#also also bescumber means to spray poo
blu3cl0v3rs · 1 year
Summary: Lloyd and Morro get stuck.
Warnings: They're probably out of character because I'm really tired rn.
Prompt: Travel | Realm
Extra: Basically, Lloyd and Morro begrudgingly work together to get the Realm Crystal back. Takes place while Lloyd and Morro are dimension hopping in the Season 5 finale.
Lloyd and Morro got spat out of another portal, and Lloyd swung his leg in a desperate effort to get the Realm Crystal.
The two glanced at each other, the abnormally large gem glistened on the rocky ground, just out of reach. The pair scrambled to grab it before each other, limbs thrashing in an effort to beat the other.
Lloyd's hand reached towards the crystal, and-
Morro dragged him back by his ankle, using it as momentum to propel him forwards.
Only for a fucking bird to snatch it.
"What the- OH COME ON!" Lloyd groaned.
Morro launched into the air in hot pursuit of the bird, Lloyd just a beat behind him using Airjitzu.
The stupid feathered thing darted around, as if playing a game with the green-themed people.
A cliff came up ahead, and the bird folded its wings into a dive. Lloyd landed on the edge as the ghost sped over, using his wind powers to push himself faster.
The blonde peered over the edge warily, watching Morro chase aggressively after the avian thief. Eventually, the two went far enough away that it was difficult even for Lloyd's hybrid eyes to see, so he-
Was he really about to jump off a cliff in a realm he's never been in before? What if gravity worked differently? He took a deep breath, and then jumped off the cliff.
Lloyd focused, intentionally avoiding the fact that he was falling to his possible death ohmyFirs- and summoned his elemental dragon. He swiftly glided after the ghost and the bird.
Speaking of the two, Morro yelled outdated profanities at the avian creature as the two disappeared into the flora.
"You bescumbering wretch!"
Lloyd faltered, unsure what "bescumbering" meant. He shook his head, that is a question for later. He nudged his dragon to hurry, and it obeyed.
He dove into the first opening he could find into the plume of orangey leaves. There, he spotted Morro standing on a tree(?) branch as he glared above him.
Lloyd desummoned his dragon as he stuck the landing next to the ghost.
Standing next to Morro somewhat made his skin crawl. Maybe it's from the possession, or it's just a ghost thing.
"Whatcha glaring at?" Lloyd asked. It felt weird to be casual with Morro. The blonde really needed to find out where the Realm Crystal went, but why would Morro tell him where-
"That... fopdoodle of a bird is hiding up there," Morro growled.
The younger snorted. Fopdoodle? Really? That's such a weird word.
"Oh ha ha. Laugh it up. You wanna go get the Realm Crystal? Be my guest," Morro looked dead serious.
...oh my FSM.
Lloyd cracked up more, staring to full on wheeze and he clutched his stomach and curled forwards.
Morro's anger seemed to have amped up alongside his confusion. "What are you even laughing at, you fribble?"
Lloyd fucking cackled. "What-" cut off by giggling, "the h-hell is a fribble?"
He resumed his cackling, his balance swayed as he risked falling off the branch multiple times.
The blonde slowly came down from his giggling high as the gears in Morro's brain turned.
"...oh," was all he said once it clicked.
"Oh, what?" Lloyd questioned.
Morro sighed ,"I've been using really old slang this entire time."
Lloyd gaped, "Wait, that's what that was? I thought you were just saying gibberish!"
"...why in all of the 16 realms would I say gibberish?" Morro squinted at the younger.
"I- uh- well sometimes Jay does, so I usually chalk up weird non-scientific words to just be random gibberish."
Morro looked 2 seconds away from punching someone. Probably me, Lloyd realized and slightly shifted away from the ghost.
"So, uh- where did the Realm Crystal go?" Lloyd asked.
Morro glared at the teen before reluctantly pointing upwards. "That imbecilic bird's hiding with it, and whenever you go near it the thing either tries to bite you or poop on you."
"...ohhhkayyy. Is that what- uhh, what was the word- oh yeah, is that what 'bescumbering' means?" Lloyd asked.
Morro gave Lloyd a look. "The latter."
Silence blanketed the two.
"Uhh, sooooo. How are we- ew, that felt weird to say- going to get the Realm Crystal back?"
"Who said we were going to get it back? I will get it back and leave you here so I can-"
"-conquer Ninjago beside my Master, I know. You've given thise speech before, Breezy, no need to repeat yourself for the thousandth time," Lloyd rolled his eyes.
Morro used a gust of wind to shove him off the branch. Lloyd yelped before a soft 'thud' enunciated his landing onto the forest-like floor.
"Rude," Lloyd muttered before jumping at the sight of Morro as he crashed next to him. Said ghost looked done with everything.
"As stubborn as I am, I will admit that I..." Morro's words trailed off into a low enough voljme that Lloyd couldn't hear him.
"Uhh, what?" he asked.
"I-" Morro sighed angrily, "I need your help."
"I said I need your help, damnit!"
"I know, I heard you the second time," Lloyd had a smug grin painted on his features, until Morro shoved a bunch of leaves into his face via the wind.
"So, what's the plan, oh 'great Green Ninja'," Morro snarked.
"Well, we need to figure out where the crystal is first, so we can get it."
"The bird's sitting on it."
"Well that's- a problem. But at least we know where it is!...
Wait, how do you know that?"
"The wind. And the fact that, before it tried to bite me I saw it underneath the bird."
"Wait, you're a ghost. Why don't you just possess the bird?"
"..." Morro facepalmed. "How the fuck did I not think of that."
"Well then go do it, genius!"
"Shut up, fribble."
"What's a fribble???"
Morro shot up to the bird before Lloyd could get an answer.
A loud squawk, flapping noises, a grunt, and the ghost landing on the ground again suggested-
"It didn't work."
"Yeah, I guessed so after the offended squawk."
"So what next?"
"Uhh, decoy and thief?"
"One gets shat on while the other steals? Sure."
"Alright, then who-"
"You're getting shat on."
"Wha- WHY ME?"
"Because I said so, and poop has water content."
"Does that mean I could kill you with poop?"
"Not before I suffocate you to death."
The two climb up the tree, and Lloyd starts bugging the bird as Morro creeped up in the bird's blind spot.
Hey, this is going to well-
And there it is.
Morro snagged the gem, but before he could portal away-
The bird fucking shat.
Lloyd darted towards Morro, and activated the Realm Crystal.
Now back to our regularly scheduled "Lloyd Fight's His Abuser/Trauma Giver TM".
If you couldn't tell by the end, it's like 1:41 am and I'm tired.
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