#also angsty bc...Kusuhara
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Can write something about the relation takeru x hidaka?♡
I imagine Takeru being the first guy that Hidaka's really got a serious crush on, like even before Hidaka realized how cute Fushimi-san is he originally was crushing on Kusuhara. Initially it was just him wanting to be friendly to this kid, Takeru seeming pretty young and inexperienced and Hidaka's natural big brother instincts wanting to help him out. They get along surprisingly well though, Kusuhara easily goes along with Hidaka's boisterous personality without being a pushover and he's obviously really happy to have made such a fast friend. Hidaka wasn't really expecting to get so attached to Kusuhara, it's like they just click and he wants to spend more time with him talking and laughing. Hidaka realizes he's got a little crush soon after and he finds it a bit funny, that a guy like him who's always been way into girls should be having real serious feelings for another guy, especially one who shouldn't be anything extraordinary the way Kusuhara is. Even so there's like something in Kusuhara that draws Hidaka to him, they can spend so much time just hanging out without it ever feeling awkward or forced and he just finds himself thinking sometimes that it would be fun to kiss him.
The first kiss they're in Hidaka's dorm, Gotou's out for the weekend on some big antique shopping spree and Kusuhara's just supposed to be helping him hide the ancient cursed statues and maybe drinking a little beer. Kusuhara holds his alcohol better than Hidaka would have expected and it makes him grin, like who knew a little guy like you could manage to drink so much. Kusuhara notes that Hidaka's drunk even as he takes another can himself, Hidaka's like hmm yeah probably, flopping back onto the floor and laughing to himself. Kusuhara's watching him and smiling, saying that he thinks Hidaka's a really amazing guy in his own way. Hidaka's surprised by that and Kusuhara says it's more like Hidaka's someone who wants to make everyone feel a part of the group and that it's a nice way to be, it's like he's a big fluffy puppy. Hidaka laughs at that and is like you could at least say 'dog' instead of puppy. Kusuhara isn't sure about that and Hidaka sits up, suddenly serious as he leans in close and says he's definitely more of a dog than a puppy. Kusuhara doesn't seem concerned as he's like if that's what you say and that's when Hidaka just leans in and kisses him. The next day Hidaka's probably worried that he like took advantage of Kusuhara while drunk, Kusuhara shakes his head and is like you know despite how I look I'm not a puppy either.
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