#also besties Fuuka and Futaba
almoststedytimetravel · 5 months
P3 Dancing was wild, Ken just casually saying he finds Aigis more human than himself then just not elaborating on that, boy are you okay?
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kvetchquest · 2 years
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they're swapping pc specs and playing persona 4 golden to romance rise :^)
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kationella · 4 years
Can you do Persona Q3 plot with P1 and P2 characters what Labyrinth theme is to be Art museum or a Library? what you favorite conversation for your idea, What your story plot for PQ3 and Can you make New Character(s) in this story? NOTE: Can you Fanfic PQ
Oh, wow! I'm not sure I have the focus to write a PQ3 fanfic. The Batman one I'm writing is updated every two months 😅
I don't mind sharing my ideas, though.
First, it would be necessary to find a point in the story where every cast is taken from.
The P1 gang would be taken after they realize they had been with the Ideal Maki all this time but before they save the real one.
The Tatsuya Squad (Tatsuya, Michel, Lisa and Jun) would be taken after they recover the crystal skulls but before they confront Nyarly.
The Maya Squad (Maya, Katsuya, Baofu and Ulala) is taken before the Other Tatsuya joins them.
SEES would be taken after Ikutsuki's betrayal (I also want Minako and Shinjiro to make an aapearance, so those two will be from the FeMC timeline).
The Scooby Gang would be from before Nanako is kidnapped.
The PTs (including Sumire and Akechi) would appear before the final fight with Maruki.
Everyone finds themselves in a deserted theme park Disneyland Destinyland style. This place will serve as the labyrinth and provider of games/shenanigans for the social interactions.
Suddenly, shadows/demons start to appear in waves, but a cute girl called Erity takes them to safety in a funhouse. She says she doesn't remember who she is or where she came from (in true Persona Q tradition). Minor conflict and confusion over the whole situation arises but is quickly cleared up. Introductions take place.
The smart ones quickly figure out that talking about the events that take place in the future would wreak havoc in the time-space continuum, so talking about their games becomes a no-no.
Erity shows them that the gates of the theme park are closed and they can't get out.
Erity says that she remembers that in each ride (there are five of them) there is hidden a key. If they find the five keys they will be able to unlock the park's gates and leave back to where they came from.
The only problem is that each ride is infested by shadows/demons with a mini boss guarding each key, so the heroes split up into teams from mixed games to cover more ground quicker (and for interaction purposes).
With a new journey started, the Velvet siblings (sent by Phil) appear to aid our heroes, accompained by the Demon Painter (for game mechanics), Belladonna and Nameless (for social interaction). The Velvet gang takes residence in the funhouse, where the party can rest after a fight.
As they clear the theme park from enemies the heroes will constantly encounter an underwhelming guy in weirdly colored clothing who calls himself their "Ultimate Foe". He has a funny mustache. He doesn't do much apart from minor inconveniences and trash talking each party member he encounters (he calls it constructive criticism) before disappearing via colorful smoke.
The Ultimate Foe turns out to be the god Momus, who claims to have created the theme park for his own amusement and gathered the strongest warriors for a "fun adventure for the whole family". This angers some people in the party. They fight Momus for the final key.
In a predictable twist, Erity turns out to be the true mastermind. Her real identity is Achlys, goddess of the death-mist, misery and sadness. She convinced Momus to create the theme park and let shadows/demons roam free in it. Why? Due to the heroes fighting the evil in the world, she has grown weak. This is bad news for her. To prevent this, Achlys chose to kidnap everyone where they would either die by shadows/demons or remain trapped forever.
Obviously the heroes defeat her (with some help from an offended Momus) and retrieve the final key. Final goodbyes take place and everyone goes back to their timelines with no memores of the events.
This whole thing needs polishing but that's the basic plot. Now, for some of the interactions I would show in the game:
The obligatory talk between the protagonists. Naoya, Tatsuya, Minato, Minako, Yu and Akira talk in a way that makes no sense for everyone else. Maya acts as their translator.
Yuka, Ulala and Yu share cooking tips.
Everyone pets Koromaru.
Some people pet Morgana (aka Katsuya).
Kei, Tatsuya, Mitsuru and Makoto talk about motorcycles (Makoto also shows off Johanna). Yosuke stares from a distance.
Revenge and its merits is discussed by Reiji, Jun, Ken and Akechi. Eveyone agrees that its better things ended the way they did.
Jun and Akira bond over the single fact that they're both Jokers. Clown to clown conversation takes place.
Katsuya, Naoto and Makoto talk about the law system. Dabbles on philosophical grounds.
Gardening time with Jun and Haru.
The Lovers girls (+Eriko) have a talk about the entertainment industry.
Eikichi convinces Rise to join his band (or at least perform together at least once). Naoya offers to sing but he is dismissed.
Kei, Mitsuru and Haru talk business.
Hidehiko, Junpei, Yosuke and Ryuji get into a mess.
Teddie tries to "score" what else is new. He freaks some people when he comes out of the suit.
Maki, Masao and Yusuke have an artistic conversation.
Baofu and Futaba realize they have the same Persona. They become besties from then on and talk hacker nonsense. Everyone fears this duo.
Lisa and Chie bond over kung fu.
The P2 cast freak out after meeting the younger versions of their P1 friends.
Tatsuya and Makoto talk about siblings. Yu gives a speech about family somewhere in there.
Maya freaks out when Tatsuya, Lisa, Eikichi and Jun talk to her like they know her. Remember this is her EP version.
Likewise, Tatsuya gets weirded out when Ulala and Baofu (people he barely knows) approach him in a similar fashion.
Katsuya almost arrests someone.
Fuuka, Rise and Futaba talk about the importance of the navigator in a fight.
I also have other interactions in mind but this post is getting too long.
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ROSIE <3 how have you been?
so i noticed that you wanted to talk about persona!! hmm, who are your top three favorite characters from 3 and 5 and why?
in any case, take care!!
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EVE!! I'm doing good, but I'm even BETTER now since you're here \^°^/ how about you though? I hope life is treating you well <3
Man.. my favorite characters... can I just say all of them CSKDJDJ I love them all so much that it's hard to discern my top favs, but I know they exist XD
For Persona 5 I absolutely, positively, adore Ryuji, Futaba, and Sojiro. Akiren and Maruki might be crying in the corner but don't mind them /lh
1. Ryuji
Ryuji has been my favorite since the original release of p5 and he has held that spot through royal! Reasonings.. he's precious and is bestie material 😌 also I feel like I can trust him with anything-
2. Futaba
Futaba is a character I heavily relate to, but she also never fails to bring a smile to my face. I see her as a little sister and will protect her with my life :3
3. Sojiro
BEST DAD- cough- he's seriously the best though and a comfort character if I've ever seen one. At this point if the parental figure in persona games aren't a comfort character for me, then something is terribly wrong and you should call the police /j I also view Dojima in persona 4 as a comfort character and I blame Sojiro for this trend! Not that I mind- I actually have a "Characters I want as a Dad" list and those two are on there.
Persona 3! Gosh, this game is my everything.. p5 might've introduced me to this series, but p3 is the one that truly captured my heart(even though it was the second to last persona game I played). It was the first persona game to make me full on sob MULTIPLE TIMES, like I swear 🙄 /lh
My favorites for it though... hm, I'd have to say Makoto(our doorkun), Shinjiro, and Bebe. Although Fuuka, Hitoshi, and Ryoji are extremely close to throwing everyone out of the top positions XD
1. Makoto
I deeply admire him. For his efforts and what he stood for. In a way he brings me comfort, but not like a comfort character. Tbh it's hard to explain, but he makes it feel like everything's okay- somehow differently than a comfort character. I suppose like the hushing of a mother to her crying baby? But also he does some really funny things LMAO
2. Shinjiro
Comfort character. That's all /j
Shinji is a character that wiggled his way into my heart with no problem, which could be seen as painful. If you know, you know. He makes me feel safe in general and man his character.. the way they wrote him and his story is amazing! I wish he was on our team longer, but I don't regret spending a large portion of my yen on him. My strongest teammate... I'll see you again on my second playthrough! [Read: tenth playthrough]
3. Bebe
The French transfer student who adores Japan's culture. HE ALSO CAPTURED MY HEART IN RECORD TIME- he's my everything and I max his social link without fail everytime. I saw him in the hallway on the first day of school and listened to his conversation with the history teacher and.. I knew from that moment onward that I was going to TALK TO HIM SO DAMN HARD *desk slam* UGH- seeing him is a serotonin boost istg!
Thank you for sending me an ask, Eve! I had a lot of fun answering and am looking forward to writing your request \^°^/ Take care ♡
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