#also commies stop tagging ur posts as anti communism challenge y'all ain't fucking cute
jacensolodjo · 2 years
So I came across a thing a bit ago. About how now that Russia has invaded Ukraine we were going to “lie about the Holodomor again as some kind of impetus for why Ukraine is the victim”. Shit like that. You know, “The Holodomor is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that PROVES ukrainians are nazis” is something that just never gets old huh?
What is your proof? Tell me, oh moron of hammer and sickle. “Fraud, Famine, and Fascism by Tottle, duh!” Ah, yes! One whole book! Versus a little less than a dozen in English with more being written all the time! To say nothing of books in Ukrainian and all the proof and books in Russian. You are very intelligent! What does Tottle say about the Holodomor? “The word itself was created to echo the Holocaust” ah yes. Heaven fucking forbid two words sound similar! (No but really, every commie I’ve seen deny the Holodomor quotes Tottle’s book. Whereas you’ve got Black Book of Communism, Harvest of Sorrow, Bloodland, etc., being used by anti-commies. I dunno about you but having fewer sources does not look great; even more so if it’s one whole book you got going for you) Do you know what the word actually comes from? Holod is Ukrainian for ‘hunger’, mor is Ukrainian for ‘plague’. Holodomor the whole word translated is ‘death by hunger’. Ergo, not actually descended from ‘Holocaust’.
Other super intelligent opinions include “you can’t control a populace through hunger/starvation”. Explain to me how starvation works. Explain to me how you don’t know how the human body reacts to starvation without telling me you have no fucking clue how the human body reacts to starvation. Ironic, honestly, because commies don’t fucking know how agriculture works so how would they know how starvation does? Experiment: try not eating for 3 days or even 24 hours and see how you feel. I know when I hit even like 12 hours my mood takes a hit and i start feeling a little weak. Once you hit 3 days, though, you start getting pretty fucking weak. Especially if you’re already at a disadvantage such as diabetes or whatever else that relies on you having proper blood sugar. This is why Judaism and Islam are both insistent that you NOT fast if you have a medical reason in which it would do you real harm not to eat all day. Go for 5 days and you’re getting really fucking malleable and desperate to do whatever you’re told if you’re promised food in return. Mr. Tottle disagrees. I wonder how often he toddled off to the fridge in a day. How if he went a few hours without food how hungry he found himself to be. But then, the Holodomor was not interested in control of the populace of Ukraine it was interested in the eradication of the people of Ukraine. Or so we evil anti-commies who are also antisemites claim.
You realize every fucking argument you come up with is used for Holocaust denial right? All the way down to ‘Soviet citizens would have KNOWN’. Because surprise! They DID know! They were the ones letting the food rot! They were the ones shooting toddlers for daring to pick up a tiny little thing of wheat off the ground! They SAW Ukrainians dying of hunger in the streets and did nothing. Or worse, remarked about how they deserved to die, they were clearly in the way of the glorious Soviet nation’s ability to grow and thrive in the global stage! The only ones starving were the ones guilty of sabotage. How do toddlers commit sabotage? I don’t know! But then I’m not a commie. There are former commies who wrote for the Black Book of Communism who admit how easy it was for them to believe the lies about sabotage, about the ‘evil kulaks’. Other former commies mention how they would throw elderly people out into the snow without so much as a shirt. How they shot preteens over a potato.  All because they really did believe these people were the enemy, were out to destroy the glorious Soviet Union. Because of a fucking potato. 
The man who coined the word genocide lists the Holodomor in his examples of what he means by genocide. But that isn’t enough, is it? Oh no. But Mr. Tottle is the absolute truth of all things Holodomor. 
If Tottle was so fucking sure he was right why did he deny to comment during the 1988 commission to research the validity of the Holodomor being real and to what extent was its damage? I dunno, if it were me I’d jump at the chance to expand my theory further in such an official capacity. Now, maybe he said no for other reasons. But let’s be real. When someone declines to comment or respond, that usually means they have nothing they are confident enough to put on such a public record. Easy to write a book and publish it (especially if you self-publish). Not so easy to have your comments put down in an official capacity. Your book may be relegated to obscurity but anyone who does research of archives will find your comments from an official commission.
Let’s look back a bit further. A year prior to this commission, Robert Conquest published his Harvest of Sorrow. How humiliating must it be for someone with such a tiny book (Fraud, Famine, and Fascism) to go up against the mighty tome of Harvest of Sorrow that in fact uses official Soviet archives just as you claim to use. Except with better record keeping, apparently and far more interviews. 167 pages vs. 412. I mean yes, admittedly, page count doesn’t always mean better content. But if you read the two, one stands out as better written and researched and it ain’t the smaller book.
Tottle also apparently completely missed the existence of Gareth Jones, preferring instead to attack William Randolph Hearst (and Thomas Walker). An easier target, I suppose, given Gareth was murdered (most likely, anyway his death has never been ‘solved’ but many believe it was due to him putting the word out about the Holodomor). Instead he focused on Thomas Walker, a man who is in fact considered to be a Soviet plant exactly to discredit William Randolph Hearst as well as bury Gareth Jones’ articles. Helped in this endeavor by a Louis Fischer. No anti-commie worth their salt claims Walker as a trusted source. Only Gareth Jones. So why Tottle decided to focus entirely on Walker is, quite frankly, a little sad. But again, perhaps an easier target than a man who is considered to have been murdered for his Holodomor whistle blowing. 
I guess if I really only had Tottle’s book as a source for my beliefs I’d be a bit desperate for him to be right. Also Tottle’s book basically repeats over and over and over again. Chapters change but the shit he says is the same just written in different ways; it isn’t even new info in new chapters! Dude has a real hard-on for this Thomas Walker fellow. He’s just so convinced Walker and Hearst are devils incarnate. I’m not saying William Randolph Hearst was a stand-up guy. But I am saying he isn’t nearly the boogeyman Tottle wants him to be. But Tottle honestly reads like one of those people who is convinced Mothman is real and is desperate for you to believe that Mothman is real, too. Otherwise what is he doing with his life? I mean the man’s Wikipedia entry is like a whole 3 paragraphs. If this man were a trusted source I would expect a little bit more about him than being a Canadian with holodomor denial leanings. But then, I guess that feeds into commie belief too. It’s just the evil anti-commies, the anti-semites, trying to bury the truth Tottle was trying to tell us by keeping this man’s existence on the downlow. Gosh it’s fun to be a conspiracy theorist about conspiracy theorists. 
And lastly, how the FUCK do we get ‘antisemitic’ out of ‘holodomor happened’? I guess cause some Jews were commies. That Marx was a Jew so therefore it’s antisemitic to be anticommunist. I’ve made that post before. Being against something created by a Jewish person is not inherently antisemitic. If you are against it BECAUSE of who created it, sure. There is nothing really connecting Holodomor to antisemitism in the way of ‘Jews did it’. If anything, the Holodomor also affected Jews as a higher rate. So pray tell, how is saying Holodomor happened antisemitic? I’d say it’s the other way around. Denying the Holodomor is antisemitic. You ignore the Jewish victims. No one who isn’t y’know a fucking nazi blames Jews for the Holodomor. I have never seen anyone so much as begin to imply it. All I have seen is Holocaust deniers instead pointing at the Holodomor as a ‘real event’ as opposed to the Holocaust. They’re not affiliated with me. They cannot share my table. 
If you deny the Holodomor just cause some nazis said jews did it and thus ukrainians are nazis because they also say the Holodomor happened, your logic is bad and you should feel bad. Should we consider all vegetarians to be mass murdering fuckheads because a mass murdering fuckhead was a vegetarian? Are you against smoking? Maybe you shouldn’t be because same mass murdering fuckhead was against smoking. That is what your logic sounds like. 
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