#also a couple of days ago were a couple of shadowheart conversations like 'and that's why shar is my savior and hope is a filthy lie 😌'
blujayonthewing · 1 year
party member after Suffering from their own backstory: you must think me a monster. I wouldn't blame you if you turned against me.
juniper: I would die for you??? đŸ„ș
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grandmother-goblin · 9 months
Field Study - Chapter 11
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Chapter Summary: After waiting a day, Astarion finally gets a response from Cas.
Relationships: Astarion x Female!Tav
Rating: Explicit (18+) for eventual smut.
Word Count: 4k
Chapter Tags: Sexual content, kissing, safe word discussion, confessions, mild dirty talk.
A full day passed and Astarion still hadn’t gotten an answer from Cas. Their conversation had left him on edge. It was like he had an open wound in his chest, and Cas was the only person with the means to heal it. Yet she decided to make him wait, his heart beating out in the open. Exposed. Vulnerable.
He tried to distract himself with whatever he could think of: fletching arrows, reading that changeling detective novel, fixing a small tear in his armor. He even tried striking up a conversation with Gale of all people. Nothing seemed to make time go by faster or take his mind off of his little wood elf.
It was maddening.
So when he learned that the tieflings at the Grove wanted to throw a little celebration at the campsite, he initially welcomed the idea. It was something to occupy his time. It was also a chance to show Cas that he could behave himself in a setting where it would be completely acceptable to flirt and mingle. He was determined to be on his absolute best behavior.
But by the time the party rolled around, Astarion’s determination gave way to frustration. For more reasons than one.
First, the tieflings thought he was some sort of hero. For what? Stabbing a hobgoblin and a couple of his cronies in the dead of night? Some people would call that being a serial killer, but what did he know? The tieflings thought that he helped save them. If he did, it was completely unintentional. A mere side-effect of their mission to find a cure for the tadpole situation. Nothing more.
Second, Cas was busy socializing with everyone but him. She flitted from one conversation to the next like a hummingbird, staying just long enough to say a few words before moving on. And their companions took notice. Shadowheart even had the audacity to tease him about it. Then, as if to rub it in his face, she asked Cas to have a drink with her then the two women proceeded to chat for at least ten minutes.
Third, his wine tasted like vinegar. It was the least of his problems, but given everything else going on, it irritated him more than it should have. Still, he drank it anyway.
The party itself was fine. Not bad, but not terribly good. There was music, dancing, and plenty of drinks to go around. But there were also children present, which meant that the levels of debauchery Astarion was accustomed to at parties was practically eliminated.
Not a single person got so drunk that they took off their clothes. Or tried doing something dangerous and stupid. Or started a fist fight. Or an orgy. It was so
Astarion was never a wallflower at social events, but he couldn’t bring himself to mingle with this particular crowd. They all wanted to thank him, which would have been hilarious if it didn’t make him so uncomfortable. He wasn’t a hero, and the tieflings were idiots for thinking so. However, he had the good manners not to say anything to their faces. After all, they did bring free booze, even if it was shit.
Regardless, he had used the party as an excuse to dress up a bit. Not much, since he didn’t have his usual wardrobe on hand, but nice enough. He wore the black linen shirt that showed off a bit of his chest just because he knew Cas liked it and paired it with well-tailored trousers that tucked into his leather boots. A simple, monochromatic look that he knew looked quite striking with his complexion.
A few interested pairs of eyes had wandered his way and confirmed what he already knew. But he ignored them. It was only a few weeks ago that he would have taken those lingering glances as an invitation. After what happened with the drow, he didn’t show any interest in return. The truth was he dressed up for Cas, hoping to entice her into speaking with him, but it seemed his efforts were in vain.
Restless energy pulsed through him. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and drank deeply from his bottle of wine, but even the alcohol didn’t seem to relieve his growing tension. That tension only grew when he saw Cas laughing at something Halsin had said. And again she left to talk with Wyll in private for a moment. Astarion ground his teeth together so hard it was a miracle he didn’t snap a fang. He forced himself to look away for his own sanity, fuming.
Why the hells should he just wait around for Cas to come talk to him? Sure, he could have gone and talked to her himself, but he was stubborn. Stubborn and not willing to roll on his back and bare his belly for her again. No. If she wanted to talk to him, she would have to be the one to initiate conversation. He was tired of feeling like she held his heart in her hand, and he was far too proud to slink after her and beg for it back.
Unwilling to endure the party any longer, Astarion took his one last sip of his wine and dumped the rest into a bush. That could be his heroic deed: ridding the world of that swill they called wine. Now that was worthy of celebration.
He needed to do something other than waiting for Cas. Something to distract himself before his irritation festered and he did something stupid again.
Maybe he could hunt? It would get him away from the party and burn off some of the energy that was coiling inside him like a tight metal spring. Plus killing something usually made him feel better. It didn’t really matter that he hunted earlier in the day. Perhaps he could find something that would put up a bit of a fight. He could use the release.
As he turned to his tent so he could get changed into something more hunting appropriate, he stopped short. Only a few feet away, Cas watched him with those deep brown eyes. Curious and hesitant, but there was a familiar warmth behind them that made his undead heart quicken.
She hadn’t even dressed up for the party. Just a simple, white, sleeveless top paired the leather leggings and boots she typically wore with her armor. Her hair was down and a little messy from running around the party all night. Still, he drank in the sight of her as though she was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on.
He hated how his body responded to her at that moment. The butterflies in his stomach had no business being there, but his mind couldn’t convince them to leave.
“Hey,” Cas said, her brow furrowed and a faint frown appeared on that mouth he so still so stupidly wanted to kiss. “Are you leaving?”
Yes, because you ignored me for the last hour and I’m tired of waiting around like a dog, he wanted to say. Even though she had finally come to talk to him, it was a minute too late. He was done being patient and done with not knowing where they stood.
Astarion huffed. “I’m bored, darling,” he said, his tone a mixture of exasperation and annoyance. A couple of tiefling children dancing with their parents caught his eye and Cas followed his gaze. “This really isn’t my sort of thing. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find something else to occupy my time. I need to hunt anyway.”
“Wait.” Cas’s fingers wrapped loosely around his wrist and his body electrified at that small touch.
Goosebumps crawled up his arm when he saw the look on her face. Her eyes were wide, pleading, but there was something else. Something he couldn’t quite place.
He glanced at where her fingers touched his skin but made no move to pull away. He watched her and said nothing. Waiting. Again.
Cas drew her lower lip between her teeth. “I—” A sharp breath cut between them as she straightened. “I wanted to talk to you. About you and me.”
“I’m listening,” he replied, keeping his voice flat to hide the hope that threatened to blossom in his chest. Just because she was ready to talk didn’t mean he was going to get the answer he wanted to hear.
In fact, he was almost certain that he wouldn’t like whatever she was about to say. His night was already going terribly, so what was one more disappointment?
Her fingers slipped from his wrist, and he immediately mourned the loss despite himself. The urge to reach out and touch her was strong, almost overpowering, but he resisted. She wasn’t his to touch anymore.
” She looked down at her boots. “Let’s go somewhere a little more private,” she said and cocked her chin toward the edge of the woods.
Astarion nodded and followed her lead, but his stomach twisted with apprehension. Truth be told, he had no idea which way the conversation was going to go, but he was already steeling himself for the worst. Just because she wanted to talk didn’t mean that she forgave him. It didn’t mean that she still wanted him the way she did before. There was a good chance that she would sever whatever romantic connection they had, and he couldn’t really blame her if she did. If the roles were reversed, he knew exactly what he would do.
But Cas had a much softer heart than he did.
They stopped at the border of the campsite, where the chatter from the party barely reached his ears and the only light came from the glow of the moon. It was quiet enough that he could hear crickets over the distant sounds of lutes, flutes, and drums.
Yet, Cas didn’t say anything for several seconds.
She picked at her short fingernails and rocked on her heels. “Thank you for giving me some time to think,” she started, her voice a little softer than normal. Almost like she didn’t trust it. “I needed a day to go over what you said. And to figure out how I felt.”
“Well, you didn’t give me much of a choice, darling,” he said, folding his arms across his chest as though he could shield his heart.
A sheepish laugh passed her lips as she continued not to look at him. “Still
Leaves rustled in the wind, filling the lingering silence between them. Moments passed and Cas opened her mouth once or twice to say something before ultimately changing her mind. The longer the pause went on, the further his heart sank.
She was ending it. Whatever it was that was between them, their nascent relationship; she wanted it to be over. It was the only reasonable explanation for her reticence. He swallowed the lump in his throat and his fingers dug into his shirtsleeves.
It was over. He laid his heart out on the line for nothing.
“Out with it,” Astarion bit, his impatience boiling over into anger.
Tell him he wasn’t worth the trouble. That he was nothing more than a quick fuck to distract her from the mess they were in. That nothing he said or did mattered to her. He needed her to remind him that the world was a cruel place. That anything that made him happy was bound to go up in flames. No matter how he tried to stop the fire, it would always destroy him. Bit by bit.
Hope was a dangerous thing, and Cas had given him hope. Made him think that, even for a moment, she wanted him for him. She made him believe he was worth something to her.
He was such an idiot.
Dread dripped down his spine and he mentally tried to steel himself. Cas was just like anyone else he had seduced. Just a bit of fun. Nothing serious. Certainly no one worth fretting over.
Astarion repeated the words like a mantra in his mind, trying to convince himself of it. Cas meant nothing to him, so she couldn’t hurt him. It was just flirtation and fun. Like always.
Cas gazed up at him with those deep brown eyes and sucked in a lungful of air. “I still want you.”
The words came out like it was a secret she had been trying to keep inside. A mere breath. A whisper.
And he couldn’t believe it.
For a second, he wasn’t even sure he heard her correctly. She
 she still wanted him? Or did she say she didn’t want him? The more he thought about it, the less sure he was of what she actually said. The pessimist, vitriolic, part of his brain told him that he definitely misheard her. The way she had been acting didn’t make sense otherwise. Why would she have stayed away from him if she still wanted him?
He blinked at her. “What?”
“I still want you.” She wrung her hands together and averted her gaze. “I was blindsided by what happened the other day. I thought you just didn’t care, but after our talk yesterday
. If you really didn’t care, you wouldn’t have bothered.
“I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I like you. A lot. Despite what happened. You’re clever and funny and you’re one of my favorite people to talk to. Not to mention extremely handsome, but you already knew that. I’m rambling. Anyway, if you’re still interested I would really like to continue—”
The impulse was too strong to resist. It was like the tightly wound coil deep inside him had suddenly snapped, and he couldn’t wait a second longer. Astarion clutched the back of her head and his lips crashed against hers in a rough, soul-searing, all-encompassing kiss. He wanted her too much for anything else to matter. Too much to care about whatever else she was going to say. She had said all she needed to.
A faint whimper escaped the back of her throat as her body sank against his. Her arms wrapped around his neck, anchoring herself to him. The delicate stroke of her tongue against his sent a shock of pleasure through him and a groan, almost like a growl, rumbled in his chest.
He cupped the curve of her ass and pulled her tightly against him, pressing his rapidly hardening length against her stomach. Her fingers slid into his hair as lips broke from hers, moving down to her corner of her jaw to her throat. The frantic throb of her pulse beneath his lips made his fangs ache. He wanted to bite her. To claim her again. To mark her so the whole world knew who she belonged to.
The need nearly overwhelmed him for a moment as his fingers tightened in her hair, pulling her head back until her throat was completely bared to him. Cas’s breath hitched when his teeth closed gently against the tender flesh of her neck. Just a nip. Not hard enough to pierce the skin, no matter how desperately he craved it. He wouldn’t bite her without permission.
Because he wanted her. Damn it to the Hells, he wanted her. Blood, body, and soul.
At that moment, everything he had been worried about had vanished. It was just him and her. Nothing else seemed to matter when she was in his arms, and he would take every second of peace he could get.
The tip of his tongue soothed over the faint mark he left on her throat, the salt of her skin as exquisite as fine wine. “Darling, I want to bite you,” he said into the cove of her neck as his hips rocked against hers once, trying to relieve the ache he felt for her. “I miss seeing my mark on your neck.”
“Maybe I’ll let you make another,” Cas replied a little breathlessly. “You said you needed to hunt tonight anyways. Why not hunt me?”
Astarion loosened his grip in her hair, smoothing his fingers over her scalp down to her nape. “Hunt you?” he asked as he pressed a lingering kiss against a pulse point just below her jaw.
“Yeah,” she said, almost a little shyly. Like she couldn’t quite believe what she was asking for. “Not for real, obviously. But like a game. I’ll pack up some things and wander off into the woods. All alone. Far away from camp. Then you’ll come find me.”
The thought of stalking her, catching her, and overpowering her appealed to him on the most primal level. Excitement swelled in his chest. In all his years, he had never been asked to hunt someone before. At least, not like this. Not by someone who knew what he was and what he was capable of.
Vampires were hunters by nature. They had to be. Most people would never subject themselves to a vampire's bite willingly, regardless of the risk of being turned. And most vampires would never let their victims live. Especially the ones they chased down or seduced with the sole purpose of feeding. It was simply a risk most vampires couldn’t afford to take. Loose ends and all of that. The fact that Cas was asking this of him
His hand lowered on her backside, giving the firm flesh a little squeeze. “You trust me to not go too far?”
A small gasp passed her lips when his fingers curved around high on her inner thigh. “Of course I do,” she said. “You didn’t go too far before.”
Before Cas had held a knife to his throat as he bit her. Before was his very first time drinking the blood of a thinking creature. Before he hadn’t cared enough about her to truly worry about losing control. But none of that seemed worth mentioning at that moment.
For her to place her trust in him like this
. He didn’t want to think about it. Didn’t want to unpack the feelings that it stirred up deep in his core. It wasn’t the right time, and he was far from ready.
Instead, he kissed her before she could say anything else that made him feel things he wasn’t ready to feel. His tongue searched the inside her mouth with delicate strokes, the kind meant to keep her wanting more. When he drew a soft, pleading moan from the back of her throat he pulled away, smiling as her mouth tried to follow his.
Her pupils were blown wide as he stared into her eyes, searching. Trying to find even the slightest bit of hesitation. But he found nothing but desire and longing.
He held her chin and dragged his thumb over the center of her lower lip. “Will you run from me when I find you?”
Cas arched into him, putting delicious pressure on his cock and he stifled a groan. It was like every contour of her body perfectly reconciled with his. Like she was made to fit against him. “Only if you don’t stop me.”
Already, he was thinking of ways he could do that. How he could hold her body against his, how he could pin her down, maybe even tie her up. The yellow ribbon she had used to wrap up his portrait came to mind. How pretty that would look wrapped around her wrists. The possibilities were endless, and he wanted to explore each and every one. Maybe not that night, but eventually.
His lips brushed against her ear, sending goosebumps down her arms despite the warm night air. “And what happens when I catch you?” he whispered against her heated skin. “Are you going to fight me, darling?”
“Just a little.” Her breath caught when he kissed the side of her throat, working his way down the juncture of her neck and collarbone. “Not hard enough to hurt you. Besides, I don’t think I’ll want to fight you for very long anyway.”
“And why’s that?” Astarion touched his tongue to her pulse, smiling at the shiver it sent down her spine.
The soft gust of her breath feathered against his ear. “Because I think I’ll like getting caught by you.”
He wanted to say he had already caught her. After all, she was in his arms, willing and wanting. Despite everything. Despite his own foolishness and insecurities. Despite how he had tried so hard to resist her. Despite how he knew that what they had couldn’t last. The gods and the universe would never let him keep her.
But he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
“So I’ll catch you and subdue you,” he said as he continued trailing kissing along her neck. “What will I get for all my hard work?”
“What would you want?”
A shudder went through her when he licked a stripe from her collarbone to the corner of her jaw. “I’m picturing you on your hands and knees, darling,” he said, his lips brushing against her ear. “Begging for my cock. But the moment I give it to you is the moment I sink my fangs into your pretty little neck. Mixing pleasure with pain. How does that sound?”
Cas made a pleased humming sound as she pressed herself into him ever so slightly like she was trying to feel what he had promised. “I think we should ditch the party.”
Astarion lifted his head and stared into her eyes again. With a little burst of tenderness that seemed to come out of nowhere, he brushed a loose lock of her silky hair behind her ear. She already had a darkened spot on her neck from where he nipped her, but it would fade quickly.
And he wanted to make a few marks that would last for days.
Anticipation glimmered in her dark eyes, but it was the smile on her lips that nearly had him undone. It had only been a few seconds, but he already missed the sensual heat of her mouth against his.
His hand cupped the side of her face, his thumb brushing over her cheekbone. She leaned into his touch, affectionate. Trusting.
“Before we do this,” he said, “how do you want to let me know if I am too rough or if I go too far? Because I won’t be nearly as restrained as I was last time.”
“Maybe a safeword?”
“Probably a good idea with these sorts of games.” He held her chin between his thumb and index finger. “I’ll let you pick it since it’ll be the last decision you make with me this evening.”
Cas bit her lower lip, but a smile pulled at the corners anyways. It was... adorable. He wasn’t sure the last time he found someone cute in a non-condescending way. It was like she was so excited to be with him, she could hardly contain it.
The way she looked up at him through her lashes lit a spark low in his stomach. There was something more than lust and anticipation in her eyes, something he couldn’t quite place, but it made him want to smile back at her.
She placed her hands on his chest, the heat of her palms like a brand through his thin shirt. Gently, she pushed herself away. “Merlot,” she said as she took a few steps backward with a bright grin on her face.
“Merlot,” he repeated back to her.
Cas took another step backwards in the direction of the party. “Give me an hour to say goodnight to people and get ready.”
“I’m not waiting an hour, darling.”
“Forty-five minutes?”
“Twenty,” he said. “Any longer and you’ll be getting a spanking when I catch you.”
Cas covered her mouth with one hand and gasped in mock offense. “Oh no. I wouldn’t want that.”
Well with that tone, he definitely had to spank her now.
“Nineteen,” he said.
She flashed him one more smile before she turned around and jogged back to camp. He watched her disappear into her tent before he started back himself. The moment she left camp, the hunt would be on.
And he could hardly wait.
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tricksyglimmer · 1 year
Avai had never seen the grove so busy. It had always been peaceful when she'd managed to slip away to visit before, a perfect picture of nature's glory, the very earth itself seeming to welcome her as she walked over it. As she looked upon it then, with no idea how much time had passed since she had been taken, and with a mind much more full - rather literally, considering the new companion that sat inside her skull - it was pure chaos. The fear of the tieflings was palpable in the air, the grief of those they had lost both on the road and mere days ago hanging overhead. Children learning to fight to survive the journey they would soon be forced on, parents exchanging fearful whispers as they looked on. A young couple leaning against one another, holding onto all the hope they could in a silent exchange. Avai could but hope they could find Halsin before the grove would be closed off, and the refugees would be left to fend for themselves against the goblin camp nearby. She'd already exchanged tense words with Kagha away from her party, but it hadn't helped any. That wretched woman had never liked her, and had barely considered Avai's words. She had nothing to do but continue her journey with her newfound companions on the journey to get the wretched tadpole from their heads, and hope somewhere along the way she'd find a solution to it, a way to help somehow.
As for that moment, all there was to do was rest in the safety of the grove before they were to head back to camp - it was late, and Avai wasn't sure about the others, but she was exhausted. They'd travelled quite far, and had a few scraps that day, and the tiredness was sinking into her bones some by that point, weighing her down. She leaned against the rough stone wall as she watched Shadowheart trade with Arron, not truly focused on the words they exchanged. She could hear Gale off to her side, talking to the wizard Rolan, and that also didn't particularly hold her attention, nor her focus, until she caught a small scrap of their conversation. Rolan mentioned a tower he wished he could explore, long abandoned and 'probably ripe with scrolls just left there for the taking'. She bristled almost instantly, standing up straighter.
"Why would you wish to go to some old dusty tower? Wizards aren't known to just leave their magic items behind, I'd expect naught is left there but rotten foods and moth-eaten clothes," She said, tilting her head to look over to them, arms crossed over her chest, and tail flicking in poorly-disguised discomfort, nose wrinkled like she'd smelt something particularly sour.
"Well it was abandoned - the wizard supposedly died a rather
 Gruesome death. His children all left soon after, leaving it empty. I'm certain something interesting must be left there that I could study, if only I could go there. Blasted goblins
" Rolan didn't particularly look at her, mostly talking to Gale.
Rolan's response only soured Avai's expression more, but instead of responding she tried to calm herself, taking in a deep breath. He didn't know any more than the druids did, and that was all they knew, he meant no harm, She tried to remind herself, not wanting to be angry with him for simply not knowing.
"Well, if there's even a chance something helpful could be there, some scrolls, old potions or poisons
 We should see if we can go and poke around. Plus I do remember hearing about a wizard from this area with some rather interesting experiments
" Gale interjected, and Avai immediately lost any sort of grip on the calm she was attempting to find within herself.
"We aren't going there. End of, no more discussion," Avai spat out quickly.
"I don't remember you making choices for all of us single-handedly," Gale replied dryly, head tilted ever so slightly. "I'd rather like to check it out, and I'm certain some of the others also would - we should decide as a group."
Under any normal circumstances, discussing any normal outing, Avai would have agreed. She was no leader, she didn't wish to make decisions for others. Control wasn't something she desired, and she knew how she hated having the will of others forced upon her, and would almost never force her own will onto others. But this wasn't a normal circumstance. She'd thought she was free, even if under strange circumstances, and yet she wasn't - and now she may be dragged back to that tower yet again. No. She refused, she wouldn't, she couldn't. She couldn't let them see either - she didn't wish for them to walk around in the tower she'd been trapped in, see the place she'd had her darkest times. She'd rather they never knew it existed, but if that wasn't an option, they still certainly wouldn't go there.
"Gale, believe me when I say that I am deadly serious. We are not going there. Not a single one of us are stepping foot in there, and if you bring this to me again so help me I will use my raven form to pluck your eyes from your skull," She snapped. She thought she would regret her harsh words later, but in the midst of her almost panicked, angry state, she meant every word.
She did indeed regret her words later. She'd said near nothing on the journey back to camp, and had very literally said nothing once they were back. She had distanced herself from the others, finding her way to a fallen log and settling upon it, silently staring at the calm waters of the lake, thinking on any possible way she could apologise to Gale but still keep it clear that the tower was off limits.
--------- @autumnpicker
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