#also a commission for this au doesnt sound too bad? idk as long as im credited lol
rzbi-art · 3 years
Hello there! Sorry to bother you >-< Someone asked me to draw a Leopika fanart and they sent me your Cinderella AU drawing for the reference, I was wondering if it was ok with you if I use them as a reference? Of course I'll give you full credits for the original design -just to be clear, it's a request, I'm not making any money from it, otherwise I wouldn't even ask to use someone else design as a direct reference- I hope I wasn't too much of an annoyance haha have a nice day ^^
Yeah with credit :)
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shyrose57 · 3 years
2: I will figure it out eventually and that's a promise.
3: Watson is aboustely heart broken and near tears multiple times as well hearing Ran in so much distress and actually crying. Jackie does cry, he attempts multiple times to hug Ran and make it known he's there to comfort him, but it only works sometimes, and when it doesn't work Ran gets scared and tries to get away believing an attacker has gotten him. Grievous is almost like silently grieving, knowing he can't do anything to help his close friend. Cletus feels bad, and since he isnt too good with emotions, focuses on instead attempting to cheer everyone else up. Isaac and Benjamin feel awful as they feel at fault for letting it happen, so to hopefully help they make plans on how to make Ran as comfortable and safe as can be while also getting him to a nearby town they heard about to hopefully reverse it. Charles is doing his damn best to comfort Ran while also distracting him from his own thoughts, which mostly means Charles (and Watson) play the role of story teller for a while. Ranbob is the hardest hit by it, he's suffering so much because he so badly just wants to go over and hug his little brother and comfort him, tell him that it'll all be ok and that Bobby would protect him. But also knows he can't because he knows that would most likely do nothing but make it worse. For a while he spends his time blocking his ears and wrapped in a comfort blanket trying to comfort himself, as everyone else tend to his suffering brother. One thing that makes it harder is that Ran begins to purr to himself in a vain attempt to comfort himself (cause I personally like to think Enderman hybrids are like cats and purr like them, when their happy, content, comfortable, but also to soothe themselves and heal wounds), when Ranbob knows Ran's never purred, so knowing he's so desperate to try it now hurts him. 
You will get some comfort, like Watson manages to convince Ranbob to at least hug Ran, and Ranbob manages to purr alongside Ran a bit, which does actually help to calm Ran down. Ran getting wrapped up with the fluffiest blanket they have and always having Watson, Jackie, or Grievous by his side. With Jackie tending to hold his hand. 
4: All of the above. Sudden touch can be overwhelming to Ranbob at times, especially when he's not doing well mentally. Also while in this state, touch reminds him of the desperate grabbing and touching of the people he killed that tried to escape or fend him off. And Dream was able to hurt Ranbob by starving and dehydrating him of course, but when Ranbob was being particularly disobedient and tried to fight back Dream would often take control and cut or stab Ranbob then gave back control as punishment. 
10: It does get better! Idk if I already said but Kelalen is actually where they get the antidote for Rans blindness potion! And when their given it for free and it works, they become very grateful to Adler and Lucia (the one who actually convinced Adler to give them the potion in the first place cause it was the only one left). And a few days after they arrive they actually decide to explore the town, where they meet Siren and get more information on Dream and who he was, they also get their weapons and armor repaired by them. But while talking with Siren, Cletus and Grievous sneak off and run into Atlas, then Cletus and Grievous agree to help Atlas with his prank. But by the end of their second week in Kelalen the group starts to truly enjoy their stay, Ranbob often saying how it kind of reminds him of Mizu before everything happened. 
12: Thats funny though and is exactly how I'd want to be seen.
Also my friend has a message for you, "HahA THEY BETTER THANK ME I SET THEM UP FOR MORE MISERY 😈😈 /j" (I wanna be safe so if you don't know /j means that their joking)
14: Im not doing Foolish and Dream brothers because I personally don't like/get it. But I was thinking maybe they meet Foolish after Mripat tells them that there was a member of the SMP who was said to be a god and immortal. And after some long conversations they decide to go hunt for this apparently immortal god. Which takes a while since no one actually knows where he is, just that he likes deserts, and have to go off possible sightings or hints in history books. And when they finally meet him they manage to learn about totems (which they previously didn't know about) and even get some. They also learn that infact even during the SMP time no one quite knew what Dream was, and learns the ways the SMP tried to permanently get rid of him. Foolish is also devastated to know that Dream infact survived and becomes determined to help them. Even offering his help that if they ever go back to Mizu to face Dream, he'll come along and help in anyway he can. 
15: I like to imagine Edward remembers Ranboo as the young troubled enderman that he basically adopted and took care of. So Edward sees Ranboo in both Ran and Ranbob, so he offers his help and advice. Basically becoming their Grandad, telling stories about everything he's seen. Especially about Ranboo because Ranbob is so curious about his ancestor he just cant help but ask. One convo I've been particularly thinking about goes something like, "Edward: Older one, what do you think your brother thinks about you? Ranbob: I..I think he doesnt like me, and that he wants me gone. Edward: Hmm, your wrong. Ranbob: What? Edward: When I look at Ran, I see a child, not an adult yet, scarred, scared and traumatized. A child that wishes you two were closer, that he could forgive you and wants to believe you, just so you two could be family again. But is afraid too, for he already has a family, that he is terrified of losing, and is scared if he attempts to trust you again that they may leave him. But make no mistake, your brother wants to make amends, your brother cares about you and wants you happy. He knows deep down that he can trust you, and that you are innocent, but you all must help him acknowledge those parts, and stand by him, helping him walk when needed, as he traverses his own nightmares." AKA I really want Edward to be the reason Ranbob realizes that Ran does want to be family again but needs help. Cause if I had to describe the brothers current positions with their trauma it'll be, Ranbob-Knows he has trauma and is trying to get better and live with it, willingly getting help. Ran-Is fucking drowning in trauma cause he refuses to acknowledge he has it and hides it well most of the time, also doesn't ask for help. 
2: I fear the day.
3: Hahaha, ow, ow, ow. That, overall, is...heartbreaking. At the same time though, it’s sweet to see everyone pitching in to do their best and help him. We got it with Ranbob, now we get it with Ran.
I am curious, though. From what you’ve said, Blindness potions don’t wear off immediately? Why’s that?
4: *Chants* Please punch Dream. Please punch Dream. Please punch Dream. How do the fishermen deal with this, and help Ranbob?
10: Oh, god, Ran’s blind when they arrive in town. That’s definitely a high tension situation. Not only have you got him out of commission, but everyone else high strung from it, and probably having their protective instincts in overdrive when they randomly get treated hostilely. What exactly does an antidote for blindness consist of? Do most potions have antidotes, or counters? Is milk no longer used, or is that not a thing in the AU? It does sound nice that they all end up making friends later on though. How does Ran adjust to having his sight back? And, y’know, having everyone see him like that, and his brother comfort him(if they aren’t on good terms at this point, the timeline’s confusing me a bit)
12: Throughout this conversation, every time I read something sad, the image struck me, and honestly, it’s what you deserve. If these keeps up, I’m gonna start inserting these little 🏹s every time you hurt my heart. 
13: I’m being conspired against. Does everyone see this? Brothers Anon and their friend are conspiring to break my heart. Such gremlins. What did I ever do to you two?
Also, you can tell your friend that from this point on, I will closely associate them with a tiny, purple, cackling imp. 
14: Huh. Why do they want to find Foolish? Curiosity? To learn more about the Smp? About Dream? Sounds like it has a lot of potential to be quite the interesting encounter. And, since they didn’t previously know about the totems, they probably wouldn’t notice if one activated in a certain situation where it’s popped...do with that what you will.
15: Anon, I love all of this. Tell me more about Grandpa Edward. Does he fondly look back to Ranboo being polite and quiet while Ranbob and Ran cause havoc in the background? Does he bake them snacks and tell them about Ranboo’s adventures, and how much he loved to mine-which, in hindsight, is kind of funny, considering you just mentioned that so few people follow Skeppy because of the mining, but apparently their ancestor did that thing for fun.
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lampd-intheface · 6 years
vampire LAMP au
okay but like imagine a vampire au with polysanders except virgil is the only human???
roman got bitten by a vampire in italy just for kicks and then he was left to his own devices. he had to suffer through the shift alone with nobody to help him
for a little while, he was ravenous and accidentally killed a lot of people. in the end, tho, he snapped out of it and taught himself how to control his hunger
roman lived through the italian renaissance and moved between italy and spain (which is why he can speak really good spanish/italian) and even settled down a little in england for some time too
when roman settled down in england, he met patton who'd been a vampire for a while now
patton became a vampire becos he was hit with the plague and his mother was desperate to find a cure. this vampire they met ended up helping and then taking patton under his wing
roman and patton eventually find themselves in america (which was still a pretty new country at the time)
logan lived during the industrial era where everyone was just inventing things left and right and it was booming in terms of science and machinery
he was turned becos a vampire thought his genius was too valuable and death shouldn't put a stop to logan who had a lot of potential
the three then settled down in america
roman made some money writing fantasy books under pseudonyms. logan made money through patents or really any kind of intellectual work he could find. patton spent his time at home, just helping out and taking care of roman and logan
they had to move often, of course, becos people would be suspicious if they just stayed in the same place for too long. they couldn't get attached to people either becos getting attached to people meant people who would keep track of them
after all of their years being alive, patton and logan and roman have amassed enough money that they're just chilling and living comfortably
now, it's the modren era and, in this au, all of them either have online classes and/or night classes
virgil takes night classes and online classes because it limits his social interaction with other people and he's much more comfortable interacting with smaller groups of classmates (night classes)/not physically interacting with classmates at all (online classes)
the others because well duh they're vampires
it's not becos they dont like sunlight (they can be exposed to a little but too much gives them rashes). it's just that it's easier to keep a low profile if they interact with less people
logan is really the only one seriously taking classes and not for any other reason than because he loves learning. patton and roman will take classes here and there but only for their hobbies
insert virgil. i haven't thought this one through but logan probably meets him first because they share a class together.
anyway, LAMP have a meet cute or whatever
maybe like virgil is in an art history class and the prof says something wrong abt a certain part of history
logan is about to correct the prof but virgil beats him to it and logan is impressed with how accurate virgil was with his facts because logan lived that era and not a lot of people are so knowledgeable about it
that aside, their friendship takes time
logan has to introduce patton and roman separately and then the three of them have to keep attempting to get closer to virgil slowly and at virgil's pace
eventually, for their own reasons, they fall in love with virgil
logan falls in love with how much he relates to virgil. virgil is so smart and the two of them can talk and have debates and virgil just understands him so well
roman falls in love with how snarky virgil is becos he'll tease virgil and he knows virgil will serve it right back to him. virgil challenges him and its exhilarating and exciting
patton falls in love with how soft virgil is and how much he wants to protect virgil from all the bad things in the world. he loves how virgil has been through so much and yet virgil is still so strong
virgil is unaware of how smitten the three of them are tho and he falls in love with them too. he kind of just... plans to be with whoever asks him out first (if any of them ask him out at all)
because virgil struggles with his anxiety a lot, he can't really work at normal places. there's too many interactions, too many people.
he had thought that he'd eventually get used to it and then he'd be able go get a job but it's taking him a lot of time to get over his anxiety
precious time he can't really afford since he's putting himself through college
which is where his vamp boyfriends friends come in because hello, if they can't pay for their cute human crush's essential college classes, then what's the point of having all that money?
in any case, they find out abt virgil's financial problems and they're like omg... we're the solutions to his problem!!!
roman: i can finally actually slay what ails virgil!!!
logan: you won't be slaying anything--
before they establish that sort of relationship though, logan and roman and patton all agree that they want virgil to know the real them first so that virgil can decide whether or not he wants to be associated with them
the last thing they want to do is make virgil feel like he's obligated to stay with them even tho he fears them becos they're paying for his college and housing him and stuff
so, they plan get to know virgil more and then tell virgil they're kind of sort of creatures of the night
definitely easier said than done
when they tell virgil, he's like *phone error sound* ??? before realizing oh my God, they're serious
he then laughs about it a little and the other three are confused but he clarifies that the situation was very ironic
becos like omg, how hilarious is that??? the one goth guy who's super pale and avoids social contact and is practically the stereotypical vampire is actually the only one that's NOT a vampire??? that's irony at its finest
virgil then also assures them that the three of them being vampires doesn't bother him one bit
virgil, the epitome of tumblr humor: bold of you to assume i wouldn't f**k a supernatural being
jokes aside, he does reveal to them that he couldn't care less about what species they were, just that they loved him and he loved them
and damn did virgil love those three idiots
roman: woah there, you might pull a muscle from all the i love you's you're spouting
virgil, sweating up a storm after showing the most emotional vulnerability in his life: sh*t u rite
jokes aside, they do form a sort of weird relationship where the three of them happily provide for virgil because virgil doesnt have the means to do so
it takes virgil a while to really get used to it since he's not used to accepting things from other people without giving back
he struggles for a little while becos he keeps trying to find ways to repay them for what they do for him but there's only so much he can do
eventually they have a conversation abt it and they're like babe honey sweetie no
patton: you give us your love and that's the absolute most important and priceless thing in the world!!!
virgil, known pessimist who cringes away from romantic gestures out of habit: sounds fake but ok
but like eventually they work it out in like a slowly but surely kind of way.
virgil learns to see money the same way the other three do (replaceable and pretty much worthless to vampires who have a large abundance of it) and the other three learn to kind of tone it down on the expensive gifts
virgil: im so glad you guys dont buy me really expensive things now
roman, sweating profusely as he hides the golden apple he had commissioned to be made especially for virgil: oH YEAH OFC HAHAHA
(logan, when roman had suggested getting virgil the golden apple: first of all, no??? in what way is that even romantic--)
omg imagine if virgil does the thing where he coops himself up in his room??? and then someone tries to get him to get out by pulling the blinds open to let in light??? and virgil hisses???
patton, having just let sunlight in, looking absolutely offended: OKAY FIRST OF ALL, you're not a vampire so don't take that tone of hiss with me--
someone is like teasing or bullying virgil abt his aesthetic and virgil is obviously getting uncomfortable, esp when they call him twilight (in reference to the vampire romance novel)
so one of the boys, probably roman, steps up and he's like 'the person you should call twilight is me' and he scares the bullies by flashing his eyes red and showing them his fangs
omg!!! roman doesn't have a reflection so virgil helps him put on make up or smth!!!
maybe virgil in this au is an artist so he paints a picture of all three of them so they know what they look like becos they dont show up on pictures and reflections
patton, gazing down at the picture: this is what true love feels like
logan, also feeling the same way: really? how unpleasant
logan: give me more
omg also logan having only really kept up with the intellectual side of history so he doesn't know abt memes and like stuff like that so virgil teaches him and he has his Flashcards™
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nardaviel · 8 years
For the fanfiction meme: 1, 8, 18, 26, 27, 28, 39, 46, 50, 51. :D
fanfiction questions meme
THANK U MYST !!!!!!! ive hit my 400-word minimum for today so im taking a break
this is lots of questions tho so heres a readmore but will it show up on my blog… no one knows……… how do i fix this problem…………… when will i fix it instead of just complaining about it all the time
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
harry potter. i have extremely, extremely vague memories of reading a sailor moon usagi/mamoru smut fic as like an 11-year-old before then, but really, the first fandom i got into was harry potter
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
18. What ship have you written the most about?
uhhhhhhh. probably kinatsuen. i didnt write much fanfic before boueibu so its definitely a boueibu ship. but ill go look
ok here are the word count totals rn, including char & char as well as char/char:
enkin 14754enatsu 14829kinatsu 16420ibukinatsuen 16503kinatsuen 54897
not counted “i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)”, 10506 words divided up among kinatsu, enkin, kinatsuen, and maybe like 200 words max of enatsu, but i wasnt gonna go in and get word counts for all 40 drabbles because i cbacounted twice despicable objects (2791), path to the stars (4758), warmth (7205) are all included in both the enkin and kinatsuen totals
yeah … there was no way kinatsuen could have lost. spindle has several thousand more words than all the kinatsu and ibukinatsuen combined. im kind of amused at how ive written one (1) ibukinatsuen fic but it still has the second highest word count
i guess you could also count in terms of fics though in which case ibukinatsuen would lose but kinatsuen would still win:
Kinugawa Atsushi/Kusatsu Kinshirou/Yufuin En (6)Kinugawa Atsushi/Kusatsu Kinshirou (5)Kusatsu Kinshirou/Yufuin En / Kusatsu Kinshirou & Yufuin En (4)Kinugawa Atsushi/Yufuin En / Kinugawa Atsushi & Yufuin En (4)Arima Ibushi/Kinugawa Atsushi/Kusatsu Kinshirou/Yufuin En (1)
this answer is way longer than necessary but i got interested ljkasdf
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
i go to the post window on ao3 and realize that my scrivener doc is still titled “tower au” or “demon en” or whatever, and i cry. then i desperately try to think of something thematically appropriate and hopefully pretty. usually during this process i drift further and further away from whats in the fic and the ideas become more and more tenuously connected (e.g. spindle, which is very appropriate to the fic but only in an extremely symbolic, abstracted way) but by this point im frustrated so i just go with it anyway. or, very occasionally, a title presents itself to me from the text of the fic (grace, despicable objects).
i also make vashti help me im probably really annoying about it
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
BOTH ………………… IT IS THE WORST PART ABOUT FICWRITING because its fucken impossible and also because by that point the fic is done! and im excited to post it!! or maybe just excited to not have to stress about it anymore. but i cant post it because i have to think of ONE WORD to encapsulate the fic and then like THREE SENTENCES to encapsulate it in a different way and both of them have to be interesting but not spoilery and how tf do you do that and my brain is fried from editing and asjl;dkfasdf. honestly though i hate them both equally
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
whatever they wanted i suppose?? i would be like :OOOOO no matter what tbh
but like if i was commissioning someone and could get whatever i wanted …… idk. maybe something from spindle but my image of ens uniform is very much based on someones art of a male homura so if i was specific about what it looked like, that would be stealing someones ideas, but if not, it wouldnt look right to me ???? i wouldnt care if the fanart was free but if i was commissioning i would want to have more say in what i got ;;
so um. not spindle. possibly a scene from the merman au, with merman en and merman kinshirou saving unconscious human prince atsushi from the shipwreck and bickering the whole time lmaooo “this is the worst idea youve ever had en” “you say that all the time” “each idea is worse than the last!!” “you can always go back home” “ugh ugh ugh just keep moving” meanwhile atsushi dazedly thinks he hears beautiful voices but they sound really annoyed with each other which is not quite in keeping with stories hes heard of sirens but then he passes out again
…….. yeah thatd be the basis for my commission. that scene
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer?
fuck idk. um. …i want to say dialogue but i feel like sometimes people in my fics talk for too long because i like writing it too much LMAO and i want to say angsty introspection but i have the same problem there. maybe i just think im best at those things bc theyre the things that come easiest to me?? and i think my characterization tends to be solid but everyone thinks that, right… no one writes poor characterization on purpose, do they… unless they have some other reason i guess. this question is smth for my readers to answer for themselves!!!! bc i dont know
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
well i mean .. it would depend on who was asking. i dont really know how to answer this bc i dont know this hypothetical someones likes and dislikes??? if it was an enkin shipper who liked pain, path to the stars. if it was an enatsu shipper who didnt want sad things in boueibu (im looking at u nicole), illuminations. if it was someone who would read any pairing but didnt have lots of time to read, i would edit i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) as ive been meaning to do and then tell them to read that. and so on. i really dont mean this as an evasive answer ;aljksdf but um if someone said “i like all pairings! i like all genres! i have plenty of time! i dont mind WIPs!” then i would rec veil or spindle bc im proudest of them and i think theyre good and i want more readers for my plotty multichaptered stuff
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
honestly …. i have no idea how i got into reading fanfiction. literally no idea. i guess i was just poking around the internet as an 11yo and randomly found some and thought it was cool
and i guess writing was a natural extension of reading? ive been writing since before i could physically write. i would make up poems in the car as a smol smol child. i have no memories of this but my parents do bc they were like “wtf” and yeah anyway it continued from there although i like to think im better now than i was when i was like 8. and like. my first fanfiction was really bad. it was really bad yall. but i got what i now realize were the kindest, most encouraging reviews (on ff.net. i still have a hard time remembering that ao3 has “comments” and not “reviews” asdjkf) the same way my parents and teachers encouraged my often very awful writing over the years so !!! my confidence in my writing is fragile but i have confidence sometimes and its bc ppl were so nice to me when i was awful and that gave me a chance to become less awful. but that doesnt have much to do with the question im just really grateful whenever i think about it. i got into writing fanfiction bc i was already a writer basically
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
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