#also about the anastasia movie and how an evil wizard caused the russian revolution
ragnarlothcat · 2 years
Thoughts on Anastasia obikin au (anakin as Anastasia) or beauty and the beast obikin? And while the more logical choice would be to make anakin the beast because of the whole darth vader thing, what about Obi-wan as the beast because when he turns back into a human and the beast turns out to be a bearded daddy ?? That would make sense too, no?
I can have some thoughts!!! My first re: Anastasia is that I happen to know that @coldwaughtered has an Anastasia AU percolating so I am tagging her in case she has any thoughts of her own. But I'm intrigued! My immediate thought was Anakin as Dimitri but you make a fair point. He can grow up as Ani instead of Anakin and maybe Shmi is living in Paris because I like when she gets to be alive! Plus then we get the classic scenes of Anakin in fancy outfits while Obi-Wan realizes that he secretly loves him which is one of my favourite tropes ever so I'm sold is what I'm saying.
As for Beauty and the Beast: yes!!! I love that you're making space for bearded beast Obi-Wan, how very handsome of him. And maybe we could adjust Belle's character so that Anakin is also an inventor? Not that he can't read but it's fun bringing over his canon traits, at least up until I have to write a scene in which he engineers something and I remember I don't know how electricity works.
(I know @tennessoui has a lovely Beauty and the Beast fic of her own with beast Anakin if you're interested in reading that casting, which I do recommend because it's great.)
But I do think your version works just as well! R2 is the horse, of course, because I think he and Philippe have a certain kinship. Are all the other Jedi turned into furniture? Is Aayla the talking feather duster just because they're both inexplicably French? I vote yes!!! I was going to say I couldn't imagine Obi-Wan being rude enough to get cursed but 1) the prince frankly wasn't rude enough to justify the insane curse put on him and his innocent servants/dog and 2) Obi-Wan did call Anakin a pathetic life form that one time. So in this AU maybe the evil witch is Jar Jar. I don't know. I'm just sort of saying stuff.
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