#also have the MH thing with samus in the back pocket...
dcviated · 2 years
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yet another mun meme || [ open ]
@pastballads​ sent: 3, 10
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
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Everyone has more or less had an impact on how I write. Through a strange form of osmosis I drain little bits from everyone who comes into contact with my blog. And it’s been different for each character. But when it comes to my writing as a whole the person who had the biggest impact on me is one of the first people I saw on tumblr. They went by ‘Tavs’ back when but I believe they changed their handle at some point.
We don’t keep in touch anymore, whether by neglect of contact or changing of interest when it comes to writing, but it was their way of writing into a character’s head that really impacted me and got me to beef up my characterization. Adding a character’s inner monologue and thought process helps connect one bit of dialogue to another, and helps the other writer get an idea of how your muse is feeling.
I hope they’re well!!
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
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FANTASY. And it’s not even close! Whether it’s medieval d&d-esque stuff with wizards and magic or modern-type settings with mysterious otherworldly underbellies or fantastical overlaps. Do not get me wrong, I enjoy most other genres (outside of historical and period, not really my beat) but when you break the chains of reality I feel like that’s really when you can have fun with RP doing ridiculous scenarios and situations.
Most of my muses, before anything else, get a fantasy verse for that reason. Most blogs I seek out are muses that fit into the genre, so I like there to be an available roster for them to enjoy. Which reminds me- I need to write out Samus’s fantasy verse because I totally have one with her as a valkyrie type character bwahaha.
I also feel like it makes it easier for muses to interact in that way. You don’t have to worry as much about class, or setting, or where they are in the world. When you go high level enough it’s sooo much easier to get hilarious pairings going. Even if you’re just going to isekai a motherfucker.
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