#also I'm not sure how to explain it but Spike getting killed by his dad and the humans is just. fuck.
gravelsong · 10 months
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Excitement canceled I'm going to go scream in the woods for a bit
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ziracona · 3 years
Pretty sure your sudden spike in Fate content is gonna be like the third time I check something out bc you started posting it (I know next to nothing about Fate. In fact, I think I now know less than before you started). I'm rly not sure what the best starting point to get into it is, though. Any recommendation? (also I got Moriarty on your quiz and now I want to know why he's so beloved)
Oh sick! Awesome! I hope you enjoy it! 
Uhm, so, Fate notoriously swaps out like their whole creative team from work to work, so some of it is really good, and some is really bad, and some in the middle, because it’s made by very different people. The things I am most into are UBW, and Fate Go. Fate Go is a little gatcha phone game, that suffers from the fate of the whole fate franchise but as a single unit. They swap out writers from arc and event to arc and event, so sometimes you’re living and thriving, and sometimes you’re like *thousand yard glazed, pained stare* ‘why the fuck did I download this game?’ Very mixed bag. I enjoy it because I just kinda blow through any arc I don’t like and skim, and then go hella into the good ones, but it’s very much an individual matter of taste one. It’s very fun to collect spirits and get to know them though, and some of the arcs are fantastic. Also, they have made/are making some of the Fate Go arcs into shows, and I expect the ones that are of good game arcs are good? But I haven’t actually checked any out myself yet--I really need to watch E Pluribus Unum, because it was an easy top 3 arc for me in the game.
I’m big into Fate, but I actually have approximate knowledge of many things? And have not consumed as much media as you’d think. I tend to hear people really like Fate Zero, and very mixed reviews of Apocrypha, but I would wholeheartedly recommend the Fandom Classic(tm) and my personal fave as where to start, which is Unlimited Blade Works.
Sorry this is so long. Okay, so. Originally, Fate Stay/Night was a visual novel with three paths/routes: Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heaven’s Feel. All of these are shows now. Unlimited Blade Works was made twice. Do not watch the early one; it’s bad. Watch the 2014 TV series--it’s on Netflix right now. Don’t watch the English dub--the VAs are...not great. 110% recommend watching it in Japanese/original dub, with subtitles. (This one)
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My usual pitch is that if you’re a normal person, you’ll probably go “This was a little confusing, but I really got into it: 8.3/10″, and if you’re like me and you never really gave up on wanting to become a superhero and save the world some day, you’ll go: “It was fantastic, 18/10, but it also ripped out my soul and left me wounded but somehow in an okay way.” Either way very worth watching. Since it’s not the first route, there are some things they don��t explain about the world because they kind of assume the viewer will know, but that’s pretty minimal--it’s def coherent enough that the more confusing bits are more of a “Uh, okay. I think.” than a “W-What the fuck is going on?”
It’s really good. Two seasons, the most beautiful fighting in almost anything I’ve ever seen, phenomenal soundtrack, and one of the best show opens (Season 2′s) of any show I ever saw. All around a just big blanket rec from me. It’s a long-time fan favorite for a reason. It’s one of my fave shows ever :’-] It was. Very personal to me.
Uhhhh what else--okay so, on Netflix if you watch it there, and a lot of streaming sites, they list “Episode 0″ or “Prologue” as the first episode? This was originally bonus content, not the first episode. It’s basically the first episode from not the MC’s point of view, but a different major character. It’s got some really great character moments and insight into Rin and Archer, and it’s fun, but since it was originally bonus, the pacing is super weird? So I would recommend you start with actual episode 1/Winter Days, A Fateful Night instead? Unless you just want to. Like it won’t mess up the show, but it might give you a weird idea of what the pacing is. So you can watch it first if you want, or later whenever you’re curious about those two, just like, if you start on it, don’t get overwhelmed by the stuff they’re not explaining, or the weird pacing. It’s supposed to be bonus content haha.
Very happy you’re interested! I really love UBW so I hope you enjoy it! If there’s anything else you want to ask feel totally free! I just don’t want to ramble for eight years about my special interest and fall into a black hole unprompted haha. : D Very happy you’ve been intrigued by my weird spike of fate content WAIT YOU ASKED ABOUT CRIME GRANDPA HOW COULD I FORGET.
Woof this is gonna be a long ask answer. Uhhhh, so Moriarty is from Fate Grand Order/Fate Go, the phone game. The game has three major arc sets so far: Grand Order, Epic of Remnant, and Cosmos in the Lostbelts. He’s from Epic of Remnant, and he’s universally beloved because he’s amazing. The MC in Fate Go is like 16, but he or she (you get to pick) is constantly having to risk their life and be hurt and traumatized and watch people die to save the world because there’s no one else to do it, and usually people are...not super nice to them. Moriarty shows up in the first of the second set of arcs and is like ‘Haha that’s a wholeass human child tho. Guys. Guys, a-are you sure about this?’ and he’s really there to pull of a massive evil culmination-of-my-life’s-entire-work-and-value scheme, but this kid is nice to him, and has nobody who looks out for them, and Evil Has Standards, so (Arc End Spoilers for that one ahead) he ends up giving up basically at the last minute. He had a plan that was totally working and could have won, but can’t really pull the trigger, because winning would mean this kid who has been nice to him and is already a massive pile of trauma and pressure and mental illness would die, and he cares more about them than his life’s goal. In Go usually boss fights are progressively harder, but his is super easy because he throws it, and chooses to lose, and basically throws away his life’s work for this one kid because nobody else is taking care of them, and lets himself get killed. This is a pattern with him. Other high points include later being 5 seconds into a scheme when Frankenstein (the girl one, who in fgo is like 14) stops him to call him Papa and asks for help, so he adopts her on the spot and just is her dad forever after that. He’s very goofy and I love him; he’s evil, but I’d trust him with my life, because he’s more good than he is evil, even though he’s both. Basically he’s just a very interesting and well written villain, but he’s also like, the /best/ dad in the game at the same time, and his dialogue is amazing. Evil Has Standards team dad poster man. He’s like the only adult in Fate Go who actually is responsible, which is fuckin wild. I’ll try to find some good screenshots of his dialogue. Anyway he’s incredible and I’m so happy you got him; Crime Papa is life.
Here have some Moriarty junk: (Shinjuku arc you have 3 partners, and the other two are adults but harass the MC constantly, and this was the dynamic. Bless Moriarty) 
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And here’s some him roasting Sherlock memes and being good dad to the MC
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amestilskin · 5 years
So I wanted to explain my music video a bit further than I did in the description.
My brothers (the 2 closest to my age) and I went through hell. Especially my older brother and I. I think, anyway. We didn't live our little brother.
It took me a very long time to understand my family. I didn't know we were a broken family until I was 16. I never said "mom and dad" in the same sentence until I was 16-17. That was very strange to me, and still is now.
My parents weren't married, and split up when I was 2. My parents always fought back and forth about things.
My mom would tell my older brother and I mean things about our dad, our dads mom, and my dads stepdad (another thing that I didn't realize until I was 17-18).
Now, for this song, it really hit home, and when I first heard it, I balled my eyes out.
My mom never told my dad that we were moving out of state. My brother and I tried telling him, but he believed my mom over us, and he regretted that after finding out the truth. That was my dads biggest regret.
My mom was hard on us when it came to academics, like any parent would be, but she wasn't helpful either. She would get impatient when we didn't understand, and she was trying to explain. When we still didn't get, she would shout the answer at us. Or at least to me, she would.
She didn't mind my brother drawing, but when I got into it, it bothered her because it reminded her of our dad.
This story is already getting long, I'll try to speed it up.
I started developing anxiety disorder when I was 12-13.
Around the time I was 15, my mom and my brother were having some pretty bad fights. One night, it ended with cops getting called, and my brother later got sent to a behavioral facility. It was the first time I was separated from my brother, and that made my anxiety worse. My depression got worse too, and my mom didn't recognize it.
My mom actually got mad that I started doing the same thing my brother was: Sitting in my room most of the time. I wasn't spending enough time with family. (We have 2 little sisters and a little brother at this point, a sister from my dads current ex-wife, and a brother and sister from our stepdad).
I think my brother was gone for 6 months.
He later came home, went to a behavioral school, and things seems okayish again. But then he moved in with our dad.
My mom sent me to another school, and this school didn't have the extra help I needed. So I suffered severely. I failed 3 of my classes, and only got one of them up to a D. The only class I was getting an A in was Algebra. But the teacher had a way that made the math easy to understand.
That summer, I was visiting my dad, stepmom, my brothers, and my youngest sister. Toward the end of that summer, I told my dad that I wanted to stay, I didn't want to go back to my moms. He called his lawyer to make sure that I had that right. And I did. So when I talked to my mom, I told her I wasn't coming home.
I dont know how that made her feel and at the time, I didn't care.
I still struggled academically, but I wasn't falling any classes. My anxiety spiked though, and I would be in an attack for 6 hours each day. I missed a week of school because of it.
I found who I was though. I loved to explore, I loved to read and draw, and I loved seeing my friends pretty much whenever. I even reconnected with old friends.
I think my older has a minor form of anxiety, and knowing that I do, we both feel like failers to our parents. But my dad tried to show us that he was proud of us.
He was proud that we didn't go out and party and get drunk like he did at our age.
He was proud that we studied hard and graduated high school.
He was proud that my brother was going to college.
I'm sure that there's more, but those he voiced to me. Except the college, but I knew. I could see it on his.
Our dad was going to college, but he dropped out to take care of my brother and I.
We'll never live up to our moms standards. Our mom has told us that we've gained weight (and yes, we have, but not on an unhealthy level). Our mom has suggested using essential oils to "cure my mental health". I have generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, and of course depression.
PTSD is from a car accident I was in a couple of years ago. My fiance and I were lucky to walk out of it.
The fear of driving is also derived from my dad and uncle nearly getting killed in car accidents (stories my dad has told me about, I wasn't around for it) and my mom getting into a bad accident. I was 8 years old. She was in the hospital for 3 days. I have no memory of where we were.
So ya. My brothers and I will never forget how we were treated, especially how my mom treated and currently treats my brother and I.
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deathcookieprsn · 6 years
Despair Clause Episode 1
(Scene) Inside the hall of the castle, three guys are chit chatting at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the throne. One is blond with a pony tail dressed in blue royal atire (Otio), one has red spiked hair dressed in black and red armor(Pila), and one has messy black hair, dressed in casual clothing(Fregit).
Pila: yo Fregit, are you still hanging out with Skunk?
Otio: Yeah I've been wondering that too, haven't seen the little dude around recently.
Fregit: Nah he moved to Perditus recently with his family. Honestly it's kinda weird that so many of the poor have been moving there but everyone says that since it's newly built the economy needs literally anyone to move there for the city to survive.
Otio: (Shrugs) I doe know, sounds a bit fishy to me.
Pila: Don't you know anything bro. (Taps Otio on the head) There's a reason that towns have people in them and its not just because that's the way things are. Population leads to transfer of goods and wealth which in turn leads to businesses starting. Perditus is an experimental town that is testing the nature of our poor.
Fregit:(shifts in front of Pila) Basically they are moving a bunch of our poor their to see if they will prosper with an extreme amount of opportunity available to them and in turn giving them a chance to gain a skill by working at one of the many jobs in the town that are lacking in man power.
Pila: Hey,(punch Fregit in the back of the shoulder and shift to face both siblings) I was going to explain that but whatever.
Otio: I honestly stopped caring after I asked. Right now I'm just wondering what is taking dad so long. He summoned us but it feels like we've been waiting for ages. Did the old geezer forget.
(Footsteps) Distant voice bellows: So now I'm an old geezer am I?
(All three siblings kneel)
King Ficum: Otio(Otio Looks up), Pila(Pila looks up),Fregit(Fregit looks up),... I have summoned you three here because it is finally time that to choose your path in life. Otio will become king after I pass so his future has all but been decided for him. He will begin training with a sword immediately, alongside studying politics and shadowing me when I feel necessary (Otio groans) (King Ficum scowls). As for you two, you must make something of yourself. Forbid it as I may, of something were to happen to your older brother the next would succeed him and so forth. Furthermore your accomplishments will bolster our families reputation making it easier for your brother's ascension to the throne after my passing. For if you are the most worthy of the throne in the eyes of the public, your support of your sibling who is trained in the way of leading a nation will assure the nation in his crowning. You do not have to come up with an answer today but
Pila: Actually father,(Phila Stands up) if l may, I've already decided what I want to do with my life.
King Ficum: (intrigued) hmm?
Pila: With your permission, I would like to join the Guild and become a Hero!
King Ficum: Hero ranking requires you to be granted a Gun by the Guild. Being as they are a new Technology, they are difficult to get a hold of however seeing as you are my son I might be able to pull a few strings.
Pila: Thank you dad!
King Fica: But son, are you sure that is what you wish? The reason guns are granted is because Heros are required to fight on shore when an attack first arises. That means you'll be on the front line. Is that really what you desire?
Pila: It is. Not only is it a good way to earn publicity quickly but it is also the best and most direct way for me to protect our Nation and its people.
King Ficum: I see... Consider it done. And you Fregit, might you have a path you would like to follow?
Fregit:(Fregit looks up) I um... Well... Not that... Um..
King Ficum: It's alright Fregit, take your time. You do not need to decide now. You are the youngest after all so there is no need for haste.
Fregit: O,k...
King Ficum: I will be taking my leave now but boys, be sure have a nice day today. It would be a waste for this beautiful weather to be wasted.
(King Ficim walk out of room)
Otio: ugh, I wish I could just be a lazy king.
Pila: We all know that you could be a lazy anything haha, the following title isn't actually important to you.
(Otio and Pila laugh)
Pila: Fregit is something wrong.
(Fregit stares off to the side then changes his gaze towards Pila)
Fregit: No, just a lot to think about that's all.
Otio: At least that's one thing I don't have to exert effort towards haha. My path it's already decided.
Pila: Well Otio I think you should get a head start on your Sword play practice don't you? I am going to have to practice more to if I am planning to be a Hero.
Otio: I'm actually going to go work on my sleep right now.
Pila: uh uh not today. This kills two birds with one stone.(Pila drags Otio by the collar of his shirt)
Fregit: hah bye guys.
(Scene, Fregit's room, Fregit laying in his bed on his back with his legs dangling off the bottom.)
Fregit: arghhhhh! (Fregit flails his limbs) What do I want to be?! Wendy's wing with me? How have I never thought of this until just now?
(In Fregits mind) Maybe I can be a Hero too... Argh no that would never work, Pila would out shine me for sure and I wouldn't ever amount to anything other than simply being his little brother... I guess I could always go into politics and make a large impact that way.. that might actually work..
(Blonde female child with frilled dress walks in the room)
Fas: Hi Fregit, what are you thinking about?
Fregit: A lot.
Fas: Heyyyyy. That's not a real answer. Come on, just tell meee.
Fregit: (light sigh) well you see Dad called Otio, Pila and I to talk to us about what we wanna be when we grow up (Fas: uhnhuh) and you see I have no idea what I wanna be (Fas: unhuh) Pila is going to be a Hero and Otio is being groomed for King but what's my role in all of this? What am I supposed to do? Who am I supposed to be?
Fas: Well uh, if uh, Pila is going to be a Hero then why don't you just be a Signer?
Fregit: A Signer? Like with the Association instead of the Guild?
Fas: Unhuh! Signers are basically the Associations versions of Heros aren't they brobther?
Fregit: Sorta but they all have to sign a despair clause and I don't really want to do that.
Fas: But if you find something suuper important you might even become more popular than big brobther Pila.
Fregit: You're right. I know what I'm going to do. Forget being a politician on the Council, I'm ganna be a Signer!
(Scene, Throne room. Fregit in front of the throne with King Ficum Siting on it)
(King Ficum slams his hand on his throne)
King Ficum: Absolutely not! Do you even know what you are asking?
Fregit: of course I do! This is the perfect way to bolster our legacy from both ends of Membership. If I become a famous Signer and Pila a famous Hero then we'll have a position of influence in both the Guild and the Association!
King Ficum: I will not allow it! It is much too reckless.
(Otio walks infrom the right out from behind the curtain that leads to the throne greenroom)
Otio: he's right you know.
Fregit: Otio?
Otio:(otio approaches Fregit) Signing a Despair Clause is risky business, depending on the amount of power you get you might just stub you're toe when the contract is fulfilled but if you end up obtaining a decent amount of power you could easily end up immobilized down in the Chasm with your whole party dead. Something like that would surely insure your death. Even if the contract itself can't cause you to die it can easily lead to it if you're unlucky. Why don't you just become a politician on the Council instead? (Otio arrives in front of Fregit)
Fregit: Because I don't want to! This is the path I have chosen for myself! Why won't you support me Otio?!
Otio: (places hand on Fregit's head) Because I care about you you dummy.(Fregit gazes at the for) Can't we forget about this and move onto something more practical?
Fregit: (in a sad tone) I guess.
Otio: Tomorrow come meet with me in the court yard and I'll teach you sword play, after that I'm sure Pila would be happy to teach you Gun play. He really loves that new toy of his. If you want to become strong this is a much more practical way to go about it. Hell instead of a Signer you could be a Stander or a Runner to support Pila if you want to be a part of the action. How does that sound?
Fregit: actually, that would be great, I'm going to head to my room for a bit but I'll see you I the morning tomorrow for practice. (Fregit smiles)
(Fregit walks away)
King Ficum: I see having you shaddowing me is already starting to pay off.
Otio: Naturally, I may be lazy but when it comes to my family, I will always protect them.
(Scene, Fregit's room, fregit sitting on his bed with his leg up and his hand on his knee.)
Fregit: Otio's right, I can't become a Signer and wander the Chasm the way I am. I need to become stronger.(Fregit stands up and throws his jacket I've his shoulder) Guess I'll have to take him up on his off after I sign a Despair Clause. Thanks for the offer Otio!(fregit hops out his window)
(Scene castle courtyard,night with camera aimed at the sky)(gunshot x3) (gunshot x2)(camera pans to face Pila)
Pila: Dammit I just can't get the hang of this thing!(Otio walks up)
Otio: looks like you got the hand of it to me. From what the target shows you haven't hit anything less than the ring around the bullseye.
Pila: That's not good enough, not for me at least.
Otio: If you're looking for some advice I may be of some help. While eavesdropping before the council meeting I overheard that unlike swords you're going to want to double down on that grip of yours, also you're going to want to hold your breath before pulling the trigger and exhale after. That should improve your aim just a bit.
Pila: Wow Otio, color me impressed. Shadowing dad had really done wonders for your usefulness haha.
Otio: that seemed somewhat of a backhanded complement (chucklr).
Pila: (chuckle)that's because it was.
Otio: Well I'll have you know I have actually been quite useful. Today I was even able to give Fregit some decent advice. He was dead set on becoming a Signer and I was able to explain to him why that was a reckless and dangerous decision. (Pila's face turns to a face of scepticism) He even smiled after and told me that he was going to his room to rethink his decision. I'm pretty awesome!(Pila interrupts Otio mid sentence)
Pila: Otio, do you not know Fregit at all. I promise you he's not in his room right now. He's almost certainly on his way to a library to sign a contract as we speak of he hasn't made it to one already.(You can visually see that a light bulb goes off in Otio's brain)
Otio: Oh no.
(Scene, castle bedroom hallway, camera pointed down the hall at the floor)(Otio's running legs pop into view)
Otio: (shouting)Fregit! Yo Fregit! I have something important to talk to you about!(Fregit's bedroom door slams open. Its empty)(camera switches to a cake of Otio's mouth and chin) Tsch, dammit. (Otio yells) Block, come here, I have a task for you!(camera switches to floor behind otio and pans up a pair of leather boots with green straps)
Block: So, my protection services finally needed.
(Scene, outside tattered old library)(neon open sign hangs above door) (fregit is holding a flashlight that is pointed towards the library)
Fregit: looks like I finally made it. Now to find a Dolordare and sign a contract!
(Fregit walks through the door)(edison bulbs light the main open entrance, after the entrance are rows of bookshelves, mostly empty but glowing as if a spell is cast on them, down the row of bookshelves are lanterns light by fire keeping the shelves visible but dim)
Fregit:(cough x2) You'd think that the Library nearest to the castle would be in better shape but this thing looks like it's going to fall apart.(Fregit walks down a bookshelf isle with his flashlight aimed for extra light) Actually, it looks like no renovations have been made to this place since after Grandad was king. Guess my father has a favorite power and it's not the Association.
(Large creak comes from next row over) (sound of books falling comes from next row over)
Fregit:(draws a knife he got from the castle's kitchen) Who's there!
Voice: Nooooooobooody... (Eerie,high pitch, child like voice laughs with an uncomfortably long giggle)
Fregit: (thinks to himself)*well that's obviously not true* Show yourself!
(Creature that looks like a chao but with a tail, long arms and a face that is void but with tentacle pops up in Fregit's face)
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(Fregit falls on his bottom and holds his knife in fron of him)
Fregit: who are you?
Voice: I am a Dolordare, I keep this library safe along with the books inside although I do not clean much. You may call me Dust
(Fregit stands up and lowers knife)
Fregit:Well Dust, I'd like to form a contract with you.
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daily-life-of-crow · 2 years
May 9th, 2022 Part 1
Hey so today has been pretty decent I suppose. I woke up later than usual but I was able to catch my bus still. It sucked a little because I nearly couldn't find my meds because my dad moved them. It was pretty warm outside this morning. It was I think 55°F when I left? Somewhere around there. The weather has been weird because we just came out of a cold spike and now there is gonna be a heat spike. Thursday it is supposed to be 90°F. See I really don't like the heat but there should also be storms around this time which makes it worth it. So one of my close friends Froggie wasn't gonna be at school so my rhythm was thrown off a little. I think I am gonna designate animal names for all of my friends because why not. Btw right as I write this, me and Hyena just laughed because the name of Froggie came up in a bio video. Anyways back to retelling my day! So during my first hour, a study hall, I did my Algebra 2 homework but alas there where 3 problems I didn't understand but now I understand 2 of them. So when the bell rang I couldn't say bye to Froggie for they weren't so yeah not as fun. Then off I went to my my second hour, Algebra 2. So turns out we have a quiz tommorow and I will not be at school so that's fun. (Ok I now got to my fifth hour and these boys were whistling and it was not fun this is supposed to be a study hall-) Anyways, I got my problems for the most part understandable then I realized I have more stims than I realized. Turns out, listening to the same song and audio are not normal and are a stim. That was very fun. Then in Chemisty, we measured the lab we started on Friday. Then my teacher Mrs. G helped show us the calculations for it :). Then in Biology, we just finished a packet which I definitely have done./s Then we watched the video like I mentioned. As I am writing this I am in my study hall. After this I get lunch. Sorry for all the time and POV switching things. I plan to write this as my day goes on. Oh I just remembered I have to grab a bus pass! Yeah I will get that when the bell rings. Another thing is that my mouth has been dry all day and I know it's due to my meds. It's not fun like yeah I could drink more water but I hate the bathrooms here and there are only two I feel comfortable using and one I can't use because we are done with plays for the year :(. Also during my study hall I reviewed chapter 17 and 18 of To Kill a Mockingbird because I think we have a quiz on it today in English. Lunch sucks so bad today nothing is edible. I also am not fully connected to the conversation. There is to much happening so I am not here. This is not fun I think I'm not sure. I also had to touch a doorknob and I hated it so much. Sorry I am trying not to swear on here and it's kinda hard. Apparently Bear used a spork to comb his beard? Not sure. I also feel weird because I am wearing a short sleeve and yeah not a fan I guess. Body feels wrong and I had to explain to both Bear and Opossum why I don't like touching doorknobs. Also Fairy keeps touching me with their leg and Penguin had to move closer to me because another person came to sit at our table. I really hate being touch so bad. It makes me very uncomfortable. I also had to use my hair ties to make my arms feel better because rought textures are lovely. I am not sure on how I feel now. I also looked at some silk gloves so I don't have to touch doorknobs during the summer. See I don't like the texture of silk that much but they would be cooler for the summer heat. Just found out that the place I go to every monday I can't go to. So I just got to my 6th hour, Carrers, and a kid walked in and screeches which hurts my ears a lot and gives me sensory issues. Yeah not that much fun. So that is my current update. I really don't like loud noises. Also I kind of want to punch the kid who came in and screeched. He is very annoying but yet again I don't know the whole story. I am not sure how to feel or put a stance on things. I also want to put my hair up but in English I can't have it up because I like my earbuds in and Mrs. O doesn't like that.
Songs on Loop:
CHAMBER by Banshee
Happy Face by Jagwar Twins
Chin Up High by Ame Bibabi
Tem Shop by Toby Fox
Ackerman Style by Franco Aurelio and Prbtre
Fell asleep to Jeffer Drive by $uicideboy$
New Information:
There are a lot of forms of stimming that I didn't realize. And yes having songs and sounds and such on repeat is a stim and is indeed not normal. I legit thought everyone did that-
Goals Progress:
None yet ish
0 notes
pjo-hoo-nextgen · 6 years
Okay, so this idea hit me and I had to know the answer. It's a bit long, so just answer when you have time. What would each of their senior proms be like? What would they wear? Who would they go with (if anyone)? And if you've seen Glee, who would try to spike the punch bowl? 😂 Anyway, I'm just really interested. I love this blog, keep it up!
Thank you! I’m so glad you love the blog!! Honestly it was a side project and I didn’t think many people would like it very much.
Okay so first off, to help campers have a more normal experience both camps have instituted this yearly prom like dance. They figure it’s a great de-stressor for everyone etc. So because of that anyone can go but the eldest campers get first priority etc. They lick the theme and stuff.
All Greek and Roman campers are invited and the camp that hosts it rotates each year.
Jaxon’s first time going he got all dressed up and looked cute af thanks to Mama Pipes making sure he killed it with the looks. He borrowed Jason’s suit and Jason may or may not have cried because his first baby boy was growing up. Jaxon got asked to go by Maria which is actually a very funny situation.
Maria originally didn’t want to go, she avidly refused. She hated getting too dressed up etc. and frankly would rather do something more productive. Annabeth found it amusing and didn’t mind but Percy whipped out the whole, “You only love once, enjoy your life, don’t miss opportunities,” speech and Maria conceded. Problem was people were too intimidated to ask her and she didn’t want to go alone.
Jaxon wasn’t asked by anyone until Maria caught him outside of the arena at camp and basically told him he had no choice but to go with her and she wasn’t happy about it. Jaxon just kind of like, shrugged and said, “Okay.”
So they showed up as the awkward couple that clearly wanted to kill each other. Percy also cried when Maria got dressed up because his baby girl “is so beautiful and she looks like her mom and….” while Annabeth just patted him on the back.
Meanwhile Andy got himself the courage to ask Sol. It was really sweet and he asked for help from Calypso who was more than happy to oblige. Andy took Sol on a picnic and asked her if she wanted to go with him. Andy even made a little salad for Dino the bearded dragon.
Sol said no. Andy tried not to be crushed but she explained to him, “I think it’d be nicer to do something with just the both of us you know? Like a movie or something. Besides I’m not a fan of dances.” Andy was more than happy to agree and practically exploded with happiness.
Eli decided that for the first time he went he was going to take his mother, damn it. She hadn’t gotten a wonderful prom like experience and he was going to make up for it. Frank found out his son’s schemes and helped him set up the really nice dinner and taught him how to be the proper gentleman. Hazel was pleasantly surprised and thought Eli looked absolutely adorable and stunning in his suit.
She cried when he asked her and obviously said yes and Eli cried also because he loves his mom too much okay?! She’s precious!!!
Thia never got asked but Grey being the nice beautiful boy he is asked her to go with him even though Thia knew he had a crush on this one Demeter girl. He was the perfect gentleman and gave her the best and sweetest experience ever.
He gave her the big brother/Dad Talk that went something like, “Now, I’m going to treat you how anyone should treat a girl. If a boy, or girl, or anyone takes you out on a date and they don’t treat you with respect and care they aren’t worth it. You’re young and amazing and don’t deserve people who aren’t going to like you as you are.”
This gave him the biggest hug imaginable and Grey couldn’t stop smiling because of how cute she was the whole time being all bashful and embarrassed. Especially since she doesn’t dress up much and was wearing a dress which is extremely rare.
As for lunch spiking….
Andy and Sol would sneak in at some point if they got bored and totally do it. They’d never get caught too which is even better but Maria has a sneaking suspicion that she knows who it was.
As for the parents they have rotating chaperone duties. When Nico and Thalia Chaperone together it is the absolute worst. Everyone pretends to hate it but they all actually think it’s pretty funny. The two dorks get like, secret service outfits and everything, and walk around with rulers to measure how far apart people are.
Nico will purposefully walk between dancing couples or tell certain people that he/she just isn’t interested so back off. Thalia is horrible in the fact that she terrifies all of the boys and keeps an eye out for all of the girls because there are, “boy scum everywhere.” Ultimately they have the lowest incident issues ever. No one messes with them!!!
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