#also for that dialogue? on behalf of 17 year old me I Am Sorry
limamaqel · 2 years
2, 9, 14, 18 for the writing asks!
2) What was the first story youve ever written?
Oh wow um. I dont remember it in detail but like the fandom I was in, canon had gotten stupid dark and I wasnt a fan. So it was like a spin off AU where things were more happy, yknow where half the characters werent fucking dead
9) Have you ever brought an OC back from the dead?
Nah. The only one of my OCs thats dead is so figuratively and literally and I left that fandom years ago. Her chapter of the book is over
14) Whats something you feel weird/uncomfortable writing about?
Violent death scenes are a no for me. I mean I'll do fight scenes, I'll do character death but nothing intense. Irl gore doesnt bother me at all but I wont write that shit
18) Show us a piece of dialogue you really like
Man, this is old as shit and was done as a gift for a buddy but I still think its a perfect mix of cute and funny
He glanced up at the face of his android bed and smiled. "Hey, big guy."
"Good afternoon. Did you have a nice nap?"
17 nodded and shifted up, head resting onto his shoulder. "Your presence helped."
16 smirked. "As the humans would say: that is gay."
17 laughed and placed a kiss onto his jawline. "It's so gay."
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