#fablesmp spoilers
stellarcat52 · 4 months
This isn’t leaving my brain so here.
One final reset au.
Heavy spoilers.
It takes years, but fable’s soul manifests in the aether. As one final attempt to fix everything, or maybe as revenge, he causes another reset, completely destroying his soul in the process.
Disclaimer: I haven’t watched everyone’s finales and I don’t have solid ideas for where every character wakes up after the reset, also, spoilers.
Caspian remembers everything, but he’s stuck in Elysium with no way of getting back and helping his family or friends.
On the other hand, Rae and Violet are stuck in the end. Rae doesn’t remember anything about being mortal, including his partners, but Violet remembers the end stone reset and parts of the other two. He figures out another has happened pretty quickly.
Violet checks the end prison, which has returned, for Caspian, Athena, Easton, or (this name has been forgotten) but finds it empty. He won’t help Rae remember anything because he knows it will cause more stress to know that there are people out there that Rae loves that he can’t get to. (for the sake of this, lighting the ends portal in the over world opens the one in the end as well.)
Rae has Veah and Cari with him. He doesn’t remember either of them but quickly recognizes the resemblance and takes care of them. They remember everything and are very scared because Dad doesn’t remember them, even when he promised he’d never forget them. (They never understood why he kept making that promise to them. He’d promise them every time he had a bad dream.)
Ocie and Momboo both remember everything. It hurts, having everything taken away again, and they’re looking to reunite everyone and rebuild lodestar grove.
Quixis-Icarus can see and interact with the world, they try to push people into each other’s paths and they look for Rae and Centross endlessly.
Most everyone in the over world and nether (really just Athena) are quick to regain memories once they meet up with the others. A blessing from Caspian traveled on the over world wind, making it easier, but those in other dimensions weren’t effected. (Athena just had really good bonds with people)
Caspian is able to read everything his friends write down, Arisanna, Ven, and Athena unknowingly keep him in the loop. Rae also takes notes, Caspian broke into tears when he realized his husband 1- didn’t remember him, and 2- had their kids and was keeping them safe.
Veah writes down journals for her and Cari, Caspian reads them too and wishes he could go help them feel less scared.
Athena and Fenris make it to the end first and Rae doesn’t immediately remember them. Violet defends them but Rae locks them away anyway until Veah and Cari see and recognize them. Fenris calling him starlight and Athena calling him their uncle cause memories to come crashing back.
Rae stresses about making it to Elysium, hoping that Caspian was there. He builds the portal and is willing to give up himself to get there but Ven, who remembers dying, seems to be able to open it on his own without consequences. (Icarus didn’t want anyone to get hurt, they found the portal from the last reset. No one seems to notice that it’s one block off now.)
Caspian definitely sees Rae’s notes about ways to relight the portal and knows he’s going to try and sacrifice himself. He’s at the portal waiting when the plan happens and his first words to anyone are “Is Rae okay?” Because he was so scared. He makes sure everyone knows that it was fable who caused this reset, and that his soul is permanently gone this time. (He saw it happen. And he couldn’t get there fast enough to stop it. He couldn’t let the others find out he failed to protect them.)
Once everyone is accounted for, memories are fully back, and homes are rebuilt, there’s a huge celebration with everyone involved. (As the sun goes down, Oscar takes the other kids home to have a sleepover and Ulysses breaks out the alcohol.)
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otherkinotd · 4 months
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Today's otherkin of the day is Bruin, who is Deltaverakin 🧝
-requested by anon
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the-sunbee · 4 months
i have no other words but this:
Rae Morningstar got a happy ending.
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athena-xiii · 5 months
The only way Len knew how to atone for failing his brother the first time was dying for him and I have been thinking about that for so long.
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chaos-is-fun1 · 4 months
I'm having so many thoughts about the finale specifically Quixis as a whole so Uh
Spoilers for the finale of fable sherbs pov
I'm thinking about these things a lot now but like I really want to know now who was the Quixis before Midas? Who were the Quixixes (Quixi?) before Midas? Who was the very first Quixis? why does the title of Quixis exist like who decided like lorewise thats the name and WHY?!
And against the judgement of my friend who's objectively correct I will not put any of this as questions in the qna because haha ✨️No✨️
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Spoilers for Fable SMP lore "Stuck in his head"!
Warning: brief mention of experimentation I love finding little details in lore and while in may not be important for theorys, I love the details in how the different characters respond to enderian bringing rae's body home to get help. First to say something is Athena with a “what happened?”. Getting the information and the facts. Wolf with a stunned “what” is next and I realized, Wolf has never heared Enderian talk before (neither has ocie or Aax) The next is Caspian “what did you do”. While Rae’s relationship with Enderian has been slowly getting better the one between Caspian and hers hasn’t. The last time he talked to her was during the experiments he, Rae and Jamie did back in s1. When she says that she wanted to help Aax follows with a “that doesn’t explain it, what did you do”. While enderian and him have not talked they know that she did to Rae in the past and is protective. And finally Ocie again with a “what happened?” which shows her character growth. She doesn’t immediately focus on who is at fault and to blame but more wanting facts and to now what happened and how to help, guiding her to sit down.
Both Wolf and Jamie are silent at this interaction wich speaks vollumes for their characters. Neiter of them is the upfront loud person. they are taking in the entire situations and observing. ready to step in where needed.
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hoardingpuffin · 7 months
Spoiler Warning for the FableSMP Lore that happened... literally just now [17.02.24, 00:53 am]
Obviously lore was amazing and this is such a satisfying way for Enderian's part of the story to come to and end after the arc she's had since all the way back in Season 1, and Rae's little "Mum, please" HURT LIKE A BITCH /pos - however - What Do You Mean she was killed off before I finished my cosplay?!?! /dra
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lillybearrie · 4 months
Ding dong the wicked bitch is dead
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centross-mistvale · 2 months
Soul? Are you alright?
Yeah yeah....I'll be alright I promise. Don't worry about me waves <3
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qaze · 1 month
///Spoilers for Ash and Vast BoundSMP lore
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gremlin-cryptid · 2 months
Welcome to Icarus should be going to sleep but autism says its time to piece together timeline stuff
Spoilers for Fablesmp / Finale stuff ahead!
So Heyhay said that Icarus "died" (read: Memories funky because they're now Quixis) after both Isla/Orchid and Fable left the brothers.
Im trying to piece together when that was- cause Midas said they were younger than them when their eye started bleeding-
- In Notes #1 theres a 7th birthday note from Orchid to Rae
- 5 year age difference between the brothers
- Orchid has been missing for two years in Notes #3
So my best guess while half asleep and without rewatching any vods is at this point the brothers are ~9 and ~14 (going off the assumption Orchid was kidnapped while Rae was ~7)
- Fable shows up at this point
- Hes there for at least ~138 days based on Notes #3
- Hes gone in Notes #4
So best guess is brothers are now ~10 and ~15
My theory is around this point is when Icarus "dies" in Raes memories (during Epilogue)
- They're still younger than Midas
(Midas was 17? Is what I've heard-)
So yeah roughly 10-11 year old who watched his mom get taken probably only a year or so prior loses his only remaining family and yk Fable made him forget his one and only friend.
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otherkinotd · 4 months
i think Bruin from Fable SMP is Deltavera (God of the Wild in canon) kin
(you could maybe use like a general naturekin or wildkin flag for the bg)
mainly bc they are Delta kind of in a weird way, like Delta was dying and put a bit of their soul into Bruin, who can remember being Delta to an extent, but isn't them now
also, this is some very recent lore so would it be okay if this and the post once it's queued is tagged with 'fable smp spoilers'? tyvm :)
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I want to yell about fic and chapter titling stuff for my necromancy au so like link to series and then spoilers under that
I don't know how much of this will make sense. It's last so my brain isn't working at %100 and I'm autistic so my brain also works in weird ways. I'm bad at articulating my thoughts like this so it all sounded so much better in my head but I had to try. I may add onto this as I get more thoughts about it.
first off, the title of the series itself: "Wait for me, I'm coming, wait, I'm coming with you". Hadestown is based on the greek tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice (my favorite myth). In both the myth and my fic it's a story about a character trying to get someone they love back thought for my necromancy au it's familial love. I also named this series when I didn't know if it was going to end well or not for Rae (I still don't know but shush, we're not going to talk about that).
The first fic: "I'd be the choiceless hope in grief that drove him unground" from Talk by Hozier references Orpheus and Eurydice. I don't have as much to say about this fic bc I wasn't putting as much thought into the chapter names when I wrote them. "Is this a bunker or a shallow grave" (Hollow Moon, The Crane Wives) references the fact that Rae was just pulled from a grave and how whenever he gets anxious those feelings bring up images of dirt/drowning/death. "Can we skip past the death-death cliches" (Touch, Sleeping at Last) is because that's the chapter where Centross dies but is also brought back to death, he gets to "skip" death.
Second fic: "Though I knew my heart would break" (Francesca, Hozier) is abour Everett and Raemond's death and Francesca by Hozier is about two lovers from Dante's Inferno who die together and then spend the rest of eternity together much like how Everett and Raemond are buried together in the same grave. It's a love song about not regretting the choices that brought them to the end/hell because she (Francesca) would do it all again if she ended up with her lover.
Third fic: "All I want is to flip a switch before something breaks that cannot be fixed" (Touch, Sleeping At Last). Again, partially bc this is a telling of what happened around Centross' death but from Fenris/Centross' pov so it felt right to use the same song. Also again, bringing Centross back to life is fixing something that broke.
Fourth fic: "What will you leave behind? Oh we all still die" (Willow Tree March, The Paper Kites) is about Rae trying to figure out his spot in Lodestar Grove in the aftermath of Centross's death. In this fic he talks to Centross and Momboo and his relationship with both of them has changed a lot, he's gotten closer to Centross while any hope of a friendship with Momboo has been left behind with Centross' death.
5th fic: "How long have you been harboring that venom" (My mind now, Paris Paloma) is referring to the venom/hatred Rae has developed for his magic. There's a line in the song ("was it a first offense?") which I feel like fits really well also to what's going on in Rae's mind at this time with what's happening with Momboo (she hates him so much for one thing that he did) and with himself (beating himself up over loosing control once in the library) while also trying to figure out if he (Rae) did something earlier to deserve being treated like he is.
6th fic: "All my love and terror balanced there between those eyes" (Abstract psychopomp, Hozer). Listen, I just love this song. I don't have a lot to say about Caspian's chapter ("the feeling came late, I'm still glad I met you") by itself but Aax's ("the memory hurts but does me no harm") makes me think about how in FableSMP Aax and Rae knew each other as children even though that isn't canon to this au and Fenris' ("the moment I knew I'd no choice but to love you") feels like Rae's finally accepting that he loves his boyfriends and he's happy and he took so long to figure it out ("the feeling came late") and he wants to treasure the time he has with them even though he's going to bring his family back which Rae is convinced will make Cas/Aax/Fenris/everyone hate him but he doesn't want to throw the present away because of the future ("I'm still glad I met you" even though it's going to end badly like a certain greek myth).
7th fic: "My mind has not been silent" (my mind now, Paris Paloma) is Rae telling Jamie about what happened with Momboo that's been unable to ever fully stop thinking about her words. It's also from the same song as fic #5 with mirror (ish) plot lines of someone close to Momboo finding Rae and talking to him as he's struggling with seeing himself as a monster though Rae tells Jamie what happened between him and Momboo but doesn't tell Fenris.
the 8th fic is just a bunch of short stories but I think the title "we're nothing but myths now" (Yeti, Paris Paloma) fics because it's going to be filled with one-shots of stuff that happened away from what's happening directly around Rae and often talking about stuff that happened before Fenris dug Rae up
#9: "Nothing lasts forever, some things aren't meant to be" (Hello My Old Heart, The Oh Hellos), even if Rae isn't constantly thinking about it in this fic there's this acceptance that he's going to bring back his family and the life he built with his friend's can't last. The mentions of rigor mortis, livor mortis, and adipocere return and there's the last time he gets to hang out with Athena, Jamie, Aax, Caspian, and Fenris bc Rae doesn't know if his relationships with them will survive what he has planned.
#10: "If I don't make it back from where I've gone just know I loved you all along" (Inkpot Gods, The Amazing Devil) is Rae going through with his plan despite his belief that he's going to loose his friends. He talks to Isla's grave but we never get to see Rae saying goodbye to his partners (unlike how he got to say goodbye to his family before their death). Maybe he wanted their last memories of him before they realize he's a monster to be good and happy? And in the end he doesn't make it back because bringing his family back proves to be too much.
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 7 months
I love the different portrayals of grief within Fablesmp-
(tw: discussion of death, and grief)
-=- spoilers for more recent fable going-ons! up to the town hall/"Fact"ion meeting -=-
The hopelessness, the anger, the bargaining, the acceptance-
For a bit of despair, we have Rae. He's frustrated and blaming himself a little bit, hoping and wishing for a better situation where he simply could've actually even seen his own mother in person. But no. One mother is stolen, the other is dead, his psuedo-father is a villain, and his brother has fallen in line behind that man. And Centross is essentially dead- he's still there, but he's not the same. They will never be able to have breakfast times again, etc.
The anger. Oh boy the anger. For anger, we have Ocie. She is very angry now. Angry at the world. Angry at circumstances. Angry at herself. Angry at Fable. Momboo is dying. Chaos and the rest of her partners are dead. She thought Centross was dead. Worst of all, the graves and keepsakes from her former partners are all scattered by the resets. As she said herself, she doesn't even get to keep their graves. And she's willing to stab a few folks about that.
In a way, even Fable is angry with grief.
Bargaining! Ven himself. Bargaining with Perix, with Fable, with himself. Bargaining with the hope he still is holding onto by the thinnest thread imaginable. Snarling like a wolf in the face of any despair that may creep up on him, but cowering beneath the one who promises to return his love to him.
I don't know a ton about Ulysses, but I see acceptance within him. He's tried to fix death. He's tried to get people back, to save people, to fix them. And it simply doesn't work. So he's accepted that, and his trying to be better. Running from the monster of his past, timidly offering assistance while trying so desperately not to fall into bad habits. There is a sadness within him, but it's not just due to his grief over the people he's lost- it's those remnants of grief over the actions he's committed. Those atrocities whose bloods sink into ever crevice on his palm, staining every action and word he speaks.
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silvertws · 4 months
I know the FableSMP finale happened.
Have I watched it? No.
I don't watch the streams cuz bad connection+timezone.
So I have no idea if my predictions were correct.
I am scared, I hope they weren't?? Because I tend to be very pessimistic with my theories so I'm just like "oh Gods please noH-"
I may have sopilered myself a little with some art but it's fineeee they looked happy so I'm sure nothing bad happened... Right..?
Not me getting the funky post on my fyp being like "so... To all of you who said Ulysses was going to die... You were kinda right" and now I'm just like.
Sorrryyyyy it just made sense okkkkk ToT Swear it's not because I don't like himmmmmmmmm he's literally my favorite fish boy.
But yeah, not me spoilering myself the finale.
That's fine.
Be ready to see just, a post of me screaming about the finale.
Because I probably will.
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SPOILERS! For Fable smp lore "Stuck in his head" !!
There were so many cool things said and it was such amazing lore. The build is incredible and the thing that heyhay was doing behind the scenes.
Guys I care so much about young Rae. He is so precious and the way the others interacted with him. Young Rae has my entire heart.
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