#Kusuhara Takeru
okitskproject · 11 months
i cant believe ai cant find a single fic of Kusuhara Takeru and Zenjou Goki???? Anyone?
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
What if kusuhara lives like he was in coma or something now he comes back to s4 and for some kind of Circumstances there is no empty or shared room for him to use so he share with fushimi what do you think will happen will we se knives flaying or surprisingly they will get along
I think they might get along actually, or at least Fushimi would find himself surprisingly ‘not hating’ Kusuhara. Imagine this happens like pre-S1 or at least pre-ROK so Fushimi’s still pretty prickly too, which makes it even more surprising. Say Kusuhara was just badly wounded by the gunshot and in a coma, S4 of course got him the best medical care they could but no one knows if he’ll ever wake up (also imagine Hidaka spending time by Kusuhara’s bedside whenever he’s in a melancholy mood…and maybe at least once he runs into Munakata already there, who only smiles at him and takes his leave). Then one day unexpectedly Kusuhara’s vitals start acting up and he suddenly wakes up. Of course everyone’s excited to hear Kusuhara’s awake, Munakata goes to see him and offers to let Kusuhara return to working for the police if he wishes. However Kusuhara wants to continue working with S4, even after everything he still strongly believes in Munakata’s ideals.
Munakata intends to have Kusuhara brought back into the fold right away but as it happens they’re low on rooms, maybe a pipe burst in Kusuhara’s old room or something and they hadn’t bothered to fix it. Hidaka offers to have Kusuhara stay with him and Gotou but three to a room would be tight so Munakata has a better idea and suggests Kusuhara stay with Fushimi. Kusuhara doesn’t know much about Fushimi other than that young member from Intelligence he ran into that one evening, he’s very impressed to learn that Fushimi is now third in command (imagine Hidaka is present at this conversation too and keeps making desperate ‘don’t do it’ signals with his hands that Kusuhara totally misses). Fushimi obviously scowls and clicks his tongue when Munakata tells him, complaining that he won’t have a roommate and he’s already told Munakata this, he can’t sleep with a stranger in the room. Kusuhara continues to miss the signs and happily says that they aren’t strangers, they’ve met before isn’t that right Fushimi-kun — ah wait, it’s Fushimi-san now. Fushimi gives him a glare but Kusuhara is perfectly good natured about this and finally Fushimi sighs and says fine but it had better be temporary.
The alphabet boys are all worried about Kusuhara, like how is he gonna survive rooming with Fushimi-san until they get him somewhere better. Kusuhara thinks it can’t be so bad can it, Fushimi’s younger than him so even being in such a high position he still might need some support. Fuse thinks Kusuhara must have really hurt his brain if he thinks he can get along with Fushimi but Kusuhara doesn’t think he’s so bad. Imagine Fushimi trying to be cold to him but somehow Kusuhara keeps getting past his walls, like the first night Fushimi does actually have trouble sleeping knowing that Kusuhara is there below him. He wakes up from a nightmare and looks below without even realizing it, when he sees Kusuhara looking back Fushimi clicks his tongue and quickly pulls his own covers over his head. He keeps waiting for Kusuhara to mention it but Kusuhara doesn’t, just smiles at Fushimi the next day and says he’s heading out to the office. 
Also Kusuhara starts unexpectedly being someone who can help get Fushimi to fix his bad habits. Like Fushimi tries to stay awake super late and Kusuhara just expresses amazement that Fushimi is such a hard worker. Fushimi grumbles that he doesn’t need praise from someone like Kusuhara and Kusuhara laughs sheepishly and says he supposes not, Fushimi has such a high rank after all. Still, Kusuhara is very impressed with him and adds that Fushimi can leave the light on if he wants, Kusuhara can still sleep like this. Fushimi says he didn’t ask and Kusuhara just goes to bed without complaining, Fushimi stares at his computer for a few minutes but somehow he can’t concentrate now and finds himself going right to bed himself.
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K: Seven Stories - Kusuhara Takeru
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cat-the-spade · 3 years
Got some k project posters today and decided to take the highest quality photos of them I possibly could for the fandom :)
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
* Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Narration: In a certain cinema, there were Zenjo and Kusuhara from "Scepter 4".
Zenjo: There are several things if you are alive. There are things that I don't like and things that I have to endure. He's dead, but I once had a strict grandfather. Back then he told me. When there is something in life that you have to endure, a man silently clenches his thumb in his palm and clenches his teeth.
Kusuhara: That, Zenjo-san.
Zenjo: This is how my grandfather survived the turbulent times of the previous war and completed his duties as a police officer to the end. He was a strict and gentle bony fish. Kusuhara-kun, I still respect my grandfather a lot.
Kusuhara: Unusually, Zenjo-san speaks well.
Zenjo: Unreasonable boss order. Unfair humiliation. Unreasonable challenge. At any moment, a man never defends, does not complain, and keeps looking forward.
Kusuhara: Zenjo-san, you are speaking very well right now, right?
Zenjo: You may think it is an anachronism, but now I remember my grandfather's words and I will endure this difficult situation by clenching my thumbs and clenching my teeth.
Kusuhara: I don't like it that much. Let's see, it's this: "Witch Kyun Kyun Puri Puri Princess~ Pudding strategy to mode~".
Narration: The movie theater during the holidays was full of girls of elementary school age. Zenjo and Kusuhara mingled there in civilian clothes.
Kusuhara: It is clearly floating. Like us.
Narration: No one approached within a 3-meter radius.
Zenjo: Is it okay to understand that this is total harassment from Director Munakata?
Kusuhara: It can't be helped. Although it was unintentional, we broke the cup of tea the captain loved when we were on duty to clean.
Zenjo: It was certainly unconscious. But, in no way are we obligated to get the benefits of an anime movie in return.
Kusuhara: Actually, it seems like you have to come to the cinema to see "Witch Kyun Kyun Puri Puri Princess~ Pudding strategy to mode~".
Zenjo: He is ruthless and there is something that he gives to people, but director Munakata is also sweet with the younger ones.
Kusuhara: Well, Zenjo-san, you are also accumulating hatred. I wonder if future employment relationships will be okay. Oh, it looks like it will start soon.
Zenjo: Okay, I understand. Let's go.
Kusuhara: Oh, Zenjo-san. If you have such a scary face, the children around you will get more and more scared!
The sound of the end of the movie.
Kusuhara: Fu, it was pretty good. There was a good balance between the scenes that made me laugh and the scenes that made me cry... Zenjo-san, were you crying?
Zenjo: I don't usually watch many movies.
Kusuhara: It's really surprising...
Zenjo: No, it's embarrassing. Anyway, let's get what we want and go home.
Kusuhara: ……
Zenjo: Kusuhara-kun?
Kusuhara: Zenjo-san. Why don't we come here with that person?
Zenjo: Hmm?
Kusuhara: Then you will get two cups, right?
Zenjo: What happened to that?
Kusuhara: So even if you give it to the captain's niece, there is one more thing left, right? Captain Munakata is now in a state where the cup has been lost.
Zenjo: I see. Little by little I have come to understand what you mean.
Kusuhara: Yes. I have to express my apology correctly.
Zenjo: You are quite interesting.
Kusuhara: Thank you. Zenjo-san. If you want, how about rice after this?
Zenjo: That's right. I feel like eating soba.
Kusuhara: Ok!
Narration: The witch girl's mug was delivered safely to Munakata, one was for Munakata's niece. And the other was going to be used by Munakata, so Zenjo and Kusuhara thought. Contrary to expectations, Munakata seems to like it just the way it is.
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Ok who draw Enomoto as a Wizard in k side blue
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Like at first he had nothing in his hands and poof he had these papers (or diploma, i don't know)
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rani-karenita · 4 years
Quick review on K Side: Blue (light novel and movie ver.):
Both light novel and movie version give us the different main point for this series, one is about Zenjo's PTSD that still affecting him when he comes back to Scepter 4, and the other one is about how Kusuhara's presence impacts everyone in Scepter 4 (especially for the Special Force). Zenjo's recollection on how Habari's life ended, although not much, but certainly made the readers understand the pain he harbor. While in Seven Stories movie, similar with how little Habari's appearance in light novel, Kusuhara's presence both when he still alive and after his demise are clearly influence how everyone's mood in Scepter 4 changed.
And in both media, Reisi also portrayed in two different side: a rude one to Zenjo-san in light novel, and a not-clearly-seen-but-actually caring person to Kusuhara in movie (you can see it in how he keeping his blood-stained glasses he wear when Kusuhara dies protecting him and when he smiled after seeing his late subordinate's soul at the end of the movie).
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x0401x · 5 years
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K Seven Stories Box: Sides One and Two
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endless-season · 5 years
Kusuhara is not okay
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hoshinoemiko · 6 years
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K7S and Dead Apple posters inside the next issue of PASH magazine
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Fushimi is still fairly new to s4 and didn't care to know or remember anyone and did things on his own. There was this guy who would sometimes suddenly popup to give him advice, tell him about the others, or just hang out. This person seemed lonely though and is sad he couldn't help much and is worried about everyone. Fushimi finally looked him up: Kusuhara Takeru (Deceased) - the guy who died around the time he first got there. Fushimi stopped seeing him after that but can fee he's still round.
Kusuhara can finally call him 'Fushimi-kun' :D Though technically Kusuhara didn't die until Fushimi became third in command and was still around properly even when Fushimi was new to S4, they met in the All Characters story. Maybe AU where Kusuhara's death is closer to when Fushimi first joins so he really is largely unaware of who Kusuhara is. Instead Fushimi's just aware that there's this 'annoying guy' who pops up from time to time to give him advice or suggestions and who always seems eager to help but a bit sad too. Most of the rank and file aren't interested in helping Fushimi much at all and he's fine with that, Fushimi would rather do everything on his own and he has no intentions of asking others for help. But then at the same time imagine him like trying to memorize the layout of the building and that's when Kusuhara helpfully appears and tells him to go down that hall and to the right. Fushimi assumes this is just some bothersome person who wants him to be grateful for being helped but the guy just smiles sheepishly and says he thought Fushimi could use a hand.
After that Kusuhara shows up from time to time, like he'll sit with Fushimi at lunch time and talk a little or give him advice. Maybe around the last time Fushimi sees him is when he becomes third in command, with Kusuhara telling him about Doumyouji's squad members and how best to handle them. Kusuhara seems particularly sad when he talks about Hidaka, letting Fushimi know that Hidaka's a nice person and loves his friends very much, and please try to be friendly with him okay. Afterward Fushimi realizes at some point that he hasn't seen Kusuhara in a long time and decides to finally look up who that guy was, like was it some random member who couldn't handle the pressure and quit. He scrolls through the member list and that's when he recognizes Kusuhara's face, he clicks on the profile and sees 'deceased.' Fushimi raises an eyebrow, he's aware someone died in S4 but he'd never paid much attention because he had other things that were more important to worry about. He ends up going by the little 'memorial' to Kusuhara after that, looking at Kusuhara's sword thoughtfully. Hidaka sees him and asks if Fushimi met Kusuhara at all, Fushimi shakes his head and says he was just wondering about the memorial, that's all. Hidaka gets a complicated expression as he says that Kusuhara was his friend and that it isn't the same without him. Fushimi quietly murmurs 'well, I think he's still hanging around though,' and Hidaka looks at him in surprise, Fushimi just shakes his head and says it's nothing as he walks away.
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bbasmati-rice · 5 years
Ś̠̲͕̣̯ͅh̲̤͔̖̫̤̰o̢̤o̴̭͈̬̬̳t̲̙͉͓̦̥̞í̫̮͈̠̳̗͈n̼̻̤̹̠̺g̦̣̻͙̪͉ ̴S̼̜͡t͈͟a̖̰̳͓̱͖̩̕r̭̥̤̘͈ͅ
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
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whatever-whatsoever · 6 years
Kusuhara Takeru is...
-Oh boy...
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shuuv · 6 years
After The Death
The chair creaked as Zenjo leaned back. He closed his eyes and rubbed the arch of his nose. That boy that he’d been helping & that he’d been helped by. He was no longer around. From what he had heard, a strain broke out of the grasp of one of the clansmen and attempted to shoot Captain Munakata, Kusuhara Takeru, being the only one that noticed, used his special instincts and aura to block the bullet before it could reach the captain. It had gone right through his head. He died on the spot.
Zenjo wasn’t there,so he couldn’t have seen how it happened. His imagination would only bring him so far. He had a liking to that boy, as if that boy had been his apprentice for years now.
“Without hesitation.” Those words rung in his head. Habari had said the same words before Zenjo had to cut him down. It was sudden, he assumed that they would have been okay and that the war between Scepter 4 & Purgatory House was over and down for. The next moment, he was covered in his king’s blood.
After the funeral, Hidaka crouched in the toilet, tears rolling down his eyes nonstop. He couldn’t believe it. Had his best friend really died? He bit his lower lip and thought of every moment they had spent together. Training in the Dōjo, every mission they had been on together & eating soba with Enomoto, Fuse, Goto and Zenjo in the dimly lit room after hours.
He shut his eyes tightly, trying to process his death over and over again. Thinking of every second and how he could have prevented it. If only he had locked the culprit up earlier. If only he had restrained him tighter. If only he had moved away the gun. Kusuhara wouldn’t have died.
At roughly 1am & technically a the day following the funeral, Enomoto sat at the desk in the Blue Sky dormitory, in the room he shared with Fuse. Despite being a hard worker, well-trained soldier and highly educated in the world of technology, he seemed to have a difficult time writing the report on the case.
He recalled Kusuhara jumping out, and as he looked at the captain in disbelief, the Blue King was stained by his clansman’s red blood. His glasses were splattered with that viscous red substance and mouth agape. The next thing he knew, his glasses were fogging up. Enomoto was soft and gentle in nature, but the gruesome scene caused him to run up to the corpse of his friend and grasp it, shouting his name over and over again.
At the same time, Fuse sat at the counter of the kitchen in the Blue Sky dormitory. Arms resting on the table, the cool water in the cup turned warmer by the minute. He looked at the table, trying to reminisce everything and even begun to question his life choices. At this time, Gōto walked into the kitchen.
“Couldn’t sleep huh?” Gōto asked.
“Seems like it’s the same for you.”
For a moment, silence was the only thing between the 2. Gōto walked to the kettle and filled his cup with warm water. He looked solemn and lost, as if in a daze. While he is often know to be quirky, weird or “supernatural “, he had never looked so sad before.
“Hey, you believe in ghosts and things like that right? Would it be possible to make him come back?” Fuse asked, with a quiver in his voice.
“Sorry...” Gōto replied.
A ball of air formed in Fuse’s throat. The closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fist. Hitting the table hard, “Godamnit...”
In the more refurbished female dormitory, Awashima Seri had just finished bathing after a long day of work. She too, had a lost look in her eyes. At the corner of the room laid a bamboo sword, one that she would often bring to dōjo practice. As she picked up the sword, she ran her hand over it.
She thought of all the times they had sparred in the dōjo. Kusuhara has always lost “beautifully”. And after their trainings, sometimes she would send an anko care package to help him recover, only to be whacked again next practice.
The one time that he had managed to hit her was quite shocking in all honesty. She even carassed the are he hit to verify it. A gentle smile formed on her face as she touched that area once again.
Fushimi Saruhiko walked across the outdoor training grounds of Scepter 4. Wearing casual clothes after returning from a private errand from the captain. He looked down at his PDA, with his other arm in his pocket. He was in the process of strolling back to the dormitory.
All of a sudden, the bespectacled boy stopped in his tracks and looked up. Then his eyes widened. Just for a moment, he saw what seemed like a high schooler, smiling at him and saying “Fushimi-Kun, were you out late again?”
In the main Scepter4 building, only one light was left on. In the captain’s office, he perched his arm on the table and rested his head on it. His other arm was fixing a puzzle.
That was the only sound that filled the room. Fushimi had left a few minutes ago but it seemed as though he had been alone in that room forever. Earlier that day, Zenjo had him pinned up against the wall by the collar so he was fatigued to say the least.
Kusuhara had often helped him bring the puzzle to the dōjo and back to the office. It was depressing to think that the task would never be the same again.
During the funeral, he remembered a man with a limp moving towards and exchanged a few words with Zenjo. Since he was from the riot police, was he close to Kusuhara?
Like his face, Kusuhara’s hands were somewhat soft. He had once requested Kusuhara to wash his back, but instead he watched over it and saved his life.
The puzzle was finished. Taking a look at the full picture he had fixed, he leaned back and thought to himself “To have such dedicated squadmen, I certainly am lucky. Thank-You.”
In dedication to kusuhara takeru my no.1 and first true love i hope we get to see more content of u i loved u sm i went to watch the movie twice and a ticket was $13 but hey it was worthit bcos i almost missed ur poster <3
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x0401x · 6 years
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“Scepter 4 is going to be reborn as an even stronger and more powerful organization.”
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