#also fullmetal alchemist is coherent and written by a woman. just saying
anthonycrowleymoved · 3 years
and of course don't forget the inability to save mother parallels and the found family with izumi/pinako and bobby, the whole thing where despite dean and ed's best efforts sam and al end up suffering SO much (al lost the body sam died like eight times etc.) and the giving up of something precious to save those they love and the inner child only coming out re cars or automail or other 'safe' interests
dude i’m gonna CRY oh my god you get it. you FUCKING get it fuck. FUCK. i’m so sorry i lost it at the fucking bobby/izumi parallel NEITHER OF THEM HAVE THEIR OWN CHILDREN BUT THEY TAKE IN THE BROTHERS!!!! AND HELP THEM AND LOVE THEM LIKE THEY’RE THEIR OWN THE P A R R A L L E L.
anyway everything is about supernatural, except supernatural, which is about fullmetal alchemist.
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