#also also i acknowledge that a LOT of binders - especially early on - have book presses like this so im happy with it
altruistic-meme · 8 months
Updates in bookbinding:
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BOOKPRESS!!! yes it's kind of bad bc it's 2 $5 cutting boards from walmart and some screw c-clamps but im EXCITED to have smth better than. a large stack of books piled on top of each other.
currently being pressed is Scared to Live (But I'm Scared to Die) by @major816 bc its what i managed to get to the printing stage first! I'm gonna be sewing tomorrow since I'm only working a half-day so wish me luck with that :')
and for printing stage... well...
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let's say I've had quite a time figuring that out
something something my printer was only like $40 and among the things it lacks, including the ability to actually do printing on both sides automatically (I could cry)(actually I did cry), i have also learned it likes to do scaling when printing in booklet :) which is why I've been having such a difficult time with the huge margins and tiny fonts and printing 2789 signatures trying to fix the issue as you can see above :)
with Scared to Live, I did the typeset for it which meant I had a lot of ability to edit the original document in order to fix the issues presented by my printer, which meant ultimately there were only ~6-7 test prints to fix it.
Even In Another Time by @irregularcollapse however. well. she did the typeset herself and shared it and i have spent so much time staring at it bc it's so pretty and i adore it. however that meant I only had the pdf version and pdf is infamous for being basically uneditable. which has been fun.
outside of staring listless at my computer, I also got help from my dad, and then help from a family friend who does printing semi-professionally (among other things), and we Still Didn't Kniw What To Do. eventually I caved and got the adobe free trial and FINALLY I fixed the issue. So yay! EIAT is next to be printed, possibly tomorrow or over the weekend :)
now i need to find a place to recycle paper. bc I have So Much.
11 notes · View notes
kumkaniudaku · 6 years
Meet the Parents: Two
A/N: This is the second part to @afraiddreamingandloving ‘s request from ages ago. It’s 2 AM so, please, excuse the errors if you find any. Enjoy. 
Word Count: Hella long. I stopped looking after 5k
Warnings: None. All fluff
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Miss Howard University Interest Meeting: Tuesday @ 7:00 PM
You didn’t even get to the end of the decorated flyer in the student union before you snatched it off the bulletin board and jammed it into your binder.
Miss Howard was a coveted title. The perks of campus royalty were abundant but, those only factored into part of your motives. After sitting in on several SGA meetings and listening to your teammates discuss their issues with the administration, you began to realize that you were missing a lot in regards to the current state of your beloved institution. You wanted to help the campus community and, in your mind, donning the bedazzled crown and stifling skirt suits was a fast track to achieving that goal. It also wouldn’t hurt to get a little attention from the man you called friend.
The rush to your apartment left your calf muscles burning and your chest heaving to pull in any available oxygen.
“Why the hell do I live on the third floor,” you huffed, fumbling with your keys.
Pushing open the door introduced you to the smell of burning food, incense from your room and sandalwood. Chadwick was somewhere around the small space, probably let in by Tanisha as she made her way to work.
“I stood over this stove all day just for you to come home late. I swear negros can be so unappreciative.”
You rolled your eyes and dropped your duffle bag to the ground, “You burning up my good pots. And stop coming in my house uninvited.”
Chadwick poked his head around the corner to look at you. His smile faded when he watched you pull off your sneakers and toss them across the living room. Slowly, your shoulders rose and fell as you composed yourself.
“You okay, CoCo? Long day?”
“Coach was insane today. I never want to see another baseline again!”
You pulled your drenched hoodie over your head, tossing it on top of the other dirty clothes in the Adidas bag before flopping down on the worn couch against the wall. Leaning your head against the back of the furniture, your brain began to torment you with memories of the most grueling practice of the season. After the weekend’s embarrassing loss, Coach was less than happy to start a week of practices.
“You couldn’t run on offense last weekend so, your asses gone run today! To the baseline!”
You winced at the replaying of her voice in your head and the couch dipping beside you. Chadwick pulled your bag in front of him, rummaging around the dark interior for the tape to wrap your ankle. As often as you reminded him that the trainer would take care of it in the morning, he swore up and down that he knew the best way to keep your injured ankle in tip-top shape.
Gingerly grabbing your leg, he pressed his fingers into your throbbing calf, rubbing and kneading the aches away. His long fingers danced across your ankle, seemingly erasing the pain in every spot he grazed. Your mouth involuntarily let out a drawn-out moan before you could stop it. A crooked smile curved the corner of Chadwick’s lip though he didn’t acknowledge the sound.
“Anything else happen today,” he asked, eyes focused on your smooth legs.
“Eh, not really. I made a C on a quiz I studied for, almost ate milk with my cereal after morning practice, took a Miss Howard interest flyer, told Jerom-”
“Woah, Woah, Woah! Go back.”
Miming a reverse in movements, you started your monologue from the top, “I made a C on my business quiz, I-”
“Don’t play, girl. You picked up a Miss Howard interest flyer.”
“Yeah. Something wrong with that?” You fiddled with your thumbs to avoid eye contact with Chadwick. If you had it your way, you would’ve moved past that snippet of information in favor of talking yourself out of attending the meeting and letting the opportunity pass. Chadwick’s smirk slowly morphed into a toothy grin. “You, Tasha ‘Fuck the System’ Green, want to be Miss Howard. The most prissy position on campus? You serious?”
“I want to help!”
“Was SGA not accepting new members?”
“You know what, forget it. I won’t go.”
“Oh, come on,” he whined, trying to pry your arms out of their folded position against your chest. When you didn’t budge, he moved to pull you into his chest. “I’m sorry, Co. I didn’t mean it like that. It just surprised me.”
“You don’t think I can do, do you?”
“Look at me,” his fingers brushed across your face to turn your head toward him. “I think you can do anything you put your mind to. Is this something you really wanna do?”
“Yes. I wanna show the campus that you don’t have to be the stereotypical beauty to be a campus queen,” you exclaimed, standing on your feet to hobble to the center of the room. “Queens are supposed to be agents of change. I can do that! I know I can. This is the way I wanna affect my campus community. The tall girls with scraped knees and strong shoulders need love too!”
“You do have some strong ass shoulders.”
“See. That’s why I don’t invite your black ass over here.” Your agility and quickness aided you in surprising Chadwick with a shoe to the chest, temporarily injecting a pained grunt into his solo laugh session.
“Got damn, girl. Big ass shoe,” he grumbled. “If this is what you want, I support you 100 percent. I’ll get you on the phone with my sisters, talk to the last queen to give you some pointers...whatever you want me to do.”
“Really?” Your eyes lit up in excitement, contrasting his eye roll in faux annoyance.
“Yes. You the Queen, right?”
Jumping to his feet, he rushed over to grip your shoulders. “Don’t half-ass it! You the Queen, right?” He eyed you expectantly, waiting for you to catch on.
“Hell yeah, I’m the Queen!”
“You damn right, you the Queen. Act like it and let’s go get you this crown.”
The end of Chadwick’s pep talk started six weeks of ‘Boseman Bootcamp.’ Every evening after class and practice, your otherwise chill best friend would force you to spend another two hours on your feet preparing for the pageant. With books on your head, he would watch you wobble around your apartment in heels, trying to keep your head high and back straight.
Conversations with his older sister gave you an idea of how to prepare your opening speech, complete with practice rounds to ensure that you slowed your words to remain clear and concise for judges. Additional sessions with his friend and former Queen, Layla, gave you an inside scoop on how to impress during the solo interviews and group sessions before you even hit the stage.
Chadwick cleared his schedule as much as he could to work on the dance sequence and talent portion, being sure to give his honest opinion every step of the way. The only thing he hadn’t done was pick your outfits for the night, contending that he wanted to be surprised with everyone else.
With all of the prep focused whipping you into perfect pageant form, you forgot to warn him about the possibility of guests. Honestly, you intentionally chose to keep both sides in the dark. From the first mention of the pageant to your mother in passing, plans were crafted to have your family jump on the first flight from Atlanta to D.C. to witness your crowning moment. While your sister was aware of Chadwick’s place in your life and your feelings, you purposely omitted those when it came to your parents. In their minds, no one would hold a candle to your high school boyfriend and Marine standout, Tariq, so there was no need to fill them in on the second man in your life. Especially since the relationship had yet to progress beyond an innocent peck on the forehead and a few kind words. Chadwick wasn’t your boyfriend and, therefore, there was no need for introductions.
Despite never pressing the issue, Chadwick regularly wondered why you never made an effort to introduce him to the rest of the Green clan. Since the night they met you, his family regularly asked about your wellbeing and made you a regular fixture in family moments. If he was on his way home for a break, you were more than welcome to tag along, an invitation you accepted on more than one occasion. They regarded you as a piece of the family, and it hurt him to think about the possibility that you were ashamed of him.
When your family rolled into town early Thursday morning, you made sure to keep the two parties separate. Your mother was the first to walk into your home, looking around for any visible signs of dirt or disarray.
“Well, Tasha, I see you’ve kept the place clean like I taught you,” she lazily ran her fingers across the coffee table’s surface to check for dust.
“Or she’s trying to hide the evidence,” Tiana, your younger sister, snickered. “Where’s lover boy?”
“TiTi,” you hissed in response but, it was too late. The secret was out.
“Loverboy? You got a boyfriend, little girl? And you didn’t even bother to tell your mama?”
“He’s not my boyfriend, ma! We’re...friends. Best friends.”
“I wish all my best friends were that fine,” Tiana laughed, snooping around the pictures on the walls leading to your bedroom.
Before you could defend yourself, loud banging and strained grunts shifted attention from your nervous sputtering to your father wrestling with Tiana’s suitcase to get in the door.
“I’ve carried sacks as heavy as a toddler up a hill. Hell, I’ve carried 200-pound men on my shoulders in the heat of battle. But I have never, ever, carried anything as big as this suitcase. Tiana, what did you bring all of this for?”
“I need options, daddy. There are college educated men all over the place. I have to stay ready!”
You and your father rolled your eyes at Tiana though you silently thanked God for the momentary distraction. Your dad, Gerald, was your best friend before you even knew what one was. He taught you everything you knew about baseball and basketball from the moment you expressed interest. He went to bat for you every time your mother made a fuss about your dirty dresses after church or how much time you spend outside trying to master a fadeaway jumper like Michael Jordan. When Tiana was old enough, you rejoiced in the fact that your mom finally had someone to go on shopping trips with and force into ballet.
Drastic differences between you and your mother put a damper on the relationship in high school but, with the help of family therapy sessions, the two of you came to understand that your differences were not rebellion. You were your own person, and Elaine had to accept that. Still, she told anyone who would listen how excited she was that her oldest girl would follow her campus queen footsteps.
“So, Pumpkin, you ready for Saturday night? Have you been practicing,” your father asked over dinner.
The soft chatter of other patrons did little to help ease the worry clouding your mind. “Yes, sir. Me and...a friend have been working for a month and a half. I feel confident going in.”
“That’s my girl. You’re a winner! Just like your old man!”
Your mother eyed you over the table, not ready to bypass the second mention of your “friend.”
“Is this friend going to be at the pageant? Why didn’t you invite him to dinner?”
Your father nearly choked on his sweet tea, prompting your mother to pat him on the back through his coughing spell. “Him? Pumpkin, do you have a boyfriend.”
If you could’ve, you would have melted into a puddle of embarrassment and slid out of the door to the nearest storm drain. Instead, you were forced to face the three sets of eyes awaiting your explanation. Realizing that you would no longer be able to keep your business private, you opened your mouth to provide details.
“No, daddy, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s my friend who happens to be a boy. He’s dating someone else right now,” you half lied. He wasn’t dating Michelle; he was fucking her and maybe saying hello when he would see her on campus. That didn’t stop her from swearing that they were more.
“And what is this boy’s name?”
“Chad. Well, Chadwick bu-”
“Chadwick? What the hell kind of name is Chadwick?”
“A rich man’s name,” Tiana mumbled while sipping her drink and looking around the restaurant. She didn’t notice that the attention had shifted to her lusty outburst until she turned her head back to the conversation. “What? With all that directing he’s doin’, he better be rich one day.”
“Ti, don’t do this.”
“And you better marry him!”
“Tiana!” She playfully stuck out her fruit punch coated tongue as you rolled your eyes, making a mental note to wait until she was at least 21 before you shared any more information with her.
“Marry,” your mother scoffed. “Oh, I need to meet this boy! Marrying an artist? What has gotten into you? What about Tariq?”
“Elaine, Tariq isn’t the best catch,” your father defended.
“Says who? He’s handsome, his career is stable, and she’s known him since they were kids. He’s clearly her type.”
“Tariq is also gay,” you interrupted, fed up with the discussion. “Even if I was interested in him, the feelings aren’t mutual.”
Holding on to that secret was tough enough without having to blurt it across the sticky table of a chain restaurant. Your mother had no idea what you type was because she spent much of your life setting you up with her type. You loved men with confidence and a free spirit. Elaine enjoyed the bravado of military personnel and the security that came with being a Marine wife. Trying to please her in high school led to several unnecessary heart breaks. As soon as you were accepted to an institution miles away from her overbearing gaze, you vowed to date who you wanted. With the exception of Chadwick, it was working.
Elaine’s jaw slacked with confusion before she could recover. “Well then, I...I guess you have it all figured out. I’ll back off.”
“Ma, I did-”
“No, no,” she started, smoothing out her khaki skirt and looking to you with a smile. “You’re an adult now. You know much more about yourself than I could ever. I know you’re capable of making good decisions.”  
Silence hit the table for a brief moment as you smiled back at your mother. Though small, the breakthrough was more than you had been able to pull out of her in years. Clearing her throat, Tiana injected her contagious energy into the mix.
“So, is he really gay? I knew it!”
Thursday transitioned into Friday before you could get a grip on what was happening. With your parents in a separate hotel, you felt comfortable enough to bring Chadwick back to your apartment for last-minute pageant prep. Though you hated to admit it, he was becoming your sense of calm in the whole ordeal.
His large knuckles obnoxiously tapped at your door, making you groan, and Tiana’s eyes light up. If you didn’t know her, you would assume that she was about to go on a first date. Her Karl Kani mid-drift and high waist denim showed the most skin she’d ever been able to show in her entire life. When you told her to get dressed for company, you didn’t intend for her to go in your closet to mimic your personal style. Swinging open the door, you watched Chadwick continue to drum against the door with a smile.
“CoCo Green finally decided to call a brotha.”
“Oh, hush. I don’t see you for one day, and you act like I abandoned you!”
Laughing, he pecked your forehead to Tiana’s surprise. Heat rushed to your cheeks, burning your face almost as much as the grin you’d been holding.
“You must be Chadwick,” Tiana boldly assumed, changing her voice to mimic Toni Braxton’s.
Chadwick turned to you with a smile, realizing who she was by the resemblance. “Yeah, that’s me. Tiana, right? I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Oh, have you?” She cooed, batting her eyelashes.
“Tasha talks about you all the time. How’s Mathletes?”
Tiana’s ‘grown-up’ facade quickly dropped at the mention of her high school activities. Rolling her eyes, she slid from the arm of the couch onto the cushions, grumbling incoherent phrases.
Chadwick shared a look with you before following you into the kitchen to keep the conversation private, “How you feeling, Champ. You ready to take your crown?”
“I don’t know, Aaron. I saw LeAndra at dress rehearsals last night, and she’s good. Like, really good. I can’t compete with that.”
His face screwed up, “She can’t even read. Trust me, I know. I had to listen to her audition last semester.” Memories of sitting in on the “closed” auditions with Chadwick temporarily pushed away your negative thoughts. “What can we do to make you feel ready?”
“She needs a hug,” Tiana yelled from the living room. “From you!”
“Do you,” he asked, eyebrows quirking in mischief. “Come here! Let me give you some love.”
Try as you might, you couldn’t escape the long arms of your childish friend. Chadwick easily pulled you into his body, tickling your sides and drawing a cackle from you in response. His arms tightened around you, turning the innocent moment into a hormone-charged embrace. Your eyes locked for a flash before both of you backed up to opposite sides of the kitchen.
“Yeah so, uh, can we go over my talent one more time?”
“We can but, I think you got it. You’re gonna be amazing, girl. And, even if you’re not, I’m gonna tell you that you are.”
“You plan on lying to me?”
“I never lie to you.” Eye contact created another stalemate as you searched his eyes for any indication of a lie. You found none as usual. Throwing your hands up in surrender, you turned to rummage through the fridge to retrieve a Gatorade for both of you. Chadwick shifted his weight in preparation for his next question. “I see your sister is here. Does that mean that I get to meet your parents this weekend?” In surprise, your head slammed against the top of the refrigerator making Chadwick laugh. “I get it if you don’t want to, Co. I’m just saying...I had no problem introducing you to mine.”
“Don’t explain. Pass me that Gatorade and let’s go practice these questions.”
Before you could rush out an apology, he was out of the kitchen and interacting with Tiana on the way to your room.
The question and answer session did wonders on your anxiety, allowing you to prepare in front of the master of stage presence himself. His constant reminders to smile and exude confidence burned into your brain by the end of the hour-long rehearsal, you felt like you would excel during at least one portion of the competition.
On the way out of your room, Tiana gave you a cheeky smile behind Chadwick’s back, receiving a set of middle fingers in return. Closing the door behind you, you turned to face your friend.
“Tomorrow,” you started abruptly.
“Come early tomorrow. You can meet them then, okay?”
A broad smile spread across his face, revealing his beautiful gap, “Okay, girl. I’ll hold you to that. Tomorrow.”
Final goodbyes followed until he was out of sight and off to finish his day. Walking back into your apartment, you found Tiana attempting to jump back onto the couch to act natural.
“Would it kill you to mind your business,” you asked sitting beside her on the sofa.
“I don’t know. Would it kill you to stop actin like you don’t want that man? Introducin’ him to Mama and Daddy? Sounds like Miss CoCo has a maaan!” Her cackle made your turn your nose up in disgust. A quick flick of the wrist sent a decorative pillow against her face, switching the roles. “Dammit, Tasha, I’m telling Daddy!”
“Good! Then I’ll tell him about this outfit stunt you pulled.” Her mouth opened to speak before closing in defeat. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Now put my shit back!”
“A little blush here,” a beat, “More on this side...and here we go!” Your mother whipped out a handheld mirror to allow you to judge her makeup application.
Your eyes crinkled as your cheeks rose in a smile, happy with the job she did. While Tiana adjusted the tiny hat over your hair, you turned from side to side to get a better look. Powder foundation rested against your soft skin, a light layer of blush accentuating the apples of your cheeks. Her signature red lipstick was passed to you to add to the look and give you, what she considered feminine appeal.
Still, as you looked around the crowded dressing space at the nine other contestants, you couldn’t help but feel out of place.
Apparently, you missed the extensions memo; your usually short haircut washed and conditioned to form a tightly coiled afro . The other women looked so beautiful and petite in their cruise ship attendant outfits, contrasting the way your long legs and big feet seemed almost manly underneath the short skirt.
Sensing your moment of self-doubt, your mother grabbed the lapel of your jacket, “You know, I didn’t look like a pageant queen either.”
“Impossible. You’re so pretty.”
She smiled and unpinned the broach on her coral dress, sticking the sharp end into the inside of your jacket. “Back then, all the girls looked like you. They were so tall and lean and, there I was, short and could barely see over the microphone.” Without looking at you, she clasped the bedazzled frog pin onto your outfit. “I believe in you, Tasha. You can do it.”
“Mama, this is your lucky pin. I can’t take this.”
“You damn right, you can’t. I’m gonna need that back until you cross those burning sands,” she laughed. “But, tonight, let the power of my founders lead and guide you.”
Her smile matched your own as she pulled you into a hug, rocking your body from side to side. Lost in the moment, you didn’t hear your father walk up until he cleared his throat.
“Uh, pumpkin, this young man says he knows you. Pushed past three people at the door to get back here.”
Opening your eyes, you found Chadwick nervously standing beside your father, cowering away from his death glare. His chest and torso were barely visible behind the assortment of flowers in his hand.
“Yeah, I know him, daddy. This is the friend I was telling you about. Chad, meet my mom and dad.”
“Hi, Mrs. Green,” he nervously replied. As if the light bulb in his head turned on, he jumped to pull a sunflower from the bouquet. “This is for you. I know Tasha has a rose allergy so I, uh, I got these instead. If you don’t like it, I can take them back!”
“No need, Chad. These are lovely. Thank you.” Your mother graciously accepted the single flower, giving you an amused nod before turning to organize the rest of your outfits.
Chadwick made sure to greet Tiana again, handing her a sunflower identical to your mother’s. Your father’s intimidating stare dialed back at your request as he introduced himself, smiling at you over Chadwick’s head.
“And these are yours,” he added, placing the bouquet in your lap. “I wanted to give them to you before it got too crazy at the end. My mom, dad, and Kevin said good luck, by the way. You look...wow. They should go ahead and crown you right now.”
“Whatever. Look at all these girls. I’m so out of place right now.”
Chadwick took a look around, waving at a few of the women that waved at him, before turning back with a shrug. “Between you and me, they all look the same. You stand out, and that’s what’s important. Stop doubting yourself.”
You couldn’t tell but, your family heard every word of Chadwick’s declaration and shared school like giggles in the corner amongst each other. You smiled at his kind words, nuzzling your nose against the flower in your hand.
“Ladies, place! The show begins in ten!”
Bodies scrambled to get into place, prompting you to stand and adjust your skirt. Your support group gave you their last encouraging words on the way to the auditorium, leaving you to do the rest of the pep talking inside your head. In a flash, the big moment approached and sent waves of adrenaline pumping throughout your bloodstream.
Lakeside’s “Fantastic Voyage” fit the cruise ship theme for the opening number to a tee though, you reminded the director on several occasions that the blue costumes resembled flight attendant uniforms. Regardless, your feet and body worked as one to effortlessly carry from point to point, feeling like second nature as the song progressed.
By the end, you were perfectly positioned in the center of the group, smiling down at the judges and audience in a textbook pageant pose. You kept your introduction short and concise like you had been instructed, remaining upbeat and cheery through the opening speech. The bright lights may have skewed your vision but, nothing could stop you from reacting to the loud hoops and hollers of your teammates, family, and Chadwick.
The praises from the audience intensified during the swimsuit portion, further adding to your overall confidence. You waltzed across the stage in a bright red, two-piece and matching wrap skirt, highlighting the athlete’s body that many didn’t know existed. Chadwick attempted to avert his eyes because of his proximity to your father but, he couldn’t seem to look away. He knew that you were beautifully proportioned from the times he’d seen you dressed to party and, still, he wasn’t prepared to see your legs holding a perfect behind and the abs of steel that rested above them.
“Talents” graced the stage following swimwear, becoming a cacophony of botched monologues, off-key song covers, and rhythmless dancing. Your acoustic rendition of Angel of Mine, taught to you day and night by Chadwick captivated the judges and earned you raucous praise from the audience.
A brief intermission allowed you to shimmy out of your swimsuit with the help of your mom and sister and into your formalwear. The red, halter neck dress showed off your toned shoulders and stopped just above the floor. The slit in the front gave you the right amount of room to walk with no obstacles, and the train in the back added drama to the look.
After your walk and bio read by the MC, you waited in line for the question and answer portion. The questions ranged from silly to serious, seemingly alternating as they got closer to you. LeAndra went before you, picking out a slip of paper and handing it to the MC in front of her.
“Contestant Four, do you believe that you are a good role model?”
Year of experience showed through her proud stance as she rolled her shoulders back and flashed a bright smile. You had to admit; she was your stiffest competition in the whole ordeal. LeAndra was beautiful, well known and already involved in campus activities. Her desire to be a politician in her home state of Mississippi made her charming but, her extensive knowledge of pageantry made her a threat.
“What a great question,” she cooed, stretching her Southern drawl. “I do believe that I am a good role model. Howard University has afforded me the opportunity to affect my local and global community in so many ways. Whether it’s working with the Boys and Girl club during my Spring Break or spending time with the elderly, I’m always sure to give back while maintaining an honors-level GPA and participating in extracurriculars. The Bison grind has made me an excellent role model, and I intend to use those principles if I am chosen as the next Miss Howard University.”
Satisfied claps from the audience and impressed head nods followed her answer, making her beam with pride on her walk back to her spot.
Your heart thumped loudly in your ears as your turn drew closer. Dipping a shaking hand into the basket, you chose a question and prayed that it was one of the ones you spent all night going over.
“Contestant five, why do you think you are the best choice for Miss Howard University.”
Taking a deep breath, you released you worry and focused on the question. “Thank you so much for that question. I love your coat by the way,” the audience and judges laughed at your compliment. “In all honesty, my flaws make me the best candidate for Miss Howard University. I’m an unconventional choice that shows the everyday woman that beauty comes in all forms. I’m a little loud, not always graceful and I snort when I laugh. Those quirks make me relatable. Women all over campus can see themselves in me and...that’s how it should be. If I’m chosen, I plan to show other women the beauty in their flaws as well.”
“You sure are beautiful!” ripped through the atmosphere, coming from the only person in the room bold enough to scream out during a formal event. Your smile grew when you spotted your family and Chadwick giving you the thumbs up. No matter the outcome of the night, you felt fortunate to have such amazing people by your side.
Sauntering back to your spot, you felt peace in knowing that you gave it your best effort. The outcome was no longer in your hands, and you would accept whatever result came your way.
Another intermission to tally the votes gave you time to say a quick prayer behind the thick velvet curtain. When the veil was pulled back to reveal the ten contestants for the last time before a winner was crowned, the crowd stood their feet to offer a standing ovation.
“Wow, aren’t these ladies stunning?” the MC asked over the noise. “This is by far the greatest pageant I’ve had the pleasure of hosting, and I wish each of you the best of luck. Without further ado, let’s present the awards voted on by the contestants themselves.” Certificates for Most Reliable, Best Smile and Miss Congeniality were passed out quickly and without much fanfare. The real awards were the most important, and you needed to know the outcome before you exploded on stage.
“Now, for the moment all of these ladies have been waiting for, the announcement of Miss Howard University. First, we’ll announce the first runner-up who will serve as Miss Blue and White for the 1999-2000 academic year. Your new Miss Blue and White is…”
Suspense hung in the air and breath caught in your throat as the MC let the tension build.
“Everyone, stand and congratulate Miss Tasha Nicole Green.”
Your mouth hung open from shock as the reigning Miss Blue and White motioned you over to receive your crown and sash. Loud whistles from the crowd clashed in your ears but, none louder than Chadwick’s. You graciously waved to the crowd, still shocked that you were even called. You fully expected to walk out empty handed and party your disappointment away with your teammates. Instead, you stood as a member of the Royal Court.  
“And, your Miss Howard University for the 1999-2000 academic year is...Miss LeAndra F. Harvey!”
Tyrese’s ‘Sweet Lady’ played in the background for her victory lap as onlookers cheered her accomplishment. Joining them, you clapped for her success earning a sweet smile in return. It was no secret that LeAndra wasn’t the nicest person during the process but, if you were forced to serve beside her for an entire school year, it made sense to be kind sooner rather than later.
Two hours, 1,000 pictures and a set of sore feet later, the ordeal was over, and you were granted the opportunity to sit down and rest in the designated dressing area. Your teammates rushed you first to make jokes about you turning soft on them, you coaching making sure to remind you that being a queen didn’t excuse you from practicing. Other contestants congratulated you and LeAndra came over to compliment you on your performance. Finally, you were greeted by your family, Chadwick noticeably hanging behind.
“Oh, my baby is a queen,” your mother exclaimed, pulling you into the tightest hug you could stand. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you, Mama. I couldn’t have done it without you and the frog,” you smirked.
“Pumpkin can shoot the three and curtsey. Jack of All Trades just like her old man.”
“Thanks, Dad.” You accepted his kiss on the cheek with a smile, noticing Tiana’s expression. “What you got to say, TiTi?”
“I wanna know when the queen perks kick in! Can we get into parties tonight or do we have to wait a weekend? I can come back!”
“See, this is why you’ll be staying home and going to Spelman, young lady,” your mother scolded, pulling your sister away to gather all of your things.
With your family occupied, Chadwick stepped up to greet you, “You did amazing,” he rushed out.
“Thank you, Aaron. You really helped me out. This is your win, too!”
“I wouldn’t be nearly as nice in a dress,” he laughed. Pulling you up and off of your chair, he engulfed you in a hug, the strength of his arms locking you into place. “Congratulation, Co. I’m proud of you.”
You settled into the hug for a moment until you noticed the smiles from your family. Your mother, the naysayer from the beginning, gave you a thumbs up before pulling your sister and father out of the space and to the car.
“I think they like you.”
“Who,” he asked, pulling away to look around.
“My family. They like you. I can tell.”
He laughed loudly, picking up your shoes from the floor beside you and extending his hand for you to grab. “Probably not nearly as much as my family like you. You know my mama tried to come up here for this, right. She’s gonna go crazy when she sees the pictures I took.”
“Oh God, please, don’t show her the swimsuit photos.”
“I won’t,” he agreed, holding the door open for you to walk out of. “Those are for Kevin.”
TAG: @njadont @k-michaelis @wakandanmoonchild @idilly @texasbama @afraiddreamingandloving @inxan-ity @daytimeheroicsonly @onyour-right @brianabreeze @sisterwifeudaku @ironsquad @killmongerdispussy @90sinspiredgirl  @willowtree77785901 @maynardqueen101 @heyauntieeee @halfrican-heat @purple-apricots @lalapalooza718 @blue-ishx @profilia @ljstraightnochaser @girl-wtf-lmao @dramaqueenamby @royallyprincesslilly @melaninmarvel @thiccdaddy-mbaku @lavitabella87 @purplehairgawdess @unholyxcumbucket @airis-paris14 @uhlxis @oshasimone @maliadestiny​ @drsunshine97​ @cozyshack2​ @zxddy-panther​ @queentearra​ @skysynclair19​ @retro-melanin​ @mermaidchansons​ @misspooh​ @melanisticroyalty​ @babygirlofwakanda​ @wakanda-4evr​ @sarahboseman​ @karensraisns​ @blackmissmarvel​ @wakandankings​ @kaykay4454fan​ @ororowrites​ @awkwardlyabstract​ @mixedmelanin​ @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers​ @sunflowerpsalms​ @panthergoddessbast​ @justanotherloveaffair​ @jaeee-http​ @iliketowrite1996​ @blackpantherismyish​ @thompettiedatheaux​ @msincognito67​ @reignsxjackson​ @yaachtynoboat711​ @syreanne​ @ilcb7​
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