#also f in the chat for how enormous my child is getting and how equally large my parental angst is growing
deadmomjokes · 10 months
Last winter my daughter wasn't quite tall enough to see more than the tops of other cars from her seat in the back. Now she can see down to road-level on both sides of the car.
We just had our first snowfall of the season, so places like the local mall and universities have their maintenance trucks outfitted with the little detachable plows on the front.
She just saw one for the first time chilling in a parking lot. Slapped the arms of her carseat like a middle aged dad awoken from an unexpected nap in the recliner and proceeded to sputter incoherently for several seconds before command of language returned to her, and she managed to produce this gem:
"WHAAAA? That fellow has a-- a car shovel! What on the earth?!"
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