#makoharu mook
caffernnn · 4 months
Knock knock bestie have we talked about the goldfish but in the mookverse 👀
OKAY HI HELLO I’ve been spinning this in my mind since you’ve sent it (you’re a visionary, truly) and I’m READY NOW !!! 🛁✨🧡
(… putting a readmore bc this got long lmao)
Sooo, we see goldfish come up quite a few times within the show, most often in relation to Makoto. Whether it’s the literal goldfish he’s taken care of (first fish from childhood, plus the ones gifted later by Haru) or the striking visuals of swarms of goldfish that show up within his shrine vision and stress dream in FS/FS2, they’re looming. In my mind, when we get a Makoto scene where goldfish are involved in some fashion, it’s a surefire signal for me to pay attention to how that moment comments on Makoto’s supportive caretaking abilities — do others trust he can take care of the things and the people he holds dear; does he trust that his efforts will be enough to convey everything he wants to before it’s too late? It’s interesting to think about the implications of goldfish imagery, especially the more abstract/interpretive ones seen later on, because it creates this fascinating opening for the mh mookverse to be tied into that collection. Before even jumping into the universe itself, I’m drawn to its conception — how it’s built in a dream that can be read to be from either Makoto or Haru’s head (if not both), and how many points in the story are these call-response moments crafted from fears and reassurances during the ES era. Seeing how goldfish have brought attention to Makoto’s worry and Haru’s responding reassurance in the show, how might they also find their way into this shared dreamverse, where Makoto’s ability to take care of and protect others is a prevailing theme? (theme, right? Lit nerds don’t come for me rn okay I think I’m using that term right)
There were a couple moments that stood out to me with Big Goldfish Energy when I last read through the story, so let me just tack those up on the conspiracy pinboard really quick 📌
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There’s… something about Haru showing up, being declared as specifically half-fish, revealing that he doesn’t have a home or people (or particularly strong conviction) to return to, and revealing he “doesn’t care” about whether he has any of those bonds or aspirations or not (okay, parallel to that fight with Rin in the locker room, I see you~). There’s something to Makoto immediately extending care to this version of Haru: someone who is a practical stranger (and creature) in his eyes, yet has a disposition that he takes personally. The suddenness of Makoto imposing this all-important “power of friendship” on himself, then proceeding to open up his home and his downtime and his life to Haru… it’s an echo to the deep bond they have in the waking world, yes, but it also feels connected to Makoto’s ever-present desire to take care of something/someone. Being a pet owner, being a big brother, being a team captain, being a swim coach, being a firefighter — there is a core part of Makoto that’s not begrudgingly bound to responsibility, but craves and almost chases whatever heartfelt pursuit he can to feel useful. So much of Makoto’s character and his dream (as we understand it throughout ES and beyond) is spurred on by this desire to help. Whether he’s trusted with fish from a fair named after his friends, or presented with a half-fish in his home that wears the face of one of those same treasured friends, of course he pounces and takes on that task with pride.
Now, onto that quality of care:
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This moment feels particularly telling about how Makoto’s perception of his role in Haru’s life (both in the mook and definitely outside of it) is shifting as time moves forward. He sees Haru comfortable enough, integrating himself into a shared normalcy with Makoto, but he’s noticing how… limiting, this all might be. His efforts in supporting and caring for Haru now orient towards building hope and curiosity. What would it look like for his fish friend to move to a bigger tank, or be released completely? Beyond this also lies a question Makoto refuses to voice to himself, but still makes its presence known in how this whole “trip to the sea” arc proceeds: how much will it hurt if in all of his pushes forward, Haru finds a beautiful life that’s outside of his own line of vision? He wants what’s best for Haru, he wants him to dream, he wants him to be able to do all of this for himself… but there’s also that part of him that will always hope beyond hope that they both find ways forward where they get to stay by each other’s sides. How much is at risk in letting that glittering goldfish grow beyond its small bowl?
This is all skittering off into a general love letter to the mh mook, but I adore the little details that show that shared care they both have for each other. Like, it means something that Makoto insists that they go to the sea together. It means something that he openly wants to be by Haru’s side when he explores the world again beyond the safe bathtub he’s become so familiar with. If you still think about this as a dream, it clears up one of the ongoing points of contention in the ES time period that Makoto struggles to communicate to Haru when everything blows up: he’s not trying to make demands that push Haru towards one specific goal or away from everything he knows. He wants Haru to find a purpose through knowing his options, and he hopes he can be by his side through it all. God, it just makes me think about their fight and why Makoto couldn’t bring himself tell Haru about Tokyo earlier than he did! He’s scared! He’s attached and scared and trying to be hopeful with all of the change and transition laying ahead of him, but homie doesn’t want to lose his best friend and the life they’ve shared for so long together in the process, and it’s agonizing for him to see Haru so openly dig his claws into a beautiful past and normalcy when Makoto knows they both have to keep moving. MAKOTO CARES SO MUCH!!
Ok, back to the mook: I’m obsessed with the moments where it’s made so clear that Haru cares for Makoto and consciously chooses to find his way back to him. Haru isn’t just a passive roommate or pet, but someone who entangles himself into Makoto’s life (shared lunch breaks, walking home, evenings together, etc etc). When given the chance to go anywhere when in the sea, he swims around and then comes back to Makoto. When we get to the fire, where he’s completely out of his element, he actively puts himself in harm’s way to find Makoto (he can’t let his tether to his now beloved constancy and normal burn, right?) to his own demise. He does the scary thing of going somewhere Makoto can’t reach him (bro you 🫧DIED🫧), going through an intense cycle of change (Australia trip could neverrr), and when he pops out on the other side of that cycle with another chance at life, he finds home with Makoto once again. This is our airport reunion, this is our mhtokyo realized — Haru has found a dream, and a crucial piece of that all-encompassing vision is treasuring his most important bonds that pushed him to care about anything. In these moments of Makoto being scared that he failed to care enough to save anyone (the kid from the fire, Haru from the fire, Haru from his ES spiral and breakdown), Haru does his best to convince him otherwise by coming back, sending out a resounding message of not only wanting to be by his side, but trusting Makoto enough to try and build a new path forward with, again and again.
So uhh… the goldfish. Right.
In the story that exists now, there’s a lot to be found in viewing half-fish Haru as a variation or stand-in for the goldfish. It’s an interesting spin in that we see Makoto have a multitude of hopes and fears attached to his abilities to support others through his emerging aspirations, but slapping Haru’s face on a fish reeeally draws our eye to what his subconscious stirs up when focused on his ability to support and take care of Haru specifically. Beyond that, though, if we were to specifically throw visible goldfish into the mookverse, there could be a cute epilogue spin where they have fish in their home together. I love the idea of mook mh getting comfortable enough in their ‘happily ever after’ that they choose to take care of fish together. It’d be cute if it was a surprise gift from one of them to echo back to Haru gifting fish, but establishing growth and security through getting to be the shared caretakers of others? That’s tasty; that’s a nice nod to the domestic mundane security mh get to have in DttF and Tokyo (FS era notwithstanding. She only exists when she’s useful to me) and how they get to focus on helping out their friends for a bit. A lot of soft headcanon or fic potential there tbh.
Oh no, I hope you weren’t originally asking for just a lil hc of them taking care of the goldfish, because if so I 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
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shounenlord-sama · 3 years
Okay, so I wrote a poem for a school requirement, and no...I DID NOT JUST WRITE A POEM ABOUT THE MAKOHARU MOOK
So anyway, here's the poem:
Makusog man an duros sa kadagatan
Pirmi man mabalik, mahadok sa pangpang
An tubig sa langit, mabulos na uran
Dampi sa dahon kan saimong kadlagan
No matter how much the oceans turn
A kiss to the shore, it will return
For heavenly waters fall as rain
A touch to your leaves, your verdant plain
Yeah the originaal is in my language so...anw
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such-a-downer · 3 years
MAKOHARU by me.....
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Actually i made a fanfic. I'll post it later. :)
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datheetjoella · 7 years
Recently I've discovered the audio about makoto as a fireman and haru as a freaking mermaid. IM IN SHOOK I mean?? That's some canon shit! Makoto's taking a bath and in his bathtub there's haru and then he's naked and possibly even makoto is naked and then they fall asleep together and haru saves him and it's a real love story I am in tears
SHOOK BECAUSE OF THE MOOK. You’ve discovered a real treasure, but since you mention it as an audio, I assume you haven’t read the written mook right? I don’t have a link to it right now and it’s kind of different from the audio, but the audio is more detailed so I don’t think you necessarily have to read it because you already read the translation of the audio, BUT, in case you haven’t seen it yet, there were also three illustrations in the mook (I only have two saved so if anyone could send me the other one in high quality then I’d really appreciate that):
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In the mook when Haru pulled the plug of the tub, he was definitely naked (very subtle, Haru, showing him your dick when you met like three minutes ago.) I don’t think Makoto was naked in that scene but honestly? They definitely saw each other naked in the mook at one point or another. And when Haru said “it’s my turn to save you now” I literally died.
Since you loved the audio, can I maybe interest you in the beautiful photo illustrated video the amazing @mixestomix made to accompany the mook? I love it so much, you can watch it over here!
To anyone who somehow still hasn’t read/listened to the MakoHaru mook, do yourself a favour and get on that asap!
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makoandharu · 3 years
Having mh mook brainrot again… like imagine the boyfriend shirt in the context of the mook. Imagine Makoto sharing so many things in his home with Haru and being a little stressed about “oh we need to get you your own clothes/things/etc” to try and make him feel more at home. But Haru is still a little shell-shocked because Makoto shared so much of his life/belongings with him almost immediately with ease? And they both quickly get comfortable with sharing a home together??
Makes it so much worse when he leaves bc he can't even just neatly put away Haru's things to get them out of sight so it hurts less bc Haru's in all of HIS things and now his sleep shirt still smells like Haru and his books have bookmarks left in them from how far Haru had gotten through them, and his spice jars are rearranged different bc Haru sorted them to make more sense, and even the shower gel he's used all his life triggers him now bc Haru used to share it and now he can't not associate that smell with him without the pain and loneliness and loss overwhelming him?
And when Haru comes back he just falls back into the patern of using Makoto's things bc it's comfortable and normal and Makoto's shirt is soft, but when Haru walks out wearing it for the first time he's been back one evening it would absolutely break Makoto bc he never thought he could see Haru in it again and he'd never thought he'd get to share his life with Haru again in all the little ways Haru had felt comfortable enough to weave their lives together.
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lauruus · 3 years
the curse of having otps that technically do hug in official material but never properly in the actual canon of the media
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ianime0 · 4 years
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Free! Es Mook Book | Sourin, Reigisa, Momoai, Makoharu and RInharu Part 3
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donamoeba · 8 years
[ENG Translation] Free! Eternal Summer - Another Story Bubbling of the Starry Sky (based on the Makoharu Mook Drama)
Audio link from Tsunamayo at soundcloud (thank you for sharing!!)
Makoto: I'm home~ Phew, we had so many emergency call outs today.. I’m so tired... there are so many fire accidents lately. Ooh! I've got black soot all over me! *strips* Well then, time for a bath...
Makoto: Phew...
Haruka: What's up.
Makoto: HUUUUH!? Who are you!? Why are you using the bathtub in my house!? More importantly, how did you get in!?
Haruka: Shut up…
Makoto: EEEEH!! You have a tail! A mer… merman!?
Narration: Free! Eternal Summer - Another Story
Narration: Bubbling of the Starry Sky!
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Haruka: I’m not a merman. I was born between a fish and a human.
Makoto: So like… a half-fish man?
Haruka: Yeah.
Makoto: Is that even possible? But, you do have a tail... eeh, so, um, how did you managed to get here? I mean, you couldn't have walked here, with that tail...
Haruka: I do have legs…
Makoto: You're kidding!
Haruka: If you don't believe me, I'll show you. Once all the bath water is drained, you'll get what I mean.
*gurgle gurgle*
Makoto: Eh? Wait, if you do that, wouldn’t you dry up? Will you be okay!?
Haruka: Shut up. Just watch, and you'll understand.
Makoto: Woah! You really do have legs! Even though they were a tail before...
Haruka: as long as I’m not touching water, I can take the form of a human.
Makoto: So, so you really are a half-fish man!?
Haruka: *sigh* That’s what I’ve been saying the whole time.
*ding dong*
Makoto: Who could it be, in the middle of the night…? Ah, stay here for now and don't move.
*ding dong*
Haruka: Shouldn’t you hurry and answer the door?
Makoto: Aaah, oh fine. Just make sure you don’t come out, okay?
*ding dong*
Makoto: Yes! Just a moment! I’m opening the door now!
Rin: Hey, I have a few questions for you.
Makoto: Huh!? The police?
Rin: Your pronunciation is all wrong! It's POLICE.
Makoto: Eeeh!? What's with this guy?
Rin: Anyway. Hey, did a suspicious man escape into this house?
Makoto: ! N-no, I didn't see anyone...
Rin: Are you sure? Why do you keep sneaking glances at the bathroom then? Something's up.
Makoto: Ah…um, I, I was about to take a bath, so… hahaha, I think my bathtub is almost full. Now if you will excuse me then!
Rin: Hey, wait! HEY!
Makoto: The police was here!  Please don’t tell me they were chasing after you!?
Haruka: Yeah.
Makoto: Don’t just say “yeah”!
Haruka: I was soaking at the park’s water fountain when I was spotted by a police who walked past, it looked like trouble so I escaped.
Makoto: Then the police just now must be the one who saw you!  he's chasing after you… but anyway, why were you in the fountain?
Haruka: *dreamy* When you see water, don't you just want to get in it?
Makoto: Is that your natural instinct as a half-fish?  Is that why you’re in my bathtub?
Haruka: While I was running away, I looked into your bathroom window and saw a nice bathtub, and before I realized, I was in it.
Makoto: Before you realized... *sigh* under normal circumstances, I would’ve called the cops on you... but anyway, please change into some clothes. I think the police has left by now, so it’s probably better if you go home.
Haruka: …don’t…
Makoto: Huh?
Haruka: I don’t have a home to go back to.
Makoto: ... *chuckle* Well, I guess I don’t have much of a choice... would you like to stay here for now?
Haruka: *surprised* Are you sure…?
Makoto: You don’t have anywhere else to go, right? That’s settled then!  I’m Tachibana Makoto. Um, what’s your name?
Haruka: Nanase… Haruka.
Makoto: So Haruka, yes?
Haruka: Don’t call me by my first name.
Makoto: All right, "Haru" then.
Makoto: Nice to meet you, Haru! Here, let's shake hands!
* * *
Makoto: I’m home~
Makoto: Oh? Something smells really nice...
Makoto: Waah~ these look delicious! And there're so many dishes...! Did you make them all, Haru?
Haruka: Yeah.  Anyone can cook.
Makoto: That's not true... I’m really bad at it… thank you so much, Haru.
Haruka: It’s not like I made these for you. I need to eat too.
Makoto: So it’s okay for you to wash your hands?
Haruka: I can touch water on the upper half of my body.  But if my feet get wet, I’ll turn into a half-fish.  But since I’m wearing an apron, I’m fine.
Makoto: I see…
Haruka: Makoto, let’s hurry and eat. The food will get cold.
Makoto: Itadakimasu!
Haruka: Itadakimasu.
Makoto: This is delicious! I’ve never tasted anything this good before! It’s even better than the restaurants! Hehe…
Haruka: What’s so funny?
Makoto: Nothing funny, it’s just that it’s really nice to have a meal with someone.
Makoto: Speaking of which, Haru…
Haruka: What is it?
Makoto: You mentioned that you don’t have a place call home, so what was life like for you up until now?
Haruka: I was travelling around the world.
Makoto: What about your parents?
Haruka: I don’t have any.
Makoto: What about friends?
Haruka: ...
Makoto: …so, you’ve been alone all this time?
Haruka: yeah.
Makoto: …
Haruka: …what’s the matter?
Makoto: No, it’s nothing.  But you’re not alone anymore, right?
Haruka: …not that I really care.
Makoto: That’s no good!  It’s boring to be alone! See? We’re having a meal together, it’s much more fun this way!  It’s definitely better to have more friends around you!
Makoto: Haru…
Makoto: It’s because Haru has lived all his life alone that he doesn’t understand… but if from now on, I can show Haru the importance of friends…
Haruka: …Makoto? What’s wrong?
Makoto: Ah, it’s nothing, don’t mind me.  That’s right! By the way, Haru, a friend of mine is a scientist, maybe we can ask him about your body!  Maybe he’ll find out something.  Oh, and also my astronaut friend!
Haruka: Hey, Makoto...
Makoto: Oh, don’t worry, they are both really good friends of mine.  I’ll find a roundabout way to tell them about your situation.  Oh and also, I have some very nice sweets we can have for dessert! Wait a sec!
Makoto: Um… they should be here… ah! There they are! Haru! They might be a little too sweet, but… huh? He's gone! But the table is cleared. Haru!?
Makoto: HARU!
Haruka: What is it?
Makoto: Oh, thank god... you're here in the bathroom... you gave me a fright disappearing like that!
Haruka: It's relaxing here...
Makoto: Do you like this bathtub that much?
Haruka: No…
Makoto: Haru, your tail is really beautiful. It sparkles in the colors of a rainbow.
Haruka: Really?
Makoto: I was too overwhelmed to notice it at first, but you have scales on your arms and your face too.
Haruka: They appear when I'm in water for a long time.
Haruka: …what’s the matter?
Makoto: No, well er…  I was just thinking that I’d like to see you swimming in the sea, instead of such a small bathtub…
Haruka: The sea…
Makoto: That’s right!  When it gets warmer, let’s go together!
Haruka: I’ll go.
Makoto: Awesome! I can't wait!
* * *
Makoto: Nagisa, Rei, I'm sorry to bother you during lunch break.
Nagisa: Hehehe, don't worry about it, Mako-chan! I wanted to catch up with Rei-chan and you anyway!
Rei: I feel the same way too.
Nagisa: Plus everything in the menu of this restaurant is delicious! I can gobble it all up!
Rei: Nagisa-kun, if you don't restrain yourself, you won't be able to move later... so, you mentioned there's something you wanted to talk about...
Makoto: Well... it's a bit out of the blue, but... do you guys think... half-fish exists?
Rei: Half-fish!!? Ha-ha-ha! Logically speaking, such things cannot exist! Both mermaids and half-fish are only fantasy, creatures made up by men that only exist in fiction.
Makoto: Hahaha... I thought you'd say that...
Nagisa: But if there really is one, I’d love to be its friend~ and besides, I bet a half-fish person is really pretty! Right, Rei-chan?
Rei: It’s… definitely interesting, but only if they really exist.
Nagisa: Ah! Food is here! It looks so yummy~!
Makoto: You're right. Let's eat.
Makoto/Rei/Nagisa: Itadakimasu!
Makoto/Nagisa/Rei: This is SO GOOD~!
Rei: But... it tastes different from usual…
Makoto: Hmm? This taste... like what Haru made me the other day... HUH? Haru!? Why are you here!?
Haruka: I brought your lunch over.
Makoto: That's not what I mean! What are you wearing? Do you work here?
Haruka: I’ll work and pay for my share of the rent.
Makoto: Geez… you could’ve told me if you got a job.  You gave me a fright!
Nagisa: Hey, hey, who is this? Is this chef your friend, Mako-chan?
Rei: Please introduce him to us.
Makoto: Ehh... I was thinking about introducing him to you two properly… but anyway, due to some circumstances, we’ve been living together since last week…
Haruka: Half-fish…
Makoto: *interrupts* He’s Nanase Haruka-kun! Please call him Haru!
Nagisa: Well then, Haru-chan! I’m Nagisa! Nice to meet you!
Rei: And my name is Ryugazaki Rei.  I’m the scientist of this town.
Haruka: Nice to meet you.
Rin: Huh? The cook of that restaurant... I've seen him before... something’s fishy... let me take a closer look.
Rin: Hey, you guys.
Makoto: that's the police from the other day..! Haru!
Rin: Oooh? So your name's Haru?
Haruka: And what about it?
Rin: I’m looking for a merman who I spotted at the fountain the other day, and he looks exactly like you…
Haruka: You’re just imagining things.  Aren’t you a bit young to go soft in the head?
Rin: Hah, aren’t you a feisty one… but let me tell you, I never forget a face once I’ve seen it.
Makoto: Wait, you two...
Haruka: Besides I’m not a merman, I’m a half-
Makoto: (interrupts) waaaaaaahhhh–! But mermen don’t really exist! Right?
Rei: That’s right.  How could a police officer like yourself believe such illogical nonsense…
Rin: I don’t care if it’s logical or illogical, I’ve seen him with my own eyes.  and I’m definitely gonna get him.
Nagisa: What are you going to do after you catch him?
Rin: Let's see... don’t people say that a mermaid’s flesh gives you immortality? In that case…
Makoto: In that case…?
Rin: I’d probably eat him up.
Makoto: Bu-but, Haru is not a mermaid! I mean, see? He has legs!
Rin: Hn, guess you’re right… but I won’t give up.
Rin: That merman is my prey.  One day I’ll catch him by the tail and make him mine.
Rei: Well, maybe in this case, you don’t catch him by the tail but by his fin? (T/N: In Japanese a mammal’s tail and fishtail are different words)
Nagisa: Hahahahaah, that's a good point~
Rin: SHUDDUP! What a sloppy bunch, you guys... anyway. I'll be back.
* * *
Makoto: Let's see... Clothes for changing, lunch boxes, towels, picnic sheets, swimsuit… oh Haru, your swimsuit…
Haruka: I don’t need one.
Makoto: I guess that’s true.  But just in case, I’ll bring an extra one of mine…
Haruka: I said I don't need it.
Makoto: Just for caution's sake. The weather is so nice, it's the perfect day to go to the beach. I'm just really happy that it's finally warm enough for us to go swimming together, Haru. So I want to make sure everything is well prepared!
Haruka: Fine, do what you want.
*ding dong*
Makoto: I’m coming!
Rin: Yo, I’m here again.
Makoto: What… what can I do for you?  We’re just about to leave the house…
Rin: There’s something I want to confirm.  I’m just gonna let myself in…
Makoto: No, wait…!
Haruka: Makoto? ...! That guys from the other day...
Haruka: What do you want?
Rin: Yo. I'm just here to check something... using the water in this bottle!
Makoto: Oh no! I need to stop him!
Rin: Oops…! My hand totally slipped by accident and I spilled the water... sorry mate. Now your feet are wet, aren't they?
Rin: I knew it. You have scales appearing on your legs! I don't really know how this all works, but my hunch was right! I found you, Merman! Now come with me!
Haruka: Don't grab my arm!
Makoto: Let go! Wait! Let go of him!
Nagisa: Haru-chan! Mako-chan!
Rei: We came here to rescue you!
Rin: What… what the hell!?
Nagisa: Haru-chan, this way! Follow me!
Rin: He escaped! Hey! You assholes! Open the door!
Makoto: What should I do? What is going on?
Rei: Please don’t worry.  It just happens that Nagisa-kun’s lunch box is today’s special menu, grilled mackerel, so I believe it will be very useful.  Please just leave the rest to us!
Nagisa: *obviously fake* wooooooaaaaaaaaahhhhhh~~!!
Rin: What’s going on!? Open the door! Hey! Dammit, I guess I have to kick the door open...
Rin: Okay, it's open... what the hell... why is there a salted grilled mackerel floating in the bathtub!?
Makoto: Haru, are you all right? To think that you had to escape through the bathroom window...
Haruka: I'm fine. This is the window I used to get into your apartment in the first place.
Makoto: Ah... that's true, now that you mentioned it... anyway, we don't have much time. Let's hurry, Haru!
Nagisa: (obviously fake) Haru-chan…. Haru-chan he… turned into this…!
Rin: Like that’s gonna happen! Do you think you can fool me!? Hey, where did Haru go?
Makoto: Let's go while he's distracted by Nagisa, c'mon! We should make it onto our train if we run.
Haruka: Yeah.
* * *
Makoto: Hah...thank god... we boarded our train...! Now we can go to the beach! Hehehe.
Haruka: …why?
Makoto: What do you mean?
Haruka: Why is everyone doing so much to help me?
Makoto: You don’t need a reason to save a friend.
Makoto: But enough of that, look!  We can see the sea from here!
Haruka: ...! The sea...
Makoto: Haru, we'll be there soon! The sea is even more beautiful from the beach, so I really want to show it to you!
* * *
Haruka: I've never seen a place like this.
Makoto: Yeah? It’s a pretty well-kept secret.  I thought it would be nice if you could swim here.
Haruka: I see...
Makoto: Haru is always the happiest when he's in water, I'm glad we came here.
Haruka: Makoto, aren't you coming over?
Makoto: Sorry! I'm coming now!
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Makoto: In the sea full of vibrantly coloured fishes and coral reefs,  Haru and I swam languidly.  In the sea that seemed to stretch on forever, Haruka looked blissful as his began to swim ahead of me. Just when I was about to catch up with him...
Makoto: Woah! That's a huge school of fish! ...huh? Haru's gone..... Haru? Haru, where are you?
Makoto: He's not behind the coral reefs, or across the seaweed...!
Makoto: Could it be that he’s returned to the sea, just like this?
Makoto: Haru! Haru? ...oh no, I'm running out of breath. I have to go back to the surface...
Makoto: Puaaah! *pant* He isn't here either...Haru! HARU-!!
Haruka: What’s wrong, Makoto?
Makoto: Haru! You came back to the surface?
Haruka: Yeah. I found a nice stretch of rocks, so I sat there to look out at the sea.
Makoto: Thank god... I thought you suddenly disappeared!
Haruka: ...you worry too much.
Makoto: After that day, we went back to everyday lives again. I work at the fire station, while Haru works at the restaurant. When we get home from work, we have dinner that Haru makes, and then we play games. Sometimes Nagisa and Rei come hang out with us too. Although that police is still keeping an eye on Haru...well, but our days together were lively and full of fun.
* * *
Makoto: It's my shift at the station today. I wonder how Haru's doing...
Announcement: There’s a fire at the restaurant in Iwatobi Street!
Makoto: Restaurant!? Could it be...! Haru's...!
Makoto: Haru!
Haruka: Makoto!
Makoto: Oh thank god... you made it out all right. I heard there's a fire at the restaurant, I was so worried!
Mother: Somebody! Somebody please help!  My child is still inside!
Firefighter: But the fire is too strong, we can’t go inside…
Makoto: Oh no! I have to go rescue him!
Haruka: No, wait! It’s too dangerous to go inside! Don't go, Makoto!
Makoto: I'll be right back!
Haruka: Makoto!
Makoto: Hello?  I’m here to save you! Shout back if you are there! Hello~!?
Makoto: This is not working. I can't find the kid.
Haruka: Makoto...
Firefighter: We found a child! He just came out from the fire!
Child: *cry* Mommy...
Mother: You’re all right!! Oh thank god!!
Haruka: The child is safe... then what aboout Makoto!?
Makoto: The ceiling is collapsing! I have to be careful or I'll be crushed.
Makoto: Gah! This is not good... I'm stuck under a column. Uggh!
Makoto: It's too heavy...I can't move...
Makoto: I’m so useless… I’m just going to die here and I couldn’t even save the child…
Makoto: Huh...? There's someone, over there...? Haru? But there's no way...Haha... I’m starting to hallucinate…
Haruka: Makoto! Makoto! Hang in there!
Makoto: ...Haru?
Haruka: The kid is safe.  We need to get out of here now. Pull yourself out while I lift the column! *sizzle* Makoto: It's working...! Thank you, Haru!
Haruka: Ugh...!
Makoto: Haru! You're covered in wounds! Why did you come into the fire without any fire-resistent gear!?
Haruka: That's not important...
Makoto: Yes it is!! Why... why did you come for me!?
Haruka: It’s my choice.
Makoto: But…!
Haruka: You don’t need a reason to save a friend, right?
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Makoto: …!
Haruka: It’s my turn to save you this time.
Makoto: Haru... I...
Haruka: Makoto, stay still.
Makoto: This is...! A layer of water...? It’s like I'm engulfed by it, what a strange feeling...
Haruka: You'll be protected from the fire as long as this layer of water is on you. Let's make our escape together now!
Makoto: Okay!
Makoto: We made it... we made it outside! Huh? Haru? Haru!? Where's Haru!?
Makoto: ...what's this? Tears? Why...? I...
Makoto: The water around me is evaporating! What should I do!? At this rate, Haru's gonna...! Don't go!
Makoto: ...it's so shiny... just like... Haru's scales...!
* * *
Makoto: Every since Haru was gone, the apartment feels empty without him. Now that I think about it, we've only lived together for a very short time, but somehow, I feel like I've been with Haru since forever. Haha, it's so werid, isn't it?
Makoto: Apart from the fact that Haruka's gone, my life goes on as usual, and now it's the season of cherry blossoms in full bloom...
Makoto: I'm home... we again had many emergency call outs today... I’m so tired. And I've got black soot all over me again... *strips* well then, time for a bath...
Haruka: Shuddup…
Makoto: HUH!? Haru!? Why are you in my bathtub again!?
Haruka: It took a long time…
Haruka: On the night of the fire, when I became the layer of water and evaporated, I turned into a cloud, then rain, and a river...
Makoto: You were part of such a grand natural phenomenon!?
Haruka: Anyway... before I realized, I’m here.
Makoto: Haru…
Haruka: Don't cry.
Makoto: I thought... I'd never see you again... *sniff* welcome home, Haru.
Haruka: I’m back.
Makoto: Here, give me your hand.
* * *
Ran: Onii-chan!!
Ren: Wait for me, Ran!
Ren: Oh? Onii-chan and Haru-chan are both asleep, and they left their game console on too...
Ran: What~!? But I wanted to play with them! Hey, wake up, wake up~!
Ren: Ran... you shouldn't wake them up...
Ran: Did you want to play with them too, Ren?
Ren: Well, yeah... but look, both Onii-chan and Haru-chan are smiling.
Ran: You're right... hehe, I wonder if they're having a good dream.
Ren: I bet you're right!
Ran: Oh fine... Ren, let's go. Softly~ so we don't wake them up!
Ren: Okay!
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miyakuli · 6 years
Top 5 makoharu moments 😏
Ask me my “TOP 5” anything
Hello anon, sorry for the late, I’m ready to keep doing it ^0^)/I only picked from anime moments!
1. When Haru let finally out his feelings thanks to Makoto’s words
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2. The confession (=v=)
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3. THE quote
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4. Confession #2 aka Haru’s way too shy & Makoto is shocked
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5. Home is where your heart is~
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freebananase · 6 years
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-Welcome home, Haru.
-I’m back.
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caffernnn · 1 year
idk if you already did this and i just forget, but makoharu, who is orpheus and who is eurydice? you've made hadestown references before in the duration of our greek myth mh au exchanges but i don't recall if you've made a real mh orpheus-eurydice talk before.
also the "makoto/kiyofumi = patroclus/cleopatra" parallel also works in haru/azuma = achilles/meleager. achilles' name is derived from the greek word for pain, achos, and haru's full name means "seven currents away" literally (nanase- seven currents; haruka- distant, remote, away) or "great isolation". meanwhile their counterparts, once glorious people who have fallen out of glory, azuma's name ryuji means "imperial ruler", and meleager means "he who was part of the hunt" (his fame comes from his participation in the calydonian boar hunt).
i think there's something about how haru and achilles are both destined for a life of glory, but also for a life of grief and pain and suffering (as their name suggests) at the same time, and then there's azuma and the king who were both destined for glory, but ended in grief and pain and suffering not bc of destiny, but bc of their choices (idk i'm kinda reaching here)
this time the connection is haru/achilles = azuma/meleager (since in the first place achilles and meleager have different etymologies that happen to somehow correspond with haru's and azuma's, respectively. whereas patroclus and cleopatra share the same etymologies, and makoto and kiyofumi also have some similarities in the meanings of their names, that makes it makoto/kiyofumi = patroclus/cleopatra). either way, the parallels still work bc all four names make a connection.
i just realized how both canon and mook haru have some similarities w/ tsoa achilles in the way that both are willing to let other people in peril if it means the safety of their beloved. haru was mad at rei bc if it hadn't for him makoto wouldn't have been in danger like that. no implication that makoto should have left rei to drown to death, but if we consider the mook where haru directly attempted to prevent makoto from saving a potentially trapped victim (a child at that!) just so he wouldn't return to the danger of a burning, crumbling building, we realize that haru is not above letting others die just to ensure makoto is safe, that he survives.
achilles in tsoa (and also prob in the illiad if i still remember correctly) would not care if the greeks were being slaughtered by the trojans when patroclus begged to don his armor in hopes of scaring the enemies away and save the greeks from annihilation. he held on as much as he could to refuse patroclus, bc not only is it dangerous for him, he wouldn't want him to risk his life for people he barely cares about at this point (not to mention he was also mad at the whole army during this point). when patroclus was killed agamemnon "tried" (bc srsly he wasn't even trying) to console achilles, he said that he wished patroclus should have let them all die.
self-sacrificing people who would give up their lives to save someone else and selfish people in love who would sacrificd others for their beloved's life. makoharu are once again patrochilles reincarnated. the evidence just keeps growing and growing.
yes this is two topics in one ask. yes i'm milking the shit out of the patrochilles au. also feel free to separate the answers in this. as usual i'm thinking too much again and it's my mission to bother you about this
Love your long asks 💚💙 OKAY SO first order of business: I go back and forth when it comes to makoharu in an orpheus/eurydice situation. My first instinct is thinking about Makoto as Orpheus, full of a hope that can inspire life and new beginnings, and Haru as Eurydice, who can’t help but believe in his song, his heart (falling in spite of himself, etc etc). I can see them falling fast, seamlessly in a way that neither of them could’ve expected or known that they wanted. Love built from a life lived and a life imagined meeting in the middle and daring to dream of something new, a line to hold onto. I can see Makoto, invested in hope not to a point of naïveté, but of a different shade of demand, of desperation — focused on the weight of being a light bearer for so long he doesn’t notice Haru’s not still behind/beside him until it’s too late. (Do you see it? The parallels to the mook storyline?? Makoto getting lost to the idea of being the hero and saving people no matter the cost to him, not realizing that having your soul intertwined with someone else like that means you’re never only risking yourself??? Hello????)
Similarly though, I can see Haru as Orpheus, taking the lost potential of his FS/FS2 journey (if KA won’t follow through with the threads then I will) and trying to do the impossible: hold hope of success and treasure his bonds, resurrecting them through that sheer power of manifesting spring and new beginnings. I can see him finishing his song, a song older than him, and see himself in Hades’s (maybe Ssk or Ryuuji, if we want another player in there) power-drunk grief (Epic III I love you always). I can see him trudging forward, becoming a voice for people, Makoto right behind, trudging forward… and I can see the doubt from both of them close in. Haru wondering why anyone would follow him, look up to him, when the expectation has always felt a little too ill-fitting, too heavy on his shoulders. Makoto seeing his back, trusting Haru’s ability to move forward and his own will to, but not his own ability to close the distance between when it gets too wide, when the hand he depends upon can’t afford to turn around, when they can’t lean on that strength or support that comes from meeting eyes.
I can see the simultaneous relief and heartbreak that comes when they do meet eyes, and everything comes to a head. When Haru’s will to push forever (and give up something to reach the top) breaks, and he turns like he always has (always would, always will as long as he still can) to see Makoto right there, unwavering and supportive, despite being so sad that it had to be here and now that they see each other, not before. It’s the hospital scene we kinda had, but better; it’s a Makoto dream of him once again trying to reach Haru, but this time he looks back, this time he’s in reach, but touching him makes him disappear. It’s a tragedy and a trainwreck and an ending, but not fully - the ending makes it a story, and that means it can now be told again, they get to live again (even if the outcome will stay the same, it’s another chance, another few minutes, another small bit of ephemeral joy). In the context of makoharu, I think they move in waves, both full of passions that draw them toward each other and out to the world. There’s a cyclical push-pull to them, a story told again and again as they grow, losing themselves to their devotions to the world and then alighting anew when the other holds up a mirror, reminds them of who they are. Caring so much will always give them a propensity for tragedy, but that intensity is fun to play around with in their dynamic. For all the stories we tell where they’re in-tune, calm, pedestrian, ordinary to the point of fading into everyone else quietly, there’s that powder keg of Feelings™️ riiiight under the surface that, given the right circumstances, lends itself to epic feats and tragedy.
MOVING FORWARD: looove seeing the comparisons you’ve made and how that shows the lengths Haru is willing to go to protect his heart (which is held up by Makoto, rests in his hands). I want to add a bit to this though, especially in reference to the mook. Haru’s mind is chiefly on Makoto, his concern is about fighting to get him out, but he doesn’t rush in until after he sees/hears that mother and her kid reuniting. That’s a delicate distinction that I think is important when it comes to how Haru tries to protect Makoto: as much as it’d be easier to pull him out as soon as there’s any sign of danger, he lets Makoto try. Makoto is of the world, of the people, hellbent on serving them (whether it’s being a firefighter in a burning building or a captain at a training camp from hell), and he gets hurt at the nagging thought that he’s not enough because of his setbacks or fears. Haru doesn’t like Makoto being near the ocean during the whole trip, but he still lets Makoto push them forward through it until he can’t anymore. He watches Makoto put himself into potentially scary and dangerous situations with a determination to have his back through it all, but that first presents itself in the form of sitting and waiting.
With that said, what you’re pointing out in Haru can also be true — when it finally comes to that moment where Haru jumps in, saving Makoto because not saving him isn’t an option, everything is on the table. He’ll risk any beautiful thing to save Makoto because his influence is part of what allowed him to think of the world as beautiful in the first place. So, if he isn’t enough, if sacrificing himself isn’t enough? If there were lasting effects from both situations (like Makoto’s injuries lasting longer than the immediate moment of peril), perhaps even loss?? Of course he’d be pissed, he’d be warped, wielding himself into a weapon to protect his grief and ire in a way he couldn’t initially protect Makoto and himself. Delicious parallels and angst potential there, always.
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edenfire · 6 years
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poor makochii can’t catch a break,, :/
i’ve been rewatching the [makoharu mook] over and over again and u kno any time haru hears makoto running the bath, mako ends up with a lap full of fishboy♥
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such-a-downer · 3 years
And yet, another makoharu art.
"...If you have no home, if you have nowhere else to go, if you have no reason to leave... then stay!" He said to me.
Something lighted upon me. Like how the sun 's rays hit the two of us.
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It's from my makoharu fanfic. Feel free to read it here.
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makoandharu · 3 years
Am the fakest bitch for not including the most important pic in the "Haru smiling at Makoto" gifsets??????
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The Shape of Water au?
wow tumblr makes it look so bad... please click on the picture for a better resolution OTL
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ianime0 · 4 years
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Free! Es Mook Book | Sourin, Reigisa, Momoai, Makoharu and RInharu Part 2
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