#but in terms of fave albums… it’s these three for sure
tenitchyfingers · 8 months
Anyway, today’s song of the day is Oh Woman, Oh Why. I’m just so fascinated by Paul’s choice of. shooting a gun as a sound effect. I mean sure, the lyrics mention a gun, but just. recording gunshots in the track. just like that. Truly insane behavior. And the whole thing is just such a banger in itself. My god. And also that picture of him holding the gun, with the headphones. What insanity. The whole album is just such pure unfiltered art and yeah I’m still so BAFFLED that it didn’t climb every chart worldwide and stayed there at least for months.
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hannieehaee · 10 months
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18+ / mdi
summary: with zero experience or interest in the romantic aspect of his life, jihoon finds himself in an unexpected situation when his company decides on a collab between the two of you, not expecting the work-addicted producer to develop a bit of a crush on you.
content: idol!jihoon x idol!reader, afab reader, pining, jihoon's emotionally constipated, jihoon's pov, kinda inexperienced jihoon, smut, dry humping, oral (m receiving), penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 12.6k
a/n: this is probably my fave fic i've written so far!! love writing for jihoon aaaa anyways i hope u guys enjoy <3
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Jihoon was tired.
Beyond tired, actually. He couldn't remember the last time he'd left his studio at a reasonable time. He knew people on twitter made jokes about him being a bit of a hermit, with fans being able to spot his studio from outside the building, lights always on and indicating the producer was still inside.
He didn't have much of a valid excuse for this, other than being a 'workaholic', or at least that's the term Joshua had recently introduced him to, describing him as the prime example. Jihoon just couldn't help himself. He'd been like this ever since he could remember. If he had an idea, he had to work on it. And unfortunately for him, he was always full of new ideas. If Seventeen was releasing an album, that meant Jihoon already had enough material to fill up the next three albums backed up in a file somewhere in his computer.
Despite always having music prepared months in advance, - even having solo music up for grabs for whichever member desired it - he still found himself constantly working. It's not like anyone demanded this out of him either. It was quite the opposite, actually. From staff, to other producers, to members and even family, everyone always insisted that he took a break, maybe leave producing aside for a month or two. This was inconceivable to him, it was something that was simply out of his comfort zone.
The truth was, Jihoon felt lost. Any time he strayed away from work in some way or other, he didn't know what to do with himself. He felt like a failure in many other aspects of his life. Granted, he was a successful idol and producer, talented in every area necessary in his field, but past that, what did he really have to offer? He'd been stuck in a rut for a few years now. He had his members, his family, maybe some staff, but his social life didn't go much past that. He didn't have many hobbies outside of work either. Sure, he was avid when exercising, even being an overachiever in that area, but that was also kind of part of his job. He knew he needed to step out of his comfort zone at some point and live his life, but he kept making excuses for himself. He was 26 now, and was, quite frankly, beginning to lose hope in certain areas of his life due to his career, - although blaming his career was just an excuse, really - the romantic aspect of his life being one of them.
Jihoon had some experience, okay? It wasn't like he'd never liked a girl before. He'd had a few crushes in elementary, maybe even some up until high school. He'd kissed one of the female trainees back when Pledis was a smaller company (okay, it might've been on a dare, but to Jihoon it counted). A few years after debuting he'd even gone on a few dates with a former staff member from his company. He'd lost his virginity to that same girl, kind of rushing into it due to feeling pressured to just get it over with - something he didn't exactly regret, but wished had been more of a memorable moment. The point was, Jihoon had had a few romantic experiences in his past 26 years on this earth. But, he hadn't ever even gotten close to find that one great love he'd hoped he one day would. For someone who received constant accolades for his lyricism, he was never really able to relate to his own music. He'd never been heartbroken, never had an insane need for someone, never felt romantic love, never been in the throes of passion with a beautiful girl, even. It was all his imagination. His lyrics, that is. And maybe the rest, if he was being honest. He'd dreamt about it lately; the perfect girl who he'd find and sweep off her feet. But that was all it was, a dream.
So, Jihoon was tired. Tired of hauling himself up in his studio to make himself feel something. But that was where he now found himself; stuck and in a rut, hoping for something more.
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He was once again in his studio, working on god knows what at this point. He had just finished a quick welive with carats, feeling like he'd accomplished his quota of socialization for the day (I mean, even if it was a one-way conversation, it still counted, right?) and decided to get to work on one of the many unfinished drafts in his hard drive. This was kind of routine by now. He would either get a quick meal with one of the members during their break from rehearsals, or would go back to his studio for a bit to work on music. This would've been fine and dandy if it wasn't for the fact that Jihoon would eventually have ended up right back at his stuido either way. It was the illusion of choice, truly.
He spent a few hours in there, messing around with his guitar and even working on some guides for the members to follow next time they had some time to stop by the Universe Factory. Today felt like a productive day for Jihoon. Granted, he did this literally every single day, but he hadn't felt stuck at any point today. Maybe he was on a lucky streak. He decided to cut the day short there, not wanting to ruin what had been arguably an uninterrupted day of working on music. However, his separation from his studio did not last long, as he received a call from his manager just as he was locking the door behind him. He picked up without much thought.
"What's up?"
"Hey? Jihoon-ah, are you still in the studio by any chance?", Jihoon almost vocalized his amusement at the question. Where else would he be?
"I was just locking up, but yeah, I'm here."
"Good! Stay right there! Gonna head up to talk to you for a bit," and with that he hung up, not leaving Jihoon any chance to respond.
Jihoon and his manager were quite close. This was the case with most idols and their managers, having to spend so much time together. Still, Jihoon found the interaction to be a bit odd. Usually his manager would be one of the many people to insist that Jihoon get his ass out of his studio every once in a while. He didn't mind his request, though, so he quickly reopened the door and sat himself back down on his chair, deciding to mess with a few things as he waited for his manager's arrival.
It took his manager about ten minutes to arrive, Hybe was quite a big building, after all. He knocked on his door, not knowing the access code to Jihoon's studio. The only people who knew his key code were Jihoon himself, and Soonyoung (who had learned it without Jihoon's knowledge, but he was too lazy to change it by now). He got up to open the door, simply expecting another one of his manager's short overviews of Jihoon's schedule for the week, which might've been correct, except that when he opened the door he was met with his manager accompanied by an unfamiliar face.
It was you. Jihoon didn't know exactly who you were, but you carried a familiar air to you. He hadn't really been interacting with many people as of late, so maybe you were just someone he'd seen in passing, he wasn't too sure. You and his manager walked in upon Jihoon's gesture to please come in, moving aside as to not be in your way. He closed the door behind you, accidentally closing the distance between the two of you for a second and becoming a bit flustered at the proximity. He wasn't sure why his manager would bring someone unknown into his studio, but if Jihoon was anything, he was a relaxed guy (or at least he tried to seem like it), so he just sat back down without making any questions, his manager would probably fill him in any moment now anyways.
"Okay, so this is Y/N! You've probably met before, right?"
Uh, not right. And now a little awkward. Was he supposed to lie?
"Oh! No, we haven't, actually. I know a few of his members, though, but this is our first time officially meeting," you spoke up for the first time. So you were friends with his members? That might be how he knew you. That didn't really narrow it down much, though. There were 12 of them, and Seungkwan alone was friends with practically the entire industry.
"Oh? My bad. Well, then I should introduce you, right? Jihoon, this is Y/N! Her group was just recently acquired by Hybe. They moved into the building just over a month ago, if I'm not mistaken," He turned to you as you nodded in affirmation before proceeding, "Y/N, this is Jihoon, producer and partial leader of Seventeen."
He wasn't too sure why he was introducing the two of you. If he got personally introduced to every group Hybe acquired in the past year, he'd probably be here all day. He'd stopped keeping track of who and which groups were now roaming the hallways, being too many for him to count. He wasn't complaining or anything, he was just confused as to why go out of his way.
"Woozi-nim. It's so nice to meet you! I've always been such a huge fan. Your work is .. it's insane. I've looked forward to meeting you for so long," the enthusiasm with which you said this made his lip quirk up a little. Sure, he received accolades on his work every day, but knowing that fellow juniors of his looked up to him always brought a smile to his face, although it still made him a little sheepish at receiving such a forward compliment.
"Oh, I- Thank you. And you can call me Jihoon. It's nice to meet you, too," he smiled shyly at you, not really knowing what to say past that. He felt a bit shy looking at you for some reason, as if he couldn't hold eye contact for too long or he'd burn.
He looked expectantly over at his manager, the instigator of this interaction.
"Oh! Right. Well, as I just said, Y/N's group just moved into the company. And the company's been pushing for some collaborations as of late, you know, in order to maximize all groups within Hybe all at once," Jihoon could kind of see where his manager was going with this, "So, I've brought Y/N along with me since you two will be working together for a feature."
Hold on. Rewind.
"Us? As in just us two?"
"Yeah. Hybe is dividing you guys into subdivisions. Mingyu will be collaborating with someone in BTS a few months from now, and Chan will be with Yeonjun from TXT. I think Seokmin is scheduled with a member of Lesserafim. Not too sure yet, but you're up first. I sent you an email about it a few days ago with the general idea. Did you not get it?"
Oh, right. Jihoon was always quite diligent about his work, but his work mostly entailed Seventeen only. Checking his email wasn't much of a habit of his when he could just call up the few producers that worked for Seventeen whenever he needed to. Collaborations and producer work for other people were not that common to him, so for the most part he would disregard anything that didn't entail his own group.
"Oh, I, uh. No, sorry," he felt slightly bad at having disregarded the person standing in front of him, specially when you had regarded him such such respect. He was giving off a terrible first impression.
"That's fine. Now you know. Well, just wanted to take advantage that you were here today - Hah, well, when aren't you here?", chuckled his manager before continuing, "Just wanted to introduce you just in case. Check the email I sent you when you can, I'll send you over more details of your schedule related to the feature first thing tomorrow, yeah? Y/N here is the main producer for her group too, so you'll be co-producing."
You produced? He didn't mean to sound like an asshole, but there were just so many groups who didn't make their own music. He could sometimes get a bit of an ego over knowing he was an anomaly in his industry, always having taken pivotal part in a good 90% of his group's discography. Still, he wasn't too happy about the concept of having to share the creative process with a producer he had never heard of, if he was quite honest. For the most part he would only work with Bumzu and a few other Hybe producers here and there. He didn't even know your group or the music you were credited for. Hell, he had only found out about this project two minutes ago, having had no voice in the matter. One of the down sides of joining such a huge company that fathered way too many groups at once, he guessed.
He decided to not show his slight discomfort towards the idea, simply offering a polite response before bidding his goodbyes to the two of you. You had stayed behind for a few extra seconds after his manager exited the room, once more voicing your admiration for Jihoon and letting him know you were looking forward to working together. Jihoon had to admit that your praise did something to him. He didn't mean to sound like a total loser when he said this, but he did not interact with girls too much. So receiving such direct praise on his music from a pretty girl who also happened to share a passion with him had his ears turning red. He quickly shook his head at the thought, deciding to just stay at the studio overnight once more and maybe finally go over the email his manager had sent him.
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He had to admit, he was quite impressed. Shortly after your arrival he had decided to research you and your group. You were quite well known by then, having debuted the same year as Seventeen and now being one of the top girl groups in the game. Just like Jihoon, you were from a small company and had climbed your way up, eventually being acquired by Hybe just a few months prior. Your stories were quite similar, if he really thought about it. You had also taught yourself how to produce before debuting, taking on the official role of main producer upon making your debut.
He had found out an embarrassing amount of information about you very quickly. He couldn't help himself. He was immediately intrigued by you, even going as far as looking at online forums about you; places that would detail information about you that only a true fanatic would know. He was now privy to trivial information such as your birth year (one year after his), your favorite color (pink), how many moles you had (seven, total), when you joined your company (exactly two months before he joined pledis), your most popular fancam (the one were you wore that pretty purple top), and just general information he'd be embarrassed to relay he now had memorized. He could call himself a bit ... infatuated. He felt beyond creepy, despite all this being public information. He had just met you, why had he just spent the past three hours binging content about you?
Jihoon decided to shrug these thoughts away, instead opting to mentally prepare himself for tomorrow morning, which was apparently the first day in which you'd be meeting to talk over your future schedules together for the next month or so. He had finally checked the multiple emails his manager had sent him about the collaboration, realizing that he'd now have to spend most of his non-Seventeen allocated time with you.
From photoshoots for promo, to the actual producing of the song, the empty slots in his schedules seemed to have filled up on their own, now being occupied by your company, and much to his surprise, he was not annoyed at this sudden intrusion. He felt a weird feeling in his stomach, but it wasn't like the usual nerves he felt before going on an important stage, nor the grumbling he felt whenever he met an idol of his. He felt ... giddy? He was looking forward to it. He felt nervous to see you again, which was really strange considering that he felt completely normal upon meeting you just now. Yeah, you were very pretty (he had eyes, this was just a fact he couldn't deny), but he hadn't had much of a reaction to it. However, now, as he looked at pictures of you on his computer, he couldn't imagine holding eye contact again. He was going mad.
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Tomorrow arrived sooner than he thought. Now he was now sitting in his studio, awaiting your arrival. He had impulsively tidied up the place, now embarrassed that you'd seen it a mess the day prior. He also tidied himself up. As he recalled, you were wearing a pretty dress yesterday, so he felt bad you'd caught him in sweats and a three-day-old shirt. He wasn't sure why he wanted to impress you, but he did. Jihoon had the hope of at least befriending you, now having formed some type of interest towards you.
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, making his heart accelerate at the thought of who was on the other side of it. Upon unlocking it, he found you on the other side, smile on your face as you carried in some bowls of .. his favorite meal? into his studio.
"Hi, Woozi-nim! I brought you food, is that's okay? I asked Seungkwan what you liked," oh, so it was Kwannie you were friends with. That made sense. It was touching that you'd gone out of your way to get him something you knew he'd like. Now he felt bad at being empty handed in his own studio.
"Oh, I- Thank you. You didn't have to do that."
"It's no problem! Wanted to thank you for doing this. I know you don't do collaborations that often. Felt kinda bad about imposing," by now the two of you had sat down in front of his desk, chairs slightly too close for comfort as you unwrapped the food in the bags you'd brought in.
"You-you're not. Sorry if I made it seem that way yesterday, hah, I was just caught off guard."
Jesus Christ, he felt so awkward. Your close proximity had him at a loss. He didn't know where to look or what to say. Your perfume was also not helping matters. The pretty scent had him extremely distracted, his mind suddenly being flooded with the thought that, shit, everything about you was pretty. What was wrong with him? Was this his first time interacting with a woman? He had never felt more out of place, except that despite any improper feelings he felt, he still wanted to be in your vicinity.
Shit, had you been talking this whole time?
"Oh, I'm sorry. What were you saying?"
You chuckled at him, clearly not taking offense to his distracted nature, "I was just asking if you had any drafts you wanted to use as a baseline? Or we could use one of my unused drafts? It's whatever you prefer, really. I'd love to work with something of yours, though. I love your style, it's so ... hah, I don't know. It's just so you."
Jihoon thanked god he had not cut his hair as some carats had begged, because now the length allowed him to cover the red of his ears. A single compliment from you had him heating up, clammy hands getting even clammier at the thought of you using his talent as a compliment. If you wanted to use his music, there was just no way for him to deny you. He wanted to hear more of your praise to him.
"Y-yeah? I have uh, a few that I could show you. They're just drafts, but you know."
You visibly perked up at this, scooting even closer to him as he began to fiddle with his computer, opening up some files to show you. Your excitement at his work had him swooning internally. The amount of interest you'd been showing since meeting yesterday was already getting the better of him.
"Woozi-nim, holy shit. These are hundreds of files. Are these all unfinished?"
"Uh, yeah. I uh, tend to have a few drafts saved for future projects."
"I get that. Me too, but these have to be over 300 unfinished songs," you were in clear shock (perhaps admiration?) of the endless tracks in front of you. Jihoon wasn't sure if he should feel ashamed at having so much unfinished work (which made bit feel like a bit of a loser), or be proud since you seemed to be impressed at the vast number.
"I like to be prepared. You know, just in case."
"It's .. wow. I knew you were good, but this is insane, Woozi-nim."
"I, you can call me Jihoon," he didn't really care much for the distinction between Woozi and Jihoon at this point; he was pretty used to both. But a part of him just wanted to hear you call him by his real name; the one only those close to him really used. He also wanted an out from the conversation, feeling too flustered at your compliments.
You chuckled, nodding at him, "Okay, Jihoon. Sorry, didn't really know what name to go for at first."
"No, it-it's fine. I'm only a year older. You can speak comfortably."
The rest of the conversation was filled with technicalities about the collaboration. Now that you two had established a, let's say, closer acquaintance, you were able to discuss your ideas more comfortably. Jihoon still had to put up with the endless compliments about his work as you two went through possible tracks for the song, but he tried his best to take them like a champ, simply chuckling shyly and shrugging them off. Your genuine admiration for his skill had him reeling inside, enamored with the tone of your voice any time you'd express excitement at hearing exclusive Universe Factory content. He hadn't felt butterflies in his stomach like this in, well, ever. He felt like he was a high school student with a silly crush.
The disappointment in his face as you parted ways must've been clear (which made him embarrassed beyond belief), as you pulled out your phone and asked him to put his contact in, letting him know you'd be seeing him soon. The possession of your contact info made him excited. He knew it was probably just for work purposes, but he held a stupid hope in the back of his head that you'd given it to him because you had interest in meeting again soon.
And you did see each other soon, consistently meeting in order to work on the song. A few of the times you were joined by Bumzu (who was also helping out with the song), or Soonyoung (who was just a nosy bastard who wouldn't leave Jihoon's studio), which made him curse out his two friends, wanting you all to himself. His crush had developed quickly after that second meeting. You were now all he thought about. Every morning when he got ready to start his day, he wondered which shirt you'd like him best in. Would you like if he trimmed his hair or did you like it long? What did you like in guys? (Except had already gone on incognito mode on his phone to search your ideal type, growing instantly embarrassed and exiting out of the tab). He thought of you as he exercised, wondering if you'd like his muscles and physique. His entire existence was surrounded by thoughts of you. And he hoped maybe he was also in your mind.
The first time he saw you outside his studio walls was at the Hybe gym as he worked out with Mingyu, Soonyoung and Joshua. He almost lost hold on the dumbbells in his hands upon spotting you, tight leggings and cropped shirt adorning your body. He had seen you in less clothing before (Only ever through a screen, in all the pretty concept photos your group had done, or in the occasional fancam he'd come across), but seeing your silhouette in the flesh had all thoughts leaving his mind. He felt ashamed at his way of thinking. He didn't want to objectify you like that, but the thoughts of your beauty had not left his mind for two weeks now, since the day he first met you.
But his eyes couldn't be helped, glued to your form as you walked into the place, paying extra attention to the parts that stood out most for him. He was like a depraved monster, his breath getting ragged as he watched you move around, licking his lips and sighing at every small movement you made. God, what was happening to him? Why was he so immediately aroused? Luckily, his thoughts were quickly interrupted by a cough from a very annoying Kim Mingyu, who had just been spotting him before his abrupt stop.
"Hyung .. You're too obvious."
"Wha-what are you talking about?", he did not like the smirk attached to Mingyu's face, nor the matching mocking smile in Soonyoung and Joshua's.
"You should see him when she's sitting in his studio. It's sad to watch," snickered the fellow 96-liner.
"Oh? She's the girl? Damn, hyung. She's really pretty."
"It's not- there's no girl. We're just working together," his feelings were already complicated enough, he didn't need the involvement of his members' teasing.
"C'mon, Hyung! It's okay if you like her. She's pretty, she's an idol-producer. She's perfect for you. I think you should go for it," encouraged Mingyu, in his optimistic Mingyu-fashion.
"Yeah, I mean. You were just about to cum in your pants at just seeing her in some leggings. I don't think you have anything to lose if you're already at the point of public indecency."
Yeah, this was exactly why he wanted to keep them as far away as possible.
"Soonyoung, I swear to g-"
"Jihoon? Oh my god, hi! I didn't realize you were here," it was you, now at a closer proximity and a slight sheen of sweat attached to your skin. Had Jihoon not been snapped out of his trance earlier, he probably would've been salivating by now.
"Oh. Hi Y/N. How are you?", he felt like he was being scrutinized for his every word and move by his members, which made him feel extremely awkward (more than usual).
"Good! I didn't know you used the company gym. I'd never seen you here before. You should've told me. We could've come together," you smiled before turning to his friends, "Hi! I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you!"
Soonyoung made a show of stretching his hand out to you, bowing way too low for such a casual setting (probably just to peeve Jihoon). He was followed by Joshua, who held onto your hand in a way that had Jihoon fuming to himself.
"Hello, Y/N. I think we might've met before. You're Kwannie's friend, right?"
"Oh, right! Yeah, I've been to your guys' practice room before, but Jihoon didn't recognize me when we first met, so I wanted to re-introduce myself just in case," you giggled in Jihoon's direction.
"Don't mind him. That's just Jihoon. He's too distracted for his own good. I'm Kim Mingyu, by the way," the youngest shot you a flirtatious smile.
He needed all of them to keep the flirting as toned down as humanly possible. Although jealousy was not an emotion he felt often, the thought of his best friends even looking at you had his ears turning red in anger. But in very expected fashion, they all continued to take turns flirting with you for the next twenty minutes, completely shrugging off any intention of working out they might've had before having spotted you. Luckily (and surprisingly) for him, you were not reciprocating the flirting, nor where your eyes ever off of Jihoon for too long, always including him in your responses to his members one way or another.
You were somehow immune to the charms of Kwon Soonyoung, which, yeah, Jihoon didn't blame you for. You were also unaffected by Jisoo, which was a little more rare from Jihoon's experience. What shocked him most, though, was that your eyes still stayed on him even while one Kim Mingyu blatantly flirted with you. He'd known one too many girls who had fallen victim to his flirting (whether it be intentional or not), and to see you fully shrug him off in favor of looking to Jihoon instead had his heart going at an inhuman speed.
The interaction ended not too much time later, leaving Jihoon's ears red, but now from embarrassment at his friends slyly suggesting his interest at you multiple times throughout the conversation. Despite them being subtle about it, he was still mortified, specially when by the end of it, they'd pushed him to walk you back to your practice room while they wandered off on their own.
"I'm so sorry about them. They can be a bit much."
"It's fine, Jihoon. Don't worry about it. They were really fun. I can see how you're all so close."
"Ah, yeah. You know how it is .. Uh, sorry they kept hitting on you like that,"
he knew he was a bit of an idiot for bringing it up, but he wanted to gauge your feelings on it. He needed to know if he at least held a chance against his members or if you'd just been being nice by not reciprocating in front of him.
You chuckled as you responded, "I know they weren't being serious about it, Jihoon. Don't sweat it. It's not them I'm interested in anyways."
Oh, great. That was good to hear .. Wait. What?
"Oh. We're here. This is my group's practice room. Sorry I made you walk all the way here, I know your practice room is like five floors up," you apologized sheepishly, completely disregarding what you'd just said.
"I-it's fine. I'll see you on Thursday, then?"
"Thursday? We have a shoot tomorrow, Jihoon. Remember? We need a jacket shoot for the collab. It was on the schedule."
Oh, fuck. He had completely blanked on that. You guys were almost done recording the finishing touches to the song, but he forgot you guys also needed to do the shoot for the promo and learn the choreo as soon as you gave the choreographers the finalized version for the single. There was still so much to be done, which only meant even more time spent with you.
"Yeah, right. Sorry, hah, completely spaced out on that. I'll see you tomo-"
"Come pick me up?"
"I mean, stop by my practice room so we can walk together? Is that okay?"
Did you- did you want to spend even more time with him? He wasn't complaining. He wanted all his time to be consumed by you, but .. was the feeling mutual?
"Yes," he paused, realizing his answer had been too short and mechanical, "I mean, yeah, sure, I don't mind. I'll see you here tomorrow morning."
You giggled at him before bidding your goodbye once more, but this time offering him a quick side hug before disappearing through the door to your practice room. Jihoon was glad you were gone, because this time it wasn't just his ears that were red, but his whole face had begun to resemble a tomato.
It was time to admit to himself that he was down bad tremendously for you.
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Jihoon had not at any moment stopped to wonder what type of vibe the collaboration was meant to follow. Yeah, he was working on the song (which was almost finalized by now), so he knew it was pretty much a pop-rock-ish vibe that they were going for, but he didn't know what the rest of the equation would look like, which was something he wished he'd prepared a bit better for.
He had walked you over this morning, even being enticed by Seungkwan into bringing you your favorite drink as a nice gesture (which worked perfectly, as it won him over yet another side hug). The two of you arrived to the designated area for photoshoots located in one of the lower floors of the Hybe building, then went your separate ways to head over to hair and makeup in order to get your outfits situated. He had to admit he liked his outfit. It was a little more provocative than usual, with it being mostly black leather and the top being unbuttoned enough to show off most of his abdomen. It was your outfit, however, that had him reeling.
Nothing could have prepared him for the moment he stepped out and spotted you doing a few solo shots in preparation, your outfit and makeup already perfectly in place. He had no words to express how he felt upon seeing you. You looked so ... gorgeous. Unsure of how to react at the sight in front of him, he stood there staring, almost as if he'd seen an apparition. It wasn't until one of the photographers called him over that he managed to regain sense of self and join you.
The entirety of the photoshoot was absolute hell for Jihoon. This was the closest he'd ever been to you (sans the now two quick side hugs you'd given him in the past day). The shoot was a bit .. sensual in nature. The first set of outfits were edgier, so the shoot was the basic scenario you'd picture for a punk-rock pictorial. The second set of outfits had been the issue, because they went in the complete opposite direction. You were in a beaten down motel room setting, wearing very simple outfits, although they were both very skimpy and thin, almost as if to signify the simplicity of the concept. You two posed together on the bed, with your poses getting more and more intimate by the minute. At some point he had been directed to embrace you as he looked into your lips, with the proximity being way too close for comfort (or at least that's what he tried to tell himself). At another point he was kneeling on the bed as he looked up at you, your eyes simulating lust as you looked down on him, hand on his chin, lifting his gaze to yours.
The shoot had been an experience, to say the least. Jihoon wasn't sure how he survived it without breaking. He thanked the gods for the years of preparation with all types of shoots he'd done with the members over the years. However, completion of the shoot did not mean he was unaffected. He had no idea how he'd get the image of your lips so close to his out of his mind. Despite knowing it'd all been professional and strictly fake, he could've sworn he felt something every time your eyes would meet when at such a close distance. He wanted it to be real so badly, but once again he chalked it up to being wishful thinking. At least the worst of it was over, and he could now get back to sitting next to you in his studio at a respectable distance.
Jihoon had been an idiot to ever believe that the shoot had been the worst of it.
It had now been a week since the dreaded photoshoot (The one that had him up at night imagining what it would've been like if he had just closed the gap between your lips, damning anyone else in the room), and now it had been a few days since the song had finally been completed. He had thoroughly enjoyed co-producing with you, geeking at your ability to compliment each other perfectly. Your voice was yet another thing he had fallen in love with during the process, fully enamored by every single take you did. It had actually slowed down the process, as Jihoon green-lit every single one of your takes due to the rose-colored glasses that prevented him from catching mistakes you swore you'd committed during a few of the takes. You seemed to be similar, however, as you continued to shower him in compliments (even at the shoot, where you had complimented him with his hard work at the gym - a moment he chose to disregard or else he would've lost his mind at the implications), refusing to admit any faults of his while recording.
Now, however, he found himself in very difficult and unchartered waters. Any other time in which he'd produced a song, he'd never been involved further than that. He'd done duo shoots before, with women at that, but what he'd never done was share a choreography with someone who wasn't a member of Seventeen. He had danced with women before, of course, even having participated in more sensual dances, but this felt different. All previous times had been with nameless backup dancers he had never known too well. This was you. He now had to work through an entire choreo with you as the two of you danced around each other (physically and figuratively, he believed).
Most of the song involved a very casual choreo, as the two of you danced mostly separately but complimented one another. The kicker was the bridge of the song, where the melody mellowed out a bit and allowed for a quick dance break of sorts. It was very sensual in nature, and required you and Jihoon to tangle against each other as you used the other's body to complete the dance. Going over it had been full of shy smiles and eyes that couldn't seem to meet. It almost made him believe that you'd felt just as flustered as he did. When you actually began to dance over that part, however, you left Jihoon's mouth watering at how easy it was for you to meld your body to his; how you would guide his shy hands to place them in all the correct places. The feeling of your body against his was new and unfamiliar, but it felt so right to him. He wanted nothing more than to leave his mark on your skin, signaling that he was the only one meant to touch there. He was truly going mad.
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It had now been about two months since Jihoon had first met you. The song hadn't been released yet, but most preparations for it had been done. All that was left was a quick music video shoot plus a few music show appearances that would come after the actual release of the song. Thus far, the song had been announced, with a pending release date of a month from now. Jihoon had enjoyed public reaction to the unexpected collab, with people even going as far as calling you a dynamic duo due to your respective reputations as the main producers of your groups.
You seemed to also enjoy knowing the news had finally broken to the public, even going as far as mentioning Jihoon in some of your lives. He specifically recalled a moment he'd seen as he watched it live, one that had him blushing and kicking his feet. You'd been asked about what it was like working with Jihoon, to which you responded with a whole paragraph of compliments directed at his work ethic, along with a short quip about how cute you found Jihoon to be, deeming it 'difficult to focus with him around.' He felt like he was on cloud nine at the comment, despite how lightheartedly you had delivered it.
After that (and a few more instances of you shooting compliments his way), he had decided he wanted to see you outside of a work-related schedule. He had begun making excuses to find himself on your group's floor, going as far as using Seungkwan and Soonyoung (who you'd unfortunately befriended due to his constant unwanted presence as you two worked on your song) as pawns in order to not be as obvious whenever he went to see you. Despite your usually outgoing demeanor, you seemed a bit more reserved whenever it was only you and Jihoon. He wondered if it was because of his quiet demeanor, or because you might've maybe returned his feelings and felt too shy to be too expressive around your crush - he knew damn well that was his case, at least.
Today the two of you were working out together at the gym - a huge feat for Jihoon, who could not help but ogle at you whenever you weren't paying attention - with him playing the role of your spotter. He had extensive knowledge of weightlifting, which he had been proud to impress you with. Right now, you were working on your arms, which required Jihoon at a close proximity in order to make sure you didn't get hurt. He enjoyed this way more than he could admit to anyone or himself.
"Is this okay? Is this the right position to do it?", you questioned as you made eye contact with him through the mirror. Your arms were lifted above your shoulders, with dumbbells on each of them as you attempted to lift them both at once.
"Yeah. That's perfect. Is it too heavy? Do you need to stop?"
"No, I'm fine, Ji, I promise. Just stand a little closer, yeah? I don't wanna drop them. And put your arms under mine?", he followed your instructions, now towering over you from behind as you sat in front of him.
The two of you had grown more comfortable in the past two weeks or so, seeing each other almost every day while outside of official schedules. He'd learned that, unlike him, you didn't have any issues with personal space, often allowing him to stand too close for comfort. He couldn't complain, though, as he was always too hypnotized by the proximity.
"Shit!", you yelped, almost dropping the dumbbell before Jihoon managed to intercept it. You had begun to do a set before the one minute mark passed, deeming you too weak to lift the dumbbell all the way up. Luckily, you had instructed Jihoon to stand close to you in order to prevent any actual damage.
"Are you okay?", he asked as he placed the dumbbells on the ground, rounding the seat in order to stand in front of your sitting form.
It was mind-numbing, really. The angle in which he was looking down at you, with your pretty eyes looking back at him with a semi-worried expression on your face at the shock of almost dropping such a heavy weight on yourself. The incident left his mind immediately at the sight of you, a layer of sweat covering your skin as you panted while looking up at him. He pulled you up by your arms, helping you stand in front of him. In very cliche fashion, you tripped a bit, almost landing on him before he caught you by your forearms. The classic 'falling-atop-your-crush' trope did not happen, but he still ended up at even a closer proximity to you. Just when he had finally begun to forget the sight of your lips right in front of his from back when you did the jacket shoot together.
He did not move back, and neither did you, allowing the small distance between you to fog both of your minds.
"T-thanks, Hoonie. Could've really hurt myself," this was the first time he'd ever heard a stutter out of you, with your eyes not looking into his as they usually did. Your closeness still not diminishing even when the danger of the situation had already dissipated.
"'Course. Uh, I .. Maybe we should go back to a lighter weight?"
It took you a moment to respond, eventually choosing to look back at him with your pretty eyes, a seemingly empty head to match. He liked the look on you. He could've sworn he saw your eyes lower to his lips, but his mind was too clouded to confirm.
"Uh, actually, I think im done for the day. Is that okay? I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
"Oh, right. Yeah. I'll meet you in front of your practice room?", he was confused at your sudden departure, dreading the separation, but he figured one of you would have to break the spell eventually.
"Yeah. See you there, Hoonie. I'll text you later, okay?", you gave him a quick peck on his cheek before turning to the exit, leaving behind a beet-red Jihoon as he tried to get his heartbeat to slow to a healthy rhythm.
He was left standing there, in the cold and empty company gym as he pondered as to whether or not his feelings may be mutual.
The next day the two of you met again, no mention of yesterday at all. What would there be to mention anyways? That you two stood close to each other? Jihoon felt like such a loser even having considered it anything. He was just inexperienced at this, and very much touch starved, so any small suggestive interaction had him overthinking. Like right now, as you hooked your arm on his to walk along the Hybe building together, not a care in the world about anyone who would see you.
"Did you see the outline for the music video?", you spoke up once the two of you had reached the cafeteria, picking a secluded table to sit at - not that many people wandered there anyway.
"Hmm. No, what is it?", he still hadn't managed to beat the habit of not checking his emails.
You giggled, seeming a little flustered, "Uh, we're playing a couple. Very Bonnie and Clyde but with a grudge twist. Seems pretty cool, actually."
"Oh. We-we're playing a couple?"
"Yeah. I think we can pull it off. You did really good at the shoot. Did you see the finished product? Okay, never mind. I know you didn't. They look really good, though. We look very convincing."
He knew you didn't mean anything by it, but you constantly had him wondering. If you liked him you wouldn't be this direct, right? This must've all been very lighthearted to you. Sure, you were friends, but that's where it all ended for you. Jihoon was the complete opposite. Every single interaction you had had him falling deeper and deeper into a hole of infatuation for you. There was nothing about you he wasn't obsessed with. It had begun to manifest in all areas of his life, even his work. He had never had more unfinished love songs in his hard drive.
Unbeknownst to you, he had purposely avoided taking a look at those pictures, knowing his mind would go blank at the image of you looking at him with those lustful eyes from a third-person perspective. Living through it already had him in agony night after night as he thought of nothing but you.
"Y-yeah. I saw them," he lied, "You did amazing."
"Really?", you were always giddy at his compliments (which didn't come often due to his shy demeanor towards you), "I've never done a more provocative concept like this before. It's fun. It suits you a lot, Jihoon. I'm glad I got to do it with you of all people."
And you had no idea how glad he was too.
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Shooting the music video had somehow been even more agonizing than the photoshoot. It was two grueling days of constant time spent together. He loved your company, but the stylists kept insisting on dressing you in the most provocative outfits imaginable to man. He couldn't think while he looked at you. You were like a siren. Even the strongest of men wouldn't be able to resist you.
The worst of it came in the form of the director instructing you two to act like two lovers against the world. Word for word. It wasn't difficult for Jihoon to pretend he was enamored by you, but he was truly at a loss of words over how well you also played your role. By now he had become numb to your touch, having run through the choreography with you multiple times by now, and with you having become increasingly touchier through the time you'd known each other.
He thanked god under his breath as soon as the two days came to a close, knowing that now he could at least keep his feelings under wraps for a while. It was now about two weeks until the release of the song. According to the schedule, all that was left was one pre-recorded Studio Choom performance, two comeback shows after the release of the song, and two variety show appearances together. It was all pretty straightforward from now on. There was no way Jihoon wouldn't be able to put up with what was left. He had this in the bag.
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The worst thing imaginable happened after that. Jihoon had not planned for this, nor had you, apparently.
It was very sudden and came completely out of left field. It pertained to you, but had affected Jihoon more than anyone involved.
Dispatch had released an article just a week before the official release of the song. Promotions had only begun, but had been slightly disrupted by this sudden interruption.
The article featured you, and an unknown man. They were clearly pictures taken off-guard, from a distance. You were in front of some building, ignorant to any cameras nearby. You were too close for Jihoon's comfort. He knew there was some type of relationship there. The caption to the picture didn't help matters either. Something about an estranged lover you'd been keeping secret from the media. There were too many pictures for Jihoon to process. In some you were embracing, while in others you were sharing a low-quality peck from what he could tell.
Seeing that article had been an absolute punch in the gut. There was no argument against it. There was clearly something between you and that guy. He was standing too close to you, even holding onto you in most of the pictures. You could barely tell it was you, but to Jihoon it was obvious. He had never felt heartbreak like this before. The two of you had never dated or even insinuated actual interest in the other, but it still felt like betrayal to him, as irrational as that thought was. It was all his fault, really. Had he told you about his feelings, maybe things would've been different.
Jihoon felt like an idiot. Of course this had all been just a business transaction to you. You were assigned to work with him, just as he was you. Even if he had led himself to believe that the feelings might've somehow been mutual, it had all just been in his head. What would you see in him anyways? Yeah, sure, you had a few things in common, but who in their right mind would ever want to be with the empty-hearted producer who cared for nothing but work. Hell, the day he met you was yet another day in which he had been willingly locked in his studio all day. That was what you would've been signing up for, had you looked his way. He didn't wish such a loveless relationship to anyone. He knew by now that he did- he did love you, but he knew he was probably unable to love you in the way you deserved. He was incapable of that. At 26, he'd had no experience with love. Why would someone as beautiful and amazing as you want to be with someone like him?
He was in love with you. That was something he could now full-heartedly admit to himself. Within these two months he had fallen deeply in love with you. Nothing could change that by now, not even knowing that you were already taken. He couldn't help himself in locking himself in his house after that, ignoring and all messages from both you and his manager regarding the few rehearsals he had skipped over.
Hybe did their damage control, making the situation go away as soon as it arose, but to Jihoon the damage had been done. He felt like an irrational idiot being hurt by this, but he needed to be away from you for a few days. You hadn't done anything to him, but he couldn't see you right now without feeling pain. He was punishing you with no proper justification, but his feelings were too strong for him to put up with.
A little over an entire day went on like this, with no communication from Jihoon to anyone. He was surprised no one had come looking for him until now, the moment in which bangs against his front door could be heard all the way from his room. Whoever was looking for him had made liberal use of the doorbell too, not giving him a single break from its constant ringing as he tried to ignore it. He finally grew too tired of it, deciding to give up his moping and going downstairs to beg that person to leave him alone to his misery. He still needed a few days before he could go face his reality. He couldn't face you just yet.
Except the choice had been made for him. His first mistake had been not checking the doorbell camera, which would've made him privy on who exactly was knocking on his door. He felt bad at thinking this, but had he known it was you, he never would've opened it.
He was beyond embarrassed at his appearance, once more wearing a three-day-old shirt and his cheeks damp with the tears he hadn't yet wiped away. You, on the other hand, looked as beautiful as ever. You carried a worried look on your face, lips pouty and eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him. He was not given time to welcome you in before you barged in for yourself, launching yourself at him in a tight hug before he could say anything. He wasn't an idiot, and he was too weak for his liking, so he held you back just as tight, enjoying a good three or so minutes of silence as you held each other.
You pulled away too soon for his liking, unhooking your face from the crook of his neck as you spoke up, still holding onto him, "Jihoon ... I'm so sorry. It's- it's not what you think, I swear. Please believe me."
He wasn't sure why you were so apologetic. You didn't owe him anything. He felt like even more of a loser at making you feel like you had to apologize for having a boyfriend. He knew that by now there was no way you didn't know about his crush on you, which made him feel even more humiliated at the situation. He separated himself from you for the first time ever, creating some distance as he refused to look at you. He took this chance to close the door he had left open when you had attacked him with your embrace.
"You don't have to ..."
"No, Jihoon. Listen to me. Please."
Your eyes were glossy now, and Jihoon felt bad at causing you any distress, so he signaled at you to continue.
"It's not- it isn't what you think. Yeah, I ... I did have a ... a thing with that guy. I know Hybe denied it being me, but you know- you know it's me. But it's not how it looks!"
"Then ... what is it?", he couldn't believe he was even letting himself ask that question, as if you had to explain yourself to him. But part of him really wanted to know. He wanted to somehow hear you say that it wasn't true, that you would never look at anyone but him.
"It's an old picture. He- he used to work for our group, as staff. We had a thing. It ended badly. Haven't really dated since then. This was before I met you, Jihoon, please, I need you to know that."
"You .. Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why do you need me to know that?", he hoped against all hope that you'd answer with what he'd been wanting to hear since he met you, but he knew he was playing with the devil when asking you that. He knew there was a very logical chance that you'd just confirm your platonic feelings for him, or straight up reject him.
"You know, Jihoon. I know you know. I- I'd never do that to you. I'd never look at anyone but you."
"Do you-"
"Yes', you paused, 'I like you, Jihoon."
And then his heart stopped beating.
"So much. Since we met. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the day we met. I like you so fucking much. I can't think of anything else. I thought it was just because I've always been a fan of yours, but ... being around you just made me feel so happy. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. Fuck, I'm sorry I made you feel like there was someone else in the picture."
He didn't know what to say. You'd said everything he had wanted to hear for the past two months. You liked him. It wasn't one-sided. There was nothing stopping him from making you his now. Those feelings he thought had been fake for the portrayal of your song's concept had been genuine all along. He'd never felt such relief.
"Jihoon? Is it not ...? Fuck. Did I misread everything? Shit, I'm sorry. I should, uh, I should go-"
Fuck. No! He needed to reciprocate, he just had no idea how. He couldn't have you thinking he wasn't equally (if not more) obsessed with you. So he did the one thing he could think of in that moment. Something he had imagined time and time again, but never had the courage to do.
You yelped against him as he pulled his lips to yours, but immediately began kissing him back. There was nothing tender about the kiss as Jihoon would've expected. It was a complete mess from the start. The kiss was a testament to how badly you'd both wanted each other this whole time.
Jihoon felt lightheaded at the feeling of your tongue sneaking its way into his mouth, and the moans that accompanied it. He couldn't help but feel immediate arousal at your touch. He wasn't sure how to kiss you. He'd never shared such a passionate exchange before, but he wanted to give you everything in him with his kiss.
You only pulled away when you were out of breath, still keeping yourself as close to him as possible as you breathed into each other's mouths, your lips lightly closing over his as you regained your breath.
"Hoonie ..." the sound of your breathless voice muttering his name did shameful things to him. There was no way he could handle a conversation right now.
"Tell me- tell me you like me. I need to know. Please ..." the sheer lust and desperation in your voice were things that would never leave Jihoon's mind.
"So much. I li- I love you. You have no idea. Every day was agony not acting on it. I'm sorry if it's too much, but it's true. I've never felt this way before. I'm in love with you. The thought of you with someone else made me wanna give everything up. It's ... God, I just love you."
You didn't seem to need any more words before closing the gap again, this time backing him up against the nearest wall as you kissed him with all your might. You took full control of the kiss, grabbing his cheeks and angling him so you could play with his lips as you saw fit. He moaned and writhed against you, shyly attempting to hold onto your waist but not actually daring to. You must've caught wind of his intentions, grabbing onto his hands and forcing them on your waist, pressing your chest up against his. He began to caress your waist, falling in love with the slope of your back in the process. He was still shy with his movements, but his lips were nothing but. He adored your soft sighs against his lips any time his tongue would suckle on yours, or any time his teeth nibbled on your bottom lip.
You must've eventually grown tired of his shy demeanor, grabbing onto his arms and pining them above his head, beginning to softly grind against him as you began to lick and suck at his neck. Jihoon was on cloud nine. His body was unsure of how to react to such pleasure from someone he had already grown so addicted to.
"Hoonie ... want you so bad ... please," his knees buckled at your begging, your warm breath hitting against his ear as he groaned out at the thought of you in his bed.
He was simply a shell of himself at that point, so it had been your responsibility to drag the both of you in the direction he pointed his bedroom was at, but as soon as you were there, you pushed him to lay on the bed. He was ready for whatever you were willing to give him. He had no chance against you anyway.
"Hoonie, shit. Been wanting you for so long. Can I, please?", you'd begun to straddle him, leaning over him as you ghosted over his lips. He swore he wasn't going to make it, body heating up at the mere suggestion of you touching him.
"P-please ..."
You began kissing him again, running your hands up and down his torso, eventually landing on his crotch, softly caressing it as he whined into your mouth.
"Oh? Jihoonie ... You're so hard. Want me to help you?"
"Fuck ... Need you so bad, please ..."
"But we haven't even started to have fun," you moved your hand away, now sitting up a bit to begin grinding against his crotch, deep movements making his eyes roll back as his arms laid limp on his sides.
"Won't you touch me, Hoonie? Don't be shy. You already know how much I want you," you guided his hands to your hips, making him clamp his fingers on the clothed flesh while you moaned out at the feeling of his hard cock gracing your most delicate parts.
You were both beginning to heat up, which led you to throw your shirt off, now only in a bra and some sweats. He audibly moaned at the view, only causing you to play it up for him as you caressed your own covered breasts, "Want me to take my bra off, baby? Hmm?"
"Y-yes. Wanna see you so bad. You're so beautiful."
That was enough for you to wiggle your way out of your pants, throwing off your bra right after. The sight had his cock squirming under you. No amount of lonely nights thinking about you could have ever prepared him for the sight before him. Your soft skin shining under the soft light of the half drawn blinds. He wanted to memorize your body, leave his mark on every inch of it, but his arms would not move from your hips. He knew that the moment he got his hands on you he would finally face insanity. There was not a single detail he wasn't already obsessed with. He wanted you so badly, but he didn't know what to do with himself. His cock was extremely swollen under his sweats, begging to find comfort in any crevice of your body you would allow. The fleeting thought of fucking your pretty tits flew through his mind, making him shudder as he continued to pant at the beautiful girl sitting on him.
"Touch me?", you asked, already guiding his hands to your breasts, making him sit up to be face to face with you.
"Holy fuck ..." he moaned at the warmth of your breasts in his hands. He couldn't help himself in getting his fill of you, hands squeezing and running all over your chest. The moment he dared to pinch at your nipples he truly saw heaven, hearing you whine his name in the prettiest sound he'd ever heard.
"Hoo-Hoonie ... Please. Touch me more. Just like that," you let your head fall back, sighing at the soft touch of his fingers pinching at your nipples, "Your mouth, Hoonie ..."
That was all he needed to lower his head and begin licking at your nipples, biting lightly as he pulled at them, dick twitching desperately at the pretty sounds leaving your lips. He could've sworn he'd cum just from how beautiful you sounded. His ears were ringing by now, only able to process the feeling of your hand pressing his face against your chest and your hips suddenly restarting their movements against his own.
You let him make out with your tits for a bit before pulling him off, much to his dismay. You giggled at his reaction, but began to pout at him to get him to remove his top.
"Shit. God, Hoonie, you're so gorgeous," you breathed out upon seeing his bare chest, running your hands up and down the blank canvas. You let your own fingers pull and pinch at his nipples a bit, slow in your movements as he whined at you. He understood now, how fucking good such a light touch in such a sensitive area felt. He was beginning to lose all air in his brain, mind foggy as you gave him all types of pleasure.
He needed you now. Needed attention in his nether area so bad. He could feel how wet you were through his sweats, softly begging you to please let him have you. The whisper against your ear had you pulling your hands away from his chest, separating yourself enough to look into his eyes.
"Want you too. Can I have it, Hoonie? Fuck ... Will you judge me if I beg? I just ... Want you in my mouth so bad, Hoonie, please."
He felt embarrassed by his reaction, but he couldn't help but moan loudly at that simple sentence, nodding like crazy at the proposition. The last time he'd been in someone's mouth had been years ago. He had felt intimate touch before, but only a handful of times total. He was fully unprepared for what your mouth encompassing him would feel like.
Before he knew it, you had thrown off both his pants and boxers, enticing him to sit at the edge of the bed as you knelt in front of him. You were looking at his cock as if it were your last meal, eyes crossed and a moan leaving your mouth at the sight. He couldn't believe a gorgeous thing like yourself would ever show so much thirst for him. His soul left his body the moment you lowered your tongue onto his tip, kitten-licking at it as you looked up into his eyes. What truly made him lose his mind, however, was the moment you began to bob your head up and down his cock, with your hands playing and scratching at his balls. His hands clutched at the sheets, unable to hold himself in a sat up position due to the unimaginable pleasure. He was unsure how he didn't cum the moment you put your mouth on him (or the moment you kissed him, if he was being honest).
"So- fuck ... So fucking good. You're perfect. Please ..." he wasn't sure what he was begging for. The pleasure was clouding his mind. And then you did something that had him gasping for air. You unglued your mouth from gagging on his cock in favor of licking and sucking at his balls. His eyes rolled all the way back into his brain, back arching against the bed as you took turns licking his balls and worshiping his cock.
Unsurprisingly, he came in your mouth moments later, almost blacking out at the feeling. He was unable to catch his breath for a good minute, all the while you swallowed his seed and sat back on him. Before he was able to resume his breathing, you had already shoved your tongue back in his mouth, making him whine at the mixture of your saliva and his cum twirling in your tongue. He couldn't help his hands running all over your body, hugging and squeezing at every curve he could reach.
"Baby, I-"
"Taste so good, Hoonie, fuck. You have no idea how much I thought about that. Every time you wore those tiny little shorts to dance practice all I wanted to do was kick everyone out and beg you to fuck my mouth."
Jesus Christ. He hated how outspoken you were sometimes. He felt himself begin to harden again at just the simple thought of you wanting him as much as he did you (even though he was 99% sure that was impossible). He felt bad, but he was a bit sad he had cum in your mouth. He had thought of the feeling of your cunt wrapping around him almost every night for the past month. He knew he'd get it sooner or later, but a sinister part of his brain was begging him to flip you around and go to town on you. He might've been inexperienced, but he knew that his body would take him there if he needed it.
"W-wanna ..."
"Hmm? Yeah, baby?", you softly caressed his cheek, looking at him with so much love in your eyes.
"Please ..." he couldn't bring himself to say it. He felt too ashamed at asking for even more out of you when he'd already made you do all the work to confess and even made him have the best orgasm of his life.
"Yeah, Hoonie? Want me? Want you too. You have no idea ..." he thanked god the moment you started grinding against his bare dick yet again, leaning down to lick at his lips, "Can I ride you, baby? Please ... Been dreaming about it."
All he could do was whine and nod as his hands squeezed at your ass, trying to entice you into lifting your hips so you could finally sit on his now hardened dick.
No words left his mouth as you finally lowered on him, all his focus on the pretty expression on your face as you moaned out at the feeling of being impaled by him. His back arched, head digging back into the mattress at the feeling of your cunt tightening around him. He felt your back arch too as you leaned down to kiss him, mouths open as you whined and mewled at each other.
You began humping him with no proper rhythm, causing him to thrust upwards to meet your own grinds. He was so desperate for you. Nothing compared to how good he felt in that moment. Your body was drawing all types of pleasure out of him.
"F-feel so good. Hoonie ... You're so- Ah! So fucking good for me."
"Me? You ... Shit. Never felt this good. You're perfect," you tightened at his words, making him plant his feet on the bed and begin to frantically fuck upwards, leading you to scream and whine his name for all his neighbors to hear.
"Love you so much- Fuck! Been wanting you forever. Didn't know how hard I'd fall for you that day, shit. You're everything to me," he couldn't help himself in rambling yet another confession in your ear as you attempted to match the animalistic pace of his thrusts.
"Love you too, Hoonie. You have n-no idea. Never letting you go. You- you're mine now," and yours he wanted to be forever.
Jihoon had never imagined he'd feel love like this as long as he was alive. He had lost hope in finding the perfect girl many years ago, assuming his lifestyle to be too difficult for him to find someone to love him so strongly, but now he had you. Now he had you in his arms as you professed your love for one another. He had never felt such happiness. His ability to think left him soon after, however, as you clamped down on him with yet another scream of his name as you found your end, taking him with you in his own.
After the two minutes or so that it took you to regain your breaths, you managed to cuddle up against each other, unable to stop caressing each other in one way or another. The smiles wouldn't leave your faces. Jihoon couldn't help but think of his life; how he had everything a man could ever want, and now he had you on top of all that, and you'd quickly become his favorite thing. You spent the rest of the day in his bed, making love and waxing poetic at one another. You completely disregarded any collab preparations for the day, opting instead to finally give into each other to the fullest extent.
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Soon after, all promotions finally ended. You and Jihoon received equal accolades on your ability to mix both your styles, achieving a successful collaboration between two monster producers. The praise over being all rounders was also endless, as people commended you both for the production, vocals, dance, visuals and chemistry demonstrated all throughout the promotional period.
People noticed how comfortable you were around each other, despite having never publicly interacted before the release date of the single. People believed it was simply amazing work ethic being showcased by the two of you, but what didn't meet the public eye was the genuine love and enjoyment behind every interaction. The two of you had made it a point to begin appearing publicly together often from then on (strictly as friends to anyone who asked, of course), which allowed you to hide your relationship in plain sight.
Jihoon had never been happier, now having you as yet another companion to visit him at his Universe Factory any time he would lock himself in there to work, a habit that began to diminish as he grew more and more addicted to your company outside the confinement of those four walls.
Today was yet another one of those occasions, as you were sharing yet another meal together at the Hybe cafeteria. Staff was mostly unaware of the nature of your relationship, but you two liked it that way.
"Hey," you called out to him as you played around with his phone.
"Did you see this email from Bumzu?", he shook his head in denial, "He said Hybe's requesting your help producing for Gyu's collab with Jungkook. Cause of how well ours did."
"Yeah?", he chuckled, "Gonna have to talk to him. Not doing it without you."
"Oh, really?", you grinned at him, "Wanna team up again?", you leaned closer to him, but not too close to draw suspicion from the few other idols and staff around who were eating there.
"Mhm. You did most of the work. Couldn't've done it without you."
He knew that to be completely true, as he would've remained in his slump had you not come out of left field to make his life do a 180.
"Wanna team up with you for the rest of my life."
You smiled at him. He could see in your eyes you wanted to show some sort of affection towards him, but could not due to the public setting. All it took was one look between you for him to know you felt the same. You held his hand under the table, going back to conversation about your next possible collaboration together with your other labelmates, happy to have found a soulmate in one another.
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a/n: idk how other writers are putting out 20k+ words monsters jesus christ. anyways i rlly hope u enjoyed <33 this concept had been plaguing my mind for a while so im rlly happy to have finally finished it!!
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sugarsnappeases · 5 months
tag game
okay showing up so late and likely with a lot of rambling but thank you so much for the tags @fxreflyes and @static-radio-ao3 love seeing little insights into ur lives <333
fave colour: red/pink!!
last song: i've had chappell roan's album, the rise and fall of a midwest princess, on repeat all day to try and somehow magically imbue myself with the strength to write my essay (which i've done now! mostly! gonna look it over tomorrow but it's basically done!!) but the specific song that's playing as i hit post is femininomenon!! a classic and a banger
last film: i rewatched pirates of the caribbean 2 w one of my friends (who had never seen it before can you guys believe that?!?!) and it's still as brilliant as ever, four and a half stars on letterboxd (there's no rhyme or reason behind my star system on letterboxd like i do it on the vibe in the moment and am now wondering why i didn't give it five stars??)
currently reading: okay so boring answer is 'the decameron' by boccaccio, i'm studying him for the second part of this term and really shot myself in the foot bc i didn't realise how fucking long it was (nearly 700 pages) and i have NO time ever so it's gonna be a little miserable over here in roughly two weeks when my first essay on him is due.... seems interesting tho i've read like 40 pages so far.... more exciting answer is anna karenina!! started reading it in the holidays (when i should've been reading the decameron lol) and have only read like one part and a bit so far bc i never have the time for fun reading during uni :(.... gimme like three months tho and i'll get back to you guys, i really enjoyed the bits i have read and will absolutely have some marauders-related thoughts once i have the full picture (incapable of not linking all media to them)
currently watching: i just finally started watching the sex lives of college girls, which was soooooo long overdue, i've watched two eps so far and am loving it a lot, think it's gonna be slow going tho bc. busy :(... i also rewatched the first two eps of new girl a couple days ago bc sude and i were talking about it and i felt it had to be done... wanna do a full rewatch bc it's been so long but alas, again, time is of the essence, and also i'm always very slow at tv shows... anyway
currently craving: like. spare time. ig?? no more essays?? that's the main thing that i think would make my life exponentially better.... we're at 3/8 now tho so like... slowly crawling through them.... also every time i've gone to tesco recently i've been eyeing up the raspberries, just waiting for them to go on some kind of clubcard deal so i can pounce, raspberries are my fave fruit but they're always so fucking expensive the world is so cruel to me
coffee or tea: tea!!! always!!! can't stand the taste of coffee and i think that much caffeine would send me into like cardiac arrest or something. but also i'm not huuuuuge on tea either (not very british of me ik) like i only ever drink it when i'm w other people who are drinking it or when i'm writing an essay and need some willpower/energy/to procrastinate a little... like i'm not a cup of tea at all times of day kinda gal at all
not sure who's been tagged so soz if u've already done it but no pressure tags for @quillkiller @themuseoftheviolets @stillagoodwitch @inevitablestars @sixlane and whoever else wants to <33
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quickdeaths · 7 months
- ALIAS / NAME: Bryn, Ya Girl, Hey You
- BIRTHDAY: March 20
- ZODIAC SIGN: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pisces/aries cusp but I will be honest I don't know much about astrology - I consider it harmless fun but it is harmless fun that I do not participate in, feel free to drag my ass because that's EXACTLY what a pisces/aries/pisces-aries would say
- HEIGHT: 5'11
- HOBBIES: Reading, writing, video games, dungeons and dragons/other TTRPGs, hanging out with the fam and/or the squad, watching tv sometimes when I can get the adhd to be quiet and focus on something. I like studying, too, to a point, and I would like to get back to like Working On A Skill in some way. Maybe polishing up my Japanese back to where it was when I lived abroad?
- FAVORITE COLOR: I say purple, which is kind of true, but actually a like, darker blue purple, like an indigo.
- FAVORITE BOOK: I'm annoyingly that girl you went to school with who loved all the books that they made you read. If there is a classic novel from like, 1800-1960 that they made you read in school, I like it, probably. I would also say, when I was in high school, which probably was (along with college) the time that I read most for pleasure, as well, I was really emotionally affected by Ned Vizzini's It's Kind of a Funny Story, Jostein Gaarder's Sophie's World, and Tim O'Brien's Going After Cacciato and considered them faves.
Probably what I would say now though is Imogen Binnie's Nevada. I read it on a flight down to a weekend work retreat, read it on the flight, in the cab, and skipped dinner/informal meeting to read it all in one sitting. It's not an easy book to read, nor a "fun" one in a lot of ways, but I read it over 5 years ago and I think it about it constantly. It feels very raw and honest, and like 10 years after publication, I feel its influence on so much queer literary fiction.
There's also some books of poetry that I hold in high regard. I have Paul Muldoon's Poems: 1968-1998 and Seamus Heaney's Opened Ground, Selected Poems 1966-1996. I also have a story about being in college and writing a capstone essay for a notoriously difficult class where we were supposed to write about a book of poems of our choice. My laptop had broken, so I was confined to one of the shitty computers in the computer lab, and I had been working on the essay about a book of poems I found in our school library for maybe three weeks before the due date, and by happenstance, I ended up reading The Captain Asks for a Show Of Hands by Nick Flynn. I immediately had the thought of "I need to write about this," deleted my entire existing essay, and crunched for basically the entire remaining week to write a new one about Flynn's book instead.
- LAST SONG: I'm not sure what song specifically, but I was listening to the entire album Bon Iver by Bon Iver while writing RP replies earlier. I'm very much a full album girlie most of the time. Before that we've got "POPPY (Japanese Version)" by STAYC, "Champions of Red Wine" by The New Pornographers, "Biohazard" by Momma, and "Star" by LOONA (they're still together I swear here is how LOONA can still win-)
- LAST FILM / SHOW: I started watching the She Loves To Cook, She Loves To Eat live action drama last night. Probably gonna start watching Shogun with my mom soon when I go to have dinner and visit with her? As for movie... I saw Origin with my mom in theaters last month. I thought it was a very creative choice to adapt a nonfiction book into a narrative about the author writing the book, while still managing to incorporate a lot of the themes and content of the book into the film.
- RECENT READS: A lot of manga tbh... I read the She Loves To Cook, She Loves To Eat manga recently, as well as reread My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness after twitter drama thrust it back into my consciousness. I've been meaning to read Dungeon Meshi so probably soon? In terms of non-comic books, I read this nonfiction book called The Digital Closet: How The Internet Became Straight by Alexander Monea recently that was very engaging! In short, it's a dissection of the way that the American government's attempts to regulate and censor the internet (for a variety of reasons) have had the knock-on effect of things like age-gating even non-sexual queer content on youtube, or social media algorithms burying queer posts. I'm slowly working through Mostly Dead Things by Kristen Arnett, which is about a woman trying to hold things together and run her family's taxidermy shop after her father's sudden death. It's weird, but good. It's probably also time for my annual(ish...) reread of Stephen King's On Writing, too.
- STORY BEHIND URL: It's a Maki quote! Her and Shuichi are talking about Tenko's death, and Shuichi says something about Maki's insight coming from experience, and she responds, "Of course. Quick deaths are my specialty."
- FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I used to be an elementary school English teacher in Japan, probably everyone knows this by now, but it is my funnest fact. I used to be a decently good soccer player and I was a pretty high-ranked doubles tennis player in my middle school district district for a little while (my partner carried me but still!) I honestly spend WAY too much time doing D&D prep - I spent basically the entirety of summer 2021 rewriting the entirety of the Curse of Strahd published D&D adventure to fit my preferences, and that of my players, complete with new characters/maps/statblocks/items/plot points/etc. Before the campaign had even started, I had absolutely dumped probably 100+ hours into it.
TAGGED BY: @more-than-a-princess the bestie thank youuu
TAGGING: @lunaetis @hopeds @honoosenshi @amoriscustos @wouldhope and you!
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smallboyonherbike · 9 months
for the end of year asks: 2, 9, 14, 20
ty ty!! 💖
2 - album of the year
if we go purely by my top apple music album it's måneskin - rush! which is a good album but not solid enough for me to say absolute top - it had the advantage of being released in january.
i do stand by my other top 5 as more reflective: diamonds & dance floors by ava max (another jan release but SUCH a solid pop album, if you also skip ballads this is for you), the rise and fall of a midwest princess by chappell roan (i didn't check her full album out until like november and it still got top 3 bc of how obsessed i got, she needs to blow up bc she's a musical and aesthetic genius), this is why by paramore (paramore being my 2nd fave artist of all time ofc their new album would be up there but i truly do love it, it's an evolution but also just so Them still!)
5 is renaissance beyoncé which was a 2022 album sure but i hope it's in my top 5 forever bc it's album of all time for me!!! could i have just picked one album maybe but shhhhh!!
9 - best month for you this year
hmmm i'm so bad at remembering shit in terms of months. i'll say november bc it's always a good month - my birthday, plus fall, plus it's after october which is my busy travel month at work so i get to be chill again. this year i went to the renaissance fair w three friends and it was a blast!!
14 - favorite book you read this year
oh god lemme try not to write an essay lol. i read way more this year than usual as an adult bc my current job is often slow (having actual free time still feels weird)
i'll instead talk about the three authors i read the most - mary balogh - i read 16 of her books this year. i really went on a tear and would have read more if i wasn't trying to save at least a few for the future. she writes regency romance which is yknow a big genre w lots of authors but smthg about her style really works for me! she somehow manages to have series with like 8 characters and their love interests and you care about all of them and they're all distinct enough to be side characters that Matter
jasmine guillory - read 7 this year. contemporary black romance. her characters are all loosely connected but you could easily read any of them solo! tropey meet cutes but not overly so, and crucially the characters can be flawed and have issues without being total assholes who shouldn't be together
seanan mcguire - read 7 october daye series this year. i've long been a huge fan of her wayward children fairy tale fantasy series but hadn't read any of her october daye urban fantasy until last year and now i'm obsessed! i literally got some of them as physical books from the library instead of ebooks which i hadn't done in years, bc i couldn't possibly skip any. october is a stubborn jerk and i love her so much. also cat boyfriend and found family incl her ex-death omen <33
20 - what's something you learned this year?
uhhhhhh i've thought about this previously and idk tbh. it's felt like a p solid year for me without a ton new going on. but maybe sliiiightly more being willing to push past my social anxiety to do new things! i can get p complacent in how i've set up my life to not have to do anything new, which makes me feel like i'm less anxious than when i was in school until suddenly something New is happening.
but like having to travel alone for work, def in 2022 i mostly got take out bc eating alone in a restaurant feels So Scary. but this year i was like i wanna eat hot food and relax and enjoy and it was p nice! something i still wanna work on in general, doing a bit more new/social things while still being a homebody lol
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grumpymacaron · 2 years
snsd & twice 💖
heyyyyyyy thanks for the ask B)))
do i already stan them?
yes | only for the music | attempting to | no for both!!!
my bias + bias wrecker*
seohyun, OF COURSE + jessica (pre-departure, ofc...)
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first time i heard of them
the first time ever was when i stumbled onto the oh! mv in second grade... i might've also seen girls' generation back then but i'm not quite sure ^^;
when i became a fan
i would say i became a SONE then and there cause i watched every big title track following gee; it was just casual until eighth grade tho, when i got serious with kpop in general~
favorite (and least favorite) title track
this is such a hard question LOL so imma fold and say my top three! this is in no order, and for a variety of reasons, but here they are:
hoot, the boys, and paparazzi!!!
in terms of least favorite title... i'd say flower power's pretty bad... FJDSKLFDSJALDFKS like i've tried to like it, but dare mo ga butterfly pooped a spider...
favorite (and least favorite) b-side
i think this counts as a b-side? but the great escape is honestly matched by none; i've listened to it SO MANY TIMES, it's like 9th on my top songs of the year fjdsklfdsjfkls
i also really really love europa and destiny~
i actually exclusively listened to snsd's title tracks until VERY recently, and i don't have anything i really dislike yet so ;;; imma cheat and skip on this one HAHA
favorite (and least favorite) mv
the impact of the boys cannot be understated... literally changed my life forever...
ngl i feel like they film shoujo shidai songs with the worst camera and color grading on earth so i really don't like most of them... the ones that come to mind first are mr. taxi and flower power (again, PFFT); it really wouldn't be like this if they didn't look so freakishly pale;;;
favorite (and least favorite) album
maybe this is cheating again but since i haven't listened to many non-title tracks, i'm skipping this!
a concept i wished they’d try*
i wish they had a chance to dip into some classic sm rnb... the world if snsd had a be natural by ses moment>>>>
what i like most about them*
they're just iconic. like there's nothing else i can add, really; they were, are, and will be my forever unnies, the girls i look up to and live in my heart forever 💖
my bias + bias wrecker*
despite my theme, i'm actually a hardcore mina stan~ my other faves are jeongyeon and tzuyu!
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first time i heard of them
i found out about them right when sixteen finished and like ooh-ahh was released!!!
when i became a fan
that's also right when i became a ONCE! it's still crazy that i've followed them since debut… it's been almost eight years…
favorite (and least favorite) title track
this is easy; i ride and die for i can't stop me, and nothing will change this 😤
sorry to say for everyone who likes this song *cough cough* dalgonamilk *cough cough*, but i am a steadfast likey hater. the lyrics just piss me off, LMFAO! i only can listen to it when i'm in a certain mood.
favorite (and least favorite) b-side
that's a hard question... HAHAHA i actually went through all of their discography a while back, and collected every song i like here: 🍭
basics is my current fave ^^
and for least favorite b-sides... anything they released pre- fancy (excluding the ones in the playlist) were mid at best and actively offensive at worst FJDKALFDJSALFA
favorite (and least favorite) mv
i would've said smth different before the latest release but talk that talk is just SO GOOD. SO GOOD
if i had to choose a least favorite... i guess it'd be knock knock? but that isn't to say i like it or anything; i really love that song hehe
favorite (and least favorite) album
the fact ALL of formula of love: O+T=<3 and literally none of twicetagram/ merry & happy (outside of heart shaker) is in the playlist says enough if u ask me >:)
a concept i wished they’d try*
tbh i am very satisfied with the variety of concepts twice has tried! i can't say the general vibe isn't the same for most of their work, but they've broken out of that following breakthrough and feel special, methinks
i'm just curious as to what else they'll do next!
what i like most about them*
for a long time, i've kept up with them casually like i did with snsd; i only really got serious once i was lucky enough to see them in concert this year :,)
it was only after i looked through all their discography and saw them in person did it really hit that they've worked so hard to be where they are now; just the sheer amount of media they've produced over their career is enough to last a thousand lifetimes, but they're all just as committed to us, and each other, as always
i'm very inspired by their work ethic and how much they just love their job, and it makes me hope that i can find smth like that for me~
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secretly-of-course · 3 years
Thank you so much for the tag @camb99-cbmi6!!!
Name: Amanda
Birthday: January 22nd
Fave Bands/Groups: primarily ABBA but I also like The Vamps, Big Time Rush, and P!ATD. Of course I also love the JATP cast I’m not sure if they count as a group or not but I’m gonna include them here
(discovering how to make a readmore on mobile has been such a game changer oh my gosh)
(I am typing on my tablet it is easier than a phone but still functions as mobile if anyone is concerned)
Fave Solo Artists: Lauv, Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendes, Ruth B., am starting to get more into Rina Sawayama and probably Olivia Rodrigo once her album comes out lol
Song currently stuck in your head: Dandelions by Ruth B.! (everyone please reblog my artwork <3)
Number of songs you’ve liked on Spotify: ONLY 11 LMAO I ALWAYS FORGET THIS FEATURE EXISTS (I am gonna try to use it more though)
Last show binged: hmm it’s been a minute since I binged something but I think it was probably Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
What are you most likely to buy in a bakery?: it depends on the bakery and the mood but usually either cookies or croissants 🍪🥐😋
Why you chose your Tumblr URL: I am very skilled at finding Spongebob quotes for any occasion and since my tumblr is a secret from most of my irls I thought of this scene
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“but Patrick, the greatest part about having a secret is secretly telling someone your secret, therefore adding to their secret collection of secrets, secretly of course.”
Following count: I don’t feel like checking lol I think it’s between 3-400
Follower count: again I don’t know I think I hit 500 recently (thank y’all 🥰)
Last thing you Googled: jacquard fabric (no particular reason just forgot what it looked like)
Last book you read: I am illiterate 🥲 (I don’t actually remember that is really sad)
Last movie watched: hmm yesterday I watched the end of Matilda but I don’t remember what the last movie I watched start to finish was, may have been Tangled?
Currently wearing: pale pink and white shirt (not sure how to describe it the white is like a different texture than the pink and it’s in vaguely cloudy/floral shapes), blue jeans, orange socks with pineapples on them, and silver leaf shaped stud earrings
Favourite childhood stuffed animal: Stitch my beloved 💓
Top three fictional universes to live in: Andi Mack universe, I highly recommend reading this analysis of Shadyside’s world building because op really perfectly describes why this place is so ideal :) also would love to live in the ATLA/LOK universe because I want to be air bender, that just seems so cool. Then my animal crossing island lmao owning my own home and living on an island with all my friends and spending the days crafting and gardening just sounds like such a dream
Fictional character(s) you’d love to meet: Cam said the Golden Girls and gosh I can’t think of anyone better 😂 The Andi Mack characters would be great too though :)
Describe (or show!) your handwriting: a good example can be seen in this lil comic I drew :)
Weird personal quirk: ummm idk what counts as a quirk 😂 does personifying inanimate objects count? like I refer to my credit card as Mr. [provider] and speak about it in terms like “Mr. is getting a lot of exercise today” (when I am buying a lot of stuff) or “Mr. never forgets” (when the bill comes). Another example is I named my car Harvey and when I go fill up gas and get my self an iced coffee next door at dunkins I feel like we are going out for drinks/food together lol and yeah um other stuff of that nature
I am not sure who has done this already or not but if you’d like to I’m tagging @iridescentkippen @dancedance-resolution and anyone else who wants to :)
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bardicindignation · 3 years
Get To Know Me!
thanks for the tag, @s1utspeare and @jockvillagersonly! 🥰🥰 name: Joy (at least on tumblr :) ) pronouns: she/her star sign: Taurus (ayyy Sierra!) height: 5'7″ : tallest woman who's related to me by blood on my mom's die of the fam lol time: 4:54 pm
Birthday: May 1st, aka Saturday!
nationality: American
fave bands/groups/solo artists: this question is just mean, ugh. Like, how am I supposed to choose? Off the top of my head, I'll go with...hmm...the Amazing Devil, Celtic Thunder (specifically the Take Me Home album) the Oh Hello's, Queen, Panic! at the Disco, Imagine Dragons and I'm gonna just stop there before I wind up with enough to need to put most of this under a cut 😅
song stuck in your head: In a really odd turn of events, none! Which is hardly ever the case lol, I perpetually have a song stuck in my head
last movie you watched: 4 Weddings and a Funeral, just the first half or so. I was really enjoying it though, so I'll probably watch the rest later!
last show you binged: well, I'm more or less being forced to watch the rest of it at a normal pace (*shakes fist* curse you Vicki uploading times!!) but the first, like, 16 or so eps of Word of Honor
when you created your blog: 2020
the last thing you googled: a recipe for carrot ginger soup! that I haven't made (yet) bc we have a bunch of carrots and ginger rn
other blogs: none! I bring all of my inconsistency to the same place lol
why i chose my url: bc I wanted smth different from my ao3 username (middleschool me was not the best at naming stuff) and it's also and inside joke with myself :)
how many people are you following: 158
how many followers do you have: 55 :)
average hours of sleep: eh, it ranges from, like, 6 or 7 to 10 depending on how sucked into fanfics i get while I'm supposed to be sleeping lol
lucky numbers: I'm not sure about lucky, but my favorite number is 12!
instruments: piano, a little bit. I had brief dalliances with the violin, french horn, and the ukulele, and I want to learn how to play my guitar
what i'm currently wearing: A red, long sleeved...lounge top? I guess? black leggings and purple and white striped socks
dream job: being a full time novelist would be awesome, but also recently I've been thinking about becoming a kindergarten teacher! (incorporates a lot of different stuff I really like to do, plus time during the summer for writing!)
dream trip: Ireland, again, (It was so fun, I want to go back and explore more so much) or Istanbul so I can see the Hagia Sophia and the Basilica Cistern
fave food: hmm, well, right now I'm craving a cajun turkey burger or Irish stew, so we'll go with that!
top three fictional universe you'd like to live in: oh god, umm...I guess Star Wars when there's not, yk, a war on, Middle Earth would be pretty cool, esp the Shire (give me ALL the second breakfasts please) or...idk, one where I get to have magic powers but also don't almost die/get murdered every three seconds
Part II
last song: Take Me to Church by Hozier
last stream: um, if this is about livestreams, i...don't lol
currently reading: currently rereading deadcatwithaflamethrower's Re-Entry series, which is long and excellent while ignoring the pile of books that want my attention
currently watching: Word of Honor! I love this dumb assholes so much! Also, just started on Shadow and Bone, which I'm looking forward to getting more into :))
what is antipoetry to you: I'm...not sure? I'd never seen the term before, so I'd have to spend more time thinking about this one
currently craving: ice cream. always. No pressure tags for anyone in the dmbj game who haven't been already, @rhea-imagined, @flaim-ita, and anyone else who wants to!!!
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80s-roger · 4 years
Flirty & Insistent
Pairing: 70s!Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
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note: female reader's ethnicity will not affect the person who reads it. She's just greek and she already has a name but the POV will be in second person.
also, i won’t post smuts/series as often as i did until next month, due to uni’s exams period. but i’ll reblog and stuff, u kno. I’ll work in the meanwhile your requests xx love you all 
ps i worked hard on this one, i hope you like it as much as i did. feedback will be massively appreciated.
requested by anonymous:
"Plss write something smutty about roger being a massive flirt and being soo cheeky the reader(after trying acting indifferent and unimpressed) eventually gives in to the temptation of letting him have his way with her?? 💕💕 "
masterlist // dialogue prompts
summary: you left your country a decade ago to study in the UK and after graduating you established in Mallorca, Spain to work as a mixologist. That summer night, you're working for a party arranged by Queen's management to celebrate their "A Day At The Races" era success. The blonde drummer notices you fixing drinks with confidence and doesn't lose the chance to flirt with you. He's just trying too hard because you play it uninterested until he has his way with you.
word count: 3,933
warnings: surface sex, slow burn (becauase they were talking a lot before, idk if it really is a slow burn tho)
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A huge party was taking place in Mallorca, with the famous rock band Queen being the main guests of the event. You were one of the bartenders so all you had to do that night was fixing drinks for every person until they'd be shitfaced. The preparations were ready: the event was hosted at the beachside, opposite the calm waves and the golden sand. The sunset was magical to stare at, ready to welcome the bright moon. You had a moment to appreciate it before guests would come at any moment. It was the only thing that reminded you of your ex without feeling angsty about it; you gotta admit you didn't break up with good terms. It was toxic, yet heartbreaking. You loved that man but he left after cheating on you. It's been half a year and you needed to give yourself a break from dating and making out regardless of how social your job is and how much flirt you've received.
The guests arrived, minute by minute they'd get from fifty to hundred. Many people were coming to your counter to order drinks and cocktails. Beautiful women and attractive men would try to flirt with you but turned them down politely saying while you're working you can't do otherwise so they respected it. All these people were actually invited by Queen, their management and the entire record company. They were all celebrating Queen's "A Day At The Races" success and certainly the band which were yet to be seen until midnight.
You were working your ass for a couple of hours now until the band showed up. You could tell by the huge welcoming. The applause, the cheers and definitely women cajoling over them. Here they were standing in the centre of attention, thanking everyone for supporting them and buying their records. Their music was playing at the stereo and you couldn't prevent yourself from jamming to their songs.
When their speech was over, everyone was free to do what they wanted so your bar counter was full again with people chatting and drinking. You saw the entire fucking band coming to your place, obviously for an order. You tried to stay calm because hands-off, you liked their music and fangirled a lot when you saw them live last year in London with your boyfriend.
"Hello beautiful, can I have some Moet & Chandon, please? I really need to celebrate!" Freddie spoke first, carrying a wide smile on his face.
"Sure." You kindly accepted his offer.
"I'd like the same with Freddie." Brian interrupted when you moved behind to grab the expensive bottle and open it.
"So do I." John added and you nodded to grab three glasses, for now.
"And you?" You turned your gaze to the blonde handsome drummer who was already checking you out, focusing especially on your face.
"What do you suggest?" He asked with his eyes being totally flirty.
"Ah, darling, just give us the bottle. Roger is kind of undecided when it comes to drinks." Freddie felt the weird vibe growing between Roger and you. John and Brian giggled, looking whether at Roger or you.
"Eh, our waiter will do it for you. Just sit at your table and he'll take care of you." You kindly warned and he laughed.
"Oh, alright then love. We'll wait for our bottle." He laughed and left with his bandmates, leaving Roger and you alone.
"So? What do you suggest?" Roger turned his gaze back at your eyes.
"What do you feel like drinking? Something sweet, strong, alcohol-free?" You asked trying to help him but he was certainly not trying to find what to drink. He was clearly trying to flirt with you.
"Something to keep me up all night, I guess. But don't make me feel dizzy." He put on a crooked smile and hell, he was attractive as fuck. He knew how to play.
"Right, how does a mojito sound?" You recommended.
"Sounds nice and local." He smiled and you turned around to grab the ingredients. "Are you local? 'Cause your accent doesn't sound British to me." He asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Eh no, I am from the Mediterranean area though." You laughed after turning again to him.
"Italian?" He guessed.
"Greek." You answered.
"Oh, I've been to Greece twice." He started.
"Really? When?" You turned your gaze surprised. You had no idea he has come to Greece for holidays.
"Two years ago I was with my ex-girlfriend, in Santorini. The sunset there is amazing. And the next year I went with John and Brian to Crete. We needed a dose of some Mycenaean civilisation. Thankfully we weren't noticed by fans or anyone else. We were clearly there for tourism." He explained. You were impressed he's seen your country, visited two of the many islands your country has.
"Well, we had some political issues when you guys came to Greece. We were recovering from the junta and had some important historical issues by the end of 1974 so I doubt they'd run behind you, no offence." You laughed while fixing his drink.
"Oh, that's bad. But I understand. How come you're here in Mallorca being a bartender?" He asked and leaned closer to you. There was a nice conversation going on.
"Before junta ruled my country, I was sent to England to study because my parents thought I would be privileged. Now you see me in Mallorca because I work here and besides, I wanted to live somewhere that reminds me of Greece. Studying abroad has the privilege of learning a new culture, a new way of life and so on. Which is so wrong for the locals back home." You explained and cut a slice of lemon before having it ready for him.
"Wait, by saying it's wrong, you mean that..." his brain stopped working for a second trying to understand what you meant.
"Patriarchy is the keyword. They want women to get married at 18 and start a family. But obviously, women have to stay home." You were triggered at your words and internally thanked your parents for giving you the chance to go abroad.
"Cheers to your parents then. I wouldn't get the chance to meet you tonight." He was impressed by your short storytime. "How do I say bottoms up in Greek?" He laughed after you placed him his drink.
"It's pronounced áspro páto." You smiled after saying a Greek word. It must have been a year since you last spoke Greek. You haven't visited Greece for a long time. You found yourself in Mallorca. It's spiritually free and not restricting.
"So, I haven't asked you yet. What's your name?" Roger asked after drinking. He made an oddly satisfying grimace which meant he liked your drink.
"Oh, it's Ellen." You answered. His gaze was literally focused on you the entire time. He wouldn't give up this easy.
"So Ellen, make yourself a drink. It's a treat for you." He offered and you kindly accepted. It's not bad, you've been offered many times. Besides, you needed a drink to stay energised.
"Thank you, Mr Taylor." You thanked him and then his smile vanished.
"If you want us to be in good terms, it's gonna be Roger." His hand was warning you.
"Thank you, Roger." You slightly smiled. "It's just that..." you stopped and checked around if your boss is nearby. "We are obliged to speak to our guests in plural." You whispered and he nodded. Possibly understood the situation.
"So what are you doing later?" He asked after swallowing a sip of his mojito.
"We're cleaning the mess and we're heading homes." You said after drinking a shot. A treated drink.
"I'm not talking about your colleagues. I'm talking about you." He was straightforward. He was so into you, it was obvious.
"Oh well, I'll clean up the mess and I'm heading home." You changed the point of view trying to cut off his flirty attitude.
"When's that time? Dawn?" He guessed.
"Probably at the morning. It's a Queen party, I doubt people will leave before the sun rises." You rolled your eyes sarcastically.
"So..." he started. "Have you been listening to our music?" He asked.
"Yes, since your first album. It was brilliant for a newly formed band." You said with a huge smile on your face and he appreciated it. He appreciated that you didn't fangirl in front of him, having that humble and uninterested attitude. He liked feeling like a predator trying to catch his bait.
"What's your favourite song of A Day At The Races?" He asked. He likes talking to people about his music.
"Definitely Somebody To Love." You affirmed, feeling passionate about your answer, that it seemed you could relate your existence to this song.
"Oh, it's a band's fave too. Well, you relate to this song, don't you?" He asked and his body was closer to yours. The counter was the only thing beside you.
"I guess I do." You looked down for a moment, thinking of your ex but his hand touched your jaw trying to lift you up. Your eyes were looking into his and this is how you noticed how blue they eventually are. An ocean.
"Is it about a guy? I'm sure he doesn't deserve you." He tried to cheer you up with his soft smile.
"It's not that. It's..." you sighed. "Well, this is getting too personal." You pulled back trying to stop the situation. But he wouldn't abandon his try.
"Do you have any specific lyric of the song you relate the most?" He asked.
"Yes, there is that one: I've spent all my years in believing you but I just can't get no relief, Lord." You kind of explained the situation within a couple of lyrics. "He cheated on me. He had the audacity of saying it to my face and left without looking back or apologising." You nearly tore but tried to keep it for yourself. This is getting too personal and you're opening your heart to a stranger that you feel comfortable with. Maybe because you've been listening to him and his bandmates for years and you've seen him live too.
"You know..." he looked down for a second trying to find the words. "At least he was honest. He could keep you for his entertainment if things didn't work with the girl he possibly slept with." He tried to wake you, but he was right.
"I don't even know how long he was cheating on me. However, I did notice a weird behaviour in the last couple of months we were together." You answered.
"Be happy that you're not with him anymore. He took your love for granted. This is not how it works." He said with his eyes still focused on yours.
"You know, we once saw you live. Last year." You tried to avoid talking about your ex the entire time.
"Oh! That's great! Did I look nice?" He joked and he gained a laugh from you. That made him feel nice.
"Definitely, you always look nice." You took a moment to check him out. And hell, he looks and smells so nice.
"I'm flattered." He smiled and you pulled back again to do your job. You could see your boss staring at you. That wasn't good.
"You better get going, my boss is supervising us." You said and he got the hint. You were as cold as you could be.
"Sure, will I see you later?" He asked and stood up from his chair, ready to leave.
"No. I'll be too tired by then." You answered and he was saddened by your reply. He thought he had you. His flirting wasn't sufficient. Which means he had to try again.
He left and walked to his bandmates, they were there talking about their success until Roger joined their conversation but it changed as soon as he sat on the sofa next to Brian.
"So, how did it go Rog?" Freddie asked and they were all ready to hear.
"She seems so uninterested and hard to get, I have to try again." He took out one of his cigarettes, ready to smoke and think.
"Ah, your type of girls Roger." Brian laughed. "You like feeling a hunter don't you?" He added.
"Of course I do. But she recently broke up and I reckon she's still into him. How do women's brains work anyway?" He asked, frustrated.
"Oh darling, I don't see her as stuck with her ex as you think she is. She's been avoiding your flirting because she works here." Freddie had a point and John nodded.
"Just wait for her shift to end and make a move. She noticed you were flirting with her." John suggested and they all agreed to it.
"It's gonna take hours. She said it's possible for the party to end after dawn. She also has to clean up with her colleagues." Roger explained and turned his gaze back to you. But you were already looking at him and when you noticed, you turned back to your counter.
"Fine, then do it now," Freddie advised and Roger looked at you considered. "Wait where's she going?" Freddie asked after noticing your figure leaving your position.
"James, would you mind taking my place for a moment? I really need to use the bathroom." You called for your colleague who politely came to your counter.
"Sure, go ahead. I'll be here as long as you need." He smiled and you left for the bathroom to take a very needed pee.
"Shall I go after her?" Roger asked.
"Fucking go!" Freddie pushed Roger to run after you no matter how awkward it would be.
You walked in the staff-only bathroom, rushing to the toilet. After drinking a few shots, you needed to pee like a champion. When you pushed the flusher you unlocked your door and the very first thing you saw, was Roger standing at the wall.
"What the hell are you doing here, get out!" You were shocked by his presence and he wouldn't move.
"This is the only chance I have with you right now. Your boss can't see us." He came closer to you.
"No, but he'll get suspicious!" You tried to pull back until you reached the counter. Now you were sandwiched between Roger and the counter. There was no space between you. His face was coming closer to yours.
"I locked the door in any case." His nose tickled yours and his hands placed you on top of the counter, sitting now and having his bulge, against your area. That feeling is the shit.
"I work here, I can't..." you tried to refuse but the feeling of getting fucked couldn't stop you.
"I can't be in this toilet too, but here I am." His lips touched yours with passion and lust. His arms wrapped your waist and lowered down to your arse, squeezing it gently and your hands moved to his neck and his cheeks, trying to hug most of it. You haven't gotten kissed nor fucked for a long time.
Living on the west side of Europe had given you many opportunities. The situation you're currently now couldn't even be referred to Greek religious people as a joke. They'd freak out and tell you crap like you ashamed your honour, your family and your future husband. Your parents were too open-minded to let you live in West Europe and live your life as you wanted to. You had sex with your boyfriend at nineteen, with no need to be your first wedding night, you wear shorts on summers because you feel like it and now you're having a one night stand with a rockstar of a band you like and it's never gonna be the same anymore. You played it hard-to-get because you felt it was wrong. But it wasn't. It's just one more experience to add to your diary.
"Are you sure you want to do this, here?" He stopped the kiss for a second, to ask for your approval.
"Yes, but let it be fast, or I'll be in trouble." You checked at the door. "Are you certain the door's locked?" You asked.
"Yes, I am. It's just that..." he stopped.
"What?" You were scared he regretted it and he'd leave you like the mess you already are.
"I want to get more of you, but in this counter, I don't have the chance. I'll cope with it." He unbuttoned your suit while your hands tried to unzip his jeans.
"If you stay a little longer in Mallorca, you can get more of me." You winked and he smiled, thinking he has more chances with you.
"Works for me." He whispered and turned to your lips again for a passionate kiss.
He helped you with taking your suit off, now staying on your bra when your hands put his jeans down. "Mind taking your bra off?" He asked while his mouth travelled your neck, giving it soft kisses.
"I'd rather wear it..." you refused taking it off after gaining a lot of insecurities because of your ex-boyfriend. You remember him saying how small your breasts are and with that, no other man can see it. Your A-cups haven't be seen by any other man. Not even by your ex after the second time, you had sex with him.
"As you wish..." he didn't insist and pulled your skirt up, on your waist, with his bulge rubbing against your core and turning you instantly wet. "How long has it been?" He asked after noticing the humidity between your legs with his hand.
"Must be eight months. I'm out of practice." You sighed.
"Don't feel bad about it, I'll do the work. You're already wet for me. I like it." He bit his lower lip and turned to your lips again, for a deep kiss. "God, you are fat-bottomed aren't you?" He smiled between the kiss after squeezing your thighs and your small waist. "I'm starting to have a thing for greek girls." He complimented your body type and that boosted your low confidence level. With a simple move, he placed you against the mirror, taking your thong off your left leg to have clear access inside your wet area. His hand pulled his erected penis out of his black underwear, ready to thrust inside you.
"You better start before I cum untouched." You exhaled and balanced yourself at the counter.
He smirked and trusted inside you, feeling him completely weird inside you, maybe because you haven't had sex for more than half a year. The sensation was amazing and penetration was always the thing that released you from thoughts. His hands squeezed your thighs and each thrust was a try to pull you closer to his pelvis. You couldn't stop breathing heavily. You had to be quiet and so did he. It was a staff-only bathroom and the key was turned horizontally so no-one could break in with a spare key.
"Oh god, this is amazing..." you moaned at every pleasuring wave while your hands played with his blonde hair.
"Fuck, yes, you're so tight and wet for me." He tightened his teeth as he exhaled into your ear.
His thrusts were giving you the orgasm you haven't had for a long time. It was the tension between you, that made it more passionate but fast enough to make you come earlier than you thought. Soft whimperings coming from your mouth sent him the message that you were close enough and so was he. You could tell by his sharp thrusts, getting smoother and sudden. His gaze was focused on your eyes. Your sight was getting blurry and your legs began to shake; it happens when you reach your orgasm and it feels terrific.
"Ah, God..." you moaned and tilted your head behind, where the mirror is. "That was so refreshing." You gasped after wearing your thong again.
"Ain't gonna lie, but this WC shag was the best I had." He laughed and wore his underwear and jeans again.
"I can't make comparisons to it, I've only had two boyfriends in my life and this is my first time fucking a stranger at my workplace's restroom." You buttoned your suit and stood up from the counter to fix yourself.
"Stranger?" He asked confused.
"Stranger, Roger. I mean, I do know you're a rockstar, a member of my favourite band and I've seen you live once but it won't change the fact you're a stranger. I know you as a persona, not as a person. You get it?" You tried to explain how it feels.
"Oh, I see." He nodded. "Will I see you again? I want to know you as a person if you want that too." He suggested.
"Sure." You kissed his cheek gently, letting him take the lead. You wanted him to make the move. "I'll just walk out from the WC first and make sure no one sees you when you get out." You said and walked through the door until someone tried to get in. A knock on the door was heard.
"Ellen, are you still in there?" It was James.
"Yes, I'm coming." You internally panicked and hinted at Roger to hide in the toilet. "Hey James, is everything alright?" You asked after opening the door.
"Yes, I wanted to check on you. You were absent for a quarter. Are you okay? You look like a mess." James liked you for a long period of time but he wasn't your type. He's way too cute for your standards.
"Yeah, I'm fine... I just felt a little dizzy and wanted to wash my face with cold water. I needed it." You lied after checking your face in the mirror. You were red as a tomato.
"Oh, fine then. You should get back to your post. The boss has been looking for you." He pointed outside and you felt really bad about it. Your boss suspects you since the moment you started chatting with the blonde man hiding in the toilet.
"Alright, I'll be back in a minute." You closed the door to his face and rushed to the toilet where Roger was hiding.
"You're a cute little liar, aren't you?" He teased and gave you a little slap on your butt cheek.
"I won't be anymore if my boss finds out." You rushed, trying to leave the toilet.
"How will I reach you?" He asked trying to learn your phone number.
"Just come at my post and I'll hand you a drink." You declared and left the room, heading fastly at your post. You stared at the Queen members, looking at you all smiles and winks. They probably knew what happened a quarter ago.
You fixed another drink for Roger, trying to look calm and relaxed. But you weren't. You were tense and it could be seen. Two minutes later, Roger came to your counter again with a crooked smile on his face, waiting for the drink. He was looking whether at his bandmates or you. There was absolute silence.
"Here's your drink." You smiled and handed his drink with a small paper around the glass. He carefully grabbed the paper so it couldn't be seen and walked away, heading to the balcony.
He grabbed the paper, unfolded it and there was your phone number and a note in it: "thanks for giving me a good time Rog"
He smirked at your note and placed it in his pocket, anticipating the moment he'd call you.
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marmolita · 3 years
meme!! I was tagged by @eponis !
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Favorite color: I don't really have one!
Currently reading: I'm still working my way through the fic posted for Pucking Rare but also various other fic
Last song: Last one I listened to was Evanescent by VAMPS, last one I bought (that wasn't an album) was Something Just Like This
Last movie: I watched The Secret of NIMH with my kids
Last series: The Terror, at least, season one
Sweet, savory or spicy: I like them all but sweet for sure
Craving: We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight and I really want to eat like three more bowls full
Tea & coffee: I like tea, with cream and sugar, or plain herbal tea (mint is my fave). I don't drink coffee unless it's in flavored latte form or some other form that's more sugar than coffee
Currently working on: Finishing up a fic that's about ready to post, in terms of fandom. IRL, working on eating better and working out more. At work, working on trying not to tear my hair out before this project is over.
Tagging: I literally can't seem to remember anyone's usernames at the moment but can I say I'm tagging anyone I followed or who followed me in the past week? who are you, new people, inquiring minds want to know, tag me back! (please do not feel obligated to do this lol)
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jiaraendgame · 4 years
hey!! could u let us know what fics u have in the works? i was just curious to know what we could expect next, i literally get so happy everytime u post!!
Hello lovely! You get excited when I post?! That means everything to me oh my god you are too sweet. Thank you so much! <3 I cry!
I have quite a few things in the works right now so here is a list and general summaries! Fun fact I was typing out this reply and my laptop died which caused me to lose my whole response so here’s to typing this all out a second time!
Works In Progress
Manipulation Part Two: I apologize to anyone waiting for this. Ya girl is struggling with it because I am being too picky about how I want it to go. I am working on it though I promise!
Missing You: This is another song based fic. Based on the song Missing You by All Time Low. General Summary: JJ x Reader fic. Y/N is struggling to find her place in the world while dealing with her Kook father and Pogue mother’s messy divorce. She is self-medicating with alcohol to cope. Runs into the Pogues and JJ takes interest in Y/N and teaches her what real love and friendship are all about.
Pogues x Breakfast Club AU: I have two working titles right now, haven’t chosen the official one yet. This will be my first ever “big” series. I love The Breakfast Club and thought this would be an amazing crossover. I only have the basic ideas written out for it right now. General Summary: Detention at Kildare High was never anything exciting, until one fateful Saturday. A Mixed group of individuals find themselves together for weekend detention. What happens next is history. (FIrst time the Pogues meet before the Pogues were even a thing! Except for John B and JJ as they already know each other.)
Untitled: This is gonna be an emotional one. TW: Depression. Found myself writing this one when I was in a not great head place as it was helping me cope I guess. Based on my own personal struggles and how depression has affected me. General Summary: JJ x Reader fic. Y/N has always been the mom of the friend group making sure everyone was always taken care of even if that means neglecting herself in the process. Y/N’s depression spirals and she avoids the Pogues not wanting to bother them as she is the newest member of the crew. They visit her house and find out what’s really going on as they didn’t know of her struggles. This is the most basic summary ever, I promise it’s better than it sounds. (Not entirely sure if I’ll even post this one honestly as it was really just writing for me so I didn’t spiral myself.)
Untitled: I saw the quote “Bad decisions make for good stories.” I got inspired by it and have about 4k+ already written for it so oops. General Summary: Kook!Reader x JJ fic. Y/N is a Kook with a family legacy. Her family owns and runs the infamous Country Club in Figure Eight. Her parents expect her to take over the business when she is older, even if she doesn’t want to. During a business meeting with the Cameron’s about Midsummers Ward suggests she takes a break and spends time with Rafe and his crew on The Druthers. Though she doesn’t want to her father forces her as being connected to the Cameron’s is great for the family name. During her time with Rafe there is a run-in with the Pogues and later on, JJ climbs his way to her window to take her out on a night of adventure. This is a terrible summary I’m working on it sorry haha.
Album Fic Series: The last idea that I am working on is an album fic series. I don’t really know what to call it, but one of my favorite albums all the songs on it would work really well for multiple fics so I’m thinking about taking that album and doing a different fic for each song. So it’s a series of stories based on the songs on the album. That will be a lot of work though so I probably won’t tackle this until I am on break from my college classes.
I also am currently working on 4 requests. They are supposed to be blurbs, but I’m terrible at writing anything short so apologies to the anons who are waiting I am working on them I promise!
Request One: JJ x Touron!Reader Affair. This has been a lot of fun writing so far! General Summary: Touron!Reader and her boyfriend visit the Outer Banks on holiday and a certain blonde Pogue makes things messy.
Request Two: Dress Code. Platonic Pogues! This was a request I got and is based on the post that @maybanktho made. Find the original post here. General Summary: Kie gets dress coded at school and in support of their friend the Pogues go shirtless at school in protest.
Request Three: Jiara fic. First time writing for my fave ship and it’s gonna be super fluffy per request! General Summary: Kie is sick and her best friend JJ is here to help.
Request Four: Kie x Platonic Pogues. TW: sexual assault. If I’m honest this one is gonna take me the longest because I refuse to write anything in a glorified manner so I’m taking this one pretty seriously in terms of writing. General Summary: Kie has been off lately and the Pogues aren’t quite sure why. When the news breaks they take matters into their own hands.
Okay! Sorry, this is such a long response! I wasn’t expecting it to be so long and detailed haha! Guess this just proves I’m not good at writing anything short so if it takes me a while to post that is why! This is everything I currently have in the works. I am in the process of making a Masterlist so once I post more of them they can all be located in one spot.
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jlf23tumble · 4 years
Top 10 Niche Interests
Fixations? Obsessions? This is incredibly hard because I have wayyyy too many niche interests, so instead of stressing about it, I tried to channel the 10 things that immediately speak to me and maybe aren't so obvious from what I post here, like how much I'm obsessed with wigs, doll furniture, incredibly specific blogs, all forms of clothing with pockets, swimming pools, whimsical bus stops, over-the-top bathrooms, etc. etc Instead, I opted for some specifics that feel a little more evergreen and long tailed, like, so LIFE-long tailed that it's tough to nail down when or how they became part of the national psyche. I thank @alienfuckeronmain​ for the initial tag, and I'm tagging her AGAIN for round two because I know she has a billion additional niche things, and she'll post them, and I'll scream because it'll trigger five other things I neglected to post here, and I'll probably post my own round two, arggggh, insert aggressive sighing. Anyway, I tag ANYONE who wants to do it, just tag me so I can see! 
1. Indoor Trees
I have no idea why this concept PULLS so hard because houseplants are kind of meh to me, but you want to plant an entire-ass TREE indoors, in the place where you live? Me, too, and I'd add a conversation pit plus a combo gold/red bathroom, among other things, and, bam, we're in my imaginary dream home, which I have literally, constantly ALWAYS mentally constructed from the time I was about six or so. (If you're curious, it has multiple themed rooms, and the closest I've seen to it recently is the outstanding Dita von Teese AD feature, but Amy Sedaris’s apartment comes close, too). There are two (2) 1960s houses in Long Beach with magnificent indoor trees, but I can't find them online, so have this modern interpretation and cry with me about how I can't visit the multi-story fake tree inside Clifton's Cafeteria for a good long while:
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2. Conventions of Fans of Any Kind
One thing that I don't think I'll ever lose is how much I *love* people who are fans of SOMETHING, people who have a passion and create something about it or cosplay it or simply gather to celebrate it and connect to other people through it. The Internet provides in all kinds of ways, but I'm talking specifically about IRL conventions and the way my heart pitter pats when I first walk in those doors, SWOON! And it doesn’t matter how big the convention is or how random, I've been to smaller events like CatCon and the My Little Pony convention all the way up to biggies like WonderCon and Comic Con, and I have yet to be disappointed. I might know jack shit about what I'm walking into, but I want to see the merch, hear about the panels, and check out the people who are fucking PUMPED to be there. Sadly, I think it's gonna be a lonnnnng time until these come back, but I can live vicariously through my old photos, sigh:
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3. Dutch Wax Fabrics and African Fashion
I'm not the snazziest of dressers, but textiles, colors, and patterns have been an obsession that has soothed my visual soul for as long as I can literally remember. Wax fabric marries all three of those touchpoints, plus throws in a healthy dose of style, and I count myself lucky to have seen two big exhibits on the subject (this was one of them), oh, how I wish there were more! For sure, there's a fucked up underlying colonial/imperialist history here, but there's also humor and color and vibrancy, a reclamation of sorts, and multiple levels of fashion that take my breath away. I cannot do the different patterns justice at all, but the fan motif is one of my faves:
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4. Hearst Castle vs. Madonna inn
These two fall into my #home tag because they're where I'm from, and they speak to me as equally sublime and ridiculous, camp and kitsch writ large and small, different (yet similar!) versions of Xanadu that two rich white men built as shrines to their own personal "taste." And the irony is that a lot of people shit on Alex Madonna for being tacky (the Madonna Inn is...uh, something else), yet praise WR Hearst for all the high-class art and architecture, most of which is fully lifted from desperate churches between and after world and yet they're both more or less the same concept (lodging for weary travelers, self-aggrandizement, questionable taste-mixing). Hearst Castle edges out slightly for me because it's bigger and has spectacular scenery and history, plus it gives me doses of LA noir thanks to the way Hearst killed a guy in a jealous Charlie Chaplin-related rage and Hedda Hopper covered it up, all kinds of old Hollywood shenanigans happened up there, etc. But I'm low-key an expert on both houses of the holy, I'm OBSESSED with both, and we can leave it at that. I mean, come on:
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5. Snow Globes
I had to cull my personal collection slightly just to fit it all on the dedicated shelf in my bathroom, and I seriously need to refill all the water lines, but nothing beats a snow globe in terms of memorable souvenir, especially when you put it in a bathroom. The majesty!!! The jewel of my collection is the one from Sherwood Forest because WHY NOT celebrate a historic place and moment in the basic way?? He robbed from the rich to give to the poor, and the gift shop about 100 feet from the tree he hid in does the same! The circle of life! The irony of all the watermarks on this blessed image...protect:
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6. Highly Specific Museums
Look, we can all agree that the more venerated museums in the world are a form of garbage in terms of what they represent, what they've done, and who runs them, but I'm here for the museums that collect and celebrate things that tend to get overlooked. There are too many to list that I love that are still thriving, so I'm going to say goodbye to four recently departed faves. RIP to the Pez museum, I'm so glad I saw you and purchased your stale candy souvenirs. RIP to the museum of terrible food, you were a pop up when Phoenix and I saw you, and I will forever think about the worker describing people literally vomiting during their visits. RIP to the currywurst museum in Berlin, I've had currywurst exactly once and it was not for me, but I respect the Journey you took me on, including obscure east German TV shows that helped make you so popular (??). Finally, RIP to the velvet painting museum, there's no way to mince words, the person who owned you was crazy AS FUCK and had zero clue how to run a business, but I'm so glad I saw you multiple times and purchased my own velvet treasure (not this exact one, but remarkably similar):
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7. Liminal Spaces: Grocery Store Edition
Confession time for those who don't know me all that well, I'm a big time voyeur, and nothing fills my heart with joy like a walk at 7 or 8 pm, the witching hour when people haven't pulled the curtains, and I can scope out their decorations/furnishings without it being "weird." Another confession is how much I unabashedly adore grocery stores in other countries and will spend at least an hour wandering aisle by aisle, falling in love with how much everything is different yet completely the same:
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8. Agatha Christie Novels:
As a child, I was a fairly compliant reader--I had to read something for school? Okay! For my mom? Sounds good! But the books that sparked the initial fire for me to read something purely for myself were second-hand (probably fourth- or fifth-hand, judging by cover art) Agatha Christie short story anthologies, which were the gateway drug to full Agatha Christie novels, then other mystery novels, and so on. But getting back to Agatha, I obviously loved all the stories, but every decade spawned incredibly good cover art (like, exceptionally good), and this particular artist's are right up near the top for me (I go back and forth on a lot of the '50s and '60s ones):
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9. Scopitones
I link my obsession with scopitones both to my love of music videos in general and a shop in Austin, TX, that sold DVD compilations of them in particular, but either way, they're underappreciated and kitschy all in one! Francoise Hardy and the rest of the ye-ye's are my forever girls for this medium, but seemingly every country cranked them out, both actual set videos and "live" performances? If you don't know what they are, scopitones were machines that played music videos in French cafes in the '60s (??), so it was sort of your proto-MTV way to see your faves sing and dance. Oh, Francoise...so moderne!!
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10. Cover Songs
I have so much patience and love for cover songs of any stripe, the more genre-bending and/or surprising, the better! My only minor beef is the trend in slooooooooowing down songs to make a point, but even those ones have a special place in my heart if they're effective. Live Lounge feeds my hunger the best, but my meta fave for representing this concept is Pulp's Bad Cover Version, which was already lyrically INSPIRED, a song about bad cover versions in terms of relationships, but then they did a video that was a visual "bad" cover version, with actors lip synching over an audio "bad" cover version, and all of it just worked? The cover for the single is someone in the band as a boy, making his own bad cover version of a Bowie album cover, it's meta meta meta, and I love love love, here's the video, if you're curious. In the more sublime cover category, I'm absolutely addicted to all of Orville Peck's covers, I truly hope he officially releases them sometime soon, but I wholeheartedly support any artist who does it:
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stateofirrelevancy · 5 years
CALM First Listen Impressions
I’ve been doing these since SGFG and imma keep doing it till the day i die!!
Red Desert - OOF harmonies okay I see you !! Intro is hella soulful don’t tell me I’m about to cry ALREADY guys… okay that bass in the bg is thicccc and I’m living for it OOF AND THEN THE CHORUS HITS AND THOSE DRUMS BITCH THIS SONG IS SO GOOD ON JUST THE FIRST LISTEN Y’ALL AHHHHH and then that TRANSITION from chorus to second verse my mans ashton did not disappoint !! Guys I’m really feeling this song holy shit it’s so good. Bitch this RED in the bridge is rly TEASING ME like bitch KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!!! Low key this song sounds like it’s 90% saying “red desert” over and over but I’m not complaining issa bop and a half !!! AHHH THAT ENDING AND THEY REALLY WENT TO A LOWER NOTE THAT WAS SO GOOD if that ain’t my fave song on the album i’ll be hella shook. Rating: 10/10 obviously
No Shame - I’ve liked this song since the very first time I heard it it’s actually such a bop. I can’t wait to drive around with this song blasting in my car. I LOVE when Luke says “Go on and plaAaAaAce me” it’s so pretty!!! Rating: 9/10 I just wish the bridge had something different I’m not a big fan of sos ALWAYS doing slowed down choruses for bridges and once you notice it it’s hard to stop lol
Old Me - I wasn’t a huge fan of this song the first time I heard it and genuinely didn’t think it’d grow on me AT ALL, but even after the second listen I really liked it, and I’ve really come to appreciate, like, the fan service message behind it? And that music video just made me love it more. The thing I didn’t like initially and still am not a huge fan of is how autotune-y the song sounds. I know everyone uses autotune, but imo it’s way too noticeable in the song to the point where it sounds a little unpleasant once you catch it. Rating: 8/10
Easier - Okay to be honest, I hate this song LMAO like one time I was crying in the shower while I was listening to my music on shuffle and this song came on and I literally stopped crying to change the song and then went back to crying daskjfkaljl Honestly the verses are really catchy and I like the prechorus but god I DETEST the chorus so fucking much it’s so fucking annoying and that’s low key like most of the song,,, I don’t even wanna finish the song but imma force myself to lmaooooo Rating: 3/10
Teeth - I love the bass at the beginning I’m such a slut for thicccc basses. I also like how crisp? Luke’s voice sound initially idk if that’s like a weird thing to say lol. I also hate the chorus here but not as much as Easier and the other parts of the song def make up for it. Rating: 6.5/10
Wildflower - This song was also like Old Me to me where I didn’t really love it at first but really liked it the second time. It’s definitely not gonna be a favorite of the album or a song I’m probs gonna remember forever but I bet it’s gonna be a BOP at concerts which is always appreciated. PLUS I love that Calum is singing he has a very unique voice I think. Also side note I justopened the livestream and it’s a hot mess lmaooo Ash rly fucking fucked up and needed to move it onto Cal lmaoo here I thought I was in sync with everyone smh. Rating: 7.5/10 with room to grow with more listens i’m assuming
Best Years - Anyways moving on from the livestream mess from these kids who don’t know technology,,, oof first impressions: sounds like same vibes as ghost of you?? I love the line “I’ll build a house out of the mess” or whatever. The part where he sings “best yeeaaarrs” is uhhh kinda weird? I thought that when Luke sang this on live but I thought it might sound better on the track but lmao nah I still think it sounds awkward tbh. But the verses are cute. Oof that instrumental was so long I legit stopped paying attention dafkdasjlk OOF OOF OOF THAT PART WHEN THE INSTRUMENTS KICKED IN okay I live for that. Song is kinda short so it gives me vibes of Lie To Me + Ghost Of You in terms of vibe (not lyrics). Rating: 6/10
Side note: I open the stream and they’re?? Just talking abt the album???? What happened to group listen lmaoo okay I guess gotta do everything in isolation around here smh
Not in the Same Way - woah okay start right away I guess !! “You say go I won’t leave” oof I don’t like that lyric cause a bitch has dealt with it and it’s terrible!! Omg when they said “NOT IN THE SAME WAY” in unison I legit live for the boys singing in unison okay OMG WE FUCK WE FIGHT AFDKAKLDJKL he really just gets more blatant every album w these swears huh fdskjkl OOF THAT DRUM BUILD UP SOUNDED SO GOOD Okay this is def a song to bop to live I can’t wait !! “I’m sick of sadness you’re sick of sadness” oof these lyrics bitch…. okay this song is kinda repetitive which is making me kinda tired BUT it’s not the worst thing and I like the parts that they’re repeating i guess LOL oh WOAH that “eh eh ehh” part is kinda interesting OMG IS THAT AN ORIGINAL BRIDGE/THIRD VERSE? From *MY* 5sos?????????? OKAY I SEE YOU,,, Okay the repetitiveness is kinda rly annoying now but it’s okay I still enjoy the song for now but can see myself maybe not listening to this song much later bc of it (Rating: 7/10)
Lover of Mine - Okay acoustic song of the album icu icu “Butterfly lies chase them away” interesting I like that  “dance around the living room” 👀 oof this pre-chorus is really good I’m such a slut for good prechoruses !! Luke’s voice sounds so soothing and smooth but the drums in the background in the second half are a little? Much? I don’t know maybe they’ll grow on me… I really like the lyrics of this song, I didn’t focus completely on everything but,, dare I say,,,, it might be some of their strongest writing yet??!? Omg I love love love these instrumentals near the end esp the piano sounds so beautiful and kind of reminded me of the interlude after San Francisco. Overall I think this song was honestly very beautiful. Rating: 8/10
Thin White Lies - more bass yessss it sounds so good,, are these lyrics about depression? Ehhh not feeling this chorus at all, too much going on and it’s just not a bop and that’s my only criteria for liking songs lmaoo. This song is giving me Empty Wallets + Babylon vibes kind of? Which isn’t rly my favorite vibe in songs tbh it’s just not for me, I don’t think it’s a bad song, though. “I don’t really like me anymore” :((((( mood Rating: 6/10
Lonely Heart - That one two three was so hot ngl,,, ANOTHER acoustic song?? Okay okay interesting. WOAH WHEN THEY CAME IN together god I love that and this OH OH OH part sooo catchy yesss okay also smth I’ve noticed 5sos doing a lot: quiet beginning (or quiet verses) and loud/bop-y choruses… that’s like half the album look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong !! It’s the equivalent of YB being mostly normal guitar verses and then instrumental pre-choruses lmao at least this I like a lot more WOAH THAT BRIDGE???????? WHO IS SINGING THAT IS THAT MICHAEL? I literally don’t recognize whose voice that is has it been that long since I heard his voice am I tripping?? But either way that was really cool. The song overall was pretty? Plain but not at all bad and it’ll definitely grow on me with more listens. Rating: 7/10
High - last song im so sad ahhh oof that sound it sounded like Michael? And it was umm very ear orgasmic lmao weird to put two songs that start like that one after the other tho but whatever. Woah the way Luke sang “highly” was so angelic !!! This is very acoustic-y too, but it seems like it’s truly mostly the same vibe throughout. Oof Calum’s harmonies sound so good. I also like the background “Ah”s this song sounds very angelic and pretty. I really like the way he sings the lyrics like “I hope you think of me high… think of me highly” and the part after that kind of mirrors that line. Not a huge fan of the lyric saying your friends just want you to yourself oof friends don’t like imma be honest that line was kinda cringy lmaoo But this song was very pretty, though honestly I doubt I’ll listen to it much or remember it just cause slow songs aren’t my cup of tea, but I can really appreciate the song for what it is and it was enjoyable to listen to. Rating: 8/10
Unrelated: I like that the album isn’t crazy long like every other album of theirs. I much prefer concentrating on 12 great songs than making 16-20 and then inevitably them hating/ignoring a few of them cause they’re like,, way worse than the rest of the album
Average rating: Okay technically 7.1/10 BUT if you take out Easier, then it’s a solid 7.5/10
I liked a lot of the songs and I’m sure I’ll like them even more with more listens, but the only ones I really LOVED were Red Desert and No Shame. It’s honestly a fantastic album, I just don’t think it fits my personal vibe. I’m very proud of the boys!! I really think it’s some of their best work. (Besides Easier,,, she can choke 💀💀)
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ohimtherebabey · 4 years
1, 3, 6, 11, and 31
1) what era had your fave looks? BIG fan of revenge in terms of overall look. i love mikey’s look in black parade tho
3) gerard’s best hairstyle/color? love love LOVE teal roots. 
6) favorite Black Parade song? mama. for sure.
11) Revenge or Black Parade? this question is impossible and the answer changes every day. today it’s revenge.
31) favorite album cover? three cheers for sweet revenge (bullets is a close second)
thanks for the questions
ask me random mcr questions
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 1989
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Picking a #1 for this list was tough.
Obviously my first-hand experience of “hearing songs on the radio and actually liking some of them” starts when I was around 3 or 4, so nostalgia will have very little to do with the first top 10 lists I’m making.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
Surprisingly not a very good year, at least for my tastes.
10 - Like A Prayer (Madonna)
US: #25 / FR: Was apparently on the list but I have contradicting sources
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I had a very (and I do mean very, two months at best) brief Madonna phase back when she released Die Another Day because I absolutely loved that song that a shit ton of people seem to hate. So I found a Madonna best of for 1€ in a garage sale and decided to listen to more stuff from her. This song was one of my faves but it wouldn’t be the complete truth ; actually, I loved the last third of the song, the bit where the music starts to turn epic and the choir swells and everything. The rest of the song? Well, I found it boring, so I used to skip it entirely most of the time.
Is one third of a song enough to get a spot on this list? I wouldn’t say so in another year, but since the choice is pretty slim for this one, I’d say it’s fair game this time.
9 - Il Changeait La Vie (Jean-Jacques Goldman)
US: Not on the list / FR: Again, it’s there but I have contradicting sources
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I don’t have much to say about this song. It has a weirdly epic melody for a song about a guy who makes shoes. It’s mostly there by default too because Goldman made way better songs before and after that one.
8 - Smooth Criminal (Michael Jackson)
US: #93 / FR: Was apparently on the list but I have contradicting sources
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Like many people of my generation I wasn’t there for Michael Jackson’s best part of his career and he was already considered a sad has-been by the time I started to actively listen to music.
What I’m trying to say is that I discovered this song mostly through the Alien Ant Farm cover. I know, I know. But hey, I still love the original.
7 - She Drives Me Crazy (Fine Young Cannibals)
US: #18 / FR: Was apparently on the list but I have contradicting sources
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I remember my dad really liked this song and would play it from time to time. Like many other songs from when I was very young, I have vague, distant memories of hearing it a lot years later and enjoying it every time. I still like this particular one a lot, too.
6 - Listen to Your Heart (Roxette)
US: #22 / FR: Not on the list
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Basically, everything I said about the previous song applies to this one, too.
Moving on!
5 - I Drove All Night (Cindy Lauper)
US: Not on the list / FR: #36
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Just like Smooth Criminal, you will not like the reason which put this particular song on this list. It’s mostly here because of the Celine Dion cover that came out years later, around 2000 or so. I liked it so much at the time that I bought the single and played it quite often.
The original is much better and that goes without saying but... yeah.
4 - Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode)
US: Not on the list / FR: #11
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I’m really glad the French charts thought so highly of this song, but at the same time, it’s not one of my favorites from Depeche Mode. Hell, it’s even my least favorite song on the Violator album. I usually love repetitive & aggressive songs but this one kinda stays at the same level from beginning to end, and said level isn’t very striking visually.
Still very good, and it’s incredibly tense, and the lyrics are weird and interesting. So yeah, it deserves this spot.
3 - Hijo De La Luna (Mecano)
US: Not on the list / FR: #18
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There’s a ton of versions of this song, including one in French, and both that one and the Spanish version would play on the radio long after they became a hit - I have vague and distant memories of me playing with plastic dinosaur toys and hearing that song on the radio regularly for years. Weirdly enough, I remember the Spanish version was played way more than the French one on the radio, but it’s a good thing because it sounds much better.
Long story short it’s about a woman who sells her firstborn to the Moon in exchange for the returned affection of the man she loves, and he ends up killing her because their child is moon-colored and he believes she cheated on him.
It’s messed up, but in an interesting way, and the melody is great.
2 - Lullaby (The Cure)
US: Not on the list / FR: #17
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I’m really surprised this didn’t make the year-end list in the US because it was really big in England and Europe in general, and we still hear it on the radio in my country from time to time.
Surprisingly enough, this isn’t one of my favorite Cure songs even though Disintegration is my favorite Cure album (I had to cut Lovesong from this top 10 because it’s not one of my faves either, put it as a honorable mention I guess) (also yes, I cut a Cure song to put Madonna on this list. What the f█ck). I’m not even sure why exactly, but I think it’s mostly because that breathless thing Smith does when he sings this particular song is a bit painful to listen to on repeat. The music is amazing though, it’s gloomy but full of little colorful patches everywhere and it’s real eye-candy.
I debated if Lullaby should be #1 for my 1989 list and at some point it was, but in the end, “I love this song but it’s slightly painful to listen to on a loop” lost against “I like this song a bit less but boy was it stuck on a loop on my cd player at times”.
1 - Poison (Alice Cooper)
US: #91 / FR: Was apparently on the list but I have contradicting sources
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Woohoo. Look at that. What a surprise. The ex-edgy teenager put Poison at #1.
I know. I’m sorry. I’m a sucker for stupid edgy shit that you can sing angrily along with while walking and this is no exception. Wasn’t ever on my list of favorite songs (none of the songs in this top 10 ever were), but it was on a couple of my tapes, and yeah, I distinctly remember listening to this around 2005 or so while walking, and striking poses and singing along when no one could see me.
Haven’t actively listened to it in years but I definitely still sing along when it pops up on the radio in my car.
Next up: an absolutely abysmal list with only three (3) songs I actually like on it.
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lightwoodsmagic · 5 years
I get really frustrated when I see some larries completely disregard the fact that Zayn and Liam are also closeted when there’s so much evidence. I know you believe in both couples. How do you handle it? It’s just hard :(
Hi anon!
This is a super complex question, considering the fact it’s 2:30am in Australia, but, alas, I’m gonna fucking tackle it anyway. Apologies for the probably disjointed answer. This is just my opinion and view.
I’m sorry that it’s difficult for you to see people disregarding Zayn and Liam, and Ziam.
You’re right; I do believe in both couples, completely AND equally. There are incredible similarities in a lot of aspects of both them as individuals, and them as couples. Zayn and Liam have both had very obvious PR relationships (especially the one Liam is in right now jfc), they drop hints all the time still (Zayn had a slit in his eyebrow just a couple of months ago), and I’ve said it before but I believed in Ziam before I believed in Larry. Zayn and Liam were incredibly obvious during One Direction, and at the moment, Zayn just isn’t in the public eye anywhere near as much personally, so there’s not as much opportunity for people to see as much as with Harry and Louis.
There will always be people who don’t like Zayn, don’t like Liam, and/or don’t believe in Ziam.
That’s their decision, their opinion, whatever. I don’t agree with it, but they’re always gonna be out there. This certainly doesn’t extend to every Larrie or person who doesn’t believe in Ziam or that the boys are closeted, though.
I love those boys with my whole damn heart though, so it can be tricky when I see posts alluding to Harry and Louis being the only closeted members of the band, or when people completely blow off something Ziam related that’s identical to something Larry related that they screamed about.
There’s a couple of layers to this, though.
As someone who believes in both couples and throws themselves in completely, it is A LOT. I’ve spoken to quite a number of Larries recently who have been very open and honest, and just said that Larry is a fucking lot to deal with on it’s own, and not everyone can handle what comes with also adding in a full blown investigation to Ziam.
It’s important to remember that that’s valid. No one should ever tell someone else what they do and don’t have the mental capacity to deal with. Larry is a lot, and all of the people I’ve spoken to have also then said that because of that, they don’t have a solid opinion because they don’t know the facts, or know enough either side. That’s also super valid, and a good thing, because some people are aware that they don’t know the ins and outs of Zayn, Liam, and Ziam, and therefore don’t contribute as much to the specifics really, even though they still love them. People can also 100% not believe in Ziam or not look into it, but still love Zayn and Liam. Sometimes Ziams don’t see it that way, and it’s just creates this vicious cycle of frustration and hatred amongst some Larries and Ziams.
I think, for me personally, the thing that frustrates me the most is seeing people who refuse to look into it, or who don’t know much about it at all because they can’t be bothered, then flat out refuse to accept any form or relationship or closeting even though they haven’t looked into it, and slam up opinion after opinion on them.
A lot of people don’t brush them to the side intentionally or maliciously, anon. They just love Harry and Louis and focus mainly on them, and there’s nothing wrong with that. People are allowed to have favourites. It’s the malicious people that are the worst, and honestly, they can just get the fuck off my dash. I’m in charge of curating my fandom experience and safe space, and so I do.
In terms of how I handle seeing people being outright arseholes about it? Sometimes I don’t. Sometimes it’s so frustrating to see people think that Liam’s current relationship is real despite all the proven lies and cover ups and the fact they first got papped three days before Stack It Up came out. Sometimes it’s frustrating to see people say that Icarus Falls got basically zero promo because that’s definitely what Zayn wanted, even though his label did nothing and could’ve promoted the album properly without him being physically present and without making his mental health worse. Sometimes it’s frustrating to see people completely ignore anything Ziam related, even though often it’s just as obvious, or more obvious, than some of the stuff that Harry and Louis do.
But then I remember that not everyone has the capacity, time, or, honestly, interest to look into it. And that’s okay, because they recognise that there’s things they might not understand about the situation. The people I know personally are brilliant with this, and I’m always SO incredibly happy when they ask me questions about Zayn and Liam or Ziam, because it can be fucking daunting from the outside.
This fandom is SO MUCH sometimes; so much information, so many time lines, so many hidden messages and secrets and codes. Everyone has to start somewhere. I’m always happy to answer something that someone doesn’t know, because how is someone always just supposed to know everything from the start? There’s so much information to wade through and sort out, and it’s so daunting. For some people, starting to look into Ziam on top of Larry is intimidating, and that’s fair. There’s SO MUCH, so so much. Why would i ever tell someone to find something themselves or look it up themselves when that can be scary for someone, when I already know the answer? Im always happy to help!
I’ve waffled on, because it’s who I am, but basically for me, it boils down to this:
It can be hard to see people ignore the clear signals Zayn and Liam send, but for some people, the idea of Ziam isn’t something they’ve looked into because it’s daunting, or maybe they just aren’t particularly interested because Larry are their faves. It’s okay, though. Not everyone is always gonna just instantly come to the same conclusions all the time, even though I’m not personally sure how you could see everything Ziam related and not reach the same conclusion.
There are (at least, sorry Niall, I’m not sure) four closeted men in One Direction. Absolutely. And it is frustrating when people say there’s only two.
I just sigh, scroll on, unfollow if it’s bad, and continue to love Zayn and Liam and recognise their closets, because I can’t control what anyone thinks or believes. I also continue to love Harry and Louis and recognise their closets and what they’ve also gone through and are going through.
And love Niall.
I also continue to love the Larries I love, love the Ziams I love, and love the safe space in the fandom that I’ve found.
There’s a lot more to be said about this, but this is just my experience written at now almost 3am.
It’s not really great advice anon, and I’m sorry for that, but it’s all I’ve got 💕 feel free to come off anon and chat with me.
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