#also did we learn nothing from dan ‘ppl digging into my life while i was closeted made me suicidal’ howell. did we learn NOTHING
bedcorpse · 10 months
im gonna be real celebrities feeling weirded out by ppl speculating abt whether or not they’re fucking their friends is not homophobic or a sign of being closeted it’s bc it is weird actually
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sophygurl · 7 years
heh. @c-l-ford​ gave me all of the main characters from both Lucifer and Leverage for the character questions thing. This should be interesting. And long. 
do I like them: you betcha!
5 good qualities: he’s clever, he loves his family - much as he tries to deny it, he’s extremely talented at playing the piano, he’s a wonderful model of hedonism being about what’s pleasurable for all and not about a single-minded pursuit of what’s pleasurable for one in disregard for other’s desires, and he actually quite cares about humans and wants them to be good and not make it to hell. 
3 bad qualities: he’s more than a tad self-absorbed at times, he is quick to blame/judge others for their failings, and dude often has to make the same mistake many times before learning from it.
favourite episode/etc: A Good Day to Die, 2x13 where he goes to hell to get the formula to save Chloe
otp: Deckerstar
brotp: Lucifer x Amenadiel 
ot3: Don’t particularly have one for him. Sexytimes with any 2 ppl he wants, but I don’t really romantically ship him with anyone but Chloe (possible Mazikeen, but not WITH Chloe. and I could see either Linda or Maze as someone for fun sexytimes but not with one another or Chloe involved, so, yea. no ot3 for the dude we often see in 3somes (and moresomes))
notp: Any of his family members - he seems totally grossed out by the idea, himself. 
best quote: Don’t have a specific one, but any time he reminds ppl that he has no qualms about the gender of who he has sex with or is attracted to is fantastic. 
head canon: Mostly ones that really make me cry if I think about them for too long, having to do with his relationships with his family - particularly his dad. Like, for example, that he was a total daddy’s boy before their falling out and that’s part of why it hurts him so incredibly much. 
Chloe Decker:
do I like them: yes ma’am!
5 good qualities: she’s such a good mommy, she is loyal af once she’s let someone into her inner circle, she’s driven af in her career, she is able to maintain a high sense of professionalism while allowing for Lucifer’s quirks as her partner, she’s one of the few ppl not let in on the Big Secret and yet she is still cool with all of these wacky people that have entered her life since meeting Lucifer like whatever these folks are weirdos but they’re my weirdos now. 
3 bad qualities: she can be a little bit naive??, she often puts work above personal life stuff which can hurt her relationships and cause her to be a bit strained emotionally, she needs to work on that flirting game if she wants to do undercover work lol
favourite episode/etc: Quid Pro Ho, 2x10 - the trial where she talks about Lucifer’s honesty, etc. 
otp: Deckerstar
brotp: Chloe x Maze 
ot3: None for her, she’s monogamous. 
notp: No major ones, though I’d not particularly enjoy her and Dan getting back together. They work best as friends, I think. 
best quote: ugh, I’m bad at specific quotes. probably some snarky thing she said to Lucifer.
head canon: There’s a part of her that does, in fact, believe everything Lucifer tells her about who he and his family really are. She’s just not ready to accept it, yet. Until she’s ready to accept it, there’s nothing he’ll be able to do to prove it to her. But eventually, one day, she’s going to put it all together and just sort of ... know it. Then she’ll have a million questions.
do I like them: yea, she’s amazing.
5 good qualities: character development like whoa, she’s totally kick ass, she’d do literally anything for the small handful of folks she cares about, she’s learned to be vulnerable and to value vulnerability in others which is amazing, sexy af. 
3 bad qualities: like Lucifer she can be kinda self involved at times, she enjoys the torturing maybe a hair too much, can be really mean without intending to be
favourite episode/etc: Mr and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith, 3x3 - her Canadian adventure
otp: none as of yet
brotp: with Lucifer, obvi
ot3: none as of yet - perhaps Linda and Amenadiel???
notp: no one in particular
best quote: Self worth comes from within, bitches. 
head canon: She’s gonna get accepted into heaven some day.
do I like them: amen!
5 good qualities: he has learned to be so kind - wow character development!, he loves his family sfm, he finds cues of goodness and forgiveness and worth all around him even at his worst, is driven by a sense of purpose even when he feels lost as to what that purpose may be, hot af
3 bad qualities: can be a bit rigid in his thinking, is still overcoming some of his judgmental stuff, doesn’t always think through the consequences of his actions
favourite episode/etc: also A Good Day to Die - the way he and Lucifer worked together on that was so amazing I love them so much
otp: no one really, though I enjoy his relationships with both Linda and Maze
brotp: with Lucifer of course
ot3: idk with Linda and Maze!!?
notp: with Lucifer/any family, also would be horrified at the thought of him and Chloe
best quote: I don’t have an exact quote for this, but when he was telling Lucifer about the significance of his getting his wings back over and over and how it proves that their Father can forgive anything and how that gives him hope. *tears up*
head canon: He’ll get his own wings and angel powers back once he’s forgiven himself. God never took them away from him...
Linda Martin:
do I like them: Oh yes very much.
5 good qualities: So smart, so funny, so compassionate, so open minded, has some mysterious past that we still don’t know about please tell us Linda!!
3 bad qualities: Uhmmmm.... hmmmm .... I’m sure she has some but none are coming to mind. 
favourite episode/etc: Oh, whatever episode it was that she found out the truth - er, probably not that episode because her seeing Lucifer’s true face was the end but the next one where we see her dealing with it all and trying to accept it and accept these supernatural people in her life for who they are. Linda is so amazing u all!
otp: No otp, but I did dig her and Amenadiel’s thing. But not if it’s gonna hurt Maze - which I think they’d both also not wanna do anything to hurt her, so that’s cool. I hope. 
brotp: Linda/Mazikeen for sure. 
ot3: As said above, her and Amenadiel and Mazikeen together could be interesting?
notp: Her and Lucifer. Like, it was fun when it was a thing but I was a lot more comfortable with them as both friends and client/therapist once they stopped having sex. 
best quote: idk - something wise she says to Lucifer during a session most likely.
head canon: I can’t think of any. 
Nathan Ford:
do I like them: meh
5 good qualities: he hates the rich, he’s incredibly intelligent, he’s protective of his people, he’s wily, he not only thinks six steps ahead but can think on his feet to adjust the plans as necessary
3 bad qualities: he can be selfish af, his character arc was kinda boring to me?, he tends to wallow
favourite episode/etc: I’m gonna be bad at this category for this show because I haven’t watched it recently to remember specific episodes oooops.
otp: with Sophie
brotp: also with Sophie? I feel like they were sort of the two on the same footing with the others being somewhat dependent on them so while they were all a family, he didn’t allow himself to connect as equals with any of the others.
ot3: none
notp: idk who else did ppl ship him with? I can’t picture him with anyone besides his ex and Sophie tbh
best quote:  Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen…when she's breaking the law.
head canon: After he and Sophie leave the other 3 to it, he checks in on them from time to time. That is to say - he always knows what they’re up to and how they’re doing and occasionally when they find themselves in a bind, he just sort of shows up out of the blue like “I knew this was gonna end up being a plan M situation, and I didn’t wanna lose Hardison quite yet...”
Sophie Devereaux: 
do I like them: She’s alright.
5 good qualities: Elegant af, amazing actress as long as she’s breaking the law, loves her 3 socially awkward children and wants them to do well in life, takes no shit from Nate, has a strangely positive outlook on the world for the kind of work she does.
3 bad qualities: Such a bad actress when she’s on stage, again her character arc wasn’t super interesting to me, and uh IDK what else - she’s mostly pretty fab.
favourite episode/etc: no clue, see above.
otp: With Nate, although honestly I think she could do better??
brotp: With Tara, probs.
ot3: None.
notp: With any of the team other than Nate. It would be weird.
best quote: no clue
head canon: Sophie also checks up on the kids after they leave them to their own devices, but she does it in her own way. She’ll show up to their apartment after a draining job with an organic pizza and some beers and have her feet up in a comfy chair and ask them to come tell her all about it. When they’re having relationship issues, she seems to magically know about it before anyone tells her, and she’ll take them each aside for a lil chat and help them work through whatever is bugging them. Then she slips away before they even have a chance to say goodbye. 
Eliot Spencer:
do I like them: Boy, howdy!
5 good qualities: When it counts he is so gentle and kind, has more emotional intelligence than you realize, is ridiculously knowledgeable about a ridiculous amount of things, cranky chef af, loves his adorkable nerd and sweet sociopath and would do anything for them (but would never admit that)
3 bad qualities: Doesn’t communicate that emotional intelligence enough, thinks he’s only good for his brawn :(, can be a lil intolerant and fussy 
favourite episode/etc: Can’t think of the name, but the one with the kid that he bonds with and protects? I loved him so much in that one, especially.
otp: none....
brotp: with Hardison, also with Nate I think
ot3: Hardison and Parker, OBVI
notp: never with Nate or Sophie
best quote: hmmm not sure, something about food probs.
head canon: When he snuggles with Parker and Hardison? He’s the little little spoon. Don’t tell me otherwise, I’m not listening!
Alec Hardison: 
do I like them: yup!
5 good qualities: so smart, so brave, so open-hearted, so funny, so adorable!
3 bad qualities: does Not like being wrong or making a mistake, can be over-confident at times, can also be overly pessimistic at times
favourite episode/etc: Oh probably the pretzels one. Like he is just so patient and open with Parker. I just ... *tearing up*
otp: with Parker
brotp: with Eliot
ot3: with Parker AND Eliot 
notp: no one I can think of actively anti-shipping him with
best quote: The pretzels thing. 
head canon: He’s the one who finally brings Eliot in to the relationship with Parker. 
do I like them: uh yea, she’s only one of my all-time fave characters
5 good qualities: she’s hilarious, she’s been so traumatized and she’s still so open to people like??? she doesn’t know How to connect with ppl but she Wants to so bad???, so fucking competent at everything she does, extreme desire to help others once she’s had a small taste of it, her idea of a great time is jumping off buildings and blowing things up and she is legit confused when she realizes that not everyone likes those things????!
3 bad qualities: nothing. she’s perfect. leave me alone.
favourite episode/etc: ALL of them, IDK, maybe at the end when Nate hands her the reigns it makes the most sense in the world alflgfjfhgskjalhfhgf
otp: with Hardison
brotp: Peggy!! (also Sophie)
ot3: Hardison and Eliot OF Course!
notp: anyone besides those 2 rly because my girl is very unique and emotionally fragile and I can’t have anyone hurting her or abusing her trust or causing her to backslide in her evolution of learning to love people like. no. stay away. 
best quote: Everything blows up, silly!
head canon: She loves unicorns and totally believes they’re real. She can’t wait to meet one some day. She knows it’ll happen. The guys probably discuss how to dress up a horse as one to make this happen for her on her birthday at some point. She knows it’s a fake, but she loves them for trying. And she STILL believes in unicorns. 
WOW that was fun and only took 2 hours, thanks C! lol
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