod, show him you accept his offering. Javi looks away, and the spell is broken. He removes his hand from your arm, but you can still feel it there like a brand burnt into your skin.
Taking a breath, you try to lighten the mood as you open the car door again.
"I'm going to be dreaming about those tacos, I hope you know. For a long time." You get out and throw your bag over your shoulder, giving him a teasing glare.
"I hope that's not the only thing you dream of, cariño." Javier winks, matching your tone. You shake your head at him with a smile. 
"Goodnight, Javi." He waits until you start your car and drive off before following you out of the parking lot. 
Javier’s words ring in your ears the entire way home. You don't know what to think of this enigmatic man, who always has a way of surprising you, but you’re also hoping for more interesting dreams.
Back home, Javier decides to take a shower and wash the day from him. All in all, he thinks, it’s going to be a very successful briefing. He knows you’ll do a fantastic job, even if you don’t believe it yourself. At the food truck, Carmen was telling him you seemed nice, and then, “You need a nice girl, Javi.” You are nice. 
Javier puts his head directly under the hot spray and lets the water cascade down his body. Your face enters his mind, like it does so often these days. He can picture you at the picnic table, smiling and laughing, teasing him by practically reenacting the deli scene from When Harry Met Sally. Javier shakes his head, smiling to himself, and grabs the soap. That viejito with his friends had called out, "I hope you make her sound like that at home, mijo!" 
Indulging, just for a moment, Javier wonders what sounds you would make if he did have you at home. His cock twitches to life at the mere idea. 
If he had you laid out on his bed, writhing, responding to his touch, his mouth, his words…what would those noises be like? He wants to hear all your sounds, wants to be the one to elicit your breathy pants and gasps, your moans, whines, and whimpers. He wants to hear you beg him for release – needs to hear his name on your lips like an invocation.
Javier's cock is responsive, quickly becoming hard at the thought of hearing you let go and lose yourself. "Jesus..." he groans, the soap in his hands makes his motions slick and easy. 
First, he washes himself slowly, languidly, taking his time with the fantasy. His hands become yours, spreading the rich lather over his chest and shoulders, then trailing down the plane of his stomach to the thatch of hair at the root of his dick. 
Javier begins stroking himself, slowly at first, experimentally. "Shit…oh, shit." He's already so hard, his dick jumping as he grasps himself more firmly. He wonders if your fingers would be able to close all the way around his girth. Would you be tentative and hesitant at first, or would you take him confidently in your grip, grasping with a twist of your wrist at the head. 
Precum pearls at the tip of his cock and he swipes the pad of his thumb. Would you do the same, or would you get down on your knees and look up at him through your lashes, tongue out to taste him? The thought of you there in front of him, mouth and hand encasing his cock, sends a spasm of pleasure through him and he braces a hand against the cold tiles of the shower wall.
"Fuck–," he chokes out. He grits his teeth and squeezes the base of his cock, breathing through his nose for a second until he’s backed off from the edge. 
If he’s going to let himself go there, to cross that line mentally, Javi wants to draw this fantasy out and make the most of it. He wants to imagine what your body would feel like under his hands, how soft your skin would be, the jiggle of your soft flesh as he thrusts into you. Javier imagines your beautiful legs wrapped around his waist, heels digging into his ass, spurring him on harder and faster. 
His strokes start to falter as he thinks of your tight, velvety walls squeezing him, fluttering as he pushes you closer to the edge. He's so close, he could cum right now if he let himself, but in his mind's eye you're not there yet. Not quite ready. 
What would get you where you need to be? Maybe you like your nipples sucked and nibbled on, your neck and ears kissed, a thumb circling your swollen clit. 
Javier's pants and grunts are the only noises over the rush of the water, besides the slick, rhythmic sound of him jerking off. So close. So fucking close – but not yet.
Maybe you like to be on top, grinding down against that delicious pressure, sweaty chests pressed together. You might like to lean back, hands on his thighs as he supports you with a strong grip around your waist, just so you could feel that angle just the way you like. 
Would your legs and belly start to shake, like his are now? Would a deep, searing kiss help you inch closer to finishing, his tongue thrusting into your mouth the way his cock would piston in and out of your cunt?
His pants are turning into gasps, his chest tight, your name on the tip of his tongue…if he could just let himself give it over.
Or…maybe all you need is to be talked through it, given permission to let go. Maybe you need to be told instead, to follow orders, to let him take what he needs from you –
"Unh, oh–f-fuck – FUCK," Javier's fingers grasp for purchase at the slippery tile, legs threatening to give out as his cum shoots out in ropes. One hits the wall, the next the edge of the tub, the rest spills out over his fist. 
Javi huffs out a moan with each spasm, toes curling, vision going black at the edges. He wishes he could give himself over to the sensations, disappear into the rush and tingles, the blood pumping in his veins, heart beating through his chest. But something holds him back from fully giving into the fantasy. 
He feels a twinge of guilt as he cleans himself up and finishes the shower. Even though it is just a fantasy, he wonders if allowing himself this indulgence will make it more difficult to face you tomorrow morning at the briefing. 
Still, as he lays in bed, the sheets cool and refreshing against his naked body still hot from the shower, he wonders what you like after sex. Once your heart beat slows and you catch your breath, opening your eyes to look at your lover, are you a cuddler? Do you like to be taken care of, cleaned up gently, soothed and reassured, held closely? You strike him as the type to enjoy the sensuality of physical touch and affection; it could add to your post-orgasm comedown, drawing out the blissful mental space you enter. 
Digging the heels of his palms into his eyes, Javier lets out a heavy sigh and fights the temptation to light up a cigarette. Instead, he chooses to distract himself with his phone; he can answer a few work emails before going to sleep. Javi’s surprised to see a text from you instead. 
Thanks again for your help. I'm really glad I'm here too.
In spite of himself, he can't help but smile. The urge for a cigarette eases and he thinks about what to write back. Grinning, he sends his reply and settles in to go to sleep. 
We’ll get tamales next time.
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Series Masterlist || Next Chapter
Additional Author’s Note: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all the lovely comments and reblogs! I can’t tell you how much they mean to me. As always, I would love-love-love to know what you think. I really want to become a better writer, so any and all feedback is welcome! Thank you for reading! 💜
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sadistic-kiss · 6 months
Wild dream Slap Ass Recap Part 2:
(You will not believe the dream I just experienced this time. THIS is the type of dream I want not the horror dream I had with sukuna ✋😭.)
*Slaps hands together*
I’m but a poor peasant demon child with horns and a tail, trying to help the sick in my neighborhood. I don’t know what happened to my parents but I was being raised by a wise old lady. Demon and angels are of different class. Angels being prestige and just all powerful. Demons used to run rampant in the world killing humans but then the angels saved the people, but ever since then, demons have been treated like shit. We wear collars that cut off our powers and are used as servants. If we try to take the collar off it will sense it and explode our heads 😭.
So here I am going to my job getting paid but a penny. (YES AS A CHILD) My Angel boss is a real arse. He’s super mean to the demons because he can be. It’s acceptable.
Returning home there is this huge ruckus, I see an angel holding a child by his hair swinging him around as he’s yelling and the mother is pleading. I know this child he’s my best friend, so I’m like hey stop that he was just trying to help his sick mother! But old granny grabs me and tells me to be quiet.
“HE STOLE FROM ME!” The angel is yelling. “A precious heirloom!”
While the mother is crying and apologizing, “I will work over time!”
The angel is demanding double for the price of what was stolen and if the mother cannot come up with the money then he will take the child as payment. The heirloom was already returned but of course bully angels. The mother would need to work a whole year to repay that amount of money. And the angel is demanding it by the weekend. So she accepts knowing that she hasn’t a shot but at least she gets to spend time with her son or come up with something.
I go up to her and tell her that I can try to help as much as I can, maybe we could put some money together as a community. But the mother only smiles at me and thanks me. Then returns home with her child, telling him everything will be fine.
At night I hear whispering outside my window and secret chatter. Sticking my head out im like what’s happening? And I see the mother and child wearing cloaks and another individual I of course know. Clearly they are trying to sneak away. When the child sees me he’s like come with u best friend I like you and don’t want to be apart. And I’m like sorry I’m scared. And he told me it’s okay to be scared, mom will protect you.
I still don’t go because I also have wise old grandma. So instead I tell him good luck.
Fast forward…Well let’s just say they ended up not making it. And to make a show to the other demons they killed the mother and boy and nice man in front of us. I was cryinggggg. To which started my villain arc and old grandma was like I got you I was in the war, I learned how to turn off the collars.
Long training arc/years later I am a teenager ready to wreck havoc. I’m apart of a secret group of demons who are tired of this shit grandpa.
We have a plan mapped out. Me and a few others are to infiltrate the main city for the angels as a servants. A human is going to merge with the powerful angel Tengen who gives them a barrier of protection. (Or something like that). They are of course called the star child ✨. See what my brain did there lol. But we have to kill them before they merge. Yes toji is a demon too he’s the main leader of the operation. his wife was killed by an Angel so there’s his hate :).
Anyways this will happen within a few years but we are preparing now. At all cost we must kill whoever the star angel is.
I got put with the snobby angel Gojo and of course Getou was always there 😭. These hoes were ruthless. Gojo looked down on demons with his beautiful stupid blue eyes. At some point he said something that had me snap on him and I punched him in his face 😂 I thought he was going to have me killed but he didn’t (because the Hoe secretly in love with me lol).
So that was a fun time because the sexual tension was at an all time high for whatever reason. And we may have dabbled in some smut but you know I just want to say that was just the part of my brain that just went brr for my daddies BUT the hatred was still there I swear 😭.
*Time skip*
So the day is upon us, the star child is to be merged with Tengen and would you look at that the idiots that I served got put to protect the girl. There’s like this whole plan from the angels to make it seem like there are multiple star children. But something in me tells me that it’s this girl. (It must have been the obvious connection in my brain lol I cheated)
I’m supposed to stay home but Toji finds me and says it’s go time. Toji catches Gojo and getou off guard the same as in the anime and I’m hiding, waiting for my opportunity. So while toji is fighting gojo I sneak and follow getou and Riko.
So I’m the one that kills Riko while they were talking 😂✋ and getou is losing his mind and I’m like “I HOPE YOU FEEL THAT PAIN BECAUSE THATS HOW I FEEL WATCHING MY FRIEND DIE!”
Boom we start fighting and then Toji comes in and is like it’s time to go girl you did good. And he’s about to kill getou but i tell him I’ll do it but I don’t because that’s still my baby I guess XD.
So we leave and that’s what starts the demon and angel war AGAIN.
*Time skip*
It’s complete anarchy. The purge times ten.
Long story short I start to realize we are starting to become the very thing we hated. getou and gojo went on a full fucking rampage trying to find me and kidnapped me only for some there’s a whole lotta hate sex going on like what 😭✋.
Some enemies to lovers business.
I’m going to be so honest I don’t know how we reached peace because toji and the other demons were trying to kill me for being a traitor 😂, but it may have been the fact that I was preggos with a angel demon baby that came out with horns and wings and everyone was like the first demon angel to be born but then that led to more demon angel children appearing like nay! We’ve been in hiding for too long! We want peace and harmony! And it turns out Megumi was one of them and Toji’s wife was an Angel and she actually died shortly after child birth. Like the plot twist was real. And toji was like I didn’t know I had a son. :0?????
*Daddy son hug*
✨Yay happy ending 😌✨
The smut was quite good too. Hmmm yummy threesome with getou and gojo when they were pissed at me… 🌚🌝 kisses brain* thanks for this lovey movie, it may not have been nanami and me on a cruise but I’ll take it.
Also because I’m a hoe I did sleep with Toji and Sukuna too. But if I make this into a story I may or may not put that in it, I dunno. But Sukuna was a demon who onlry wanted to kill angels for fun so you can see how he got problematic …so we had to lock him up inside a human (YUUJIIII~)
Okay back to sleep I go just wanted to type this out before I forget it ✨🖤✨
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
Freedom Doesn't Mean No Work
Summary: Junko has a free weekend.
She spends it tearing apart Mikan's wardrobe.
For DR Rarepair Week 2024 Day Seven: Fashion/Decorations, hosted by @dr-rarepair-week-blog.
Rating: T.
TW for implications of sexual assault.
“Miki, your clothes are atrocious.”
It’s the opposite of a normal Saturday evening for one Mikan Tsumiki.  A normal Saturday evening would likely be spent holed up in the Nurses’ Office, going through the various medications and medicines, organizing in a variety of different ways until she found the one she liked best, intentionally avoiding a certain member of the student body who is technically considered one of her friends but who often has a lot of not nice things to say to and about her.  (To be fair, Mikan hasn’t told her to stop, and she vastly prefers that to being ignored, but the Nurses’ Office is more than a bit of a safe space for her to hide out, and after a week of having to be around people and feel their disdain for her, staying there – even alone – is calming.  She really shouldn’t be there over the weekend, but it helps prepare her for the rest of the week.  Besides, it’s important to be ready for anything that might happen, so making sure she’s well stocked is important.  That’s what she tells herself, anyway.)
But Junko Enoshima—
That’s a whole sentence in and of itself, Mikan is quickly learning.  She doesn’t even have to finish it.  When one of the teachers asked her why she was late to the Nurses’ Office this week, she only had to mention Junko, and they understood.  She could use it with her classmates, too; it was like a spell – mention Junko, and suddenly everything is not only fine, it is forgiven.
Junko’s never really spent time with Mikan over the weekend before.  Not because she doesn’t love her, or anything; it’s just that most of Junko’s interviews happen over the weekend, so she’s often gone.  They don’t get a lot of time together during the week either, but that’s because of classes and…and other things.
(Mikan does not know about the other girl.  She suspects that Junko is with someone else, someone from her class, but she’ll never ask.  She would rather not know.  She’s afraid of what that would say about Junko; she’s afraid of how Junko will react if she asks.  It’s better not to say anything; it’s better not to ask; it’s better not to know.  She can’t afford to lose her.
She won’t.)
Junko has a free weekend.  No magazines, no photo shoots, no interviews.  (No other girl taking up her time.)  So she’s here, with Mikan, in Mikan’s room.
Which isn’t weird, exactly, but Mikan knows Junko would rather spend time with a movie or something on in the background, and she doesn’t have a television – at least, she doesn’t have a fancy one like she knows Junko would prefer – but Junko’s….
Junko’s still here.
With her.
In her room.
And not anywhere else.
Mikan blushes at the thought.
…even if Junko is tearing her wardrobe to shreds.
“J-J-Junko-chan, those are my…my c-c-clothes—”
Junko pauses, holds out a shirt that Mikan doesn’t even like, and then reads the clothes tag.  She scowls.  “This says extra extra small, Miki.  You’re not an extra extra small.  You’re not even an extra small.  Why do you have this?  Does it even fit?”
“N-n-no.”  Mikan’s gaze shifts away from the shirt in question, which Junko tosses into a pile with most of Mikan’s other clothes.  “But it doesn’t…it doesn’t not fit?”
“Oh, yeah?”  Junko tugs the shirt back out of the pile and throws it to her.  “Put it on, then.”
“?????”  Mikan stares at the shirt.  “Y-y-you w-w-want me t-t-t-to—”  She flushes a bright, bright red.  “I-I-I’d have to…have to—”
Junko sighs.  She steps forward and sets the too small shirt on Mikan’s bed.  “I’ll close my eyes,” she murmurs.  Then she reaches over, runs her fingers up Mikan’s arm, and suppresses a grin.  “Unless you want me to look.”
Thirty Minutes Later.
“What do you mean ‘it doesn’t not fit?’  Miki, that thing is as good as a bra!  I can see your whole stomach!”  Junko runs her fingers along Mikan’s sides, tracing the edges of the scars she finds there.  She doesn’t flinch away from them – doesn’t flinch away from her – although her gaze clearly softens when she sees them.
(This is why it took so long – not because Mikan didn’t mind Junko seeing, but because she was afraid what the scars all along her back would say.  Of what Junko would do, seeing them.)
Mikan’s gaze drifts.  “Small is…is better than…than big,” she mutters.
Junko just shakes her head.  “If this was bigger, I could make it fit you.  I can’t fix small.”
Mikan still doesn’t look up.  “Big is too much like…like….”  She hesitates.  Takes a deep breath.  “B-b-boys like it when…when you’re in their clothes.  They…th-th-they th-th-think it’s…it’s sexy.  B-b-but their clothes are always…are always so b-b-big.”  She brushes her fingers through her hair, tucks it back and away, tries not to think about how uneven it is.  “When I wear clothes that are…that are too big, then I feel like…I feel like—”
“You don’t have to say it.”
Junko takes Mikan’s hands and tugs her towards her.  When Mikan stumbles forward, she neatly catches her.  “Look, do you….”  She makes a tsking noise and glances over to the pile of clothes she’s discarded on the floor. “Do you even like any of these?”
Mikan doesn’t even look at the clothes.  She looks at Junko’s hands in hers.  “Is this…is this really how y-y-you wanted to…to s-s-spend the weekend?”
There’s no hesitation when Junko answers, “No,” and equally no hesitation when she says, “But your wardrobe really is atrocious, Miki.  I’m your girlfriend, and I’m the Ultimate Fashionista—”
“Y-y-you’re….”  Mikan’s eyes widen in shock, and she looks up.  “Y-y-you’re what?”
Junko stares at her.  Blinks.  “The Ultimate Fashionista.”
Mikan shakes her head.  “N-n-no. B-b-before that.  You…you said something before that.”
“About your wardrobe being absolute shit?”
Mikan’s gaze drops.  “N-n-no.”  She sucks her lower lip between her teeth and doesn’t try again.  She must have…she must have just misheard.
But Junko leans forward, but Junko brushes her lips against Mikan’s cheek. “I’m your girlfriend,” she repeats, soft, and when Mikan looks up and meets her eyes, she continues, “and you ought to take advantage of that.”
Mikan flushes a bright red.
“So,” Junko says with a sigh, “we’re getting you new clothes, and I’m fixing them for you.”  She pushes Mikan gently so that Mikan stumbles again, so that she falls back on her bed.  “Now take your clothes off.  I need to get your measurements.”
Mikan just swallows, nods, and obeys.
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odiesbun · 2 years
May I please request a hyunjin fic where his gf (y/n) is a YouTuber and he promised to film a video with her but he’s been feeling really sick all day (maybe he has a migraine or something because of busy schedules) and doesn’t have the heart to tell her in fear of letting her down but then she slowly realizes takes care of him and it’s all cute n fluffy 🥹🤎
♡...Migraine, YouTube and You...♡
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There may be errors in the text, as my native language is not English. Thank you for your likes and your request!
genre: fluff, some angst
warning: YouTube reference, subscribers, s/o is youtuber.
w.c: 0.7k
a/n: it was an excellent idea, but I messed it up, lol. It's probably not what you expected, but I'll post it anyway, sorry.
Hyunjin really liked what you did on the weekends. Every weekend, you'd leave Hyunjin to sleep in your shared bedroom because he was working very hard at work on weekdays, and you'd go and record a new YouTube video.
By the way, your subscribers knew that you were in a relationship with someone, but since a full introduction to Hyunjin and your subscribers hadn't happened yet, you both promised to arrange it this weekend.
As you sat at your desk among the three color monitors, Hyunjin slowly opened his eyes, feeling a strange sensation. After yesterday's grueling workout, his whole body ached, his head ached, and everything was blurry in front of his eyes, so he saw several objects instead of one. His painful groan as he tried to roll over into a comfortable position, or at least into a sitting position, was probably heard by your subscribers.
Once again Hyunjin's thoughts echoed, causing his eyes to widen. Just today, on his day off, he had promised to record a video of you, a thought that struck him in the face again and again, causing his heart to flip painfully each time.
Suddenly you walked into the room happy, headphones on and phone in hand, reading a ton of comments about your fans wanting to see your boyfriend. But as soon as you saw Hyunjin's condition, you frowned slightly and sighed. Hwang looked at you with a pitying look, reaching out to you and inviting you to sit beside him.
- „My subscribers want to see you...“ - You broke the silence by sitting down next to you. Hwang whimpered.
- „I'm aware of that...“ - He answered muffled and hoarsely, almost ready to cry. You looked at him in surprise, completely unaware of the sudden reason for Hwang's condition, and I'm not just talking about the physical, but also the moral.
- „Hyunjin, are you all right? You don't look well...“ - You muttered, softly touching his cheek, causing Hwang to cover his eyes.
- „I'm fine... I'm just not fully awake yet. I.. I'll come over to your place soon to record the video.“ - After assuring you that he was fine, yet barely able to lie down, Hyunjin continued to lie in bed.
When you left to let him prepare for the video, Hyunjin alternately fell asleep and woke up again with a painful and exasperated groan. In the third drawer of his bedside table, he fumbled for a medicine cabinet in which he found a headache pill and drank it. He was in admiration for you and the content you posted on the Internet, but he was so afraid of screwing up in front of you...
As Hyunjin staggered out of the room, still trying to fulfill the promise he had made to you a few days ago, you came into the room in a whirlwind.
- „Y/n, I was just about to...“ - Hyunjin leaned against the wall, but you interrupted him instantly, pointing to the bed.
- „Lie down. No more words, I won't take no for an answer.“ - You stood confidently beside the bed, hands at your sides. Hyunjin obediently lay down, sighing and whispering words of apology about how sorry he was that he couldn't record a video with you.
- „That's only half the trouble. The important thing now is to get you back on your feet and to feel normal.“ - You smile softly, making Hyunjin's heart melt even in spite of his disgusted state.
Hyunjin felt a little better. Now he was telling you about the events of the past week, describing each event in color and making you smile. He was lying on your chest while you gently ran his hair between your fingers.
- „Still, I'm sorry.“ - Hyunjin sighed softly after a while, covering his eyes.
- „Ah? Why?“ - You raised your eyebrows in surprise, looking at the boy with surprise and incomprehension.
- „Because I let you down... Besides, your subscribers were so eager to see me.“
- „Hyunjin, it's okay if you can't accomplish what you set out to do. Your condition is much more important than some video. My fans understood me when I said we would temporarily postpone the date to meet you because you weren't feeling well.“ - You grabbed Hwang's face in your palms, pulling him closer to you. Hyunjin absorbed the words like a sponge, occasionally blinking innocently until his eyes glistened happily.
- „You know what I want to tell you?“ - He gently lean forward, staying a few inches away from you. You smirked.
- „And what's that?“
- „That I love you. I always will. Thank you for still being with me.“ - He smiled before kissing you softly on the lips, chuckling.
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americasass81 · 6 months
Vibranium Knight
Warnings:- Mild Kidnapping, Use of Pet Names, Cockwarming, P in V Smut.  18+ only. Do not read if any of these warnings are upsetting. Feedback is welcomed.
By proceeding you are acknowledging that you are over 18 and are consenting to the content below the cut.
Author’s Note 1:- @targaryenvampireslayer just a little something I wrote for you Suz to hopefully make your working day a little brighter.  Sorry it took so long but I hope it’s worth the wait being that this is my first time writing for this character I know you adore..
Author’s Note 2:- As always, all images have been found through google search.
Synopsis:- Enjoying a beautiful Spring day was not supposed to introduce you to a whole new world of possibilities but that’s exactly what happens when your distracted state intersects with an Avenger on a totally personal mission.
Pairings:- dark-ish!Sam Wilson x Female Reader.
Word Total:- 4,836
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The office was quiet as you sat down at your desk and turned on the monitor, but the silence didn't really help.  The truth was nothing did.  ‘Why did it have to be this way?’ you thought as you now stood back up and headed for the nearest coffee machine while your computer flickered to life and the pinging of the elevator told you that soon your colleagues would be filing out of it to join you in another monotonous day of being totally undervalued while you scrimped and saved to hopefully retire before the humdrum working existence stole all semblance of joy from your life.
Sitting back down now and stealing a quick, generous amount of the caffeine infused beverage designed to see you through the day, you nodded kindly at your colleagues and exchanged pleasantries about your weekend activities before throwing yourself headlong into your work and counting down the seconds until lunch brought a much needed and welcome relief.  Or at least that's what it usually did.
Powering down your computer at the 1 o'clock mark and picking up your jacket while rising from your chair, a brisk walk to the elevator past the fire alarm that you'd dreamed so often of pulling just to add some excitement to the boring office routine, a smooth, uninterrupted trip down to the ground floor and your were free.  At least temporarily anyway.
Stepping outside the door then and taking in a few delightful breaths of the sweet spring air, you contemplated getting in your car, letting the top down and just spending your hour's break cruising around the city.  After all, it wasn't very often you got weather like this that let you feel the wind in your face or the sun shining down on you in a manner that wouldn't leave you burning up from the inside out afterwards.  No, this was exactly the type of weather you relished.
Not too hot, not too cold, you took one last delightful lungful and agreed instead that this was far too glorious a day to waste even a second of it sitting around in smog-fueled traffic.  Walking instead now to your favorite restaurant and collecting your usual order to go, you next headed to the local park and finding one of the easily accessible benches beside the river, sat down and tucked into the mouthwatering ramen noodle dish that only David managed to prepare just the way you liked it.
Although to be fair you thought as you took that first delicious bite and savored every single flavor that assaulted your taste buds, the other staff members never really screwed up this dish and it was the main reason you loved their food so much, but there was just something extra that seemed to make it taste a whole lot nicer when David made it.  Maybe he added something the others didn't.  Maybe it was his infectious smile and sunny disposition.  And then just maybe, it was the fact that he always had it hot and prepared for you the second you walked in as if he somehow accepted how excruciatingly tedious and demanding your work environment was and how precious this lunchtime break was for you.
A good deed in a weary world.  And yet something so small that made a world of difference to you.
Finishing up your meal now and dumping the rubbish in the nearest bin provided, you then decided that a bit of exploration was due you before you headed back to the grind of daily life necessary to pay your bills and afford you some small pleasure away from the hustle and bustle of trying to get a leg up in the corporate world.  And perhaps it was this very ruminating that found you off the beaten track in an area of the park you had never ventured before as a cloth came up to cover your mouth while the world went black all around you.
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Coming back to the waking world some time later with absolutely no idea of what had happened in between or how much time had passed exactly, two things at least were perfectly clear .... and only one of them brought you any semblance of relief.  Looking around the room now while simultaneously focusing your gaze on the outside world that greeted you through a nearby window, you knew beyond all doubt now that this was not your apartment while the vegetation blooming back at you confirmed this too was no longer the city you knew and worked in.  As for the second thing?  Well, the pounding in your head told you you were well and truly alive, but whether or not that was a good thing or a bad thing remained to be seen.
Rising slowly from the bed now and thankful from your head to your toes that every stitch of clothing you had last put on was at least in place, you still needed to know exactly what was going on.  Walking then from the side of the huge bed over to the double doors that clearly opened on the outside world, you placed your palms on the handles and sent up a silent plea before quietly as possible pushing down and releasing a breath as the latches gave way and an exit appeared.  Giving one last look behind you then to make sure you hadn't alerted whomever it was that brought you here against your will, you next stepped forwards into the unknown and faced what lay ahead.  And what an experience that was.
Gazing around you now at wide open fields in every direction set against the backdrop of a picturesque mountain and river, it would have taken your breath away if not for the truth of what it revealed .... you were totally and utterly cut off from civilized society.  Taking an extra few moments still to just stand there and soak in the peace and tranquility so evident in every rock and blade of grass before you, you then pulled yourself away from the quiet and headed back towards the house.  It was time to figure out where you went from here.
Turning around then and walking back through the double doors that just moments ago had offered you freedom and then stolen it away just as easily, you stopped up short however when a man appeared through another door in the bedroom covered in only a towel as water droplets running down his exposed upper half told you he had just returned from a shower.  Which actually explained why your absence had gone unnoticed .... at least until now.
"Well hello there chicklet, am I to assume by your return that you're not yet ready to try and make a run for it?" he asked while you simply stared blankly back at him as a thousand questions exploded in your mind like fireworks on the 4th of July.  Yet nothing came out.  So it seemed he would have to try again.  "You don't remember me, do you chicklet?" he now asked as he walked fully into the room, closed the doors you had neglected in your shock and then sat down on the seat situated at the foot of the bed to await your response.  A response that came rather quickly this time.
"Remember you?  When the hell did I ever meet you?" you asked, but any answer from him was unnecessary as flashes of memory answered your own question for you.  For you see you had met him.
Oh sure it was now a lifetime ago and he went by The Falcon back then, but there was no mistaking that beautiful smile, those soft eyes or the fact that you haven't lived your life under a rock.  No, the whole world knew of Sam Wilson.  Formerly known as the heroic Falcon, now carrying the mantle of Captain America, the whole world had witnessed his strength and character when The Flagsmashers had sought to create even more chaos out of the tragedy that was the Blip and the resulting return of all those people that had been snapped away.  You on the other hand knew him personally.  Kind of.
Sitting by the catwalk many years back at a New York Fashion Week event your friend Alice had somehow managed to get both of you tickets for, your memory of lying beneath the strapping superhero when guns began blasting and bullets started flying might have remained more prominent in your mind if it wasn't for well .... said gunfight.  As it was, you remembered being tackled to the ground, moved this way and that to a safe place before the winged superhero told you to stay put upon rising from your position and heading off to help The Black Widow deal with whatever skirmish was wreaking havoc on the spectacular event.
No, that was definitely an encounter you were only too happy to forget.  Even if it did include a run-in with an actual Avenger.  But wait, if Sam Wilson was still an Avenger and he was now currently occupying a house in the middle of absolutely nowhere with you, then what exactly did that mean for your current location?  After all, you had woken up that morning in England just like you did every other morning and Sam Wilson, as far as you could recall, was everything good that the United States of America had to offer.  But they were oceans apart.  Literally.  So where the hell were you now?
In the time you had lost had you somehow been transported across the Atlantic to the good old U. S. of A.?   Or was Captain America himself currently shacked up in the most idyllic of settings deep in the heart of the English countryside?  Looking out the double doors once more and realizing now that you could in no way place this location in either country, you were about to give up and ask him where both of you were when a glance through the door he had just entered brought a whole new set of questions and distractions flooding through your mind.
Walking into that room while completely ignoring the half naked Adonis and staring in awe now at the rows of fabric that had caught your attention, one half of what appeared to be a gigantic closet filled with fabulous dresses, comfy casual wear and shoes that would have made Miranda Priestly swoon told you that you were in far more serious trouble than you had previously imagined.  For this situation was not something that had just sprung up overnight.  No, every little detail here had been meticulously planned.  So turning back to the bedroom now and facing the man you suspected to be your abductor, you took a deep breath before asking that very same man what the fuck was going on.
"Aw come on now chicklet, isn't it obvious?" he asked with a smirk before continuing as you sat down on the chair nestled in the corner of the room.  "I built this place for you.  For us.  This beautiful, isolated spot where you can live a life of pampered luxury without that tedious job sapping your joy and killing your creativity.  I've read some of your work, you know.  Who says fantasies don't come true?"
Staring at him blankly now as your mind began spinning with what he had just told you, your anxiety spiked to the point where if you weren't sitting down you would most possibly pass out yet again.  As it was, you now had no alternative but to tell your brain to shut up and think.  For what he was saying couldn't possibly be real.  Right?
Oh sure, you were far from stupid or naïve.  Anyone these days could find anything on the internet with enough savvy if they looked hard enough and of course you were well aware that one or two celebrities at least poked their virtual heads on Tumblr from time to time.  BUT THIS?  Had Sam Wilson really found your blog and read your fics?  Had he truly discovered your secret desire to feel his powerful, naked body pressed against yours after he rescued you from a job that treated you no better than a mechanical robot tapping away at a keyboard and answering questions for people who couldn't even be bothered to thank you afterwards?  Worse yet, how had he managed to put all the pieces together and actually track you down?
No, this couldn't seriously be what was happening here.
Looking up at him now however and seeing the truth etched quite plainly on his handsome face, you quickly got up from your chair and began frantically pacing back and forth before him as your anxiety spiked once more to levels you barely remembered previously experiencing.  "No, no, no.  This can't be happening.  This can't be happening. This.  Can't.  Be.  Happening," you now repeated like a manta in the hopes that saying it enough times, with enough conviction, might make it so.  But that didn't happen as was evidenced when the man whose presence you now tried desperately to ignore reached out, pulled you onto his lap and stopped your ranting the only way he knew was guaranteed to shock you out of your current state.
He kissed you.  And what a kiss it was.
Slow and deep.  Soft and with nothing but luscious lips well versed in the art of seduction, the humming that left your throat as his lips first massaged your top one and then your bottom before alternating back and forth would have been a sound he could happily listen to all day if he didn't have other plans.  For he wanted to hear you scream.  Continuing to gently devour your lips without seeking entry, his hands now moved to cup your ass and massage here too as your brain began the process of slowing down the panic currently controlling your system.  After all he did want you to agree to this and for that he needed you to be calm and thinking clearly.  Well as clearly as his kisses would allow anyway.
Switching from a humming to a purring now as his ministrations continued to calm you while a warm feeling slowly made itself known between your thighs, you were finally relaxed enough to ask Sam what the plan was next, but it seemed he asked that question for you first.  "So chicklet, can I interest you in a life of pleasure and debauchery after all?" he asked as his lips finally left yours and he pulled back from your face just long enough for you to look into his eyes as he continued, "What do you say?  You willing to live here and let your creativity flourish while I spend my days saving the world and my nights ravishing every inch of this .... divine specimen," he finished as his palms squeezed your ass cheeks while his eyes roamed over your clothed form as if it was the most glorious sight he had ever seen.
And maybe it was, but you rarely thought so.
Looking back at him now in return as if he had completely lost his mind and wanting to tell him so, you opened your mouth to turn down his proposal but his lips now buried against your neck brought a whole different response.  One you never consciously planned on making.  "Yes.  Yes.  Oh my god, yes," you moaned out continuously as Sam now nibbled on your neck and shoulders before soothing the harsher nips with his tongue while his hands still caressed your ass and made you wonder if you could actually orgasm from this situation alone.  Which was actually a frightening concept when you thought about it.
Coming to your senses long enough now as a result of this stray thought however, you pushed back slightly from the man beneath you to fully take in the position you were in.  Sitting atop the thighs of Captain America, who was currently wearing nothing but a towel as he set the embers burning in your loins, you wanted to tell him to slow things down but he wasn't having any of it.  You had accepted his offer and he now intended to show you exactly what that meant.  "May I chicklet?" he asked and before your mouth could raise any objections, your head gave an imperceptible nod and that was all the consent he needed.
Returning to kiss your lips now as his tongue this time sought to invade your mouth and distract you from what his hands were doing, you might have been shocked by the strength he displayed in standing up with you in his arms and letting the towel fall from his waist if he wasn't so good with his damn mouth.  As it was, he was very good.  Kissing you endlessly, while twisting his tongue with yours as well as biting it gently every few swirls, you only now noticed the changes taking place when his face disappeared from before you, your back now rested against his chest and the closet door appeared in your vision once more.  He had completely turned you around without ever letting you go.
But that wasn't even the most remarkable feat.
Sitting on his lap still as his lips now returned to tasting any bit of skin they came in contact with, your brain tried to figure out not how he had done what he'd done, but how your jeans and panties now lay lodged around your ankles as his hands began to make themselves acquainted with your most private region.  Roaming along your thighs, squeezing here and there as well as opening you up as wide as was possible atop his powerful legs, the warmth now spreading outwards from your core just ached for him to quench it but he just wanted to have some fun.  And all at your expense it seemed.
Running his fingers back and forth along your slit now as his other hand slid up your top to rest against your stomach, you whined and pleaded for him to make you come but that it seemed was not yet in his immediate plans.  Circling your clit extremely slowly instead to the point where your hips began to move against him, he stopped and slapped your pussy once before chuckling into your neck at the yelp that left your tender lips.  "Patience chicklet, we're a long ways off from making you squirt all over my sheets but .... maybe I can give you something to take the edge off," he offered and with that he once again defied the laws of man by somehow using a foot to finish removing your lower garments before lifting you up and slotting his shaft into your warm, wet and waiting pussy.
And what a feeling it was .... for both of you.  Long and hard and thick enough to split your lower regions apart, you were by no means an innocent virgin, but you suddenly doubted you would ever be satisfied with any rod other than the one currently making its presence known to your fluttering walls.  Not that Sam had any intention of allowing another man or his equipment anywhere near you.
Making you comfortable then as your perfect flower held him snugly in place and his weeping tip just kissed your cervix, his hands now removing your top clothes while his lips by your ear whispered not to move told you his plan was a simple one .... to pleasure you with everything he had except what you really, really wanted.  In other words, he planned to torture you.
Verbally railing against him now as his hands began massaging your breasts while his lips now became acquainted with every bump and dip along your spine, your hands moving down to tend to the ache between your legs brought a murderous slew of profanities streaming from your mouth as his teeth made themselves known to the soft juncture of your neck and your shoulder.
"Chicklet no," he reprimanded now as he pulled his teeth back and he ran his lips over the spot that was sure to sport a lovely mark come morning, "you'll get your release when I give it to you and not a second sooner," he continued as his hands now moved further upwards to allow his fingers dance against your shoulder blades.  Pressing here and kissing there now as you held onto his thighs to keep from toppling forwards, the moans you soon started releasing as his skillful talents worked out knots you never knew existed were matched only by the devious chuckles coming from the man behind you when the odd thrust upwards added a growl from you every now and then.
The bastard wasn't playing fair.
Continuing to run his fingers over every inch of your glorious body as his hands moved down to finally rest atop yours, you hoped now you might finally get some release, but Sam it seemed still wasn't cooperating.  Taking your left hand in his now and linking your fingers together, he next took your hand and moved it to his sac before speaking.  "You feel that chicklet?  What you do to me?  You have no idea the number of nights I've gotten myself off to your writing wishing we could make it real.  Who knows, now that I have you we might even give your back door the attention it so desperately craves," he added and realizing what he was now referencing, your body produced a burst of strength you never knew you possessed and hurled you back across the room as horror dawned on your face while surprise clearly settled on Sam's.
"Please tell me you've taken one too many blows to the head and taken leave of your senses?" you now asked as you reached for the throw resting on the chair and wrapping it around you while waiting for the superhero to prove your suspicions wrong.  For he couldn't possibly be suggesting that.
Unfortunately for you however that's exactly where his mind was headed.  Reiterating once more that he wanted to experience everything with you, both sexual and otherwise, he now joined you on the floor before promising that any and all adventures would only take place when you were ready and with your complete and unwavering consent.
Content at least with the sincerity you found in his eyes and voice, you agreed in principle to give him a chance as he then stood up, offered his hand and pulled you gently from the floor when you easily obliged.  Walking you to the bed then before tipping up back onto it, a few kisses later and his shaft was buried deep inside your pussy as his eyes stared into yours and fingers once more laced with your own just inches from the headboard.
Pulling out slowly then before plunging back in at the same leisurely pace so your quivering walls felt every ridge, vein and twitch his impressive phallus possessed, it was nothing compared to the magic his lips were working.  Feasting on your breasts with just enough pressure to dull the lines between pleasure and pain, his tongue soothing the skin felt like utter bliss.  As were his words.
Dripping with honey and whispered out between bites and moans, the professions of love, praise and plans for your future together did far more in this moment to turn you on really than anything his physical form was capable of.  It was unlike anything you had ever experienced before.  Continuing to gaze into his eyes now as you felt your body moving ever closer to that elusive release you thought would never come, Sam stalled his hips just long enough to whisper those three little words that sent a flutter straight to your heart as your walls contracted and tried to pull him deeper.
"I offer freedom," and with that he kissed you deeper than he had before, brought your interlocked hands closer together and pounded into you with such abandon now that it was impossible to tell where one ended and the other began.  And yet you still didn't feel pain.  There was nothing but love and pleasure and as both of you finally reached the precipice and leapt forwards together there was a strange sense of completeness.  Of being whole.
Continuing then to kiss you through your orgasms as wave after wave of warm cum flooded your insides and reached the sheets as Sam had earlier promised, your eyes closing on this liberating experience shut out any words he murmured as sleep dragged you into its welcoming embrace.
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Opening your eyes on the world again and almost crying out from the loss of the dream that was both bizarrely weird yet oddly satisfying, you snuggled deeper into the soft sheets to hold onto the memory a little while longer.  For you didn't want it to disappear.  Someone had wanted to worship you.  To love you, provide for you and show you that their world began and ended with you.  But of course that only proved it had to vanish.  Work wouldn't wait, wouldn't give you what you most craved.
Groaning in frustration now as you resigned yourself to heading back to the daily grind, a hand appearing from behind you and resting across your stomach brought your focus squarely and securely on the other half of the bed however.  For it seemed you weren't alone.  Frantically wondering what to do now in regards to fight, flight or simply screaming your lungs out like the damsel did in every single horror movie you had ever watched, turning slowly now to assess the situation brought a whole new shocking and wondrous revelation to your unbelieving eyes.  The dream it seemed was real.
Laying beside you now, his hand still resting where it had just landed, his naked form clothed in fabric and sleep, Sam Wilson looked a vision if such a thing could be said about a man.  But what then did this mean for you?  Was the dream actually real and not a dream at all?  Had this real life, honest to goodness superhero been serious when he offered to pamper and pleasure you every second his presence wasn't required to save the world?  Did this really mean you never had to work in that deplorable, dead end job again where you were less valued than the office chair you sat on?
Contemplating all these questions now while reaching out to touch the man beside you simply to further confirm his existence was real, you were just about to place your palm gently upon his cheek when you thought better of it.  This was nuts.  Total, complete and utter bonkers.  Your life wasn't meant to be this easy and carefree.  Writing stories and having your every sexual desire catered to by your very own superhero.  Never again having to worry about bills, unappreciative bosses or rude customers whom it seemed had never been taught terms like kindness or common decency.
No, things like this never happened to you and so as you resigned yourself to the fact that all of this was simply wishful thinking, you turned away from the god before you and prepared to exit the bed and return to the reality that was your life.  But it seemed this trip was only ever meant to be one way.
Joining you now away from the peaceful embrace of slumber that previously held all of his attention, Sam opened his eyes, reached out his other hand and pulled you tighter towards him.  "Now, now chicklet, I hope you don't plan on sneaking out of our bed to run off somewhere at this god awful early hour.  It's too warm and cozy here for me to have to chase you down and fuck you where I catch you," he murmured between still sleepy breaths.
Gulping down your shock now as images of his glorious erection splitting you apart the previous night sprang forth before your eyes, his knowing smirk told you he had you right where he wanted you.  You weren't yet ready for another round.  Still unsure of where he got his stamina from and how you were meant to keep up, the throbbing still present in your pussy and his intense gaze raking over your equally naked form quickly and easily made up your mind.
Now was the time to be his good girl.
Finally admitting defeat and turning back onto your side, you silently allowed Sam Wilson to spoon your bodies together and pull the covers back over both of you before closing your eyes and drifting back to sleep with the promise that when you woke again you would try employing reason and common sense to regain control over your future.  Even if the grip around your midsection solidly confirmed your plan was doomed to failure and the future he promised was now yours for the taking.
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densi-mber · 9 months
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We Swear It’s Not Real
A/N: Thanks to @mashmaiden for the scenario! Set at the end of season 7, but AU in that Kensi and Deeks are not already together.
“Ok, so I think that should be the last thing until the actual wedding,” Kensi announced, double checking the expansive color-coded list placed in front of her.
“Sweet.” Deeks peered over her shoulder on the way to Kensi’s fridge. “Wait, was there always a dove release on the itinerary?”
“Yep.” Kensi made a face. “Kat says it’s regal.”
“I could debate that, but it would be futile,” Deeks said. He came back from the fridge with a bucket of cut fruit, and offered it to Kensi. “Did I tell you Kip has some extra tickets for next weekend? You want to go?”
“Oh no, we can’t go then. We’ve got Kat’s wine tasting on Saturday,” Kensi reminded him. “Sorry.”
“Right,” Deeks sighed, like it was perfectly reasonable. “I didn’t realize that wine tastings were a part of wedding preparation. And requires the entire wedding party.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s just a Kat thing.” Kensi paused to roll her eyes. “You know how over-the-top she is.”
“Oh, I know. The the whole show ponies thing was kind of a clue.”
Deeks smiled, sending a quick text to Kip.
Pretending to be Kensi’s date to Kat’s wedding had seemed easy enough when she first presented the idea. Given her chronically terrible dating history, she hadn’t felt like explaining the complete absence of a plus-one at any of Kat’s events. Or worse, be set up with every available male by her well-meaning friends.
Deeks wasn’t exactly entangled himself, so after a very small amount of consideration, he’d agreed to be Kensi’s fake date for Kat’s wedding season. He’d even thought it might be fun, and certainly would give him ample reasons to tease Kensi.
What he hadn’t anticipated was just how much time they’d spend together, pretending to be a couple. It was their undercover roles as Melissa and Justin on overdrive. Because as ridiculous as it sounded, Kat, Mindy, Mandy, Tiffany, and Tiffani scrutinized them far more intensely than any Russian spies ever could. If they were holding hands, kissing, and just generally exuding an air of absolute bliss, one of the girls noticed.
The hardest part though, was pretending that he didn’t enjoy it. He enjoyed every kiss, snuggle, dance, or moment when he got hold her hand. It made him feel like he was cheating, even though Kensi encouraged it.
It was an awful kind of torture. One he kept coming back for more over and over again.
They ate dinner together, which seemed an increasingly regular occurrence neither of them bothered to question. Tonight, Deeks threw together a stir fry and rice; since he’d started coming over more frequently, Kensi’s kitchen stayed better stocked.
“Thanks for cooking and cleaning,” Kensi said from her position at the table. He’d gladly have cleaned a thousand dishes then deal with sorting through the pile of invitations in front of her. Though he’d probably end up helping out anyway.
“No problem. I’ll see you in the morning,” he said, leaning in to kiss Kensi before he headed for the door. It wasn’t until he was halfway down sidewalk that he realized what he’d done.
He’d kissed Kensi. And it wasn’t under any pretense related to the wedding or a case.
He’d kissed Kensi, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Deeks went into work the next morning with serious misgivings. Kensi hadn’t texted him at all since he left her apartment last night. He debated calling her immediately to apologize, but chickened out and ended up pacing for most of the night.
He walked into the bullpen, still uncertain what to do. Kensk was already sitting at her desk when he entered; she looked up briefly, her expression giving nothing away.
“Hey. You’re in early,” Deeks noticed, testing the waters. She didn’t seem angry at least. Though maybe she was just waiting for the right moment.
“Yeah, well, I’ve been slacking on paperwork with all the wedding stuff. So, I figured I’d knock it out today before Hetty gives me one of her notes,” she explained, eyes tracking her computer screen as she typed.
“Makes sense.”
Setting his bag on his desk, he logged into his own laptop. Silence settles around them as they both quietly worked. A good 20 minutes passed, and Deeks realized he would need to broach the topic since Kensi clearly wasn’t.
“Hey, um, I’m sorry about what happened last night,” he started, and Kensi frowned. “You know, the uh, the kiss. I wasn’t thinking.”
“Oh.” Kensi shrugged, focusing on the brushing some crumbs off her desk. “I didn’t even notice.”
“Really?” Based on her refusal to look him in the eye, he sincerely doubted that.
“Yeah. I mean, it’s just a habit right? And we’ve kissed so many times by now, that it’s no big deal anymore,” Kensi continued, letting out a nervous chuckle that approached cackle.
“Yeah, no. You’re completely right,” he agreed, and Kensi looked up sharply. “It meant nothing.”
“So no reason to apologize.”
“Exactly.” They stared at each other, neither breaking away until Sam and Callen came in, bantering as usual.
He swore a hint of disappointment flash across Kensi’s face in the second before she turned away again.
A/N: In direct contrast to my recent story, Kensi and Deeks apparently have all the time in the world in this fic.
Part 2 to come.
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fyodoro · 1 year
Hi ! I love your writing ! Would it be okay if i requested Toya and his s/o going on a date to Phoenix wonderland and running into WxS ?
Thank in advance !
-> 𝐂𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
It’s been hard to find time alone with you recently, so why not plan a date with just the two of you? But with his luck, of course it’s no longer just the two of you…
With Toya Aoyagi | Genre - kinda crack?
Cw) mentions of toya’s dad, author got tired so this is kinda short and ends abruptly, Toya forced to acknowledge luck is real, akito is annoying, you almost punch tsukasa and rui
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Toya never considered himself an “unlucky” person, nor a “lucky” person. He hardly believed in luck anyways, anything that happens is only by chance. Whether it’s a good chance or a bad chance is merely up to whoever is watching over this world. But if he just had to assume his luck, he’d say it’s in the middle.
His father forced him into classical music- bad luck. During that time, the worst it had ever been, he met you and Akito- good luck. When he dived head first into surpassing Rad Weekend with his group, his father disapproved- bad luck. Everything was balanced in his life, including luck.
But recently, if you asked him to assume what sort of luck he has, he’d more than likely say “bad.”
Everything was going great. Hell- it still was! But there’s been too many interruptions in the past few weeks, with anyone or anything.
The first instance was preparing for a new event in a live houses. Just as Toya was about to go on stage with everyone else, his mother called him for a family emergency. He had to have Arata fill in for him, just to find out this “family emergency” was just a broken piano that needed to be fixed. To say he was annoyed would be an understatement.
The second instance was with you. While not nearly as frustrating as the first scenario, it was still a bother.
You two were on a casual date, just walking around Vivid Street together. Unfortunately, Akito just had to spot you and Toya. He ran up to you two with a stupid smirk. He ended up tagging along for the rest of the “date.” Toya didn’t mind spending time with you and Akito at the same time, but couldn’t he get a little alone time with you?
The third instance made Toya realize something was definitely up. There’s no way these things can keep happening time and time again in a row, right?
This time, it was at Weekend Garage. The whole group had free time after practice today, so everyone decided to hang around for a while at Weekend Garage. “A while” turned into the whole day, but it wasn’t like anyone there minded. Well, not anyone there at least.
The door chimed, alerting Ken of another customer. But when Toya looked back? He wasn’t sure whether he wanted to laugh, cry, roll his eyes, or be in disbelief.
Because there he was, his father, Harumichi Aoyagi in the flesh. At none other than Weekend Garage, one of the most popular street cafes.
No one but you knew what was going on, not even Akito. Toya never introduced the rest to his father mainly out of fear for them, not to mention he never showed pictures either. As a result, they could only imagine what Toya’s father looked like. And this… was certainly not it.
Long story short… Toya’s father wasn’t there to nag him. In fact, he was simply there for a cup of coffee. He’d heard good things about Weekend Garage’s coffee not only from Toya, but from other musicians as well. He thought he should give it a shot.
He spoke with Ken, An’s father, for a bit. They seemed to get along… decently. It was clear to the others Ken wasn’t fond of Harumichi based off the things he’s heard from Toya. Despite that, he remained peaceful throughout the interaction.
His father left the shop, hardly acknowledging Toya much to his relief. This was not a good place for the father and son to interact at, who knows what either of them would slip out.
So here was the dual colored haired boy currently. Toya lied awake in the night, recounting all these past instances. There was one thing he noticed about all of them- they all involved you. The first and third involved others along with you, but it didn’t change the fact you were connected to all of these events.
He wasn’t thinking you were setting him up, but he had a feeling someone was working behind the scenes. Though that leads to the bigger question…who could that be? His group-mates were off the suspect list immediately, he trusted them. None of them would ever do something like this, deliberately at least.
Tsukasa and Rui wouldn’t have, they don’t even know where Vivid Street is located to pull any of this off. His dad? That’s a maybe, but Toya doubts his father would go as far as to breaking a precious piano to screw with his son’s life. They had their problems- but he’d never go that far.
So just who could it be? Or… what could it be? He pondered the question in his mind for what felt like hours, before finally coming up with an idea. He picked up his phone and checked the time, ‘They’re usually still awake around this time’ he thought.
Dialing your number (which he had memorized by heart) he waited patiently on the other end of the line for you to pick up. Heart slightly skipping a beat at the sound of movement through the speaker.
“Hmm, Toya? What’s up? Isn’t it past your bedtime?” You said teasingly. You had always teased him for keeping a strict sleeping schedule, even during the weekends.
“Let’s go to Phoenix Wonderland tomorrow.” He said bluntly, not thinking twice before the words fell out of his mouth.
You were quiet for a moment, taking a second to process what he just said. ‘Isn’t that a bit random?’ You thought.
“Yeah… sure? With who, or will it-“ he cut off your sentence before you could finish.
“Just the two of us… like an actual date. No interruptions this time, just me and you.” His voice held a bit of worry when he mentioned not being interrupted. You only assumed he was referring to the Akito incident a few days back.
“Alright, sounds like a date! I’ll be ready sometime in the afternoon, so I’ll let you know when we can meet up.” You had to admit, you were excited to get one on one time with Toya again. It’s been so long since you hung out as a pair, and you’ve both been too busy to go to each other’s places.
“I’ll be ready whenever. Goodnight, (Name), sleep well.” His tone went softer.
“Goodnight Toya, sweet dreams over there.” And with that, the call ended.
He stared at your contact for a bit after the call ended. He felt… many emotions right now. He was excited to be alone with you for a whole day, but he was still worried something would interfere with your plans. He found it in himself to close his eyes again, finally drifting off to sleep.
‘That’s tomorrow’s problem…’ he thought to himself.
And it was indeed tomorrow’s problem.
The morning started off like any other typical morning in the Aoyagi household, nothing strange about that. The same could be set about your home. Everything was normal so far, nothing out of the ordinary. Well, maybe besides the fact you and your boyfriend were apart for over a day.
Toya didn’t dress too fashionable, this was only a theme park date. It would suck if he wore too much anyways and get stuck on a ride, then that would lead to a whole other problem. As if you were in perfect sync with him, you texted him letting him know you were ready.
‘I’m on my way to your place, meet me half way’ the text read. He replied with a short ‘Alright, leaving now.’
Though ‘half way’ ended up being right in front of the Tenma’s home. There were two thing Toya found notable. The first was that the curtains were shut, when most of the time they were wide open. The second was that there lacked any loud voice, one that could always be heard outside of the house anytime of day. He tried not to think too much of it, but it lurked in the back of his mind.
‘Maybe he’s just asleep…’ he wanted to believe.
The shortcut to Phoenix Wonderland was a real shortcut, resulting in the couple arriving in under 10 minutes. The walk was usually 25 minutes or more, depending on how crowded the streets were. So that shortcut really came in handy anytime you used it.
“So, rides first? Oh! What about those claw machines, we can make it a contest. Whoever gets the most out of the claw machines in five minutes wins.” You sounded too cocky for someone who knew how good Toya was at arcade games, especially claw machines.
He simply nodded, taking your hand, leading you over to the arcade games. Putting enough money in each machine for multiple rounds, you began. You kept checking the side of the glass to make sure the claw was perfectly lined up with a plushie, cutting into your time. Meanwhile, Toya didn’t even bother checking. He kept pressing the button on the stick whenever he assumed it was perfectly lined up.
Safe to say… he won that one.
“A part of me believes you wanted to lose.” Toya stated. You glared at him menacingly, ready to accuse him of rigging your machine to stop you from winning. But, that was interrupted.
“Now look who it is!” A loud voice boomed.
You and Toya had complete opposite reactions to the voice. While Toya turned around instantly, almost having stars in his eyes, you didn’t even want to turn around. If it was who you thought it was… you’d probably end up behaving like Akito.
“Tsukasa?” Toya said in awe. You understood why he respected the Tenma, and you didn’t blame him. But man, did he really have to intervene on your date?
“Not just Tsukasa, I’m here as well.” Another familiar voice chuckled. ‘Oh my god’
“Oh, and Kamishiro? Is your entire troupe here with you, Tsukasa?” Toya asked innocently.
“Uh huh! Look, Nene is here too! Come out from behind Rui, Nene! It’s Toya and (Name)!” A pink haired girl which you weren’t too familiar with exclaimed. She seemed very… Tsukasa like.
Toya put a hand on your shoulder, noticing you were staring at the ground menacingly with your back facing the troupe.
“Do you wanna say hi?” He asked. You begrudgingly nodded your head in response, turning around as much as you thought was necessary, not entirely facing the troupe.
“(Name)! Look at you Toya, here at my theme park with your significant other.”
“This isn’t your theme park, Tsukasa.” Nene said quietly, but enough for you to hear. You always liked her the most, mainly because she wasn’t as crazy as the others.
“Yeah Tsukasa! This is technically my theme park!” Emu giggled, has this girl been smiling the whole time?!
You groaned at the interaction. They just had to be here the exact day and time you and Toya were… of course.
“Say, why don’t we tag along with you two! We can show you all around the park!” Tsukasa proclaimed. Every second you grew closer and closer to punching him.
“Ah, I don’t believe that’s necessary. I know my way around here.” Toya said rationally. If he kept that up, you’d finally be able to get back to the date.
“We insist!” Rui said with a smug face, another face you wanted to punch.
“We have to get going.” You cut in, waving goodbye to Nene and waiting for Toya to finish his goodbyes.
It took a moment for Toya to realize what just happened. But when he did, he grimaced. Did this date seriously get interrupted? Again?
He couldn’t deny it anymore, these weren’t just coincidences.
Maybe Toya does have bad luck.
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barbieb0y · 1 month
summer love, wild and free.
day 2 of scrunkly week baby !!! still kinda late but im trying my best.
for day 2, the theme is summer! gotta love summer. i went with both the prompts sandy shores and crashing waves + road trip of our lives!! the two go so well together, i cant help it
still my self-insert oc, paper cut x joe reverse 1999 ... it's romantic this time bc i am cringe but i am free. also yes this is longer. not sorry
also title inspired by this crj song! a lot of her fluffier songs remind me of my this selfship tbh ... listen to it while reading for a better experience? maybe? anyway
An arm raises to shield the sun. No matter how strong the individual, the sun will always prove to be quite the formidable foe. And for Paper Cut, the blistering heat is more than enough reason to stay indoors.
“Joe, I love you, but asking me to go out in this weather is no different to asking me to willingly jump into a volcano.”
He complains, yet his feet find their way outdoors, towards their agreed meeting spot. He says hi to any familiar faces on the street - either they were his patients or are Joe’s friends (or both even). Paper Cut has lamented the fact that his networking skills could use some work and he wishes he hadn’t; because it was sort of the reason why he’s stuck in this predicament.
Joe proposed to him that the summer is a perfect time to make new friends and that he’ll make some arrangements to help his lover out. Paper Cut, ever the people-pleaser that he was, couldn’t say no to him or his wide smile at the time. Pretty privilege is a curse, he realized.
All that thinking makes the trip to their meeting spot feel short at least.
“Babe! So. Guess what?”
Joe exclaims the moment Paper Cut enters the scene, which is Joe leaning on the hood of some car. Paper Cut squints. If he has to be honest, he is not in the mood for guessing games. But he’ll spare some of his annoyance to answer a simple question… with another question, since Joe definitely couldn’t hide that car in any way.
“Whose car did you steal?”
Joe is quick to defend himself, most likely a habit sprung from his gangster living. Paper Cut doesn’t actually mind his lifestyle (he finds it quite attractive at times even) but it doesn’t prevent Joe from wanting to prove himself a good guy any less. 
He jokes but the heat gets to him so he sounds somewhat stoic. In that moment, he wishes the sun could just melt him down into a puddle of guilt.
“Hey hey hey, I rented it, alright? And for the whole weekend too.”
But more importantly.
“T-The whole weekend?”
He isn’t super shocked that Joe can afford it - he has his sources of income - but rather, the fact that this arrangement of his is gonna span the whole weekend. He’s already preparing to say goodbye to his free time.
As much as he enjoys spending time with Joe, Paper Cut is an introvert first and foremost. Time to himself is as precious, if not more, than gold. But Joe… oh God, he loves him too much to say no to this.
Calm down, Paper Cut. It’s just a weekend out. It’s harmless. On the contrary, more sunlight is good for your health! You’re a “doctor”, you have to set a good example for your patients.
“Fuck yeah! Just the two of us, on a road trip of our lives…”
Did he say just the two of us?
Paper Cut finally perks up for the first time that day. Maybe there is hope for this socially awkward little doctor.
“Well, at first I did want to set us up with some friends of mine from Sunset District but then I thought… we haven’t really gone anywhere far, just the two of us yet.”
Paper Cut can tell Joe is trying his best to not point out that the former thinks that the lesser the company, the better… but he appreciates his effort. Even if Joe is basically enabling his boyfriend to stay in his comfort zone.
Well, this whole trip is supposed to be a comforting thing, right? Paper Cut tries to justify the situation to himself.
“I like how you had to add ‘far’ in your little excuse.”
Paper Cut can’t help but tease his adorable boyfriend. Especially since he often reacts as he does at the moment: small smile and the corner of his eyes crinkled, with a touch of deep brown on his cheeks. He scratches the back of his head bashfully.
“Okay, yeah, we go on bike dates around here all the time but this! Is a whole-ass car!”
He proudly slaps the hood of the car but not without stealing a quick glance at it, in case he accidentally damages it somehow (he did not, thankfully). Paper Cut chuckles when he can’t find it in him to argue with the proclamation. It is, indeed, a whole-ass car. It’s more convenient for a road trip to wherever the hell Joe is planning on taking him.
Seriously, how can he say no to this?
“I just have one question.”
“I’m not worried about that. I’m existing without an ID so I have no place to judge you for that.”
If there’s anything Paper Cut loves more than Joe, it’s questions. The latter has always loved his curious nature but this time around, he comes prepared.
“Yes, I know how to drive, no, I don’t have a license.”
Or so Joe thought.
“Fair point.”
Joe pouts to himself. Paper Cut has his unpredictable moments it seems.
Paper Cut adjusts his glasses.
“Why didn’t you just buy a car? Don’t you have the money for it?”
A look of clarity crosses Joe’s features. There’s a reason why Paper Cut is the brains of this two-man operation called a romantic relationship.
“...I didn’t think of that.”
Paper Cut can’t help but reach up to kiss his idiot boyfriend.
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“Ocean Beach is such a stupid name for a beach. Like yeah, duh, I sure hope it does.”
For an introvert, Paper Cut quite easily starts the 10th conversation in the last two hours alone. The heat is still getting to him and he can’t bring himself to willingly fall asleep. Not to mention that he can’t stop singing along to the songs on the radio anyway.
“Couldn’t they have named it something pretty like, oh I don’t know, Sunset Beach? Sunset District is right there.”
Paper Cut leans back in his seat and sighs dramatically, cursing the fates that gave naming authority to people as creative as a food stain. Joe only offers a small laugh at this reaction.
“Of course you’d complain about beach names, Mr. Writer.”
He simply says, eyes laser-focused on the road to Paper Cut’s relief. The latter blabbers on, appointing himself as the main contributor of entertainment, radio be damned.
“But you agree, right?”
Asking Joe questions which answers he doesn’t even care for proves time and time again to be an effective way of providing such entertainment.
“Yeah. They should’ve named it after me. Joe Beach.”
Paper Cut pretends to gag.
“Full offense but that’s worse.”
The car is filled with boisterous laughter once more that day and the couple have a feeling that it would be far from the last time it would ensue again.
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“Okay, I’ll take back half of what I said. This place is beautiful.”
Water laps at Paper Cut’s ankles. It calms his earlier nerves, from the rush to check in to the hotel Joe somehow booked in advance (Joe’s attempts at romance are one thing that Paper Cuts are not too curious about; he’d rather wallow in their mysterious nature). The view subdues his disappointment of not being able to catch the sunset. The stars carry a mystical aura of their own. Paper Cut knew this in theory, as he is a writer, but the real deal will always be indescribable, nor can it be replicated by visual artists.
“Only half?”
Joe bursts Paper Cut’s bubble of thought but he does not take offense. Paper Cut scoffs as his lover finally stands beside him.
“The place is pretty but that doesn’t make the name itself pretty too.”
Joe lets loose a laugh that’s free of any worries. A truly unbridled expression of joy, and Paper Cut finds himself completely enamored. A fond gaze turns towards Joe. Paper Cut feels his heart fill up with so much love. He feels as if he could burst, not unlike the stars above when they eventually transform into supernovas.
“You’re prettier.”
Paper Cut has to admit, he has no urge to roll his eyes at such a corny line. He doesn’t fight the blood rushing to his cheeks either.
“Shut it, will you?”
Paper Cut’s argument grows weak with the loving look that Joe gives him. No amused giggles, no profound sarcasm, only affection. In a way, Paper Cut’s wish is granted. All is silent and still, save for the tiny waves caressing their feet.
Even as they walk back to their car for the weekend, they say nothing. There simply is nothing to be said. When you’re under a blanket of stars, they do the talking for you. But gifts? Gifts are self-made efforts still.
And Joe knows what kind of gift to end the Saturday night with.
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