#also THANK YOU MAKOTO for pointing out the water cycle lmao
donamoeba · 8 years
[ENG Translation] Free! Eternal Summer - Another Story Bubbling of the Starry Sky (based on the Makoharu Mook Drama)
Audio link from Tsunamayo at soundcloud (thank you for sharing!!)
Makoto: I'm home~ Phew, we had so many emergency call outs today.. I’m so tired... there are so many fire accidents lately. Ooh! I've got black soot all over me! *strips* Well then, time for a bath...
Makoto: Phew...
Haruka: What's up.
Makoto: HUUUUH!? Who are you!? Why are you using the bathtub in my house!? More importantly, how did you get in!?
Haruka: Shut up…
Makoto: EEEEH!! You have a tail! A mer… merman!?
Narration: Free! Eternal Summer - Another Story
Narration: Bubbling of the Starry Sky!
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Haruka: I’m not a merman. I was born between a fish and a human.
Makoto: So like… a half-fish man?
Haruka: Yeah.
Makoto: Is that even possible? But, you do have a tail... eeh, so, um, how did you managed to get here? I mean, you couldn't have walked here, with that tail...
Haruka: I do have legs…
Makoto: You're kidding!
Haruka: If you don't believe me, I'll show you. Once all the bath water is drained, you'll get what I mean.
*gurgle gurgle*
Makoto: Eh? Wait, if you do that, wouldn’t you dry up? Will you be okay!?
Haruka: Shut up. Just watch, and you'll understand.
Makoto: Woah! You really do have legs! Even though they were a tail before...
Haruka: as long as I’m not touching water, I can take the form of a human.
Makoto: So, so you really are a half-fish man!?
Haruka: *sigh* That’s what I’ve been saying the whole time.
*ding dong*
Makoto: Who could it be, in the middle of the night…? Ah, stay here for now and don't move.
*ding dong*
Haruka: Shouldn’t you hurry and answer the door?
Makoto: Aaah, oh fine. Just make sure you don’t come out, okay?
*ding dong*
Makoto: Yes! Just a moment! I’m opening the door now!
Rin: Hey, I have a few questions for you.
Makoto: Huh!? The police?
Rin: Your pronunciation is all wrong! It's POLICE.
Makoto: Eeeh!? What's with this guy?
Rin: Anyway. Hey, did a suspicious man escape into this house?
Makoto: ! N-no, I didn't see anyone...
Rin: Are you sure? Why do you keep sneaking glances at the bathroom then? Something's up.
Makoto: Ah…um, I, I was about to take a bath, so… hahaha, I think my bathtub is almost full. Now if you will excuse me then!
Rin: Hey, wait! HEY!
Makoto: The police was here!  Please don’t tell me they were chasing after you!?
Haruka: Yeah.
Makoto: Don’t just say “yeah”!
Haruka: I was soaking at the park’s water fountain when I was spotted by a police who walked past, it looked like trouble so I escaped.
Makoto: Then the police just now must be the one who saw you!  he's chasing after you… but anyway, why were you in the fountain?
Haruka: *dreamy* When you see water, don't you just want to get in it?
Makoto: Is that your natural instinct as a half-fish?  Is that why you’re in my bathtub?
Haruka: While I was running away, I looked into your bathroom window and saw a nice bathtub, and before I realized, I was in it.
Makoto: Before you realized... *sigh* under normal circumstances, I would’ve called the cops on you... but anyway, please change into some clothes. I think the police has left by now, so it’s probably better if you go home.
Haruka: …don’t…
Makoto: Huh?
Haruka: I don’t have a home to go back to.
Makoto: ... *chuckle* Well, I guess I don’t have much of a choice... would you like to stay here for now?
Haruka: *surprised* Are you sure…?
Makoto: You don’t have anywhere else to go, right? That’s settled then!  I’m Tachibana Makoto. Um, what’s your name?
Haruka: Nanase… Haruka.
Makoto: So Haruka, yes?
Haruka: Don’t call me by my first name.
Makoto: All right, "Haru" then.
Makoto: Nice to meet you, Haru! Here, let's shake hands!
* * *
Makoto: I’m home~
Makoto: Oh? Something smells really nice...
Makoto: Waah~ these look delicious! And there're so many dishes...! Did you make them all, Haru?
Haruka: Yeah.  Anyone can cook.
Makoto: That's not true... I’m really bad at it… thank you so much, Haru.
Haruka: It’s not like I made these for you. I need to eat too.
Makoto: So it’s okay for you to wash your hands?
Haruka: I can touch water on the upper half of my body.  But if my feet get wet, I’ll turn into a half-fish.  But since I’m wearing an apron, I’m fine.
Makoto: I see…
Haruka: Makoto, let’s hurry and eat. The food will get cold.
Makoto: Itadakimasu!
Haruka: Itadakimasu.
Makoto: This is delicious! I’ve never tasted anything this good before! It’s even better than the restaurants! Hehe…
Haruka: What’s so funny?
Makoto: Nothing funny, it’s just that it’s really nice to have a meal with someone.
Makoto: Speaking of which, Haru…
Haruka: What is it?
Makoto: You mentioned that you don’t have a place call home, so what was life like for you up until now?
Haruka: I was travelling around the world.
Makoto: What about your parents?
Haruka: I don’t have any.
Makoto: What about friends?
Haruka: ...
Makoto: …so, you’ve been alone all this time?
Haruka: yeah.
Makoto: …
Haruka: …what’s the matter?
Makoto: No, it’s nothing.  But you’re not alone anymore, right?
Haruka: …not that I really care.
Makoto: That’s no good!  It’s boring to be alone! See? We’re having a meal together, it’s much more fun this way!  It’s definitely better to have more friends around you!
Makoto: Haru…
Makoto: It’s because Haru has lived all his life alone that he doesn’t understand… but if from now on, I can show Haru the importance of friends…
Haruka: …Makoto? What’s wrong?
Makoto: Ah, it’s nothing, don’t mind me.  That’s right! By the way, Haru, a friend of mine is a scientist, maybe we can ask him about your body!  Maybe he’ll find out something.  Oh, and also my astronaut friend!
Haruka: Hey, Makoto...
Makoto: Oh, don’t worry, they are both really good friends of mine.  I’ll find a roundabout way to tell them about your situation.  Oh and also, I have some very nice sweets we can have for dessert! Wait a sec!
Makoto: Um… they should be here… ah! There they are! Haru! They might be a little too sweet, but… huh? He's gone! But the table is cleared. Haru!?
Makoto: HARU!
Haruka: What is it?
Makoto: Oh, thank god... you're here in the bathroom... you gave me a fright disappearing like that!
Haruka: It's relaxing here...
Makoto: Do you like this bathtub that much?
Haruka: No…
Makoto: Haru, your tail is really beautiful. It sparkles in the colors of a rainbow.
Haruka: Really?
Makoto: I was too overwhelmed to notice it at first, but you have scales on your arms and your face too.
Haruka: They appear when I'm in water for a long time.
Haruka: …what’s the matter?
Makoto: No, well er…  I was just thinking that I’d like to see you swimming in the sea, instead of such a small bathtub…
Haruka: The sea…
Makoto: That’s right!  When it gets warmer, let’s go together!
Haruka: I’ll go.
Makoto: Awesome! I can't wait!
* * *
Makoto: Nagisa, Rei, I'm sorry to bother you during lunch break.
Nagisa: Hehehe, don't worry about it, Mako-chan! I wanted to catch up with Rei-chan and you anyway!
Rei: I feel the same way too.
Nagisa: Plus everything in the menu of this restaurant is delicious! I can gobble it all up!
Rei: Nagisa-kun, if you don't restrain yourself, you won't be able to move later... so, you mentioned there's something you wanted to talk about...
Makoto: Well... it's a bit out of the blue, but... do you guys think... half-fish exists?
Rei: Half-fish!!? Ha-ha-ha! Logically speaking, such things cannot exist! Both mermaids and half-fish are only fantasy, creatures made up by men that only exist in fiction.
Makoto: Hahaha... I thought you'd say that...
Nagisa: But if there really is one, I’d love to be its friend~ and besides, I bet a half-fish person is really pretty! Right, Rei-chan?
Rei: It’s… definitely interesting, but only if they really exist.
Nagisa: Ah! Food is here! It looks so yummy~!
Makoto: You're right. Let's eat.
Makoto/Rei/Nagisa: Itadakimasu!
Makoto/Nagisa/Rei: This is SO GOOD~!
Rei: But... it tastes different from usual…
Makoto: Hmm? This taste... like what Haru made me the other day... HUH? Haru!? Why are you here!?
Haruka: I brought your lunch over.
Makoto: That's not what I mean! What are you wearing? Do you work here?
Haruka: I’ll work and pay for my share of the rent.
Makoto: Geez… you could’ve told me if you got a job.  You gave me a fright!
Nagisa: Hey, hey, who is this? Is this chef your friend, Mako-chan?
Rei: Please introduce him to us.
Makoto: Ehh... I was thinking about introducing him to you two properly… but anyway, due to some circumstances, we’ve been living together since last week…
Haruka: Half-fish…
Makoto: *interrupts* He’s Nanase Haruka-kun! Please call him Haru!
Nagisa: Well then, Haru-chan! I’m Nagisa! Nice to meet you!
Rei: And my name is Ryugazaki Rei.  I’m the scientist of this town.
Haruka: Nice to meet you.
Rin: Huh? The cook of that restaurant... I've seen him before... something’s fishy... let me take a closer look.
Rin: Hey, you guys.
Makoto: that's the police from the other day..! Haru!
Rin: Oooh? So your name's Haru?
Haruka: And what about it?
Rin: I’m looking for a merman who I spotted at the fountain the other day, and he looks exactly like you…
Haruka: You’re just imagining things.  Aren’t you a bit young to go soft in the head?
Rin: Hah, aren’t you a feisty one… but let me tell you, I never forget a face once I’ve seen it.
Makoto: Wait, you two...
Haruka: Besides I’m not a merman, I’m a half-
Makoto: (interrupts) waaaaaaahhhh–! But mermen don’t really exist! Right?
Rei: That’s right.  How could a police officer like yourself believe such illogical nonsense…
Rin: I don’t care if it’s logical or illogical, I’ve seen him with my own eyes.  and I’m definitely gonna get him.
Nagisa: What are you going to do after you catch him?
Rin: Let's see... don’t people say that a mermaid’s flesh gives you immortality? In that case…
Makoto: In that case…?
Rin: I’d probably eat him up.
Makoto: Bu-but, Haru is not a mermaid! I mean, see? He has legs!
Rin: Hn, guess you’re right… but I won’t give up.
Rin: That merman is my prey.  One day I’ll catch him by the tail and make him mine.
Rei: Well, maybe in this case, you don’t catch him by the tail but by his fin? (T/N: In Japanese a mammal’s tail and fishtail are different words)
Nagisa: Hahahahaah, that's a good point~
Rin: SHUDDUP! What a sloppy bunch, you guys... anyway. I'll be back.
* * *
Makoto: Let's see... Clothes for changing, lunch boxes, towels, picnic sheets, swimsuit… oh Haru, your swimsuit…
Haruka: I don’t need one.
Makoto: I guess that’s true.  But just in case, I’ll bring an extra one of mine…
Haruka: I said I don't need it.
Makoto: Just for caution's sake. The weather is so nice, it's the perfect day to go to the beach. I'm just really happy that it's finally warm enough for us to go swimming together, Haru. So I want to make sure everything is well prepared!
Haruka: Fine, do what you want.
*ding dong*
Makoto: I’m coming!
Rin: Yo, I’m here again.
Makoto: What… what can I do for you?  We’re just about to leave the house…
Rin: There’s something I want to confirm.  I’m just gonna let myself in…
Makoto: No, wait…!
Haruka: Makoto? ...! That guys from the other day...
Haruka: What do you want?
Rin: Yo. I'm just here to check something... using the water in this bottle!
Makoto: Oh no! I need to stop him!
Rin: Oops…! My hand totally slipped by accident and I spilled the water... sorry mate. Now your feet are wet, aren't they?
Rin: I knew it. You have scales appearing on your legs! I don't really know how this all works, but my hunch was right! I found you, Merman! Now come with me!
Haruka: Don't grab my arm!
Makoto: Let go! Wait! Let go of him!
Nagisa: Haru-chan! Mako-chan!
Rei: We came here to rescue you!
Rin: What… what the hell!?
Nagisa: Haru-chan, this way! Follow me!
Rin: He escaped! Hey! You assholes! Open the door!
Makoto: What should I do? What is going on?
Rei: Please don’t worry.  It just happens that Nagisa-kun’s lunch box is today’s special menu, grilled mackerel, so I believe it will be very useful.  Please just leave the rest to us!
Nagisa: *obviously fake* wooooooaaaaaaaaahhhhhh~~!!
Rin: What’s going on!? Open the door! Hey! Dammit, I guess I have to kick the door open...
Rin: Okay, it's open... what the hell... why is there a salted grilled mackerel floating in the bathtub!?
Makoto: Haru, are you all right? To think that you had to escape through the bathroom window...
Haruka: I'm fine. This is the window I used to get into your apartment in the first place.
Makoto: Ah... that's true, now that you mentioned it... anyway, we don't have much time. Let's hurry, Haru!
Nagisa: (obviously fake) Haru-chan…. Haru-chan he… turned into this…!
Rin: Like that’s gonna happen! Do you think you can fool me!? Hey, where did Haru go?
Makoto: Let's go while he's distracted by Nagisa, c'mon! We should make it onto our train if we run.
Haruka: Yeah.
* * *
Makoto: Hah...thank god... we boarded our train...! Now we can go to the beach! Hehehe.
Haruka: …why?
Makoto: What do you mean?
Haruka: Why is everyone doing so much to help me?
Makoto: You don’t need a reason to save a friend.
Makoto: But enough of that, look!  We can see the sea from here!
Haruka: ...! The sea...
Makoto: Haru, we'll be there soon! The sea is even more beautiful from the beach, so I really want to show it to you!
* * *
Haruka: I've never seen a place like this.
Makoto: Yeah? It’s a pretty well-kept secret.  I thought it would be nice if you could swim here.
Haruka: I see...
Makoto: Haru is always the happiest when he's in water, I'm glad we came here.
Haruka: Makoto, aren't you coming over?
Makoto: Sorry! I'm coming now!
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Makoto: In the sea full of vibrantly coloured fishes and coral reefs,  Haru and I swam languidly.  In the sea that seemed to stretch on forever, Haruka looked blissful as his began to swim ahead of me. Just when I was about to catch up with him...
Makoto: Woah! That's a huge school of fish! ...huh? Haru's gone..... Haru? Haru, where are you?
Makoto: He's not behind the coral reefs, or across the seaweed...!
Makoto: Could it be that he’s returned to the sea, just like this?
Makoto: Haru! Haru? ...oh no, I'm running out of breath. I have to go back to the surface...
Makoto: Puaaah! *pant* He isn't here either...Haru! HARU-!!
Haruka: What’s wrong, Makoto?
Makoto: Haru! You came back to the surface?
Haruka: Yeah. I found a nice stretch of rocks, so I sat there to look out at the sea.
Makoto: Thank god... I thought you suddenly disappeared!
Haruka: ...you worry too much.
Makoto: After that day, we went back to everyday lives again. I work at the fire station, while Haru works at the restaurant. When we get home from work, we have dinner that Haru makes, and then we play games. Sometimes Nagisa and Rei come hang out with us too. Although that police is still keeping an eye on Haru...well, but our days together were lively and full of fun.
* * *
Makoto: It's my shift at the station today. I wonder how Haru's doing...
Announcement: There’s a fire at the restaurant in Iwatobi Street!
Makoto: Restaurant!? Could it be...! Haru's...!
Makoto: Haru!
Haruka: Makoto!
Makoto: Oh thank god... you made it out all right. I heard there's a fire at the restaurant, I was so worried!
Mother: Somebody! Somebody please help!  My child is still inside!
Firefighter: But the fire is too strong, we can’t go inside…
Makoto: Oh no! I have to go rescue him!
Haruka: No, wait! It’s too dangerous to go inside! Don't go, Makoto!
Makoto: I'll be right back!
Haruka: Makoto!
Makoto: Hello?  I’m here to save you! Shout back if you are there! Hello~!?
Makoto: This is not working. I can't find the kid.
Haruka: Makoto...
Firefighter: We found a child! He just came out from the fire!
Child: *cry* Mommy...
Mother: You’re all right!! Oh thank god!!
Haruka: The child is safe... then what aboout Makoto!?
Makoto: The ceiling is collapsing! I have to be careful or I'll be crushed.
Makoto: Gah! This is not good... I'm stuck under a column. Uggh!
Makoto: It's too heavy...I can't move...
Makoto: I’m so useless… I’m just going to die here and I couldn’t even save the child…
Makoto: Huh...? There's someone, over there...? Haru? But there's no way...Haha... I’m starting to hallucinate…
Haruka: Makoto! Makoto! Hang in there!
Makoto: ...Haru?
Haruka: The kid is safe.  We need to get out of here now. Pull yourself out while I lift the column! *sizzle* Makoto: It's working...! Thank you, Haru!
Haruka: Ugh...!
Makoto: Haru! You're covered in wounds! Why did you come into the fire without any fire-resistent gear!?
Haruka: That's not important...
Makoto: Yes it is!! Why... why did you come for me!?
Haruka: It’s my choice.
Makoto: But…!
Haruka: You don’t need a reason to save a friend, right?
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Makoto: …!
Haruka: It’s my turn to save you this time.
Makoto: Haru... I...
Haruka: Makoto, stay still.
Makoto: This is...! A layer of water...? It’s like I'm engulfed by it, what a strange feeling...
Haruka: You'll be protected from the fire as long as this layer of water is on you. Let's make our escape together now!
Makoto: Okay!
Makoto: We made it... we made it outside! Huh? Haru? Haru!? Where's Haru!?
Makoto: ...what's this? Tears? Why...? I...
Makoto: The water around me is evaporating! What should I do!? At this rate, Haru's gonna...! Don't go!
Makoto: ...it's so shiny... just like... Haru's scales...!
* * *
Makoto: Every since Haru was gone, the apartment feels empty without him. Now that I think about it, we've only lived together for a very short time, but somehow, I feel like I've been with Haru since forever. Haha, it's so werid, isn't it?
Makoto: Apart from the fact that Haruka's gone, my life goes on as usual, and now it's the season of cherry blossoms in full bloom...
Makoto: I'm home... we again had many emergency call outs today... I’m so tired. And I've got black soot all over me again... *strips* well then, time for a bath...
Haruka: Shuddup…
Makoto: HUH!? Haru!? Why are you in my bathtub again!?
Haruka: It took a long time…
Haruka: On the night of the fire, when I became the layer of water and evaporated, I turned into a cloud, then rain, and a river...
Makoto: You were part of such a grand natural phenomenon!?
Haruka: Anyway... before I realized, I’m here.
Makoto: Haru…
Haruka: Don't cry.
Makoto: I thought... I'd never see you again... *sniff* welcome home, Haru.
Haruka: I’m back.
Makoto: Here, give me your hand.
* * *
Ran: Onii-chan!!
Ren: Wait for me, Ran!
Ren: Oh? Onii-chan and Haru-chan are both asleep, and they left their game console on too...
Ran: What~!? But I wanted to play with them! Hey, wake up, wake up~!
Ren: Ran... you shouldn't wake them up...
Ran: Did you want to play with them too, Ren?
Ren: Well, yeah... but look, both Onii-chan and Haru-chan are smiling.
Ran: You're right... hehe, I wonder if they're having a good dream.
Ren: I bet you're right!
Ran: Oh fine... Ren, let's go. Softly~ so we don't wake them up!
Ren: Okay!
1K notes · View notes
free-pool-trash · 7 years
Periods with the Free! boys:
Hey guys, it’s shark week lmao I’m in pain and spent too long wishing the Free! boys would take care as me as I laid awake in intense pain until 5AM so here is how I believe the boys would take care of you! Also my last Free! headcanons now have over 400 notes, thank you all so much!!
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So you were staying with him when you felt the cramps coming along, you were both just chilling on his couch talking when you went quiet and tried to hide the fact that your insides felt like they were about to bust out
Being the caring boyfriend he is he asked you what was wrong and unluckily this would be the first time Haru was along for the wild ride which is shark week, so cue blushing mess (Y/n) trying to tell her monotone boyfriend that her feminine cycle had begun
Eventually you got the words out and it was one of the rare occasions where Haru blushed really hard, all this poor boy could get out was a quiet “oh.” and you were then both plunged into an awkward silence
After a few minutes Haru caught on to the situation. He was your boyfriend, but what did boyfriends do in these types of situations? Did they go to the store and buy supplies? Did they cuddle? WHAT DOES HE DO?
Haru’s accurate train of thought at that moment 
Alright but imagine 50% off Haru in this moment
Shit Haru what do we do?
That’s a dumb idea Haru
You’re a dumb idea Haru
Ouch Haru, cut me deep Haru
He’ll get over the shock fairly quickly and proceed to looking after you, he’ll get you a hot water bottle and all the food you won’t want to admit you’re craving and if you want them, all the hugs he can give
He’ll do whatever makes you happy that entire week, he’s probably one of the best people to have with you because this boy will literally bring tampons/pads in his fucking messenger bag for you in case you need them
If other guys give him smug looks in the store when he’s buying said tampons or pads he will ruin them oh my god. One time he was minding his own business buying his girlfriend some feminine items when this guy gave him the most smug look and Haru just stared him right in the eye and said “They’re for my girlfriend, I’m guessing you don’t have one.” Then he just... walked away.
He is surprisingly really good at handling how clingy you get during this time
Just a really good person to be around to make your period a little bit less painful.
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Boy oh boy, stop your search you’ve found the one, congratulations.
Alright, he is a sweetie pie, this we already knew but when period week comes? Hello Makoto 2.0 is here to meet you.
He knows when you’re on it because you get all emotional and just start needing all of his attention all of the time, constantly, 24/7, the whole week, entire 7 days. He loves showering you in affection so this is okay with him.
He may as well just be named a saint, he gets you painkillers if you need them he will buy you all the sweets. You want ice cream? He’ll get it. 
He’ll watch a romcom with you thinking it would be a fantastic idea to make you laugh but you started to cry when the main character did something stupid to their significant other. Makoto was then lie ‘I really don’t know why I didn’t see this coming’
“I just really love you and please don’t do that.” 
“You know I wouldn’t, I love you so much.”
You end up crying of happiness because he’s so sweet
He keeps tampons/pads in his bathroom for you and his mother was just like 
“Ran isn’t quite at that stage yet, dear.”
 He’s just like
 “Mom no they’re for (Y/n) if she needs them.”
His mother dotes on you during the week as well she just kinda knows when it’s time, woman senses probably
Makoto get’s Ren and Ran to bring you gifts he bought for you because he knows it makes you happy, sometimes you’ll cry because Ren stays that little bit longer to give you a hug and Ran tells you she hopes you get better soon because she doesn’t understand.
In terms of who you want with you during your period he will give you all of his attention so 100% an amazing choice When I say all of his attention I’m not shitting around, Haru calls? Sorry bro. Ren and Ran need babysitting? Can he bring you along?
He won’t smother you either, if by chance you act like you feel trapped he’s on the other side of the getting ready for when you start crying about being lonely 
You’re like a cat
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HAHAHAHAHAHA he has older sisters he’s ready. best trained and most capable to deal with this situation which is surprising I know but seeing as his sisters used to make him wear girly clothes they probably weren’t above sending him to buy tampons/pads or heating pads or making him dip into his sweet stash and provide them with the good shit.
So when you start getting snappy he’s like *internal groan* he’s a lot more patient with you than with his siblings because he knows nobody will ever be as bad as his oldest sister
If you get mad at him he won’t take it to heart unlike any other day, he’ll just say something nice to you and let you cool down for a bit before he goes in for the snuggles
He doesn’t get confused when buying tampons/pads because again,sisters. But he manages to get the exact ones you need and you’re not sure whether you should be pleased or creeped out
“How did you know which type I needed?” “Just an informed guess.” “What do you mean’informed guess’“ “Nothing...”
He knows one of your main shark week quirks is insane mood swings, you get really easily agitated out of nowhere, you’ll initiate a hug but then as soon as he responds you squirm you way out of it, at first Nagisa was like “Why don’t you want my love????” but now he’s just like “Alright baby, seeya next week.”
He acquires this calm, mature personality when it’s the time because you don’t feel well and he wants to feel like he’s 100% only taking care of you and not you feeling like you need to look after him
But of course Nagisa is still Nagisa and when you crave sweets he’ll make you play the pockey game with him and or show up with these weird ass candies you’ve never even heard of
Despite all this our baby boy takes very very very very good care of you and will get you whatever whenever
alright but Thugisa dealing with this can we just
“So it’s shark week huh? Damn never knew jaws 3D had a cousin, HAH” “Nagisa, please don’t smoke that, it’s a tampon not a joint” “Nah nah nah, babe just watch, you light it up like so then- shit it’s burning. DON’T BREATH IN.”
Please make this happen
A good period kid
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Oh no.
nuh uh I think the fuck not
Over educated on the subject of periods and afraid (His own little version of naked and afraid)
So you, his girlfriend, are bleeding out of a place where the sun don’t shine and are in a mood.
He knows what’s up and how does he respond you dare ask? HE LITERALLY LEAVES YOU ALONE UNTIL IT’S OVER
Nah no joke the first period in the relationship he literally left for five days only sending you texts like “Love you are you better yet?” he didn’t realize he messed up until he made you cry because he said he had homework and was too busy to come over and cuddle you
You sobbed over the phone while he was still on the line so he came over in the end, that was a fun time 
From then on he got a little better, he doesn’t drop off the face of the earth anymore which is y’know a plus
He’s just so sweet but so awkward
Anything else and he’d be doting on you like a worried mother but for whatever reason he just can’t with this
Bless him though he gets you whatever you ask for with no protests although tampon/pad buying is a different story
“What ones do I get, there are so many! Do you need extra absorbent or just regular absorbance? What’s all this stuff about flows? What’s your flo-”
“Rei, shut up and just pick up the ones that say regular, please.”
“Okay, got it.”
“(Y/n) somebody is looking at me funny, this is not beautiful!”
More of a drama queen than you if we’re all being dead honest with each other here.
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Here’s a guy who thinks he knows what’s up but actually doesn’t sorry to break it to ya baby
He’s all like
 “Oh, you’re on your period, don’t worry babe, Gou’s a girl I know how this stuff works”
 “Uh, they’re both the same thing right?” 
Who is this boy and why doesn’t he at age 17-18 know what a tampon is?
But you know what they say about sharks and blood ;) 
You literally have to teach him the difference between a tampon and a pad, needless to say it was a painful conversation for the both of you.
Other than that he’s pretty good the only problem is you have to borderline bribe this little shit into helping you out, he’s such a damn cuddle monster that he’s like 
“Yeah of course I’ll run to the store and get you some pain killers and chocolate...”
“Thank you Rin Rin.”
“Oh for the love of God! What? What do you want from me?”
You’d swear he was the one on his period 
On that note he’ll rub your tummy when the cramps are being little ass hats (You know when the cramps aren’t like pounding but they’re there and bringing really intense pain and you’re just sitting, waiting for death thinking HOW?? Yeah I feel like a belly rub from Rin Matsuoka would cure that.)
He’ll give you all the affection, he’s a good boy
You’re own personal heating pad
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AHA, um um um okay. lol
95% of the time he is the most amazing boyfriend you could ever ask for, bless him the period week is that 5% when he’s just barely average
Strap yourself in because I’m gonna be saying barely a lot in these points
Alright if we’re gonna be real hear, he’s grossed out. he does not like this, there is blood coming out of your what? Sign him out, he’ll barely let you use his bathroom during that week
It’s like a switch in his mind goes from kissing you softly and whispering “I love you baby” to awkwardly at most wrapping his arm around your shoulder and going “Shh it’s okay?” In barely a matter of seconds
Don’t get me wrong he still loves you with all of his heart this is just really not his thing, he’ll bring you food though, that’s kinda the only thing he can do during this time
You can groan from pain and he’ll be like
“Baby? Are you okay? Do you need more chocolate?”
“No, Sou, it’s just cramps.”
“I’ll go get you more chocolate”
“No! Sou I don’t need more cho-”
“Yeah, i’ll get you more chocolate”
He wholeheartedly believes that chocolate is going to stop the blood that’s leaving your body
Aside from all of this, this is Sousuke Yamazaki we’re talking about and he is willing to put his grossed outness aside and do whatever for you if he sees you start to get really upset/sore/needy 
To be honest he drops his “Eww girls are icky!” facade at least once a day, he’s not about to deny you his hugs and kisses while you’re in pain who do you think he is? some sort of monster?
 I think the fuck not.
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Aww an awkward baby boy
He knows what a period is and when you tell him you’re on yours as a warning in case you end up getting mad at him further into the week he blushes and asks you what you need him to do or if you even want him to do anything
If you do he’ll get whatever you asked for with no questions asked (Apart from maybe what pads/tampons you need, it’s embarrassing for both of you but unless you wanna be uncomfortable and grumpy and not to mention leaky it is a question that needs to be asked)
Even if you don’t ask him for anything he’ll stock up on everything he thinks you may need anyway
I’m taking tampons AND pads, all your favorite sweets and chocolate, pain killers (Not even the regular ones but the ones that are made for period pains what a saint), heating pads, the works
You’ll be in his dorm and you’ll like sneeze or something (Get real girls, we all know how it is) and at that moment you have The Fear but he sees and he’s all shy like
“Is it that time?”
“um, yeah.”
Then he pulls open his drawer, hands you a pack of pads/tampons and tosses this mass amount of chocolate onto the bed and you’re just internally screaming about how after you deal with the bloody situation you’re having you were going to kiss his sweet little face
Makes a point of giving you extra kisses and hugs because lucky for you you don’t have bad cramps but you do get very emotional but half the time Aii is on that level anyway so that week is just one big pile of yikes
You just want the snuggles and buddy will he give them to you
He won’t lie, I won’t lie, he lives for period week, I mean come on, he loves your attention and on period week all he has to do is exist to get it (same as usual), a score on his part.
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AH, has anyone died of second hand embarrassment yet? No? 
Well you’re about to
So it was a Friday and you were cuddling in his dorm, Nitori was visiting his family so it was just the two of you, this beautiful boy decided you should stay the night
And of course, you were cuddling your amazing boyfriend, he was snuggly and warm so you agreed to stay the night sleeping with him in his bed
And you bled on his sheets. 
Uhuh, unluckily you were the first one to wake up and again came The Fear (I know the pain of bleeding on something that isn’t my own bed sheet, it’s the worst dear god kill me) You just started at the huge blood stain underneath you and paniced
What the actual fuck were you supposed to tell him? Yeah goodmorning baby, sorry no goodmorning kiss, I have something better! I ruined your bed sheets and very possibly the mattress underneath due to my monthly female cycle? 
When he woke up you panicked, you lost all sense, so when he asked you in a huge ass panic if you were okay because there was blood everywhere you started to cry out of pure guilt
“I’m sorry I got my period during the night and I’m so so so so sorry I ruined your sheets, I’ll clean them for you I’m sorry don’t hate me!”
For minute he’s just tryna piece together what the fuck just happened when he finally gets it around his head his first thought definitely is not of the sheets
He get’s you off the bed so fast, his first instinct to get you out of those blood covered clothes and get you warm because ‘Oh God she’s probably had to lay in the blood for hours  she’s probably so uncomfortable right now my poor baby!’  
He gives you a pair of his boxers, baggy sweatpants and he threw his yellow hoodie there too because he knows it’s your favorite.
He then leaves you in his dorm the clean up and get changed and he’s straight out the door on his way to the store dead set on buying you tampons/pads Rin sees him rushing down the halls at 9AM and he’s like what the fuck?
“Momo? What are you doing up so early?”
Every time you’re on your period he gives you his yellow hoodie so you basically live in it for a week and he’s just kinda like “sweet”
He genuinely couldn’t care less if you bleed on every single sheet he owns, he’s not letting you be alone without somebody to cuddle with, fair to say sunshine baby doesn’t know all too much about the magic of periods but he knows enough
He has no problem buying you tampons or pads but you probably shouldn’t let him because if he’s in panic mode and somebody looks at him funny he will actually square up to them and be like 
He’s a great person to be around on your period because he’s happy enough to keep you happy but not so happy that it gets on your nerves
Hope you enjoyed xx
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