#also big thank you to the admins for hosting this amazing event and thank you to every single person who's read my fics
@carryon-countdown day 30: the beginning
Simon and Baz reunite after a long summer. also they're boyfriends :)
258 words
I open the door to our room and a wave of smoke hits my face.
Crowley, the school year hasn't even started yet and Snow already managed to get worked up over something. Honestly, this boy. What a beautiful, beautiful mess.
"Baz!" He says as he leaps to his feet. He's smiling at me, though a bit hesitant. I pretend not to notice.
"Hello, Simon, it's good to see you." I smile back at him. I know I sound a bit uptight, but I don't really know how to act around him anymore.
I mean, we're boyfriends now –I still can't believe it–, but we only got together the second to last day before the previous school year ended, and we haven't seen each other over the summer.
He must find something in my expression, because he finally beams at me and tackles me in a hug. I hug him back tightly.
I missed him dearly.
I spent a great part of the summer thinking of all the possible reactions Simon could have when we came back to school, and I must say, a big chunk of those were negative reactions.
I didn't allow myself to picture him jumping into my arms as soon as he saw me, because I was afraid he would come back to his senses during the holidays and would distance himself from me. I didn't want to get hurt any more.
But he is now in my arms, looking happy and comfortable, and I love him so much.
I'm living a charmed life.
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faytalepsy · 9 months
Now that we near the end of this years HEX event and also the year in general I just want to say a big big thank you to the wonderful admins of our Winxsource server @skloomdumpster and @fitztragedy . Thank you so much for creating and keeping up this wonderful place and hosting all those amazing events over the past year with the help of our awesome mods!! It probably isn't always easy but you still organize them masterfully and make sure everybody enjoys them. I think I'm not alone in saying that I already look forward to next year's event calendar!
It's not much but I had a little bit of free time over Christmas to draw a little something for both of you. Have some wintery Skloom and Rivusa and hopefully a great start into the new year! Thank you for being absolutely amazing!! 💕
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techjpr · 2 years
TechJPR December Newsletter
It's time to take a peek into the world of TechJPR once again, so pull up a mince pie, change your screensaver to the roaring log fire and relax with the December newsletter.
TechJPRty and call for sponsors
The TechJPR Winter Warmer certainly gave us the warm and fuzzies. Thanks to EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU for coming or messaging. A great night was had by all at the Cittie of Yorke by all accounts. Not bad for a last-minute holy-f*uck-what-do we-do-with-no-sponsor-money scramble, if we do say so ourselves. Having said that, our undying gratitude goes out to you, the UKs best and brightest journalists and PRs, for sponsoring yourselves (and the event) this time around. 
We have amazingly awesome plans for the next one but we need a sponsor (or sponsors) to make it happen. If we can sort an event in two weeks and get over 100 people to agree to pay for themselves, just think what we can do with actual real money and a bit more time!
If you would like to sponsor an event and see what we can do, we've even gone through our numbers and data and stuff and put it into a deck for those who need something to wave at people for budget sign off. Email [email protected] or get in touch with one of our friendly admin team via Facebook to find out more about sponsoring our next big social event! 
Fantasy Football Update
Big thanks to our very generous sponsors Bubble Agency who are not only donating a £40 Amazon voucher every month when fixtures are held, but are also providing a £200 Amazon voucher for the overall winner at the end of the season. Yay!
💬 TechJPR social stuff💬 🔭 Manek  is looking for a hosting company for his WordPress-based websites.  🤔 Karen gets some useful opinions about tech companies who use emojis in LinkedIn posts. 🥺Dina's calls to Google PR are falling on deaf ears. Can anyone help? 🔊Kate wants advice some decent speakers so she can boogie when she's not on Zoom calls. 🧑‍💻Toby needs a decent file recovery tool for a defunct external hard drive. 🔍What, if any, impact is Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter having on brands? Elliot wants to talk to people for a feature he is writing. 🎙️Lucas is looking for recommendations for radio broadcast agencies. ♨️Georgia is looking for interview subjects and expert comment on LNG bunkering for a report and interview-based feature for IQPC.
💰 Jobs 💰 
📱There's a perm AD role going at Weber Shandwick. Deets and contacts from Kash.
📱Charlotte is looking for superstar freelancers for December contracts across AM/SAM/AD/SAD levels for big name brands. Any recommendations would be amazing.
📱Humankind/Fanclub are looking for a B2B/Corp AM. Salary of £35,000-£40,000, dependent on experience. Also open to interim freelancers at this level. Email [email protected]
📣Journo-side📣👀 Not strictly tech, but this might be handy for jobseeking journos https://www.journoresources.org.uk/journalism-jobs.../
Want us to share your PR or journalist job? 📧 Send details including company, salary (or day rate), and a link (or who to contact). Perm roles must also have a job level. Email [email protected] and we'll do our best to include it in the next newsletter. No recruitment agencies or former government ministers please.🗓️ Events to attend -- or not🗓️
🎟️ What: International Conference on Cyber Security and Privacy in Communication Networks 🏢 Where: Cardiff. 📅 When: 12th - 13th December. 💡 Why: Discuss cyberthreat analysis, operations, research, and law enforcement to coordinate various efforts to create a more secure world. 🎟️ What CES 2023 🏢 Where: Las Vegas. 📅 When: 5th - 8th January. 💡 Why: More consumer tech than you can shake a memory stick at.
🎟️ What: ICE Total Gaming 2023 🏢 Where: ExCEl, London. 📅 When: 7th - 9th February. 💡 Why: The latest gaming tech. 🎟️ What: Telecommunication, Optics & Photonics Conference 🏢 Where: London, UK 📅 When: 13-14 February, 2023 💡 Why: Find out more about the development and application of optics and photonics in telecommunications and data centres.
News in brief:
📰Fed up with fragile phone screens that crack when accidentally dropped on concrete from a modest height? Fear not Gorilla Glas Victus 2 is here, from US materials specialist Corning (which also makes fibre optic cables and car windscreens btw). Coming to a smartphone near you soon. Maybe.
📰 There's yet another player in the social metaverse space in the form of SK Telecom, which has launched its Ifland platform in 49 international markets. The South Korean operator has agreements in place with operator group e& in the Middle East, Singtel and NTT Docomo in Asia and Deutsche Telekom in Europe.
📰 It looks like things could be turning sour for the once flavour of the month AI chatbot ChatGPT, as it is temporarliy suspended by Stack Overflow on the grounds it's answers are too frequently wrong. This piece in The Register tells all.
📰 An international group of researchers from Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, have upped the record for data transmission speed, by transmitting more than 1 petabit per second (Pbps) using a single laser and a single optical chip.
📰 And now for something completely different. How about a set of wooden headphones? The SV022 Oriole musical ear muffs are latest offering from Chinese audio specialist Sivga and they're made from rosewood. Reviewers seem to like them and they'll only add around £160 to your Christmas credit card bill. Very stylish.
TechJPR useful bits
💡Journos, we feel your pain as you try to track down the right contacts for brands. PRs, make life easier (and win favour with journalists) by adding *your own* clients and contact details to what is possibly the best spreadsheet in the world. Journalists, feel free to gently nudge, poke and prod your new (or existing) PR contacts to *add themselves* in. Please follow instructions. 🧠Neurodiverse PRs - Want to connect with fellow different-brained PR folk on Whats App? check out this post 🧠Neurodiverse Journos - Want to join a space for fellow different-brained journo folk on WhatsApp? Check out this post or email us.
And finally.... 🎆 However you celebrate the coming holiday season, the TechJPR team wish you all peace, love and a happy 2023. Oh, and chocolate.
Until next time...Get in touch via [email protected] to send us your jobs, events and useful bits and pieces for next month's newsletter and keep posting your useful and entertaining additions to our Facebook group. We're taking a break on other platforms, but service will resume as normal in due course.
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levihan-drabbles · 3 years
hiii, i hope everyone is well, safe and amazing!
its @pinkweirdsunsets reporting, and i am excited to say that i finally got all the recordings set and ready to be posted. ngl it took me so much time coz i had no idea that those files were going to be like 3gb or something.
the event was more than a success, it was a blast and probably one of the most fun things i have done in my life. we had over 70+ people attending and it was one big fun ride. the event started at 10 am EST on saturday, 26th and i think by the time, we finished the scheduled works, it was around 2:30 pm EST time.
And after that we had an after party which was quite freeform, everyone was allowed to unmute and have fun, make friends, and read anything they wanted to. i couldn't stay for the after party but i heard things, very chaotic things that people did too hahaha. also singing, they sang too!
and the event chat, oh boy, it was on fire. Obviously the after party, the event chat, and the thrill of attending a live reading cannot be replicated in some recordings but, we do understand and acknowledge the fact that many people weren't able to join us, or some who missed a few fics, or those who simply want to listen to it once again.
so buckle up, get a few snacks, get your earphones, settle down somewhere comfortable as i present to you, an exclusive live reading event for levihan fanfictions, recorded and right at your fingertips!
thank you so much for all the support and love! enjoy <3
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event organizer/admin : @pinkweirdsunsets
mods : @glassesandswords & @djmarinizelablog
bot developer/coder : @aphee-sheiz
host : @hanjinoyume
artists : @jumpinguptothesky & @faerielleart
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voice actors : @solborealis & @gremlinelrics
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voice actor : @murdergiraffe
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voice actor: @faerielleart
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voice actor : @fruitpunchninja101
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voice actor : @faerielleart
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voice actor : @malunggaybe
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voice actor : @mello-jello
because tumblr won't let me add more pictures, find the rest in the reblogs!
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lgchunji · 4 years
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     merry christmas, lgc members! oops! this time you didn’t just send something to they mods, they also wanted to send something to YOU!! every single mod, below the cut, has something wonderful for you all to hear! (no, this is not the christmas present side event lol)      our mods deserve all the love in the world, but the members all deserve a little extra love too!      happy holidays and everyone have a good new years!
     admin l, writer of @lgcxjun, @lgcmiso, and @lgcnami says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      making the members happy. when we put out a new event or implement something new in the rp and members are super excited about it, that's what i like the most.      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?      hmm.. i think it's when we officially opened the rp for reservations and they came flooding. we weren't expecting this. we thought it would take weeks before we get enough reservations to open and were pleasantly surprised when in 48h we had the 10 minimum. we never expected to have over 50 members, either. so this whole experience has been amazing for us      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!)      seeing the characters grow right before our eyes, that's the part i love the most. seeing the progression of each and everyone of you all always make us happy. the admods are your biggest supports, i swear to god. i also love how our members aren't scared of giving ideas and participate in the growth and events of the rp! we always love incorporating our mun's ideas      4) anything else you would like to mention?      thank you for being here with us <3
     admin *, writer of @lgcdanbi​, @lgcnathan​, and @lgctaesung​ says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      oh gosh… i can’t pick just one! honestly, it’s just being able to plan and create stuff for our members with such a fun and dedicated team like the one we have here! we have so much in store for everyone, and we just hope y’all are as excited as we are for the big things to come!      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?: for me specifically, it had to be my *first* trimester change as the head of graphics. i literally SLAVED lmfao over our Q4 2020 graphics, and it was so nice to see how much everyone enjoyed the roleplay’s makeover. plus, now that we’re getting closer and closer to Q1 2021, i’m both excited yet SUPER nervous about the aesthetics i want to put out for lgc in the new year!      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!): character-wise, i can tell everyone is genuinely invested in their muses’ development and careers here. even though idol krps aren’t anything new, it’s such a breath of fresh air to be a part of a group where people want to see success with their muses from the very start to finish. mun-wise, it’s gotta be activity check sunday’s! seeing people’s live reactions to the queue is DEFINITELY the highlight of my week.      4) anything else you would like to mention?: we’re a small team here (but i swear it feels so much bigger!), and we dedicate a lot of our time in running lgc behind the scenes than in writing for our own characters. it can be a bit of a bummer and can definitely take a lot of muse and motivation out of you, but we’re always so appreciative of how considerate and thoughtful our members are of us. we’re not perfect—no one is!—but despite our flaws, it’s so inspiring to see a place (a home?) like lgc last for over a year and still be going on strong. and we can only thank you guys for all of that! so! thank you!
     admin g, writer of @lgchanbyul, @lgcjaesun, and @lgcyumi says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      i have a strange love for lists and stats, and so i actually really enjoy the administration part of being an admin. honestly, i would be the type of person to start a roleplay just to do the logistics lol. i enjoy helping to keep things neat and orderly, though admin a. has been doing a really great job of making my processes even better. my strong suits are not events or graphics, so i leave those tasks to the rest of the team. i think because of that, we make a really great team, and i just enjoy getting to see the fruits of our labor week after week and seeing people excited over them as well!      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?      there are many memorable moments, of course, and this might sound silly … but probably when we received our first application that was not from one of our og staff members. frankly, when we started this group, we were fairly certain no one would want to join, especially with so many other great roleplays around, so to have watched it grow over these last 16 months has been pretty incredible!      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!)      i wish i could give a special shoutout to each person, but that will quite literally take me a year so i apologize that i’m taking the easy road out. i think the best part about our members is just their willingness to help, whether it be helping others understand the points process, what is needed for an event, or just any of the other logistics that might lead to confusion. it puts a smile on my face to see that teamwork and selflessness exhibited by so many of you. when we mention that we’re stressed, there is never a shortage of eager hands being raised to offer help, and we always appreciate that. i think it’s not easy being a big group, and it can be easy to feel left out, so i just continue to applaud those who really help to make people feel at home!      4) anything else you would like to mention?      2020 has certainly been a wild roller coaster ride, but it’s certainly been made better by getting to write and interact with all of our members. i hope that those i haven’t had a chance to write with yet that i will get to do so soon! thank you all for your continued support and i hope everyone has a happy holidays and a happy new year! may 2021 be a better year for all of us!      thank you also to leaf for organizing this! you’re truly a trooper for putting together this special treat for our members ( and months ago for doing it for the admin staff as well )! always appreciate your thoughtfulness in spending the time to think of others. ❤️
     admin a, writer of @lgcaeri, @lgceunhye, and @lgcsanghyun says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      my favorite part is seeing people’s reactions to everything we do in lgc and using some of those elements to help build their character or celebrate their accomplishments. a good example of this are the events that have been revealed in the past and reading the reactions and feedbacks encourages us to think more about what kind of events we can make or improve on!      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?      i’ve only been here for a short period so i can’t quite name a lot, but the one that i can think of on top of my head is during the end of the trimester. it’s usually the busiest time for us for several reasons, but it feels the most rewarding to me personally because behind the scenes, we really try to make sure that everything goes smoothly. add that everyone is so patient during those times and we really appreciate it! i personally want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all of the positive messages and support you have sent to us! it really means a lot to us! ❤️      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!)      i mentioned this previously in the one year anniversary post, but i would say it’s the community that has been created and developed over time. it’s gone through a lot and the fact that we’re still active now still shocks me sometimes! aside from that, i would also say reading through the solos and posts that we see on the dash (and yes, we see what is going on 👀). while there is so much that i don’t know about everyone’s muses, sometimes it’s nice to just sit back and see what everyone has been up to lately.
     admin c, writer of @lgcxking​ and @lgcjin​ says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      for me it’s seeing members get excited about events that we put out, and creating new canons based off them. i don’t think i would be able to keep being an admin if i didn’t feel this sense of wonder and excitement coming from everyone!      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?      i’ve probably mentioned it way too often by now, but when we created lgc we expected it to die off after a couple weeks/months. we never expected to last so long and it wasn’t easy in the beginning, but after a while, i’d say around october/november, we started welcoming a lot of new muns that have become such an integral part of the rp. the fact that we’d have enough members to form a lot more than one group for each gender is amazing in itself. and the 2020 family concert really had me realize just how far we’ve come! to see all of those muns and muses experiencing it for the first time even though they’ve been in the rp for so long and achieved so much.      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!)      i don’t want to name anyone in particular because i’d want to talk about everyone and that’s impossible, but like i mentioned above, it amazes me whenever i see everything that the muses have achieved in a year. i think i realize now just how many events we put out LMAO. some muses are fairly new but are already on future dreams or lgc girls japan, others have begun acting, producing, hosting, etc. i always love to see the very detailed plan everyone has for their characters and even though it might take a while to happen ic, it’s important to set goals! some that might not even happen in a near lgc future, but it gives such life to muses. i also love seeing friendships form, relationships grow, suddenly being on dash and realizing that a muse FINALLY confessed to another, or sometimes just discovering important information through someone else because we can’t possibly read every single thread on dash (i’d love to, though, trust me). there’s a ton of people i haven’t interacted with yet on my muses, and i would sooo love to do it but with the amount of work that goes behind the scenes… let’s just say though that we love every single muse and i’m probably a bigger fan of them than you are!!!!!      4) anything else you would like to mention?      small mention to you, leaf, for doing this! thank you for the love and care you put into these types of projects it’s very cute ;; we really liked getting messages from members last time too. also, to anyone reading this, just know that we’re glad you’ve decided to join us on this legacy journey!!!! why do i feel like i’m ending this too dryly but I LOVE YOU GUYS and thank you for all the support, patience, understanding and time investment <333
     admin y, writer of @lgcjaehwa says:      1) what is your favorite part about being a mod?      i'd say seeing members dropping random appreciation posts and messages would be my favorite part! there were times where i tend to overthink and become a mess. although it may just look like a simple ask, random messages like these really makes my day.      2) what is the most memorable moment from being a mod in lgc thus far?      my first 'project'! its something i planned all by myself and to receive positive feedbacks makes me feel proud of it! i'm usually pessimistic when it comes to myself so this is really a big deal for me. this project is not out yet but will definitely be revealed in the future ;)      3) what is the best part about lgc members/writers (characters or muns!)     the best part is of course the community!! i never expect myself to stick to a rp for this long. there is this saying, 'the muns keep the rp running'. without you guys, lgc will not be where we are today!      4) anything else you would like to mention?      i just want to say that although i'm not close with everyone, i do hope i can get to know more lovely people here! and i thank you guys for staying with us throughout this journey. i'm sure lgc will still continue to stand strongly for the months or even years to come <3
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lgcrp · 4 years
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we are officially ONE ! to celebrate the occasion we come bearing gifts !!! everyone who is in the roleplay as of today will receive freebie points as follows:
if you’re confused about what your muse has received, you can also check out the spreadsheet here. please let us know if there are any errors ! and also, you can link directly to this post or the linked spreadsheet as proof of points in your own spreadsheets !
below the cut we have messages from each of our admod staff !!! thank you all again for a wonderful first year ! we love you !!!
from admin l (el):
her message will come in the next post !!!
from admin * (kristin):
“wow! one year! funny how time passes so fast, huh? so much has happened in this past year: i graduated college, landed my first full-time job—not to forget the whole pandemic, too. but lgc’s always been the constant throughout these big changes in my life, and i’ve never been more grateful. i think i speak for a lot of people when i say that roleplaying, like any other hobby, is less about the actual roleplaying and more about the community—i mean, don’t get me wrong, i love my characters and the development i’ve had with them since their creation, but there’s just something about lgc that’s the reason i’m excited to log onto this terrible website everyday: and it’s you guys. i’ve been in the krp community since 2012, and it’s sad to see that it’s devolved into having more downs than ups throughout the years. i can’t remember that last time i stayed in a roleplay for more than a month or two, nor the last time i’ve created online friendships and connections as strong as i have here. i’ve been a member longer than i’ve been an admod, so believe me when i say: so whether you’ve just joined us or you’ve been here since the beginning, thank you. thank you so much for fostering such a welcoming and fun environment for everyone here. thank you to always bring such love and creativity to the dash, and thank you for constantly inspiring me. thank you for the excitement and the commitment, and thank you for understanding when i spend more than two months replying to a thread (lol). thank you for giving me and the rest of the admod your trust to ensure that our atmosphere’s only further expanded upon, not erased, and thank you for all the suggestions on how to make lgc a better place. it’s important to remember that lgc wouldn’t be what it is today without our members, so this anniversary is as much of achievement for us as it is for y’all. we have so much in store for this group—we promise, we’re not going anywhere!—and i personally want to honor the torch leo and ori have passed onto me as the new graphics admin. expect bigger and better things, lgc. it’s only the beginning!”
from admin g (grace):
"how has it already been one year since we’ve opened??? it feels like just yesterday when the three of us decided that we wanted to go through with opening up a new roleplay. i’ve admined many roleplays in the past, but usually, that initial lull of getting apps or the disinterest that ends up plaguing many roleplays in the early months has always left me disenchanted at the whole thing that i give up even before the six month mark so to hit such a milestone is really something remarkable for me. needless to say, it’s also just been amazing for me to be working with such a dream team who really fill in the areas in which i lack. however, at the end of the day, we also wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for all of you members. without you, lgc simply wouldn’t exist. thank you for helping this place thrive. thank you for always being excited about the events that we plan. thank you for being so willing to share your thoughts and ideas ( we’ve had so many wonderful events come to life because of our members’ suggestions and we’re always excited to receive more of those that we can incorporate ). from the moment we started brainstorming about this place, our vision has been for lgc to be an interactive community that would be shaped by its members and less by us as admins. we hope you’re able to see that vision come to life, and we know that we might be lacking still, but we hope to continue to refine our systems so that we can allow for more of that. finally, thank you all for loving my muses as well and for being so willing to plot with them. i know i’ve also been personally overwhelmed lately that i haven’t been able to plot with everyone, but i hope one day that my muses will get to meet all of yours. thank you again to all of you ( and also to all of those who have passed through lgc in this last year! ). love you all!”
from mod a ( cloud ):
one year already?? i’ve been in this rp for almost half of that and a lot has changed in those months! from joining the rp around march to becoming a mod, i have to say that it has been a pretty crazy journey! during my time in lgc, the one thing that always impresses me time and time again is the community that has been created and developed during the past twelve months. from a mun standpoint, it warms my heart knowing that the community is so welcoming towards each other. every time a new ( or returning ) muse is being brought to this lovely community, i love seeing how engaging and friendly the members are. not only that but there are also the posts that i see on the dash and while it can be a lot to go through sometimes, it’s reassuring knowing that people are willing to take the time to participate in these events and develop their muses! to me, these elements are what makes lgc what it is today and i hope that this continues in the future as well! i know that there are a lot of people i want to thank for but at the end of the day, there are two groups that i want to give my shoutouts to. the first is the admod team because they have entrusted me with this role and even though it’s only been a few weeks since i was appointed as a mod, i can attest to the amount of passion and hard work the whole team has with making sure that everyone has the best experience possible! i know that we can’t be a perfect rp, but we really do appreciate all of the feedback that has been given to us since that is what motivates us to become better. and ofc my second shoutout is to all of the members ( both past and present )! thank you for the support and effort you have given to the admod team! whether it’s posting on the dash to reading your reactions to the events, we appreciate all of that! i hope that this rp continues to prosper for many more years and once again, HAPPY ONE YEAR, LGC! 🎉
from admin c ( marie ):
“one year. it might not seem like a lot to some of you guys but when we created this project we didn’t even expect to last until christmas and that’s if we even got enough members to open. even though we’ve always planned for the long haul we didn’t think we’d be writing a first anniversary message in 2020. what a year, right? so many events happened both within our small community and in the outside world. i won’t lie, legacy requires a lot of work, organization and dedication. but we’re proud when we see you guys participate in everything with so much enthusiasm. i wanted to write a long and touching message but i can’t really find the proper words right now so i’ll just leave it as simple as possible. thank you for trusting us, for investing time and energy in your wonderful character, for choosing us and sticking around, for sending suggestions on events you’d like to see, for being respectful of us and the other members too. we could work our hardest and none of this would be possible without you guys interacting with it and being excited about it. thank you for being patient and understanding with us, and for taking minutes of your time each week to read all of the new events because we truly don’t give you any rest i’ll admit that LMAO. we’ve always wanted for lgc to be a peaceful, fun and stimulating writing environment for everyone and we hope we were able to be that for some of you. we’re still lacking and by no means perfect but we’ve always tried our best and will keep doing so for as long as you guys are on board with us ( or until we get a life maybe idk hghgjfdk ). i don’t know what the future holds but no matter what, i can say i’m proud of this project and how it turned out, not only with the admod team ( past and present ) but with every single person who helped build this place by just becoming a part of our community. i love you all and look forward to see your muses grow in the upcoming year!”
from mod y ( lissa ):
“thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all. thank you for putting your faith in us. words can never describe how much we appreciate you guys. ily all.“
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btswritingcafe · 4 years
promptly yours | workshop.
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Welcome to the cafe’s newest workshop! We are excited to share this with you as it incorporates our previous prompt segments from our original prompt team members. Want to participate in this fun event? Read the guidelines below!
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Our cafe began with positions available for creating prompts for all the four seasons. Wanting to see content based off of these, we decided to create a new workshop. 
Out of the numerous lists that we have, we will curate a shortened list of some of our favorites that you are able to choose from. Continuing reading to see the scenarios we have picked!
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In which Person A is a big shot CEO and knows Person B works for his company…they get stuck in a lift together for a few hours…what happens between them?
Person A and Person B work together in a high end hotel, Person B has a crush on Person A who happens to be the lounge singer.
Person A and Person B work at a summer camp every year where they grow closer with each experience. Living long distance for the remainder of the seasons proves to be difficult, but hey, who said a summer romance wouldn’t be a good idea? Especially when a rule of no dating is included in the policy. 
Person A and Person B have moved in together just in time for Halloween. Hosting their first Halloween party seems like a good idea until they realize that funds are rather low. Creative DIY decorations last minute makes for an interesting evening. 
Person A never enjoyed the holidays and working in a Christmas store did not help the situation. Person B is hired to work as an elf, soon reminding Person A of why this season was the reason to be joyful.
Person A lives in a small town that happens to be a big hit during spring break for college students. One year, Person B decides to go and happens to meet Person A under the least exciting circumstances. 
During speed dating Person A and Person B hit it off, only it lasts a minute so before any number was exchanged, everyone switched. The next few days results in a search for one another, hoping to start where it was left off. 
Person A once had a major crush on Person B in high school. Fast forward to college where Person A is convinced it was nothing but temporary, that is, until they return home for spring break to find Person B back after being gone for several years. Turns out, they weren’t such temporary feelings. 
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you do not have to be a member of the network to apply for this workshop
if you are not a member you must follow the network before applying
reblog this post
fill out application
there is no requirement to how long the fic must be, however, you must follow all of our guidelines for posting. read our rules here. 
you may tweak the prompt you are given but please do follow the overall idea of the scenario
when applying, please check as many scenarios as you would like so that we can try our best to give you what you originally signed up for
more than one person can have the same prompt, we would love to see what you all write
use our workshop hashtag when posting your fic #promptlyyourscafe
message the network for any questions or concerns
please stay committed to the timeline. if you are unsure if you can meet our deadlines please do not apply. we want everyone to follow these guidelines. 
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July 12th-July 25th | applications open 
July 25th | prompts are given to the applicants
July 25th-October 1st | content writing
October 1st-October 6th | posting week for your fics
October 7th | completed masterlist will be created by admins
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Thank you for wanting to be a part of our workshop! We are excited to see what you create! Happy writing!
Also a big shoutout to Admin Amai [ @moonmintrails ] for creating such an amazing header!
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amymcnish · 4 years
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Celebrating 3 Years In Business! 💚💚💚
💚~ The Reflection ~💚
Yes! We made it; Today, Thursday, August 27th, 2020 marks our third anniversary in business as a specialty online boutique! Three whole years since I took the plunge and started in the e-commence business. And, Boy oh boy a lot has happened since I started three years ago!
Last year I re-branded the business, color collections and that was a major milestone, this year I am celebrating the growth of a fantastic team. It has been an exciting year!
The main focus has been to ensure that not only can we support more customers, but we can also offer a wider range of styles and fashion styling personalized support. Back in January, I took on another Fashion Intern to help with our ‘Style Blog’ for customers looking for fashion ideas. I then found that the demand for social media support and blog writing was growing and took on a further two amazing interns who specialized in this area. Next were more team members who could help with general admin tasks, photo shoots, color pallets, extensively following fashion trends and email management and a host of other tasks. More recently, the team has grown again with experts in writing, and in design work of the sister company brand, ‘Live In Color Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine’. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎
It has been amazing to meet with clients and customers and be able to help them in more areas of their professional business style, giving them a one-stop shop for all their styling needs and allowing us to really make a difference in the community.
Over the last year, we have been able to give back to the organizations listed in the ‘Color Collections’ in the amounts surpassing $5,000.00! This is was a major milestone because the purpose of the online boutique, is to give back! We have received such wonderful feedback from customers, comments like:
💚‘The styling services provided has definitely given me peace of mind’
💚‘I can now focus more time on other areas of growing the business and not worry about what I am wearing to the awards dinner party’
💚‘I was so pleased with the level of professionalism, and attention that Amy and her team provides; not to mention the amazing platform of brightly colored garments needed for my professional photo shoot’.
💚‘The level of outstanding customer service, willingness to assist, and going above and beyond with my order, will keep me coming back again and again’.
We’re working with so many different businesses, from private companies and financial planners, event planners and coaches to wedding parties and personal trainers.
So as I look back (and a side-ward glance at yet another award!), I feel pride in what has been achieved and an enormous excitement for what the next twelve months will bring.
A big thank you to all of our clients / customers past and present. Thank you for your loyalty for allowing us to be a part of your journey.
🎉Today we celebrate 3 years in business🎉 I am very grateful for God allowing me journey this far!🙏🏿 We are so thankful to each and every one of you that support us. I really couldn’t have done it without you and our awesome Green Team! I just love our Green & Gorgeous Team! 💚
Thank you for making these last 3 years a great success. By supporting this 🖤🤎🖤🤎👑Black Woman Owned Small Business, you help support a Dream, a Family and so much more. Your business is truly appreciated.💚We look forward to many more successful years to come!
Thank You!
Always, Amy McNish 💚💚💚
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maywoodrpg · 4 years
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Presenting, Maywood Founders Week, a celebration to honor the creation of Maywood and its history as the town you know and love today. This event will have various activities and events put on my the Mayor and different sponsors.  
This event will start on Friday, June 5th and go until Monday, June 14th. In roleplay time this will only be a week and go from Friday, June 5th until Friday June 12th. 
The tag for the event will be maywoodevent1. Everything from pictures, outfits, threads, and etc all need to be under the tag. Starters should have both the maywoodstarter and maywoodevent1 tags on them. 
There will be pairings for different activities in this event, which will be announced at Midnight EST on the day they happen.
We will have daily posts letting you know what is happening that day as well. Those will also be released at Midnight EST.
This event is IS mandatory, we do encourage you to participate. We understand that not all activity will be something your character wants to do, which you may set out of a few, but please still be active in the event. 
All event threads should come first, any previous threads are to be done AFTER event threads are done. 
Any big plots should be discussed with the admins before playing them out on the dash. If you have any big plots you want to do let us know.
While I will be releasing other things during the event to help break things up, please refer to this as the masterlist for the event.
When: June 5th, 2020
Where: Maywood
What: Start of Founders Week
When: June 5th, 2020 @ 10AM
Where: Downtown Maywood 
What: Maywood Parade 
A parade showing the local high school band & flag squad, Miss & Mr. Maywood, and local business floats.
When: June 6th, 2020  @ 11AM 
Where: Downtown Maywood
What: Maywood Parade
A parade showing the local high school band & flag squad, Miss & Mr. Maywood, and local business floats.
When: June 6th, 2020  @ 8PM
Where: Mayors House
What: Founders Ball
Dress Code: Formal/Black Tie
Come one, come all to the Founders Ball. This is is the formal event of the year, where the best and brightest come to gather and celebrate the great city of Maywood. 
When: June 7th, 2020  @ 12PM
Where: Downtown Maywood
What: Maywood Parade
A parade showing the local high school band & flag squad, Miss & Mr. Maywood, and local business floats.
When: June 7th, 2020  @ 12:30PM - 12:00AM 
Where: All of Maywood
What: Maywood Historical Day
Time to brush off your great great great great Grandparents clothing and get historical. The town will travel back in time for one day where everything from the ice cream to drinks are $1 each. You can take a moment to also go to the annual Maywood reenactment play which features how Maywood came to be. 
When: June 8th, 2020  @ 8PM
Where: The Bake Shop 
What: Baking Competition 
Spend your night coming together as a community and getting ready for the annual high school bake sale to help raise money for new text books. Keep in mind this is a competition for all of you and the winner will get free sweets for a year. 
When: June 9th, 2020  @ 7PM
Where: Baked Comfort
What: Trivia 
Baked Comfort will host it’s annual trivia competition that features all things Maywood.
When: June 10th, 2020  @ 5PM
Where: The Primrose Hotel
What: Maywood Boxes for Charity Auction
This year will be hosted Diego & Lindy Alvarez, they will be auctioning off the annual boxes for charity. These are a great way to get to know some of the amazing people in town, also get a wonderful night out of it. 
When: June 10th, 2020  @ 10PM
Where: The Beach
What: Maywood Boxes for Charity Auction
Take a moment and send a lantern up into the night sky, make sure to make a wish as you send it up. We hear that these lanterns are lucky and in the business of making wishes come true. (Write your wish on the lanterns. Markers and lanterns will be provided.)
When: June 11th, 2020  
Where: Mayors Office
What: Mayor for a day 
One lucky person will become Mayor for the day and get to make any rules or laws that they want. Enjoy the power while you have it. (Please notes there is rules with this position.)
When: June 11th, 2020  @ 5PM-12AM
Where: Lucky’s Bar & Grill 
What: Free Drinks
Take a moment to remember who made you who you are. Take a drink for all of your loved ones. The first 5 drinks will be on the house as long as you make sure to post photos on the memory wall outside of the bar, which will be hung up downtown. 
When: June 12th, 2020  @ 2PM
Where: Downtown Maywood
What: Maywood Parade
A parade showing the local high school band & flag squad, Miss & Mr. Maywood, and local business floats.
When: June 12th, 2020  @ 6PM
Where: Maywood Country Club
What: Dance A Thon
Want the bragging rights for the year? This is the place to get them. Everyone and anyone will be out at Maywood Country Club showing their support as the locals spend their night dancing until they drop.
When: June 13th, 2020 @ 9AM
Where: Farmers Market
What: Free Food
Come enjoy free breakfast put on by the farmers market as a Thank You for all your participation. To those of you still dancing we’ll bring you left overs. 
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rockford-rp · 5 years
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Hey there, lovelies! Just a couple things that I want to address/ask about:
First off, activity... I’ve kind of had lagged on doing checks because I have had a lot of people just kind of message or comment that they are really busy, and you all know that is so fine with me. Rockford is an rp for people with busy schedules. It is meant to be relaxed and it’s 100% going to stay that way. However, there are a lot who again have said some things about not being active but don’t really give me an official hiatus request? So I am going to give until Saturday for people to either message with an official hiatus form (remember we have semi ones and not just full) or become active or you will be unfollowed. If you need the hiatus take it! I rather you be here when you can if you want to be so it’s no big deal at all. But just so everyone sees this as a heads up. Even if you messaged me last week about being busy I’m still going to ask that you submit the form you can find here.  
And now I have three questions for you all and I’m too lazy to find a free polling thing that lets me put more than one question so I am going to ask that you answer below!
1. As fall is coming up, obviously as always I am going to change up the banners to make everything seasonal. My question is how do you all feel about the main page? Do you like the theme and just want me to change it to fall or do you feel like a revamp would be good? If I am going to change it I rather do it before I make the fall banners (which will be mid-September) to make sure dimensions are correct.
2. Mini-events! How would you all feel about having more mini-events here? Obviously, if you have an idea that you want your character to host then please please please send those in, but a lot of the time we have quite of bit of space between those. Would it be a good way to keep things fresh and mixed up? Do you think once a month would be good or is that too much? Remember mini-events would be completely optional for your character and regular posting can continue. So please just let me know your thoughts on that.
3. Last but not least Rockford XO. Would you all want to go back to regularly doing things on there? That means Meme Mondays weekly and TMI Tuesdays every other? Or maybe both every other and have them alternate weeks? Maybe both once a month? Also if there would be anyone interested in being an XO admin I would love that. I plan on going in an updating the characters birthdays as I know that is soooo out of date. This would just be someone who maybe once a month finds the list for TMI Tuesdays and some memes. Just taking turns with me. And if able helping keep the bday list up to date so it doesn’t fall behind again. If anyone is interested in that, message me on here. If not no worries.
Really though I just want to hear from all of you! I want Rockford to be a place that you enjoy because it’s about the group! I know when a group has been around a long time things can get stale here and there so I just want to be able to keep things fun for you all. I love this group. I love the members here and the amazing characters you have. I’m so thankful that you all chose Rockford and I just want to make it a place that makes you want to stay and continue your character's growth. So please just take a minute to answer the questions for me! I would really appreciate it.
Much love,
-Admin Rey
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shera-dnd · 5 years
Listen up, punks, you have heard of modern AUs, coffee shop AUs, D&D AUs, but today you’re gonna meet the biggest and meanest AU of all: WRESTLING AU!
You thought that wedding fic was long? Then get ready for 23k words of pure ass kicking!
Brought to you by the greatest tag team of all times: This blog’s admin and our very own buff anon!
So buckle up, because this is gonna be a wild ride!
“Welcome welcome, ladies, gentlemen and all the inbetweens. Tonight will be a night to remember, for tonight is the night of Ethermania! My name is Sea Hawk and joining me at the announcer’s table tonight is my amazing co-host, Entrapta.” Sea Hawk dropped down from atop the announcer’s table and sat down next to Entrapta, who was jumping in her seat.
“Thank you, Sea Hawk. Tonight we’ll have the most amazing matches between the greatest fighters from all over Etheria. Members of the Horde and Rebellion alike meeting in epic confrontation, to cap it all off we will have the final no holds barred match between the chosen champions from each side and the winner will receive the coveted title of ‘Defender of Greyskull’” Entrapta grabbed Sea Hawk’s suit and started shaking him “I’m so excited!”
Sea Hawk did his best to continue talking as he was being shook by his co-host “And who are these champions? you might ask. Well, you’ll have to watch and find out.”
Entrapta calmed down a little and cleared her throat “Ah yes, our opening match will be between two Horde wrestlers, fighting for the right to become the Horde champion”
“That is right, the Horde champion will have to be in two matches in the same night. Well, I don’t know what crazy tricks Hordak has in store for us tonight, but he sure must put some faith in his staff” Sea Hawk quickly glances over his papers “And how do you feel about his choice of contestants?”
“Felina and Shadow Weaver” Entrapta cringed a little as the words left her mouth “It won’t be a pretty match. Those two have a lot of baggage to work through and I have a feeling they are gonna do it the most violent way possible”
“And with She-ra away from the Horde it is almost like those two changed personalities in these last few months. Shadow Weaver has been going savage in the ring, especially when her former pupil was involved”
Of course they would find a way of making this about Adora. Everything has to be about Adora. It didn’t matter, she had her own plans for tonight and she couldn’t afford to lose her temper with something so stupid.
She wandered around backstage, looking for her next adversary and, knowing Shadow Weaver, she would be looking for her too. The pre-show had barely started when she stumbled across her target “Ready to get what you have coming to you, Weaver?”
Even with her mask on Felina could still imagine the scowl on her face that brought her so much joy “You!” Was all she said at first, but it was loud enough to start attracting attention. Good. “Do you think you’re being intimidating? That you can scare me? You’ll be the one being put in their place tonight.”
Felina just smirked as she saw a cameraman coming their way “Put in my place? That’s cute coming from the woman who shouldn’t even be in the ring in the first place. Attacking her own team. You even make me look good!”
“I will not stand here and listen to a stupid little girl blame her own incompetence on me. You’ll be defeated tonight, I’ll be Horde champion and you will cease with these foolish accusations” Oh, Shadow Weaver was pissed. That was way too perfect.
“Fine then,” Felina shrugged “since you’re so sure you’re gonna win. How about we raise the stakes a little? Let’s make this a Mask vs Mask.” Felina noticed Weaver hesitating for a second. If she failed here she would suffer the ultimate humiliation. Felina gave a quick nod towards the cameraman behind her and she knew she had made her point. She would have to accept her terms or admit to the live audience she didn’t know if she could beat Felina.
The grunt of frustration from her was so satisfying to hear. “So be it. I have nothing to fear from you.” Oh, but she had, and Felina would be more than happy to remind her of that.
“Entering the ring now for our opening match...fighting both for the right to become Horde champion and to maintain her honor as a wrestler, we have Shadow Weaver” As soon as Sea Hawk finished his announcement the lights around the arena began to slowly dim and the crowd quieted down. The sound of roaring cheers replaced by sinister chanting.
In one moment the only lights in the arena were that of the crowd’s cell phone screens, in the next a beacon of red light emerged from the ground and in the middle of it stood a dark figure. Covered by a cloak and surrounded by fog, the figure slowly made her way down to the ring as the chanting grew louder and the red beacon followed her.
Her entrance to the ring was deliberate and calculated. She was fearsome in everything she did and no one dared boo her. When she reached the precise center she shed her dark cloak with a single movement and, with perfect synchronization, the lights returned to the arena, but instead of the cheer and applause she expected all she heard were gasps of surprise.
Felina was already behind her, waiting for her in the ring. Not only had she stolen Shadow Weaver’s entrance, she had made her message very clear ‘I could have beat you there and you wouldn’t even notice’. Words failed to describe her indignation, all she could do was wait for the ref to officially start the match and then show this foolish girl the mistake she had made.
Felina was grinning at her as they waited for the ref to start the match. Oh she would wipe that self satisfied smile from her face. No, she had far more important things to wipe from the girl’s face.
At first it had all gone according to plan. Felina’s first attack was pushed back with a kick and when she insisted in trying it again she was stop by a knee to the face. Another kick to the back of her knee and Felina was already on her knees. Shadow Weaver could barely contain her laughter as she kicked Felina again and again as she tried to get up and until the ref pushed them apart she had no plans on stopping, but Felina did not need the ref to stop her.
Felina grabbed Shadow Weaver’s foot and twisted herself around, forcing her opponent to the ground. Before Weaver could get up she rolled forward and finished the movement with her knee - the same knee Weaver had kicked - firmly placed against her foe’s neck. Without getting up she posed a little to the crowd so she could humiliate Weaver just a little more. She even caught a glimpse of someone in the front row with a sign saying “Felina can climb MY top rope!” Good to know there were still wrestling fans with good taste.
When she finally got up and allowed Shadow Weaver to move again, she saw that her foe was trying to be quick and brutal. She attempted to rush Felina down, put her on the ground and pummel her with abandon again, but Felina was expecting this. She dodged under the first attack with a split, then vaulted over Shadow Weaver to avoid the second and soon she was dancing around her opponent, laughing at her failure.
Shadow Weaver had grown distracted in her rage and as she turned to strike her foe again she was met by a foot solidly planted against her chin, and as she hit the ground she was vaguely aware of Sea Hawk shouting “Felina with that Chin-tah’s Paw”.
Shadow Weaver had beat her up again and again trying to break her, to get her to quit, but what she had called torture Felina had called training, and now she was showing how much stronger that training had made her. She was the strongest fighter in the Horde and she did not need Weaver or Adora anymore.
From that moment on there was no question on who would win, there was only one option and when the match finally ended Shadow Weaver waited patiently on her knees. She was an awful human being, but even she knew what she had to do and she would do so with dignity. Perhaps that was some part of her Light Spinner persona still showing. When the camera focused on her face she slowly removed her mask and made her way out of the ring.
Felina did not see Shadow Weaver backstage again, but she didn’t care about her anymore, she got what she wanted. “Hey, boss, guess who just got themselves a new champion?” she announced entering Hordak’s office.
“Good,” Hordak allowed the word to hang as if tasting the satisfaction it carried “you have once again proven more than capable of destroying whoever the Rebellion choses as their champion.”
The man knew how to give an ego boost, Felina had to admit that, but she still had a question in mind. “Now care to explain why you booked this for the same night I would have to fight their Champion? Couldn't we have done that before just to guarantee the victory?” She knew she would still win, but she would have prefered a day or two to rest before her big match.
Hordak laughed a self satisfied laughter “It is all very simple. The Rebellion is too honorable for their own good. Whoever they send will also have fought tonight, after all that is the fair thing to do. So I have instructed your colleagues to leave victory as a secondary objective tonight. Their main goal will be to hurt and maim their enemies, so no one will be fit to stop us!”
Adora had arrived late for the event, everyone told her to rest at home until she was healed, but she couldn’t just sit and watch the massacre playing out on her screen. The Horde had lost 3 consecutive matches, but never without wounding their opponents in some way. Even if she couldn’t fight today she had to be there to help them, to give them some support. When she finally arrived at the First One’s Arena it was just in time to catch her best friends and new tag team making their way to their big match.
She was waiting at ring side when the lights began to dim. One after another black light spotlights turned on, revealing the letters B F S written on the ground and when the final spotlight shone two silhouettes came into focus. Glimmer and Bow posing dramatically, their black light clothes glowing in their classic purple and white, with Bow’s heart and Glimmer’s hair brighter than anything else. They jumped and flipped and danced their way to the ring as their fans shook glow sticks to the rhythm of their theme song. A trampoline waited for them at ring side and they entered the ring with one more flip and one final pose.
They had huge smiles on their faces when the lights turned back on. Adora loved those two dorks so much. Already in the ring were Scorpia and Kyle. Adora had to admit that she felt bad for missing their entrance, she didn’t want her former colleagues to think she didn’t care about them and, as if summoned by Adora’s stray thoughts, she heard one of said colleagues calling her “Hey, Adora, here to watch your friends get crushed?”
“Felina.” Adora answered, “Shouldn’t you be resting before your big match?” Adora was legitimately worried about her former tag team partner, but of course that was not how she saw things. Felina could only see this as Adora looking down on her, so she answered the only way she could.
“Shouldn’t you be in a hospital bed? Like the one I put you in.” Aggression was Felina’s favorite way of expressing her feelings, something that lent itself well to her wrestling career, but that meant interacting with her could be very tiresome. Thankfully they were both distracted by Kyle being tossed against the ropes next to them.
Apparently Glimmer had been spending the last couple of minutes handing his ass to him and before Scorpia could tag in, Glimmer jumped between the middle and top ropes, grabbing them for support and using the force of her jump to spin around and hit Kyle on the back with both her feet.
“Seriously, Kyle?” they both said together and laughed. They could not believe that the first time they laughed together in months was because of Kyle, but while Adora had shown that disbelief through more laughter, Felina did so through anger. She was supposed to make Adora feel miserable, not make jokes with her. It didn’t matter how good she looked in her casual clothes or how beautiful and earnest her smiled seemed. No, she had a mission here and she was going to complete it.
“And what do you think you’re doing here?” That’s it, angrier. “Do you think you’re gonna just get your injured ass into the ring and magically save the day?”
Adora sighed loudly “No, I’m here to give moral support. Something that you used to do too, before you got so obsessed with revenge.”
“Well, excuse me if I don’t take well to being betrayed and left behind!” At this point they were shouting, and were it not for the match going on right next to them the cameras would probably all be aimed right at them.
“Hey, hey Felina, look at what I can do!” Scorpia called from the ring while holding Bow upside down. She lifted him up and proceeded to do squats while holding him in place.“ Hey Felina, isn’t this cool?”
Bow struggled to talk, with all the blood flowing to his head and his lungs being crushed by Scorpia’s powerful arms “I don’t think she is paying attention...”
“Oh, she does that sometimes,” She said as she lowered him again. “I’m gonna pile drive you now.” That was all the warning Bow got before his head was driven straight into the ring. His struggle went completely unnoticed by his ringside friend as she was still focused in her argument.
“Do you really think I wanted to leave you?” Adora’s voice was quieter now, almost too quiet to be heard over the crowd “I cared for you, I still do.” and for a moment there Felina believed, she wanted to believe that, that she could have her Adora back, but as her eyes darted away trying so hard to avoid Adora’s gaze, she caught a glimpse of that sign from before, but it was being flipped around and now it said ‘Suplex me She-ra!!!’.
“No!” She pushed Adora away “You just want me so you can feel better, so you can always be the best, but I’m done playing second fiddle to you!” And with that she made her way backstage, leaving Adora by herself. Questioning what to do now.
“Are you seeing this?” Entrapta’s shouts snapped Adora back to reality. In the ring Glimmer was standing on the middle rope, using the top rope for support, while Bow pulled her back “It’s the Sparkling Arrow!” When Bow released the rope Glimmer went flying right into Scorpia’s chest, knocking her to the ground. They were announced victorious soon after.
“Absolutely not!” Angella announced firmly.
“But mom,” Glimmer tried arguing back, but one look from her mother was enough to shut her down.
“She-ra will not be our champion for the final match. She should be resting at home and not risking herself here!” Her tone made it all sound very final.
“Please, you have to understand. This may be the last chance Felina has.” Adora begged.
“She is a Horde wrestler. Are you seriously asking me to put our chance at the title at risk for the sake of the enemy?”
“Yes!” Adora shouted this time “I used to wrestle for the Horde too and haven’t I changed for the better? Why can’t she do the same?”
Angella shook her head “That girl wants nothing to do with redemption. What makes you think you can just walk in there and save her soul?”
Adora stood tall again and spoke with certainty “I cannot save her. The only one that can do that is her, but she can’t do that unless we give her that chance, a chance to prove that she doesn’t need to live in my shadow anymore.”
Angella sighed.
Felina was fidgeting in place, the room she was waiting in was dark and the only company she had was a member of staff responsible for giving her the go ahead signal. This was gonna be her big match as champion of the Horde and she couldn’t afford to mess this up. No, she shouldn’t be thinking like that, she would not mess this up and she knew that.
She adjusted her lion fur cape one last time - the fur was fake, she was a heel not a monster - and lowered herself, preparing for a running jump. The staff member next to her started counting down on their hand. When the count reached zero she ran.
Outside a loud roar boomed through the speakers as she jumped into view. Ripping apart a thin paper wall on her way out. Her music was loud and angry, just the way she liked it and by the sound of the crowd her fans loved it too. As she made her way to the ring she jumped and clawed at the people near her path, she was scary and those people loved scary.
When she reached the ring she stood outside the ropes, posing one last time for the camera, before backflipping into the ring itself, leaving her cape behind. Her fans might have cheered, but everyone else was booing her now and she looked down at them with smug superiority. Poor bastards, can’t accept that their favorites are all about to lose. No matter who they send out she will just crush them. She casually leaned against the ropes and waited for her challenger to appear.
“For the Honor of Greyskull!” The way too familiar voice echoed through the arena, the sound nearly deafened by the roars of the crowd.
“What!?” Felina exclaimed. She shouldn’t be here, she shouldn’t be able to fight, but here she was and Felina was left stunned, watching her entrance unfold before her.
A show of colors seemed to flow towards a single point and from the bright white light it formed emerged Adora, or rather She-ra. Her body covered in armor and her sword held aloft, she smiled and waved to the crowd before pointing her sword towards the ring. That same show of colors began again, but this time it formed a rainbow bridged between the two of them. God, Felina hated that entrance.
After waving and high-fiving for a disgustingly long time She-ra finally got to the stage and began to take off all her armor pieces. This was a no holds barred match, but of course She-ra was too good to take her props into the ring itself. Now came the part Felina hated the most, She-ra took off her cape and tossed it into the crowd. Felina was willing to bet that after tonight that thing would be on sale on ebay for a stupid amount of cash. She was very motivated to reduce the value of that cape now.
As soon as they had both entered the ring all screens immediately changed to show Light Hope in her office “Champions of the Horde and Rebellion, you have proven to be the strongest amongst your people and now you’ll have your chance to prove who is truly the strongest of them all. Strong enough to bear the ultimate title: The Defender of Greyskull” the screen changed again, this time to the image of a large belt, adorned by a silver skull with two large fangs sticking out, around it in the language of the First Ones were written the words ‘Defender of Greyskull’.
Light Hope herself signaled the start of the match and that was not a pretty start. Felina was much more aggressive than she ever was before, she knew that Adora had grown much stronger in her time as She-ra and even wounded she would have to give her all to take her down.
With kicks and punches she tried to wear She-ra down, to keep her on the defensive, but that wasn’t working. Why did she wait to get this strong only after betraying Felina? Fine, if hitting her wasn’t doing the job then she would just have to leverage her weight. She jumped, trying to lock her legs around She-ra’s head so she could toss her around again, but this time she was waiting.
She grabbed Felina before she could get a firm hold and tossed her to the ground with force. Felina barely had any time to recover her breath when She-ra came crashing down against her elbow-first. She-ra tried to pin her down right there, but a quick elbow to the nose was enough to dissuade her.
Felina lost no time and quickly used the ropes for impulse on a good dropkick to the chest. She-ra was thrown off balance and Felina rushed in to capitalize on that, but she let her guard down. She-ra grabbed her arm and spun her around. Next thing she knew she was locked in a bear hug from behind and that could only mean one thing.
No matter how many times it happens to you, you never get quite used to the feeling of getting suplexed. She could vaguely hear Entrapta going on about the details of the ‘Eternia Suplex’ and how it was passed down by generations of She-ras, but that didn’t matter right now. What mattered was taking down this She-ra.
This time she held back, her style was more defensive anyway. She hated to admit, but she knew the only reason she was being so aggressive was because Adora was messing with her feelings and she knew she couldn’t win if she continued to allow that to happen.
This time she allowed She-ra to come at her and began to have her fun. She-ra may be the strongest, but she was too slow and too stupid to actually get a hit on Felina. Time after time she dodged everything that came her way and soon her wounded former-partner was panting and gasping for air. Now she just had to make use of it.
Felina positioned herself just right and started goading She-ra on. She ran at her in wild fury and once again Felina vaulted over her, but this time She-ra had no time or energy to stop herself and Felina was positioned perfectly to have her run straight into the turnbuckle.
She-ra tried to get up, but Felina slammed her head down and slumped back against the turnbuckle. Felina walked around the ring, looking for something to play with and she was so happy to find out that She-ra was stupid enough to just leave her sword laying around next to the ring. Sure, that thing was closer to a bat than to a real sword, but that was just perfect for what she wanted.
She was cackling when she hit She-ra’s back for the first time. This would be her revenge...for leaving her alone, for making her feel weak, for stealing the one person she cared about. She-ra would pay. She hit her again and again and for every hit she listed another thing she had done to her. This was her victory, her ultimate victory. But then, why wasn’t she feeling any better? Why did this hurt so much?
She-ra had to pay, she told herself. For everything she had done to her. or stealing her Adora. But she couldn’t do this anymore. She dropped the sword and stumbled back. There were no cheers or boos from the crowd, only stunned silence as they watched She-ra slowly rising up again and dragging herself towards Felina. She-ra stumbled, falling to her knees in front of Felina and she couldn’t stop herself from lending her a hand.
For a moment there it felt just like the old times, like Felina was tagging in to help Adora finish someone off, and they just stood there, looking at each other while holding hands, it would be almost romantic if they weren’t so bloody from beating each other up. Unfortunately She-ra had to put an end to this.
Felina was pulled close and slammed back first into the ring by a clothesline. This time she didn’t know if she could get back up, but she didn’t have to worry about that, for She-ra collapsed next to her immediately after.
“I’m sorry,” She-ra said, without moving from her spot, but this time Felina knew it wasn’t She-ra, it was just Adora. “I know it must have hurt to be left alone all this time.” Felina couldn’t help but laugh.
“Couldn’t you have said that before beating me up? Actually nevermind, I wouldn’t have listened.” She sighed “I guess I’m sorry too. I was just so angry and….look can we have this conversation later? I feel like the crowd doesn’t wanna watch our therapy session.”
“Yeah,” Adora laughed, getting up. “I guess that wouldn’t make a good show.” Adora helped Felina up and they both took their time getting ready, but before they could restart the match they were interrupted by a ground shaking bass.
“Oh crap...” Felina knew there was only one person who would start their entrance like a damn movie trailer. She looked up to see the Horde logo taking over every screen and soon several Horde soldiers were marching down towards the ring escorting a very large man, with a very long cape.
Hordak walked with a casual pace, like he had all the time the world and nothing to ever worry about, his soldiers on the other hand rushed around him making sure everything was in order. They placed stairs in his path to the ring, handed the ref some weird paper and  removed his cape before he got in.
The ref started talking to the soldier who handed them the paper and started signaling something to the announcer’s table “It appears Hordak is cashing in a contract with Light Hope and choosing himself as a second champion for the Horde!” Entrapta announced, as confused as everyone else in the arena.
“It looks like this just turned into a handicap match.” Sea Hawk pondered “But who really is at a disadvantage here?” Was Sea Hawk seriously implying that Felina was going to betray her boss? No way she would do something that dumb.
The ref restarted the match and Hordak got to work with impressive efficiency. He delivered a quick punch to She-ra’s - already very wounded - nose; the pain taking down her defences as he took the opportunity to toss her over his shoulders, hooking his arms around her and then pulling down. The sounds of agony she made as she was subjected to Hordak’s personal Hero Breaker was enough to convince Felina that she was about to do something very dumb.
She jumpkicked him in the chest, throwing him off balance and forcing him to drop She-ra. When he got up again he simply stared her down and stated “I expected better of you, I will not make the same mistake again.” At least now Felina wasn’t lacking any more motivation to kick his ass.
She-ra had yet to get up, her body didn’t seem to have any more strength, and though she could still hear the sounds of Felina struggling against Hordak, she simply couldn’t move. She heard a loud thud and managed to look up just a bit. Felina had been thrown around like a ragdoll and landed right in front of her. She couldn’t allow this to continue. She had to do something. Mustering all her strength she got up on her knees, she looked Felina in the eyes and gave her a reassuring nod. She knew what to do.
Felina jumped up and ran towards She-ra, jumped on her shoulders and then lept once again, front flipping right onto Hordak. Before he could get up again she ran back to She-ra and started pulling her up “Come on, that brick house ain’t gonna stay down for long.”
She-ra was going to remark on how odd it was to see be working with Felina again, but she had more important things to handle. She pushed her partner aside and prepared for impact. Hordak was trying to run them both down and she would not let that happen. Lowering her body she grabbed him by the waist, right as they slammed together. She was about to toss him over, but he simply grabbed her as well and lifted her above his head.
She had accepted that this was gonna be the end for her, when she was saved in a way she simply didn’t expect, by having a cape hooked around. Felina pulled on Hordak’s cape in the opposite direction that he was about to throw her and now both She-ra and Hordak were falling again.
Unfortunately Hordak had yet to tire himself out and got up very quickly. He gave his cape a quick pull, forcing Felina close to him so he could toss her aside with a backhand. Now She-ra was pissed. She grappled with him again, forcing him down and slamming both her fists against his back. She grabbed him, successfully this time, and began to lift him, her knees faltering for a second. He was struggling and she stumbled around trying to hold him, she brought him closer to the ropes and started lifting him again, this time above her shoulders. “Felina, now!”
Felina didn’t have to hear that twice, she took a running start and jump kicked her boss for the second time that night. She-ra let go of him just as she made contact and he was sent flying right over the top rope and by that cracking sound, right through the announcer’s table.
“Ouch, that was a rough landing.” Entrapta said, holding her mic and standing a good 5ft away from the possibly unconscious Hordak. The ref climbed out of the ring and went to check on him. “Well, it looks like Hordak will be needing some medical care, because he is out! No really, guys, we should get a doctor here”
She-ra struggled to get up again and she could see Felina wasn’t doing any better, but they had somehow done it, Hordak had been defeated. They couldn’t help but laugh again at the absurdity of it all, but the ref had to remind them that the night wasn’t over, Felina and She-ra still had a match to finish.
“Felina, I want you to know that you deserve this victory more than anyone else, without you I wouldn’t-” Felina held out her hand to silence She-ra, her eye roll was almost audible.
“Just pin me, you dumbass. I don’t want Hordak to lose the match and still get what he wanted.” Felina said dropping to the ground.
“You know you could just forfeit, right?” Was this somehow another trick?
“Yeah, but I still want you to pin me.” There was something else in her voice this time that made She-ra go red, Felina just laughed at her reaction “God, you’re so dumb sometimes. Fine, I forfeit!”
The crowd was extremely confused by what just happened, but still cheered when She-ra was handed the belt. Felina was standing right besides her, slowly clapping and shaking her head. “Are you sure you’re ok with losing the title?” She-ra asked one more time.
“Would I let you win if I wasn’t? Besides, I won something even better.”  She pulled She-ra in for a quick kiss “Yup, definitely better.”
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riddikulusfest · 5 years
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Riddikulus Fest 2019 Master List
Title: I Know Love
Author: Pronunciation_Hermy_One
Characters/Pairings:   Luna Lovegood/Charlie Weasley, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott/Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom/Cormac McLaggen, Cupid
Rating: T
Prompt #: H8
Word Count: 5210
Content/Warning(s): Explicit Language
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation.
A/N: What a treat it was to participate in this awesome fest! Big thanks for giving us such fun and amazing prompts to play and build in! Hugest thanks always to Frumpologist, my person, for alternating between kicking my butt, pushing and pulling wherever and whenever I need it. I love and appreciate you SO much!
Summary: Cupid has a list, but Hermione Granger is proving to be the most difficult match yet.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18295202/chapters/43301930
Title: Friends and Neighbours Author: @elanorrin Characters/Pairings: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Rating: T+ Prompt #: A21 Word Count: 12,232 words Content/Warning(s): Mild Profanity, Minor suggestive adult themes Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: None Summary: Prompt by MykEsprit for Riddikulus Fest 2019. Recently divorced Draco moves into a new neighborhood. Single mom Hermione tries to get the homeowners association to kick him out. Link:   https://archiveofourown.org/works/18186629  
Title:  The Ferret
Author:  MotherofBulls
Characters/Pairings: Dramione, Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goyle, mention of Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood
Rating: E
Content/Warnings: N/A
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation.  
A/N: This story was my submission for the Riddikulus Fest, 2019. The prompt was “Draco trapped in a ferret body,” but instead of going the usual route, I decided to be a little more metaphorical with it.
A few disclaimers: (1) I am not a medical or psychological professional. I am not an expert on mental health issues by a long shot, but I am a believer in the power of therapy. (2) There is some pretty colorful language in this fic that, while it is pretty indicative of teenage boy bro culture, may be offensive to some people. Like…even for me, this is pretty crass. So, reader beware. (3) These characters are flawed. That’s literally the whole point of this fic–flaws and the journey of self-improvement…with a comic twist :) So, yeah. I am well-aware they’re flawed, and it was intentional.
Props to my lovely beta, Saint Dionysus who is a master at working with my ridiculous time crunches.
Summary:  It’s debatable, but having an *actual* spirit animal is not shaping up so great for Draco. The more he tries to embark on a self-improvement journey, the more his inner ferret seems to call the shots. And it just can’t seem to stay away from Hermione Granger.
Title: It’s Not a Boy, Girl Thing Author: Midnightsnow88 Characters/Pairings: Hermione Granger/ Draco Malfoy Rating: M Prompt #: A11 - A freak accident traps Hermione and Draco in a single body. Word Count: 7,506 Content/Warning(s): Bad language (profanity), sexual themes (but no smut) Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: Summary: How will they both cope sharing a hybrid body of them both? Will they work together to wait out the 12 hours, or just bicker until they try to strangle each other… well themselves? Wrote for Riddikulus Fest 2019. This story is just a bit of light-hearted fun, and I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Riddikulus_Fest_2019/works/18148241
Title: Abracadabra
Author: @frumpologist
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione, Theo/Harry, Blaise, Luna, Pansy, Percy
Rating: M
Prompt #: G3 (Purebloods at a Muggle magic show)
Word Count: 3900
Content/Warning(s): Language, Innuendo, Dick jokes
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: The one where Frumpologist pretends to be funny. I make no apology for this and I absolutely love the mods who put this fest on — thank you for your unending patience and for keeping us laughing. <3
Summary: Hermione is tasked with taking Purebloods to a Muggle magic show. Chaos ensues.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18147014
Title: Chameleon Response
Author/Artist: FandomFairytales
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Rating: explicit
Prompt #: H1accidental invisibility
Word Count: 4525 words
Content/Warning(s): smut, very mild dubious consent (person b unknowingly showers with an invisible person a) solved with enthusiastic consent.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation.
A/N: Okay, a few things before we get started :)
1. Thank you for taking the time to give this a read; I hope you enjoy it :)
2. Huge thanks to the organisers for setting this up. you are all amazing and super duper appreciated for all the hard work you do :)
3. Thanks to Frumpologist for the prompt, I loved it so, so much :)
4. I’d also like to point out that this might come off as being a little dubious, but please be aware that it is fully resolved with some very enthusiastic consent- I’m going for awkward, not pervy, which is why I chose not to tag it as such. Happy reading :)
After an unfortunate potions mishap, Draco Malfoy develops a chameleon-like response to adrenalin; Invisibility. Told in no uncertain terms that an antidote would take at least a week to brew, he barely manages to go two days before he colossally ruins his working relationship with counterpart Head Girl, Hermione Granger (in other words, it’s ruined for the best of reasons).
Title: Something To Talk About
Author/Artist: @xxdustnight88
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger, Theo Nott/Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, Gregory Goyle
Rating: T
Prompt #: A9
Word Count: 1,585
Content/Warning(s): None
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation.
A/N: Written for the 2019 Riddikulus fest, this fun little Dramione has made me wish I was better at writing fluff and humor. Either way, I hope you enjoy this. I can’t wait to see what you think! Thank you to the admin running this event! I had a lot of fun writing this piece!
Beta love goes to GaeilgeRua for allowing me to use her Grammarly subscription. Alpha love goes to SquarePeg72 for reading this over and letting me know it wasn’t horrible! Haha! Any other mistakes you find are my own. Much love, xxDustNight
Summary: Surprised by his relationship with a certain bushy-haired Gryffindor, Draco’s Slytherin friends stage an intervention.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18124757
Title: An Almost Mistake
Author/Artist: MrsMast ( @rosemaryadelineblack )
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione
Rating: M
Prompt #: A10
Word Count OR Media: 5034
Content/Warning(s): None
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation.
A/N: I just want to thank my beta who I couldn’t have done this without!
Summary: Hermione just got promoted, and during a celebration, ran into a homeless drunk Draco. Can she help him, or will he help her?
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18117398
Title: Yellows and Blues Author/Artist: @felgia-starr Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione Rating: T Prompt #: A15 Word Count: 8910 Content/Warning(s): Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: Thanks to the riddikulus mods for hosting this wonderful fest!!! And much beta love to Littleguppy! Summary: Draco Malfoy is forced to spend his summer in Faerieland City when he wishes he’s in Dubai instead. He expects his stay to be awfully boring, but then he meets Hermione Granger. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18108758
Title: Challenge (reluctantly) Accepted Author: @courtinginsanity Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger Rating: T Prompt #: A1. Draco has been told he takes everything (especially himself) too seriously. To prove his friends wrong, he has to make his no-nonsense boss, Hermione Granger, lighten up. It’s unfortunate, really, that Draco also desperately wants that promotion… Word Count: 12,156 Content/Warning(s): A distressed Draco with acrophobia. Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: Who knew it was so damn difficult to be funny on purpose? Thank you so much to my amazing alpha, mhcalamas, and my wonderful beta, ravenslight. Without you both I don’t know if I’d ever have had the courage to post this *hides face* Much love! <3 Summary: Draco Malfoy’s friends describe him as the wet rag to any fire of fun, and now he’s been tasked—nay, *challenged*—by the same dimwit mates to help his boss, Hermione Granger, lighten up.   Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18108746
Title: Public Feud Author: @slytherindramaqueen Characters/Pairings: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Rating: General Audiences Prompt #: A8 Word Count: 2,000 words Content/Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: Summary: Hermione and Draco take Vidcon! Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18105674
Title: Of Manis and Men Author: @dirtycavepainter Characters/Pairings: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Rating: M Prompt #: A37 Word Count: 4384 Content/Warning(s): Slight sexual mentions Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: Summary: Draco Malfoy has been pining after a girl who has hated him for years. Deciding to only brood over a girl that he can’t have his best friend, Blaise Zabini, decides to take matters into his own hands. Blaise has a few tricks up his sleeves to bring the two together. Written for Riddikulus Fest 2019. One shot! Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18100430
Title: Nott a Problem Author: @indreamsink Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger Rating: M Prompt #: A25 Word Count: 7617 Content/Warning(s): M for coarse language Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: This piece was written for the Riddikulus Fest 2019 so a huge thank you to the mods for hosting. This is actually the SECOND piece I wrote based on the prompt, and I’ll likely clean up the other one for posting, only it wasn’t very funny and didn’t feel right to submit. I hope you enjoy. Prompt: Hermione is a criminal mastermind and Draco goes undercover in her organization. Alpha love to Kyonomiko, who kept my head on straight with more voracity than usual. Beta love to I Was BOTWP, who stuck by me through the many moods and iterations of this piece. I know I wasn’t easy to work with on this one, so thank you ladies xoxo Summary: NOTTingham Corp. has been robbed and Draco Malfoy’s been tasked to find out who is responsible. But the truth will leave him torn between his oldest, most eccentric friend, and the woman he’s interested in. Dramione. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18089072
Title: Game On
Author: @gaeilgerua
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: Teen
Prompt #: A23
Word Count: 1,653
Content/Warning: 8th year, not epilogue compliant
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation.
A/N: Thank you so much to MykEsprit for not only the prompt but for putting this fest together. It’s been fun to participate in. I also want to thank my Alpha/beta, Meiri, for her hard work. Any errors after she read through it are my own.
Summary: A children’s game plus a magical spell equals outcomes no one saw coming. Or did they?
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18082802
Title: Puppets and Glue Author: @mhcalamas Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione Rating: T Prompt #: 2 Crack fic first kiss Word Count: 2274 Content/Warning(s): Some mild profanity. Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N:There is some mild language in this.Special thanks to the moderators for this fest, for Hystaracal for the inspiration, to Mykespirit for reading this and saying it was funny and my amazing beta CourtingInsanity.
Summary: Godparents Draco and Hermione have been asked to babysit for the day. Things may or may not get sticky. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18081395
Title: Boys over Magic Author: @bionicallywriting Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione Rating: G Prompt #: A20 Word Count: 6100 Content/Warning(s): None Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: Thanks to the lovely mods who helped make this crackfic possible! Summary: The War’s over, but not at Hogwarts. Meet the S4, and the Muggleborn witch who’s determined to go up against their leader. Dramione reimagined as Boys Over Flowers. Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/17949794 
Title: The very sly and vicious plan of Ronald Bilius Weasley Author: @juwewright Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione, Ron/Pansy Rating: M Prompt #: 33 Word Count: 1102 Content/Warning(s): swearing, sexual implications Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: I had fun with this. I hope you have fun reading it! Summary: Hermione has started dating Draco. Ron is furious. But he has a plan to break them up! Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17917997
Title: Toying with Fate Author: @alexandraoalretha Pairing: Harry Potter x Hermione Granger Rating: M Word Count: 4663 Content/Warnings: NONE Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: HUGE thanks to my beta/alpha team of The Muse of Apollo and TheLastLynx. I was close to giving up on this piece and you two helped me continue and bring it back to life. Endless love to you both! This is the prompt I chose: Harry and Hermione spend an intimate night together. When they try to write it off as a mistake, Fate decides she’s had enough of these two being so blind and stubborn. Summary: Tired of Fate’s constant complaining and whining about Hermione Granger and Harry Potter’s intimate relationship — or lack thereof — Death, Chance, and Time take matters into their own hands.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18332564
Title: Practice Makes… What’s Already There Perfect Author: @articcat621 Characters/Pairings: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter Rating: T Prompt #: B11 Hermione is so nervous about going on a first date with the man of her dreams that she asks her best friend Harry on a “practice date.” Because, after all, practice makes perfect. Word Count: 1171 words Content/Warning(s): Mild Language Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: Many thanks to gaeilgerua for looking this over. Summary: When her nerves get the best of her, Hermione turns to her best friend for help. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18365783
Rare Pairs:
Title: Purrfect Specimen!
Author: CrookshankKitty
Pairing: Mrs Norris/Crookshanks
Rating: general
Prompt#: Of course she didn’t notice how graceful he was….
Word count: 1161
Content/Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are property of JK Rowling/Bloomsbury/Scholastic.No copyright infringement intended. No profit is made from this.
AN: A fluffy fic for the Riddikulus fest 2019. I have never written a Crookshanks/Mrs Norris story. Mrs Norris notices a new face, even familars have feelings.
Link: https;//archiveofourown.org/works/17733572
Title: The Ghost of a Chance
Author: i_rememberme
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/George Harry/Draco
Rating: Teen and up
Prompt #: H4
Word Count: 6235
Content/Warning(s): None
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation.
A/N: Summary: It’s been a decade snce The Final Battle at Hogwarts. Newly single, Hermione moves herself and Rose into a home of their very own. It’s the fresh start they’re looking for and everything is perfect. Or it would be. There’s this disembodied laugh you see… Meanwhile, George is a shadow of his former self. He hasn’t laughed in years and is tormented by the memory of his dead twin. There’s little hope that they could ever feel true happiness ever again, except..except they just might. There’s just the ghost of a chance….
Title: Bringing up Baby (dragons)
Author: @shuns-ao3
Character/Pairings: Charlie Weasley/Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy/Astoria Greenglass, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, baby dragons, a crup, a cranky Romanian wizard, and an officious German wizard
Rating: Mature
Prompt: Self prompt/H17
Word Count: 11,651
Content/Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Disclaimer:  Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation.
A/N: My thanks to HeartSandwich for betaing and lunalunemoon for alphaing. You are the best ladies to read with, comment on and write for. I love Charlie. I love Luna. But putting them together never occurred to me until I read olivieblake’s Modern Romance.HeartS and I agree that there needs to be more Charlie, more Luna, and more baby dragons. So here you are.
Summary: Charlie, Luna, an adorable cruppie, an articulated prosthetic dragon tail and a clutch of unexpected baby dragons.  Or ‘Bringing up Baby’ (dragons).
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18104504/chapters/42798365#workskin
Title: Curse of the Boyfriend Sweater Author: Knitknitread Characters/Pairings: Alice Longbottom/Frank Longbottom Rating: T Prompt #: I2 Word Count: 1270 Content/Warning(s): None Apply Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/N: There’s a distinct lack of Frank and Alice centric fics. I’m hoping to expand this into a collection of drabbles. It’ll take me a while and I can almost promise this would be the longest one. Summary: All Alice had wanted was to make Frank a cardigan. He loved cardigans and sweater vests. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18021776
Title: Riddikulusly True Artist: @sleepygrimm Rating: M Prompt # F2  George Weasley invents a new potion that forces its drinker to embellish the truth. Prompter: Frumpologist Media: Moodboard Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this creation. A/ N: Huge thank you to the mods of this fest. For the opportunity given.To Frumpologist hope i gave justice to your prompt. and inspire a one shot perhaps?
Link: https://riddikulusfest.tumblr.com/post/184086932967/title-riddikulusly-true-artist-sleepygrimm
To all the participants, readers, and followers of the first Riddikulus Fest: THANK YOU!
- @mykesprit and @fangirlsanity
Your Riddikulus Mods
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Important OOC Notice!
Hi, Hyde here. I shared this on the Discord but it then came to my attention not all of you are in the Discord to see it, so along with copypasting this announcement directly from there to here I’ll also include a link to the Discord at the end of this post! Here is the notice.
“So I’ve been talking about this with the Admin team and with some of you in private for a while now, but it’s finally time to make an official announcement here about it. Unfortunately, tomorrow is going to be my last time hosting The Proving Grounds for a while. As I’m sure many of you are aware, college months are fast approaching, and as it happens I will be enrolling at a local community college full-time. Study time, my work babysitting in the mornings, and my time in class in the afternoon and night will eat up most of my days leaving me with little time to myself for light RP, let alone hosting something that’s grown this big and this grand. I wanted to be as transparent about this as possible so you can all understand what’s led me to make the decision to step away from my role IC, and I hope none of you are too disappointed. But don’t worry! The Proving Grounds will still go on as scheduled, we have a new Gamemaster lined up to host in game, and I will still be around on the admin team here on Discord to help ensure things continue to run as smoothly as they have been, save a few minor roadblocks. My part in this has been amazing and I want to continue to see this event become the best thing it can be! Hyde’s abrupt absence will all be explained at the next event after this! Thanks for the fun times, let’s keep making more of them.”
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tamboradventure · 4 years
Meet the Team: The Many Faces of Nomadic Matt
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Posted: 4/30/2020
It takes a village to keep this website going. From tech and coding to design to fixing bugs getting readers books when downloads fail to scheduling social media or running the forums, I have a lot of help. I simply couldn’t run the website, write, travel, eat, sleep, or anything in between if I didn’t have the support and help of an amazing group of people.
It’s not just me writing and posting about my travels. I have a big group of full-time staff helping juggle everything.
I realized a lot of you don’t realize that so, today, I wanted to introduce the team to you.
So, without further ado, here’s they are:  
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Erica has been working for me for almost six and a half years and is the events director of The Nomadic Network, our travel community. She keeps this community thriving. In her own words:
I grew up in Connecticut and went to school in Virginia. During a quarter-life crisis at age 21, I chose to finish my last year of college on an adventure in Qatar! From that moment on, my life revolved around traveling cheaply with the money I earned from waitressing. That budget got me to teach English in Isaan, Thailand, and South Korea; farm on St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the Caribbean and Costa Rica; and volunteer in rural Zambia. At age 26, I returned home to Connecticut, determined to get a job in travel. Soon after, I met Nomadic Matt at a travel meet-up in NYC, and the rest is history.
I whole-heartedly believe that traveling makes friends of strangers, and the more friends there are in the world, the more peace there is in the world.
13 Facts about Me
At 15, I helped build a schoolhouse in Nicaragua.
1. I cooked an American Thanksgiving feast for my Thai co-English teachers in Thailand where barely any of the mashed potatoes, carrots and peas were eaten so my host-grandmother fed in to the monks for the following week unbeknownst to me.
I’ve cut off my hair and donated it to Locks of Love, twice!
I once hunted for possums on the island of St. Vincent with a bunch of Rastafarians. We caught four and made soup. I was a vegetarian at the time.
In Costa Rica, I stayed at in a sustainable living community called Rancho Mastatal, where I learned how to farm yuca, make beer out of turmeric, and build a house out of cob.
I spent 11 days on a coconut water only fast at a yoga retreat in Cambodia, twice
I taught English in South Korea for 14 months and was able to easily save enough money for 21 months of non-stop travel. I also taught the students how to use “boo” colloquially.
This music video I made used to be one of the top hits when you searched for St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
In Zambia, my friend and I were given a live chicken as a present. We were vegetarians, so we traded it for a pair of second-hand jeans in the town’s market.
I got 19 people (the students and teachers on a FLYTE trip) into an airport lounge in Ecuador for free. I think that’s a travel hacking record!
My college education was entirely free. How? I got a ton of tiny scholarships (I applied for everyone I could get my hands on) that added up, being a Residential Assistant in the dorms, and studying in Qatar actually saved me money (in the most expensive country in the world).
In Korea, I dated a guy who spoke no English and we basically communicated through drawing pictures and reciting American rap lyrics.
Last summer, I took a trip to Tunisia with some friends. I wish I could have stayed longer – what a cool country!
  Chris O.
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Chris joined the team as the part-time manager of the forums back in 2015. Since then, he’s transitioned to full-time and has branched out into the Superstar Blogging program and helps me with all of our various admin tasks. In his own words:
I grew up in a small town in Ontario, Canada, and spent my formative years listening to punk rock, reading Star Wars novels, and generally getting up to no good. After ditching my lifelong plan to be a lawyer, I decided to give travel a try. I headed to Costa Rica on a whim and have never looked back! It wasn’t long after that trip that I took a break from university (where I was studying history and theatre) to move to a monastery in Japan in 2007. I’ve more or less been wandering around ever since. Some notable adventures include taking the Trans-Siberian Railway across Russia and Mongolia, walking the Camino de Santiago twice, and going on a 10-day road trip around Iceland with complete strangers.
When I’m not traveling, I live in Sweden and can be found reading, writing, or hanging out with my rescue dog, Grimo.
13 Facts about Me
I spent nine months living in Buddhist monasteries.
I lived in a tent for a year.
I was once stalked by a jaguar and chased by a crocodile — on the same trip.
I haven’t had alcohol in 16 years.
I’ve broken all my fingers and toes, and my nose three times, and I’ve fractured both my wrists.
I worked on an organic farm for 11 years.
I co-owned a restaurant in Canada.
I grew up next door to Avril Lavigne.
I wrote a book (and am working on another one)
I played inter-mural Quidditch in high school and was our team’s Seeker.
I have a Star Wars tattoo.
I’ve been vegan for 15 years.
I have a scar from a fight that broke out over which Norse god was “the best.”
  Chris R.
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Chris, aka The Aussie Nomad, is a (kinda) former blogger who does all the tech and development work for the website. He keeps it running, fixes any errors you find, and deals with my constantly changing design desires. In his own words:
I’m living the good life in Western Australia by the beach with my amazing family. I got into the world of blogging after quitting my job, backpacking around Europe and, as all Aussies do, undertaking a working holiday in the UK. Like all of us who travel and fall in love with it, nobody wants to go home afterwards.
That adventure got me into creating a travel blog many years ago, which is how I first came to know Matt. I have since repurposed my IT skills from my old life and formed my own business to help out other bloggers with their websites.
13 Facts about Me
I love Belgian beer (and I even married a Belgian).
I’ve worked with Matt the longest out of anyone here. (Take that team!)
I took off to backpack Europe when I was 29.
I’m an advocate for Vegemite and believe all visitors to Australia must try this national treasure.
One of my favorite activities is to take a long road trip, especially with family and friends.
I have no idea how four-way stop signals in the U.S.A. don’t all end up as accidents.
I do not drink Fosters. It’s a terrible beer. No one in Australia actually drinks it.
I like to think of myself as an amateur photographer.
I failed kindergarten as I wouldn’t say goodbye to the teacher.
My first job was working in a supermarket.
I can’t sleep on a plane – no matter how long the flight is.
I can name every Thomas the Tank Engine character thanks to my son.
I don’t drink coffee or get people’s love for it. Tea all the way!
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Raimee does all of our social media and content marketing. She schedules posts, tweaks my terrible photos so they look good on Instagram, builds out our content calendar, analyzes data, edits video, creates digital marketing campaigns, and designs our social media graphics! In her own words:
When I was just 14 years old, I took my first international trip to Honduras and Belize with my family. Ever since then, I’ve been hooked on experiencing new cultures, connecting with people from all walks of life, and learning about myself and the world through the power of travel! After graduating with a degree in advertising and marketing from Michigan State University and four years as a digital marketing specialist, I realized that corporate life was not for me. My insatiable need to experience the world beyond a desk led me to search for a job-related to travel. I’ve followed this blog for many years, and now I get to work for it remotely while I strategize, manage, and report on the social media accounts — and I love every second of it!
13 Facts about Me
I’m obsessed with Harry Potter. I’ve read each book at least 10 times. If I told you how many times I’ve watched the movies, you probably wouldn’t believe me.
I once hung out with Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter!) at a Red Wings game in Detroit, and actually kept my cool the whole time (side note: He’s a SUPER nice guy!)
Visiting the Harry Potter studio tour in London was one of the best days of my life.
My mom was obsessed with the 80’s horror movie Evil Dead directed by Sam Raimi, so she named me after him.
After having visited about 30 countries, Iceland is still my favorite.
My biggest travel dream is to take a road trip around New Zealand!
I try to read 1-2 book(s) EVERY week!
I used to play the saxophone (and I wish I still did!)
I conquered my fear of heights by jumping off a cliff in Croatia — twice!
I love languages and was close to being fluent in German during college.
I’ve acted in a few independent and short films and as an extra in some network TV shows (I even have an IMDB page!)
In another life, I would have been a film director/producer. Maybe some day!
My favorite number is 13.
Carmela is the Executive Director of our non-profit FLYTE that makes travel accessible to underserved youth from across the country. She handles anything and everything from fundraising, working with our partner schools to plan student trips abroad, connecting with our incredible donor community, and managing our volunteer team.
Born and raised in New Jersey, I had the privilege of taking my first international trip when I was 3 to visit my family in the Philippines where I refused to ride the local jeepneys because they didn’t have seatbelts! Since then, my love for travel has evolved. In 2012, my husband, Raymund, and I took a round the world honeymoon that was supposed to scratch the travel itch (lol). We came back home to NYC for a few years before taking the leap to become full-time remote workers, and have lived all over the world ever since.
When I’m not running FLYTE, I love planning trips (even if they’re not my own), practicing yoga, hiking, rock climbing, reading, eating, and eating cookies (which are their own food group, in my opinion).
I LOVE Math! I have a degree in it, taught statistics to college students, and few things make me happier than a well functioning Excel spreadsheet.
I come from a family of educators. My parents were both teachers before they immigrated to the US from the Philippines in the 70’s. Before I left to travel, I worked for the Chancellor of NYC Public Schools, the largest school district in the country, and now running FLYTE is pretty much my dream job because it combines my love for education with travel.
The Notorious BIG and I share the same birthday. Juicy is one of my favorite songs.
I still don’t fully understand how to use Twitter.
I like suspenseful movies & TV shows, but hate the feeling of being in suspense, so I often read what happens before watching so I can relax and enjoy my viewing experience.
My favorite cartoon is Alvin & the Chipmunks. I still have an Alvin doll that I was gifted on my 1st birthday. It bears no resemblance to the actual Alvin Seville anymore.
I attended an all girls high school and a women’s college – that environment there largely shaped who I am today.
My guilty pleasure is watching Terrace House – the Japanese equivalent to the Real World.
My dad has an identical twin brother and they used to play tricks on me and my cousin when we were younger. It’s equally funny and traumatizing.
I hate raisins, especially in cookies.
I’m an only child, but have over 30 first cousins. I love them as if they were my actual siblings.
Raymund and I met in Hawaii. For that, and many other reasons, it’s my most favorite place in the world.
I know every lyric to every song from the Sound of Music.
  Nomadic Matt
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And, finally, there’s me. You probably know a lot about me after twelve years of blogging (sometimes I forget how long it’s been), but here’s a quick refresh:
Growing up in Boston, I was never a big traveler. I didn’t take my first trip overseas until 2004. That trip changed my life and opened me up to the possibilities the world had to offer. One year later, I went to Thailand, where I met five backpackers who inspired me to quit my job and travel the world. In 2006, I left for a yearlong backpacking trip — and have been “nomadic” ever since.
13 Facts about Me
I love politics as much as I love travel and will debate for the joy for it.
I love to cook.
When I was in high school, I was my state’s champ in “Magic: the Gathering.” I know — super nerdy, right? It got me a free trip NYC with my friend (who came in number two!).
I always worry about the future and often use my time back home to develop skills needed for the Zombie Apocalypse. Shout-out to my prepper friend Vanessa for teaching me about seeds!
I once met Paul Giamatti on the streets of NYC and he was as grumpy as I imagined.
I am an unabashed Taylor Swift fan.
I don’t drink coffee.
I believe aliens exist. It’s mathematically impossible they don’t.
I’m terrified of flying.
I learned to swing dance so I could throw myself a Gatsby-themed birthday party.
Both sides of my family came through Ellis Island and you can see their names on the wall where they list all the immigrants.
I used to be the head of a program by the Massachusetts Sierra Club that promoted energy efficiency.
I went to college to be a high school history teacher.
So there you have it! The Nomadic Matt team! It’s weird to think this blog I started to simply be online résumé for freelance jobs now requires eleven people to run. I always thought the more systems, automation, products, and passive income I set up, the easier it would be. I could just sit on a beach. But it seems the more we do, the more we create, the more projects I tell the team we’re taking on, the more help we require. I guess that is the nature of the beast but I would have it no other way. I love what we do here. We help a lot of people realize their dreams.
And a guy couldn’t ask for better co-workers to help make that happen.
P.S. – We’ve launched a new Patreon where you can get stories and tips I don’t share on this blog, a private Facebook group, phone calls with me and the team, live Q&As, postcards from the road, signed copies of my books, and much more! Click here to get access!
Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all those I use — and they’ll save you time and money too!
The post Meet the Team: The Many Faces of Nomadic Matt appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Nomadic Matt's Travel Site https://ift.tt/2w7dY8V via IFTTT
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zethyrexchange · 5 years
Zethyr Exchange AMA with Scott, Lead Admin of TRONTOPIA
AMA was with Scott, Lead Admin and Development Coordinator of TRONTOPIA in our Official Telegram Community (https://t.me/ZethyrExchange)
Host: Welcome to our AMA Trontopia Admin.
Q: Can you introduce yourself and TOPIA briefly?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Sure!
My name is Scott and I am the lead admin and development coordinator for TOPIA.
Topia was formed in January of this year. We are comprised almost entirely of Dapp players and community members. We decided to launch our own dapp due to the lack of transparency and fairness in the space.
We are located all over the world, US, Paris, Japan, Singapore, Greece, Australia, Israel, UK, among others.
Our ultimate goal is to build the fairest, most stable, and most transparent gaming platform on any blockchain.
Host: Cool. Hi Scott! Ok let’s start with a simple question first.
Q: What are the key selling points of TOPIA compared to other casinos around the blockchains?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Everything is open source. We verify our contracts so the plain-English code is visible and verifiable by the public.
With that, we are able to prove that our randomness is just that… Random.
We believe in the power of the blockchain and the ability of the current and future blockhashes provide for random number generation, and do not utilize any Oracle (on Tron, currently IOST operates with an Oracle, but this will be changing very soon).
On top of that, we have one of the most warm communities, and a very active staff that is capable of helping and answering any questions. Most dapps do not provide this level of support.
Host: Wow I have just learnt that you guys do not use Oracle
Q: So everything is on-chain?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: 100%, We use a commit and reveal approach
Host: Amazing 100% blockchain with that comes to our next question which most casinos are concerned
Q: How secured is TOPIA for users?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We are extremely secure, but we did not get here without first hitting our speed bumps.
We have a phrase we say around TOPIA, and that is that we have hit every branch on the way down the tree so to speak, but because of this, it has given us immense knowledge and insight into possible attack vectors, and has allowed us to become one of (if not the most?) secure dapp in the space currently.
Due to us having these issues, we now not only take extreme care, but have advanced knowledge on the subject and I am confident that our security will always be some of if not the best utilized.
Host: I’m glad to hear that
Q: Could you share more details about what security features you have in place?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Yes,
Every parameter is controlled and governed by our smart contracts… What does this mean? Things like maximum win allowed, maximum bet, what range you can roll on… These are not controlled by our front end website, they are controlled by the contract itself, and a lot of dapps do not operate this way, which is a huge mistake.
We utilize a commit and reveal system that makes it impossible to predict or exploit our random number generation, this is what allows us to have a fully on-chain rolling experience while remaining secure. Current blockhash as the main source of entropy for the random number generator is widely known to be truly unpredictable.
We have a few other security features as well… Functions in our contracts that keep the vast majority of the balances away from public facing functions
Host: Yes I have to say that randomization is one of the trickiest part in running a fully on-chain casino. I believe that the track record of TOPIA has shown that the platform is secured. So let’s jump to a question from the audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Thank you for the nice words Vinod
Priorities for user acquisition first start with building our platforms so when marketing pushes happen they have a higher retention level, and overall are more successful.
With that, our plan is to focus heavily on development for the remainder of 2019 and the early part of 2020. With that there will be some marketing taking place, but the big marketing push will be saved for when we feel it will have the most positive impact, which is when we have more of the platform up and operating.
We are getting extremely close with Blitz, I know a lot of people have been very excited about that.
Vault is a mini-game that has been mostly ready for a while now, but it has been held back due to the upcoming change to Mining with the implementation of Seasonal Mining. Vault will come into play with the Seasonal Mining update.
We have recently launched our sportsbook on TRON, and we have many upgrades and improvements coming to it as well.
We need to align our platforms so they have the same offerings, as well as get these upcoming games released, along with a couple of surprises coming very soon actually that are not on our roadmap. Once these are complete, we will have many games across multiple chains and we will begin a very strong marketing push to bring fresh and new players to the dapp space.
Host: Wow. Development first I see
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Doesn’t mean we aren’t marketing. Lol, but we have an actual marketing plan we want to execute that we are holding back until some of these soon to launch games and features are released.
Host: That’s an amazing approach given that most dapps are mostly hit and run. OK since we touched briefly on iOST Topia
Q: Why did TOPIA acquire iOST Play?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Many reasons, I actually recently answered this question for another interview so pardon if it seems like the same answer again
1. IOST is one of the fastest blockchains currently. Our games rely heavily on speed and low/efficient gas costs. IOST is great in this area.
2. The IOST market is young, and untapped. We feel the dapp usage on IOST is going to rise significantly in 2020, and it is important we are at the front of that surge, as our vision relies heavily on crosschain platforms.
3. The foundation support on IOST is incredible. It is the only complaint I have with TRON is the Foundation seems to have a bit of favoritism going on, which I have yet to experience with the IOST foundation.
4. The community is amazing, and growing. It is very much like how Tron’s was this time last year.
It just made sense that it is the next step for TOPIA and IOST be the first chain we branched out to.
Host: Yes I read that interview, but I believe that it will benefit everyone here so no harm repeating. Now talking about iOST Topia
Q: If any differences do/will iOST Topia have compared to TRON Topia?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Ideally, we want the platforms to mirror each other regardless of which chain. The main differences you will see are slight variations in Tokenomics.
For example, I don’t see there being an ISHARE (like TSHARE), as there aren’t many IRC10/20 tokens yet.
But from a content perspective, we want them to be near mirror images of each other, and over the coming months we will work towards that.
We want it to be as easy as switching which currency you are playing with.
Host: I believe that will minimize confusion. Before coming to the next question, I want to disclose that I’m holding TOPIA tokens as well
Q: How does iOST Topia affect current TOPIA token holders? How about current iOST Play token holders?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Currently, there is no effect. Both platforms will operate entirely separately for the time being.
Now, in the future, but this is a ways down the road, we are implementing an Umbrella rewards system, and all Topia holders (whether Tron topia, IOST topia, or whichever TOPIA), will receive these Umbrella tokens, the Umbrella tokens will receive dividends from all of the platforms.
This is pretty far off for now though.
Q: So these umbrella tokens will displace the current tokens? Without getting too technical, if I buy your umbrella tokens on TRON, how do I receive dividend from iOST?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Well… I can’t really go into too much detail without revealing some plans we don’t want to be too public yet because it’s a very exciting…
But I can say basically yes, eventually TOPIA holders will merge into one… under a new Token or Chain.
But, again, this is Q4 2020 type of stuff.
Host: OK if you can’t reveal for now, it is okay. So next is a question from the audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Thanks for the question kpop
I reached out to David a couple of months back. I saw an opportunity and presented it to him. At first he respectfully declined, but we kept in contact and on friendly terms… and over time I believe he started to see the value in what we were offering, and they accepted.
- Mining reset
- Seasonal Mining
- iDiamonds swap for iPlay holders
Once we have these implemented, we will definitely launch the mining reset with a large event and marketing push to let everyone know mining has restarted
Host: Clean and clear. Another question from your fan
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We actually are doing more here than people in the space currently see and realize.
We have been working with @MidEarthCrypto who has been traveling around the country going to universities and speaking about TRON and DAPPS. Part of his presentation is about TOPIA. He was hired by TRON and sponsored by us to travel and spread the word to communities and schools who express interest in blockchain.
We also are working with several non-blockchain, but gaming and gambling related online influencers who are ready and willing to promote and market TOPIA to their respective audiences once we give them the green light.
Alongside the usual marketing tactics:
- Ads, banners
- Twitter/social media marketing
- Articles (cointelegraph, iost-watch, etc)
Host: I see, I believe that given your priority for development at the moment. OK last question, also from our audience
Trontopia Admin — Scott: We do plan to expand to other blockchains besides just TRON and IOST. We ideally want to be on at least 4 different chains before we implement the Umbrella system, so we got more to go for sure.
And yes, we want it to eventually be seamless to the point where you are going to TopiaNetwork.com (yes, I own the domain, dont go try to steal it), you pick which currency you want to play with, and you play.
Q: including fiats?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Unlikely, Maybe USDT
IOST was the one that was going to be probably the most difficult transition though, as it’s contracts are not written in Solidity, so it’s not a direct conversion process… So we are happy to get this one out first
Q: So I guess the next 2 chains will use the variances of solidity?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: What we are looking at right now, they use Solidity, yes
Host: Wow, that’s a big hint.
Q: Anything else you would like your TOPIA fans to know?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Firstly, we love you guys.
Second, we are working our butts off to get all of this stuff rolled out
Host: Yes please work hard. Thank you Scott and have a good weekend
Trontopia Admin — Scott: No problem, thank you for having me for this very nice AMA
Audience: TRONTOPIA Is going to buyback and burn Topia’s in november
Q: How many are they planning to buyback and burn?
And What is your team size, how many people?
Trontopia Admin — Scott: Yes, we are starting the buyback program this month, those details will come.
10 Moderators, 9 Developers, my self and a few other owners.
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Telegram: https://t.me/ZethyrExchange
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZethyrExchange
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxyXOGCPxG8D06opjTSjW8g
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wetrumpfeed · 6 years
This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and although I'm a day late I'm back today with a weeks worth of spice and dankness for all you deplorables! For those that missed any past recaps you can check those out here!
Sunday, January 13th:
Democrats are saying that DACA is not worth it and don’t want to include in talks. Many Hispanics will be coming over to the Republican side, watch!
The building of the Wall on the Southern Border will bring down the crime rate throughout the entire Country!
I’m in the White House, waiting. The Democrats are everywhere but Washington as people await their pay. They are having fun and not even talking!
The damage done to our Country from a badly broken Border - Drugs, Crime and so much that is bad - is far greater than a Shutdown, which the Dems can easily fix as soon as they come back to Washington!
Thousands of illegal aliens who have committed sexual crimes against children are right now in Texas prisons. Most came through our Southern Border. We can end this easily - We need a Steel Barrier or Wall. Walls Work! John Jones, Texas Department of Public Safety. @FoxNews
Wish I could share with everyone the beauty and majesty of being in the White House and looking outside at the snow filled lawns and Rose Garden. Really is something - SPECIAL COUNTRY, SPECIAL PLACE!
Starting the long overdue pullout from Syria while hitting the little remaining ISIS territorial caliphate hard, and from many directions. Will attack again from existing nearby base if it reforms. Will devastate Turkey economically if they hit Kurds. Create 20 mile safe zone.... ... ....Likewise, do not want the Kurds to provoke Turkey. Russia, Iran and Syria have been the biggest beneficiaries of the long term U.S. policy of destroying ISIS in Syria - natural enemies. We also benefit but it is now time to bring our troops back home. Stop the ENDLESS WARS!
So sorry to hear the news about Jeff Bozo being taken down by a competitor whose reporting, I understand, is far more accurate than the reporting in his lobbyist newspaper, the Amazon Washington Post. Hopefully the paper will soon be placed in better & more responsible hands!
If Elizabeth Warren, often referred to by me as Pocahontas, did this commercial from Bighorn or Wounded Knee instead of her kitchen, with her husband dressed in full Indian garb, it would have been a smash!
Best line in the Elizabeth Warren beer catastrophe is, to her husband, “Thank you for being here. I’m glad you’re here” It’s their house, he’s supposed to be there!
The Trump portrait of an unsustainable Border Crisis is dead on. “In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with Criminal Records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes & 4000 violent killings.” America’s Southern.... ... ....Border is eventually going to be militarized and defended or the United States, as we have known it, is going to cease to exist...And Americans will not go gentle into that good night. Patrick Buchanan. The great people of our Country demand proper Border Security NOW!
Bill Maher Billboard Transformed Into NPC Meme By Conservative Street Artists
Sarah Sanders brings the fire.
To this day, one of my favorite headlines
Reno 911, 11 years ago.
"You can see all the stars as you walk down Hollywood Boulevard..." oops. Wrong Kinks.
No border wall...No voter ID law...hmmmm I wonder why...
Monday, January 14th:
President Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure
President Trump Welcomes the 2018 College Football Playoff National Champion Clemson Tigers
President Trump Delivers Remarks at the American Farm Bureau Federation's 100th Annual Convention
“Gas prices drop across the United States because President Trump has deregulated Energy and we are now producing a great deal more oil than ever before.” @foxandfriends But this is bad news for Russia, why would President Trump do such a thing? Thought he worked for Kremlin?
(Retweeting Ronna McDaniel) It didn't get the attention it deserved, but @realDonaldTrump recently signed a bill into law that will empower women all over the world. @IvankaTrump was instrumental in making the #WEEEAct a priority. Another huge success for the Trump admin!
(Retweeting Ronna McDaniel) Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are not negotiating in good faith with @realDonaldTrump. Instead, Congressional Democrats spent the weekend on the beach with lobbyists. It’s time for them to get back to Washington and work to secure our border and reopen the government.
(Retweeting Geraldo Rivera) Based on the record, the allegation/suggestion that the #FBI came close to investigating @realDonaldTrump as a Russian spy/asset-if true-says more about anti-Trump bias within the DOJ than it ever does about the president’s actions regarding Russia.
(Retweeting Ronna McDaniel) Economic policies that @realDonaldTrump and @IvankaTrump have championed are producing some fantastic results for America’s young women. The labor participation divide between millennial men and women is the lowest it’s ever been!
(Retweeting Ronna McDaniel) Smugglers are flooding our communities with drugs. *300 Americans die each week from heroin, 90% of it comes from south of the border. *ICE seized 2,370 lbs of fentanyl in 2017, enough to kill every American. Democrats need to work with @realDonaldTrump to secure our border.
I’ve been waiting all weekend. Democrats must get to work now. Border must be secured!
Nancy and Cryin’ Chuck can end the Shutdown in 15 minutes. At this point it has become their, and the Democrats, fault!
“Dems in Puerto Rico as Shutdown hits day 24.” @foxandfriends
The Fake News gets crazier and more dishonest every single day. Amazing to watch as certain people covering me, and the tremendous success of this administration, have truly gone MAD! Their Fake reporting creates anger and disunity. Take two weeks off and come back rested. Chill!
(Tweeting CSPAN video)
Getting ready to go on stage at the #AFBF100 in New Orleans - packed house! I will try and match the great game played yesterday by the New Orleans Saints and their incredible QB, Drew Brees. People here are very excited by the team. Going on stage now!
(Retweeting The White House) President Trump Delivers Remarks at the American Farm Bureau Federation's 100th Annual Convention
(Retweeting Donald Trump Jr.) Silence of the Moms: Media Refuse to Discuss Angel Families http://bit.ly/2FwCh79 via @BreitbartNews
(Retweeting Donald Trump Jr.) ‘Angel mom’ demands Trump’s wall, ‘we’ve become collateral damage’
Spoke w/ President Erdogan of Turkey to advise where we stand on all matters including our last two weeks of success in fighting the remnants of ISIS, and 20 mile safe zone. Also spoke about economic development between the U.S. & Turkey - great potential to substantially expand!
For decades, politicians promised to secure the border, fix our trade deals, bring back our factories, get tough on China, move the Embassy to Jerusalem, make NATO pay their fair share, and so much else - only to do NOTHING (or worse).... ... ....I am doing exactly what I pledged to do, and what I was elected to do by the citizens of our great Country. Just as I promised, I am fighting for YOU!
McDonald's catered a white house function. CNN is going to have a stroke.
MASSIVE REDPILL - "Toxic Masculinity is not the problem - LACK of Masculinity is"
OP ED: I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance
Boom: Support for Border Wall Soars Among Swing-Voters
"The Democrats’ refusal to compromise on border security and reopen the government didn’t stop President Trump from hosting national champion @ClemsonFB tonight. He personally paid for the event to be catered by some of America’s great fast food joints"
Jesus Christ. Every day I’m convinced I couldn’t possibly love Trump more, then he does shit like this.
Isn't it obvious what this new ad is all about? Gillette clearly hired a new spokesmaam!
So, there I was putting on my rape shoes...
Apex America. Liberals losing their collective minds. Beautiful.
1000 hamburgers
Tuesday, January 15th:
Presidential Proclamation on Religious Freedom Day, 2019
Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of Commerce
Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, and Director of National Intelligence
President Trump Welcomes the Clemson Tigers to the White House
The rank and file of the FBI are great people who are disgusted with what they are learning about Lyin’ James Comey and the so-called “leaders” of the FBI. Twelve have been fired or forced to leave. They got caught spying on my campaign and then called it an investigation. Bad!
Just announced that Veterans unemployment has reached an 18 year low, really good news for our Vets and their families. Will soon be an all time low! Do you think the media will report on this and all of the other great economic news?
Volkswagen will be spending 800 million dollars in Chattanooga, Tennessee. They will be making Electric Cars. Congratulations to Chattanooga and Tennessee on a job well done. A big win!
A big new Caravan is heading up to our Southern Border from Honduras. Tell Nancy and Chuck that a drone flying around will not stop them. Only a Wall will work. Only a Wall, or Steel Barrier, will keep our Country safe! Stop playing political games and end the Shutdown!
Polls are now showing that people are beginning to understand the Humanitarian Crisis and Crime at the Border. Numbers are going up fast, over 50%. Democrats will soon be known as the Party of Crime. Ridiculous that they don’t want Border Security!
(Retweeting PARISDENNARD) I trust a rancher on the Southern border more than a liberal politician from Northern California
(Retweeting Donald Trump Jr.) Worth the read. I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/14/smoke-out-resistance/ … via @dailycaller
(Retweeting Donald Trump Jr.) Since January 1, neither CNN nor MSNBC has booked a single Angel Mom — mothers of children brutally murdered by illegal aliens — as guests on their networks, per @GOP analysis. I WONDER WHY? Silence of the Moms: Media Refuse to Discuss Angel Families
(Retweeting Mollie Hemingway) NYT Reveals FBI Retaliated Against Trump For Lawfully Firing Comey
(Retweeting Charlie Kirk) No one accused Obama of being a Russian agent after he asked for “more flexibility” until after the the election, or when Obama ignored Putin’s invasion into Crimea, or when Assad used chemical gas in Syria and Obama’s red line was crossed
(Retweeting Charlie Kirk) GREAT AGAIN: Prior to 2018, unemployment has only been below 4% 5 times since 1970 Under Donald Trump, in 2018, unemployment dipped below 4% 7 TIMES—in ONE year! What exactly are the Democrats resisting? 🤔
(Retweeting Paul Sperry) BREAKING: Inspector General Michael Horowitz still does NOT have all of Peter Strzok's and Lisa Page's texts, even though a third-party software vendor contracted to the FBI knows where all the missing data is saved
(Retweeting Paul Sperry) So...by the FBI's post-Trump standards for C.I. investigations, would this off-mike exchange between Obama & Putin's deputy (where Obama offers Putin "more flexibility" on NATO missile defense in Europe) be grounds for opening an espionage probe of Obama?
(Retweeting Tom Fitton) For the first time in a generation, we have a president who is beginning to tell the truth about the crisis on the border. @RealDonaldTrump @JudicialWatch
(Retweeting Tom Fitton) We must stand with the rule of law against the coup targeting @RealDonaldTrump. https://youtu.be/Ws679mklmIk
Why is Nancy Pelosi getting paid when people who are working are not?
Congratulations @ClemsonFB!
Great being with the National Champion Clemson Tigers last night at the White House. Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamburgers etc. Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!
FITTON:BREAKING:Federal Court Orders Discovery on Clinton Email, Benghazi Scandal: Top Obama-Clinton Officials, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes to Respond to Judicial Watch Questions Under Oath
Democrats boycott White House border security meeting
Sarah Sanders crushes NBC News hilariously.
Reuters fucks up BIGLY! Accidentally admits the reason Dems don’t want the citizenship question on the census is because they will lose power in the House of Reps and Billions in federal funding that should go to AMERICANS!
Clemson player with the btfo
TD Status (2019): Memesters gonna Meme
Men Are Amazing. F*ck you, Gillette.
I haven't seen Reddit drop their McNuggets this hard since The Meltdown!
That’s How Mafia Works
I found this on r/dankmemes and thought you guys would like it
Wednesday, January 16th:
Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
President Donald J. Trump Announces Nineteenth Wave of Judicial Nominees
Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks to the Global Chiefs of Mission Conference
There are now 77 major or significant Walls built around the world, with 45 countries planning or building Walls. Over 800 miles of Walls have been built in Europe since only 2015. They have all been recognized as close to 100% successful. Stop the crime at our Southern Border!
It is becoming more and more obvious that the Radical Democrats are a Party of open borders and crime. They want nothing to do with the major Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border. #2020!
Trump signs OPEN Government Data Act into law! Requires agencies to designate Chief Data Officer and make federal data freely and easily available. Most transparent administration in history!
Multiple Reports: Secret Service, DHS Reject Nancy Pelosi's 'Security' Excuse for Canceling State of the Union
SHUTDOWN: Why do we need so many TSA agents, Rashida?!?! Hmm?
OANN's daily Cost of Immigration Clock...
Rashida Tlaib blasts ‘right wing media’ after coverage of get-together with pro-Hezbollah activist. Declares she is a Muslim and a Palestinian. We now have a Democrat declaring she is an active foreign agent while holding elected office.
You may not like it, but this is what peak couple’s fashion looks like...
And then Trump says to Nancy...
My Gillette Cancellation note
MRW when I see old dried up Pelosi asking President Trump to reschedule his SOTU.
Firefighters told to not get political in backlash at Sydney fire station .
Thursday, January 17th:
Nine Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint and Designate Individuals to Key Administration Posts
The Left has become totally unhinged. They no longer care what is Right for our Countrty!
So funny to watch Schumer groveling. He called for the firing of bad cop James Comey many times - UNTIL I FIRED HIM!
(Retweeting Lori Hendry) They are eaten alive by hate for our President & his voters! They care more about illegal immigrants than they do for American citizens! Look no further than CA re-directing money away from US citizens to illegal immigrants. Thank you for putting America 1st Mr. President
Thank you to Amy Kremer, Women for Trump Co-Founder, for doing such a great interview with Martha MacCallum...and by the way, women have the lowest unemployment numbers in many decades - at the highest pay ever. Proud of that!
“In 2018 alone, 20,000 illegal aliens with criminal records were apprehended trying to cross the Border, and there was a 122% increase in fentanyl being smuggled between ports of entry. Last month alone, more than 20,000 minors were smuggled into the U.S.” @seanhannity
Gregg Jarrett: “Mueller’s prosecutors knew the “Dossier” was the product of bias and deception.” It was a Fake, just like so much news coverage in our Country. Nothing but a Witch Hunt, from beginning to end!
President Trump’s letter to Speaker Pelosi concerning her upcoming travel
LOL! PHOTOS: Democrats Stuck on Bus After President Trump Cancels Foreign Trip
PICTURE: Pelosi’s luggage has been returned to the halls of Congress by cart
Pompeo to meet with North Korean envoy as possible second Kim-Trump summit looms, official says
Nancy Pelosi arrives at the airport, ready for her trip to Brussels....
Flashback to November 19, 2016 when the r/The_Donald had only 294K subscribers
When you realize Trump waited 24 hours to respond to Pelosi because he wanted to turn her around at the airport.
Things that make you go hhhmmmm
Friday, January 18th:
Presidential Proclamation on the National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2019
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individual to Key Administration Posts
Presidential Proclamation on National School Choice Week, 2019
Border rancher: “We’ve found prayer rugs out here. It’s unreal.” Washington Examiner People coming across the Southern Border from many countries, some of which would be a big surprise.
Why would Nancy Pelosi leave the Country with other Democrats on a seven day excursion when 800,000 great people are not getting paid. Also, could somebody please explain to Nancy & her “big donors” in wine country that people working on farms (grapes) will have easy access in!
“It’s the Democrats keeping everything closed.” @JimInhofe So true!
Another big Caravan heading our way. Very hard to stop without a Wall!
Kevin Corke, @FoxNews “Don’t forget, Michael Cohen has already been convicted of perjury and fraud, and as recently as this week, the Wall Street Journal has suggested that he may have stolen tens of thousands of dollars....” Lying to reduce his jail time! Watch father-in-law!
Never seen the Republican Party so unified. No “Cave” on the issue of Border and National Security. A beautiful thing to see, especially when you hear the new rhetoric spewing from the mouths of the Democrats who talk Open Border, High Taxes and Crime. Stop Criminals & Drugs now!
Thank you to our law enforcement!
Remember it was Buzzfeed that released the totally discredited “Dossier,” paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats (as opposition research), on which the entire Russian probe is based! A very sad day for journalism, but a great day for our Country!
Fake News is truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
Mueller team disputes BuzzFeed report claiming Trump told Cohen to lie | Fox News
MAGIC WAND: DOW sores AGAIN after China offers to import $1 TRILLION in US goods!
Va. State Senator Amanda Chase begins open carrying revolver to send message to potentially violent protesters after a group of immigration activistsconfronted her colleague over his bill to ban sanctuary cities.
Hey, [The rest of Reddit]
T_D presents: great moments in aviation history
Oops... Redacted is eating itself again
Pepe The Green Dinosaur Sings His Favorite Song!
RIP Nancy & Chuck
Saturday, January 19th:
President Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure
President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Humanitarian Crisis on Our Southern Border
Will be leaving for Dover to be with the families of 4 very special people who lost their lives in service to our Country!
.@newtgingrich just stated that there has been no president since Abraham Lincoln who has been treated worse or more unfairly by the media than your favorite President, me! At the same time there has been no president who has accomplished more in his first two years in office!
The Economy is one of the best in our history, with unemployment at a 50 year low, and the Stock Market ready to again break a record (set by us many times) - & all you heard yesterday, based on a phony story, was Impeachment. You want to see a Stock Market Crash, Impeach Trump!
Many people are saying that the Mainstream Media will have a very hard time restoring credibility because of the way they have treated me over the past 3 years (including the election lead-up), as highlighted by the disgraceful Buzzfeed story & the even more disgraceful coverage!
Mexico is doing NOTHING to stop the Caravan which is now fully formed and heading to the United States. We stopped the last two - many are still in Mexico but can’t get through our Wall, but it takes a lot of Border Agents if there is no Wall. Not easy!
I will be live from the White House at 4:00 P.M.
McConnell: The President Stepped Up with Bold Plan to Re-Open Government, Fund Border Security | Republican Leader
HAHAHAHAHAHA Pelosi made the mistake of tweeting this 1 min before the livestream started to preemptively declare what's wrong with Trump's plan, he delayed the livestream for 10 min (likely to modify the speech), then announced he would be doing all of these. SHE SHOWED HER HAND TOO EARLY 😂
President @realDonaldTrump demonstrated courageous leadership offering a fair deal to address the security and humanitarian crisis at our border. Let’s hope Democrats care more about doing what’s right than resistance.
LMFAO!!! Redacted goes full retard and screeches “Trump’s presidency is LEGALLY OVER,” and discusses OVERTHROWING THE US GOVERNMENT; then, 5 hours later, they had to admit they fell for Fake News. Demented losers! Sad!!
Trump Is Swearing In Citizens—who did it the right way—Like A Boss
The absolute state of Democrats.
When Fake News Tries To Dunk On Trump (no dox plz)
Last night's Buzzfeed story is what finally pushed me over the edge to become a Trump supporter
A great metaphor for anyone thinking about getting their news from BuzzFeed, or pretty much any MSM source for that matter
When you pass by Pelosi’s bus after it does its 3rd loop around
Whata week, whata year, WHATA PRESIDENT!
Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:
Bed Peace
Lost In The World
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
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