#thank you for encouraging me im giving you guys a hug
sapphic-gardn · 10 months
Dancing With The Devil
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dbf!joel miller x f!reader
Summary: Your dad’s best friend, Joel Miller runs into you at a bar on the night of Halloween. He’s a gentleman and takes you home.
Warnings (18+ mdni): age gap (not specified), drinking/alcohol, intoxication, swearing, pet names (darlin’, sweetheart, angel, baby, babygirl, etc.), f!masturbation, oral f!receiving, fingering, oral m!receiving, unprotected p in v (pls dont do this irl), creampie, dirty talk, joel calls reader a slut literally just once, if im forgetting anything pls let me know!!
Word count: 4.9k
a/n: Hi!!! I’ve been working on this one shot for awhile—I really hope it is everything and more for you guys! I am posting this in place of Willow pt. 3 due to a bit of writer’s block but trust it will be posted soon!! As always, please let me know what you think. I love you so much.
Also thank you to @gracieheartspedro for helping and encouraging me on this one. I can’t even begin to thank you enough, my love.
Halloween is your favorite holiday. For one night out of the year, you get to be anything you want, unashamedly. It’s an escape from reality, a dip into another life. And confidence comes easily when you’re pretending. You scan over your costume in the reflection of the floor length mirror in front of you—a too-tight red dress adorns your curves, black fishnets hug your thighs, and bright red stilettos accentuate your figure.
“C’mon! We gotta get to the club before the line gets too long,” your best friend appears behind you and places the headband with devil horns in your hair, “There. Perfectly slutty.” She rests her head on your shoulder and admires your costume in the mirror. She is dressed as your opposite, an angel.
“Stop panicking! The uber is still five minutes away, Pheebs.” Phoebe’s a worrier, and is never ever late anywhere, so the fact that you two are leaving fifteen minutes later than you originally planned, has her buzzing with anticipation.
While Phoebe paces back and forth at the foot of your bed, you dig through your makeup bag for your favorite red lipstick. You slightly over line your cupids bow and blend the color with your finger. You lean back and study yourself for a minute, you look hot. Phoebe interrupts your thoughts when she starts yelling about the Uber driver’s arrival. With a tug of your arm, both of you are trampling out of your apartment door in your six-inch heels on wobbly legs.
The club is suffocating. In your drunken state, the strobing lights and the bodies grinding up against you make it so much worse. Phoebe is dancing with some guy dressed as a vampire, she looks extremely unimpressed so you decide to take it as your chance to leave. You pull Phoebe away from the handsy man and shoot him an apologetic smile—you’re not sorry at all.
You feel like you’ve been resuscitated when you step out into the cool autumn air outside.
“Thank god you rescued me from Dracula. Guy was about to get his fake blood all over my white dress.” You and Phoebe share a laugh and lean against the brick wall behind you. The alcohol seems to hit you harder once removed from the chaos inside of the club. You scan the buildings lining the street in front of you and a bar name captures your attention. It’s the bar where your dad frequents with his buddies after work, one of his buddies being a painfully gorgeous dilf, Joel Miller. You know for a fact your dad won’t be there because your mom dragged him to some Halloween work party she wouldn’t stop talking about over the phone yesterday.
An idea pops into your brain and you can’t shake it, so you point to the bar across the street and tug at Phoebe’s hand, “Let’s go there! It’s probably less crowded and I’m not ready to call it a night,” you give your friend your best puppy dog eyes, and she begrudgingly gives in with a roll of her eyes and an okay, fine.
The dive bar smells of stale smoke and spilled beer. Random sports games are televised on multiple screens against the far wall and a jukebox sits in the corner playing a classic rock song from the 80s. It has character, you think to yourself. It’s a breath of fresh air compared to the marble top bars and sparkling chandeliers that decorated the club you just left. You and Phoebe definitely stand out from the crowd of middle-aged men loitering around the place. It feels a bit intimidating getting checked out by pervy old men as you strut to the bar, but it’s too late to turn back now. Plus, you are looking for a certain someone.
You scan the hefty crowd and search for the man with familiar brown curls and a scruffy beard. You double check every table and bar top with no luck, he is definitely not here. With a disappointed sigh, you chug your vodka cran and tell Phoebe you’re ready to head out.
Just before you get up to leave, you hear your name being called by a husky voice behind you. You would know that voice anywhere. You turn around, and there he is in all his glory. A tight, navy blue t-shirt hugs his chest and his biceps are about to tear the seams. He greets you with a half smile.
“Mr. Miller! What’re you doing here?” You act surprised, at least you try your best to act surprised with the alcohol running through your veins.
“Sarah’s out trick or treatin’ with some friends, got tired ‘a givin out candy, decided on gettin’ a beer to pass the time.” He scratches the back of his neck and looks at you sheepishly, “uh, I think I should be askin’ you what you’re doin’ here. You tend to hang at a bar with a buncha old farts?”
You giggle, “Not necessarily, no. Pheebs and I were just having a nightcap after clubbing. Oh! How rude of me. Phoebe, this is Joel. Joel, this is Phoebe, my best friend.” You gesture between the two of them and give Phoebe’s shoulder a light squeeze while her and Joel share a quick handshake.
“Nice to meet you, Phoebe. Well, I should let you girls go on your way. I’ll see ya around, then.” As you bid your farewells to Joel and start to walk forward, you nearly fall flat on your face. Maybe you were more drunk than you thought. “Woah there, easy, darlin’.” Joel grabs you by the hips to steady you before you trip over your own two feet.
“‘M sorry, Mr. Miller. I think I drank a little too much. I’ll be okay, we’re gonna order an Uber anyway.” Your hand lays flat against his chest and you bashfully look at him through your eyelashes. You’re so close to him, you can smell his cologne. Pine? Maybe a hint of sandalwood. You can see the specks of gray hidden in his beard and the crease between his eyebrows. He is so beautiful, you just keep repeating that to yourself over and over as you study his face. He is also too old for you and your dad’s best friend, you remind yourself.
“Nonsense. I’ll give you girls a ride home, your old man would kill me if I let ya walk outta here barely able to stand up on your own.” Joel keeps a hand firmly planted on your upper back as Phoebe leads the way to the exit.
Joel’s truck is an old Chevy with a single bench. You’re sandwiched between Joel and Phoebe. Phoebe’s head is resting against the window as she drifts in and out of sleep, but you are wide awake and laser focused on your thigh brushing Joel’s. Electricity shoots through you with each bump in the road, pushing you and Joel closer together. The music on the radio plays at a low volume, so low you can hear the way Joel breathes. The way his breath hitches in the slightest every time you two touch unintentionally.
You’re giving Joel the directions to Phoebe’s place, which is difficult considering you’re drunk and everything is mush in your brain. But by some miracle, Joel finds Phoebe’s apartment building, and you walk her to the front door, hugging her goodbye.
When you get back in the truck, you return to the spot on the bench right next to Joel.
“Y’could move over now, if that’s more comfortable for ya, darlin’,” you hum in acknowledgment at Joel’s suggestion.
“Mmm. Don’ wanna. ‘S comfy, you’re so warm,” you’re definitely playing up your drunkenness but it doesn’t hurt if it means you get to be a little closer to Joel. You nuzzle your head against his muscular shoulder and sigh in contentment as you feel yourself getting sleepy.
Joel chuckles, a deep laugh that vibrates through his chest straight to your temple, “Alright, sweetheart, whatever makes ya happy,” he then lifts him arm and stretches it across the back of the seat, letting you cradle into his side. You soak in the moment, relishing in the way the lights whir past you along with the houses lining either side of you. The way Joel’s breathing is steady but his heart rate is just as fast as yours. You can smell his detergent on his shirt and you can feel the way his muscles tense and relax with each turn he makes with the wheel. You could probably do this for hours, just driving down random streets, the radio quietly playing being the only sound in the confines of the car. But, all good things must come to an end, such as pulling into your apartment complex’s parking lot and untangling yourself from Joel’s warm body.
No words are exchanged on the way to the lobby, or the elevator, or even walking down your hallway, just a silent reassurance by Joel’s hand on the small of your back—a message—I want to make sure you’re okay. When you get to your door, you purposely fumble with the keys and wobble on your heels. Your plan works out perfectly.
“Here, lemme get the door. I’ll walk ya to bed and get you a cup of water once we’re inside.” Bingo.
Joel swings the door open and you stumble past the threshold, immediately kicking off your stilettos. His hand finds its way to the small of your back again, gently leading you to your kitchen. You plop down on a chair and watch Joel search the cabinets for a glass. You are more than capable of telling him where they are, but you like watching the way his biceps stretch the fabric of his shirt every time he reaches to pull open a cabinet door. Once he finds a glass, he fills it with the tap and saunters over to you.
“Here ya go, angel. Gotta get you hydrated.” Joel holds the glass out to you, and you guzzle it in a few gulps, “Thirsty girl, ain’t ya? Feelin’ any better?”
“Mhm. Much better. You make it better,” a close lipped, content smile paints your features as you set the glass down on the table and get up from your seat. Now chest to chest with Joel, you place a hand on his chest and look up at him. With the heels now discarded, he towers over you. You note how his pupils dilate a bit when your eyes meet.
“Let’s get you to bed, sweetheart,” Joel feels his chest tightening with each second your hand lingers on his sternum. He wants nothing more than to close the distance between you two and lose himself in the feeling of your lips intermingling. But he knows you’re off limits, you’re his best friend’s daughter and too many years his junior. So he locks those thoughts somewhere in the depths of his brain and grabs your hand to lead you to your bedroom—just so he can make sure you’re okay, at least that’s what he tells himself.
Joel enters your bedroom first, absorbing the intimate space you call your own. Old vinyl records line your shelves and plants sit on your windowsill, overgrown and cascading to the oak flooring, a book sits on your nightstand with a pair of glasses sitting atop the cover. He scans your walls and notes the art you’ve chosen to decorate with, modern paintings of silhouetted bodies intertwined. Your desk is littered with pencils and journals, one is open to a sketch of a tree. It smells like you, vanilla and jasmine, he feels himself getting intoxicated each time he inhales. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees you moving around, you’re fumbling with your dresser, digging through the drawer trying to find something.
“Jus’ sit down, darlin’, what’re you lookin’ for?” Joel gently moves you aside and guides you to sit on the edge of the bed.
“I’m just looking for one of my big sleep shirts. It’s an old Texas Longhorns shirt. You can’t miss it, it’s probably at the bottom of the drawer somewhere.”
“Alright, angel. I’ll find it for ya.” Joel has his back turned to you as he rummages through the balled up shirts in your drawer. You take this moment as your cue to make a move. You slowly start sliding your thin straps down your shoulders, careful to not expose your chest just yet. “Found it!” Joel seems elated that he found the shirt you so desperately wanted, it’s endearing. When he returns his attention to you, the piece of clothing falls from his hands to the floor beneath him. You are leisurely pulling your dress down over the curve of your breasts, maintaining eye contact as you do so.
“Can you help me get this dress off, Joel? Please?” You feign innocence and gaze at him with doe eyes. Joel is looking anywhere but you, clearly fighting his inner voice telling him what’s happening is wrong.
“I think you can do that yourself, honey. I don’ want your daddy t’kill me,” Joel stares at the ceiling, cursing whatever higher power there is for putting him in this situation. He feels you step closer to him, the tension palpable in the air shared between the two of you.
With your dress pulled just below your breasts, you take both hands and gently pull Joel’s head down to look at you, “Joel, I know you want this just as bad as I do. We’re both adults. I won’t kiss and tell, c’mon.” Your hands trail from his jaw to his neck, to his collarbones. Joel sighs, his face contorted into a look of contemplation.
“I-I can’t, darlin’. I want to, trust me, I really want to,” Joel engulfs both of your hands in his own and presses them to his heart. He is searching your eyes, for some sign of reluctance, but all he can find is pure lust.
Your hands travel south, skimming his clothed abdomen, over his soft belly, until your fingers hitch on his waistband, his words contradicting the growing bulge in his jeans. You run your nails side to side under the band of his boxers, making him visibly shudder. Then you lean in while standing on your tiptoes, and you gently place an open-mouthed kiss on his neck.
Joel grunts at that. All reason leaving him the moment your plush lips touch his bare skin, “Fuck it,” Joel grabs you by the jaw and kisses you hard. It’s electric, the kiss knocking you into stone-cold sobriety. With his other hand, he grabs you by the waist and starts leading you backwards to the edge of the bed.
When the back of your knees hit the mattress, you pull Joel down with you onto the white duvet. Joel breaks the kiss to admire your exposed chest, “Fuuuuck, baby, you’re so beautiful.” Joel takes one of your tits in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive nub, while his hand pinches and plays with your other nipple. He removes his mouth from your tit with a loud pop, moving to the other one with the same treatment.
“F-fuck, Joel, need more, please,” you’re whining and writhing beneath him. It feels so good but you need his hands in your lower region now or you might explode. Joel peels off the rest of your dress, leaving you in small spandex shorts over your fishnet stockings. With one swift motion, Joel discards the tight shorts onto the floor.
Joel can barely form a thought as he looks at the sight before him, “No panties, baby?” Your pussy is bare beneath your stockings, making Joel salivate at the obscene vision.
“Please, Joel, please. Need you so bad. Wanted this for s-so long, I touch myself thinking about you,” you are on the verge of tears, aching to be touched where you need it most, but Joel is just gawking, taking pride in how he makes you squirm. Joel stands from the bed, leaving you confused and visibly more upset, “W-what are you doing?”
“Show me, baby.” Joel has a smug smirk on his face as he watches you grasp what he’s implying.
“Wha-what?” You are baffled, you are mostly naked, sprawled out on your bed for Joel to take you however he pleases and he’s asking to watch you touch yourself?
“Show me how I make you feel good, angel. Wanna see your pretty little fingers fuck that tight pussy.” The brashness of Joel’s words make you audibly moan. Instead of taking the black fishnets off, you start to rub yourself through the holes over your clit. You never break eye contact with Joel, gathering the slick between your folds and pushing a single finger in, using the heel of your hand to stimulate your clit.
Your eyes rake over Joel’s chest, his shirt taut against his burly stature. With just a few thrusts of your fingers, you’re close, it’s the fastest you’ve ever approached an orgasm, but Joel palming himself through his jeans while he watches you get off is unbelievably hot.
The coil in your lower belly snaps and your eyes roll back, you’re chanting Joel’s name like a prayer as you fuck yourself through your climax.
Joel groans and quickly approaches you on the bed, capturing you in a deep, passionate kiss before pulling back, “That was so hot, baby, nearly had me cummin’ in my damn jeans. I gotta taste you.” Joel trails kisses down your sternum, to your abdomen, to your mound, and stops just before your most sensitive area. He looks at you for approval, you furiously nod your head, eager for whatever he has in store for you. Next thing you know, he is ripping the fabric of your stockings that covers your pussy with no effort at all.
“Look at that pretty pussy, all for me. It’s mine,” the hunger in Joel’s eyes is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, all-consuming and animalistic.
“All yours, Joel. Fuck! All y-yours,” you tug at his hair, grounding yourself with the soft feel of his brown curls just to confirm that you aren’t dreaming.
He starts with a long stripe along your folds, gently prodding his tongue into your entrance. You’re still so sensitive, your thighs are shaking as he holds them down over his broad shoulders. He’s sucking and slurping you, twirling his tongue over your sensitive nub every so often. He’s taking his time, learning what pleasures you most, experimenting with different techniques. He is memorizing the way your pussy feels throbbing against his tongue, how you subtly grind your hips onto his nose to chase your high. You taste so sweet, like nectar dripping from a ripe peach, he could lick and suck and fuck you with his tongue all night.
Joel is relentless, eating you in earnest, he removes his hand from the grasp on your thigh and brings two thick fingers to your mouth. You obey his command, taking both fingers in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks and using your tongue to lubricate them, the taste of Joel blanketing your taste buds. Joel removes his fingers from your mouth and places them at your entrance, sliding in one digit with ease and fucking you slowly before adding a second. He is knuckles deep in your pussy and his fingers are much bigger than yours, stretching you with a delicious burn.
“Baby, you’re so fuckin’ tight, fuuuck,” Joel comes up for air, never letting up the pace of his fingers entering and leaving you.
The rough callouses on his fingers provide a whole new sensation. It’s overwhelming in the best way possible. Every ridge a foreign sensation that has you reeling. He suddenly crooks his fingers to hit the spongey spot in your pussy, sending you to cloud nine. He knows just the right places to focus his fingers that have you bucking your hips up. When he returns to sucking your clit, you feel yourself teetering on the edge of your second orgasm.
“You’re so close, baby, I can feel it. Let go f’me,” your body obeys Joel’s words and you unravel before him, letting your whimpers and moans roar through the four-walls surrounding you. Joel slurps up every drop of your nectar like a man starving. You push his head away at the full-body feeling of overstimulation.
“Oh my god, Joel. Holy fuck. I need to suck your cock, please,” Joel gets up from the bed and you sit at the edge, immediately reaching out to undo his belt. He helps you undress him, tossing his shirt, jeans and boxers aside with the pile of your clothes laying on the floor. His cock springs to attention, his tip weeping and red. He’s big, much bigger than anyone you’ve been with before.
The shock must be present on your face when Joel takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilts your head up to meet his eyes, “Don’ worry baby, we’ll make it fit,” he glides his thumb over your plump lower lip then leans in for a gentle kiss, a silent gesture of reassurance.
Your nimble fingers find his shaft, the skin feels silky beneath your touch, your fingers barely touching as they wrap around the girth of him. You gather the precum leaking from his tip and spread it along the length of him. You pool your saliva and hold eye contact with Joel as you let a thick string of spit dribble from your lips to the tip of his cock. You spread it slowly up and down the length of his dick.
He throws his head back and hisses, “Shiiiit, that’s it, good girl. Get my cock nice and wet for that pretty little mouth of yours. Open up,” at Joel’s request, you part your lips and flick your tongue over his slit before wrapping your lips around the fat tip.
Joel grabs a fistful of your hair at the nape of your neck and gently guides his dick further into your mouth until he hits the back of your throat. You release your hand from the rest of his shaft and brace yourself on his muscular thighs as he slowly starts to fuck your throat. You are breathing through your nose, trying to swallow him further with each thrust.
You peer up at Joel through wet eyelashes, admiring the look of sheer bliss on his face. His other hand is lightly pressing the base of your throat, feeling his cock go in and out.
With one swift thrust of his hips, he holds his cock in place down your throat. You are gagging, tears streaming down your face from the pressure and your red lipstick is smeared everywhere but your lips. You can’t help but touch yourself listening to Joel’s grunts and heavy breathing.
“This turn you on, babygirl? You like your throat getting stuffed with this big cock? Hm?” Joel releases you from his grip to let you answer. A string of spit and precum connect your lips to the tip of Joel’s cock. You are gasping for air, holding yourself upright with one hand on Joel’s thigh, and still rubbing your clit with the other.
You can barely form a coherent sentence, “Y-yes, I l-love it, J-Joel, s-so h-hot,” Joel chuckles, pulling you up by the armpits and meeting you halfway in a sloppy kiss, all teeth and tongue. He guides you to lay back on the bed, hovering over you, holding himself up on his forearms.
“Baby, you got a condom somewhere ‘round here?” Joel starts to reach for your bedside table, you grab his wrist to stop him.
“No, Joel, wanna feel you,” you guide his hand to your breast and place a kiss on his jawline.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, darlin’.”
Joel fists his cock and brings it to your clit, lightly tapping the bundle of nerves, making you moan. He drags the tip through your folds, gathering your slick before slowly inserting the head of his cock into your entrance. Your face contorts with pleasure and pain, he’s barely in and you feel the stretch.
“You okay, baby?” Joel cradles your face with his large calloused hand and searches your eyes, a look of concern washed over his features.
“Yes, yes. Keep going, please,” you plead with Joel. Joel nods his head and places a soft kiss to the tip of your nose. He goes slow, you can feel every ridge and vein of his dick as he sinks into you further. The massive stretch of his girth burns so good.
When he bottoms out, you can feel him in your guts. You’re so full of him, so consumed by him in every way. He stills, letting you adjust to the size of him. The burning you feel quickly fades and you’re left craving more.
“Move, baby. Please, Joel…move,” Joel starts with shallow thrusts, examining your expression with each movement. He loves the way you catch your bottom lip between your teeth to contain your moans. He basks in the way your sweat mingles with his, a way of marking you as his own. His primal instinct takes over and he pulls out completely before plunging into you hard. Your pussy is squeezing his cock with each deep thrust.
The mixture of sex and Joel’s musk fills the air, you’re so close to him, you can see a drop of sweat forming at his hairline. His curls stick to his forehead and his lips are red and puffy. His mouth hangs open as he watches where your bodies meet, his shoulder muscles are flexing each time he fucks into you. Just the picture of him before you can send you into oblivion.
Joel brings his thumb to your clit and starts rubbing it in small circles. Your eyes roll back, you feel the white hot fire burning in your lower belly.
“Nuh uh, babygirl. Look at me when you cum. Wanna see those pretty eyes,” Joel’s words shoot straight to your core, and when you meet his gaze, you completely lose it. Your climax hits you like a truck, it completely consumes you, sending you to another dimension.
You can’t contain the noises that emerge from you, it’s a string of incoherent curses and Joel, Joel, Joel, Joel. As you come down from your high, everything is blurry, except for Joel. He looks so fucked out, watching you expose yourself to him in the most vulnerable of ways.
Joel suddenly pulls out, scoops you up and tosses you down onto your belly, “Get on your hands and knees f’me, baby,” you scramble onto all fours and arch your back, looking over your shoulder at Joel. “Jus’ like that, fuuuck, fuckin’ perfect little slut for me, ain’t ya?” Joel calling you a slut makes your pussy clench around nothing. With no energy left to spare, you just moan in response.
He thrusts into you with no warning, making you yelp. At this angle, he feels impossibly deeper, the tip kissing your cervix each time he shoves you full of his cock. Joel’s grip is bruising on your hips, sure to leave marks that will fade to purple by the morning. His pace is frantic, sending your body into overdrive. Every one of your nerve endings feels like they’ve been lit on fire, the overstimulation sending you into a fucked out daze.
Joel grabs you by the hair and yanks you up into a vertical position, his hand snakes around your throat while his other arm is secured at your waist. You can feel his coarse stubble on the shell of your ear, his lips whispering filthy words that make your pussy pulse around him. The room is spinning, your only hold on reality is the feeling of Joel surrounding you in his strong embrace.
Joel’s fingers find your overstimulated clit, he’s pinching and rubbing, making you wriggle in his tight grip.
“One more for me, you can do it, baby. Can you be my good girl?”
“I-I c-can’t,” your pleas fall on deaf ears, Joel doesn’t let up in the slightest.
“Yes, you can, baby. You’re alright, I gotcha. One more, that’s all I need,” you just nod in response, letting yourself feel every sensation lighting you on fire.
Joel’s lips find your pulse point, he begins sucking and biting, then licking and soothing each mark. You feel him everywhere and it’s too much. Your whole body tenses as your fourth orgasm of the night takes over your body. Joel has to hold you upright as your body convulses and your vision goes white.
As you feel your climax nearing an end, Joel’s thrusts become sloppier and start to falter.
“I’m gonna cum, baby. Where d’ya want me?”
“Inside, please, Joel. ‘M on the pill. Want you to fill me up,” at the sound of those words falling from your lips like sweet honey, Joel stills inside of you, whimpering and moaning in your ear. You feel the thick ropes of cum coat your walls and drip down the inside of your thigh.
Joel pulls out with a hiss, the action leaving you feeling incredibly empty. He falls onto his side on the bed, taking you with him. You turn in his arms to face him, admiring how peaceful he looks.
You relish in this moment, noting the way your bodies are intertwined. The sound of Joel’s heartbeat rings in your ears and settles in your memory. You mindlessly draw hearts on Joel’s chest with your pointer finger. He stares at you through hooded eyes, on the verge of sleep.
“What are you thinkin’ about, beautiful girl?” Joel kisses your forehead, you feel him smile against your skin.
You giggle, giddiness consumes you, “Jus’ thinkin’ about how you just ruined every other guy for me,” it’s a true statement, but you aren’t disappointed in the slightest. This is all you want, now and forever.
“I ain’t lettin’ any other guy come near you again. You’re mine now, sweet girl.” Joel pulls you closer against his chest and kisses the top of your head, inhaling your scent, basking in it.
A toothy smile creeps onto your face, “I’m yours, Joel.”
a/n: if you made it this far—hi! thank you!!! this is my first time ever writing smut so please be kind :,) sending you so many hugs and kisses <3
taglist (i just used my taglist for willow im sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged):
@ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @alejaa-a @cool-iguana @littleshadow17 @planet-marz1 @alyhull @joeldjarin @lizzyervs @joeldjarin @casa-boiardi @loveisacowboyyy @thegrlwholivedd @ashleymsnodgrass @ilovepedro @dilfspitdrinker @bastardmandennis @breakfastatjoels @gracieheartspedro @chaotic-mystery
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kodamaghost00 · 3 months
30 Charlie headcanons
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I know Chaggie is canon but for the sakes of this post Charlie will be single. [Im a passionate chaggie shipper pls don’t kill me]
This post will contain: NSFW,Sfw, Fluff, Smut
It's also Genderless for the girls,gays and theys! You're a new resident at the Hotel in this scenario.
Let’s begin!
Her favorite nicknames for you are “Sunshine” and “Pumpkin”. And everything sweet in general.
She makes you breakfast every morning and gets excited when you do the same.
Loves morning cuddles. She’d stay in bed just enjoying the embrace and warmth of your body.
Would not really understand your interests but enjoys seeing you being happy. So she will engage and learn about your interests and hobbies. “So you’re into that? Sounds interesting, Sunshine!”
She is definitely an early sleeper. She wants to get the most out of a day as possible.
Listens to 2017 white girl music on a daily basis and you guys vibe all the time.
After she got to meet Rosie she always went to her for advice or help in general.
She gets very flustered and ashamed when people as about her sexual life and declines to talk about it openly.
She likes PDA a lot though. Showing off her perfect partner with kisses and hand holding? Fuck yeah!
She definitely confessed her love to you first. She gave you flowers and a love letter wich read “Please be mine and go on a date with me!”. With an adorable doodle next to it.
She’s more of a dog person but loves KeeKee with her whole heart.
She’s is surprisingly dominant in bed. She pins you down aggressively but afterwards asks you if you are okay with it.
She is very flexible so there are many poses you guys could try out.
She enjoys oral a bit more than anything else. Seeing you shutter under her control makes her feel very reassured.
She definitely goes into her demon form when she’s close. Her tail wrapping around her waist trying to keep her composer.
Great at aftercare. She makes sure you feel reassured and comfortable once you’re finished. Cuddles and kisses are a must.
“Are you comfortable pumpkin? Would you like a towel?” And also whispering reassurance to you is important. “You did great by the way… you look so cute!”. A total sweetheart.
She is great with all sorts of people. Even the ones who are really disrespectful to her. So sometimes you keep those people in place.
Won’t curse until she needs to. She isn’t really going hard on the curses when she does curse. A simple “Fuck you” or “Motherfucker” is enough for her.
She absolutely adores kids. She also wants at least two in the future.
Gets shy easily. When you compliment her hair or her big round eyes she gets flustered right away.
In her emo phase she definitely said “ITS NOT A PHASE!” and now she looks back on it and laughs every time.
Hopes she will see Emily again one day. They definitely had a great time together.
If you’re not able to sleep at night she’s singing you to sleep. With your head on her lap and her playing with your hair.
LOVED the Barbie movie and rewatched it twice. And cried at the ending.
She is an hardworking woman so she’s encouraging you to help her out a lot. Trying to make you feel included!
When she gets overwhelmed she locks herself in her room and cries herself to sleep.
“Hey Charlie…? Are you okay…?” You asked knowing she’s feeling down. “Y-yeah! I’m fine pumpkin… don’t worry!!” “You don’t have to pretend my love…”
She sighed as she opened her door. You see her puffed up eyes so you open your arms wide. “Come here…” she hugs you deeply. “Thank you…”
You kiss her forehead as she embraces the hug. “No need to thank me sweetheart.”
Yes I know no one asked for this but I love Charlie so you gotta listen to me rant about her. Give my girly more love and attention! So as always I’d love to get some requests for characters, I’ll try to do all of them but there’s so many! Thanks for reading my dear friends and have a lovely day/night!
- Your Ghost ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ
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simpinberry · 1 year
for my mental health i need hcs of bella ramsey x fem or gn reader with words of affirmation love language ‼️‼️
hi guys i’m back to feed you some more bella content ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ hope i did this right and that u guys like it :) also tysm for the requests
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listen listen!!! after taking a shower she would 100% leave sweet compliments on the foggy mirror for u to read. will add ‘kiss your s/o’ to your to do lists.
will text/send photos of random things that reminds you of her throughout the day. she does this especially when she’s on set and you guys can’t talk much. they have your favorite snack there? sends u a photo and tells u theyre thinking of u. lots of i miss yous, love yous and that she can’t wait to be home to see u again. “text me abt what you get up to today babe” “pedro is making fun of me because i’m apparently such a simp for you, he is absolutely, in every way, correct ;).” “i saw a butterfly today n it reminded me of the pretty tattoo you have”
will watch u like the weirdo she is when you’re getting ready in the morning. sneaks up behind u and repeatedly attacks ur face with kisses. “i have the most beautiful gf in the world” “omg i love this purple eyeliner on you, it rlly suits you” “your curls look really defined today, the new conditioner you got is so good!! my beautiful bby”
is the type to whisper compliments in between kisses. yk like corny spelling out of i love you in between pecks? yep, does that. “i really really like you” “my darling” “mine” “you’re so cute” in between kisses hehehe.
spam texts you when you send/post a photo. in your dms/comment section screechingggg!! my mans is DOWN BADDD. needs and loves to comment “first” on ur posts. they actually make up most of ur comment section. “BABE IM DYING YOURE TOO BEAUTIFUL” “so glad we’ve advanced technology so i can stare at this photo 4life if i want to” “you+this dress= my death”
randomly tweets a photo of you, captioning it “this is my darling, be jealous, gn”
very validating when you’re upset and talks you through it. thanks you for speaking up and communicating abt anything that’s been bothering you. SPILLS THE TEA WITH YOUUU. you have a co worker you hate? she hates them too. listen to me when i say she is on ur side, she is shocked and they’ll even remember stuff you’ve previously told them to add to the fire. best bf frr “thank you for telling me babe, i’ll really keep it in mind next time, i’m so sorry for hurting your feelings like that” “it sounds like it’s been difficult for you to complete (insert task) you’ve been working through it so well :)” “he said what??? yeah like he’s one to talk, go go! continue tell me more i’m invested” “babe you’re honestly so right, this is why i always listen to u”
definitely acknowledges you so so much when you accomplish something. will go on about how proud they are of you, how well you’ve done and how wonderful it is. big or small, bellas on her way to pour her heart out to you. would be unbelievably encouraging throughout the process too, telling you to keep going and trust the progress. “you’ve got this babe, go on :))” “that drawing is absolutely amazing, you’re so talented omg look at the details” “you submitted your assignment?? ahead of time?? that’s my girl frr” “these cookies are amazing, thank u sm for baking them ughh give me a hug you’re the best baker ever, they’re so soft!!”
you guys will be facetiming one night when shes away in a different country for filming. she’s been gone two months and you really miss them. you get a bit emotional talking abt it and they really listen, telling you to let it out. just before you guys hang up they tell you to look at the last drawer of your jewellery box. turns out she wrote you a letter before she left, many letters in fact, for when you really miss them. you can’t help but sob reading it. she attached a polaroid photo of you guys kissing at bottom of the page. she’s so incredibly kind in the letter, telling you how wonderful its been getting to know you these past few months. "hehe youre probably crying from how nice im being" istg this mf even teases you in writing. when you're finished you call her back, they immediately burst out laughing at your blood shot eyes, “hahahhs i knew you’d cry”. sneaks in a ‘you look so pretty even when you cry’. tells you they have more hidden around your room and that when you need it she’ll tell you where you can find more ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ
goodnight!! if i made any mistakes, no i didn’t. byebye!!
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judebellvngham · 1 year
Hi can I get a Gavi x pedri sister where she’s Ann Olympic gymnast and they go support her and she gets nervous since it’s her first Olympics and he calls her down! Some fluff ty :)
I KNEW YOU COULD, pablo gavi
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pairings : gavi x pedri sister!reader
warnings : ngl idk fluff ig
notes: i didn’t really know how to write this im ngl but i absolutely love this request lmao gavi is such a cutie
(i also don’t know anything about how the gymnastics thing works .. so bear with me. it’s fictional anyway.)
not proofread at all lmao
your anxiety was through the roof waiting to walk out with the rest of the teams lineup. there was at least 15 minutes before your team had to go and present themselves in front of over 12,000 people. not including the millions watching on TV. this was your first olympics and the pressure was starting to get to you.
you could never understand how your brother and gavi could do this and not let the pressure affect their performances.
it was crazy seeing yourself here as an 18 year old competing at the olympics, this had to be one of the biggest moments of your life so you couldn’t mess this up.
you sat trying to steady your breathing, placing your hand on your bouncing leg. all these doubtful thoughts just kept running through your mind- it was unhealthy considering you were going up soon. all the noise around you started to drown out as you tried to calm yourself down.. making it impossible to hear your teammate trying to grab your attention.
“y/n..” one of your teammates touched your shoulder, not wanting to scare you but you were so spaced out you didn’t hear her.
she was hesitant to say anything else but your phone was going absolutely crazy. “y/n!” and that finally shook you out.
you were slightly embarrassed and shocked. “i’m sorry, yes? what happened?” you say with a deep breath. she gave you a soft smile and shook her head.
“someone’s here to see you.” she nodded up towards the open door of the locker room and you look over to see two figures standing awkwardly in the door way. all your teammates just stood there looking at them as well out of shock.
you quickly realize that it’s pedri and gavi standing there, gavi with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. you cover your flushed face with your hands and you laugh out confused. It was a rule that visitors couldn’t come down to the locker room- especially not right before the event was starting so how they got here was completely beyond you.
you looked up at your teammate a look of puzzlement on your face as to ask ‘how and why?’ she only shrugged and pulled you up out of your seat by both of your hand, her smile growing bigger— you knew she had something to do with it, she was one of your closest friends on the team and was always there for you.
“go, don’t let coach see you guys.”
you pulled her close to you whispering a desperate ‘thank you’ and she laughed you off.
you quickly excused yourself from the room grabbing your warm-up jacket practically sprinting out the room to meet your boyfriend and brother.
the way the both gasped out of shock when you nearly knocked both of them down while clinging onto them. you guys stayed hugging for a little before gavi pulled away.
“your squishing my flowers i just bought you.” gavi said and you pulled off of him smiling like crazy, and pedri was off to the side laughing.
“how did you guys even get back here?” you felt your nerves slip away seeing the people who give you the most comfort in front of you.
“your teammate led us back here, she’s nice.” pedri said his face turning a little red talking about your friend and you only nodded with a slight smirk you and gavi giving him a knowing look.
pedri looked down at his phone checking the time, “you have ten minutes before you start , you ready?” pedri said with an encouraging smile, and you could physically feel your heart drop. you did not want to hear that right now because you were in-fact not ready.
gavi gave him a side eye, he was wondering if he didn’t see the terrified look on your face.
you stayed quiet starting to pick at your finger nails, “dude, go find our seats.” gavi said to pedri scolding him a little and pushing his shoulder. pedri couldn’t understand what gavi was trying to do, and he didn’t want to.
“since when did you become the boss of me?” pedri said with an small attitude pushing gavi back, and you roll your eyes at the immaturity.
pedri waved gavi off and started to walk towards you with a small smile on his face, his arms out perfectly for you to walk into and you did. he swayed the both of you and rested his chin on the top of your head. for some reason this made tears spring your eyes.
“you will do amazing, don’t worry.” he kissed the top of your head letting you go.
gavi stood awkwardly watching you and your brother interact because he was waiting for his turn.
“let’s go pablito” pedri said after letting you go leaving you standing in the middle of the big hallway.
you and gavi both looked taken aback. “i can’t talk to her too?”
“no.” pedri responded almost instantly, he still wasn’t used to the relationship between you and gavi.
gavi gave him a look as to ‘come on bro’ and pedri rolled his eyes at him and he started to walk away. “remember you are amazing y/n! i love you!” he pointed at you and you giggled.
“thank you pedri” you make a heart with your hands and he walks out of the hallway to the stadium, now leaving you and gavi alone.
your heart starts to beat quickly when he puts the flowers down on the floor and walks up to you, starting to hold your breathe when he is directly in front of you.
“are you okay?” he ask and you let out a breathy laugh.
“do i not look okay?”
“no, you look like your about to cry and shit and the same time.” he tries to joke with you looking down at your shaking hands. he grabs both of them in his in attempts to get them from shaking and it did help.
now your chest was caving in heavier and it was getting harder to breathe, you don’t think you’ve ever felt worse anxiety than this before. gavi face was even more concerned than before. he always knew how to comfort you in smaller situations but this was a life changing experience so it would be harder to help you.
despite feeling like you couldn’t breathe you were able to get a few words out, “gavi what if i mess up out there?” and he just shook his head at you as if it was the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard.
“no no don’t say that..”
the tears were back, “i mean- these girls are so much better than me, i can’t do this- i’m just going to embarrass myself” you say in between sniffles.
“y/n, no stop it.” gavi voice was stern but soft he hated when you talked down on yourself because you were so talented and he wish you could see that.
you stayed silent so he continued, grabbing your face in his hands wiping the tears that spilled out. “you wouldn’t be here right now if you weren’t good enough. you’ve worked so hard to get here- this is your moment to show everyone how amazing you are.”
you gave him a sad look, doubts still running through your head.
“and guess what? even if you don’t do well- and i already know you will, but at least you can say you made it this far. not everyone has that privilege, but you do.” gavi spoke from the bottom of his heart with a smile that made you almost fall to your knees. his smile could literally light up a whole room.
“me and your brother will always be your biggest supporters no matter what, like he said you are literally amazing and no one does it like you.”
you couldn’t believe you had a person like this in your life he was a gift sent from God himself. A small smile started to appear on your face and once he saw that his smile got even bigger too.
“thank you, i love you gavi.” you pull him into a hug resting your head in his chest and he rubbed your back. you guys hadn’t said ‘i love you’s’ before but to you this seemed perfect. if he was anywhere else in any other situation he would be jumping off the walls but he had to keep his composure.
“i love you too.”
after a while of hugging you looked up at the clock on the time that showed you only had 5 minutes until you went out- so you pulled back with a deep breathe pulling yourself together.
“your right. i’m just so nervous right now.”
“and you have every reason to be, but you are going to go out there and absolutely kill it. this is light work, no worries.” he joked.
“light work? your insane.” you both laughed and he pulled you back into another hug.
“no but im serious, you got this.”
you pulled him into a passionate kiss, you always loved kissing him it was like dream that you never wanted to wake up from. before it could get to heavy he pulled back knowing he had to let you go.
“okay you have to go baby, me and pedri will be watching..” gavi walked and grabbed his flowers from the ground and you let out a small sigh feeling content.
you watched him walk away with your hands wrapped around your body the smile never leaving your face.
and of course you ended up doing great at everything winning gold in the all-around finals. gavi and pedri were probably happier than you were,being absolutely ecstatic. they had no doubts in their minds anyway that you were gonna do amazing.
afterwards they both came running and jumping to you, pedri literally picking you up and spinning you around to show how proud he was of you.
“no way my sister just won an olympic gold medal.. your absolutely insane!” pedri put you down letting gavi scoop you up next. all you could do was laugh and hug him back.
“see? i knew you would do it.” he whispered in your ear plastering kisses all of your face.
pedri just looked in disbelief, “absolutely disgusting.”
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Hi!! If its possible can you write fluff head canons for patrick bateman, the grabber and mark hoffman where they are sick and the reader (gn if its possible) takes care of them and shower them in love? Thank you!
im loving the requests ive been getting, ill add a bonus slasher at the end as well :) but of course i can do gn, i hope this is up to what yoh expected!!
requests r open, masterlist is up!
Sick Slashers x Caring Gn Reader!!
Warnings: fluff!
Patrick Bateman
hes the typa guy to deny it completely that hes sick, it takes him to be bed ridden in pain and you forcing him to stay home
even then he complains that 'hes fine' and that 'youre being dramatic'
although he presents himself this way, inside hes grateful & confused to have somebody caring for him, staying with him even when hes being rude
he does appreciate it, but just im his own ways
a very picky eater when hes sick,
"Is my pallet so bad that you think I'd eat that?"
just give him soup, shut him up for a bit
nonstop talking, even if you arent present
"Unbelievable. That bastard in HR gave this to me."
doesnt like feeling 'helpless' and 'weak' as he calls it, he thinks of himself as better than that
this mindset only makes the sickness worse
will not shut up about the work hes missing
since you will have to initiate the physical affection, he will be adamant about it, swatting you away with a hand, or sighing, but he will rub your back or admire/play with your hair while having a hard face on, claiming he feels bad for you
hug him and feel his heart beat slightly faster when you do
"Patrick, you are not going into the office today, lay down!"
"Come on, I don't 'get sick', now move."
The Grabber
will not give you even the slightest of hints that hes sick
until he realizes it may gain him pity points so that youll hold him
it works
he accepts & encourages all forms of affection, and complains when you arent there
feels a little vulnerable, which makes him uncomfortable, so even while hes sick, he tries to be in control
tells you what to do alot, backrubs, food, etc.
leave him alone for a while and he will grow frustrated without you
if he still was wearing masks previously to getting sick, he'll most likely wear those stupid sun glasses that cover his face, not wanting to infect the masks
he wants you right by his side, under his arm, just so he can hold you, feel that even in sickness you are his
attempts to stay up late to watch you, but his ill body ruins it
run your hands through his hair or hold his neck/arm and hes thrilled
your love and trust means the world
"Please, stay with me for the night."
"My pleasure,"
Mark Hoffman
we have another sickness denier here
not as major as patrick however
if hes really sick, he accepts defeat and will succumb to his resting place easily
this man sleeps most of the day hes sick
but seeing you by his side even when he was asleep makes him offer you a small tired smile, and a lingering gaze
he likes quality time sm when hes sick, almost as much as he likes having you care for him
he enjoys having some 'time off', days where its just you and him peacefully together
he rambles on about nonsense alot
will have nightmares, needs you by him to squeeze your hand, may even bring you to his chest to hold you
is more than happy to accept the food you make, compliments throughout his eating
really likes the attention you serve him, guilty pleasure
will make snarky comments however, complains about him being sick & why did it have to happen to him
"This is nothing short of a delicious meal, thank you love,"
"Nothing but the best for you, Mark."
Michael Myers
big man does not know if he is sick or not, he just knows he feels weird and brushes it off
you dont notice until his breathing is awkward and hes burning up
at first he doesnt understand why youre rushing him to lay down and grabbing you a thermometer, but truth be told he is sick
tries to ignore you at first, doesnt know shy youre so concerned, but eventually starts to get hit with a worse wave and takes your advice
he doesnt resist any care you give him, he lets you work your magic
does not care if you touch or hold him, he wont discourage it, maybe he will reciprocate if you ask
on a rare occasion he will hold you ( arm around the shoulder, doesnt really know how physical affection should be done )
nods to you when you give him food, its his little way of saying 'thank you'
50/50 on his sleep schedule, either stays up late as hell or sleeps like a fucking boulder
you kiss his forehead & hand alot, he lets you
10/10 patient overall, would have again
i hope this is good!! grabber fic coming out tn🫶 and so should another set of hcs i got!
requests r open! masterlist is up :)
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there will never be enough fics about treating revivebur gently I’m just I’m just im
REAL I wish I had more time to write a proper fic right now (I will later) but I can at least do some headcanons
Obviously he’s incredibly touch starved (that’s a given considering how much time he’s spent in limbo) so he is desperate for any sort of physical contact you’re willing to give him
At first, he’s too scared to ask for it, too scared that you hate him for what he’s done. You notice, of course. Before he died, he was constantly initiating physical touch, so this is a change. But if you reach out first (a simple hug, taking his hand, running your fingers through his hair), he will cling to you and not let go
“Do you want a hug?” followed by a desperate nod from him as he practically falls into your arms
I have a personal headcanon that sometimes Revivebur forgets to eat or drink because he didn’t need to in limbo. Sometimes you have to remind him that he’s alive. Cue making him simple meals (which he always thanks you for, even if he feels he doesn’t deserve them)
He experiences a lot of self-loathing and a lot of regret, though it takes him a while to open up about that. Poor guy definitely needs reassurances. Tell him you still love him and that he’s not a bad person. Run your fingers through his hair (which makes him melt every time). He’ll feel better soon
If you let him share a bed with you, he’s overjoyed. Will give you all the cuddles you could possibly ask for. He secretly likes being the small spoon. It’s comforting for him, having you wrapped around him (even if you’re a lot shorter than he is)
After some time, he starts taking better care of himself. He eats of his own volition, he showers/bathes more, and he tries to get enough sleep. He’s seen how worried you get when he doesn’t do these things, and he doesn’t want you to worry
That being said, he does need help sometimes. He has nightmares, dreams about explosions and an empty train station, and he needs someone to soothe him back to sleep when he wakes up with the taste of smoke in his mouth. He trembles, craving your arms around him. He falls into your arms as soon as you open them for him.
He murmurs a million apologies. “I’m sorry for waking you” and “I’m sorry I’m such a mess” and “I should be better by now”
You shush him, rub his back, kiss his forehead. He melts into your touch, into your affections. “You’re not a mess,” you tell him. Some days he believes it, other days not so much. But he always tries.
Tell him you love him, and he hardly trusts it. It seems too good to be true. But he returns it with a declaration of his own every time
Over time, he becomes less self-pitying. He starts to find himself. He relies sometimes on your encouragement, and it never fails to make him happy
He starts looking after you more, returning your affection, asking for help when he needs it. He finally believes you when you tell him he’s not a burden and that you love him
He thanks you a million times for everything. You just smile.
“You’d do the same for me, if the roles were reversed”
And he can’t deny that he would
Anywayy I need to write an actual fic at some point
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 140. brb x oc
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a/n: * siiiigh * okay so, hrm, tumblr has been really shit to me and as you guys know, haha, im not doing well. So...maybe I'll take a break - I do have therapy tomorrow so maybe I'll feel better, who knows - all I want is for this hellsite to stop because I'm tired and I want to share my fics(reblogs and comments are super encouraged <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
She shouldn’t be surprised the place Rooster came with his mother was a small mom and pop shop hidden in her middle of the city. She loved how cozy it looked even from the outside, with the dark colors and the wooden beams - one of them had a little bear engraved on it, almost as if it was climbing up to the roof. Beatrice walked close to Rooster while she held Nicole to her chest, covering their daughter with part of her open jacket even if Nikki was bundled up as warm as possible.
She was having fun just by hanging close to her mother, her cheeks rosy red and eyes squinted because of the cold weather, but she was just happy to be around. “Thanks,Roos.” Beatrice whispers when her husband keeps the door open for her, smirking and winking in her direction as she walked past him towards the warm interior. The bell jingled as the door closed with Rooster shrugging off his jacket and telling her to hand Nicole over so he could remove hers.
“This is a lovely place.” she says, looking up at the ceiling and placing the coat on the hanger by the door, “It’s so…familiar.”
“It does remind a little bit of the cabin,huh?”
It did, albeit it was smaller than the cabin was, very warm and it smelled great. Beatrice couldn’t help but grin at the several pictures on the walls: a beautiful gradient from black and white to color, showing the generation of owners that passed through this establishment, “It does.” she turns to Rooster, stretching her arms to pick Nicole, “Where are we going to sit?”
He looks around for a few seconds, then does a double take at the corner, smirking, “There.” he speed walks towards it, but he’s not so fast that Beatrice can’t keep up with him, in fact he’s holding out his hand for her to take it and the three of them could get to the booth that faced the large windows. Beatrice couldn’t help the smile on her face, it reminded her of their very first date - at Trooper’s - a few years back. “You can sit down,I’ll get Nikki’s booster seat.”
“Okay.” she says once she settles, her husband leaving her alone to talk to the lady on the counter. She watches as the woman’s face widens in recognition, her hands coming up to cup her cheeks in surprise before she walks around the counter to give Bradley a hug. She hears the lady calling a male name and an elder gentleman walks out from a little room with the word ‘Office’ above the walls.
Both of them hug Rooster, then spend a few minutes talking to him. She,however, stills a bit - like a deer in the headlights - when Rooster gestures towards her and Nikki. His mouth forms the words ‘my wife’ and he grins, brightly, like the sun when he says so, his cheeks flushing ever so slightly.
Another round of surprised gasps and congratulatory comments were thrown his way, even if she couldn’t get all of it. He leans closer to the couple, once again pointing to his girls on the booth and the man nods with a face that clearly says ‘as if there was any doubt!’ before he walks away.
The lady pats Rooster’s shoulder and then turns him around, shushing him back to their seat. He comes back laughing like a little boy, his cheeks still flushed, “They are going to bring a booster seat,” he says, not sitting down in front of Beatrice and propping his hands on her hips, creating a Rooster shaped shield from anyone who walked into the restaurant, “And the menus.”
“They didn’t have to! We could’ve got it from the car.”
“Yeah,I tried telling them but they said with the snow they didn’t want neither of us walking outside.”
Beatrice smiled softly “They seem to know you.”
“Hah, yeah, they are the same people from when I was a kid.” he says, ‘They were…really happy to see me and even happier when I told them I got married.”
“They appeared as such.” she says, “You looked so flushed it was adorable.”
He pursed his lips with a shy little ‘hm’ escaping his throat, almost as if he wanted to laugh but couldn’t yet, like a little boy who was just told how handsome he was. That boyish charm that made her knees weak only made her feel like flying, “Yeah, well.” he digs his hands in his pockets, smiling more when the male owner walks out of the room with a booster seat - brand new too - already speeding up to meet them mid way.
Introductions were made, this man’s name was Jim and his wife’s name was Cheryl, they owned this place ever since Rooster was ‘smaller than the palm of his hand’ mentioning that Carole and Nick used to come here when they were dating. Beatrice thought it was so sweet how they remembered them and how this spot became a beacon for Goose and Carole’s relationship and, of course, Rooster’s childhood.
The man was so kind to them, he was curious about Beatrice because ‘her accent was not from ‘round there’ and she told him she was from San Diego. The look he gave Rooster, followed by the subtle jab on the pilot’s ribs - and the not so subtle wink- made her blink in confusion. And then he turned to Nicole, who immediately grinned at him, ‘ha!’ she was starting to connect sounds to words, it was adorable seeing her trying to speak the best way that she could.
After Rooster set the booster seat down and Beatrice placed Nicole in it, her husband finally sat in front of her with a gentle sigh. He kept his eyes on his watch for a second, pressing the button on the sides to light up the visor, “We are just in time for lunch, nice, and we- what?” she was grinning at him, making him laugh confusedly, “What?”
“What was that about?”
“What was what about?”
“When he asked about where I was from,” she said, “He looked at you funny and he elbowed your rib as if he knew something I didn’t…soo,what do I not know about you?”
Rooster looked shocked, and amused, at the same time, only sputtering a quiet laugh before he crossed his arms, leaning back against the seat, ‘It was just a joke my mom liked to toss about.” she arched her brows waiting for him to continue, “...she used to say that my girl was going to be as warm as the sun from San Diego.” he smirks, folding his arms over the table so he could lean a bit closer to her.
Her cheeks immediately reddened and her lower lip slipped between her teeth as she chewed the soft flesh when his voice went down an octave, a deep purr that sent shivers down her body, “...really?”
“I could also say that the girl I was going to be with is also as hot as San Diego.” he smirks, “Because, well, you are aren’t you?”
“And you know, I thought about it for a long time but then it escaped my mind…in fact I was only reminded of this now,when he mentioned it.” he says softly, “You are pretty much like that, Bea. Warm and beautiful…and you look amazing in a bikini.” she blushes harder, covering her face with her hands as Rooster returns to his previous relaxed position, smirking at his wife’s adorable embarrassment.
When Cheryl comes over with the menus, she gives the two a sweet look, almost proud of what she was seeing then walks back, “...well,” Beatrice clears her throat, checking what they could order while Nicole busied herself with the teething ring they brought along, “What…what should we order?”
“Hmmmm…” he taps his chin, holding the laminated paper up with his eyes narrowing just enough, “They have a great bbq here, so I might get that.”
“Oh, I think I’ll get it too then.”
“You sure?” he asks, “It’s a lot of food, gorgeous.”
Beatrice blinks, then looks down at the menu again, “W-Well, I…I want to try…we can take some back if I can’t handle it,right?”
“Of course.” he smirks, setting the menus aside as they waited, “And we can get some apple puree for Nikki…ooohh and some apple pie later. I’d love some apple pie.”
“You sure it’ll fit?’
“Oh I’ll make it fit.” he smiles, winking at her, “Why do you think I didn’t have breakfast?”
That’s true, he only had black coffee that morning…maybe she should’ve skipped as well. Beatrice,however, smiles at his expression…he’s relaxed, he’s so happy and it was like he went back ten years with how bright his expression is.He always mentioned that he wouldn’t live in Virginia again, but it was hard to ignore how elated he always looked whenever they came over to visit.
After ordering their food, and Nikki’s, Beatrice tried to not appear too shocked when that huge tray appeared in front of them. She widened her eyes, there were ribs,mac ‘n cheese, cornbread and so many other things that Beatrice didn’t even know what it was anymore, only that it smelled so good, “...o-oh wow.”
“I told you it was a lot.” he says, already licking his thumb and forefinger once he grabbed the ribs - shaking it and making the meat fall off the bone- ‘You don’t have to eat it all.”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to.” she laughs nervously, choosing to open Nicole’s plastic cup where the apple puree was, their daughter clearly interested since she stopped chewing her teething ring to pay attention on what her mother was doing, little mouth parted open in wonder as the thin film that kept the cup closed was peeled off and Beatrice crumpled it into a ball, “Are you sure you can eat it all?”
“Hell yeah,I didn’t had this in years.” he smirks, taking a bite of everything and smiling with his eyes closed, almost as if he stepped into paradise the second those flavors invaded his mouth, “Fuck this is so good.”
Nicole giggles at her father’s antics, but opens her mouth to receive the apple puree at the same time, her mother just smiles at the scene and keeps her eyes on both of her favorite people in this whole wide world. Rooster is having a blast, Nicole is clearly enjoying herself but there’s more than that…it’s the fact that they were all here, in Virginia, in a place that was literally part of Rooster’s story and his parents as well.
She didn’t know why she was emotional.
Well, she did know why, it was also because of the twins but…it was so special. She hadn’t met Carole nor Goose, but she felt that Rooster was making her meet them through his eyes and…it was so sweet the way he was doing it. The first time they came they spent only a short weekend there, now they had a whole week and she couldn’t help but wonder what else he had in store for them.
Bradley looks up from his food towards her, “Baby,” his face turns serious immediately, “What’s the matter?”
“You are tearing up.”
“Oh,” she quickly wipes her eyes and sniffles,laughing nervously, “Sorry, the hormones are getting to me.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah,” she smiles after wiping Nicole’s lips with the adorable bib they gave to them - it had a tiny black bear on it - “I’m just happy to see you happy.”
Rooster’s mouth slowly turned into a smile, his cheeks darkening slightly - a hue of reddish orange on those high cheekbones of his -  and his eyes shining even more, not with tears but just…pure bliss.
“I’m just happy we are here.” she whispers, “I…I had no idea that you had a whole past with this place, Roos…it’s really nice,it really is.And the fact we are here as well, with Nikki…it’s special,it really is.” and she didn’t want to elaborate on that because she was already emotional, she didn’t need to cry more, ‘I just feel…honored? I guess that’s the word, that you brought us here.”
Bradley chews his food for a while longer, then smirks at her, holding his face on his closed fist, ‘There’s nothing like that. Baby, you are my girl.” another blush, darker this time, “And Nikki is our baby girl, I want you to enjoy a few things I did too. And if I’m able, then I’ll bring you along.”
“Well, it’s still special.”
“It is because you are here.” he adds softly, “Of course I have memories with my mom and very few with my dad…but when I bring you two- well four - along it’s because I think it’s time we…make our own memories.”
Her eyes brimmed with tears, “Roos…that’s so cute.”
“I’m just bein’ honest. What I want this week is for us to have the best time of our lives, with Nikki and the dogs…and us of course.It’ll be an amazing New Year because we’ll be together for the…second time to enjoy it? Not being deployed helps a lot.”
Beatrice’s smile gets soft again and she tucks a few hairs behind her ear, “...you think you’ll get deployed when we get back, don’t you?”
“It’s very possible.” he mutters, “I hope it’s not too long, I’d want to see the twins but…I don’t know.”
A hard silence takes over after he says that, Beatrice knows that he didn’t want to think more about it, so she cuts the convo to something else, “Are there any other places you’d like ot tell me?” she finally takes a bite of her own tray, widening her eyes and covering her mouth with a hand, ‘...oh wow this is so good,Roos.”
“Ain’t it? I thought you’d like it.” he is so proud when he says that, tapping the back of his fork against his plate and thinking about it, holding his head up still, “...there are some, I really want you to see my old school, my old high school.”
“Why? You mentioned it before.”
He pauses, the constant tapping of the fork against his plate adding to the now comforting quietness that surrounded them - the gentle voice of Etta James echoed on the speakers around the restaurant - “I can’t say my high school life was good. It was doable, it was good to handle, but I really liked the structure itself. We had a lot of trees. A lot of them, there was one right before the gymnasium, it was huge and you could climb on it and hide there during lunch if you wanted.”
“Did you and your friends do that?”
“Sometimes. My coach was always very vocal about me training. He used to say I had chicken legs and- don’t you start.” she is trying to cover her laughter, proceeding to do so by chewing some cornbread and offering him a shrug, “...and that I had to fatten them up. Which was a lie, my legs were fine back then, not so different from now. Plus I was really good, he knew I could skip a few days…” he pauses and a horrified look appears on his face, “Oh God I think he had a crush on my mom.”
‘Oh no,oh God that’s–that explains so much.” he groans, rubbing his eyes with his fingertips then inhaling deeply once he placed his palms against his face, “Ew, eugh,fuck…anyway, let’s focus back on what we should think about and not the sudden traumatizing memory that resurfaced, please.” he drops his hands to the table, holding out his fingers, “There’s also…the bar I used to go during college, uhhh, the park where I’d go with my dog - we can take the dogs and Nikki there if it’s not too cold.”
Beatrice smiles, a lot because of his previous reaction but mainly because of his suggestions, “Yeah,we can do that, no worries.” as long as they had a good time, there was nothing wrong with that “Oh!Can I see UVA?”
“You want to?”
“Yeah,I’ve only seen pictures online and I saw your graduation pic,” he looked so handsome, his mustache was already as thick then but longer and so was his hair, he looked like a surfer guy from the 70’s, “And it was so nice…please?”
His eyes softened, “When you ask like that, how can I say no?”
“And so does Nikki,” Beatrice smiles at their daughter who’s just slapping her little hands on the seat, there’s apple puree all over her face even if Beatrice cleaned her seconds before, “She wants to see where daddy got his education.” Nicole babbles more, as if agreeing and Beatrice just laughs at their daughter’s antics, “I just want to know more about you.”
“Well, you do know about me.”
“Yes,but there’s some stuff I only found out now…like how everyone thought you’d end up with a California girl.” she blushes with a sweet grin, one that makes his own heart jump in his chest, “I need to know all your secrets.”
“It’s not a secret, I just forgot.”
“Same thing.”
He huffs a laugh, then clicks his tongue, “Alright, alright…but only,’ he points his fork at her, “Because you are cute and I’m head over heels for you.”
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ipegchangbin · 2 years
I like the name of power thought anon <3 btw I didn't really come up with the term...idk if you know these you tubers but they're called noel miller and Cody ko and they have a series called "that's cringe" where they react to/comment on cringe/corny/cheesy content and of those videos is about an alpha male routine and the guy in the video had a book called "POWERTHOUGHTS" and they made fun of it , so know every time I think of smth remotely smart my brain goes POWERTHOUGHT
tw mommy kink ( maybe ), subspace, nicknames like good boy <33
n e ways here's a power thought :
the act of masturbating in front of reader makes channie a bit uneasy. this is something no one has ever seen and since he's extra shy having 100% of readers attention makes him nervous.he covers his eyes first and keeps them shut but with gentle and encouraging coaxing, he opens his eyes and really tries hard to keep looking at her but its hard </3 yet still they tell him to keep stroking himself and talking to him in a soothing voice, encouraging him <33 I found this OF model on tiktok who does mommy role-plays ( don't judge me im fragile and sensitive 😭😭😭😭) their @ is mrslevicoralynn and im gonna come clean here...she makes me weak in the knees
there's this one video where she bends down to the camera, smiles and softly says "did you make a mess?" and wipes the lens NOW IMAGINE....reader saying the same thing after channie cums and cleaning him up. somehow jerking off under readers scrutinising stare made channie have an orgasm so intense it leaves him in subspace. so reader gives their best and cleans him up and massages his legs and shoulders that were straining under the stress of trying not to come too soon. they pepper kisses on his face and neck and tell him that he did well. he gets called a good boy which just makes him preen under the praise and he weakly tries to hug them closer to himself. "channie was good, channie was good" is a mantra he keeps muttering to himself until he conks out in readers arms
thank u for having me and thank u to everyone who liked the prompt and thank u for entertaining my nonsense , much love to u <3
welcome back powerthought anon!!! and happy birthday to our subject in question, poor subby chan !!!
the thing about crybaby chan that gets us all going is that, as you said, he’s shy. in that state, he’s completely vulnerable: you have your eyes all on his body, going over his sensitive areas, and he could feel his skin burn up even if you’re a meter or two apart. you’re touching him with your gaze alone and he already feels like he could see white.
just imagine the look he gives you when he finally stops being so shy. beady eyes that look up to you with hearts in them, lips in a natural pout to show that he’s subconsciously asking for kisses, his cheeks and huge nose heated and flushing with color…couple that with the sweet whimpers he makes as he’s losing the ability to form words and coherent sentences under all the desperation and need for you 😵‍💫
you praise him over and over, knowing that he loves your calming voice whispering sweet things the most. “that’s it, good boys don’t stop. make a mess for me, don’t worry, i’ll take care of you.”
in contrast to your sweet talk, all he could do is mutter “ah” and “oh y/n” over and over again, but you can’t blame him when he went from reeling in pure shock to having the love of his life eat him up without actually doing much.
except at some point, i’m sure he slips and calls you “mommy” as he’s about to finish (in this household, pet names are gender neutral). that’s when you fully realize that he’s in subspace, and you can watch him slip in real time.
“ah, y/n, y/n—hmm, mhmm, m-mommy, i need mommy.”
“does my good boy want me?”
“y-yes! channie needs mommy. baby’s been good!”
you’d usually tease him if he’s truly been good considering the fact that he was touching himself without your permission, but you just can’t now; not when he’s crumbling like this.
he grabs around any piece of your skin, mind hazy and body reacting as if he doesn’t know what to do, only to be completely overwhelmed by his orgasm. he literally doesn’t even have the capacity to think and be aware of how embarrassing he might look: to you, though, it’s never pathetic. he’s always adorable and beautiful to you.
you uttering “mommy’s here” is more than enough to have him clinging to you like a koala. he’s probably a trembling mess by then and you have to clean up a lot. that boy cums a lot but he’s just being good for you!!
he loves it when you care for him. it’s something he still feels guilty about considering he’s usually the one caring for others, but he gets off on the thought that your words aren’t empty. you love him, he loves that you love him, and he loves you too :’))
p.s. holy shit no wonder your anon name sounded familiar!! i havent watched cody ko and noel miller in SO long 😭 BUT IT FITS
p.p.s. no judgements here at all in fact iM LITERALLY GRATEFUL YOU SHARED THAT MODELS ACCOUNT,,, my tiktok fyp is too full of dumb shit i needed more hot stuff like that </3 never feel guilty for indulging !!!
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karusenka · 2 months
Matchup for @merbear25
Thank you for chatting with me! You are such a fun person to talk to! Sorry for the long long long wait but here you go, I hope you will like it!
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- I know you want your beloved Caesar but Im still going to include this emo boy because I think you both would fit well, just please let me explain little bit and then we can go to your beloved wife
- I think you both would have a lot of interesting conversations about death, biology and disease! You would see a smile on his face while you both talk, he found somebody smart and interesting to have a good talk about those topics 
- He needs someone who is caring and supportive so you would be pretty good for him, Law needs some comfort so he would love to lay his head on your lap while you both watch some horror movie, you both would watch and laugh at how stupid they are
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Okay okay I will go to your wife and husband and whatever because you both are meant to each other!! Just wanted to add a bit of Law cuz I think you both match but with the goat…You guys are perfect
(I had to use this gif)
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- I see your obsession with him (that's so amazing of you) and honestly… He is obsessed with you too! Oh boy the first time he saw you, let say for this sake that you were with strawhats and just wow! He wanted to take you away from those filthy people! And well, he actually did take you away from them!
- You weren't even that surprised that he wanted you...Like, just look at yourself! Who wouldn't want you? 🤭 When he got you at first you were just a guinea pig for him, he didn't want to get attached to you...but surprise! He actually got attached <3 He hated it so much but after some time he accepted it
- I think he would get touchy a lot, he wants your attention 24/7, like I said before he is OBSESSED with you so uh, good luck with that! Oh and he needs to be praised for every single thing he does. If you don’t, he will complain and be grumpy, he is so dependent on you that it hurts, he is like your puppy… Big puppy
- You both are fucking crazy together and I love it, please encourage him to do fucked up experiments on people (or on yourself, whatever floats your boat ;3) Maybe he will corrupt you even more? Or maybe you will be the one who will corrupt him? Or maybe both! 
- Like we know, he used to buy girls to have fun but when you came into his life he finally stopped buying them because you were truly the one who satisfies him the most! Those girls are nothing compared to you ;)) You both have similar kinks and likings and you both can experiment a lot with things 
- I know you have a thing for blood so I bet you both would have sex after doing some fucked up experiments on a person and you both would be covered in blood <3 Fun! Overall you both would have a lot different ideas how to make your sex better, injecting yourselves with weird stuff, forcing people to watch you both fuck, fucking in different places, maybe even some roleplay? He would be into mommy dom for sure, he likes to be step on 100% 
- I bet you both would have a lot of sex, I know you both are obsessed with each other so you want to be as close to him as possible. You both fuck like rabbits LMAO
- He would give you a lot of gifts but not normal ones ofc, gives you a lot of weird drinks that he made himself, maybe a new victim to experiment on! Or maybe a collar that he thought you would look sexy in it (he is the one wearing a collar during sex tho) oh but then he would go broke 
- At first he would want to be a dominant one, but when you both got to know each other he finds out that he wants to be dominated by you- he is the puppy in the relationship, the pathetic dog who will beg you for more and lick your shoes, Caesar will do anything for you, like I said before, please praise him and he will get obsessed with you even more (I dont think its possible to get even more obsessive but you get my idea) 
- I see him quietly hugging you behind you, he would say nothing and put his chin on your head. He is a loud guy, but sometimes he just wants to be close to you… Without talking, I know it's hard to believe but I see him like this with you. Caesar seems like a person who doesn’t care about anyone at all… Well that’s true, but when he finds a right person he actually starts to care a little bit. He says he doesn’t care if something bad will happen to you but he is lying, Caesar doesn’t want you to die, doesn’t want anything that could actually kill you or something close to happen, he doesn’t want to be alone anymore. He finds his feelings about you annoying, he wants to focus on experiments, not on a person, but as you can see, he fell in love and doesn’t want you to go… And maybe if you die somehow, he will bring you back to life no matter what, even if he has to kill thousands of people, he will do it.
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sweetiewrites · 9 months
𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝟏𝟓𝟎 𝐧𝐨𝐰 (pssst pssst, as a thank you i am running a discount code on my commissions shop for all my tumblr followers )
anyways enough slutting myself out! i just want to give a big warm hug to all of you for being interested in my writing! it's something i really love to do and im glad you guys are interested in it.
as another thank you this week (from 9/13 to 9/20) i will be just answering y'all's questions! whether that be personal questions about me to requests.
to encourage you all to requests some things i will also be doing the alphabet thing so you guys can request letters. i will be doing the spicy one and soft one! so just clarify in your asks which one you want (unless you want both then that is also acceptable.
thank you guys once again for being great & supportive! i will put the alphabet below this cut so if you already know it you don't have to read it for the one hundredth time
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𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙚
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
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𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙮 𝙤𝙣𝙚
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
G = Goofy (are they more serious at the moment? are they humors? etc.) 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect) 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) 
L = Location (favorite place to do the do)
M = Motivation (what turns them on) 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) \
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) 
Q = Quickies (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.) 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?) 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) 
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease) 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) 
W = Wildcard (a random headcanon for the character)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)  
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
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hymn-of-muse · 11 months
Hey I saw requests were open. Are you still doing matchups? If so would I be able to request one for critical role?
I'm a 5'4 girl with very straight and thin brown hair. I'm a bit on the leaner side but with some muscle from farming and martial arts.
I'm quite socially anxious and a general worrywart. I often seem stilted and overly formal in conversation as I suck at small talk unless I'm more comfortable with those people. When I'm in a familiar environment or with people I'm comfortable with I'm much louder and tend to ramble. I do enjoy talking and making shitty jokes. I'm a bit of a mum friend, practical and grounded. I enjoy any sort of physical affection ranging from hugs, to play fights, high fives and even light head butting. I also like being able to cook or buy food for others. I enjoy both reading, writing and love nature and animals of all kinds.
I'm bisexual with not much of a preference for gender.
Thank you!
hi! im sorry its taken me so long to get to this but yes! im still doing matchups!
sorry to everyone requesting critical role, ive only been assigning for c1&2 and left out 3 because i haven't caught up with it so i dont know enough about the ne cast of characters to assign for them ^^;
you sound like someone i'd be friends with
right away i think caleb or jester from c2
vex from c1
caleb- he's not the type to complain much over physical affection in fact hes shown to like it, even from small pda to other stuff. he wouldnt initiate it much but would probably hold your hand for reassurance and catch on quick to your anxiety in social situations. hes not too social himself so he'd ask if its okay to pull you aside so you guys can relax together in a corner and either ramble to each other about your interests or cuddle up with a book with frumpkin in your lap to help you calm down. wouldnt say it directly but would enjoy your humour, would also tell you he likes how small you are cuz its easier to cuddle you better. might get distracted staring at you during a fight or when youre engaging in something youre passionate about
jester- short buddies! will use any and all excuse to tease you and lift you up. she would absolutely join you in the kitchen if you let her. expect a lot of kisses if shes patching you up after a fight or vice versa, she thinks your worrying is very sweet and adorable. your humor matches so she'll not just join you she'll egg you on and keep it going. probably will adopt any animal with you if you ask all the phys touch and pda, she will squeeze you in a hug and braid your hair.
vex'ahlia- nonstop teasing. teases you for your height, your nerves etc whatever she can. subtle touches are her thing so she'll probably have an arm on or around you if youre close enough. if you get seriously worried or anxious about something she'll take you aside by the hand and help you calm down, she can be very convincing. she'll probably have you sit down with her and put your head in her lap so she can play with your hair till you feel better, maybe even put her feathers behind your hair after braiding it so you match. will hold your face and tease you for being cute trinket is now your best friend and will nudge you for headpats you guys get to tease vax together and vax will go from being skeptical of you and giving you the brother talk to eventually seeing you as family even. hes kinda protective of his sister and very scared of loosing her again but once he knows he can trust you and gets used to you and vex being that close you guys are buds and even sparing partners. vex encourages your humor and bugs you while youre cooking.
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imjustabeanie · 3 months
Hey hi hello!! I'd like to request a match up with someone from Obey me and bungo stray dogs if that's okay.
She/her and straight.
I get described as 'gremlin-like' and chaotic, and I can't really deny it. I'm usually pretty energetic and tend to have an optimistic point of view. I get nervous when meeting new people, so I starting talking a lot and really fast too. I always try to be the clown of the group and I think it's because I crave constant attention and validation. I have a habit of speaking pretty loud which just adds to that.
I'm ENTP, 7w8, Chaotic good if that's any help.
I also have a pretty good memory and seem to remember almost every single conversation with my friends word for word (im just trying to think of things to write about at this point..).
I'd say I can control my emotions pretty well, I've never snapped at my friends. It's hard for me to stay still so I fidget a lot. It's like I always have to be doing something.
My hobbies/interests:
I like writing short stories a lot. I just find it so cool that I can pour my emotions into a story then re-read it in a few months and relive the feeling.
I like baking as well! It's a nice way to pass time and the results are even better.
Love languages:
My giving love language is physical touch while my receiving one is quality time.
I'm pretty clingy and I like to hug people from behind. Literally any form of physical touch makes me happy. But when I get pushed away it's kinda like heart break for me. I feel kind of overdramatic when that happens.
Spending quality time together is a must. Idc how, where or when, I just want to be with the person I like. Let that be watching a movie together, cooking together or just talking. Quality tike makes me feel wanted and loved, so it's really important for me.
As for deal brakers: I'd say it would be being taken for granted. I'm a people pleaser, and when the other person doesn't appreciate the things I do for them. Also I hate being told to "calm down". It makes me feel annoying and too much.
I couldn't think of anything else to write so I hope this is enough ^^
Thank youuu
Howdy! I don't write for BSD and it's only one fandom per match unless it's an appearance matchup.
Your obey me match is....Satan!
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You and Satan are an explosive but loving couple. He never takes you for granted and encourages you to express all your emotions and not just bottle them up. And you teach him new ways to express them. Overall you two help the other improve.
Your chaotic personality is something he really enjoys. It's funny and adventurous so he'll always hype you up for it. He's rather intraverted but enjoys the casual outlings. He's invited to many places and always takes you as his plus one or try to get into places he knows you'd enjoy.
Satan keeps up with your fast talking easily, he understands you just get nervous or excited. He's used to it by Levi...Your jokes also make him chuckle. Once he realises you crave attention and validation, he'll give it to you more often. He understands the need for validation too. Satan also tries to help you by showing you don't need to be the clown of the group to be accepted. Just be yourself and whoever stays is a real friend. The rest are just aquaintances. Yes it's ironic given his title as lord of fools.
Satan likes your good memory! You're so attentive to what he says it just makes him feel all warm inside. He feels at ease with you. He also highly encourages you to write. He's a pretty harsh critic but it's for your own good.
Satan isn't a very touchy guy. It's gonna take time for him to warm up like that! And he's pretty private about it too. It doesn't mean he'll push you away, he just won't initiate in public. He'll explain this boundary to you so there won't be fights/he won't upset you. He pushed you away the first time and instantly regreted it. It resulted in a long discussion where both your boundaries were set. Besides that he likes baking with you! He's a good cook and overall, he likes doing domestic things with his lover.
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minjiarchive · 2 years
Hi! I love your work and i was wondering if you could write a fluffy dreamcatchers reaction to their gf being very muscular/working out constantly? thanks :)
DREAMCATCHER REACTION! when their gf is very muscular/working out constantly
insists to have her be your gym buddy
when your standing from afar, she'll admire every part of you especially your muscles
bother you from time to time to flex your muscles for her
"baby can you flex your arms?"
her wish is your command so you better do it before she pouts about it later on until you do it
she isnt with you only for your muscular body dont worry, shes with you to always encourage you if you ever need motivation!
she'll teach you one thing from her boxing lessons and you teach her one thing from your workout lessons
thats how she likes you guys bonding on the days you work out!
you both would have cute boxing lessons with eachother
shes a big flirt even at the gym
when you do your sit ups, she'll have you pay attention to her so you can focus
poking your arms 24/7
"your distracting me babe, i have to finish my set."
if you ever post photos of yourself especially while working out, oh lord shes gonna go crazy
her comments flooding your post with
"that's MY strong girlfriend"
"youre so hardworking!"
"beautiful 💪"
she doesnt want you to push yourself too much so she always makes sure you're okay before going to the gym
she knows people drool over you for your body so siyeon is very overprotective
shes got muscle too, shes there to give you tips and help you out.
teases you and asks you if you can lift her up
"can you lift me up with one arm, im just curious."
secretly checks you up when you arent looking
gets flustered when she gets caught staring at you
"my eyes are up here handong, not down there."
yoohyeon will get bored from time to time so she might get on your back while you do push ups.
"honey, are you almost done? im so bored."
takes 10 million photos of you, her favorites is the ab pics you send her.
"yoohyeon! i just finished lifting weights!"
*sends pics of abs*
"oh. my. god. you're so hot love, do you want me to start screaming at work?"
she compliments you all the time
dami usually just does her own stuff but her favorite part of the day is watching you workout
she is soft for you and it doesnt matter to her that your muscular, she'll be soft for you still
loves getting hugs from you not only because she finds them comforting but she can feel your muscles around her
tells you to take breaks from time to time because she working out isnt an easy thing to do
"can you please stay home today? you've been working out too much it's not good, honey!"
she looks at you so much to the point where she memorized the number of abs you have (LMFAO)
always praising you saying shes proud of you!
tries taking care of you after your workout asking if you feel lightheaded or need anything
"how long did you workout for?"
"an hour or so why?"
"look at your abs! you have a 6 pack now lovely."
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alexinyell0w · 2 years
note: everyone is different. everyone would act different. yet I noticed our dynamics were pretty similar and I wanted to explain how I think mike feels the same way will does for him from my real life perspective. this does not reflect on canon relationships in anyway, i just think it's a quite interesting thought.
sometimes I compare things Mike and will do to be and my girlfriend, then turn around and compare it to me and my best guy friend since I'm an autistic lesbian and he's a cishet guy. I'd never grab his hand if he were shaking. to many romantic connotations. I'd side hug him and maybe rub his arm if he were shaking that bad. he's my BEST friend. my girlfriend is ALSO my best friend. I would grab her hand. if she was shaking I'd grab her hand or hold it with my arm around her to let her know im still there holding her in more ways than one. if I was a shitty friend for having out with my gf to much, I would probably confront my guy friend and apologize and have awkward eye contact a few times maybe crack a couple jokes and tell him I'd hang out with him more and set a date. if I were hanging out with my guy friend to much I'd confront my girlfriend, ask her how she felt apologize and probably make the most eye contact I could to let her know I genuinely care about her and how she feels. if I had painted for my guy friend (which I often do) I'd show it to him with GREAT excitement. if i had received something of the sort, I'd awkwardly smile and thank him profusely. I'm bad with gifts but I love them. (something I see in mike) if however I made my girlfriend something I'd want to show it to her, explain what it is and why I made it. (obviously I have different relationships with my friends. I'm dating one of them and the other I could never be attracted to) if she had made something for me, I'd be speechless. this has been an occurrence before since she likes to write and has written me several poems. I would never sit and stare at my guy friend like that. ever. I probably couldn't make eye contact or I'd be looking at whatever he's made me. he likes to write music. in the past he has written me some songs that I quite enjoy listening to. I thank him and tell him how good it is, how good he is at writing and encourage him to do more. with my girlfriend, she doesn't talk much and gets her a lot to but she gets excited giving me her works. so I listen and watch. I respond occasionally but only when she asks questions besides that I don't know what to say. noticing Mike's actions you can tell that he's listening closely to what will has to say there in the van.
ALSO by any means would I ever in my life worry about losing my girlfriend then proceed to never tell her I love her. it's a personal opinion but I think it'd tell her more if that makes sense. I love my girlfriend so much. i have for forever so why would I worry about a STUNT in my love for her? I've always loved her and I hopefully always will. I'd never refrain from telling her. when I get worried about losing her or her feelings for me, I sometimes wait for her to tell me or bring it up. yet I've never done that. it makes no sense unless you really don't love someone like that.
I love my best guy friend. I really do. he's helped me through so much and even helped get me and gf together so yeah I love him. I'd never struggle to tell him. I wouldn't get jealous if he wrote a song for someone else. he's written songs for my girlfriend and I couldn't care less.
I'd like to mention around the time I started liking my girlfriend I told her how I felt and I instantly became an awkward mess, I stopped holding her hand, hugging her, etc but she immediately caught on and hugged me back after a while of awkward hugs and horrible staring contests. I've never had an issue hugging my guy friend. why would I? o hugged him mere moments after I asked out my girlfriend. I practically tackled him. I'm not very comfortable with touching sue to sensory issues but I've never had issues hugging my friends unless I've liked them or secretly didn't like/trust them.
let's also be clear. (I keep changing everyone's roles) my best guy friend like feminine presenting folks and women. this gain way for him to grow feelings for me. I could never reciprocate and I'd be fine with it, yet he doesn't have feelings for me. I dont have to question that. with his actions I know he's straight and I know because he's told me that he's cis. if there was a possibility of him liking guys I'd be the first to know. we've known each other since we were kids. yet I don't act as a romantic interest to him. I'm more of a friend. I don't have to question being his best friend I know I am. I don't flirt. we don't have intimate moments. we might have moments of clarity or times where we open up about our feelings but I wouldn't consider it intimate. not exactly just clarity and closeness between two friends. I don't imply to him ever that we're just friends because he and I both know thats just what we are and that's all we'll ever be. I don't struggle to show him affection cause I know he won't take it as romantic. I hug him all the time and lean on him all the time. but I don't hold his hands or anything.
my girlfriend. Mike was funny for singing that song I'd do that two but I'd never shove my gfs arms off of me infact I kinda want them there. if she confessed she loves me which we've already said, I'd immediately say it back. you wouldn't catch us in a room, her walking away eyes shut in anticipation, awaiting an answer from me. I'd say it back before she could kiss me. hello, I'd say it when she asked what I said. sure it would be awkward but if I meant it than I meant it and whatever comes after would come after. I'd also tell my girlfriend if her dad didn't want me around but that's just me. she loves her dad but I'd totally have an excuse and need it whether she believed me or not. if my gf went to hang out with her friends, I'd let her go and watch her the whole time but I like to think I pick up emotions well. if she wasn't enjoying being around them I'd know. she's a very visual person. just like el. whose feelings are on her face in the rinkomania scene and Mike ignore it. ignore will. blames it on him even. I'd never blame my guy friend for my girlfriend not telling me something. I'd blame myself for not being there for her to talk too. I'd be to wrapped up in finding her too even speak to my friend even if I was mad about him "moping" since now is not the time. yet Mike seemed to care so much about will moping than to find his girlfriend?? mike? don't be a shitty boyfriend and go find her why don't you??
I'm just saying that the way that Mike acts is so similar to things I've done, my girlfriend has done with me and her. not me and my guy friend. this also gives way to implying that since i would never do these things with my guy friend since I'm not attracted to them that Mike does view will as a love interest regardless of feelings. again none of thos is actually canon, it just makes zero sense to how he is acting and I wanted to write it out to understand it better.
time for the counter argument
however my guy friend does 3rd wheel all the time. I'm sorry Aid, I love you please come to our park date I need you to drive I still didn't get my license. that's all. I also just really like him being there since he's my best friend but if I wanted to go on a soul date with my girlfriend, I'd call her up and have her drive us. seriously I could. we're just a happy group of 4.
going back into the full argument.
wait 4? my gf, aid, me? and my female friend who I am not dating and am not romantically attracted to to make the perfect 4 group. now that she is a woman and I have every ability to be attracted to her, let's set in. would I ever grab her hands? no I never have. I dont have a problem hugging her or holding her when needed though, since we walk side by side most days and she's an easy arm rest which is hard to come by. she doesn't come on our dates cause she can't drive but if she did she and aid would hand out. I wouldn't worry about her moping the whole time I'd probably ask her what was wrong instead of blaming her. maybe I'd be a little pissed if she was a jerk to my girlfriend but other than that I'd want to hear her side. she is bisexual. I'm a lesbian. we could be attracted to each other. we however are not. if I made her something (which I have) I'd present it to her in a jokingly honoring manor and joke and laugh about it the whole time. she's also autistic so she'd say thanks, I'd understand and we'd move on (this has happened many times) she's an artist and makes stuff for me. sends it online cause she hates confrontation and is a digital artist. I send an all caps thank you paragraph and we move on. I do love my gal friend obviously. she's amazing and I adore her. I'd never have a problem telling her I care just like my guy friend and my girlfriend. I love her just not like that. we're also very touchy people but I don't do more than sling my arm around her shoulder every now and then. we do have moments but not exactly as much as me and my guy friend, but definitely moments of clarity. but mainly not normally we don't really talk we just enjoy each other's company. we're a happy group of four and I love us. anyway that's my friendship dynamic and I see it that way. if anyone wants to know whose roles I've assigned for casual usage here
gf: mike
me: will
aid: dustin (they both have a bone disability so it's mainly a joke. I spend half my time bullying him and making your mom's jokes about his mom)
rah (gal friend): lucas
and IN CONCLUSION I've decided that Mike is in love with Will the same if not more than Will since his actions clearly speak louder than his words in the case of "I love yous" I'm not getting into his whole I love you speech and how it was copyrighted from other people's speeches and how I'd never use my best guy friends speech to tell a girl I love her but oh well. I guess I'll write that later. but based on our actions and the characters actions I've concluded that they are infact in love. this has no grounds and holds absolutely zero facts pertaining to the show and you just read me bragging about my 3 bestfriends (one a love intrest) all for nothing since this genuinely proves nothing and moves the plot zero inches further.
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weird-bookworm · 1 year
ʜᴀɴɢɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ!ᴛxᴛ
a/n: i get random bursts of inspiration...
pairing: best friend!txt x reader
genre: headcanons, best friend!txt, fluff, me thinking i'm funny
word count: 800-ish? 160-170 per member...?
warnings: my humour, it's worth dying for (note the sarcasm)
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ᴄʜᴏɪ ꜱᴏᴏʙɪɴ
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calls you late at night
whining about how the guys were supposed to hang out with him
but cancelled last minute
you tease him how he thought of you only when the others cancelled
whines some more
you agree to go to the dorms
even though it's late
opens the door excitedly like a puppy
in comfy pyjamas looking very boyfriend material
the type to play games like animal crossing and mario kart
but also very fond of league of legends
giggles like crazy all through the night
a babie
a cutie
soft boi
(ik im whipped™ but can you blame me 🙈🥰😭)
has enough professional equipment to make an actual streamer jealous
does not use them properly
looks adorable with headphones on (also see: this)
you two will most probably spend the better part of the night playing games
will order takeout in the middle on the night
neither of you are getting to college the next day
ᴄʜᴏɪ ʏᴇᴏɴᴊᴜɴ
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calls you at midnight
knowing very well that you will be sleeping
and that you have college the next day
forces you out of bed with the promise of ice cream
picks you up from your dorm on his bike
dressed like a delinquent
has a black duffle bag
you have a suspicion about what it is
your destination is be a skate park
except it's be locked
breaks in
y'know, just hanging out like usual
though usually you both don't break in in skate parks
teaches you new tricks
laughs at you when you fall
then picks you up
actually pretty encouraging
drags you to a nearby convenience store to buy the promised ice cream
y'all go back to the park and eat it there
while you click pictures of him
the duffel bag had spray paints, as you thought they did
so you both draw graffiti on the ramps and the walls around the park before leaving
ᴄʜᴏɪ ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ
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did i mention chaotic?
this guy does not give a flying fuck about your upcoming exams
drags you to a noraebang
late at night
under the guise of stress relief
you can just thank the stars that you don't have an exam the next day immediately
dances around he's on drugs
gets drunk so quick
that it really feels like he's on drugs
gets on the table to belt his heart out
and lays down on it to dance to on the ground (😭)
all the while you are dying laughing
on the verge of snorting out all the alcohol you drank from your nose
an employee probably has to come in saying that you guys are too loud
but both of you are too drunk to actually care
you guys get thrown out in the end
ᴋᴀɴɢ ᴛᴀᴇʜʏᴜɴ
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movie marathon
the only sane one
who actually bothered to plan a hang out in advance
spends ages trying to decide which series to watch
ended up choosing harry potter
they're actually his comfort movies
but that's a secret
or so he thinks
you can tell of course
he had a rough week
you nonchalantly move closer to him
to cuddle him
you're stuck to him like a leech in five minutes
he's used to it though
secretly loving it
ends up falling asleep
looks adorable (🥺)
you switch off the tv and cuddle him to sleep
says a quiet thank you the next morning
but you were half asleep (<3)
ᴋᴀɪ ᴋᴀᴍᴀʟ ʜᴜᴇɴɪɴɢ
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i feel like he'd be a sweetheart
and surprise you
by taking you to a spontaneous hang out trip
to a pottery class
you had always expressed your desire to learn the art
and he finally found time to do this
giggles happily at your giant thank you hug
and then drags you inside and hands you an apron
chooses to make a plate instead of using the pottery wheel
makes adorable drawings of what he wants to make
actually spends ages trying to decide that
makes you choose from all his drawings
concentrates very hard
turns into a pouty babie
steadily compliments your work
even though it looks like a dog chewed it up
gets sad when you are told that it will take a month for the plates to be ready
gifts the ready plate, a month later, to you
also names it yn jr.
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ariespellz · 2 years
hello, good day !!! i wanted to request a monogamous and romantic matchup ^_^ i'm transmasc he/him and my sexuality leans towards men mostly. i'd like canon universe! i imagine myself having an anemo vision and polearm user from mondstadt, so i prefer someone from mond (it's my comfort region </3). my main love language is physical touch both giving and receiving, and sometimes quality time (giving). i like showing people my interests and hobbies, like showing them a movie or book, talking about certain topic in detail, etc. my favorite trope is definitely friends to lovers; i need to have a strong and intimate connection with a person to be sure i want them in my life, i love the inside jokes and knowing every detail about each other, taking care of e/o and the casual displays of affection.
personality: i'm pretty extroverted, very very passionate about my hobbies and likes and generally very funny. i'm a friendly person with everyone and i love having new fun experiences. i wear my heart on my sleeve almost all the time and i can have a lot of energy with the right people. i have a habit of analyzing/observing everything and everyone around me to the point where i notice many things that other people don't. i value loyalty above everything else, and im very protective and affectionate with my close friends and family. i have a strong moral compass but often worry about what other people might think about me for it; still i wish to inspire and encourage other people to be the best version of themselves : ]
hobbies: i love love drawing digitally and traditionally, especially making new characters and fanart. i like fiction and science-y stuff in movies, books, tv shows, anime, etc. i'm also a beginner at piano but i enjoy it a lot! i love music that makes me feel a lot of emotions and artists that are very passionate on their songs.
for some extra details i'm an enfp 7w6. my sun sign is leo, pisces moon, aries rising, gemini venus.
i hope that's good enough !! your works are SO so beautiful and sweet and they make my brain go soft and smooth no thoughts <3
hi hi!! thanks for requesting (and for the compliment :')) it made me smile so hard hehe)
after careful consideration, you've been paired up with...
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my little mew mews. you're so cute I SWEAR.
your high spirits always make his day better, and he's always so nice and kind and he gets shy when you hug him and UGHH<3
you're the reason the cavalry captain and sister rosaria believe in true love. when they train you two and see you interact??? they have to repress a GENUINE smile. that's your power on people.
his dads love you. you are their new kid now.
even the people who usually avoid bennett like to watch you two interact.
you just,, ignore his bad luck!! and when asked about it, you're always honest.
"even grocery shopping is an adventure with him!"
and yeah that's true.
he's a bit dorky but we love him that way hehe.
his preferred love languages to receive are quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch.
to give i guess the five of them? maybe a preference for quality time. but because he knows you like physical touch, he does his best<3 (he's a bit awkward about it, because he's scared something will happen ಥ‿ಥ)
he's inexperienced, and sometimes pure chaos, but still 100% worth it
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FIRST STEPS: meeting.
there wasn't an "official meeting" per se. you both knew each other, either from getting a glimpse of the other in the city, or from the people's stories.
"the unlucky guy" you thought when someone mentioned him.
"the cool adventurer" is what his mind went.
out of curiosity (or boredom. maybe both), you found yourself asking katherine about him. she mentioned his adventure team, and how it needed members, an you pondered about it.
"i'll talk to him. and if he's nice, i'll join."
the first conversation went pretty smoothly. both of your extroverted personalities made it not-so-awkward.
you had approached him after he killed a few hydro slimes near windrise.
"hello! you're bennett, right?"
"oh, hi!" he looked bashful. "and you... uh... (y/n)?"
"that's right! it's nice to finally meet you"
he was easy to get along with.
yeah, a thunderstorm shook you both out of nowhere, and some abyss mages teleported right next to you when you found shelter...
but that was all part of the experience!
the uncertainty, the thrill, and a companion who is just as adventurous as you...
yeah, that sounds perfect.
"why didn't i talk to him sooner?" you both think.
and so, benny's adventure team now had two members.
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FRIENDSHIP: spending time with one another.
adventures with bennett were never dull. something was bound to happen.
and maybe it was thanks to those experiences that you two soon became inseparable.
he (somehow) got the cavalry captain to train him with the sword, and wanting to do the same, you chased sister rosaria around until she accepted to do the same with your polearm.
(totally not because she likes your chirpy nature)
she wasn't very talkative, or especially nice, or even sober most of the time, but she was more patient than you expected.
oh, and when the two cryo users got together? bennett and you had a blast.
domains with him were awesome, even if the artifacts were mediocre at best.
you two could communicate with glances, reading one another like an open book.
so it wasn't had for you to tell when he was upset.
he had been unusually quiet today. you two had met up in 'cecilia garden', intending to farm for materials. he was there physically, but very... out of it.
"ah, don't worry!" he chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "i'm just a bit tired today." you didn't want to doubt him, but he was a bad liar.
it didn't take him long to tell you what happened
apparently some guy in the guild snapped at him
as much as that angered you a bit, you knew comforting your dear friend was more important
"he can say whatever he wants. i love spending time with you! you're great!" you ruffle his hair a bit and he giggles. "the domain can wait. let's go back to my place and play board games. we can invite fischl and razor!"
ah... good times, good times.
he loves your artstyle! he doesn't know a lot about drawing, but he can assume how hard it must be
so he's like, your n°1 fan
he'll praise every single line you draw on a paper more than the Mona Lisa, and he means everything wholeheartedly.
"sorry, bennett! i have to go home early today." you were stretching after an afternoon of training.
"it's fine! i'll see you tomorrow?"
kaeya smirks as rosaria starts to drag him to the tavern
knowing damn well what he's doing, he turns to bennett right before he leaves and says something like "you two are a cute couple."
bennett did not sleep that night.
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ADVANCES: feelings and confession.
let's be honest here:
you don't have to be a genius to tell wether or not bennett has a crush on you, even if he says nothing about it.
he becomes twice as clumsy AND his luck is even worse than usual
and that says A LOT
kaeya feels a bit bad about what he caused (maybe he should've let the guy live in ignorance?)
rosaria finds it both amusing and cheesy (and a bit adorable, if she's being honest)
fischl tries to help, but her weird wording makes it had to figure things out (oz has officially given up on the topic, and there is no way you're translating that)
razor thinks nothing of it, which (ironically) makes him the most helpful one (he offers his honest opinion and advice. something in the simplicity in them makes it reliable).
"but, let's reflect." the cavalry captain interjects, giving you room to talk. you had come to his office some minutes ago, and by now, you had completely forgotten the reason.
after months of hanging out, of inside jokes, of laughs and silences...
...did you truly see him as a 'best friend'?
it was so casual for you to think about how nice would peppering kisses across his face be
or the burning desire to walk side by side with your hands intertwined
oh no.
"oh yes." kaeya says.
so you get up immediatelly, shutting your mouth after those blabbers came out.
he's smug about it, too.
he didn't need alcohol to get you to talk!
you stammer, nervous for once. his smile has reached his eyes at this point. he makes a gesture with his hand, dismissing you.
"go get him, tiger!" he exclaimed with a (weirdly enough) soft expression. you thank him with a shout.
using your vision to help you glide, it doesn't take you too long to spot the one you were looking for.
"bennett!" you call out, breathless. he stops in his tracks and fischl, who was next to him, looks at you full of confusion. "we need to-, i-, uh..." you send fischl a look and she realizes your intentions. she smirks, excusing herself briefly before leaving.
at that, bennett got a bit anxious; twiddling with his thumbs and kicking the ground beneath him lightly.
"so, we've been good friends for some time now, and i think i might have a crush on you?" you clear your throat as his eyes widened. "and you don't have to say anything if you don't want to, but i'd like to take you out sometime. like, a date?"
great day for the both of you.
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DATING LIFE: how your days as a couple are.
he is the sweetest man out there.
it's not that different to how your friendship was, but now you get to kiss and cuddle him
so i'd say it's better
as stated before, he gets really shy with physical touch, even if he likes it a lot. you'll have to ask him to return it at first
also, you won't have a single normal date (poor guy :'))
he's super supportive and always encourages you! he manages to convince barbara to help you with the piano lessons (if you hadn't been able to do so before) and sometimes you go to concerts together
by the way, kaeya feels like a proud dad (kinda. we all know how strange the guy can be /hj). rosaria would rather die than to admit it, but she's very happy for you two.
fischl congratulated you two in the most poetic way you've ever seen. hand gestures included. oz was more humble about it, but still gave his best wishes
honestly? the people of mondstadt already treat you like you were married
it gets weird sometimes but they have no bad intentions
they'll tell you either every single story about bennett being unlucky or how he talks about you in embarrassing, excruciating detail (embarrassing for him lmao. you have the time of your life).
your lucks balance out every once in a while and you have a nice afternoon outside without any surprise attacks
overall, you inspire him a lot. you have a good-hearted nature that makes him feel safe around you
he's a great bf, super caring and loyal :(<3
you two are so sweet. i want to adopt you (so does the entire city) /hj.
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