#also an AI polished version of In Spite of All The Danger
tenitchyfingers · 8 months
Anyway, today’s song of the day is Oh Woman, Oh Why. I’m just so fascinated by Paul’s choice of. shooting a gun as a sound effect. I mean sure, the lyrics mention a gun, but just. recording gunshots in the track. just like that. Truly insane behavior. And the whole thing is just such a banger in itself. My god. And also that picture of him holding the gun, with the headphones. What insanity. The whole album is just such pure unfiltered art and yeah I’m still so BAFFLED that it didn’t climb every chart worldwide and stayed there at least for months.
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rockwell-light · 4 years
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I've only been saying I'll make him a ref one day for SEVEN YEARS.
Anyway, it's finally here, the original edgy boy. There's a lot of stuff I still didn't manage to fit in here about him, but I think it's a pretty comprehensive visual guide at least! My biggest struggle with this is how much to reveal story-wise here, and how much I'd rather show everyone via story snippets and illustrations later. I think by now those of you have followed me for a bit have at least seen art of him with MZ-- so I didn't feel that was too much of a spoiler to include either way, same for interactions with Cale to some degree.
As mentioned in prior ref sheets, many characters of mine started out as alternate universe/what if versions of this very idiot. He's how I met my wife, and despite being a complete jerk, he's very sentimental to me.
Abrasive, quick tempered, and generally volatile; Rock does not make himself easy company. His unwilling role as the dictator’s General and personal bodyguard pairs hostile programming with a dangerous public status in his home world. A purpose forced upon him for the majority of his existence.
Rockwell both wears his heart on his sleeve and holds his intentions close. Although he often carries himself with an air of indifference or irritation, his emotional instability can lead to cracks in the facade. Most often his true feelings are revealed with a heavy dose of anger– the easiest emotion for him to process. Even those he likes are not safe from his bite.
While Rock won’t admit it, he loves picking fights and lives for the thrill of combat. He’s also prone to self destructive behaviors, often forgoing repairs or intentionally doing things he knows will make him miserable in the end.
Somehow, in spite of hid temperament, he's managed to make a few close friends and allies. Ultimately he longs to leave his current life as someone's property, and live for his own sake. Even if he's not quite sure what a life without orders or purpose will really be like for someone like him. There are barriers to this, of course, mainly programming blocks, and a lack of rights and protections for sentient machines.
A dystopian world with a murky history. The nameless “City” stands as a sprawling capital, a crown jewel amidst an empty wasteland. Artificially generated weather keeps the inhabited areas rainy or overcast most days, despite the sand that creeps on the outskirts. The sheer size this mega city has grown to, has it classified as its own political region, complete with trade to outside countries.  
The City’s "beloved" ruler is seen as many things to the world at large, and his own people. A visionary, a tyrant, a savior, and a madman. His complicated reputation, combined with his ingenious inventions, has given his regime a unique place on the world stage. Automation and advanced AI create a powerhouse of trade and commerce. His weapons and technology are in high demand, regardless of the authoritarian hold he keeps on his citizens, but his military might cannot be understated.
Aesthetically, the City's appearance varies slightly by location, although the entire state has an overall cyberpunk vibe with neon lights at night, and drones running most critical functions. There are several districts of differing wealth and class to take note of: Those closer to the center are well polished and running smooth. Citizens living in these areas are living with cutting edge technology, but also deal with added security around every corner. The rich dictator's home and fortress, a fortified broadcast tower, sits at the center of it all. The opposite is true the further away one travels from the heart of the city, with both the common technology and general upkeep of infrastructure falling into worse and worse condition until the edge of the populated area. Here there are rotting buildings and metal structures left to be reclaimed by the harsh wastes that encircle the region.
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