#also also have a hc that billy murders everyone stu sleeps with but covers them up as missing persons
greenteabelle · 8 months
hc that billy is a weird fucking dude ( affectionate ) that's like super possessive , especially over stu . i also hc that stu bruises easily , so billy views that as a way to sorta mark his ownership over stu but like , discreetly . and stu just goes with it because he's like , it's billy . he knows he's weird .
“Holy fuck, Macher. what's that on your hips?”
“Huh?” Stu asks distractedly, following his gaze to where randy is pointing with a horrified expression. belatedly, he realises that his shirt was, in fact, too small and had ridden up to reveal a smattering of purple and yellow bruises all over his hips. “Oh.”
Before Stu can tug his shirt back down, Randy already has his hand on the hem, pulling it further up. It reveals more discoloured spots around his waist. Randy doesn't notice how the marks can line up to form handprints. “Dude, what the fuck? Did you get beat up or something?”
Stu laughs and swats Randy's hand away, tucking his shirt in properly. “Of course not, dipshit. Who the fuck aims for the waist?”
“I don't know! How else could you explain these?”
In any other case, Stu would tease Randy relentlessly, but seeing the genuine concern in his eyes makes him reconsider. Randy looks like he doesn't know where to put his hands, yet he hovers closely, fretting over him like a mom. Instead, Stu just messes up his hair, cackling at the indignant squawks that follow.
“Look, man. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to, if you know what I'm saying.” Stu says, waggling his eyebrows exaggeratedly to further cement the implications. “But if you really want to know…”
As expected, Randy gags and shoves him away, though his touch still remains careful. “Ew, gross dude! I don't wanna hear about your weird sex life, but man. You're into this shit?”
It takes a few moments to consider the alternatives, whether it's worth going along with it, but Stu shrugs with an easy smile. “There's nothing more sexy than a possessive woman, let me tell you that, Meeks. When you finally stop being a loser and get a girl, you'll understand.”
“I-I do get girls, I just,” Randy splutters, his cheeks reddening, “I haven't found the right one yet…”
“Uh huh, good luck with that buddy.” Stu grins wolfishly, pinching the boy's cheek for extra measure. Randy scowls, slapping his hand away. “Maybe if you actually got some practice you'd find your true love by now.”
“Oh yeah?” Randy scoffs, rubbing at his cheek. “And who am I supposed to practise with? You?”
Again, Stu shrugs. He leans in conspiratorially, lowering his voice into a whisper.
“For a good price, I'd do- Jesus fucking Christ, Billy!” Stu jumps at the sensation of a hand snaking around his waist to grip his hip, his back suddenly pressed against another very warm, very familiar body. He instinctively tries to move, only to be pressed firmly in place by the punishing hold at the crook of his waist. “When the fuck did you get here?”
“Just now.” Billy smirks. “Hey, Randy. What were you two talking about?”
That seems to reignite the life in Randy, who looked moments from passing out thanks to the scare. He snaps out of it and points at Stu's waist or, rather, Billy's hand. “Have you seen Stu's bruises? They look crazy, man.”
“What bruises?”
“These ones.” Stu says, immediately tugging his shirt up and angling his body so Billy can have a better view. It's a bit of a bad idea, because Billy doesn't have time to react. So instead of letting go, his fingers end up caressing Stu's skin, the contact both unfamiliar yet electrifying. He barely suppresses a shiver from it, though it probably doesn't escape Billy's notice even as he lets go. “Randy caught a peek because my shirt fucking shrunk, no thanks to my sister.”
Something akin to satisfaction flashes in Billy's eyes, but that could also be Stu hallucinating. “Oh, those bruises?”
“You've known about the sex bruises?”
Billy laughs, his thumb circling the sharp angle of the hip bone discreetly. Stu is honestly surprised that Randy doesn't see it. “Of course I've seen them. We literally change in front of each other.” Billy carefully pulls Stu's shirt down, not before leaving another longing caress to those marks before adjusting the sling of his bag. “Anyway, school's fucking over. If y'all wanna stay here, be my guest.”
Randy whips up his wrist to check the time and curses, quickly shrugging on his backpack. “Shit, my mom's gonna kill me! See you tomorrow!”
As soon as Randy disappears out the door, Billy casually steps in front of Stu. Placing both hands on the desk he’s sitting on, Stu is caged in. “So.”
Stu tilts his head, slightly confused. “So?”
“Sex bruises, huh?”
“What else was I gonna say?” Stu laughs, swatting at Billy's wandering hands. “That you're so fucking strong that you leave bruises on me? That's gonna sound even weirder man.”
Randy already thinks that Billy is creepy. If he hears that he also likes leaving bruises and on Stu out of all people? They'll be lucky if he doesn't just bolt to the police for that.
Stu slings on his bag and moves to leave, raising an eyebrow when Billy doesn't budge. “Anyway. We still watching Nightmare on Elm Street or no?”
Billy stares into his eyes for a few more lingering moments, before he huffs a laugh and steps back.
“Of course we are.”
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gh0stwriting · 4 years
Hello, could you write some HC’s on how the slashers( michael and Billy, Rest is your choice 😁) would react to their s/o volunteering at a haunted house as an actor? Like getting that creepy persona, the makeup, and just being able to act crazy? Really just their overall response? ( Bonus points if billy and stu actually go through the haunted house, but it’s okay if you dont wanna write that) please and thank you 😁
(thats literally my dream job omg. i also made the bubba, michael and jason ones have the s/o adopt some traits from their man for their character bc i probably would and it would be fun)
he saw you rehearsing your characters mannerisms and your few lines, things like “get out” and “you’re next” , typical horror movie things. he was amused by how committed you seemed to whatever you were doing though he didnt know what it was yet.
a few days later he found your characters mask and brought it to you, asking what it was for, to which you told him every detail about the haunt. he really loves when you get animated while talking about something you’re passionate about.
he’s vaguely interested and would very much like to see you at work though he knows he cant, so he settles for watching you rehearse, both alone and on video calls with your coworkers. you never invited them over for obvious reasons.
the day of the haunted house came and you panicked, fear overtook you as you overthought each detail and how it could go wrong. Michael quickly noticed your unease and simply handed dropped a cheap looking necklace into your lap, staring at you until you thanked him and stuffed it into your pocket before hugging him and packing your things for work.
when you came back you were quite possibly the happiest he’s ever seen you, a huge smile never daring to leave your face regardless of the amount of fake blood and sweat covering covering your skin and clothes. as soon as you cleaned yourself off you told him all about it and he quickly shared your enthusiasm over the topic, though he didnt make it evident.
so, your actual character isnt inspired by Ghostface in any way. but, your horror buff boyfriends have given you several tips on how to maximize the creep factor of your character.
they’re probably more excited than you are about the haunted house, they can’t wait for opening night and even tried to persuade you to ask your boss if they could be actors too, though you knew if you did there would be a lot more bloodshed.
on opening night you’re sitting inside a fake vent waiting for the guests to start walking through when you hear your boys laughing to each other as they point out all the horror references ranging from the nightmare on elm street furnace to a recreation of the pamela voorhees shrine.
when you heard them walk by you snuck out of the vent, making sure the hinge creaked as much as possible before you hid, knowing they were looking. you followed them through a majority of the house, always hiding when they turn to look and just being out of sight at all times. Billy knew it was you but Stu was effectively creeped out and a handful of guests had already left bc of how scared they were.
you knew you werent supposed to touch the guests but thought it wouldnt matter if you did it to your boys so when Stu walked past a room you were in you grabbed him by the ankle, pulling him to the floor, causing him to shriek and Billy to laugh at him before continuing to walk. he thought you were too cute to be scary, but Stu on the other hand needed many cuddles when you got home.
so your character is inspired by Bubba in the way of being a chainsaw wielding but otherwise silent killer, known for maintaining the spook factor and keeping everyone on their toes.
you ask Bubba for advice on the characters mannerisms and other things like how to hold the saw to make it seem weighted and real, mostly learning from example.
you spent the weeks leading up to the opening of the attraction practising with Bubba, in and out of costume to make sure you perfect the character, even throwing in a few of Bubbas noises (particularly the shrill squeals) as a quirk of your character and an homage to person that made your character what it is.
admittedly he does get quite spooked the first time you show him your costume but it also very intrigues and loved the feeling of the different fabrics beneath his fingers, your costume consisting of a tattered apron, a dirty tunic and ripped pants, topped off with old boots, all of which stained with copious amount of fake blood and dirt.
hes there on opening night, from the sidelines of course and giggles every time he hears your chainsaw rev up, followed by the shrill screaming of horrified guests, oh by the way he gave you one of his old saws, so its very much real but very dull. its mainly there for the realistic rev sound and probably cant hurt anyone. probably.
halloween was by far your favorite time of year, not only bc of the candy but also bc of the annual haunted houses. you were fortunate enough to get a job at one of the more popular ones and wasted no time creating a character based on the guidelines for the houses theme.
you ended up making most of your costume by hand to make sure every detail was perfect, regardless of the shoddy stitchwork. Jason watched as you worked through all hours of the night, either trying to figure out the characters makeup or putting finishing touches on the costume and props.
he confronted you around the 36th straight hour of work to try and get you to sleep but you denied him, insisting you had to finish the current part you were working on so he sat with you. he watched enthralled by how delicately you held the fabrics as you passed the needle through them, making something would perfect your characters horrifying visage.
he was anxiously waiting for you to come home from the second you left, thoughts of you never returnning flooding through his head, deciding to clear his mind with some good old fashioned murder. you did return of course, covered in fake and a bit of real blood from where guests would react physically to your scares.
you were so clearly happy about it he happily sat while you talked about how fun it was and how cool your coworkers were and then followed you around after as you demonstrated some of your characters best scares.
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