#also blame Zar and Cloud for this cause they encouraged me
loudlysraindropanon · 2 years
Rain sat on the raggedy carpet in the House's living room, tracing lines through the fabric of the carpet mindlessly. The house was dark and the only light present was the moon light that came through the various windows around.
Rain hummed as they traced lines, watching their finger with no real thought. They looked up at their finger for a second to glance around, always paranoid as they had been taught to be, before catching a glimpse of a dusty photo on the fireplace and quickly looking down.
It was an old photo, cracked from when it fell multiple times and dusty from sitting on the shelf untouched for so long. The picture inside showed a younger Rain, back when their companion Karlee had taken them in. It showed in the way Rain smiled, still in the clothes they had made for themselves, and the way light still sparkled in their uncovered eyes. As a 6 year old who was born over an ocean, they hadn't had a concept of stranger danger and when Karlee had offered them help, Rain took it without any suspicion in their mind.
Rain scoffed, bringing themselves back to the present. What a fool they were, so blindly trusting someone who obviously didn't care for them. Karlee had just wanted to use them for her own personal gain. She wanted someone to teach not a sibling or child to take care of. Their younger self was a fool for believing they could be her family when she never wanted one.
Rain looked around at the empty, abandoned house that they sat in, devoid of all life except for them and a couple plants that Karlee had let them keep indoors rather than outside in the garden. Karlee had left a while ago suddenly, but Rain had been used to that and didn't think anything of it until she never came back. At first, they had been worried but by the time the first week passed, they had got that they had been abandoned, although they didn't know why. Why would Karlee suddenly give up on 6 years of work? Did Rain simply become too much of a bother to try and fix?
Were they a broken tool as she had said?
Rain sighed, looking down at their finger again, the 12 year old hopelessly bored in the abandoned house by themselves. They had always been bored when Karlee went out, as she often did, but usually the trips weren't long and she would spend time with them when they got back, doing whatever Karlee wanted to do. She had a lot of hobbies, besides her occupation of thievery, but one of the ones Rain remembered best was singing.
Rain cleared their throat, breaking the silence of the empty house, and softly began to sing-
"Welcome to my world, that's painted with sadness.
There's no light of sun, here you can't hear any sound at all"
They waved their hands through the moon as the sang, their voice echoing a bit in the empty house.
"Here I'm waiting silently for you, Mama.
Why were you so cruel? Why'd you leave me alone?"
Rain looked at the broken photo frame and their Mama's happy face before looking down, tears starting to well in their eyes just thinking about her. They hummed some quiet "la la la"'s into the silence, trying to calm themselves but failing to do so as they looked at the picture again.
"Please take me away, I desperately promise to be a good kid, to be worthy of your love.
I don't need the sketchbooks, the flowers and the teachings.
Just tell me why you've left your pictures and gone..." they sang-pleaded at the picture tearfully, trying not to break down more than they already were.
"I never asked for this place that's called 'Our Home' but I hoped you'd be staying with me until the end."
Rain looked down again, anger starting to mix with the sadness. How dare she leave them like that? This was their "home", both of them. She was supposed to care for them and she left! She promised to give them a home with her and she left! It isn't fair, Rain thought bitterly.
"I just want to be with you to forget my sorrow," Rain told the picture numbly, their tone tired and quieter than they had been before.
"I'm tired of being the puppet of this world..." they sang as they remembered how most of their life had not been their choice. Getting separated from their sibling, of whom they didn't even learned their name before they were swept away, the shore taking them to a forest where they learned to survive from campers, Karlee taking them in and training them, and finally now, being left alone like a doll that no one wants. They've always had little choice in their life, especially after Karlee took them in. They laughed bitterly, they really were a puppet.
"My tears are falling, why is it so painful?
I did nothing wrong, so why do you hate me so much?" Rain sang as they got up, glaring at the picture and taking it over to the kitchen table to put down. In a dissociated state, they quickly packed up their necessary things in a duffle bag that Karlee hadn't taken. Clothes, medical supplies, and food that Rain put in bags to keep them clean. From the necessities, Rain put any other items they needed in a bag that they had stolen one time when they had been allowed out. The sketchbooks Karlee had stolen for them, some flower seeds, a necklace Rain had stolen and successfully hidden from Karlee, and a few other nicknacks they had stolen. Rain grabbed their sword which lay by the back down and put it in its sheath on their hip, tugging the belt it was attached to briefly to make sure it was secure.
Once they were done packing, Rain went back to the photo which still lay on the kitchen table. They walked slowly over to one of the kitchen drawers and opened it, taking the match box they remembered Karlee putting in there before closing the drawer. Rain walked over and took the photo carefully from the broken frame and walked towards the door, one hand holding the picture and the other holding the max box. Rain opened the door and breathed fresh air for the first time in months since Karlee left and looked at the forest that surrounded the House, crickets chirping in the otherwise silent night. Rain looked back at the inside of the House, and before they could think twice, lit a match and held it up to the photo, which caught fire quickly. Rain quickly threw it onto the floor of the House, which caught fire soon after as the whole thing was made of wood, and ran out the door towards the woods.
Once they felt they got far enough away, they smiled even though tears were again welling in their eyes. Rain sang softly as they slowly walked, going to find a home for the first time in their life. Behind them, old memories burned as the House quickly became enveloped in flames.
"Welcome to her world that's lying in ashes.
There's a sea of fire, there is no way to run at all.
I only wanted to be with my Mama but little Rain is melting in their abyss, alone."
Plus an updated c!Raindrop drawing. The old design is gonna be used eventually but for plot/lore reasons, this is what c!Rain is currently wearing in the story. Clothes change will come later cause it goes hand in hand with character development (also sorry the picture fucking sucks, it's so folded it wouldn't sit flat)
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(Also pretend that the sword is drawn correctly cause I have no idea how to draw swords. )
Tagging you, Lulu, so hopefully you see this!!
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