#also fun to think about that in relations to kon too but i digress
vinelark · 6 months
okay so idk if you'll have any idea what i'm talking about but theres one fanfic that has been eating at my brain for weeks and i can't find it. i think i remember you reblogging a post with it as a rec once maybe and anyways it was tiny tim read a grimoire about stitch witch stuff that his parents brought home and he made protective stuff for the family and cured the pit rage and at one point yj notice and theyre just like "is robin doing magic? he is? might as well happen ig"
hmmmm this feels familiar but i don’t know it off the top of my head. though it does sound similar (though not exact) to Penelope by NerdyGay, which i read earlier this month and enjoyed!
edit: the fic in question is The Threads That Bind by SpaceWall! (thank you @iliascorvus for identifying it)
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