#also Momboo saw my last one so hi?
cyberspacesociety · 4 months
Did i write almost a thousand words for this? Yes yes i did. Enjoy pure fluff -Arisanna📚
Arisanna found herself wandering deeper into the archives, away from the portal. She did this often although it normally ended with Caspian dragging her out for a break. Ari smiled softly, running her hands over the books as she walked along the shelves. She spotted an all too familiar one.
Lady of The World
She walked over and picked it up. It was about Momboo after all. Momboo, Strawberri, who was always kind to Arisanna never questioning how she acted. Momboo who's smile reminded Ari of a sunset. Whos mere presence made Arisannas heart race. Gods she sounded like Fenris.
She sounded like Fenris. Had she fallen for Momboo?
Arisanna fumbled for her comm and clicked on Fenris’ contact. After a few rings he picked up.
“Ari?” Fenris’ voice came through. Arisanna could hear Rae hushing Vaeh in the background and smiled knowing her brother was happy.
“I think i understand now” The words tumbled out of her mouth without thinking. Fenris was quiet for a minute before responding, “What? Ari what do you understand-”
“Everything you said about Rae, the way you talked about him I understand now” She explained ever so slightly cutting him off. She heard Fenris chuckle.
“So who's the lucky guy? Or lady?”
“Momboo” Arisanna mumbled her face growing hot. She sat against one of the shelves still holding LoTW.
“Are you going to do anything about it?”
“Fenris Momboo is gone”
“Ari, when was the last time you visited?”
“Uh a few months ago? Why?”
“Ari Momboo is back”
Arisanna froze hearing that. She was back?
“Will I see you soon?” Fenris asked, laughing.
“Shut up” Arisanna muttered with no anger in her voice and ended the call. She stood up and ran back toward the portal area. As they got closer they slowed down to walking.
Momboo hummed walking through the fields of flowers around the tree. She enjoyed being able to feel the breeze on her face again. They had seen almost everyone again except a certain allay. Apparently Arisanna spent most of her time in Elysium now.
Momboo turned around and spotted Arisanna standing at the edge of the field. She was even prettier than the last time Momboo had seen them. She smiled softly and walked over to the allay. No sooner did Momboo get within arms reach did Arisanna throw herself into their arms. Momboo hugged the former, feeling her shoulder get wet with tears.
“Are you alright Ari?” Momboo asked cautiously. Arisanna mumbled something incoherent into her shoulder. “Hm?” Momboo prompted.
“Didn't think I'd get to see you again” Ari repeated, stopping herself from calling Momboo a petname.
“I'm right here petal, I'm not going anywhere,” Momboo soothed not noticing how she called Ari ‘petal’ until after she finished speaking. “Why don't we spend some time catching up? I've been staying nearby,” She added, feeling her face grow warm.
The two of them sat on Momboo’s old couch. Arisanna looked over at the other gathering up her courage.
“Hey Momboo?”
“Yes Arisanna?”
“Why- why did you call me petal earlier?” Arisanna asked, watching Momboos' expression. It hit them when they saw her face flush.
“Well you're really important to me Ari and I think, I think I see you as more than a friend,” Momboo explained.
Arisanna stared at her, processing the words for a minute before responding, “I think I do too.”
Momboo smiled and pulled Arisanna closer, planting a soft kiss on their cheek. “Would it be okay if I called you my girlfriend?” Momboo asked, unable to contain her happiness.
“That would be more than okay Boo, gods I feel like I'm living in one of those fairytales the allays tell me about,” Arisanna replied, a smile of her own plastered across their face.
Momboo laughed, wrapping her arms around the allay. “Am I your fairytale then Ari?” They asked. Arisanna hid her face in Momboos dress as she felt it get warm again. The two of them sat there simply enjoying each other's presence.
Momboo smiled, running her hands through Arisannas hair as she slept. The allay had admitted to not sleeping much recently and had consequently been made to take a nap. Momboo heard her communicator ding and she looked down seeing a message from Caspian.
Traveler(Caspian): Have you seen Arisanna?
Momboo: She's currently napping at my house
Traveler(Caspian): Why is she with you Boo? You actually admit your feelings?
Momboo: Caspian!
Traveler(Caspian): Is that a yes?
Momboo: Yes Caspian I admitted it
Traveler(Caspian): I take it she felt the same? If you two are hanging out?
Momboo: I'm not answering that
Momboo laughed, putting her communicator down, turning their attention back to her girlfriend. Gods that was amazing to think about. Arisanna looked up at her slowly waking up.
“What's so funny fairytale?” They asked, voice still laced with sleep.
“Caspian knows about us now,” Momboo replied smiling at the petname. Arisanna woke up more at the mention of Caspian.
“I should get back to Elysium soon”
“Can you show me Elysium?”
“Of course, as long as you don't mind my siblings flying around,”
“Your siblings are lovely Ari I wouldn't mind at all,” Momboo assured them. Arisanna pulled herself up to sitting and held out a hand to Momboo who happily took it. The two of them walked quietly to the portal and stepped through.
“Welcome to my home Boo,” Arisanna said when they entered the archives. She happily showed Momboo around pointing out the different areas of the archives.
If Caspian found them passed out together hours later he made no mention of it.
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stellarcat52 · 4 months
This isn’t leaving my brain so here.
One final reset au.
Heavy spoilers.
It takes years, but fable’s soul manifests in the aether. As one final attempt to fix everything, or maybe as revenge, he causes another reset, completely destroying his soul in the process.
Disclaimer: I haven’t watched everyone’s finales and I don’t have solid ideas for where every character wakes up after the reset, also, spoilers.
Caspian remembers everything, but he’s stuck in Elysium with no way of getting back and helping his family or friends.
On the other hand, Rae and Violet are stuck in the end. Rae doesn’t remember anything about being mortal, including his partners, but Violet remembers the end stone reset and parts of the other two. He figures out another has happened pretty quickly.
Violet checks the end prison, which has returned, for Caspian, Athena, Easton, or (this name has been forgotten) but finds it empty. He won’t help Rae remember anything because he knows it will cause more stress to know that there are people out there that Rae loves that he can’t get to. (for the sake of this, lighting the ends portal in the over world opens the one in the end as well.)
Rae has Veah and Cari with him. He doesn’t remember either of them but quickly recognizes the resemblance and takes care of them. They remember everything and are very scared because Dad doesn’t remember them, even when he promised he’d never forget them. (They never understood why he kept making that promise to them. He’d promise them every time he had a bad dream.)
Ocie and Momboo both remember everything. It hurts, having everything taken away again, and they’re looking to reunite everyone and rebuild lodestar grove.
Quixis-Icarus can see and interact with the world, they try to push people into each other’s paths and they look for Rae and Centross endlessly.
Most everyone in the over world and nether (really just Athena) are quick to regain memories once they meet up with the others. A blessing from Caspian traveled on the over world wind, making it easier, but those in other dimensions weren’t effected. (Athena just had really good bonds with people)
Caspian is able to read everything his friends write down, Arisanna, Ven, and Athena unknowingly keep him in the loop. Rae also takes notes, Caspian broke into tears when he realized his husband 1- didn’t remember him, and 2- had their kids and was keeping them safe.
Veah writes down journals for her and Cari, Caspian reads them too and wishes he could go help them feel less scared.
Athena and Fenris make it to the end first and Rae doesn’t immediately remember them. Violet defends them but Rae locks them away anyway until Veah and Cari see and recognize them. Fenris calling him starlight and Athena calling him their uncle cause memories to come crashing back.
Rae stresses about making it to Elysium, hoping that Caspian was there. He builds the portal and is willing to give up himself to get there but Ven, who remembers dying, seems to be able to open it on his own without consequences. (Icarus didn’t want anyone to get hurt, they found the portal from the last reset. No one seems to notice that it’s one block off now.)
Caspian definitely sees Rae’s notes about ways to relight the portal and knows he’s going to try and sacrifice himself. He’s at the portal waiting when the plan happens and his first words to anyone are “Is Rae okay?” Because he was so scared. He makes sure everyone knows that it was fable who caused this reset, and that his soul is permanently gone this time. (He saw it happen. And he couldn’t get there fast enough to stop it. He couldn’t let the others find out he failed to protect them.)
Once everyone is accounted for, memories are fully back, and homes are rebuilt, there’s a huge celebration with everyone involved. (As the sun goes down, Oscar takes the other kids home to have a sleepover and Ulysses breaks out the alcohol.)
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whosthere54 · 5 months
Hiiii I have some food for you guys 🥞🥞🍓🍓
Also I have a old thing I wrote about Icarus so you can have that too, not really happy with it but I like the concept :)
(This was in my notes app)
Basically, I read I know that I lost you [one or two forevers ago] by liminalAugustus and saw a quote and really thought about it.
“I have a brother again. His name is Rae.”
What if Icarus wrote a letter to themself to remember after he found out Rae was his brother?
They stared at the cover of their notebook as if it had wronged them. They glared at the intricate purple and yellow design, at the pair of golden wings depicted in the center.
They opened it up again to reread over the letter they had written, starting to pace once again.
╔════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════╗
[The letter looked like it was written hastily. There are also some spots of blood staining the pages, as well as some dried evidence of tears. The first time they said their name is what looks to be “glitched” with many different colors obscuring the ink only in that spot.]
To whoever find this,
My name is Ì̸̳͙̳̇c̸͇̽a̵̭̕r̴̙̒͛̚ù̷̖͘͝s̶̼͓̔͒ and I wrote this book to remind
me of things before, to see if I can remember again. If you are not me who finds this, please try to find me. I don’t know how much I’ll remember, but I may possibly go by the name “Sherbert”. You will be able to tell it’s me from the yellow and purple wings and jacket I wear.
To myself,
I don’t want to make this too long just in case pages glitch out like before.
Your name is I̸c̸a̷r̶u̶s̷ Morningstar, you are the child of Fable and Isla Morningstar.
You have a brother again. His name is Rae.
He loves science and research, his favorite flower is a blue orchid the same as yours. He is so selfless and kind and nothing like you but treats himself like you do all the same. You need to make sure he knows nothing bad that happened is his fault, it isn’t. You need to make sure he knows that he is loved, and that he can ask for help and doesn’t have to know everything. He will have his boyfriends, but he doesn’t always think of going to them first. Make sure he knows that he can, and should. Make sure he knows you care about him, and make sure he knows that you are so incredibly sorry for everything. You were a horrible brother, but you are trying to be a better one.
Athena is your cousin. They care too much about others and don’t worry enough about herself, make sure He’s aright. She will have Jamie and Rae, don’t push yourself too much into his life. Remember what happened last time.
You love them. Don’t let yourself hurt them again.
You are not alone, you have friends now.
Centross is your best friend, though we haven’t told him. (Don’t want to boost his ego too much now do we.) He is happy now, don’t ruin it for him and bring up things that should be left in the past.
Wolf is your friend.
Ocie and Momboo are your friends.
Jamie and Easton are your friends.
Caspian and Aax are your friends.
Seven is your friend.
Ven is… complicated, but he doesn’t deserve to be alone. Make sure he is okay.
I don’t know if Will will be there, and even if he is, he will go his own direction. Don’t forget him.
Remember Haley. You killed her, she didn’t deserve that. Don’t disrespect her death by letting her go forgotten.
Remember Chaos. You didn’t know them that well, and they didn’t trust you, but she does not deserve to be forgotten.
Remember what you have done before, you do not deserve the forgiveness that these people have given you. Don’t forget them. You love them, and I think they love you too.
If the portal fails… I can only hope you find this in the next reset.
You are not alone.
You are not alone.
You are not alone.
From yourself,
- Icarus Morningstar
╚════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════╝
Icarus rips the pages out of the book and folds them up, sealing it with golden wax and a blue orchid. With shaking hands they pull out their flint and steel, and head outside their house. They look up to the sky and breathe for a moment.
They just let themselves feel. They feel the wind tousle their hair, the sun against their face. This may be the last time they feel this until the next reset. They turn back towards their house and look at it with a small smile.
They set a piece of the ground alight, just looking at the burning flame for a moment before throwing their letter in. They watch it burn and disappear, and put out the flame.
Hopefully it wouldn’t be needed, but even then…
It would be nice to remember they aren’t alone.
Yeah so there’s that. I had thoughts.
Anyways go read “I know that I lost you [one or two forevers ago]” by liminalAugustus it’s a longish one chapter hero AU fic and I enjoyed it a lot.
Remember to get some food and drink some water and take any meds you need to. You are loved <3
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so. Heyhay and Sherb saw my animation on their fanart stream yesterday. so im taking this opportunity to gush about the process because i am a little nerd.
it took me three ish days, and it was so fun to make. Originally i was just playing around in pixel art and i made a little ocean animation. my next thought was "how do i do this, but fable" and i decided to make a little animation, with a part for each character.
So for Aax, I did axes, but they deteriorate a long the way, as symbolism of Aax becoming more of a person and not a weapon or a tool. (also i did the pixel art rotation instead of rotating manually and that naturally messed up the pixels, but i just rolled with it) Then i did Addies spiderweb, which is actually my favorite piece, with the spider going down.
For Arisanna, i had to redraw it like 3 times, it was on of the most struggling for me to draw, as i didn't know what to do. I tried making a book open and have pages flip, but i realised (AFTER DRAWING LIKE ALL THE FRAMES OF THAT SECTION) that i didn't know what i was doing, so i deleted everything and just did a scroll unfolding instead. Also i have an arrow going through it to represent the pillagers. cause this was at the time Ari was missing.
Next was Athena, so i had flowers and then the lava pouring down. Also i was so lucky on that part that Caspian was next because the red bg for him fit perfectly. I drew a not working bound compass(im not sure what its called in Minecraft terms) because. lost one.
Then i had the reaver for Centross, and i wish i did more of a slicing motion instead of the turning motion but it is what it is. For Easton, it was one of the more difficult ones, as i knew the bg would be skulk, but i didn't know what to do for the foreground. I associate Easton with building, so i had like. buildings pop up. Then there's a flash of color? light? to transition from Easton to Haley, as it represents bot Easton going blind and also the bright flash right before Haley came back.
Then i have a ghost for Haley, obvious reasons. For Icarus i was torn between potions and blood eye, so i did both. Funnily enough, a healing potion is redish so it works with eye blood colors. That was my favourite thing to animate, with the blood drop falling so i did it again later for Wolf. For Jamie, I mad a pot of honey because bear, but also because i could then turn Sherb's potion into the honey and it worked out. I also did some vines bc of Heir of The Wild reasons.
For Momboo, i did a flower blooming and i love the way it turned out. Its one of my favorite pieces. but then again, everyything is my favorite. For Ocie, i did the wave idea that started the whole thing, and for Rae i did the three shards (Ender eye blinking, Skulk/perix, Alerion bubble) I like the ender eye part the most. Ulysses was another one i struggled with, because what do you do for a cahracter whose theme is medical malpractice? so i did a med kit, and used the syring to transition to Ven's one. I really liked how that turned out, too.
Then for the last two, I had Ven have a notebook that got filled with writing, because of his job days. and also ecause i still cannot draw a book. Then for Wolf, I did like claw marks, but I had some of it drip into starbarks, because like i said earlier i really like how that turned out with my sherb one.
What i learned from this experience: so many purple guys and book guys. Also drawing is cool and fun
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