#also before i forget your emmet has a very good sense of fashion
emmet-appreciation · 2 years
Congratulations! You have attracted my Emmet's attention too! He also just wanted to say hello :D its rlly cool that youre system-friendly 👍👍 sorry if this is a lot comin at ya law. Keep being awesome
🚝opinions on lagtrain by Inabacumori
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Ahh- I’m being visited by so many fictives ;w;!! This makes me really happy, ya’ll are the bessst 🥺🙏  // I decided to take a shot at drawing your emmet, too! I hope he doesn’t mind ehe, this probably would’ve been a lot better if I didn’t have this stinkin art block ;w;
Ohohoh 👀👀🙏 and Hi Emmet! 👋👋  I really really reaaaaaaaally love Lagtrain, actually (the melancholic melody captured my attention, but after my brother told me the name of the song I absolutely feel in love with it haha ;w;). I even sent an ask to @/chipsncookies awhile back because I just. Heavily. Heavily associate this song with PLA. Which only made me even more obsessed with the song (oops). I’ve been trying not to listen to it so much because I know if I keep listening to it I’ll get bored of it eventually. And then I won’t be able to make that animatic I’ve been planning :<
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