#also a Fairly Odd Parents tribute
katlangomez · 8 months
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Trap Labs is a 2D platform game based off Bound. This started as a 2 person project between Han who is the main programmer and proprietor of the game and myself as the Creative Director and artist, He wanted to create a game with an art style tribute to Butch Hartman's Fairly Odd parents. With my history of work in animation and game development, having a flexible art style and adaptability was a big advantage. I'd had senior game art positions where I supervised art style and work flow in Tose Software but this was the first time I'd be creating a game from scratch. There was a big facelift with the project in general as initial Alphas of the game had art created by a different approach. We wanted to optimize the game art so that we could have a lot of reuseable assets with the least volume. Initially we had a Adobe Illustrator exported to Adobe Animate workflow to have the correct stylization down.
I created the Character Designs, Brand Identity, and the Color scheming for the levels. As well as ideas for props, UI, and other things on top of animating the assets myself. One of the biggest importances to me in terms of art has color theory come into play. With each succeeding level as you go up the tower you're met with different color changes per cluster of the levels. I took inspiration from many popular cartoons as a reference to the color shifts. But what's important is that they were color blocked cohesively.
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UI Design and Illustration was important to emulate the fun cartoony style of the game based of Butch Hartman's series. But it also needed to be optimized for viewing on both computer screens and mobile gaming as this is a cross-platform accessible game as well. We wanted to make sure the design was responsive and translated well on different screen sizes.
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A really big note with took of is the aesthetic of Asymmetry particular to Fairly Odd Parents and Butch Hartmen's art style that we wanted to translate for our own game. The tile sets and different elements we created in particular we wanted to get the maximum use out of so we wouldn't get rigid repetitive tile sets. And when you rotate them they become different patterns.
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allycryz · 4 years
Nerys Eluned: Canon Jobs
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Nerys spent her childhood with a community of Duskwight in the South Shroud until she was twelve. Her parents moved first to the Central Shroud, later to the East. Prior to ARR, she had never left the Shroud.
Her father handled her academic education with a bent towards reading and history. Her mother took on the more practical subjects: how to hunt, forage, stay out of trouble; where the Duskwight could move freely and where they should avoid. 
There were always chores and odd jobs for children, especially needed when they left the relative safety net of The Cavern in the South. By her fifteenth nameday, this turned into steady work. She excelled in mostly physical jobs for merchants, farms, and outposts.
Nerys off-and-on entertained the idea of becoming a soldier, but never felt called enough to take steps. Once she reached her 20s, she had two main goals: make enough gil to live and to have fun when she wasn’t working. Nerys broke up her share of bar fights and dealt with fending bandits off merchant caravans, so again the idea of being a soldier or Adventurer came up.
The catalyst is a rough break-up that also ends a lot of her friendships. It is not that becoming an adventurer is a solution to any of the problems she faced. But in the wake of this big change, she took a long look at everything and decided she wanted something new. That leads her to Gridania and the Lancer’s Guild.
Disciple of War and Magic
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Meta Note
FFXIV is my first MMORPG. Prior, I have always been primarily a “solo play on my own at my own pace” kinda gal. But my friend said it was really fun and I love the FF franchise, so there I went. I wasn’t sure what class to do, was thinking Fighter until I learned it was a tank class. 
My only other major online game experience was Overwatch where I was a Lucio main. That was a rarity for me: I tend to have a tougher time with caster/support classes and prefer playing as a rogue or sniper in most games. As rogue wasn’t an option, I asked my friend what she thought and she suggested Dragoon.
There were three options in Gridania: Conjurer, Archer, Lancer. Although Nerys later tried her hand at the other two, Lancer appealed her as someone who wasn’t afraid to get into the thick of things. 
She ended up taking well to it and her fellow guild members. The guild was very much “here are a few techniques, go out there and figure it out” which matched up with her way of doing things.
Nerys is still processing everything that happened with Foulques of the Mist; angry with his choices while also understanding what he went through as a fellow Duskwight. It is a bit of a relief when Alberic becomes her new mentor and she can get away from everything. Not to mention: Coerthas is a place she has always wanted to go to. Her father’s lessons included their sweeping history as well as their poetry and stories. 
Of course, things go sideways almost immediately. The Eye chooses her as the second Azure Dragoon and her first encounter with Estinien is anything but friendly. Things settle on that front for awhile and her primary concerns become the Primals and Garlemald. And having a small foothold in Coerthas is a boon when she, Cid, and Alphinaud travel there in search of the airship.
When Estinien suggest they partner together, she is hesitant given their previous encounters but feels drawn to help him. She agrees. That all comes crashing down after Nidhogg reveals to Estinien how Alberic’s actions lead to the loss of his family. Nerys has to step in to fend him off. The next time she sees him is in the Intercessory with Aymeric. Though he assures her he is not there to fight, she is on her guard.
She never expects that Ishgard will become the place she calls home. Nor that she and Estinien will become friends and then something more, eventually becoming lovers after he rescues her from Elidibus-Zenos. But it does and they do, and even when they both give up the title of Azure Dragoon, she feels called to protect and serve her adopted homeland. For the sake of the Fortemps and Aymeric and Lucia and Hilda and Ysayle, but also for people like Alberic, Estinien, and Heustienne who made her the warrior she is today.
Note About Armor: Nerys has her preferred aesthetics and the traditional Dragoon armor doesn’t quite fit. She prefers her own style and her concession is armor that pays tribute to the heritage of the position without being an exact copy (pictured, not her only armor set in canon or meta-wise).
That said, she is aware of when statements need to be made. Nerys isn’t a political creature in the way Aymeric and Alphinaud are but she understands that politics are a part of everything. 
For certain missions and meetings she garbs herself in the traditional manner: needing to remind the Alliance of her strong ties to Ishgard, making the Heaven’s Ward realise how badly they erred in imprisoning Aymeric when both Azure Dragoons show up.
Meta Note: 
Once I got to Level 15, I joined...all the Guilds in Gridania. And for a while worked on leveling Archer, Conjurer, and Rogue while also making progress with Lancer/Dragoon and MSQ. Eventually I switched gears because I wasn’t progressing fast enough in the story and focused almost exclusively on Dragoon. 
For story purposes, Rogue doesn’t quite fit into Nerys’ story though I think Thancred has definitely introduced her to that crew.
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Archer never quite suited Nerys, as someone who prefers to get close to the action. She does have a great deal of respect for her fellow guild members and Lewin; and she remembers what she learned when ranged combat is needed.
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Nerys’ aether control as a Dragoon is excellent. But for whatever reason, she could not quite translate those skills to conjury.
She kept on for some time because in her mind, a good warrior would have healing skills at her disposal. Eventually, a conversation with E-Sumi-Yan brought her to accept that she might better serve others in a different way.
What she did gain was an affinity for the element of air, likely tied to her role as a Lancer/Dragoon. This becomes vital when she saves Haurchefant at The Vault, although it does not go as well as she would have liked.
(She also had a foray with the Arcanist’s Guild that was about as long as Tataru’s.)
Meta Note: 
Disciple of Hand/Land: I have levels unlocked in all the DoH/DoL, the following four make the most canon sense and are the ones I have progressed in the most. 
That said, canonically she dabbles in everything because she is naturally curious and wants to be self-sufficient in all things. Most of the guilds know her. The following four know her the best and it’s where most of her focus has gone.
Disciple of the Land
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Nerys was drawn to the Botanists’ Guild because of her upbringing. She knew much of the Shroud and its treasures already. What she found–as she became an adventurer–was that these skills help immensely on the road.
It’s also a centering profession. Nerys needs activity to bring her out of her own mind, especially as responsibilities and dangers pile on. She can go lose herself in nature, either for her own needs or on commission (and often both).
Having grown up foraging ingredients to cook with, her Botanist career also ties into Culinarian role.
Disciple of the Hand
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Nerys grew up cooking alongside her mother, so she had a base of knowledge going into the guild. Still, through Lyngsath and the rest she discovers a whole world of new ingredients, recipes, and techniques.
As a hunter and a Botanist, there is no end to the new ingredients she find to experiment with.
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Nerys fell into leatherworking when she was scoping out all the guilds in Gridania (around the time she took up with the Archers and Conjurers).  
It stuck for a few reasons: the resources were fairly easy to come by from her hunts; it is another centering activity; and she is a bit of a clotheshorse. If she has to wear specific gear as a Dragoon, she can add her own pretty details to the leather pieces.
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This is a culmination of the other jobs: uses resources from other things she does (botany, hunting, and leatherworking), a craft that pulls all her focus into one thing, and satisfies her clotheshorse desires. She knows she can put pretty details into her everyday armor/gear and make more formal clothes that make her feel good.
(Whenever she is dealing with A Thing, she will get her hair done. Of course she needs clothes that work with the new look, even if it’s a temporary updo.)
When it comes to leatherworking and weaving, there a plus to taking guild commissions: it has to be perfect and meticulous and good quality but it is not on the level of say...if you fail this task, a primal will temper all these innocents. Nerys is drawn to help people but it's nice to do that for something that is not saving the world. (Of course when she makes any type of armor or working clothes, she is sure to make them well so they protect the wearer.)
She is not advanced enough to make her own gowns for formal events held by the city-states or the Ishgardian High Houses. One day she would like to be able to do so. Until then, Eorzea has plenty of dressmakers ready to help.
Outfit Note: I ended up choosing a mix of the Scion and Best Man’s clothing, thinking of how you can never go wrong with a suit. It’s crisp, always in style, and she looks great in it! 
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cwmoonglum · 4 years
The Atomic Death of the Moon
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20/05/07 – The Moon is on Fire. Atomic death pours from the skies. Sneaking onto the family computer at 7.30am per my orders, I find my email inbox flooded with furious diplomatic cables. My real life friend, fresh from holding Stalinist show trials of those who objected to a recently ratified treaty, is facing fresh calls to resign. In the parlance of the day; the moon is closed.
In 2007, adolescence was being revolutionised by access to an internet much more anarchic than today's. Youtube was only two years old, music was something to be downloaded illegally via megaupload and imageboards proliferated. Within a year 'Anonymous' would announce its opposition to Scientology in the much touted Project Chanology; a celebrated mainstream debut that often overshadows its precursor events. Anonymous – a loose alliance of mainly teenagers drawn from across the constellation of imageboards – had been conducting 'raids' for years prior to Chanology. From the occupation of Habbo Hotel with offensive statements and racial caricatures to the scripting of endlessly self-replicating cubes and storms of horse dicks that would crash Second Life servers, the absurd and often cruel humour of the group was stamped across the internet. Anonymous were the degraded Situationists of the commercialising internet, squeezing jouissance from the newly colliding social groups of odd hobbyists, lonely eccentrics and baffled normies.
 With widening internet access yet many people connecting via low powered computers, a market emerged for browser games. In these, roleplaying and metagaming were as compelling as in narrative games. One such game that persists today,Cyber Nations, found itself targeted by Anonymous. A political simulation game where players controlled their own nations, the gameplay was itself was fairly monotonous, but the wider system of alliance forming resulted in elaborate treaties, wars and diplomacy that was truly gripping. On Cyber Nations, Anonymous went under the banner of /b/ (named for the 'random' board on, amongst others, 4chan), and spent 7 months growing itself. With a loose governing structure, /b/ existed mostly on the sidelines before it was dragged into Great War III, a multi-faction conflict that was to have been non-nuclear. However, two rogue actors within /b/ launched nuclear weapons, causing both the mass of members to follow suit and the nominal leader of the alliance, Furseiseki, to disband it. Now pariahs, /b/ spammed the Cyber Nations forums with all manner of shock images to disrupt the game, culminating in a DDoS attack and hack where the home page was defaced and the game's source code stolen. Cyber Nations was down for a number of days, and upon restart my own nation, designated as part of /b/, was stomped into the ground by furious players. The 'disbandment' section on /b/'s official channels read 'many lulz were had, but now we're off TO THE MOON.' Opened to public beta in February 2007, Lunar Wars was a political simulation game that took the broad strokes of Cyber Nations and refined them. Developed by Alessandro Bassi ('Sandro') as a way to teach himself web development, it swiftly attracted players, and offered a new theatre for Anonymous following the dissolution of /b/. I joined up as a junior diplomat for the Elitist Lunar Superstructure on 18/04/07.
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The ELS was more disciplined than /b/ from the start. Allied nations were assigned squads to cooperate and trade within, and all announcements were handled through the ELS forum and emailed to members. A greasemonkey script (in 2007, we all used Firefox) was thrown together to assist players. Guides on increasing power quickly were disseminated. Notably two of the admin/developers for the game, skaladis and owl, were ELS members and the recruitment drive across various imageboards was persistent. The IRC channel was anarchic as usual, but diplomats and the leadership convened within a private channel to guide policy. Eph, the alliance leader, designated myself and select others to open lines of communication with smaller groups within the game. Of course, enemies from the days of Cyber Nations had come to the moon.  It seems strange now that 4chan is so identified with reactionary politics, but in these games Anonymous enjoyed bullying the sad little men who named their nations things like 'Wolf Reich ov Iron' and roleplayed as Nazis in their alliances. In Great War III, /b/ had been opposed to Nordreich ('German Nationalists'), and FAN (Federation of Armed Nations), and these groups reemerged on the moon. Leftwing alliances like the Red and Black Block or Union of Lunar Socialist States (ULSS) tried to combat the Nazis on the moon, but the appeal of roleplaying internecine Left political conflicts was limited. To actually wield power capable of slapping down the fascists often meant joining with apolitical, carnivalesque groups like Anonymous. As fun as dunking on fascist cosplay was, however, the real enemy was FARK.
In the ecosystem of the 2007 internet, imageboards were not the only hangout. There were also humour sites like YTMND (You're the Man Now Dog), Something Awful and FARK. The content filtered through to everyone, but allegiance to any one site was performatively over the top. It was as good an excuse as any for enmity.
As a junior diplomat for ELS, I handled treaties with various smaller alliances, most notably the aforementioned ULSS which had been captured by my friend in early May 2007. The tension was mounting palpably across the lunar community as treaties were signed and mutual defence agreements entered into. Something like the network of alliances that ensured the nightmare of World War I was formed, overseen entirely by spotty teenagers and shitposting idiots. Notably GOONS, formed by SomethingAwful forum members, had joined with ELS; FARK was left out in the cold, and allied with FAN. On the night of 19th May 2007 as I stretched my allowed time on the family computer, diplomatic channels became frantic as spies within IRC channels let FARK/FAN know of a planned attack, per ELS internal communications;
GOONS is likely to be attacking FAN within 48 hours. We will receive target lists of anyone GOONS has trouble with. Do not fire counter offensives on FAN unless necessary (problematic targets, etc.)
FARK retaliated by launching the SHIT HITS THE FAN war, beginning perhaps ten minutes after my parents told me to turn the computer off and go to bed. Tossing and turning, I considered diplomatic avenues to strengthen the ELS cause. However as I finally fell into an uneasy sleep the metagame overtook the roleplaying.
For a while now Sandro had been teasing the existence of Galava, a new, more complex browser game with a medieval setting that further developed the gameplay of Lunar Wars. Given that the moon had only been open for a few short months, the kids who had wasted the back half of their school year building alliances on it were grumbling that Lunar Wars was being abandoned before it had even exited beta. The two ELS-allied admin/developers, skaladis and owl were similarly irritated. According to a post by Arciel, head admin of the Lunar Wars forums;
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owl had not only given herself nukes; she had given herself and ELS members 9001 nukes each, in reference to a meme. The balance of the game was completely upended; by the time I awoke and booted up the dusty Dell in the spare room Sandro had locked the game. In private conference, Eph and the leadership decided to disband ELS. I was appointed interim Chief Ambassador for the continuity faction, but within a scant few hours I had come around to the joke. Emails continued to go out to rally the faction, but Anonymous' attention, and my own, was shifting elsewhere. The next time I encountered the group, the kids who shut down Habbo Hotel were going up against Scientology.
My friend lost his leadership position in the ULSS after the coup he helped lead was put down. He's involved in actual Leftist politics now, though he's not a Stalinist. In October 2007 Galava was released, and I received an email via the ELS list;
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I didn't join. The internet got less wild, more scary. Megaupload was taken down in 2012 and Anonymous initiated a DDoS attack on Universal Music Group. 'Youtuber' became a job, and 4chan birthed the alt right. Both Galava and Lunar Wars continued until October 2009. For me and many others, though, it ended in the atomic fire of 9001 hacked nukes. Anything else was epilogue. The tribute page for Lunar Wars sums it up perfectly;
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gclddvst · 4 years
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hello  !!  i’m  anna  (  8teen  ,  they  /  them  ,  aest  )  &  i’m  currently  playing  just  the  one  muse  —  asher  lau  ,  the  victor  of  the  70th  hunger  games  ,  from  district  two  ,  who  seems  like  the  softest  victor  ever  because  he  hates  killing  people  but  is  also  a  world  -  class  backstabber  .  think  richard  iii  crossed  with  hamlet  .  i  hate  him  .  for  more  information  ,  read  on  ,  and  hit  the  like  button  or  message  me  on  discord  at  anna#9701  if  you’d  like  to  plot  !
[  MARK  TUAN  ,  CIS  MALE  ,  HE  /  HIM  . ]    introducing  asher  lau  ,  VICTOR  of  the  70th  hunger  games  ,  representing  district  two  .  my  sources  say  that  they  are  twenty  -  six  years  old  ,  &  that  they’re  pretty  handy  with  explosives  &  close  -  range  weapons  . wonder  if  that  did  them  any  good  in  the  arena  ?  anyways  ,  caesar  says  you  can’t  miss  them  ,  because  they  remind  everyone  of  broken  ,  unfinished  statues  with  sharp  edges  ;  the  colour  of  the  horizon  half  an  hour  after  sunset  ;  silent  tears  and  shaking  hands  ;  promises  that  were  never  meant  to  be  kept  .
name  :  asher  lau
nickname/s  :  ash
age  :  twenty  -  six
gender  :  cis  male
pronouns  :  he  /  him
orientation  :  bi
occupation  :  stonemason
face  claim  :  mark  tuan
asher  is  a  very  …  interesting  person  .  he’s  always  been  a  very  gentle  &  soft  -  seeming  person  ,  even  after  the  games  revealed  what  he  was  capable  of  .  and  he  is  a  fairly  soft  person  ,  for  the  most  part  —  he’s  just  also  a  little  …  machiavellian  .
he  has  an  odd  moral  compass  —  he  hates  violence  ,  but  he  views  things  like  honesty  and  loyalty  as  a  sort  of  foolishness  or  naïveté  and  very  rarely  is  completely  honest  .  lies  make  up  his  entire  life  .
when  he’s  around  others  ,  asher  acts  sure  of  himself  .  he  pretends  that  he’s  proud  of  what  he  did  to  win  ,  that  he  believes  he  deserved  to  win  .  people  have  certain  expectations  of  district  two  victors  ,  and  he  seems  to  fill  them  perfectly  .  if  he  were  a  capitol  resident  ,  he  would  have  been  an  actor  .
some  other  words  that  can  describe  asher  :  pensive  /  withdrawn  ,  clever  /  analytical  ,  unforgiving  ,  deceptive  .
just  for  fun  ,  here  are  his  dark  core  test  results  !  he’s  not  a  great  person  ,  yike  .  (  they’re  not  wholly  accurate  ,  the  egoism  is  way  off  ,  he  has  no  self  -  esteem  )
early life
tw  :  death  ,  minor  child  neglect
asher  lau  was  the  youngest  of  four  children  —  key  word  being  was  .  for  the  first  six  years  of  his  life  ,  everything  was  normal  —  he  stayed  home  with  his  mother  until  he  was  old  enough  for  school  ,  while  his  elder  siblings  were  all  already  at  school  —  and  his  eldest  brother  spent  all  his  free  time  training  to  become  a  peacekeeper  ,  which  their  parents  frowned  upon  ,  because  the  family  had  never  been  one  of  those  district  two  families  ,  far  more  focused  on  their  craft  ,  producing  stunning  statues  and  decorations  for  capitol  buildings  .
his  eldest  sister  ,  the  second  -  eldest  child  in  the  family  ,  was  the  first  to  die  ,  killed  in  a  freak  accident  at  the  quarry  .  a  poorly  -  timed  explosion  ,  a  weak  patch  of  earth  ,  a  rockfall  ,  and  the  number  of  lau  children  went  down  .
his  eldest  brother  ,  the  peacekeeper  -  in  -  training  ,  was  the  second  —  killed  in  one  of  the  hunger  games  when  asher  was  still  young  ,  ten  at  the  oldest  .
then  it  was  just  asher  and  his  other  elder  brother  —  who  passed  away  of  illness  when  asher  was  fifteen  .
his  parents  are  still  alive  ,  but  were  never  particularly  close  to  any  of  their  children  ,  always  busy  taking  on  important  commissions  from  capitol  residents  .
so  by  fifteen  ,  asher  was  pretty  much  alone  ,  and  as  such  chose  to  throw  himself  into  things  that  made  him  feel  less  lonely  :  peacekeeper  /  hunger  games  training  and  art  .  despite  being  a  child  ,  he’d  already  attracted  a  following  of  richer  people  who  liked  his  work  —  small  garden  statues  shaped  to  look  like  famous  people  ,  miniature  carvings  of  architecturally  significant  places  such  as  past  arenas  or  capitol buildings  .  his  popularity  only  grew  with  time  .
despite  being  a  mason  ,  and  therefore  spending  most  of  his  time  carving  ,  asher  also  learned  how  to  quarry  stone  ,  becoming  adept  with  explosives  and  learning  where  to  place  them  to  maximise  the  yield  /  avoid  a  rockfall  .
the 70th hunger games
tw  :  death  /  murder  ,  violence  ,  arachnids
when  asher  volunteered  for  the  hunger  games  at  age  twenty  -  two  ,  he  didn’t  quite  realise  what  he  was  getting  himself  into  .  sure  ,  he’d  trained  for  it  like  every  other  kid  in  district  two  ,  but  he  was  never  expecting  to  be  put  into  that  position  —  when  the  poor  18  -  year  -  old  who  very  clearly  didn’t  want  to  be  picked  had  their  name  called  out  ,  and  nobody  else  stepped  forwards  ,  he’d  called  out  on  instinct  .  a  stupid  ,  reckless  thing  to  do  —  he’d  never  excelled  at  combat  ,  and  most  of  his  skills  lay  in  masonry  —  working  with  a  chisel  or  a  hammer  or  ,  occasionally  ,  explosives  .  but  it  was  too  late  to  back  out  .
the  other  tribute  for  district  two  was  a  career  tribute  called  marielle  klippe  ,  barely  nineteen  and  already  as  violent  as  a  peacekeeper  .  she  didn’t  get  along  well  with  asher  —  he  was  far  too  soft  ,  in  her  eyes  ,  and  were  it  not  for  him  befriending  a  number  of  the  other  career  tributes  before  the  games  and  making  himself  an  invaluable  ally  that  way  ,  she’d  probably  have  killed  him  at  the  very  start  of  the  games  .
he  went  into  the  games  with  the  expectation  that  he  wouldn’t  make  it  out  alive  —  after  all  ,  he  was  probably  the  weakest  district  two  tribute  in  years  .  he’d  scored  fairly  low  in  the  training  evaluations  with  an  unimpressive  display  of  his  limited  skills  ,  and  all  he  had  was  a  tentative  alliance  with  the  career  tributes  from  districts  one  ,  two  and  four  ,  a  vague  plan  to  snatch  something  sharp  and  stabby  ,  and  his  pre  -  existing  near  -  encyclopaedic  knowledge  of  how  to  blow  things  up  with  minimal  resources  .
the  70th  hunger  games  arena  was  a  huge  canyon  (  comparable  to  bryce  canyon  in  appearance  )  ,  with  towering  cliffs  hemming  the  tributes  in  and  a  tiny  creek  winding  its  way  through  .  what  little  plantlife  existed  was  sparse  and  scraggly  ,  and  the  cornucopia  and  starting  platforms  were  situated  on  one  of  the  few  relatively  open  spaces  in  the  entire  arena  ,  approximately  in  the  centre  .
this  arena  proved  advantageous  to  asher  ,  who’d  spent  his  entire  life  working  with  rocks  and  so  was  in  his  element  .  he  managed  to  acquire  a  respectably  -  sized  axe  from  the  cornucopia  ,  with  help  from  his  allies  —  they’d  come  to  an  agreement  that  was  something  along  the  lines  of  ‘  let’s  pick  off  all  the  other  tributes  first  and  then  it  can  be  a  free  -  for  -  all  ’  .  while  asher  was  never  fond  of  weapons  ,  he’d  had  enough  experience  in  whacking  things  (  stone  ,  mostly  )  with  hammers  and  the  like  ,  so  an  axe  was  probably  a  good  choice  .
the  games  went  just  about  the  same  as  any  others  initially  ,  with  the  career  tributes  hunting  down  the  less  experienced  ones  .  but  ,  the  gamemakers  being  the  gamemakers  ,  there  were  twists  coming  —  namely  in  the  form  of  mutts  .  huge  spider  /  scorpion  hybrid  creatures  (  similar  to  the  canyon  crawlers  from  atla  ,  but  worse  )  came  scuttling  over  the  edges  of  the  cliffs  on  the  fifth  day  of  the  games  ,  when  there  were  fourteen  tributes  still  alive  .  asher  rigged  an  explosion  on  one  of  the  cliff  faces   ,  using  a  sponsor’s  donation  ,  bringing  down  a  huge  rockfall  that  left  six  tributes  dead  and  crushed  the  vast  majority  of  the  mutts  .  one  of  the  six  was  his  fellow  district  two  tribute  ,  marielle  (  whose  family  were  absolutely  furious  with  asher  when  he  returned  home  )  .
the  next  few  days  were  ,  according  to  viewers  at  home  ,  incredibly  dull  —  the  eight  remaining  tributes  spent  this  time  searching  for  or  establishing  hideouts  ,  hunting  down  the  rest  of  the  mutts  and  generally  taking  their  time  to  recover  from  the  deaths  of  their  friends  and  allies  .
the  vicious  murdering  started  back  up  again  soon  enough  —  the  gamemakers  announced  a  feast  ,  where  there  would  be  four  things  up  for  grabs  :  a  water  purification  kit  ,  because  the  tiny  creek  was  growing  polluted  with  blood  ,  dirt  and  god  -  knows  -  what  ;  a  loaf  of  bread  ,  because  they  were  beginning  to  run  short  on  food  ,  having  been  in  the  arena  for  nine  days  at  this  point  ;  a  first  aid  kit  ,  helpful  for  if  the  gamemakers  unleashed  another  experiment  against  the  tributes  ;  and  a  crossbow  with  a  snarky  note  attached  —  ‘  if  you’re  not  going  to  go  near  each  other  ,  perhaps  you  can  pick  the  rest  off  with  this  ’  .  the  supplies  were  all  perched  atop  a  rocky  spire  close  to  the  centre  of  the  arena  ,  forcing  the  tributes  to  climb  to  the  top  in  order  to  acquire  them  .
asher  ,  who  had  stuck  with  the  two  remaining  career  tributes  (  one  from  district  four  and  one  from  district  one  )  and  gained  popularity  for  his  useful  skill  ,  was  nominated  as  the  one  from  their  group  who  ought  to  go  to  gather  the  supplies  .  despite  being  well  aware  that  they  were  trying  to  get  him  killed  since  he’d  pretty  much  outlived  his  usefulness  ,  he  went  —  but  slowly  .  by  the  time  he  reached  the  spire  ,  there  were  already  three  people  climbing  it  ,  while  two  stood  guard  at  the  bottom  .  rather  than  attempt  to  take  them  all  out  ,  asher  approached  carefully  ,  with  his  weapon  held  low  in  a  gesture  of  peace  ,  intending  to  negotiate  a  new  alliance  or  truce  .  a  brief  duel  ensued  ,  though  it  ended  in  an  agreement  that  he  would  help  the  five  of  them  to  take  out  the  career  tributes  ,  after  which  they  would  all  be  able  to  turn  on  one  another  without  the  danger  posed  by  those  two  .
that  didn’t  go  quite  as  planned  —  they’d  intended  to  sneak  up  on  the  career  tributes  and  ambush  them  ,  but  the  secret  had  gotten  out  .  nobody  was  quite  sure  which  of  them  had  betrayed  the  others  ,  but  the  fact  remained  :  they’d  known  they  were  coming  ,  and  the  ambush  failed  spectacularly  .  within  minutes  ,  eight  became  three  :  a  district  four  tribute  ,  a  district  seven  tribute  ,  and  asher  ,  who  had  stood  back  and  watched  the  battle  unfold  from  a  safe  distance  .
as  the  audience  and  final  non-career  tribute  were  about  to  discover  ,  this  was  because  asher  had  been  the  one  to  sell  them  out  .  his  triple  -  crossing  was  an  impressive  feat  ,  and  people  saw  him  as  a  manipulative  genius  —  although  he  maintains  that  it  was  mostly  luck  that  they  bought  his  act  of  loyalty  .
the  final  three  tributes  were  in  a  standoff  ,  nobody  willing  to  make  the  first  move  —  at  this  point  ,  a  misjudged  blow  could  mean  the  difference  between  death  and  victory  .  and  ,  well  ,  the  longer  you  hold  onto  life  the  less  you  want  to  lose  it  .
it  happened  so  quickly  that  to  this  day  ,  asher  isn’t  entirely  sure  what  really  happened  .  but  it  went  something  like  this  :  the  district  seven  tribute  lunged  at  asher  ,  who  barely  dodged  and  received  a  deep  gash  on  his  shoulder  from  their  knife  ;  then  the  district  four  tribute  decided  to  join  in  by  attacking  the  district  seven  tribute  .  asher  ,  trying  desperately  not  to  think  too  hard  about  what  he  was  going  to  do  ,  grabbed  the  first  weapon  available  to  him  —  the  axe  he’d  acquired  at  the  beginning  of  the  games  and  not  really  used  since  —  and  half  -  swung  ,  half  -  threw  it  at  the  other  two  ,  watching  in  revulsion  as  the  blade  separated  a  head  from  a  body  and  buried  itself  in  the  other’s  skull  .
the  end  of  the  70th  hunger  games  was  considered  by  viewers  to  be  a  somewhat  fitting  one  ,  though  not  the  most  exciting  .
asher’s  final  body  count  was  eight  ,  only  two  of  which  were  direct  ,  and  he  came  out  of  the  arena  with  only  a  shoulder  wound  and  acute  dehydration  .
after the games
the  past  four  years  have  been  rather  eventful  for  asher  .  he’s  mentored  a  number  of  tributes  through  the  games  ,  to  varying  degrees  of  success  (  nero  being  the  only  one  that’s  survived  thus  far  )  .  he  grew  far  more  withdrawn  in  the  months  after  his  games  &  the  victory  tour  ,  retreating  to  his  new  home  in  the  victors’  village  to  carve  stone  in  silence  .
his  garden  slowly  filled  with  statuettes  of  scenes  from  his  nightmares  —  mostly  his  games  ,  but  other  things  as  well  .  it  became  his  way  of  working  through  his  thoughts  —  and  there’s  something  satisfying  about  watching  these  things  that  have  caused  him  so  much  trauma  be  turned  into  perches  for  birds  .
in  the  capitol  ,  he’s  become  something  of  a  celebrity  —  popular  amongst  younger  citizens  for  his  soft  -  spoken  -  ness  and  apparent  gentleness  (  although  he’s  well  aware  that  those  aren’t  the  only  traits  they  find  attractive  …  capitol  people  are  weird  )  .
despite  this  popularity  —  actually  ,  no  ,  because  of  this  popularity  ,  asher  doesn’t  venture  into  the  capitol  particularly  often  .  he  has  never  been  fond  of  crowds  ,  and  even  less  so  when  they’re  actually  paying  attention  to  him  .  even  during  the  lead  up  to  the  games  ,  he  tends  to  keep  to  himself  when  he’s  not  mentoring  tributes  .
congrats  !  you  made  it  to  the  end  of  this  absolute  monstrosity  !  sadly  ,  i  ran  out  of  braincells  ,  so  i  haven’t  included  any  wanted  connections  ,  but  i’m  open  to  anything  .
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dannyphantomrpg · 7 years
Visual Aid: 107 Danny Phantom Facts
So I did this again.
(It’s what keeps me occupied when my husband’s asleep and the tablet pen is charging~)
((This one was barely longer than the 10 Years Later, Part 2, but it took all day for some reason...))
Let’s get this thing started~
Hey everybody, Butch Hartman here. I am so excited today because I'm teaming up with Channel Frederator today to talk about my show, Danny Phantom. Can give you the inside scoop.
You guys remember the fandom? Are you kind of curious about the show? Well, relax, we've got something for everybody here as we talk about the 107 facts about Danny Phantom.
For example, did you know that the 2005 Michael Jackson trial was actually features on Vlad's TV on one episode? It's there.
107 Facts: Danny Phantom.
001 Danny Phantom was created by me, Butch Hartman, after I had previously worked on the Fairly Odd Parents with Nickelodeon.
002 When making the show, I drew a lot of inspiration from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Ghostbusters.
003 The title Danny Phantom was inspired by the titles of 1960's cartoons like Jonny Quest. More specifically, I wanted to create a title with a real first name, followed by a last name that was also kind of an action word. Some of these alternative action words were "Danny Thunder" "Danny Lightning" and "Danny Power". "Danny Phantom" was the name I went with cause I thought it sounded the coolest.
004 Some of the alternative first names I had for our hero included "Billy Phantom", "Kenny Phantom", "Jackie Phantom", and "Davey Phantom". I think you'll agree they don't quite have the same ring as "Danny Phantom" does.
005 I came up with the concept for the show Danny Phantom while driving a moving van from Las Vegas to Los Angeles with my mother. Unfortunately, she was more fascinated by the sight of a desert tortoise, than the birth of a new, awesome Nicktoon.
006 Before settling on a superhero show, one of my first concepts for Danny Phantom was a bit more in the main Ghostbusters. It was called Danny Phantom and the Specter Detectors, and it would have focused on a powerless Danny and his friends hunting down ghosts, using an array of ghostbusters-like gadgets.
007 Danny Phantom was pitched to Nickelodeon executives over dinner. Execs treated me  after they ordered more episodes of Fairly Odd Parents, and they happened to ask me if I had any more ideas for TV shows. And, yes, being treated to nice dinners is definitely an appreciated perk.
008 There's some early concept art of Danny showing a surprising design. I originally drew him with the Superman-type body, which was basically a lot of unrealistic buff muscles. I reverted to the slimmer design when I decided it's be more interesting to portray Danny as a fourteen-year-old kid.
009 I decided Danny should be fourteen years old because that age is kind of a bridge between childhood and adulthood. It's more of a period of self-discovery which certainly fits the theme of Danny learning to live and control his ghostly abilities.
010 Danny's skinnier, final design, was the collaborative effort of character designers Steven Silver, Shannon Tyndall, and - surprise - me.
011 Unlike many other cartoon characters, Danny has five fingers. Take that Timmy Turner.
012 You may notice that when Danny goes ghost, only his hair turns white and his eyebrows stay black. They're actually meant to be white as well, but we all thought the white brows made Danny look like an old man so we, uh, kept 'em.
013 Sam and Danny were originally meant to share a psychic connection, so one would know where the other one was at all times. But I scrapped this to keep things simple. Only Danny was finally to have the superpowers.
014 Danny was originally gonna have a pet owl named Spooky that would be able to track ghosts. I scrapped the concept as Harry Potter rapidly gained popularity. I  didn't want his series to be constantly compared to the boy wizard.
015 I wanted to give Danny a really cool ghost motorcycle to use as his primary means of transportation, but then I realized that giving a motorcycle was pointless because, you know, he can fly really fast.
016 The father-son duo of Jack and Danny Fenton are a reference to Jack and Danny Torrance from The Shining, which explains why Jack Fenton constantly accuses his children of being ghosts.
017 I gave Danny an older sibling because, unlike Timmy Turner, I felt that Jazz Fenton would make Danny feel less in control at home and give him somebody to contend with. I thought this lack of control would make Danny's experience with his superpowers all the more satisfying for him.
018 Jazz Fenton was named after a character in John Byrne's 1990's comic book Next Men. I always thought the name Jazz was cool.
019 Tucker Foley's name is a combination of actor and comedian Chris Tucker and Eddie Murphy's character from Beverly Hills Cop, Axel Foley.
020 Danny's teacher, Mr. Lancer, is named after a family restaurant in Burbank called, you guessed it, Lancer's.
021 Vlad Masters was originally going to be a vampire, but Nickelodeon execs thought making him a Vampire could lead to some pretty violent territory and I thought that too. So he was changed into a ghost.
022 A remnant of this scrapped concept can be found in his villain name "Vlad Plasmius". Plasma is found in blood which, you know, vampires kind of have a thirst for.
023 I refer to Vlad Masters as Danny Phantom's Lex Luthor. Like Luthor, Vlad uses his wealth to exert his power, or at least some of it. He also has a personal connection to Danny that gives him the upper hand in most scenarios.
024 Danny's love interest, Paulina Sanchez, is a parallel to Superman's love interest, Lois Lane. Both characters have no romantic interest in the protagonist because they have a crush on the protagonist's superhero alter ego. Lois loves Superman, but not Clark Kent, and Paulina loves Danny Phantom, but not Danny Fenton. Paulina: But you still have no shot with me Oh, the cruel irony.
025 Danny's ghost sense is identical to Spiderman's spider sense. Both senses alert their respective heroes whenever danger is nearby.
026 The parallels of Spiderman don't end there. Dash Baxter is a parallel to Peter Parker's football playing bully, Flash Thompson. Not only do Flash and Dash bully the protagonists of their universes, but they idolize the protagonist's superhero alter ego without realizing the hero is actually the person they bully. Their names both words that describe their quick movement and rhyme with each other.
027 The ghosts of Danny Phantom's world aren't the spirits of the deceased as ghosts tend to be in pop culture. Instead, they're monsters from another dimension. We call them ghosts because it's easier to say and it's more appealing than saying monsters from another dimension.
028 Danny's hometown, Amity Park, is a tribute to the settings of a few famous horror stories. Amityville, Long Island is the location of the famous haunted house known as the Amityville Horror. But Amity Park is also named after Amity Island, the location of the book and Steven Spielberg film Jaws.
029 Danny's high school, Casper High, is named after Casper the Friendly Ghost. Hey, if we hadn't added all these paranormal references, you may have forgotten the show is about ghosts.
030 Quite a few key members from the Fairly Odd Parents had a hand in making Danny Phantom, including writer  Steve Marmel and art director Bob Boyle.
031 One of the major differences working on the Fairly Odd Parents and Danny Phantom was the latter series' more serial format containing everything from character arcs to recurring story lines. Danny Phantom embraces storytelling angle by making the episodes 22 minutes long as opposed to Fairly Odd Parents whose 22 minute run time consisted of 2 eleven minute episodes.
032 One of the most challenging aspects of creating a superhero show like Danny Phantom, was giving all the superhero tropes a unique and interesting twist. We wanted to keep the series fresh an unique.
033 I originally wanted to cast a fourteen year old boy for the role of Danny, but I couldn't find anybody that sounded heroic enough. That heroic voice I searched for was ultimately provided by David Kaufman. Before playing Danny, Kaufman broke into the realm of voice acting when he played Marty McFly in Back tot he Future: The Animated Series.
034 David Kaufman kept his audition for Danny as a CD in his car that he would listen to towards the beginning of the show whenever he drove to the studio to record. He did this to remember what Danny sounded like in order to immerse himself into the character efficiently.
035 I wasn't the only one Kaufman's performance left a deep impression on. His daughter, Grace, calls him Daddy Phantom.
036 Sam Manson is played by actress Grey Griffin. I basically made an effort to include her in every show I created back then. Thus far, she's played Vicky in the Fairly Odd Parents and Kitty Katswell from T.U.F.F. Puppy.
037 Tucker isn't the first loyal friend Ricky D'Shon Collins has played. Before hunting ghosts with Danny, he helped TJ Detweiler keep balance and order on the playground as Vince LaSalle in Disney's Recess.
038 Maddie Fenton's voice actress, Kath Soucie, has essentially crafted a career out of voicing cartoon mothers. She played Dexter's mom in Dexter's Laboratory, Betty DeVille in Rugrats and Miriam Pataki in Hey Arnold.
039 Danny's father, Jack, is played by legendary voice actor Rob Paulson, who's played iconic roles like Yakko Warner, Pinky, Carl Weiser, Experiment 625, Donatello in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Raphael in the old one, and way too many more to mention here.
040 Although Mr. Lancer is far from hardcore, his voice actor, Ron Perlman, has played quite a few characters throughout his career that redefined the word, He played Hellboy in the Guillermo del Toro films of the same name and he voices Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke, on Teen Titans, as well as the Lich in Adventure Time.
041 Valerie Grey was originally played by Grey DeLisle for the episode My Brother's Keeper before renowned voice actress Cree Summer was chosen to take over the role. If her name doesn't sound familiar, you've probably heard her voice as Penny on Inspector Gadget or maybe even as Susie Carmicheal on Rugrats.
042 Valerie isn't the only one that's had a change in her voice. Dani, that's Dani with an I, was voiced with two different actresses through the series. She was played by AnnaSophia Robb in her debut episode Kindred Spirits. The role was then taken over by Krista Swan in the episode D-Stabilized, which was Dani's second and final speaking appearance.
043 Tara Strong plays two of the show's recurring villains: Ember McLain and Penelope Spectra. This is definitely not the first time I've worked with her. You probably know her best as Timmy Turner in the Fairly Odd Parents, which proves she can effectively play both the hero and the villain.
044 Every celebrity guest in the show was cast as a ghost, similar to how celebrity guests would play villains on the 1960's Batman series starring Adam West and Burt Ward. Some of these celebrities include Particia Heaton from Everybody Loves Raymond as the Lunch Lady, and Matthew St. Patrick from Six Feet Under as Skulker, and Will Arnett from Arrested Development as the Ghost Writer, and Martin Mull as Vlad Plasmius.
045 These celebrity voice actors typically played their ghosts for a limited time before different voice actors took their roles. Sometimes as soon as the ghost's second appearance. Series Kath Soucie took over the role of the Lunch Lady and Kevin Michael Richardson became Skulker.
046 Tucker's dad, Maurice Foley, is voiced by Phil Lamarr who voices Hermes Conrad on Futurama and Samruai Jack on Samurai Jack.
047 Mark Hamill plays Undergrowth. He's, of course, best known for playing Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, but also as countless voice acting credits, including the Joker and Fire Lord Ozai.
048 The ghost child Youngblood was played by actor Taylor Lautner when he was just nine years old. Lautner would later be featured in everybody's favorite love story Twilight. Wait, who wrote that? Do I have to say that?
049 Danny's ultimate enemy, Dark Danny, is played by Oscar-nominated acting legend Eric Roberts. His impressive resume includes everything from the Dark Knight to the Cable Guy.
050 The first recording session for Danny Phantom took place on November 21, 2002, about a year and a half before the show premiered. The first episode to be recorded was also the first episode to air: Mystery Meat.
051 In fact, Danny Phantom premiered on April 3, 2004, right after Nickelodeon's annual Kid's Choice Awards.
052 Unlike many other animated shows, the cast of Danny Phantom recorded their dialogue in the same room together. David Kaufman described the experience as something akin to a stage play.
053 It takes the actors around 3 hours to record dialogue for a single episode. David Kaufman knows that shouting "I'm goin' ghost!" so many times made his voice hoarse by the end of the day.
054 In the episode What You Want, I voiced a football announcer that also looks a lot like me except he's, you know, a cartoon. I mean, he looks a lot more like me than Dr. Bender does. I hope.
055 The theme song we hear today wasn't the only one recorded for the show. An alternate version got so far into production that an alternate opening sequence was storyboarded all the way around it. The alternate song sounds very similar to the final product with different lyrics that focus more on explaining Danny's abilities.
056 The theme song was changed because Nickelodeon wanted it to tell Danny's origin story. This way, new views wouldn't feel alienated when watching the show for the first time no matter what episode they started out with.
057 Luckily, changing the lyrics wasn't an overly complicated, make-10-calls, logistical nightmare since I wrote the lyrics of the theme song. Both of them actually.
058 I based the show's theme song after the song The Invisible Man by Queen, one of my favorite bands.
059 One thing I learned from working on the Danny Phantom theme song is that your first idea isn't always your best idea, and to never stop pushing yourself until you've made something truly awesome. You're welcome for that halfway through burst of inspiration.
060 I also co wrote another fan favorite song Remember, performed by Ember in the episode Fanning the Flames, which also happens to be my third favorite episode. Yes, my third favorite. I am very, very specific.
061 Danny Phantom was the first show to be produced by my very own company, Billionfold Inc. which was co-founded with my wife. Billionfold comes from a biblical term, hundredfold.
062 A single episode of Danny Phantom took approximately 10 months to produce, stretching all the way from pre-production to post.
063 While the pre-production phase took place in Burbank, California, Danny Phantom's animation was done by a Korean animation studio called Rough Draft. Rough Draft's resume includes work done on other animated classics like Futurama, The Simpsons, and SpongeBob SquarePants.
064 The individual villains found within Danny Phantom's rogues gallery was based on ideas that I had. Ember McLane stemmed from a pitch regarding an episode about music fads, and the effects they have on teenagers. The Lunch Lady was generated from my very astute knowledge that students tend to hate school prepared lunched.
065 Vlad is a Green Bay Packers fanatic because Danny Phantom's story write, Steve Marmel is a cheesehead himself. We nearly got sued for this, but luckily Marmel was smart enough to make the team colors of the Danny Phantom Packers gold and green instead of green and gold.
066 One scrapped running gag Marmel wanted to incorporate was that Vlad's home would be blown up after every encounter he had with Danny, but this recurring joke was mainly lost in editing.
067 Had the series gone on, Danielle would have been taken in by the Fentons, effectively becoming the younger sister of Danny and Jazz.
068 Technus was intended to have another upgrade, Technus 3.0, in the episode Identity Crisis. The design was scrapped after we decided the upgrade didn't really fit anywhere in the episode's story.
069 The addition of Danny Phantom's logo later in the series was the suggestion of Nickelodeon executives, who thought he needed a symbol akin to heroes like Batman, Superman, and Spiderman. But perhaps more honest reason was because the execs wanted to make the hero more marketable.
070 Danny officially became 99.99% marketable in the season 2 episode, Memory Blank, in which Sam gives him his D logo.
071 The series score was composed by Guy Moon, who is also responsible for the music heard in the Fairly Odd Parents.
072 When Guy Moon and I met to discuss a soundtrack of an episode, I would usually sing over the episode in progress to give Moon an idea of how I wanted the music to sound. Moon would bring a camera to these sessions and record my, admittedly, unskilled singing to remember my instructions.
073 Not everyone can become a half ghost, half human. If Sam or Tucker had gotten caught int the middle of the Fenton's malfunctioning Ghost Portal, it would have likely killed them.
074 Wulf is fluent in Esperanto, a language created in 1887 by Dr. Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, perhaps better known by his pseudonym of Doktoro Esperanto. Esperanto was created in the hope of replacing every language in the world as the one universal language. Judging by the fact that this video is in English, you can probably guess how that plan worked out.
075 The episode titled Shades of Grey is obviously a play on Valerie's last name, but the title could have a much deeper meaning. The term "shades of grey" refers to an unclear position on the scale of good to evil, usually somewhere in between. This certainly applies to Valerie, as she doesn't necessarily fight ghosts for good or evil. but for her own personal reasons.
076 During Shades of Grey, Danny names the ghost dog Cujo. Cujo's also the name of a horror novel by Stephen King about a dog bitten by a rabid bat, which turns the dog into a cold-blooded killer.
077 The green glowing, double bladed melee weapon Maddie uses to slay the legion of Vlad's monsters in Maternal Instincts is practically identical to Darth Maul's double bladed lightsaber in Star Wars Episode One, save for the red color.
078 Because I know everyone loves multiple Episode One references, the the title of the second season's 9th episode The Fenton Menace is obviously a play on the title of everybody's favorite Star Wars film, the Phantom Menace. Yes. Everybody's favorite Star Wars film.
079 To continue the Star Wars nods, the Danny Phantom universe has its own line of popular toys called Space Wars featuring characters that resemble Chewbacca and R2D2.
080 Some of the computers in the Danny Phantom world have pears in the back of them which you probably guess was a nod to Apple computers. Timmy's dad in Fairly Odd Parents has the same symbol on his laptop.
081 Save for the creepy pictures of Maddie, the programs and icons on both Danny and Vlad's computers are exactly the same, in the exact same order.
082 Skulker's hunt for Valerie and Danny in Life Lessons closely resembles the plot of Richard Connell's famous short story "The Most Dangerous Game". Much like the story, Skulker kidnaps two very skilled humans on his property for the sole purpose of hunting what he considers to be the most challenging prey out there, or, the most dangerous game.
083 Mr. Lancer spouts the titles of books in place of shouting swear words. Some of these exclamations include The Great Gatsby, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Moby Dick, which is about as close as we'll be getting to colorful language on a Nicktoon, except for maybe Ren and Stimpy, or Rocko, or SpongeBob. We're slick here at Nickelodeon.
084 In the episode What You Want, Paulina transforms into a popular anime cat names Sayonara Pussycat, who resembles the character Hello Kitty. But Sayonara is actually a rather dramatic and final sounding word for "goodbye" in Japanese.
085 In Teacher of the Year, all 13 levels that Tucker shows Technus are based on the eight worlds from the 1990 NES classic Super Marion Bros. 3. The level 0 glitch is a reference to the infamous Minus world from the original Super Mario Bros.
086 Before sending Danny into the Ghost Zone in the episode Prisoners of Love, Tucker can be seen playing Space Invaders on his PDA.
087 Valerie Grey lives on 461 Elm Street, an obvious reference to the classic horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street. She'd probably stand more of a chance against Freddy Krueger than the other kids in the Street as well.
088 Johnny 13 and Kitty's voice actors, William Baldwin and China Phillips, are a married couple in real life. The knot has been securely tied since 1995. Way before they were cast.
089 In Fanning the Flames, Danny quips "Do you take requests? How about Beat It." in addition to telling Ember to hit the road, Danny's referencing Michael Jackson's classic song Beat It. Good one, Danny. And good one, me.
090 Michael Jackson makes a more obvious cameo in the episode Infinite Realms where he's seen in at his 2005 trial while Vlad is flipping through channels.
091 When we see Tucker's report card in What You Want, we learn that Tucker is not only highly proficient in computers, but sewing as well. If Danny ever needs a suit redesign, he who he can call. Not the Ghostbusters, they'll likely kill him. He should call Tucker.
092 The Groovy Gang and Scaredy Cat from The Million Dollar Ghost are an unsubtle jab at Mystery Inc and Scooby-Doo. An additional fact fact for you guys, I actually worked for Hanna-Barbera, the animation studio that created Scooby-Doo.
093 The secret government organization dedicated to eliminating paranormal entities known as the Guys in White are obviously a parallel to the Men in Black who essentially do the same thing but with evil extraterrestrials.
094 I've gone on record saying the reason Danny is not shirtless when he's at the water park is because he gets sunburned very easily.
095 We can all infer that Sam has good taste in films. For instance, a poster for Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange can be seen in her room.
096 In Memory Blank, Sam wants to see Trinity of Doom, a movie starring Femalien, the female version of Alien that’s a Predator, not a Xenomorph, you uncultured swine!, Terminatra, the female Terminator, and Nightmerica, the female version of Freddy Krueger. I'd still go see that.
097 Danny has a birthmark that's shaped like the state of Florida.
098 Timmy Turner's favorite comic book hero, The Crimson Chin, appears at the Ember concert as one of her many adoring fans in the episode Fanning the Flames. I officially sanction your conspiratorial speculations.
099 In the episode What You Want, Danny and Tucker can be seen playing an arcade machine titles Crash Nebula. Crash Nebula is one of Timmy Turner's favorite heroes of the Fairly Odd Parents. The plot thickens!
100 The cross referencing continued over into the Fairly Odd Parents, too. In Poulter Geeks, a wanted poster for Danny Phantom can be seen in the ghost hunting basement of Timmy's parents.
101 Or you guys could be thinking about this all wrong, and Danny could just be a fictional hero. In the Fairly Odd Parents Crash Nebula special, Danny can be seen on the back cover of a comic book. The truth is out there.
102 If Vlad were real, Steve Marmel would have made him the happiest half man/half ghost on the planet. The writer purchased a brick at Lambeau Field, the home of the Packers, and engraved it with "Someday I will rule - Vlad Plasmius".
103 David Kaufman's favorite episodes tend to be the ones in which Danny spends time with one particular member of his family and the plot strengthens their bond and understanding of each other. He cites the episodes Maternal Instinct and My Brother's Keeper as prime examples.
104 Like every great superhero, Danny Phantom has transcended into the realm of video games. His first outing was a Game Boy Advance adaptation of The Ultimate Enemy, a 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up ordeal.
105 The second was called Danny Phantom: Urban Jungle, which was released for both Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS and it was a side-scrolling shooter.
106 There was once a Danny Phantom themed ride at the indoor Nickelodeon Universe theme park at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. Danny Phantom: Ghost Zone's design was that of an Ali Baba. In other words, it consisted of a stationary horizontal gondola with a 360 degree swinging pendulum. Unfortunately, the rise was taken down in 2015.
107 Danny Phantom ran for three season, from 2004 to 2007. A total of 53 episodes were created for the series. The news of Danny Phantom's cancellation was not well received by the fans at all. The Danny fandom took to the streets of New York City and protested outside of Nickelodeon's building to bring the ghost boy back into production. Unfortunately, to no avail. But thank you. Seriously, thank you.
Ok, guys, thanks so much for watching. Hope you guys enjoyed it, 107 facts about Danny Phantom. Don't forget to like and subscribe to the Frederator Channel.
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matterprints · 7 years
Connected Clothing: Jennifer Nini
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Jennifer Nini is a writer, activist and the founding editor of Eco Warrior Princess - an online platform discussing all things concerning eco-fashion and a green lifestyle. Her journey to sustainable and ethical fashion is one where intention meets mindfulness. As action creates impact, Jennifer and her partner decided to move from city to farm to start an organic food venture while cultivating a permaculture farm and food forest. From what she wears to how she lives - Jennifer Nini makes a conscious decision to actively be a part of the solution.
What is your intention behind what you wear and what you buy?
Process and material are just as important as style. I seek first clothes that are well designed, and made sustainably and ethically. The main motivation is that I want the clothes I wear to be biodegradable, not just because it feels better on my skin but because of its impact. What this means for me is that I usually buy natural and organic fabrics, like organic cotton, lyocell, tencel, hemp, and bamboo - plant based materials that are built to last and transeasonal. Of course, bamboo isn’t as eco-friendly because of the way it’s spun but I trust that over time, it will be improved.
 When I’m adding pieces, I know what my non-negotiables are. It has to be sustainable and ethical - from process to product. Living on an organic farm, I’m committed to wearing fabrics that are sustainable because I see first hand what the impact is from that - and so I’ll steer away from anything synthetically made and created with chemicals. Aside from sustainability, I’m also passionate about the ethical aspects of fashion - it’s important to me that the garment workers, farmers, and people involved in the supply chain and production are paid and treated fairly.
I tend not to buy very frequently, when I need an item I try instead to look for secondhand options first. Where a brand gets me is the story, if they practice what they preach and value their positive impact in the community and the environment - then I’m more inclined to support them.
When I say that it’s something I’m passionate about, it’s not just a superficial statement. This really is my life and purpose.
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Tell us more about your journey to ethical fashion, was it a change that happened over time? How did this come about?
 Like many modern women, I grew up in a time of fast fashion. This generation is the first where fast fashion has completely taken a hold of the industry, before that I would say that conscious fashion and respect of the garment and trade was more important. I did a Fashion Business course and in that time my business partner and I went to China in 2008 on a mission to start our own fashion brand. In our time there, we learned about the background of fashion - everything behind the scenes, beyond the glory and beauty of aesthetics and advertisements. We travelled around South China, in cities like Shenzhen and Guangzhou to look at the different factories and got a glimpse of the industry that one rarely gets to see. We never did get the fashion brand off the ground, but it was still a significant trip for us. It was the key changing point for me where I really thought about my clothes, who made them, the factories involved, and the way the workers were treated - this was the catalyst to my journey with ethical fashion.
Growing up, I had always been politically active - my parents fled from the Philippines because they felt that the government was corrupted and the President ended up stealing millions of dollars. I learned from a young age that it was vital to stand for social justice. I had always been going to protest marches, but I never thought about fashion in that same light. To come back from that trip in China was an awakening for me, and I started talking to anyone who would listen. My partner encouraged me to start a blog and so I did - that’s how Eco Warrior Princess came to be. 
The name Eco Warrior Princess is a tribute to the fact that I was living in cosmopolitan Melbourne and about to make my move to a rural area of 300 people where I would live in a tent for 4 months. I left Melbourne because I wanted to start producing my own organic foods. The farm runs 100% on solar power, it’s sustainable, self-sufficient, and we recently received our organic certification - our life has completely shifted to a more primitive sort of lifestyle but I love it because of its low impact. There’s 40 odd varieties of things that I grow - from mangoes to nuts. It’s a cross of two worlds, cocktail parties and organic farms. I moved to the country to live off the land and be one with nature, and it’s taken me several years after to learn more about what this lifestyle really means. When I say that it’s something I’m passionate about, it’s not just a superficial statement. This really is my life and purpose.
Vintage pieces are my weakness when it comes to curating my closet - it’s like a collectible for me. I have high respect for the construction and uniqueness of the garment, they’re one of a kind treasures that you won’t be able to find anywhere else.
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What are some of the items currently in your closet?
Actually, I don’t really have a closet - not in the conventional sense anyways. 3 years ago, my partner and I bought a farm and we’ve since yet to build one. What I use instead is just a tall boy - a set of drawers to hold my clothes. I figured since I don’t really have many clothes, I don’t exactly need a closet. I have a highly curated selection of clothes, it’s completely minimal with only the necessities. Most of them are pieces that I can wear easily with others, secondhand pieces, and gifts that I’ve received through Eco Warrior Princess.
What would your ideal wardrobe look like?
Most people might not agree, but I would say my ideal wardrobe is the one I have now. When I look at it, there’s nothing that I would consider adding. The only thing I can see myself needing would be a pair of gum boots for the farm. Every 6 months, I sort through what I own and make sure it’s curated properly so that I’m not holding onto anything that I don’t need.
 Vintage pieces are my weakness when it comes to curating my closet - it’s like a collectible for me. I have high respect for the construction and uniqueness of the garment, they’re one of a kind treasures that you won’t be able to find anywhere else. I tend not to buy multiples of anything, I’m not looking to buy repeats - I prefer pieces that are unique in look and history.
What do my clothes say about me as a human being and the identity I created for myself today?
 What statement do you want to make with the clothes you wear?
Clothes, for me, are a sense of expression and an artistic endeavor. Everything I own is highly functional and versatile - it’s an expression of who I am first and foremost, then what I stand for. Because of the industry I’m in and the values that I’m passionate about, what I choose to wear goes beyond the surface of how it looks on my body. That might be the first conversation shared, but the more important one to consider is - what do my clothes say about me as a human being and the identity I created for myself today?
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If your house is on fire, what are the five pieces you would save - even if it meant running back into a burning house?
Definitely my vintage dress, it was an old 1960s style dress that I found in a shop in Melbourne. I brought it to a tailor to get the sleeves cut off and it’s one of my go to pieces. I’d also grab my leather skirt, a secondhand vintage piece I bought 10-15 years ago (before I made the decision to go vegan) and it still fits me perfectly. My engagement dress would be another to take along, the year I got engaged I didn’t want to buy anything new - even for my wedding, and so I found a vintage dress from the 1950s and got it secondhand. I was lucky to score it and till now, I still wear it on other occasions. There’s a pair of skinny jeans that I got as hand me downs from my niece, she was going to get rid of them but I saw it before she did and grabbed it. I was on the lookout for a pair of black skinny jeans and since then they’ve been a staple. The final thing I would grab is an old hoodie that I’ve had since I was 16, it was my first boyfriend’s basketball hoodie - it’s a sentimental piece to me because he’s since passed away and it’s something of his that I have to hold on to.
Sustainability isn’t just about consuming what’s there, it’s also making sure that you’re consuming someone else’s waste.
What advice do you have for those who want to build a more sustainable closet?
Sustainability is such a broad topic. I think the first step is to focus on what’s important to you. What is important to you - veganism, locally produced, natural fabrics, workers’ rights? What are the key factors and values that matter most to you? If you’re able to define what that is first, then it’ll be easier to break it down into something that’s easier to tackle later on.
Do your own research! Some people find it difficult, but there’s a lot of apps and platforms available like Project Just where you can check up on certain brands. Research before you make a purchase.
Always look for secondhand stuff before making a brand new purchase. Sustainability isn’t just about consuming what’s there, it’s also making sure that you’re consuming someone else’s waste. It’s a part of sustainable fashion to shop secondhand - to reduce waste that goes into the landfill. Try first to purchase something secondhand, and only when you can’t then buy something new.
All photos were taken by Ben McGuire.
We began with the intention to inspire consciousness in our everyday, to cultivate a culture that encourages others to uncover where and why something is made. The Connected Clothing series spotlights on different individuals in the fashion industry - why they wear what they wear and the significance behind their choices. 
Read the rest of the series here.
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mhsn033 · 4 years
Roman Kemp: Capital breakfast host pays tribute to late producer Joe Lyons
Image copyright Getty Photographs
Image caption Roman Kemp has presented the Capital breakfast repeat since 2017
Capital breakfast host Roman Kemp has paid an emotional tribute to his gradual producer and “handiest buddy” Joe Lyons.
The presenter and his co-hosts needed to leave their breakfast repeat early superb Tuesday, after finding out of his loss of life.
Stand-in presenters took over for the relaxation of the week as Capital’s parent firm Global gave Kemp and his team destroy day from work.
Returning on Monday, Kemp explained their absence and paid homage to Lyons, who he said “taught me every part”.
“I under no circumstances thought I could likely must carry out that, ever,” said a tearful Kemp.
“Closing Tuesday, very with out be conscious, we lost thought to be one of our handiest pals, my handiest buddy and our colleague, producer Joe.
“He used to be no longer ultimate fragment of the Capital Breakfast family but a loved member of your complete team.
“All people that works right here at Capital [is] clearly entirely devastated and we’re trying to route of this all collectively.”
‘Fairly of a Del Boy’
Recalling his early days on the set apart, Kemp said: “He used to be the major particular person I met when I walked in the door, the very first particular person.
“I undergo in tips pondering, ‘who’s this guy?’ This guy is barely of a Del Boy!” – a reference to the lead character from Ultimate Fools and Horses.
“He used to be with me ultimate from my very first repeat, he taught me every part,” Kemp persevered, including that it used to be “if truth be told odd sitting in a radio studio with out him”.
Kemp, who’s the son of Spandau Ballet’s Martin Kemp, finished third in superb 365 days’s I’m A Celeb, Obtain Me Out Of Here.
His breakfast repeat, co-presented by Sian Welby and Sonny Jay, attracts an audience of spherical 3.3m listeners, fixed with the most most modern figures accessible from trade physique Rajar.
Bag Howard and Lauren Layfield took over hosting responsibilities for the relaxation of superb week after Kemp and his team got destroy day.
‘Cherish a genius’
The presenter renowned that any visitor who had regarded on the repeat in most modern years would have spoken with Lyons, who would greet them with a friendly “hello buddy” earlier than inserting them on air.
“Every A-lister that you ever hear on this repeat, they know who he’s, everybody,” Kemp said. “He’s the particular person they spoke with first, and ought to it’s seemingly you’ll likely need got ever called into this repeat, he used to be the particular person that picked up the cell telephone.
“He if truth be told could likely not accomplish ample for parents. He used to be the nicest guy that I do know, fingers down.”
The presenter added: “The thing that he loved most of all used to be doing this repeat.
“He used to be love a genius coming up with the following tips. He used to be driven by the reaction from you [the listeners] on each day foundation.”
Kemp’s feeble co-host Vick Hope, who left the repeat earlier this 365 days, also paid tribute to Lyons on Instagram.
“I if truth be told accomplish love you, bud, so so grand. We all accomplish. I’m hoping you consider that,” she said. “We’re so lucky to have identified you. The sector is a wiser space for having had you in it.
“Your skill and creativity are so immense, but more than that it’s seemingly you’ll likely be the kindest, most hilarious, caring, enjoyable, fiercely actual and spectacular particular person any of us had the pleasure of assembly.”
Fellow breakfast host Greg James, from BBC Radio 1, praised Kemp for his “extremely gallant” on-air tribute.
“Genuinely so so unhappy to listen to this. Extra special phrases. Thinking of you all xx,” added broadcaster Chris Stark.
Apply us on Fb, or on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts. Whenever you have a memoir suggestion email [email protected].
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
“Why Do Fireflies Have To Die So Soon?”: A Tribute to Isao Takahata, 1935-2018
Isao Takahata has died at the age of 82. And while that name alone may not mean much to the average moviegoer, the news will come as a devastating blow to animation fans. As a producer, he co-founded the legendary Studio Ghibli with the legendary Hayao Miyazaki and would go on to collaborate with him on a number of his internationally celebrated films as a producer. That alone would be enough to earn a place of prominence in the pantheon of animation. But Takahata also directed a number of films on his own that would go on to equal success throughout the world, including “Grave of the Fireflies” (1988), a film that Roger Ebert once said “belongs on any list of the greatest war movies ever made” and “The Tale of Princess Kaguya” (2013), which earned him an Oscar nomination for Best Animated Feature. Without his efforts and influence over the years, it is safe to say that the animated film industry would be a markedly different beast than it is now, and definitely a less interesting one to boot. 
Takahata was born in Ujiyamada, Mie Prefecture, Japan on October 29, 1935 and attended the University of Tokyo, where he studied French literature and graduated in 1959. Having developed an interest in animation earlier after watching the French film “Le Roi et l’Oiseau,” he was convinced by a friend to take the entrance exam at Toei Animation and was hired as an assistant director. After working in a number of positions on the various television programs and films put out by the studio, Takahata got the chance to direct his first feature film, “Hols: Prince of the Sun” (1968). While he was not an animator himself, his production team included Yasuo Otsuka as Animation Director and, in his first major film work, Miyazaki as Scenic Designer and Key Animator. Alas, the resulting film was a commercial and led to Takahata’s demotion at the studio.
In 1971, Takahata, along with Miyazaki and fellow animator Yochi Kotabe, left Toei. After an attempt to produce an animated version of “Pippi Longstocking” fell through, he went to work in television for Nippon Animation for the next decade. In 1981, he joined Otsuka at Telecom Animation Film Co. and directed both an adaptation of the popular manga Jarinko Chie and a subsequent TV spinoff. However, while Takahata was hired to direct “Little Nemo,” which was intended to be a collaboration between Telecom and Disney Studios, the project fell apart and led to his resignation from the company. Takahata soon bounced back when he was invited by Miyazaki to join the new animation company that he was forming, Studio Ghibil. Although the first film to come from this collaboration, the Miyazaki-directed, Takahata-produced fantasy epic “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind” (1984) is usually considered a Studio Ghibli film, it was actually made before the new studio was formed and released by Toei. The film was a critical and commercial hit, now considered one of the greatest animated features of all time, and their next collaboration, “Castle in the Sky” (1986), the official Ghibli debut, proved to be just as successful.
In 1988, Takahata directed his first feature for Ghibli, “Grave of the Fireflies.” The result was one of the most powerful movies of any type to be released during the decade. Based on a short story by Akiyuki Nosaka, it tells the story of a young boy named Seita and his younger sister, Satsuko, as they struggle to survive on their own after their home in Kobe is destroyed during the ending days of World War II after an American aerial bombing attack that takes the life of their mother. For a while, they stay with an aunt but when her resentment towards them grows as the food rations shrink, they take off once again and make a home of sorts for themselves in a hillside cave. There, Seita tries to both find food for the two of them and answer Satsuko’s increasingly difficult questions about what is going on and where their parents are. 
Needless to say, the story does not end happily—the film is actually structured as a flashback by Seita’s spirit—and for American audiences raised on the belief that all animated films were inherently made for all ages, to see that art form service such a sad and wrenching of a narrative as can be imagined must have come as a shock. However, the use of animation to tell this particularly store proves to be an inspired choice. The stylization of the visuals means that moviegoers are free to remove themselves from the overtly and sometimes overwhelming trappings of this kind of filmmaking—the sets, special effects and booming action sequences—in order to put the focus more directly on the emotional underpinnings of the story. (Both Takahata and Nosaka survived air raids as children and you can feel the pain, confusion and wonder that they must have themselves felt throughout.) At the same time, there are moments of extraordinary visual beauty to be had here as well, the most famous of which is a lovely set of images when the siblings collect and release fireflies in their cave in order to illuminate the place. Yes, it builds to one of the saddest endings of any film that you will ever see. But you come away from it feeling a sense of elation at having witnessed the sight, however grim, of a film that is as perfectly done as one could hope for it to be.
While Takahata’s subsequent directorial efforts would not match the grimness of “Grave of the Fireflies,” they would nevertheless challenge most conventional notions of the kind of storytelling that one could do in the animation genre. “Only Yesterday” (1991), for example, was a gentle drama centered around Taeko, a 27-year-old unmarried woman who takes a few days off from her life in the city to go out to the country to help her brother-in-law’s family with a harvest and finds herself flashing back to memories of her own childhood in 1966. Again, this would seem to be an odd choice of subject matter for an animated film. But Takahata justifies it with an ingenious stylistic gambit in which the modern sequences and characters are rendered in an atypically realistic manner, while her childhood is presented in a look that more closely adheres to the conventions of anime. 
Between that and the touching storytelling, in which memories of Taeko’s not-always-carefree coming-of-age are juxtaposed with her concerns about what she has become, the end result is another striking and fascinating work that would go on to be enormously popular in Japan (it was the country’s biggest homegrown hit of that year) and hailed as a masterpiece by critics. About the only place it wasn’t celebrated was the United States of America because, aside from a couple of festival screenings and an airing on Turner Movie Classics in 2006, it was never released there. The story goes that Disney, which had the distribution rights in America to Ghibli’s films for years, objected to a scene involving Taeko menstruating and since they could not simply cut it out due to the details of their contract with Ghibli, they instead elected to simply not screen it at all. (Happily, distributor GKIDS got the rights to Ghibil’s output in 2015 and released it the next year, with a new dub featuring the voices of Daisy Ridley and Dev Patel, to much rejoicing.)
Based on a story idea from Miyazaki, “Pom Poko” (1994) is a somewhat more conventional animated fantasy in which a group of raccoon dogs with magical abilities, such as being able to shape-shift, who try to prevent their forest home from being destroyed in the name of urban development. Although quite funny in spots, this is not merely an empty-headed kiddie film by any stretch of the imagination—it gets fairly serious at times. It is safe to say that an ordinary children’s film would have designed the main characters so that their testicles did not play such a key part in both the dramatic and visual design. “My Neighbors, The Yamadas” (1999) was another interesting blend of comedy and drama that, through a series of vignettes covering the gamut from the silly to the serious involving a typical middle-class Tokyo family that will ring true with viewers of all ages and nationalities. In 2003, he contributed a brief bit of animation to “Winter Days,” a collection of pieces inspired by winter days in Japan.
Takahata’s final directorial effort was “The Tale of the Princess Kaguya” (2013), an inspired fantasy that begins when an elderly couple find a tiny girl inside a bamboo shoot and raise her as their own. She grows in stature and beauty and virtually everyone who encounters her falls in love with her. The sons of five important families all propose marriage to her but when she orders them to finds proper gifts for her, they fail. However, when the Emperor of Japan himself turns up with a proposal of his own, it leads to a set of circumstances that force Kaguya to finally come to terms with herself and her parents about who she really is. The film is pretty extraordinary in all areas—visually stunning, dramatically powerful and deeply moving without ever becoming cloying or manipulative—and is easily Takahata’s best since “Grave of the Fireflies” and one of the finest of all Studio Ghibli films. It would go on to win numerous awards throughout the world and even won an Oscar nomination for Best Animated Feature, though it would lose to the Disney behemoth “Big Hero 6.” 
Takahata’s final film work found him serving as producer of “The Red Turtle” (2016), an innovative fantasy about the interesting relationship that develops between a shipwrecked sailor and a mysterious red turtle who appears on the small tropical island where he washes up. If I tell you what happens next, you’ll write it off as a joke, but it is anything but that. This film would also go on to receive accolades and an Oscar nomination as well. There were rumors he may have been working on something new, but he had reportedly been in poor health recently and developed a heart condition last year.
Of course, when the subject of great Japanese animated filmmakers comes up, Miyazaki is the name that most people are going to gradually gravitate towards, in the same way that people in America will instantly conjure up Disney. However, Isao Takahata was no mere Saleri who was cursed to constantly stand in the shadow of greatness. He was a master of the art of animation as well and his contributions to the genre cannot possibly be overstated. The best way to prove this, of course, is to go out and check out his movies for yourself. Not only are his Ghibli productions all currently available via beautifully produced DVDs and Blu-rays, American audiences will have a chance to see “Pom Poko” and “Grave of the Fireflies” on the big screen, where they truly belong, as part of a monthly program of Ghibli films appearing in theaters across the country this summer—the former screens June 17, 18 and 20 while the latter plays on August 12, 13 and 15. There can be no greater tribute to Takahata and his work than to go and see these films and experience the magic that he created so effortlessly through his work. That said, if you go to see “Grave of the Fireflies,” just remember to bring lots and lots of tissues with you. 
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