#also because crystal and ying use legs a lot
halloweenneko · 2 years
Here is the first part of my 《Boboiboy × Pokémon》!!!
Boboiboy × Gold
Fang × Silver
Ying × Crystal
Stay tuned for more!
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yingying-59-blog · 6 years
Edward Li. Interview on September 10th. Email: [email protected]
The Struggle Inside of Edward Li: “The Height Is The Hurdle That I Can't Drive Through”
By Ying Li (Crystal), Pennsylviania State University.
September 10, 2018
Let’s imagine it, one day when you drive through the viaduct, and you are scared by the beautiful scenery outside the viaduct.
It was two years ago, In Beijing, China. Edward Li saw the heights between the ramp viaduct and the road surface more than 20 meters when he driving to home from work, he felt the legs were soft, the palms were sweating, unable to step on the throttle and brakes, so he tried to park the car slowly and called for help.
Li said that he tried to keep himself from fear, calm down, and struggled for a long time before getting out of the car. However, after Li get off from his car, he saw the gap outside the bridge and was very scared. And Li ran back to his car and waited for his help.  
The list of officially-recognized phobias is heights phobias, Every moment, people who have heights phobias will find the ways to avoid the "burst" of fear of heights. “I was daring not take the transparent elevator and daring not stand on the balcony and also I can not stand the height of the 4th floor, and absolutely let alone to take the airplane,” Li said.
Extreme fear of heights, also known as acrophobia, is estimated to affect up to 5 percent of the general population. Height phobia is not a disease, but a psychological cause.There is a part of fear that can be overcome by avoiding. People with this phobia often try to endure it and rarely seek treatment. In fact, they use avoidance as treatment and avoid fear triggering. For example, do not live in high buildings. However, if because of the fear of high that afraid to fly, take high-speed rail, take the elevator, etc., this will bring a lot of trouble to life.
The fear of height also called as acrophobia. Acrophobia is a word came from Greek word “acron” which means height. Acrophobia affects 1 out of every 20 people.According to the statistics on the website betterhelp.com, acrophobia is one of the very common phobias in the world. As many as 19.2 million U.S. adults have a phobia.
If you have acrophobia, the fear of height. Don’t worry, you are not alone. For mild acrophobics, here are some tips from Edward which is his personal experience summarized over many years to help you and himself to get over the fear:
Prepare yourself.
Try to tell your body to be prepared before going to the high situation. And also tell yourself everything will be OK.
Slow down.
Try to step by step. Do not be rush that go to the highest place. Practice visiting a lower level of the building, then finally reach the next higher level, and so on, until a little bit, you are used to getting higher and higher
Take it easy
Reduce the feat, and Breathe yourself back down to calm. Take a deep breathe when you scary.
There are no fastest fixes for a fear of heights. You need to be ready by yourself to put in the commitment and time. Try your best and get overcome it.
“How To Handle And Overcome Your Fear Of Heights.” Betterhelp,
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