#also a bar stool is a chair tf are you talking about
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I love how they latch onto the fact that because humans make different types of chairs it automatically means women aren’t female
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dollslayer · 3 years
The Stand-In
CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Stood up by your date and stranded in one of the nicest restaurants in town, Bucky Barnes just can't let that stand.
Warnings: slight angst, smut, oral (m & f receiving), deepthroating, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it !), if I missed anything let me know!
W/C: 3,807
A/N: I wrote this for @simsadventures 6k mixed adventure challenge (Congrats!) w/ a restaurant setting and the line "If you could just hold my hand and be quiet, that would be nice". If you like it please reblog and comment and tell me what you think! Cheers!
p.s. - Come check out my other fics or find me on AO3 (same name)!
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7 PM
Your best Jimmy Choos click gingerly as you walk up to the hostess stand at one of the most popular restaurants in Manhattan. He had made the reservation in your name, which you gave to the hostess. She takes a minute to consider you, cocking a brow as she silently clocks your ASOS cocktail dress. You looked chic enough that she could forgive you. Her moment wasn’t lost on you, this part of the Upper West Side was so stuffy so you put on your best.
Feeling slightly self-conscious about your attire you brushed the feeling off quickly. He would be here soon and he’d reassure you how beautiful you look. When you’d met for coffee he’d make you feel so sexy and confident with how sure of himself he was. So when he asked you to dinner at one of the most renowned places in the city and said he wanted to talk tonight you accepted immediately.
“Right this way” the hostess said and broke you out of your self-doubting stupor and guided you towards a some-what secluded table towards the back of the restaurant.
“Here are some menus for you two, if you’d like anything to drink while you wait, your waiter should be here soon”, she sent you an artificial smile and turned on her heel back to the stand.
You picked up a menu and it left you reeling at the prices. You had half a mind to text him and see if he wanted to go somewhere else. Based off of the way he dresses and how he had tipped the barista on your first outing you thought better of it. He’d said he wanted to treat you, so you’ll let him.
7:15 PM
You decided to wait to order anything to drink until he got here, too afraid of the price tag attached to any bottle of wine on the menu.
You took a sip of your water and checked your texts for the second time since sitting down. Still nothing, you didn’t want to text him just yet, you knew he was busy and you didn’t want to seem overbearing. You knew he was a CFO and he’d be coming from the financial district when traffic was insane. You could forgive him. You take another sip of your water hoping it’ll wash all of your doubts away. Besides, it’s not like he’s late-late, he’s like, fashionably late, he’s working-man late.
7:30 PM
Okay, so he’s late-late, don’t panic. Sometimes things happen, he’s only human and this is only your second date.
Your waiter approaches the table again, eyebrows raised expectantly at you. The smug look on his face says he’s thinking what you’re too afraid to.
You order yourself a $25 martini. Your waiter promises to return and you finish off your water.
Time to craft the perfect text that says ‘Hey I’m here, where tf are you?’ without actually asking where the fuck he’s at. You tap away nervously on your phone.
‘Hey, I’ve got a table towards the back, closer to the end of the bar’ Perfect.
7:45 PM
You’re still sitting solo at the table, you feel the beginnings of humiliation creep into your features. You feel warm, your brows form a seemingly permanent crease of worry, and you are trying everything in your power to suppress the tears you felt building up.
You don’t make eye contact with your waiter when he stops by again, playing it off like you were sending a text. But you tell him you’ll be right back so that he doesn’t give up your table.
You walk quickly to the bathroom hoping no one will notice your trembling face. You feel just like a middle schooler that got dumped at the dance. You make it to a bathroom stool and dial your best friend, Wanda.
“Is everything okay? You’re supposed to be out with your mystery date aren’t you?” She had answered almost immediately.
You sniffled a bit and took a shaky inhale. “Y-yes, our reservation was for 7 and he put it in my name, I texted him once already but I don’t wanna seem too overbearing for a second date, y’know? But something feels off. I don’t know, maybe I’m being crazy.”
“You’re definitely not being crazy, it sounds fishy to me. If he doesn’t answer in five minutes I want you to leave and come straight over. I’ll have white Russians and Drag Race waiting for you” Wanda always knew just what to say, just how to make you feel. You were grateful for her.
You sighed into the receiver. “Thanks, babe, I’ll let you know what happens either way”. You hung up and grabbed some toilet paper to dab at the corners of your eyes. You knew you’d need an extra minute to compose yourself as you faced the truth.
He’s not coming, he’s not texting me back, he probably regretted setting the date which is why he put the reservation in my name, I won’t be hearing from him again. Just pay your tab, smile, and leave. You got this.
7:52 PM
Checking your appearance in the mirror one last time you let out a final sigh and push open the door back to the dining room. Your walk to your table begins to slow when you notice someone is sitting at your table. A rather tall, unfamiliar someone.
Did the waiter really give away the table? I’ve been gone all of 7 minutes! What do I even say to this stranger? Should I just grab my bag and go? Hopefully it’s still there.
Your final steps towards your seat are nervous and uneven. The man in the chair opposite yours must’ve heard you and he faces you. You’re struck with an unfamiliar but extremely handsome face. The look of surprise must be tangible because he laughs and slight wrinkles form at the edges of his eyes. Who the fuck is this guy? Well he hasn’t stolen my purse so there’s that.
“I-” You lean over to grab your purse when you’re cut off mid-apology.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart, you know how it is at work. Sit down, I ordered a bottle of wine for the table”. The man said.
You sat down slowly and felt so stiff and uncomfortable in the chair. Were you being pranked? Was this part of some very elaborate joke? Before you could ask any of those questions the man reached across the table and grabbed your hand.
“If you could just hold my hand and be quiet, that would be nice” He said as his thumb grazed your knuckles. You were slightly stunned by his boldness. You complied, if only out of shock and hoped he’d explain himself a little better or let you go in time for you to make an exit.
He leaned in closer to you, to anyone else it would’ve looked like an intimate moment during any normal date. He looked you in the eyes while he kept hold of your hand and you realized how warm he was, how clear his eyes were. You took a deep breath through your nose and tried to play it cool.
“I’ve been at the bar for a while now, it seems like whichever idiot decided to stand you up made a grave mistake.” Your brows pinched together and he continued, “I was with a friend talking business but he left and you look like you needed to be saved from the incident so here I am. James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky.”
You were unsure what to do with the information just given to you. Yes, it would’ve been embarrassing to pay your tab and leave alone after sitting there for almost an entire hour by yourself, but it was also embarrassing that this man had noticed and you certainly didn’t need anyone looking at you like some damsel in distress.
You caught yourself from scoffing completely and schooled your features. “I… appreciate that you’d do that for me but I don’t want anyone’s sympathy, especially not a date.” You tried to pull away when his hand gently squeezed yours.
“Please- I- I didn’t mean to make it sound like I’m doing this out of pity. Whatever happened here is unfortunate, yes. But you’re also very beautiful and you’re here by yourself so why not ‘shoot my shot’ as I believe the kids are saying these days? Think of me like a stand-in for the other guy, but y’know, better” he replied playfully.
A very brief moment of contemplation was solidified by your lack of notifications on your phone. Why not? He’s good looking and he’s doing you a favor.
You had to at least afford a small chuckle at that. “So ‘Bucky’, huh? Well I don’t have any cool nicknames but you can call me by my first name.” You gave it to him and he repeated it back to you, a wry smile on his face.
8:05 PM
Still no texts from him but you did text Wanda to tell her everything worked out and there’d be details to come. She’d go into full on mama bear mode if you hadn’t updated her.
“So, Bucky, what do you do? Do you live here in Manhattan?” You asked before taking a sip of your wine (which you didn’t dare check the price of per bottle).
“Brooklyn, actually, but a lot of my business is here. Have you heard of Buchannan hospitality?” He asked.
Your brain snagged itself on that name. That sounds familiar? Where have I seen that? Oh wait! Didn’t you see him in the Forbes ‘30 under 30’ list last year?
You’d meant to answer him but unfortunately all that came out was a confused “Forbes?” at which he laughed a little bit and nodded.
“Yeah you might’ve seen me there. I own some hotels and lounges around Manhattan and Brooklyn. What do you do?” He had brushed off his accolades so quickly, wanting instead to know about you, this random girl that had been stood up.
Shit, your mid-level marketing job doesn’t stand up to this in the least. You took a sip of the wine and answered him, explaining you were second in command of your small company’s marketing department.
He seemed genuinely intrigued and you two ended up talking business and swapping office and university disaster stories until the main course arrived. You dug into your meal, savoring the taste and relishing in the unusual turn of events.
8:47 PM
The plates have been cleared away and the wine glasses refilled. Bucky was proving to be great company and as oddly as it started you were grateful to be sitting here with him. You’d nearly forgotten about your would-be date and decided to check your phone one last time.
You had 11 unread texts, 10 of them from Wanda wanting a play-by-play and one of them from the man that had stood you up. You opened it and sighed. ‘Can’t make it tonight, baby, promise to make it up to you soon’.
You scoffed to yourself. He’s not gonna say where he’s been? Or even say sorry? Douche.
You put your phone away and looked back up to Bucky who was eyeing you with playful curiosity.
“Lemme guess, that was the guy who was supposed to be seeing you’s sorry ass excuse followed by a flimsy apology” He said as he drank from his water glass.
“You’re 1 for 3. It was him but he didn’t apologize or try to explain himself. Should’ve known when he put the reservation under my name and not his that something might be up and when he wasn’t there on time.” You said more to yourself than to Bucky.
“What’s his name?” Bucky asked.
“His name’s Brock Rumlow,” Bucky’s expression changed just slightly at this. “I think he works at some firm in the financial district. We only ever went out the once before this so I don’t really remember.” You explained. “What? What’s that look for? Please don’t tell me you know him”.
“Sorry to say that I do. Sorry to say I know his wife too” He said a little more quietly.
You felt humiliated all over again, the same feelings that you experienced in this very seat not an hour ago still had you by the gills it would seem.
Bucky reached for your hand again, running the pads of his thumb across the ridges of your knuckles in an attempt to calm you.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to make you upset, but you definitely ought to know that Rumlow is no one that deserves your time” Bucky said in earnest.
His words were nice but you’d need some time to get over this embarrassment on your own. In the meantime, you really were enjoying Bucky’s company so you decided to let it distract you.
Bucky flagged down a waiter, signaling him to bring the check. He took one glance at it and set his card inside. As you reached for the bill with your own card in hand he gave it to the waiter before you could even get a peek. He was so nonchalant when he looked at you.
“Don’t even think about it. So tell me, is the night over or are you game to spend a little more time on me?” He asked. This is the second time he’d been dominant but kind in one breath. You weren’t entirely sure how you felt but you didn’t dislike it.
If you went home you’d just be wallowing in your own self pity, or you’d go to Wanda’s and do it but if you go with Bucky you could delay that feeling for a bit longer. Out with a stranger it is.
“Where to?” You asked him.
9:59 PM
A private booth on the top floor of what he said was one of his favorite lounges turned out to be where to. You were relieved to find there was no dancing, as you had two left feet and half a bottle of wine by now. When you got to the booth you stuck with water, knowing you’d need to get yourself home.
Bucky had insisted on one glass of champagne ‘to chance encounters’ he’d said. You agreed but just one. You found yourself closer to him while you talked, your knees touched and his hand found its way to your leg. It didn’t dare to move higher up, just staying there like a comforting weight almost while you conversed.
You were rambling on about the time you and your cousin took your dad’s car for a joyride when you were 14. You were laughing the whole thing off when you realized he wasn’t laughing with you. You had worried for a moment that you’d bored him when you saw the soft yet intense look in his eye and tilted your head with curiosity.
“You’re very beautiful, you know that right?” He didn’t let you answer as he shifted closer. “I’d like to kiss you, is that alright with you?”
Oh. You were caught off guard by the abruptness of his question. Suddenly shy, all you could do was give a small nod and bite your lip in anticipation. His full lips were soft and almost as warm as his hands, which were holding you in an embrace. One of your hands had made their way to his hair and one on the outside of his lower thigh. You sighed as you kissed him back.
It was soft but insistent, things became a little more passionate as you swiped your tongue into his mouth and you both let out a small moan. You didn’t want to stop kissing Bucky, it just felt right.
He finally broke the kiss as one of his hands still rested at the nape of your neck. You were breathless, this man had kissed the daylights out of you. If he could do that with his tongue imagine what else he could do with it. You were both panting softly, sorting through what to make of things and where to go from here.
“I don’t know about you, but I wanna keep doing that, but this might not be the best place for it. You can say no if you want to, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but I’d love to take you home and treat you right” He said with unwavering eye contact.
Well how on Earth could I say no to that even if I wanted to? Wait doesn’t he live in Brooklyn?
“Let’s go back to mine, probably closer” You said. He nodded in agreement and sent a text to his driver to come pick you both up.
10:40 PM
You did indeed find out what else that tongue of his could do, you were finding out right now. He had made you cum once from his tongue alone already but he added to thick fingers and started pumping them into you, making a scissoring motion that hit you just right. You arched your back and pushed his face in deeper as you cried out, signaling your second orgasm.
Completely drunk in the afterglow of it, you wanted to keep this feeling forever. You wanted to show him what you could do too. You got up albeit with a little shakiness and hovered over him. You kissed his neck and slid your hand down to meet his groin. He was still in his briefs and you pulled the elastic band down with ease.
His cock sprang free and you had to hide the slight surprise you felt looking at the sheer size of him. You were always told you were good in bed so time to really put yourself to the test. You kissed your way down to his pelvis and your hand started working him. Staring back up at him you maintained eye contact while you kissed the dab of pre-cum that pooled at the head of his dick.
He shuddered but you kept staring at him, and in what you have to say was a pretty proud moment for you, you held his gaze while you took him slowly and in one go. You closed your eyes and moaned, feeling him in the back of your throat.
“Shit, oh my god. Are you gonna…?” He was lost for words so you decided to answer him by getting to work. You started slowly, up and down, letting yourself get used to his size and reminding yourself to breathe through your nose and stay relaxed.
His moans were growing louder and his breathing heavier, you knew he was close and you were wondering if he was going to let you finish him. You got your answer when he pulled you off of him by the hair.
“As bad as I want you to finish what you started, I wanna feel you first.” He panted.
“So what’s stopping you?” You asked playfully. A small shriek escaped you as he flipped you under him. He lined himself up with your entrance and thrust in slowly. You could tell he was using a lot of restraint but that was quickly forgotten as you remembered how big he was. You suddenly appreciated the slow pace.
As he became fully sheathed inside of you you let out a loud moan that was quickly silenced by his lips on yours. A few more small thrusts and he was nearly fucking your cervix. You felt unbelievably full.
“Had no idea how talented that mouth was of yours, doll. Trying to make me cum without getting to fuck you though? Now that’s just cruel. I think you need to pay for that, don’t you?” He asked playfully as his thrusts became a little harder and forceful.
You could only nod and moan as he picked up his pace. Your hands clung to his shoulders for dear life and you whimpered and keened while he railed you into your mattress. Finally getting used to the feeling you reached down to play with your clit.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?” He asked in between grunts.
Your eyes rounded and you shook your head.
“I wanna be the one to touch you. Make you cum. Only me.” He forced out as he replaced your fingers with his. He made tight, quick circles around your clit but didn’t let up on his pace as he fucked you closer and closer to a third orgasm.
“Your pussy’s making it fuckin’ impossible for me to hold out any longer, need you to cum, sweetheart. Cum all over my fuckin’ dick.” His words sent you right over the edge and you did as you were asked.
Not two seconds later he cried out and emptied himself inside of you, sending a few final pushes into you before taking himself out and dropping down on his side.
You leaned over and kissed him with what little breath you two had left. Your sweat mixed together but you didn’t mind.
His hands provided that comforting weight as he brought one to your shoulder and the other to your hip. He kissed the tip of your nose and watched you begin to drift off to sleep. He could probably use the rest himself and decided to close his eyes for a bit.
9:30 AM
You woke up in a half empty bed, but before you could let yourself be too disappointed you heard the sound of your shower turning off. You padded down to the bathroom and opened the door to find Bucky toweling off. He gave you a lopsided grin.
“Good mornin’, I would’ve asked you to join me but you looked so peaceful I didn’t wanna wake you.” He explained. “If you’re not sick of me, do you maybe wanna grab some breakfast?”
You shook your head and reached past him to turn the shower back on.
“No way. I make the best pancakes and as a thank you for everything last night, I insist on making some for you.” You smiled up at him, hopeful he’d agree.
“Well I hope you know what you’re up against, I’m a very insatiable man.” He joked back.
You hit him with a washcloth and laughed. “Oh believe me I know. Gimme 15 and I’ll be right out.”
He nodded and closed the door behind him. You let your mind wander back to last night as you washed off the sweat that lingered from the night before.
10:15 AM
You set down two plates stacked mile-high with pancakes and bacon. You held your coffee mug up to his and clinked against it.
“To chance encounters” You said with a smile.
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years
Feb 13 Lost Light Stream - Soundwave’s Bar - Transformers Prime 60-62
To Soundwave’s shock and amazement, not a single person commented on the fact that his alternate spoke.
It wasn’t much commented on, but Prowl was more struck by the fact that Ratchet said “Soundwave is no ordinary Cybertronian—inside or out” and advocated dissection. His opinion of Ratchet plummeted.
ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lemme grab a quick drink and i'll start preshow)) Shockbox: I see we are back again with these...choreographed videos. Windchill: *Walks in at exactly the wrong moment, as usual.* Shockbox: *As disturbed as he is capable of looking.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's just setting out snacks. He may or may not have taken to doing these mostly because he knows it confuses people.* Shockbox: *Snacks, you say? Now, that sounds much more interesting.* Windchill: *He won't be eating after a display like that, thanks.* Shockwave: ((hm. taking a long time to load in for me)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((is anyone else having trouble)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i paused it)) FakeProwl: *oh good. megatron dancing. just what prowl was hoping to see when he arrived* Bruin: *((nope)) FakeProwl: ((i just got here so idk.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((give it a sec txen. sometimes it needs a moment to get goin)) Windchill: (( I didn't notice any trouble thus far!)) Shockwave: ((hrm.)) Shockwave: ((i hope its not being adblocked or something)) FakeProwl: ((i've got adblock on and it's okay for me)) Shockwave: ((ah, a refresh fixed it)) Primus: [I should reset my icon. >u> Shockwave: *if he could squint at the screen, he would* Shockbox: *He shares that sentiment.* boomtank: ((whaaaat the frickfrack ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings. We will start in a little bit. He is waiting for something to resolve itself.]] Primus: [Think that did it] boomtank: -Blaster would like to know what that was because what the Pit- Primus: [I'm either a chaos god or a warbird] Primus: [orprimus] FakeProwl: *ah. and now it's prowl's alternate that knows how to dance.* Buzzstrike: Thank you, Soundwave. Shockwave: ((how do you change your icon again...)) boomtank: -mild concern now- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Mmhm.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'll start at 9) Whirl: Of course. Why did I think anything else would be playing. Whirl: Why did I fool myself with that small glowing shred of HOPE... Shockbox: (( I think we're stuck being rabbits for the night, txen.)) FakeProwl: Look on the bright side. You missed Megatron. Whirl: Oh, thank god. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Show something else? And miss out on all these complaints? Ha.* Primus: *Is amused* boomtank: Uh...what? Starscream: ((lurking ooc for now, working on a sculpt Buzzstrike: *blinks* Starscream: ((Also my bun is the cutest Windchill: *Oh look, Whirl, his arch nemesis, has arrived.* Whirl: *stops in the doorway and POINTS at Windchill* YOU. Windchill: *Points at himself.* Me? Whirl: You. Prepare to have your ass kicked. Windchill: Finally. Windchill: My entire life has led up to this moment. Primus: *Will just be off somewhere else away from the cluckoos* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Do not worry. No other Prowl alternate recordings possessed. Airachnid: [she isn't even phased by what's on screen anymore] Primus: *Kinda tempted to show Soundwave something* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'm not really bothered by them. I just feel like they set up unrealistic expectations for my capabilities.» Shockwave: ((oh is guest puff) Shockwave: ((i was like i dont see puff here)) Bruin: *clomps on in, Spotter on a shoulder, and look at that Specter finally decided to come along too* FakeProwl: ((wait does my name say guest. why.)) Starscream: ((u a guest FakeProwl: ((:T rabbit i TOLD u my name)) Whirl: *advances, clicking his claws* Also, I found that thing you sent me. You maniac. What were you thinking? Starscream: ((Tonight Prowl wears a Guy Fawkes mask Windchill: Are you menacing me? FakeProwl: ((fixed?)) Whirl: Do you feel MENACED? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): That skill not expected. Windchill: ...A little. Whirl: ((Yes! I see prowlbun)) Primus: *Spider lady here. Nope. Going to avoid her to avoid spooking her* Shockbox: *Watching his iteration of Soundwave dance is....interesting, for him.* Whirl: I can tell this guy what I want to do with his body. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave settles in on a chair and steeples his fingers.* Whirl: I bet none of you can guess. Shockwave: Darksteel: Punch it? FakeProwl: *dryly* Does he survive it? Guest: Oh primus Whirl: He does not! Windchill: *Snorts& Whirl: It involves immolation. Windchill: Nice. Whirl: Hey, look, Blaster! You're famous! Shockwave: Darksteel: Immo-what? Whirl: Set him on fire. Shockbox: *He's grabbing snacks during this one.* Txen: Darksteel: Oh!! Hey! -We're- good at that. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Blaster appears to be a popular choice for dancing with his alternate. He is still investigating why.]] boomtank: Sorry, can't dance like my alternate FakeProwl: *is there space next to Soundwave? If so, sits next to.* Infinite: look at these sexy boxes Infinite: look at them dance Shockbox: Excuse you. Airachnid: [she sees you Primus, she sees you] ItsyBitsySpyers: *There is space for whichever allies feel like parking there.* FakeProwl: *... he's not sure if he and Primus are still on speaking terms, so he just nods as he passes* Whirl: A likely story. *sets himself down at Windchill's table, sprawling comfortably* Councilor: that was a crotch zoom Txen: *Shockwaves a creature of habit. what's he going to do, go sit on Whirl?* Councilor: if I ever saw any Whirl: I'm sensing a theme here. Councilor: yonCE ItsyBitsySpyers: *Poor Whirl's legs. We hardly knew ye.* Primus: *Prowl can still talk to him. Just avoiding others to not cause trouble* Whirl: *buck the trend, come sit on me, Worm Guy* Windchill: *Was going to say something, but wasn't expecting that crotch to the face. Sorry.* FakeProwl: *given how their last conversation ended, Prowl doesn't know that. so a polite nod it will be.* Txen: *alas. soundwave > worms* Whirl: ((whop brb y'all)) boomtank: -Oh. Primus is here. He should...probably apologize for running out during the card game?- Councilor: I don't want to be a rabbit anymore Councilor: how do I fiX THIs Txen: ((oh, havent seen a kaon before i dont think)) Buzzstrike: (I think you have to register for an account to stop being a bunny?) FakeProwl: ((that's a nice looking model. good glowing bits.)) Councilor: (( it would seem so )) Primus: *Blaster is fine, btw* Airachnid: yeah you have to have an account to be not a bunny)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((one more after this and then start, so get what you need and get settled)) FakeProwl: ((I always like when they take the extra step to give the TFs glowy bits or metallic paint)) boomtank: -Blaster still feels a bit bad about his reaction though- Primus: *Not the worst thing he's had happen* Windchill: Who are these nerds? *He means the ones on screen, not you lot.* Starscream: (( *sigh* against my better judgement- Roddy was looking forward to showing Thirst IC as Rodimus, and was wondering if that ep could be skipped Councilor: ugh Councilor: there Starscream: ((Or idk if shed prefer it skipped or just no TFP at all, i didn't ask Whirl: ((sorry, internet died)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i am literally 30 seconds from starting man)) FakeProwl: ((she decided to bail)) Councilor: so many soundwave animations ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i will watch it again next monday if wanted but i gotta get goin)) Starscream: ((was just letting you know so you didn't get back to skype in a few hours and then see it Starscream: ((rodger that Councilor: *kicks back* Whirl: ((INTERNET. PLEASE)) Whirl: ((if i vanish for good, my internet died. Whirl tipped his chair too far back, despite warnings, and fell into another dimension)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[All right. We will begin. Please, do not run screaming into the outside world if you are frightened. There are tables for hiding under.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lmao okay snif)) FakeProwl: So it's THAT kind of episode, is it. Whirl: You already showed the most frightening thing BEFORE the episode. Councilor: *Lazy boy footrest flies up with destructive force* boomtank: -does the Primus mind if Blaster sits beside him?- Txen: *tsks* Windchill: What an awful sound. Starscream: ((somehow i forgot about that fukkin accent save me Councilor: HA Airachnid: What an awful sight. [gestures to CYLAS] Primus: *Isn't really sitting anywhere. More like back over by the bar. Possibly sitting on it or at least on a bar stool* Councilor: I like the color green a lot less now Whirl: ((...test)) Windchill: Gross. Windchill: (( What u testing my dude. )) Councilor: oh my god its our lord and saviour Airachnid: there they go)) Whirl: ((to see if i was still yup, Rabbit is freakin out)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble comes slowly trudging downstairs and crawls on to the back of the couch behind Soundwave. He drapes himself against a shoulder and stays there.* FakeProwl: *nods to rumble* Airachnid: And he already has one Starscream. ItsyBitsySpyers: *The barest handflap hi.* Whirl: *tilts his head when he notices Rumble* Councilor: *silently hopes the minicon comes over to lay on her lap* Windchill: *Shakes his head.* Primus: *Looks over* ItsyBitsySpyers: *That one won't, but Laserbeak will perch on the new bot's helm* Buzzstrike: *watches fellow Mini-Con with a worried frown* boomtank: -okay, gonna sit nearby-ish then. This set looks to be a bit...no- Councilor: *sits completely still* Primus: [*guesswhostillhasntseenprime*] Shockbox: (( But. You're Primus.)) boomtank: ((-pats- Shockbox: (( Mind: Blown.)) Primus: [I know. I've never sat down to see it.] Whirl: Oh yeah, I've seen this stuff before. I wonder what would happen if we gave some to Frenzy. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I'M ALWAYS ON IT.\\ Airachnid: Yes, you are. Whirl: *laughs* boomtank: ...... Councilor: Daaaaaark energon Airachnid: [referring to Sarscream on screen] Councilor: there goes rule number one Councilor: don't bring dark energon Whirl: I wonder how *I* would handle it. Txen: Shockwave: *mutter* The only thing that is 'frightening' about this installment is their 'scientific' methodology and lack of safety procedures. Councilor: they're just talking ship gossip ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave huffs softly, amused. He overheard that.* Primus: *Vents* FakeProwl: How desperate is Starscream to think this is a good idea. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Very.]] Airachnid: Very. FakeProwl: Tsk. boomtank: They're...kinda...wow, no Councilor: ew Airachnid: [just thinking about this makes her cringe] Councilor: purple and green go AWFUL together boomtank: They actually did it Whirl: Y'know. I'm not necessarily known for my good ideas, but... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up straight and tries to keep calm. No twitching. No fluttering.* Airachnid: [so glad that this didn't happen in her universe] Councilor: horrible fashion sense Primus: And it broke free. Primus: *SIGH* Windchill: *Scratches his chin.* Bruin: Its also a terrible plan Windchill: Well. Txen: Shockwave: *excuse him? super soldiers aren't his area? what do they think he was doing for most of the war* Windchill: That was to be expected. Councilor: silas how many drugs have you eaten in your life agooddistraction: what'd i miss agooddistraction: w???? Councilor: OH Councilor: OH Whirl: Oh, hey. Councilor: EW Whirl: Neat! agooddistraction: wtf? Buzzstrike: *abrupt twitch of blade-wings* Windchill: I've seen prettier. Councilor: Oh god I didn't know this was a HORROR flick Airachnid: A prime example on why to not dabble in dark energon. Windchill: *He's used to faces like that by now.* Councilor: rather... insect like boomtank: ....-hiding face behind data-pad now- Councilor: *looks at windcill* Whirl: Yeah. If I bothered to give myself a mouth, I'd like something like that. Windchill: *Avoids Infinite's gaze on purpose.* Whirl: I've already got half the prongs for it. *gestures to his helm* Windchill: *Cackles* Whirl: ((PFFT) Windchill: (( This ep. <3 )) Primus: Poor Vehicons Buzzstrike: ...mhm Councilor: (( this episode is probably the funniest )) Bruin: High;y traained??? Pf Airachnid: That hardly looks like "problem solved". FakeProwl: He's going to tear through the Vehicons. agooddistraction: wow ItsyBitsySpyers: *Okay. Maybe a little twitch. This is not a favorite. And now he's thinking of where he was at the time.* FakeProwl: ... Like that. Councilor: I'm a highly trained critic Whirl: Anyway, thanks for the gift, mech. *to Windchill* I'll always take and all figures of Heqet. Whirl: Praise. boomtank: That....did not go well.... Whirl: Even squishy ones. Starscream: *FLOUNCES IN* Windchill: *Nods.* You're welcome. Primus: None of this will end well boomtank: It's UP! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Dark energon never does.]] Airachnid: Of course it didn't. IT was a result of dark energon and bad ideas. Starscream: Oh. It's /this/ again. Councilor: oh wow this iS predator Councilor: that was definitely the predator noise Whirl: Oh, so it's kind of like a sparkeater. Whirl: Except it drains energon, instead of eating sparks. Primus: [*shrieks*] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\LIKE WEDNESDAYS! HAHA\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. Though the spark is extinguished as well.]] Councilor: oh god a tongue on a body Windchill: ...Fascinating. Councilor: .... kinky Airachnid: Hey, human horror films are actually amusing. Windchill: *He can agree with that at least.* Whirl: *slowly swivels his helm to stare at Infinite* Councilor: TWO DIFFERENT types of bots Starscream: *will find himself a seat near the back to watch from. What even IS this nonsense.* agooddistraction: what was that boomtank: ((you okay Pri-mun? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A Terrorcon.]] Councilor: *points at windchill* it was him Primus: [I'm laughing] Windchill: Who, me? Whirl: *slowly turns his helm to regard Windchill* I dunno what she's blaming you for but I believe her. Windchill: Oh, well. boomtank: ((oh good Windchill: Fair enough. Councilor: *sighs in relief* Primus: This is quite the nightmare Airachnid: [now if you'll excuse her, she's just going to go by Whirl] Whirl: He will nod to her as she joins the table* agooddistraction: is this really real Councilor: GA Y ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Now kiss~}} Windchill: I... Airachnid: [gives a chirp in greeting] ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Keheheh.}} Primus: *Laughs* Whirl: *so, whirl is sitting with Airachnid and Windchill--who else is at this table?* Windchill: *Pretends to swoon.* Councilor: AWKWARD GA Y Txen: Skylynx: Awwwkwardddd. Whirl: Ugh, Knock Out can do SO much better. boomtank: ...wow Whirl: Hell, even *I* could do better. And I'm ME. Starscream: *squints* FakeProwl: *wow. decepticon friendships are more awkward than prowl friendships. who knew.* Councilor: fUNnny Starscream: *Yup, that's MEgatron* Whirl: *he'll pause, look to Airachnid, and then imitate her chirp back at her* Windchill: Oh my god. Airachnid: [Decepticons are emotionally constipated mecha, of course it's going to be awkward] Windchill: *Sticks his tongue out at Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *NOT LOOKING* Whirl: *reaches up....* Whirl: *grasps it in his pincer* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He notes that he was on board for this, but not as a Decepticon. Or with anyone else's knowledge. From what he understands, a Vehicon took his place.]] Councilor: LOL Windchill: *Immediately begins to wail like a siren.* Councilor: keeep it downnn ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YO! QUIET DOWN FRONT!\\ FakeProwl: ... A Vehicon took your place? *talented Vehicon* Councilor: some of us are watching historcal documentaries Whirl: *holds the tongue. Gently. But still holdin* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There were a few who were passable in emergencies.]] Windchill: *Still wailing.* FakeProwl: Hm. agooddistraction: I can't believed I fragged that Councilor: whIRL ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Not near his level. But passable.]] Starscream: *snorts* Perhaps with a welder and an industrial accident. Primus: *Clears his vocals* Windchill: *Swats at Whirl, let him go so he can talk properly!* FakeProwl: *ugh. bugs.* Windchill: *If he talks like this it might disturb people.* Airachnid: [chirps at screen] Whirl: *IS SWATTED* Councilor: bara Whirl: ...*lets the tongue go* Airachnid: [happy to see something familiar] Starscream: Are those... throat appendages? Standard? Councilor: *points* Councilor: It you Windchill: *Sucks it back into his head and shuts up, finally.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEP.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\UH, FOR OUR PLANET.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\DUNNO 'BOUT NOBODY ELSE.\\ agooddistraction: primus Airachnid: Not in mine. Primus: Well.. Whirl: Oh. Tough break for your alternate, mech. *looks to Airachnid* Airachnid: Oh. It's my alternate. Councilor: spider karate Starscream: *not... sure how he feels about that* Whirl: Nice moves, though. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\'N YOU CAN CALL IT A MLAH. 'S AN ONNER... ONNAMO...\\ Airachnid: It was her fault for being captured in the first place. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Onomatopoeia.// ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEAH.\\ Starscream: Huh. Strange adaptation. *Snorts* 'Mlah'? agooddistraction: what the frag Txen: *has his thoughts about them being 'standard'. not going to talk about them here unless he has to* Councilor: ohhh... Windchill: Finally. Whirl: *SNRKS* Starscream: ...there was a human inside of it. Councilor: one of like Whirl: ((airachnid omg)) Starscream: Please tell me THAT isn't standard. Councilor: the most serious moments from this show FakeProwl: He's a unique model, thankfully. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Negative. The human stole a dead Cybertronian.]] boomtank: ... Starscream: (('Dang. Going to need the big mop and the bug zapper.')) Councilor: daaaAHHH ItsyBitsySpyers: [[*This* was him.]] Windchill: *Frowns.* Airachnid: The human thought they could be a Cybertronian. It's cute but sad. Airachnid: But mostly sad. FakeProwl: *ugh, the noise of them* Councilor: love this part Windchill: *He senses this isn't going to go well.* Starscream: Extremely sad. Txen: *that vow did not amount to much* Whirl: HA! Starscream: !!! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And he did not send her to the moon.]] Primus: ..... FakeProwl: *snorts* Starscream: *gonna look at Sounwave* Whirl: Nicely done, Chatterbox. FakeProwl: Where DID you send her? Airachnid: I certainly wasn't. Windchill: What. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The smelter, of course.]] Bruin: Impressive portalling FakeProwl: Practical. Airachnid: [laughs at her alternate's misfortunes] Primus: *Yeah.... Doesn't like seeing his shell* Councilor: now you're thinking with portals Airachnid: [both on screen and the one from Soundwave's universe] Windchill: He could have sent Airachnid alone. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Records the laugh. It is a good laugh.* Councilor: he just ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is also carefully avoiding Starscream's glance... for the moment.* Councilor: he just likes kicking his aft Starscream: *glares at the screen. He still needs to put a bullet through Megatron* Windchill: WHAT. Whirl: Damn. agooddistraction: that's kinda hot Primus: *Covers his face* Windchill: *Folds his arms.* Starscream: .. Primus: *Nope. Shell. Nope* Starscream: *now looks at Airachnid* Starscream: So. Is THAT standard? Windchill: *Offended.* Airachnid: No. Not in my universe. Buzzstrike: That's... disturbing. Councilor: One is enough eps for me boomtank: ...you okay? Airachnid: And I would never do that to my Insecticons. Councilor: Councilor out boomtank: -to Primus- Windchill: Bye, sucker. Whirl: *nods to Infinite; he has no idea who she is, but she seems to no Windchill* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell. Perhaps they will be more to your handling ability next time.]] Primus: No... I'm not... That was Cybertron. Councilor: *blows kiss* Whirl: *And Windchill is good people* Windchill: *Windchill is bad people don't lie.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Will let Blaster handle Primus for now.* Whirl: *compared to Whirl you're good people* Starscream: ((Starscream be like COULD WE NOT)) boomtank: Yes. It was. Windchill: *Okay, I'll accept this...for now.* Primus: *His field would be quite uncomfortable to be around* Txen: *antennae perk* Whirl: Camera. I could use. Less of the extreme close-ups of Megatron's ass. Windchill: Aw. Windchill: Look at them. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nudges Shockwave's knee. He likes your work, you know.* Airachnid: Likewise. Buzzstrike: *shudders at the tubes* boomtank: -well, he's gonna tough it out, so...fun- Starscream: *siiiiighs. These are the worst people to be watching* agooddistraction: hey butterball FakeProwl: *it's almost impressive, how Megatron continues to get worse.* Txen: *likes it, too. misses the days when he had more than three cobbled-together vats* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SOMETHIN' WRONG, SCREAMER? UH. STARSCREAM? LORD SCREAM? WHAT IS IT?\\ Whirl: Oh, hey. *gestures to the screen and looks to the Peds* Is this you guys? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy scratches his helm together* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...I don't know why I wrote together. Just go with it.* boomtank: Hey, hey, you're okay Windchill: *Snorts.* Primus: [THATEXPRESISON] Whirl: *SNRK* Starscream: *points at the screen* /Guess/. Starscream: ..by the way, which one ARE you, anyway? Whirl: *drapes a hand over his cockpit* What a sweet-talker. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy jerks a thumb toward his chest.* \\FRENZY.\\ Primus: *Shifts and pulls his field in tight* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And do not fret so. Here, your alternate leads.]] Txen: Darksteel: *wriggling excitedly* What, you couldnt tell? It was the one that looked like ME. Whirl: Kinda hard to see all of you in those tubes. FakeProwl: ... He's in charge?? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Of the Decepticons only.]] boomtank: -going to stretch his own field out to offer comfort- FakeProwl: *grimaces. could be worse.* Shockbox: (( But-- didn't shockwave use predacons before at some point during the war?)) Shockbox: (( Continuity error? )) Txen: ((yes lol shhh writing bad dragons good)) Starscream: ((shhhhh Starscream: ((dont look too closely FakeProwl: ((not long enough to see them transform apparently)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((He sent them off to Earth, don't forget.)) FakeProwl: (("earlier in the war, I used the Predacons. ... For two weeks.")) Shockbox: (( But the flashback showed that he was there with them.)) Txen: ((yeah they might have never gotten 'woke')) Starscream: ((Does this mean he's like 'Wait wait what they transform??? And I didn't get to test this first?!")) FakeProwl: ((like a mom dropping them off at school. 0v0)) Starscream: ((...though i think we decided there's no way HE didn't know they could transform FakeProwl: ((he dropped them off and then went off to work)) Txen: ((there are theories shockwave suspected but is just bsing megs there lol)) Airachnid: you think they would scan for something like a t-cog)) Whirl: *loud, exaggerated groaning noises the moment Ultra Magnus shows up* Whirl: Windchill, put me out of my misery. Shockbox: (( I accept the bs'ing headcanon.)) Primus: *Rubs his optics* Windchill: *Mimics Whirl.* Starscream: ((yeah he built them, he should know if they have a T-cog. clearly )) Starscream: Frenzy. That won't be hard to remember. Windchill: *Snorts.* agooddistraction: wow he's the same everywhere FakeProwl: ((since they're so ancient, maybe they didn't have t-cogs. maybe they transform via some other mechanism.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy points at the tired blue lump with his face buried against the thin side of Soundwave's shoulder. That's his brother.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Then points around the room at all the others in turn.* Txen: ((yeah ive dabbled in headcanons that their spark and stuff is somewhat different)) Windchill: *That's such a dumb name.* Windchill: *Frowns again.* Airachnid: [she would say the same, but he's in the room] Whirl: Ugh. "Master." ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He should also note that none of this tape happened. Megatron was destroyed.]] Windchill: *There's plotting afoot and he doesn't like it.* Whirl: No offense, big guy, but you used to be a chump. FakeProwl: Oh? He's dead by this point? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes.]] FakeProwl: Good. Starscream: /Good/. Windchill: *Squints.* Txen: Predaking: *snorts* I was newly-aware and naive to the -deceptive- nature of your kind. Airachnid: For once, Starscream has a good plan. Starscream: ((also: good. Starscream u work it)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Any answers he can give from here are only what he has learned. Shockwave may know more, regarding some things.]] Whirl: Not MY kind. I'm neither a 'Con NOR from than dimension. I'm an honest mech. Txen: ((ARE U WHIRL)) Windchill: *Snorts.* Whirl: I never pretend to be a GOOD one, but I AM an honest one. Starscream: *Starscream keeps track of the mechs introduced. Maybe they'll be useful* Whirl: ((HE ISN'T HE'S JUST Bad)) Whirl: ((but he's .... forthright 80% of the time)) Txen: Predaking: *eyes Whirl carefully for a moment before giving a tiny nod. if you have to be crude, the least you can be is honest about it* Whirl: *he is the crudest. and the rudest* Whirl: *and the 'tudist* Windchill: *Is just. Tensing his jaw.* Txen: *shockwave begins to eminate a faint aura of pure salt* Primus: *Vents slowly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Feels that aura. Presses knee against harder. He agrees with the salt.* Windchill: *If he squints any harder his optics will implode.* Whirl: *looks to Windchill* You constipated or something? Txen: *such a brief time to revisit his lab as it should have been... curse starscream and his meddling* Windchill: Hush, I'm getting angry. FakeProwl: ((I love those rare moments when Starscream is confident in his absolute shittiness.)) Whirl: At what? Txen: ((yeah it is a good moment. even if he make me boi sad)) Starscream: ((ikr? boomtank: -fluffs and attempts to provide some comfort to the avatar- ItsyBitsySpyers: @Predaking: [[Your protectiveness does you credit.]] Windchill: *Shakes his head.* Starscream: *snorts.* That was /painfully/ easy as far as manipulation goes. Whirl: Wow, what a smart idea, waiting for them to WAKE UP. Primus: *Don't mind him not paying attention at all* Whirl: *waves a claw at the screen disgustedly* Shoulda started snuffing them earlier. Airachnid: Well, they had to talk first apparently. Starscream: Agreed. Windchill: *Rubs his face. Nope.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tiny helm shake on Soundwave's part.* boomtank: -oh, he won't, all good here- FakeProwl: *... small sigh* Whirl: *there's not a trace of remorse or pity in Whirl's expression or his field* ItsyBitsySpyers: *A waste of life. He is glad they were protected here.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\OH FRAG YEAH, I LOVE THIS PART.\\ Airachnid: [likewise] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sends Prowl a curious ping. Why sigh?* Txen: Predaking: @Shockwave I deserve no credit. I was fooled, and my bretheren suffered for it. Airachnid: [she doesn't exactly having them around] Windchill: That's just wrong. Txen: ((oops soundwave)) Txen: ((not shockwave bgbghgbh)) Whirl: What is, exactly? agooddistraction: umm Starscream: ((just talk in that general direction, someone will hear you ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LOL)) Airachnid: doesn't like god I can't type tonight)) Primus: [Sounds seems off] Airachnid: [she does enjoy the fight though] Txen: ((its ok for me)) Whirl: ((me too!)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «The deaths are unfortunate. They were, at that point, innocents.» FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Admittedly, innocents that were a few hours away from becoming absolute hell for the Autobots. But it still isn't pleasant to watch.» Windchill: *He's not going to say anything more, actually.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Predaking: [[You did not know. You would not have saved them trying, or not trying. That you did try is what credits you.]] Windchill: (( Brb. )) Txen: Shockwave: *still salty. a little proud of his dragon son though. shh dont tell* Primus: *And this is why he doesn't watch "archived" collections of the past* Whirl: *watches Windchill's face, but seeing as he gets no response, shrugs and falls silent* agooddistraction: scrap ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small nod at Prowl. He is glad you see that, at least.* agooddistraction: what Whirl: *isn't going to pretend he wouldn't do the same to his enemies* Airachnid: Now that's just rude. Txen: ((LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE)) Txen: ((i hate s3 optimus)) Airachnid: same)) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\GOT THE SCRAP KICKED OUTTA YA, HUH JACKO?\\ Txen: ((hes just an 'autobots win' button)) boomtank: -all good, don't worry, it's fine- Airachnid: pretty much)) Whirl: ((ye for real 8/ )) Primus: *Nope* Starscream: ((just focus on his disproportionally tiny head)) Airachnid: He's not very /handy/ anymore now is he? boomtank: -just don't think to much about it all- ItsyBitsySpyers: ((FRICK i meant to warn whirl ic)) Whirl: ((whop)) Starscream: ...oh, looks like that cave-in packed quite a punch. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((well, i can salvage it a lil bit)) Whirl: *if he was also uncomfortable, he hid it well* Primus: *Now he remembers why he doesn't come to these* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Whirl: [[Do you require distraction?]] Txen: Predaking: *doesnt have a response for Soundwave; just rumbles discontentedly in his chest.* Starscream: Good thing the rest of the Autobots were there to lend him a hand. Starscream: ((WHIRL IM SORRY Starscream was literally founded on hand/arm puns) Airachnid: [cackles] Whirl: Nice moves, Big Guy. *that is Predaking;s nickname* Can't say I wouldn't have tried to snuff the lot of you, if it'd been me, but still. A good fight. Windchill: * Sorry Whirl, he's already wrapped this one up and labeled it "to be dealt with later." This isn't the place.* Whirl: *starts and looks to Soundwave, tilting his head slightly; he's taken aback* ... @Soundwave: I'm fine. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Confirmation ping. Very well.* agooddistraction: does every timeline have fraggery with synth en? FakeProwl: *... so not only do they have, essentially, bombs that spontaneously make stuff.* Whirl: *nods; he's grateful for that* FakeProwl: *but they didn't even do it on purpose. they discovered it by accident.* Whirl: *and you can talk to him about it later, Windchill; like Whirl said earlier, he never said he was a good person. Just an honest one* FakeProwl: *this universe. prowl swears.* Txen: Predaking: *hmphs in acknowledgement. now isnt a time to feel pleased with himself* boomtank: -reaching over to pat Primus on the nearest part he can- Hey. How are you holding up? Whirl: *...and even that's only partially true* Starscream: ...what sort of bomb was that? Windchill: (( Omg. It was looking shitty so I changed it to HD and that's when everything inverted for a second. I was not fast enough to screencap.)) Whirl: Ohh, beat him up, Shockwave! agooddistraction: oh scrap Whirl: *clicks his claws eagerly* Windchill: *Rests his elbows on the table, so uncouth.* agooddistraction: glitch fight FakeProwl: ((megstron's frickin "I'm thinking" tho)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It was a mere grenade.]] Airachnid: Impale him. Do it. Bruin: *snickering* Starscream: Then what caused all of that? Windchill: *Has mixed feelings about this.* Txen: Shockwave: I should not have stopped. *taps claw on knee* Starscream: *ugh. Megatron* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps you should ask him.]] Primus: *Vents* This was a poor decision choice. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Motions to his purple seatmate* Starscream: */ugh. Shockwave/* agooddistraction: You can impale my optic on somethin' sharp anyway, Daddy Whirl: *whirl's never gonna admit it, ever ever EVER, TO ANYONE, but Shockwave is kind of attractive when he's being menacing* Primus: *NOPE* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave would agree, if he heard it.* Txen: ((hah)) Whirl: *No One Must Know* Windchill: *Don't be silly, Shockwave is attractive all the time.* Windchill: *...Depending on your type/* boomtank: -pats a bit more- Heeey, hey no, it's okay, only a recording ItsyBitsySpyers: *Are you sure? Because he has some delightful footage of Shockwave beating up Wheeljack...* Primus: *At this point his thoughts are pretty damn loud* Whirl: *don't u DARE* Starscream: *Starscream prefers partners with depth perception.* Airachnid: [type is very important, and he is not Airachnid's type at all] Txen: Shockwave: *didnt do it to be attractive, anyway* Primus: *Looks at Blaster* This /happened/ Blaster Whirl: *we all know your type Airachnid* Whirl: *and THERE HE IS* boomtank: Yes, it did Airachnid: [YOU SHUSH YOUR NONEXISTENT MOUTH] Whirl: * O) * Windchill: *Raises eyebrow* boomtank: But you're still here, despite it Whirl: ((ok brb guys)) Primus: Barely Primus: That is not my shell agooddistraction: ouch FakeProwl: *dutiful assistant that he is, pings what he knows about the material to Starscream. That basically amounts to the name "cybermatter" and the fact, it involves blowing up synthetic energon, and it makes stuff. For the rest, yes, he'll have to ask Shockwave.* Windchill: ((It get quieter every episode what are you doing rabbit.)) Airachnid: Smokescreen, I see he's still a bumbling fool. FakeProwl: *... and a video of the Nemesis blowing up and instantly reforming.* Txen: ((i just keep turning up the volume lol)) Starscream: *...don't they have synthetic energon of their own? Has anyone tried blowing it up yet? The inquiry is pinged back.* boomtank: Barely still means you are FakeProwl: *to prowl's knowledge, nobody has blown it up yet.* boomtank: You can still pull yourself up FakeProwl: *......... adds--very reluctantly--that Shockwave has demonstrated a willingness to trade the recipe for cybermatter.* FakeProwl: *adds much more emphatically that he does not recommend agreeing to Shockwave's terms. but. it IS an option.* Primus: No, Blaster. My shell is dead... Literally broken Txen: (( OwO whats dis )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Slow pull in of his armor.* boomtank: ...oh Starscream: *raises an eyebrow and- very non conspiritorily at all this is as obvious as this abomintation of Optimus- points at the mech next to Soundwave. This Shockwave?* Windchill: Not this fool plan again. FakeProwl: *affirmative ping* boomtank: No way to repair it at all? Primus: The one we're on now is alive... fortunately, due to other events. FakeProwl: ((had to make up for Prowl bailing on the bargain. o/)) Primus: No, Blaster. There is no repairing. Starscream: *Huh. A request for Shockwave's terms. He doesn't have to agree to them to review them* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Primus: [[Why is there no repairing?]] Yes. He's been listening. Txen: *brushes a bit of Soundwave with the back of one digit* ItsyBitsySpyers: *They repaired theirs, didn't they?* Txen: ((thank you, i was going to ask soundy to hook him up with stars digits but this works too)) boomtank: You're sure? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quiet vent. Thank you, Shockwave.* Primus: ... *Does Soundwave really wish to know?* Primus: I'm sure, Blaster. FakeProwl: *for a sample of the substance? innermost energon from... Prowl forgets if it's 3 or 4 outliers, or sufficiently strange mechs.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes.* boomtank: But...why? ItsyBitsySpyers: {{PEH! Dumb Prime.}} agooddistraction: *throws a candy wrapper at Shockwave's arm* Whirl: ((and back)) ItsyBitsySpyers: {{It good thing Bird never punched.}} Primus: What planet can support life if there is no life? Whirl: Oh, damn. ...HELL. agooddistraction: uh oh Whirl: Tough luck for YOUR alternate, Soundwave. Windchill: .... Windchill: *Winces.* Txen: *catches it, and stares at jackie for a full second before letting it fall into the trash can nearby* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Mm.]] Bruin: *cringing* yikes FakeProwl: *for the recipe itself, lab time with the Engima of Combination. Prowl STRONGLY recommends talking him into lab time with a different artifact.* boomtank: .....oh agooddistraction: *sticks out glosssa* Starscream: *Well that's not so- oh. Yeah, no, that is indeed a sticking point.* Airachnid: Way to vocalize that Autobots. Primus: *Sends Soundwave an image of what Cybertron "currently" looks like* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Lifts chin. He will meet this tape head on.* FakeProwl: *... hm. is soundwave bothered by watching his alternate in prison? glances at him.* Windchill: *Snickers.* Whirl: ...pfft. Primus: [Soundwaveplz] Whirl: *SNRKS* Starscream: *snrkj* Bruin: PFFF Windchill: *He feels a little better now.* FakeProwl: *... not sure. offers soundwave's hand a light knuckle brush anyway, just in case.* Txen: *the past is the past. alternates are alternates. this is but imagery upon a screen. it will pass* Shockbox: /Finds this Soundwave's sass to be amusing. Airachnid: [claps hand servos together] FakeProwl: *winces. RUDE, Ratchet* Airachnid: [she would like to see that] ItsyBitsySpyers: *It is not the imagery which worries him. But he will take both knuckle brushes.* agooddistraction: ??????? Whirl: *tilts head* Whirl: *well, whaddya know* Primus: [wAT] Shockbox: /Taps "chin" thoughtfully. FakeProwl: *that wasn't the voice Prowl expected, but okay.* Airachnid: Well then. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh so damn calmly sends Primus a thank you for the information.* Whirl: Gotta say, trashing your own brain so your enemies can't have it is the ultimate fuck-you. Whirl: Nice. Windchill: (( Whirl u infected me with your poopy internet. )) Whirl: ((OH NO)) Windchill: *Nods.* agooddistraction: Why d'ya think I drink so much? FakeProwl: *did other-Soundwave survive the experience? breaking a vow of silence sounds a lot like a "I'm about to die" gesture* Primus: *Dims his optics. Sends a... cautionary return nudge. Once he's feeling not like slag, talk?* FakeProwl: *will wait and see* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It helps to have excellent knowledge of one's own systems.]] Whirl: And telepathic abilities, I'd wager. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Yes. That too.]] Whirl: Ohh, is this a grand rescue? Is Laserbeak gonna save the day? Bruin: Thats a spectacularly effective strategy Txen: ((see soundy that wasnt quite so bad!)) Txen: ((also wow megs what the fuck was that gesturing)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes, once Primus is more capable of talking, a talk.* Txen: ((who animated that)) Whirl: *that. Is legitimately precious)) Windchill: I get the impression that ol' Megatron doesn't much enjoy being the short one. Primus: [I love the animation team.] Whirl: ((yeah he turned into a character from Foodfight! for a moment* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HA!\\ FakeProwl: ((megatron's furious posturing over the fact that predaking might dare be stronger than him gives me life. spiteful spiteful life.)) Airachnid: Of course he doesn't. Windchill: Good. Whirl: I mean, I can sympatize. Txen: Predaking: *draws self to full seated height* Windchill: Screw that guy. Starscream: ((such a giant petty warlord Windchill: *Not in that way you pervs.* Whirl: I get really annoyed when I meet mecha taller than ME. *slowly swivels his helm to stare at Windchill* boomtank: -Blaster is attempting to help calm him down- Starscream: ((at least TFP MEgatron is consistantly written as a petty wall of metal)) Windchill: *Puts on his most innocent face and bats his lashes at Whirl in return.* Windchill: I don't know what you mean. Primus: *He isn't "upset." Just... currently kind of out of it* Whirl: *SNRKS HE CAN'T KEEP A STRAIGHT "FACE" WHEN WINDCHILL DOES THAT* Whirl: But you get used to it. Airachnid: [can't help but smile, he's so cute when Ratchet does that] Windchill: You sure do. Whirl: *gestures to anyone else in the room who might happen to be taller than him--Predaking is one definite, but the others are a maybe* Windchill: I meet people taller than myself and I don't complain. Windchill: You're just whiny. boomtank: -Well, still trying to help him- Whirl: Hey, I never complained. I just admitted to being annoyed. Whirl: I can't help it. It's like... *waves a claw* Involuntary. It's annoying. Buzzstrike: *will never be accused of being tall* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\BOY, ALL YA MECHS TALKIN' 'BOUT, BOOHOO, I AIN'T THE TALLEST IN THE ROOM. 'BLIVIOUS MUCH?\\ Whirl: Oh. Hell of a shot. Windchill: You gripe about it all the time. agooddistraction: Hahahahha Starscream: ..if you stack enough minibots on top of one another, they're technically the tallest... Whirl: ...*draws self up* ExCUSE all of you, I never talk about it at all! Whirl: (9BUTTERRS__ Starscream: ((WHIRLS KINK Starscream: ((I JUST REMEMBERED FakeProwl: *looks at starscream.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\FLATTERIN' ME 'N MY BROTHER AIN'T GONNA GET YOU NO COMBININ'. HE'S TIRED.\\ Windchill: Oh, no you're right, my bad. Airachnid: I look at my commanding officer's pelvic plating all day, I've learned to not complain too much. FakeProwl: *it's true. leave decepticons alone long enough and eventually they start standing on each other.* Starscream: *is sort of staring off into space* Windchill: It's being at eye level with my butt that you gripe about all the time. Txen: ((thanks SWERVE)) Whirl: *NOW IF YOU'LL EXCUSE HIM he's gonna admire Predaking's flying* Windchill: Hmph. *Turns up his noseless face, pretending to be put out.* Whirl: *well that was short-lived* Whirl: *OR NOT* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave takes a small, secret moment to admire Predaking's maw.* Windchill: *Mandibles are a good and wholesome thing.* Whirl: *they are Cool* ItsyBitsySpyers: *As are teeth like his and splitting jaws.* Txen: Predaking: *doesnt blame them. he is the pinnacle of his species after all* Whirl: Anyway. As I was saying. It shows remarkable restraint on my part by not giving in to my instincts and incessantly complaining, all the time, about other mecha being bigger than me. You should THANK me. Windchill: Sure, sure. Whirl: Ha! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Bird's glad she didn't get punched, but she wishes she could've had a moment like this* Whirl: Look, there she is! FakeProwl: *impressive aim* Windchill: *Steeples his fingers.* Airachnid: [is lowkey rooting for her] Windchill: (( Laserbeak: officially one of the few people on this show who can legitimately aim. )) Whirl: Well, damn. Primus: [And Soundwave being creepy FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Do you typically keep backups of your memories with your deployers?» ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We will leave it here for the night. You will find out what happened to Ratchet's alternates next time.]] Starscream: He dies. Whirl: Fair enough. *streetches* Airachnid: ...[she does not like this cliffhanger] Windchill: I'm good with this. agooddistraction: *throws two more candy wrappers* boomtank: ...oh, it's over? agooddistraction: Fuckeye boomtank: -wasn't paying attention- boomtank: -at all- Txen: ((next episode has a good magnus vs shocky fite i cant wait)) Whirl: ((o boy 😎 )) Primus: *Good* FakeProwl: ((ahhh yes, it is a good fight)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): All deployers contain assorted memories. Soundwave contains many deployer memories. Other backups utilized. Windchill: (( YE I couldn't remember what ep it was. )) Buzzstrike: Thank you Txen: Shockwave: *does not answer to things that are not his designation* Whirl: Anyway, if you wanna talk about whatever peeved you, we can go talk about that. *nudges Windchill* agooddistraction: Uughhh Buzzstrike: *gives a worried look to the traumatized-looking stranger* Primus: *Rubs his face* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You are all welcome to take what you need of the fuel on the counter.]] boomtank: It's over now, see? Primus: Hnnn Windchill: Hmm, I dunno. boomtank: -does he need a hug?- FakeProwl: *nods. good to know.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave reaches a feeler back and gently pats Rumble. Thank you for coming down here.* Windchill: Seems to me that this is an attempt on your part to distract me from the fact that you were gonna kick my butt. Whirl: Oh! And you. YU. *turns dramatically, swinging his claw at Predaking* We need to set up a time and place. Windchill: *Wrong, it's the opposite.* Whirl: *looks to Windchill* I'm fight-cheating on you. Primus: *No. He may just go upstairs if Soundwave permits to be away from everyone* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Information share purpose: medical emergency. Not public record. ItsyBitsySpyers: *If he asks, Soundwave will let him.* agooddistraction: *lighting up* Primus: *Sends a tired request to do just that* Bruin: *oh yes free food, Specter's gonna scamper on over and just shove his head into a plate* Buzzstrike: *needs to go, gives a slight bow to the other attendees* Windchill: I know, cheater. Windchill: *He's been aware of this for a while, THANKS* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] *To Buzzstrike* Whirl: Don't worry, I'll still get to you. Soonish. Txen: Predaking: *toothy smirk* As I said, Autobot-- any time, any where. My planet of residence is currently in the midst of an acid monsoon; some manner of neutral territory seems the most appealing option. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave uses the feeler to motion to Primus. He is allowed to phase through the sealed door to the second floor.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Understood. That's why I asked.» Windchill: Acceptable. Whirl: *clunks his claw comfortingly against whichever part of Windchill is easiest to reach* Windchill: *I can only promise that it's not his butt.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Although I suppose if we get as far down as me on your emergency contact list, that will mean your deployers can't be contacted anyway. Still, I'll keep it in mind.» Primus: *Nods to Soundwave and goes to just that. Gives Blaster a small pat* Whirl: All right! My world's mostly a wasteland, but if that doesn't work out for some reason, I'll ask around. SOMEONE'S gotta have some free space for us to fight. Primus: *Pauses by the door and glances behind him at Prowl* . . . Whirl: *shockingly, the powers that be might have a problem with a rampaging Predacon dragon in their countryside* agooddistraction: *rolls a handful of candy at Shockwave's leg* Txen: *shockwave steps upon it, crushing it* Whirl: *this time. But next time, who knows? Whirl might DO IT* Windchill: *Watches the room out of the corner of his optic, gleefully anticipating Primus' exit.* Whirl: ((OJ DAMN SHOCKWAVE)) Txen: *shockwave doesnt even look over when he does it* FakeProwl: *isn't paying attention to the door. if primus wants to say something to prowl, he'll have to do more than look at him to get his attention* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Still useful if data accessible. FakeProwl: *small nod* agooddistraction: 😢 ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is slightly amused by Shockwave's responses to Wheeljack's antics. Pings him to let him know this.* agooddistraction: 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 Primus: *Have a bucket of water on your helm, Windchill. Sends a short ping to Prowl* Starscream: It was enlightening. *Gonna call himself a Shockwave. MAybe. If he can get past it being SHOCKWAVE* Windchill: *I don't know what you mean.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\QUIT THAT CRYIN'. KNOCK OUT'S THE CROC, NOT YOU.\\ FakeProwl: *ping? looks around for—ah. there. pings back?* FakeProwl: ((croc out)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps you will see fit to join us for the final two weeks, Starscream.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It has information you should see.]] Starscream: We'll see if my schedule permits it. Whirl: Ugh, why you gotta encourage it, Soundwave? Whirl: I'm gonna hafta SPRAY for Starscreams if you keep this up. boomtank: Ah. G'night, then. -because it seems that's where Primus is going- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Because these are educational documentaries. All who wish to learn and will not abuse the knowledge may attend.]] FakeProwl: ... If your schedule doesn't, I can forward the footage. *if Soundwave thinks Starscream needs to see it...* Starscream: ..*what defines abuse* Primus: *How about it upside down because he's not in a mood to be nice. Now you can't see him. @Prowl, contact when in better mood?* Whirl: *stands up, walks over to Starscream, and the POSES LIKE WILL SMITH, gesturing to all of him* Windchill: *Raises hand. He doesn't remember that disclosure.* Whirl: THIS GUY. THIS guy, you're trusting not to ABUSE information. Windchill: *He's an abuser of information.* agooddistraction: *on floor with candy and a cygar* Windchill: *And memes.* FakeProwl: *is primus asking prowl to contact him? ... okay?? sure. he can do that.* Airachnid: [she's going to sneak off now, she has somethings to think about because of a certain god that was once in this room] Starscream: Now Whirl, can't we all get along in this neutral space? Whirl: I absolutely cannot, and how dare you insinuate that I CAN. That's slander. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You will or you will be phased into the wall.]] Whirl: *he will look over and bob his head at Airachnid as she leaves* Airachnid: [gives a wave before slipping away] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods to Airachnid.* Whirl: And now my host is threatening to turn me into a WALL ORNAMENT. Innocent ole me! Txen: *is there a return ping that indicates a shockwavey sort of dry, mildly fond acknowledgement?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *There is now. He'll take that.* Whirl: Also, seriously, I'd be a horrible wall ornament. Typically you want those to be aesthetically PLEASING. Starscream: You'll make for a horrible arrangement, I'm sure. Primus: *@Prowl, he meant vice versa, but, yes. Turns and phases through the door to the upper level* Starscream: *just gonna scoot past Whirl bye lol* Whirl: I'm not even gonna argue that. Windchill: Oh please. *Turns enough to regard Whirl and his antics.* Windchill: I'd stare at you all day. Whirl: You have horrible taste. Whirl: *there he go... Starscream free as bird* boomtank: -And there Primus goes- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Also, the disclosure was made before the documentaries began. Discovery of dark energon use means Soundwave gets to deal with you. It won't be pleasant. Don't snort space cocaine.* Windchill: *Winks. You know it.* Txen: ((....i bet the predacons dont even know star's an alternate of THEIR star.. they're bebs they dunno)) Whirl: *makes an exaggerated noise of disgust& Whirl: Either way, it'd be terrible for business. Starscream: ((And Starscream doesn't look anything at all like that one. Windchill: *Don't pretend you don't like it.* Txen: ((precisely! they dont have any reason to know haha)) Starscream: ((NOT YET) Whirl: *in some small corner of his spark Whril appreciates it* Windchill: *Acceptable.* Whirl: Soundwave. Whirl: You have to. Whirl: *points at the screen* Txen: ((probably for the best.... they murdered our native one)) Whirl: Shockwave Tribute. He's your GUY. Whirl: You gotta. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He has seen that one. It is not good. But if Shockwave has a request, he will honor it.]] Windchill: *Is a little distracted by the belly on screen.* Whirl: Foreigner is also acceptable. Windchill: *He's jealous.* Whirl: *DROPS INTO A AIUR GUITAR STANCE ON THE FIRST POWER CHORD* Windchill: *He should have expected this.* Whirl: *and he's gonna start singing at the second "ONE GUITAR"* Whirl: *you're getting serenaded, Chill, you did this to yourself* Txen: *looks at whirl, then soundwave, then the ceiling, thinking. does not want to see a subpar tribute* FakeProwl: *ahhh... good music.* Windchill: *Shakes his head, but fondly.* Whirl: *duing the break* Okay, You've gotta be my backup, here. Whirl: Backup vocals. *points* Windchill: Who? Windchill: Me? Whirl: YOU. Whirl: *and he launches back into it* Windchill: I don't know this one. Windchill: But okay. Windchill: *SCREAMS ALONG.* Windchill: *Ruined* Whirl: *100% Ruined* Whirl: *whirl does not mind* Windchill: *He thought as much.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave cringes ever so slightly.* boomtank: -owowowowww, okay, that's his cue to leave now- Txen: *finishes thinking and pings soundwave a link to Black Mambo by glass animals* Windchill: *Just be grateful he has chosen to remain seated, okay.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings Blaster a farewell.* Whirl: *at least his contributions are pleasant enough* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods. Will play the one he has queued next, then that.* boomtank: -waves back, g'night- Whirl: *returns to his seat as if he didn't just belt out an 80s rock song in front of a whole bar* Windchill: *Slowly, sneakily, snakes his arm in Whirl's direction.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods to both Shockwave and Prowl.* [[One moment.]] Whirl: *looks at the arm with his BIG OLE EYE* Windchill: *Prepare for either a fight or bodily contact.* Shockbox: (( Hey, goodnight you guys.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *He can feel Rumble's vents slowing. His deployer is falling asleep. So he picks Rumble up in his feelers, carries him over to the door, unseals it, and moves Rumble all the way upstairs and to his room. It'll take him a minute.* Whirl: ((gnight!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((night shockbox!)) Windchill: *Drapes his humongous orangutan arm over your shoulders, Whirl.* Windchill: (( 'Night! )) Whirl: *allows* Windchill: *Now they're even for all that foot resting.* FakeProwl: *will wait* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Withdraws his feelers, closes the door, and takes his seat again. Will arrange himself so he's sort of got a shoulder on one ally and a knee against the other.* Smokescreen: Okay frag I did miss it didn't I ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings, Smokescreen. You're a bit late.]] Txen: ((how is this still a 'secret' tbh)) Smokescreen: how does this keep happening Txen: ((OH NO SMOKEY lmao)) Windchill: Next time, *He lifts a claw.* Next time, I'll do the Nicki squat, just for you. Whirl: ((omg SM-SMOKEY...)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((people are spectacularly unobservant and/or haven't cared and soundwave will bend rules where he can lol)) Starscream: ((Thanks for the stream, dude- omg SMOKEY Windchill: *Is that a threat or a promise? YOU DECIDE.* Smokescreen: ... Well, what'd I miss? What embarrassing stuff did I do this week Whirl: I don't even know what that is, but I'm a little afraid. Windchill: (( OH NO. )) Txen: Very little, surprisingly. Robustus: ((peeks in out of curiousity)) Windchill: You should be, pal. FakeProwl: *accepts the shoulder-or-knee* Smokescreen: ((asdfgbn i was at work extra late and was on the phone for a while ;;)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Have you considered checking your chronometer?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'm sorry ;; there's always next week)) Windchill: *Looks up at the annoying sound that is Smokescreen's voice.* Smokescreen: I lost track of time! Happens to the best of us, right? Whirl: *glances over veeeery very, INCREDIBLY SUBTLY in that direction the moment the word "chronometer" is utered* Windchill: Sure. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((Also, hi Robustus - you missed it this week but it usually starts in the 8 to 9 CST area)) Smokescreen: ... Also, sounds sounds I have a gift for you- I meant to give it yesterday, but today works. Whirl: Anyway, I'm gonna bounce. I've got plant husbandry to take care of. Important stuff. Windchill: Hey, Smokescreen. Smokescreen. Smokes. Hey Smokescreen. Robustus: ((ah okay)) Smokescreen: Windbutt Windchill: *Lifts his arm so Whirl can escape.* Smokescreen: Aww- bye! ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HAVE FUN WITCHER PLANTS.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What gift.]] Windchill: Yeah, I got some husbandry of my own to do, sometime tonight. Whirl: *before he goes, he's gonna rock to the side and bump Windchill's helm with his own. There. Adequate thanks for the gift* Windchill: *You left it wide open.* Whirl: *hops up and nods to Frenzy* Seeya, mech. Wednesday, yeah? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEP.\\ Whirl: ....I can't believe I just. Let you do that to me. Smokescreen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lq34Ob7Gsg&list=PLSRaJSzWdVm0OTdtE9J7aT5dYN3NvvFZZ This- I figured you'd like something like this! I got music that I thought you might like. Whirl: Let me say that. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave likes this bit of music. He adds it to his files.* Txen: *you know helm bumps are kissing where he comes from right whirl* Whirl: I'm going to have nightmares. Whirl: *helm bumps are kissing, for whirl, period* Whirl: *it wa s apeck* ItsyBitsySpyers: *The one Shockwave suggested, anyway.* Windchill: *Nods.* Whirl: And I'm gonna fight-cheat on you extra-hard now Windchill: I look forward to it. Txen: ((little kid OOOOOOOOOOOOH)) Whirl: All right, later losers! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] Windchill: Bye, sucker. Whirl: I'll get back to you, mech. *salutes Predaking* Windchill: *Shoos him away, begone.* Smokescreen: Night! Txen: Predaking: Mmmh. Smokescreen: .... /Gonna go over to offer Predaking his servo- an opportunity for friendship would be awesome!/ Smokescreen: Wait come on sounds we don't need to listen to it here Smokescreen: it's 44 songs ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He merely wants to test i--]] Windchill: *Too late now dude.* Whirl: ((Danny Trejo wants u to stop paying too much for TV)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *LEANS FORWARD* Windchill: (( Thank u Danny. )) Windchill: *Whispers.* Smokescreen. Txen: Predaking: *raises eyebrows at this forward greeting* ...Have I battled you before? FakeProwl: *... that sounds painful* FakeProwl: *very clever, yes, but also painful* Whirl: ((MAN THIS IS GORGEOUS)) Txen: ((its ok prowl. theyre floppy drives, they're already as good as dead)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *They're detached drives. Whoever they belonged to probably can't feel pain anymore.* Whirl: ((music player is 1000% into but character wouldn't like, sob) Smokescreen: Haha-- probably a version of me- I don't think we've fought specifically, though. The name Smokescreen ring any bells? Smokescreen: ... /Hey he figures Soundwave probably would like kinda morbid stuff/ Primus: *A mental slap backside the helm for Smokescreen. Don't get killed* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave plays with head puppets. Smokescreen figures right.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave shakes his helm slightly. Okay. He's back to himself. That was fascinating.* Windchill: *Doesn't seem bothered either way about what he just saw.* Txen: Predaking: Ah, yes. *vague hand gesture* The 'versions' I have heard so much about. *still new at this* Smokescreen: /Also giving Primus a sad sad look. Awww come on/ Primus: *Primus is upstaaairs on the second floor. He just KNOWS OYU* Smokescreen: Yeah! I'm like-- Smokescreen, but probably a different one? ... Anyway- you seem pretty cool! Primus: *Don't make him come down there* Txen: *don't worry primus, predakings -mostly- mad at starscreams these days* Windchill: *Stretches. Time to head out, he'll try bothering Smokescreen again later.* Txen: Predaking: *decides this is an acceptable compliment* Thank you. Windchill: All right, I've got some animal husbandry to attend to. Smokescreen: Animal husbandry? Windchill: Thanks for the emotionally scarring videos, guys. *He gets to his feet with a grunt. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You're welcome.]] Smokescreen: ... Have fun? Yeah! Have fun! Bruin: *Specter has reached maximum snackage capacity and will just slink back over to Bruin* Windchill: ...I'm not telling you what that means. Smokescreen: You marry the animals? Smokescreen: /He knows what it means but he's not about to mention that/ Windchill: You're not wrong. Windchill: Anyway. Windchill: Bye, losers. *He waves, and lumbers out.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Goodbye.]] Txen: Darksteel: *accidentally knocks over an empty dish while sniffing for spicy snacks... it rattles loudly on the ground* ...Wasn't me. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fourth bowl, second tier.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *He knows what you're after, sir.* Smokescreen: Also, Preds, You're welcome! So- what's your world like? Things have been pretty okay for you, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Stay away from the chairs.]] Txen: Darksteel: *gleefully locates the correct bowl and tucks it into his claws* No promises, hehe~ FakeProwl: *notices--belatedly--that the person through whom he was bouncing his holomatter program has left. he's been hologram for a bit now* FakeProwl: *well. that explains why he stopped feeling soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Did not fail to notice; chose to carefully keep contact with the hologram anyway. Good thing he has fine balance.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'll keep this going for another 15 so y'all can wrap up conversations and stuff but then i gotta stop, my computer's slowing down)) Txen: Predaking: The rains render our current circumstances somewhat... -claustrophobic-. *the chance to stretch his wings on a dryer cybertron is an appealing one* Txen: ((i noticed some... oddly slow music at points lol)) boomtank: ((g'night! Smokescreen: Ohhh- it's the rainy season over there? That sucks- you guys have been staying dry okay? ItsyBitsySpyers: ((night boom!)) Bruin: *time to head out, bird on one shoulder and one octopedal bot on the other* Thanks for the show ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Quite welcome. Be safe.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *He sends Laserbeak to follow Bruin out... just in case.* Smokescreen: Thank you for the music- I hope I can come sooner next time! And also- thank you for those math videos. I've been working through 'em- they're actually really helpful. FakeProwl: ((i still associate this song with that tfa jazz)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((same)) Bruin: *concern noticed and appreciated but unessisary tonight, he only trips ove one thing on his way to a groundbridge portal* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods at Smokescreen. Anything to help keep you from pestering either ally with silly math questions.* Txen: Predaking: *nods* Our den is secure and comfortable. It is simply difficult to stay inert when so much remains to be accomplished. Smokescreen: /Hey, that's fair. But he still might but you with math questions./ ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): If Starscream schedule forbids attendance, times: next two weeks, ensure videos: transferred. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Will do. What do they contain that he needs to see?» ItsyBitsySpyers: *... A belated thought.* [[If you require an arena for your battle, or a place to stretch your wings, he can arrange something.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There -is- a deep canyon outside, and he believes the old Slaughter City pits are not taken by your brethren.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Megatron's death, resurrection, enslavement beneath Unicron, result. FakeProwl: *prowl hates everything after the first two words of that sentence* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Right. Noted. He'll probably enjoy it so much he won't even realize he's watching something educational.» Smokescreen: sounds noooo do we have to see this ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It's his queue. He can entertain himself if he wishes.]] Smokescreen: Fair enough... But feelers ItsyBitsySpyers: *Lifts both of them.* [[Yes?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Good. That, best Starscream instruction method. Smokescreen: /Iiinching away some/ Smokescreen: Look-- I can get you some of those dancing videos if you want- come on. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps next time. It is time you were going.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[His deployers do have work shifts to resume soon.]] Txen: Predaking: *turns to Soundwave and offers a shallow, but gracious bow* Your continued assistance in these matters is appreciated. The belligerent one may also benefit from knowledge of this offer. *means Whirl; i dont think he bothered to introduce himself before challenging him to a throwdown* Smokescreen: ... Fair enough- I've got to check on Megatron anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Disgusted huff at Smokescreen.* [[Very well.]] Smokescreen: ... What? I'm working with what I've got here. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Predaking: [[It is his honor. He will tell ... Whirl.]] For a moment he was tempted to call him The Belligerent One. Just for a moment. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He is aware.]] Txen: Predaking: *nods. it is good to know a mech's name before besting them in combat* Darksteel! Skylynx! *bark snaps them both to attention, and they drop what they're doing to clumsily assemble in something resembling readiness to leave* Smokescreen: ... WAIT WAIT isn't this the part where you beat up Airachnid ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy giggles.* Smokescreen: hold on can I stay for this ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fine. Depart when it is complete.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'm just amusing myself at this point lmfao)) Smokescreen: Okay, okay, I will- This is probably the best video I've seen of you! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Acknowledging nod.* Smokescreen: can. can you do that again sometime. Could I pay you to do that maybe Txen: ((dramatic boob zoom)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps. A discussion for another time.]] Smokescreen: Okay, night Sounds, night Preds! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] Txen: *shockwave stands and takes a few steps away from his bench, preparing to leave with the predacons. first, however, he pauses and half-turns back to Soundwave* Farewell. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave rises and gives Shockwave a deep bow.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Thank you for coming. He appreciates your attendance.]] And your assistance. With some things. Txen: Of course. *after a moment, he turns to walk out with the preds-- but a small message is sent to Soundwave's channel before the door slides closed* ItsyBitsySpyers: *???* Txen: *its simply a screenshot of the scene where his feelers are crackling and he's advancing on Ratchet. Soundwave isn't the only one who appreciates their viewing material, every now and again* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh! Well then! He'll simply send back a small text smile. So noted.* Txen: ((thanks for streaming lol, ill get outta your poor computers hair)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lol XD no problem, it's fun <3 see ya elsewhere)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave also nods to Prowl, if he's still around. Will place a "Prowl rests?" in text on his screen.* FakeProwl: *shakes head* Just switched to night shift. I'm heading to work. FakeProwl: I'm nocturnal for the forseeable future. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods helm. He thought it was getting around time Prowl usually departs.* ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): Suggestion: block balcony windows during sleep time. ItsyBitsySpyers: *It'll cut down some noise.* FakeProwl: *nods* We've started keeping the blinds drawn during the day. ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): Good. Exercise caution. Frenzy notes construction more dangerous when recharge schedule changing. FakeProwl: ... Hm. Noted. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A small nod and a bow nearly as deep as Shockwave's.* (txt): Rest now. Soundwave will encounter next opportunity. FakeProwl: *nods back* Next time. FakeProwl: *flickers and disappears*
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