#also Mickey definitely went back to choose the bear option too
look-i-love-u · 6 months
Galladrabbles - Bones
This week's @galladrabbles inspired by @heymacy's prompt "bones".
It's the next part of my Gallavich Gate 3 series. You can read it: HERE
“Fuck, I need a smoke now!” Mickey groans. Ian feels his cock twitch.
“Because your fictional character boned another fictional guy? That's sad, Mick,” he huffs.
“It’s fucking hot and you know it. The big burly guy with the heart of gold gave me head and then fucked me good. Let me enjoy the afterglow!”
Ian sighs. “Sure. Go ahead.” He hears a wet suck and a slow long breath and bites his lip. It is hot. And he's fully hard now.
“Too bad my elf can't ride your orc. It’d be hot.”
Fucking hell! He needs a wank.
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jeanmoreaux · 6 years
I feel the same way about enjoying the show more towards the end of season 7 bc of closure with Mickey and I think Trevor was mostly good for Ian. I also liked Lip a lot more through season 8 and how Debbie is progressing with her life. there’s something I would consider big that happens in season 9, idk if you know and I’m not entirely sure if you would like it or not bc of one of your reactions but I thought it was nice.
((i feel the exact same about debbie and trevor tbh))
uhhhm okay i just watched 9x06, which is apparently cameron monaghan’s last episode (but not really since he’s going to be a regular in season 10 again), and if you’re hinting at the episode’s ending in your ask then OMG IDK IF I LIKE IT OR NOT EITHER LMAO!!!
((SPOILERS FOR SHAMELESS SEASON 9 AHEAD, so just skip everything from here on if you haven’t watched episode 6 yet))
i have so many conflicting feeling right now it’s confusing! i feel surprised, happy, and oddly disappointed at the same time. it’s weird how emotional i got. The scene brought me endless joy and great despair at the same time. i just really miss mickey; he will forever be my favorite! and i am still a big supporter of gallavich being endgame ((when reading the following rant, please, bear in mind that my fangirl heart was really pleased with the final gallavich scene, even though this contradictory burst of opinion might suggest otherwise.))
I mean let’s be honest, an ending to ian’s story without mickey just would have felt wrong. he’s been such an important part of ian’s life and the only significant partner he’s had, so bringing him back for ian’s goodbye felt only natural. they have been (and probably still are) profoundly in love. you can see that in every single one of their interactions through the seasons. and it was a sweet ending to the story, yeah, but it’s not the satisfying ending (or reunion) i hoped for! there is absolutely no resolution to their relationship and all the shit they have been through. that was my main issue with the episodes in season 7 too, they never talked their shit out. they’re back together and everything is fine, when, clearly, they still have a lot of issues to resolve because things didn’t always go smoothly with these two.
In season 1&2&beginning of 3, ian seemed to be the one more invested; but since at least the start of season 4 mickey is the one putting more effort into the relationship. obviously, ian is preoccupied with coming to terms with his mental illness, so clearly he has to take care of himself before taking care of his relationship. but i mean season 5 is mickey supporting and loving ian unconditionally, taking care of him when the gallaghers won’t. and what does mickey get in return? a cruel breakup, ian’s sudden nonchalance, and absolutely no closure. (the writers definitely could have handled this differently. the end to mickey’s character in season 5 and the start of season 6 was just one massive shit-show). the season 7 reunion was a mess too, ian&mickey both deserved a better ending to their epic love story than what they got during these two episodes. again, there was no real closure either, but it’s half-decent. and now in season 9, the writers just throw them in a cell, together, and then they are like “yeah look at this endgame that we totally planned for in advance! we love our amazing endgame! actually, we love it so much that we didn’t even give it more than 50 seconds of screen time to give them some kind of satisfying closure! this was totally not rushed and unprepared because we are excellent writers! yeah, #gallavich #endgame, am i right?” so yeah, as much as i love that ian and mickey are reunited, i am disappointed with how their (apparent) ending was handled.
I NEED TO SEE THEM TALK THEIR RELATIONSHIP OUT! i need them to find a balance. i need them to get on the same page and not have mickey give and give while ian only takes and takes. it’s like ian is only with mickey when it’s convenient while mickey will always choose ian first, no matter what. everthing mickey does is for ian. mickey returned and sacrificed his freedom for ian. HE TURNED HIMSELF IN AND RATTED ON HIS CARTEL TO BE IN PRISON WITH IAN BECAUSE HE KNEW IAN WOULD HAVE A HARD TIME DEALING WITH HIS INCARCERATION ON HIS OWN! He cares so much about ian while, apparently, ian can’t seem to give two shits about mickey whenever he’s not around, from what we were shown. ian never went the extra mile for mickey thus far. ((that’s not really on ian, it’s the writer’s fault, but it taints the relationship nonetheless. they finally need to decide if they want gallavich to be endgame or not. they can’t keep their option open forever without ruining the ship.))
i love my boy mickey so much and seeing him hurt and heartbroken time and time again just destroys my soul. (like he repeatedly suffers bc he cares too much and loves too hard, that’s just not fair.) he deserves happiness, and i am not sure if that’s what will happen now that he’s in prison with ian as his cellmate. though i hope he and ian eventually get a proper happy ending, it’s become more and more unlikely, from what i have gathered. with ian’s character being back on season 10, this apparent gallavich endgame isn’t really a save endgame at all!!
cameron returning for season 10 is amazing, but i honestly don’t believe gallavich will survive ian’s return to the show. cameron stated in an interview that he chose to return bc he was intrigued by ian’s storyline for the next season. he also stated, in the same interview, that he would like to see ian bettering himself and growing into a responsible adult who takes care of his siblings, exploring stories beyond the quest of seeking and maintaining romantic relationships – which i think is fantastic, don’t get me wrong! with that being said (and noel fisher probably not returning for season 10), i don’t really see a chance for gallavich surviving past their prison reunion. are they ever going to be endgame? frankly, i am not sure. depending on how well they handle mickey’s departure this time around, there might still be hope. maybe i am too pessimistic, i don’t know? mickey’s character and gallavich have suffered so much due to bad writing, idk how much more both can endure before it’s Too Much. you know what i mean?
i hope i am wrong with my assumptions because i’d love to see ian and mickey’s relationship flourish again. they are one another’s big, true love, and they deserve a well-written happy ending.
my biggest fear atm is that they are simply going to kill off mickey so they don’t have to bother with the fans wanting noel and the gallavich relationship back.
I feel like, at this point, the writers should stop playing with us and either give us the gallavich relationship mickey and ian deserve or kill this ship for good. I think my heart can’t handle seeing mickey being poorly written out of the show in season 10 for a third/fourth time. it’s just… he deserves sm better!
despite my worries i try to remain hopeful, though!
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