#also he has that smol energy for a grown as man lol
watmalik · 1 year
i need your run down on why tk = corgi please its important for my mental sanity
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Allow me to explain myself by using these magnificent gifs onto why I believe TK Strand is a Corgi. I would've honestly made a bigger and more detailed post but I'm at work *insert burning Elmo gif*
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espship18 · 4 years
Kpop ship for yeoli-tranbolie
Sup my quarantine lads lol. I have a ship for @yeoli-tranbolie​ ! This is the first ship of the new group, so let’s start this group off fresh!
Based on your request I learned these things about you: 
You’re 5′0 and African American 
Lover of all types of music 
A social-butterfly
A musician, you play the french horn
You enjoy singing
You also dance and like ballet the best 
And in your request, you asked to be shipped with BTS, Monsta X, NCT, and WayV. Let’s dive right on in!
BTS: Taehyung
Happy babes who can vibe the f out, but also be jumpy happy-hyper babes. I can also totally see you two as more of the artsy couple too. You each would enjoy taking little classes and work shops to expand your skills and abilities, which would lead you two to taking the same music workshop class. The whole class would be split into groups and each group would have to make a performance. You and Tae would be put in the same group, so you would be spending a lot of time together with your group mates. Luckily, everyone is grown adults so everyone does their part. You guys put on a great show, and you’ll begin to find yourself hanging out with Tae, in a coffee shop, even more, despite the workshop being complete. You two would develop a huge crush on each other, and you’re both too shy to tell each other. You’re also worried that you two don’t like each other because you can’t get into each others brains, so you’re like “..crap.” But Tae would make the first move, like the babe would have this elaborate idea on how he was gonna tell you he liked you, but then he would get so nervous, forget what he was gonna tell you, so he was just like “okay, I like you.” And you two would soar as if there was never an issue or worry. I can see you two being one of those couples who enjoys staying at home. That doesn’t sound super exciting to some people, but I feel like you and Tae would much prefer to be in the company of each other, and you wouldn’t want to feel the pressure to conform to what people want you and Tae to be. And since you two are so into music, you enjoy chilling at home if you’re not working or doing school things, and you just listen to music. You enjoy searching new music styles together, also critiquing styles you don’t like and getting a taste for what you two have similarities and differences to. You two also enjoying doing research on artists and genres as well, so there is a lot of time that you two can spend days upon days watching documentaries on the history of classical music and Beethoven or Prince. You also enjoy joining Tae when he goes to the studio to see him work every now and then. Which Tae enjoys showing off a bit, and it’s honest really cute because he’s clumsy so sometimes he’ll forget a thing or two, or he will hit the wrong button, or even trip over a wire in the floor- it’s honestly really cute. PDA wise, Tae is a needy boy in this one. He’s not afraid to be like “hug me” and you give in bc it’s Tae. He also loves to steal kisses, so watch out for that, he’s sneaky. 
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Monsta X: Kihyun 
For this particular member, I can see you two bein the hyper social-butterfly type of couple. And omg imagine this, you two have that classic high school sweetheart gig going on and omg it’s so adorable! You’re smitten kittens who have been together for years. A lot of people and fans would be shock to know what your secret is to a happy relationship and to put it simply, it would be taking life day by day. Being flexible with each other, making each other laugh, living in the present instead of the future- that’s your secret. You two would be quite humorous to each other, so I can definitely see you two constantly making jokes to one another, being goody around one another to make each other laugh, and overall just hitting that humor spots where it counts. Communication would also be a HUGE factor for your relationship success. You can’t have a relationship without communication, and being completely honest and open with your feelings can work wonders for your relationship. You two would also be very observant of each other, it doesn’t matter what the change or topic is. Plus, you two like to keep the element of surprise in your relationship, it keeps the flame alive when you least expect it. It can also be for something that is goofy and small, like the cute stuffed alien riding a skateboard you saw at a grocery store. Kihyun will get it for you, TRUST ME. Along with being observant, you two can really read each others emotions and auras when you’re upset or if you need some space from one another, it’s completely normal, and it’s a virtue to have for you two. I also love the idea of you two working together to create beautiful music and beautiful dance. The harmonies, the way you move with each other..aaahhh, it’s magic! Imagine making a beautiful ballad together and making the SWEETEST harmony and dance to it, PURE ART MY FRIEND. P U R E ART. Another reason why y’all work is that you’re able to keep home life and work life separate. You have minor disagreements here and there for work, so you get to take your grievances out at work, then you’re peaky keen at home. Be prepared to be pampered because date nights are on Kihyun. Getting a little dressed up, going to get some good food, it doesn’t even matter if it’s ramen or fancy sushi, you’re together and that’s all that matters. You’ll take a little walk after if it’s not busy and you’ll sometimes find a little spot to sit and relax. PDA is very mild and supple. You don’t feel the huge need to put your love out there, so very soft and heart fluttering kisses, a lot of hand holding, and, knuckle kisses with “i love you’s” are his signature trademark. 
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NCT: Yuta
Y’all are both fire crackers and I am living for it! You two definitely would keep each other on each others toes, there’s so much energy, in the best possible way. In my opinion, Yuta is very versatile. That being said, be prepared for a LOT of pick-up lines, one-liners, and cheesy jokes! To be honest, you’ll want to pull your and his hair out at some of them, because jokes aren’t always his best, but you can always laugh, rather it’s out of genuine laughter or embarrassment. You two are such cuties too, and it’s hard not to just grab him by the cheeks and tell him how cute he is. He’s that type of boyfriend that will drop a compliment bomb on you, and if you start to out do him, he will come back two times harder, he’s always determined to tell you know how much he loves you and wants you to know how pretty you are, inside and out. He’s also the type of boyfriend who likes to spoil you every now and then. Matching outfits or matching concepts are something he would enjoy, so he would know all of your sizes for clothes, and don’t be surprised if he comes home like “loOk wHaT i GoT, pHoTO sHoOt” And those photo shoots are always fun. I love to think that your and his hang out/date spot is in a practice room or recording room. You two don’t feel like big special and extravagant date night type of couple. Something like a practice room would serve as a perfect hang out spot for multiple reasons. One, you two can hang out and snuggle and relax, two, you can also be productive such as: Yuta working on an upcoming comeback, while you’re doing homework. I have this cute idea that Yuta would also want your hang out spot to be a practice room because he would want you to be near him when he worked. Yuta has a very busy man, which as we know, he works so hard, so he would actually prefer you near him when he worked. You would help him keep his stress level down and he’s also a confident boy, so he would want to show off a little, hehe. But you honestly don’t mind it, you love seeing him when he works, and you can also appreciate and let him know how good he does with his work. PDA wise, you two are adorable! I honestly believe Yuta is a snuggle bug. He loves to show his love to you in little ways, which would include the softest of hand-holding. He loves the size comparison to your hands, he also loves to touch you, so hand holding would be his favorite. Hugs, so many freaking hugs, this guys nickname could be teddy he loves to hug and snuggle so much. You don’t mind it though, because you know that if you ever need a hug or someone to hold, Yuta is right there by your side when you need it. 
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WayV: Hendery 
He is your smol bean who’s a bit chaotic at times. He’s the ultimate stress-reliving boyfriend, he’s goofy, sweet, and sympathetic. He also has his own little thing going on every now and then, which makes him even more irresistible. I like him with you most because he’s the cure to your stressful life. Life with Hendery is anything but stressful, I’ll tell you why. He’s the best freaking listener- he’s also an amazing advice giver. Hendery can shut up for two hours if it means letting you vent out all of your frustrations. Advice needed or not, he’s got your back, making him one of the best support systems you can get. He also is the king of support systems because he does these things called “you nights.” They’re simple nights in, most of the time they’re during the time when you’re having a lot of stress- when you need it most to be honest. He makes a blanket fort, fit with snacks, your fav food, pretty lights, and some of your favorites. Sometimes, he’ll even come up with fun little games to get your mind off of the stress you have, normally in a slightly destructing form. You can laugh while also taking out frustrations and anger without giving Kun a heart attack. Think of the wet paper towels thing in Friends! Hendery’s plans never seem to fail, because once you get to throwing those paper towels, your mind goes into happy mode, and all of the frustrations you have are wiped away in the blink of an eye. I also like to believe that Hendery’s curiosity card would be drawn because he would take a fascination with your ability to play the french horn. I used to play instruments myself, so I understand that you forget to practice every now and then, but Hendery would love watching you practice, he would make sure you remembered every now and then. Then, a real treat would be when Hendery would ask for a lesson or for some light tutoring. This cute son of a gon wouldn’t be able to get his mouth in the right position that’swhatshesaid so you’d squish his lips and cheeks into the right position, it would be so freaking hilarious. Date night is your specialty too! You make up for date night since Hendery does your “you nights”, so you make little thoughtful dinner dates or go out and do something that will help you two bond. Hell, sometimes you even try to cook for him! PDA is more reserved since I feel like he’s a bit more shy than Tae or Yuta. Hand holding is what’s he’s most comfortable with, to be honest, he prefers to love on you in private, he feels like he can be sweeter that way. But, if you want to woller all over him and give him the biggest kisses in the world in front of the world, he will let you, trust ya girl.~ 
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nagatsukinura119 · 5 years
Japan Expo Malaysia Day 2 (27 July 2019) Part 1
Note: This report needs to be split into 2 parts. Because it’ll be long. You’ll see why.
Alright, before the day started, I met up with an online friend (let’s just call her N) and we decided to watch some performances before AKB48’s arrival. I’ve promised to see KiREI again with Hanapii the day before so of course I’d see them again. I hoped they would remember me. From the start of their performance Hanapii had already noticed me and waved at me (man was I so happy that I vigorously waved at her). I got a lot of attention from them, especially from Hanapii and Mianyan. Their bright smiles, their waves, their nods, all of those, so many of those would make anyone fall for them. N, who was standing beside me got pretty excited too and she could see why I fell for them because their fanservice was so good! As I busied myself shifting between taking pictures, recording and waving at them, I realized the reason why they noticed and waved at me so much was because N, who was taller than me (well I’m a smol potato so pretty much everyone is taller than me lmao) waved at them and kept pointing at me and making peace signs at the back of my head lmaoooo. No wonder the girls were smiling so much! (Thanks N, love you so much for this). Side note is that I really, really loved Hanapii’s hairstyle for the 2nd day, she looked so adorable. Chori-chan’s hairstyle reminds me a lot of Takamina, with her long hair and the red ribbon. And Mianyan’s smile was so wide that I legit had to look away most of the time our eyes met hahahaha.
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Time for the meet-and-greet. Once again I felt like I was the only girl who joined the line (actually I think there was one girl who wanted to join but after asking me how much each Cheki ticket and shirt and towel cost, she turned around. I couldn’t blame her though since I was intimidated by the price at first). When it was my turn to buy the tickets, I wanted to get the towel, but decided against it at the last minute lol, the man who was selling them seemed to remember me cuz he was very much more welcoming to me than the customers before me. When it came my turn, Hanapii was so happy she started bouncing while waving at me and calling my name three times (So. Darn. Cute! Also, here’s the thing, I still cannot get used to people calling me with a ‘Chan’ so it literally felt like getting arrowed on the heart). She even started to immediately pat my head (the perks of being smol I guess. Wait...) Unfortunately, that was too much for me to handle so I kinda leaned back a bit while giggling a lot. I hope that didn’t offend her or anything. I also told her that I couldn’t look at her in the eyes because the view was too blinding puhahahah! For the first round, she and I took a picture with a heart pose, and for the second round it was the pa! pose (where we opened both of our palms). While she was signing the polaroid pictures she opened the topic of Twitter. She mentioned that she saw my account (the night before she liked my reply on one of her posts! I just did not expect she’d be one to bring it up) and apparently, she looked at my profile and noticed that I make illustrations and comics. I was legit so very happy that I was blushing so much. I made a promise to her; I would draw them an illustration and comics for them. I thought she was already smiling hard enough but that made her grip my hand (when she wasn’t supposed to) and squealed. She also asked me if it was gonna be in Japanese, to which I said I’d do it in English too, since I make my illustrations and comics in both languages. She then patted my head while saying “Ah~ so smart” in English. I couldn’t help but think that she may own a dog cuz honestly if I had a tail it would be wagging vigorously. She then proceeded to say that she’ll look forward to it and I KNEW that I would make that illustration no matter what. It was time to go so I told her that I would come the next day, to which she said she’d look for me. My thought was like “You know where to look for me since I always attend at your concerts at the same spot” but I didn’t tell her that cuz I didn’t want to sound obnoxious. I went back to N, who was saving our spot and showed her the polaroid pictures and told her my experience and how I’ve really fallen for Hanapii (again) hahahah. So that was the end of KiREI’s experience in Day 2.
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For the rest of time before AKB48’s arrival, N and I were thinking to get something to drink or eat, but since we didn’t want to lose our perfect spot, we just sat on the floor and waited lol. After KiREI, was a performance by Riona Hamamatsu, who was actually a former member of Team 8, like what are the odds, right??? She came in, and man was she pretty!
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What I’m impressed the most about her is how successful she is after leaving AKB48, as according to Aki, she has done several concerts outside Japan. I was at first thought, “Is she good in English”, and THEN she started speaking in perfect English, without an accent which surprised me more, what more can this girl do?? So amazing! When I checked on her, turns out she was raised in Los Angeles until she was 10, which explained her fluency, and that her full name is Riona Crystal Hamamatsu. What I thought was “Well, she definitely has grown and became more successful after leaving AKB. Good for her!!” Her performance opened with her doing a solo dance, and following that were brilliant performances, as she sang some Japanese songs and one song in English. There was one point in her performance that she started throwing 3 colored balls with her signature on them, and to be honest, even though I wasn’t even her fan, I wanted one! Well as expected, she only threw them at the center part of the audience haha.
After Riona, it’s Sorgenti who was performed by brothers Mitsuhiro and Hiroshi, along with their two back dancers. What I loved about their performance and song is how they are a mixture of traditional music and J-pop, so there was a great amount of energy rushed into you and their songs were fun to chant along with. I joined in every one of their chants such as “Ou!” “Washoi!” and “Sore sore!” They were just that fun to follow along. Not to mention their own respective voices were beautiful and honey-like. So their concert was legit fun to attend and makes one very happy to be part of the audience. Furthermore, their smiles were very contagious too!
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The next performer is Banzai Japan, which was an idol group where each member represents their individual prefectures from Japan, so there are 47 members in total, but for this event, there were only 7 performers. What I liked about this group was that they definitely were not afraid to get close to the audience since there were many times they’d stand, squat and dance so close to me and N (which very excited us by the way hahahah). Aside from that, their dances were fun and energetic too and there was one dance I legit wanted to dance along to.
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Last but not least, the one right before AKB48, was DJ Hello Kitty. As her name implies, Hello Kitty donned her bling dress and started to play music to hype the audience as a DJ. Okay, here’s the thing, I knew that by now 99% of the audience was saving their voice and energy for AKB48’s arrival, but holy molly poor DJ Hello Kitty did not get much hype despite playing hype music (okay there were some parts when the audience did follow along but there wasn’t much). The atmosphere was low enough that the hosts (Aki and Austin) had to step up into the stage to rile up the audience. That worked at some level, but N and I still felt quite bad for DJ Hello Kitty, and I did not want her to feel unappreciated so I tried to follow along as much as I could. Honestly this taught me that to be a wota, you have to have high stamina as well as being quite fit in order to not get tired quickly (is this a call for me to start working out???).
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Day 1 report is here! To be continued in Part 2!
Bonus picture:
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(Hi! My flower!!!)
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rqs902 · 6 years
you know there’s a problem when you open a video and think “oh good, it’s ONLY two and a half hours” 
every time lin mo shows up in a quick flash during the beginning ANY sequence, I always rewind to watch it again.... maybe more than once LOL... omg he was also in the title sequence again!!! 
wtf chen sijian can do anything what waht talent
wang jiayi’s voice is just so wow
i really like these lessons, theyre letting these kids show off their talents :D and it seems like theyre really learning, which is cool
OMGOHS THEYRE DOING ERIC CHOU’S ‘ZEN ME LE’!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERIC CHOU YASSSSSSSS ehehehhe yes wenhan is a fan of eric chou too yesss ma boy has good taste oooo jia yi too
aw wang yi.... ye ziming is so fun i like him
oooo i think sun zelin picked a good song for himself yayyy william wei just makes me think of nongnong now LOL even tho sun zelin is a smol, i see him being a good leader c: 
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MINGMING AND ZHENNING TRASHING HU WENXUAN HAHAHAHAH how did lin mo survive namanana team a????? YAS MINGMING PROMO YOSELF WITH CONFIDENCE YOU GOT THISSSS awww when he gets pinned and he touches his glasses he looks so soft aww his smile
im sorry those cloud things suspended in the air look like pancreases to me
yaasss xu fangzhou sing that chorus!! omg lol im sorry feng junjie may be the center and his voice is nice but XIA HANYU ASLKDJLKJK man not even just the high notes but that last line of his was so perfect too... im def downloading this song
LOOK AT MINGMINGS EYE MAKEUP OMG WOW wait why does mingming have such a lowkey outfit even when hes center 
“mingming has changed” -- yessssss hopefully!!!! im happy to see this more outgoing and fun side of him :D
aw poor guan yue, im sure he will be great still! ayy mingming making everyone laugh is the content im here for!! lol i kinda feel like su yuhang got slighted this group..... like he shone so much in the last stage but they literally keep panning away from him during his lines to focus on the more popular kids like guan yue and zhenning... (who i honestly bias more, but i still feel bad for yuhang...)
YES MINGMING GET THAT RECOGNITION IN SPITE OF IQIYI .... omg i cant believe his result was so low wtf
omgosh ou tianrui is gonna be in the youth arts academy after getting eliminated.... ugh my heart............
i thought ye ziming would get higher, im surprised, but wang yi i can see why too
their group kinda got slighted with the screentime tho.... i think they would have a fun group dynamic!! but we didnt get to see it lol..... oo i like chuanjun’s voice!!! hes also so tall lolol HAHAHAHAH the head bopping energy is so strong so cute
HAHAHAHAHHAAHA ‘and then what?’ ‘AND THEN WE WAIT.’ HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA I LOVE HIMMM i bet sun zelin would make this group so fun, i wish we coulda seen more of their practice
hmmm overall thoughts.... they didnt give lin mo screentime during the times i expected them to?? like during the part when they chose songs bc he has such expressive facial reactions and they loved showing his reactions in the past but this time they didnt show him like at all?? ? and also during the ending credits, he wasnt in it at all either, and he was in last week’s 3 times :o but idk they gave him a couple of really random flashes of screentime (???) and his group didnt go this week so i can understand he would have less time. also they didnt address lin mo getting injured in the last ep’s ending credits this ep.......... IS HE ALRIGHT??? IS MY CHILD INJURED WHILE ON STAGE??? on another note, not showing zhan yu’s group this week really makes me worry about him not getting enough votes to make it past the next round, bc each week really makes a difference.... and he got zero screentime this week :c but he did go up 7 spots on the ranking so i have hope more people are noticing our main vocal!!
i really really have grown to appreciate ip due to watching ‘all for one’ simultaneously. one thing i noticed this ep was just really realizing how lucky we are to have iqiyi prepare such nice songs for the kids. like yes i liked a few of the first stage eval songs but i think im liking all of these second eval songs so far and the next eval songs sound good too! and like we should be soooo grateful they put in the effort/money to get good music, bc it honestly makes such a BIG difference. like the stages are just so much better bc the music is better, the camera angles are better, the quality is better, the time spent on the kids (altho is biased and flawed) is still better than ‘all for one’. and i do realize that one of the songs is the same, but i am interested in comparing the two bc i have a feeling the iqiyi version will be produced better, even tho its the same song. i really like some of the all for one kids, but qcyn is just a better show imo...... even tho everyone is hating on it lol......... it’s different from season 1, but its still good! 
biggest takeaways from this ep: YAY MINGMING!!!!!!!!!!!, im glad zhenning’s camera time is still going strong (he deserves it), jiayou guan yue!!, i need to start voting for ye ziming, and i love sun zelin. yep, that’s it. 
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wakabond-blog · 7 years
PyeongChang Men’s SP Reaction
FOREWARNING: someone remind me to never do this again I literally sweat through my shorts going through this emotional earthquake
I had reservations about doing this reaction post but I’m watching the NBC mini-promos for everyone (cue lil’ kid saying that Javi is his ONLY hero <3) competing tonight and all the feels flooding in.
Also gonna put my dream podium out there in advance so I can lay claim to my fantasies before they possibly flop: Yuzu, Nathan, Javi (in that order for Gold, Silver, and Bronze), but ofc the best scenario is that everyone skates well and leaves the ice happy and the gremlin judges can do whatever. I haven’t watched a lot of the earlier-group men this season, but looking at their music choices I’m pretty excited for Julian Zhi Jie Yee’s Build a Home program (P/C’s 2016 FS from Euros that year still sticks with me) and hopefully Yaroslav hits his 4F. Just writing out everyone’s name is getting me hella nervous
THIRTY ONE GUYS UP 4 HOURS FML LET’S GIT TO IT, first group up on warmup ice: ayyy Vincent hitting a nice 4Lz-3T
AHHH NBC dropping me randomly into Felipe Montoya’s program right into a botched 3F-2T; c’mon man AISH U TOOK AWAY JAVIER RAYA’S SPOT FOR THIS uwu I kinda dig the all white costume tho but must be a binch to find from the audience viewpoint
Chafik Besseghier actually into taximan more than during the Team SP like yeah sure NBC say it’s part of “French creativity” but that taxi look is wonky...points for commitment though, right? 77.01 with all those lil’ green boxes gouda job Chafik; also a note on that French quirky creativity comment anyone else remember Brian Joubert trying to “disprove” people calling him gay by doing a nude photoshoot
MY BOI Vincent Zhou HITS DAT 4Lz-3T first at the Olympics with that 4Lz-3T combo!!! gah other two jumps off-axis but damn he has the hardest technical content but man you gotta deliver all of it including rotations and GOE; also *pushes glasses up* Vincent ~almost~ got a perfect ACT score wat u doing get that 36 (LOL AT THE COMMENTATORS SAYING HIS SIS GOT A PERFECT SCORE); BANG 84.53 with some stubby GOEs I can live with that new season’s best YAAAS u chase those cars
Okay so the announcement for Denis Ten is in English over the loudspeakers but there’s like a little interruption when they just repeat the word “Kazakhstan” but in Korean phonetics; REIGNING BRONZE MEDALIST LET’S GO nope there goes the 4S-->2S, NICE triple axel though!, also loving the royal blue shirt, triple lutz triple NO (sorry had to say that), but the music is great kinda operatic but not like a loud Bocelli; considering his injuries and other hurdles this is alright, his entire season had a rough start ALSO the flower girls have dresses that match the rink so QUTE also Frank Carroll is still not retired mkay
Matteo Rizzo NICE 3A also considering that this is choreo’d by his mom this is great, strong Italian vibes, really good lines, straight camel with the leg position above the hip, good rotation; love the arms out of the 3Lz this would be a program I would want to do OKAY NBC WE GET THAT U NEED A QUAD TO GET ON THE PODIUM but friggin Matteo’s job is to make his mom choreo proud also considering how this is by far the biggest stage he’s been on after dethroning Ivan Righini, dis is gr8
Michael Christian Martinez honestly still love his taking YOI in stride basically Phichit IRL, not a great performance by any means, really low score in the 50s sheesh but hey that signature Biellmann though! this first group was alright still looking ahead
Yaroslav Paniot that was rough :/// also he took out the 4F and fell on all 3 passes (I mean he landed on his knee on the axel but like...what do you even call that?) damn Tammy Gambill coaches him too, into last place :(( it’s okay Yaroslav
Yan Han going for that hard nose blow and tissue grab looks intense LOVE THAT HARD SLAP ON THE BARRIER you got this my man, AHHH yas more Twilight, NICE TRIPLE AXEL BEST SO FAR man was that rotation fast, crap that 4T still looking for a clean toe in this comp; also these SPs are passing really quickly, Vincent still in the lead after Han’s 80.63
Julian Zhi Jie Yee OMGOMGOMG okay excited for this, awww love the shot back to the opening ceremony; love his shirt with the slight slit V not intrusive but modern and sleek LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE it; AHHH THE BEATS OF BUILD A HOME ready for this show off for Malaysia, NICE TRIPLE AXEL he had so much space coming down, maintaining composure, come on GREAT LUTZ halfway mark here come the lyrics and ahhh slipping on the 3F-3T, I think that content should be enough for him to make the FS, lines could be a bit better but his spin levels seem there good for him! Man he really floated on the 3A I’m hoping this’ll go into the low 70s yep 73.58 good score for him
And cue more ice-less places Brendan Kerry kinda attractive in that down-under way, used to be really smol but then hit that caucasian puberty WHOOO first clean 4T of the comp, like the shimmery dark blue shirt, nice 3Lz-3T who needs a quad sal if there’s anything the pairs comp taught us it’s that going clean leaves a greater impression than hard tricks, saved that 3A, this cut of Everybody Wants to Rule the World is so #inspirational someone get me my book of self-affirmations also getting all these coach-skater revelations Nikolai Morozov coaches Kerry?? dang, whoa slots right in behind Vincent with an 83 and change
Moris Kvitelashvili okay who tf put his name as Morisi on the official docs they actually announced his names as that ETERI U ONLY HAVE ONE BOY, bring on the Buble, smooth 3A that flow, def on feelin good on that 4S, after Boyangman’s Spiderman program I’ve grown to have a deeper appreciation for Michael Buble, he’s really tall but one of those lanky awkward guys but eh I give him props for having the gumption to compete for Georgia and getting to compete on Olympic ice
Keegan Messing LOL his intro “actually born in Alaska, proficient Yo-Yo master” aww singin in the rain WOW nice 4T-3T I’m laughin at clouds too Keegan, oof that 3A fall though, very fast spinner no travelling either...okay but seriously can we get RIka Kihira here to give these guys a 3A clinic or something, for a second this really feels like a Javi program, nice 3Lz to finish out the jumps my god I thought his coach was either Eteri/Shawn White c.2010 hair wow 85 taking away the lead from Vincent; 12 men done, 18 left!
This next warmup group Danny wit dat fresh haircut, NBC hyping up the final group omg chill ur horses, Michal with those sleeve ribbons!
Michal Brezina those bedazzled dragons, WOW QUAD sal (okay I thought it was a flip at first), good 3A nothing under review, not to compare but to compare this is like Seimei beta ver., beautiful delayed 3F, also I feel like I hear people clapping along to the drums but I don’t see anyone...it’s prolly the NK cheer squad, this skate should just sneak into 1st, damn his profile sideshot looks like a dinosaur, AWWW RAF lol still surprised by these coaching situations OH BOI lol just into 1st by 0.04 over Keegan
Cha Junhwan c’mon get that gypsy dance on bring the soul of Wakaba to the games (I expect shoulder shimmies), TAKE A DEEEEP breath Brian, wow dicey moment with the 3F-3T but landed flawlessly, even better 3A crowd goes WILDDDD, quick interjection these scores that are starting to pile into the mid-80s are seriously reminding me of the bronze-medal battle in Sochi I mean yeah now there’s a pretty solid list of 5/6 guys for the podium but still..chills..., might have urs but really bringing the energy otherwisein the stsq arms flairs right on the beat of the music (I’ll count those as shimmies) wow first standing O very well deserved all the korean flags!!
Other sidenote you know who’s gonna get more cool team jackets than Marina Zueva? Brian friggin Orser: Canada, Korea, Japan, Spain, Kazakhstan! all those colors!! gotta catch ‘em all and with a score of 83+ Junhwan goes into that pack of mid-80s
Paul Fentz jacksepticeye doppleganger back on the ice, honestly great 3T-3T screw the squad his air position is really good, wow wild like on the 3A but again great air position (honestly this plus straight legs on camel spins are like the must-haves), also loving this jazzy music it works for him, Wonderwall was WUNDERFUL
Interjection of hockey testosterone jeez being a referee in that would be terrifying you’re wearing no padding sheesh
Misha Ge okay srsly what is the point of saying “Uzbekistan” in English and then again in Korean phonetics? not into the brown ombre, good 3A, getting gypsy pirate vibes gawd that spin extension though ta die fo
Cutaway to Yuzu absolutely DESTROYIN that EZ applesauce pouch (okay it’s not applesauce but man is he twistin every last drop out)
And since I’m already doing this huge ass shitpost I might as well comment on some of the commercials, the 23andme thing where Warren Buffett narrates “ill let u choose any car but u only get one you’d take care of it so well right WELL THAT’s UR BODY”...kinda hypocritical coming from a dude who only eats McDs, See’s Candies, Coke and steak...
Jorik Hendrickx awww I actually had no idea his sis Loena made it too, gosh Je Suis Malade reminds me of Adelina’s failed comeback...anyway good 3A to start; I remember how emotional his qualifying through Nebelhorn was enjoy this bb, wow he’s gonna join the mid-80s pack too judges panicking how tf do we separate them AWW Loena clapping so cute and Jorik smiling!! love this
Also screaming about how I can see the final group on my shitpost list getting closer to my cursor *bites nails*
Literally the biggest actual fuqboi of this comp Daniel Samohin is up with a new ‘do that fresh fade also doesn’t he have that company/group thing black wolf white wolf WELL DAMN BLACK WOLF JUST HIT HIS 4T-3T god remember when he destroyed his shoulder at Skate America, whoa first two clean quads of the comp so far who knew flopchild would it get together at the Olympics also classic Daniel guitar solo ay fuq down on the 3A gdi this is why we can’t have nice things LOL also the first skater to finish in the wrong direction, cute lil’ smile at the end though! Also gonna hit the low-80s aww happy tears!!! omg is that Nikolai Morozov yup 80 points and change jeez top 6 all separated by less than 2 points lol
Group 4 on the ice jeez those short sleeves SLAY BOI LOL THESE ADAM PROMOS literally all of the vernacular “fierce, I’m a full prone monster” *smizes* okay I’m going for a walk and hope to be back by Deniss see ya’ll in a quick sec and good luck to the first five in this group...but srsly I gotta get up or else risk carpal tunnel at this point </3
Adam Rippon, Dmitri Aliev
Okay jk I made it back for Patrick Chan midway through his performacne looks like his first couple jump elements were good supposedly missed his 3A he looks really tense damn PChiddy it’s alright (sidenote his chest looks bigger than I remember), also ofc Dimi is in the lead now with a tech score over 50
Keiji Tanaka, Alexei Bychenko both happened but I took a shower to be clean for some clean skates
Also isn’t it crazy how Deniss is literally skating right before Yuzu man those world standings were a bit of a surprise at first Deniss Vasiljevs (jk my shower also overran his performance so I’m looking at the protocols rn but hey, good thing is my energy’s now conserved for GROUP 6!)
YESS NBC showing (at least part of) the warmup; Javi hits a BOSS 4S so smooth; Nathan’s smiling, Yuzu looks healthy! my god seeing all the faves on ice together warming up at the OLYMPIC stage is just *clutches chest* a lil’ too much for a casual Thursday evening; okay one more set of commercials and we are off to the RACES!!!
Yuzuru Hanyu TAKES THE ICE the first bars of Ballade a personal fave piece, breatheee, head roll, sway,ohmigod you could hear the sound of a pin dropping, come one quad sal to open...YES OH MY GOD NICE 13 POINTS!!! for that one element, great donut spin, 1 2 3 1 2 3 getting all of his levels ofc great character in spins timed to music, love the sound of his blades BLIND MOHAWK INTO 3A TRADEMARK HIT IT’S HAPPENING ONLY THE COMBO LEFT IS HE GONNA DO THE RIPPON ON THE END YES NICE HE HIT IT OH MY FUQQIN GOD THE POOHS THE OBAACHANS IN THE AUDIENCE THIS IS SERIOUSLY MAGICAL BEAT THAT WOWOWOW THE POOH BEARS RAIN DOWN AGAIN I have never seen so many thrown down at once at him DAMN; this is a true champion, my god yes yes YES!!!! my god I don’t know how get got that 3T WITH RIPPON out at the end lol Ghislain Briand and B Orser jumping; WORLD RECORD GIVE IT TO HIM NEVER DOUBT YU.ZU.RU. HAN.YU; BAM 111 triple ONES BEAT THAT YESS AND HE’S SMILING
OKay okay I gotta calm down for Nathan Chen the Poohs are cleared, yes this is a POTO costume but he looks good; GOD DAMN IT CAMERAMAN YOU MISSED THE FUQQIN DIP YOU HAD ONE JOB ARGHHHH, blade sounds are louder than YUZUS BUT HERE COMES THE 4LZ...OH SHIT MY GOD AND THE QUAD TOE JESUS FUCKING HELL IT WASN’T A COMBO either wow...I’m speechless..come one Nate finish it out finish it out OH FUCKING...33 TECHSCoRE?!?!?!?!?!? He’s still breathing though, looks alright, okay he’s still honestly so young and I understand he exudes this chill outlook which is great but all the pressure had to have gotten him (or he just got unlucky with this bad day :///) nerves?? I know there’s still the free skate left but I want him to walk away from all this feeling okay, not hating skating or anything and making a comeback (hopefully??) in Beijing and maybe having a Chloe Kim kind of moment OH FUQ 13th place 82+...my god
Mikhail Kolyada actually shaking his head after seeing Nathan’s scores we’re all shocked buddy; but skate well hit that sky-high lutz loving your mozart, come on come one; okay triple honestly I just don’t want to see any more thuds on the ice that’s good oh fuck...4T a goner out of the four disciplines this is the one that has the least assured gold medalist and maybe that’s contributing to the nerves? It’s okay Mikhail, your 3A was pretty, and YAY GOT A SMILEY SPASIBO y’know at the Olympics all I can hope for as a spectator is that everyone skates happy and goes as big and clean as possible and leaves happy or at least not too hard on themselves and I know that’s easy to say but so much of sports/life in general is psychological and it just pains me to think of how these guys might react to this under-delivered performances
Shoma Uno smolma please whisk us away with Winter, literally gonna bounce the fuq off of Shrooma if he lands everything please save this; NICE 4F, lines ofc can’t compete with Hanyu but you know...World Silver...he’s got the goods, get those clean edges, skating skills, stsq levels, okay 4T YES YES YES 3T great my god SHOMA SAVES THE TRIPLE AXEL PRAISE AWWWW THE SMILE!!!!! FUCKING MELTING FOR THIS DARK HORSE WHO BTW IS WORLD SILVER REIGNING, MY GOD THIS IS CLUTCH; AND HE HAS HIGHLIGHTS TAKE THAT BINCH, ugh I’m so conflicted right now with all of these flops and clean skates and my head is muddled guessing 106 okay okay lowballed the components gets a 104 also had to save a couple landings I get it but THOSE THUNDERTHIGHS SAVING THE DAY
Javier Fernandez oh please please please all I want is for you to bring home a medal GIVE US CHAPLIN GIVE US 4S AND 4T3T THIS IS YOUR CHANCE GO FOR IT, NICE ON THE COMBO, NICE 4S HOLY HELL ALSO SHOUTOUT TO MY MOM FOR RECOGNIZING THIS AS CHAPLIN U KNOW HE’S DOING HIS JOB and that AMAZING TRIPLE AXEL; so lovely oh my god this is beautiful, tbh I think my mom is actually falling in love with him “his costume looks so good on him O.O” she’s predicting he’ll win and my mom is like...never wrong so...okay tech score just exactly 60, I’m hoping 109 range oh my god GIVE HIM THE PCS IF NOT FOR HIM FOR MY MOM OH MY GOD
Okay wow so heading into the FS tomorrow:
-Nathan, get that redemption skate, go big, go clean, love it, love yourself
-Yuzuru: bring that Seimei power, work your natural magic, be yourself, keep the intensity, and just let it flow
-Javi: VAMOS VAMOS VAMOS BE QUIXOTE, get your own redemption from Sochi (also lol I don’t think it matters what happens in the end but you’ve already won in my mother’s heart)
-Shoma: SHOOM SHOOM INTO OUR HEARTS EVEN MORE, channel your 2017 Worlds Diva moment, do it do it DO IT
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wakabond-blog · 7 years
I had reservations about doing this reaction post but I’m watching the NBC mini-promos for everyone (cue lil’ kid saying that Javi is his ONLY hero <3) competing tonight and all the feels flooding in.
Also gonna put my dream podium out there in advance so I can lay claim to my fantasies before they possibly flop: Yuzu, Nathan, Javi (in that order for Gold, Silver, and Bronze), but ofc the best scenario is that everyone skates well and leaves the ice happy and the gremlin judges can do whatever. I haven’t watched a lot of the earlier-group men this season, but looking at their music choices I’m pretty excited for Julian Zhi Jie Yee’s Build a Home program (P/C’s 2016 FS from Euros that year still sticks with me) and hopefully Yaroslav hits his 4F. Just writing out everyone’s name is getting me hella nervous
THIRTY ONE GUYS UP 4 HOURS FML LET’S GIT TO IT, first group up on warmup ice: ayyy Vincent hitting a nice 4Lz-3T
AHHH NBC dropping me randomly into Felipe Montoya’s program right into a botched 3F-2T; c’mon man AISH U TOOK AWAY JAVIER RAYA’S SPOT FOR THIS uwu I kinda dig the all white costume tho but must be a binch to find from the audience viewpoint
Chafik Besseghier actually into taximan more than during the Team SP like yeah sure NBC say it’s part of “French creativity” but that taxi look is wonky...points for commitment though, right? 77.01 with all those lil’ green boxes gouda job Chafik; also a note on that French quirky creativity comment anyone else remember Brian Joubert trying to “disprove” people calling him gay by doing a nude photoshoot
MY BOI Vincent Zhou HITS DAT 4Lz-3T first at the Olympics with that 4Lz-3T combo!!! gah other two jumps off-axis but damn he has the hardest technical content but man you gotta deliver all of it including rotations and GOE; also *pushes glasses up* Vincent ~almost~ got a perfect ACT score wat u doing get that 36 (LOL AT THE COMMENTATORS SAYING HIS SIS GOT A PERFECT SCORE); BANG 84.53 with some stubby GOEs I can live with that new season’s best YAAAS u chase those cars
Okay so the announcement for Denis Ten is in English over the loudspeakers but there’s like a little interruption when they just repeat the word “Kazakhstan” but in Korean phonetics; REIGNING BRONZE MEDALIST LET’S GO nope there goes the 4S-->2S, NICE triple axel though!, also loving the royal blue shirt, triple lutz triple NO (sorry had to say that), but the music is great kinda operatic but not like a loud Bocelli; considering his injuries and other hurdles this is alright, his entire season had a rough start ALSO the flower girls have dresses that match the rink so QUTE also Frank Carroll is still not retired mkay
Matteo Rizzo NICE 3A also considering that this is choreo’d by his mom this is great, strong Italian vibes, really good lines, straight camel with the leg position above the hip, good rotation; love the arms out of the 3Lz this would be a program I would want to do OKAY NBC WE GET THAT U NEED A QUAD TO GET ON THE PODIUM but friggin Matteo’s job is to make his mom choreo proud also considering how this is by far the biggest stage he’s been on after dethroning Ivan Righini, dis is gr8
Michael Christian Martinez honestly still love his taking YOI in stride basically Phichit IRL, not a great performance by any means, really low score in the 50s sheesh but hey that signature Biellmann though! this first group was alright still looking ahead
Yaroslav Paniot that was rough :/// also he took out the 4F and fell on all 3 passes (I mean he landed on his knee on the axel but like...what do you even call that?) damn Tammy Gambill coaches him too, into last place :(( it’s okay Yaroslav
Yan Han going for that hard nose blow and tissue grab looks intense LOVE THAT HARD SLAP ON THE BARRIER you got this my man, AHHH yas more Twilight, NICE TRIPLE AXEL BEST SO FAR man was that rotation fast, crap that 4T still looking for a clean toe in this comp; also these SPs are passing really quickly, Vincent still in the lead after Han’s 80.63
Julian Zhi Jie Yee OMGOMGOMG okay excited for this, awww love the shot back to the opening ceremony; love his shirt with the slight slit V not intrusive but modern and sleek LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE it; AHHH THE BEATS OF BUILD A HOME ready for this show off for Malaysia, NICE TRIPLE AXEL he had so much space coming down, maintaining composure, come on GREAT LUTZ halfway mark here come the lyrics and ahhh slipping on the 3F-3T, I think that content should be enough for him to make the FS, lines could be a bit better but his spin levels seem there good for him! Man he really floated on the 3A I’m hoping this’ll go into the low 70s yep 73.58 good score for him
And cue more ice-less places Brendan Kerry kinda attractive in that down-under way, used to be really smol but then hit that caucasian puberty WHOOO first clean 4T of the comp, like the shimmery dark blue shirt, nice 3Lz-3T who needs a quad sal if there’s anything the pairs comp taught us it’s that going clean leaves a greater impression than hard tricks, saved that 3A, this cut of Everybody Wants to Rule the World is so #inspirational someone get me my book of self-affirmations also getting all these coach-skater revelations Nikolai Morozov coaches Kerry?? dang, whoa slots right in behind Vincent with an 83 and change
Moris Kvitelashvili okay who tf put his name as Morisi on the official docs they actually announced his names as that ETERI U ONLY HAVE ONE BOY, bring on the Buble, smooth 3A that flow, def on feelin good on that 4S, after Boyangman’s Spiderman program I’ve grown to have a deeper appreciation for Michael Buble, he’s really tall but one of those lanky awkward guys but eh I give him props for having the gumption to compete for Georgia and getting to compete on Olympic ice
Keegan Messing LOL his intro “actually born in Alaska, proficient Yo-Yo master” aww singin in the rain WOW nice 4T-3T I’m laughin at clouds too Keegan, oof that 3A fall though, very fast spinner no travelling either...okay but seriously can we get RIka Kihira here to give these guys a 3A clinic or something, for a second this really feels like a Javi program, nice 3Lz to finish out the jumps my god I thought his coach was either Eteri/Shawn White c.2010 hair wow 85 taking away the lead from Vincent; 12 men done, 18 left!
This next warmup group Danny wit dat fresh haircut, NBC hyping up the final group omg chill ur horses, Michal with those sleeve ribbons!
Michal Brezina those bedazzled dragons, WOW QUAD sal (okay I thought it was a flip at first), good 3A nothing under review, not to compare but to compare this is like Seimei beta ver., beautiful delayed 3F, also I feel like I hear people clapping along to the drums but I don’t see anyone...it’s prolly the NK cheer squad, this skate should just sneak into 1st, damn his profile sideshot looks like a dinosaur, AWWW RAF lol still surprised by these coaching situations OH BOI lol just into 1st by 0.04 over Keegan
Cha Junhwan c’mon get that gypsy dance on bring the soul of Wakaba to the games (I expect shoulder shimmies), TAKE A DEEEEP breath Brian, wow dicey moment with the 3F-3T but landed flawlessly, even better 3A crowd goes WILDDDD, quick interjection these scores that are starting to pile into the mid-80s are seriously reminding me of the bronze-medal battle in Sochi I mean yeah now there’s a pretty solid list of 5/6 guys for the podium but still..chills..., might have urs but really bringing the energy otherwisein the stsq arms flairs right on the beat of the music (I’ll count those as shimmies) wow first standing O very well deserved all the korean flags!!
Other sidenote you know who’s gonna get more cool team jackets than Marina Zueva? Brian friggin Orser: Canada, Korea, Japan, Spain, Kazakhstan! all those colors!! gotta catch ‘em all and with a score of 83+ Junhwan goes into that pack of mid-80s
Paul Fentz jacksepticeye doppleganger back on the ice, honestly great 3T-3T screw the squad his air position is really good, wow wild like on the 3A but again great air position (honestly this plus straight legs on camel spins are like the must-haves), also loving this jazzy music it works for him, Wonderwall was WUNDERFUL
Interjection of hockey testosterone jeez being a referee in that would be terrifying you’re wearing no padding sheesh
Misha Ge okay srsly what is the point of saying “Uzbekistan” in English and then again in Korean phonetics? not into the brown ombre, good 3A, getting gypsy pirate vibes gawd that spin extension though ta die fo
Cutaway to Yuzu absolutely DESTROYIN that EZ applesauce pouch (okay it’s not applesauce but man is he twistin every last drop out)
And since I’m already doing this huge ass shitpost I might as well comment on some of the commercials, the 23andme thing where Warren Buffett narrates “ill let u choose any car but u only get one you’d take care of it so well right WELL THAT’s UR BODY”...kinda hypocritical coming from a dude who only eats McDs, See’s Candies, Coke and steak...
Jorik Hendrickx awww I actually had no idea his sis Loena made it too, gosh Je Suis Malade reminds me of Adelina’s failed comeback...anyway good 3A to start; I remember how emotional his qualifying through Nebelhorn was enjoy this bb, wow he’s gonna join the mid-80s pack too judges panicking how tf do we separate them AWW Loena clapping so cute and Jorik smiling!! love this
Also screaming about how I can see the final group on my shitpost list getting closer to my cursor *bites nails*
Literally the biggest actual fuqboi of this comp Daniel Samohin is up with a new ‘do that fresh fade also doesn’t he have that company/group thing black wolf white wolf WELL DAMN BLACK WOLF JUST HIT HIS 4T-3T god remember when he destroyed his shoulder at Skate America, whoa first two clean quads of the comp so far who knew flopchild would it get together at the Olympics also classic Daniel guitar solo ay fuq down on the 3A gdi this is why we can’t have nice things LOL also the first skater to finish in the wrong direction, cute lil’ smile at the end though! Also gonna hit the low-80s aww happy tears!!! omg is that Nikolai Morozov yup 80 points and change jeez top 6 all separated by less than 2 points lol
Group 4 on the ice jeez those short sleeves SLAY BOI LOL THESE ADAM PROMOS literally all of the vernacular “fierce, I’m a full prone monster” *smizes* okay I’m going for a walk and hope to be back by Deniss see ya’ll in a quick sec and good luck to the first five in this group...but srsly I gotta get up or else risk carpal tunnel at this point </3
Adam Rippon, Dmitri Aliev
Okay jk I made it back for Patrick Chan midway through his performacne looks like his first couple jump elements were good supposedly missed his 3A he looks really tense damn PChiddy it’s alright (sidenote his chest looks bigger than I remember), also ofc Dimi is in the lead now with a tech score over 50
Keiji Tanaka, Alexei Bychenko both happened but I took a shower to be clean for some clean skates
Also isn’t it crazy how Deniss is literally skating right before Yuzu man those world standings were a bit of a surprise at first Deniss Vasiljevs (jk my shower also overran his performance so I’m looking at the protocols rn but hey, good thing is my energy’s now conserved for GROUP 6!)
YESS NBC showing (at least part of) the warmup; Javi hits a BOSS 4S so smooth; Nathan’s smiling, Yuzu looks healthy! my god seeing all the faves on ice together warming up at the OLYMPIC stage is just *clutches chest* a lil’ too much for a casual Thursday evening; okay one more set of commercials and we are off to the RACES!!!
Yuzuru Hanyu TAKES THE ICE the first bars of Ballade a personal fave piece, breatheee, head roll, sway,ohmigod you could hear the sound of a pin dropping, come one quad sal to open...YES OH MY GOD NICE 13 POINTS!!! for that one element, great donut spin, 1 2 3 1 2 3 getting all of his levels ofc great character in spins timed to music, love the sound of his blades BLIND MOHAWK INTO 3A TRADEMARK HIT IT’S HAPPENING ONLY THE COMBO LEFT IS HE GONNA DO THE RIPPON ON THE END YES NICE HE HIT IT OH MY FUQQIN GOD THE POOHS THE OBAACHANS IN THE AUDIENCE THIS IS SERIOUSLY MAGICAL BEAT THAT WOWOWOW THE POOH BEARS RAIN DOWN AGAIN I have never seen so many thrown down at once at him DAMN; this is a true champion, my god yes yes YES!!!! my god I don’t know how get got that 3T WITH RIPPON out at the end lol Ghislain Briand and B Orser jumping; WORLD RECORD GIVE IT TO HIM NEVER DOUBT YU.ZU.RU. HAN.YU; BAM 111 triple ONES BEAT THAT YESS AND HE’S SMILING
OKay okay I gotta calm down for Nathan Chen the Poohs are cleared, yes this is a POTO costume but he looks good; GOD DAMN IT CAMERAMAN YOU MISSED THE FUQQIN DIP YOU HAD ONE JOB ARGHHHH, blade sounds are louder than YUZUS BUT HERE COMES THE 4LZ...OH SHIT MY GOD AND THE QUAD TOE JESUS FUCKING HELL IT WASN’T A COMBO either wow...I’m speechless..come one Nate finish it out finish it out OH FUCKING...33 TECHSCoRE?!?!?!?!?!? He’s still breathing though, looks alright, okay he’s still honestly so young and I understand he exudes this chill outlook which is great but all the pressure had to have gotten him (or he just got unlucky with this bad day :///) nerves?? I know there’s still the free skate left but I want him to walk away from all this feeling okay, not hating skating or anything and making a comeback (hopefully??) in Beijing and maybe having a Chloe Kim kind of moment OH FUQ 13th place 82+...my god
Mikhail Kolyada actually shaking his head after seeing Nathan’s scores we’re all shocked buddy; but skate well hit that sky-high lutz loving your mozart, come on come one; okay triple honestly I just don’t want to see any more thuds on the ice that’s good oh fuck...4T a goner out of the four disciplines this is the one that has the least assured gold medalist and maybe that’s contributing to the nerves? It’s okay Mikhail, your 3A was pretty, and YAY GOT A SMILEY SPASIBO y’know at the Olympics all I can hope for as a spectator is that everyone skates happy and goes as big and clean as possible and leaves happy or at least not too hard on themselves and I know that’s easy to say but so much of sports/life in general is psychological and it just pains me to think of how these guys might react to this under-delivered performances
Shoma Uno smolma please whisk us away with Winter, literally gonna bounce the fuq off of Shrooma if he lands everything please save this; NICE 4F, lines ofc can’t compete with Hanyu but you know...World Silver...he’s got the goods, get those clean edges, skating skills, stsq levels, okay 4T YES YES YES 3T great my god SHOMA SAVES THE TRIPLE AXEL PRAISE AWWWW THE SMILE!!!!! FUCKING MELTING FOR THIS DARK HORSE WHO BTW IS WORLD SILVER REIGNING, MY GOD THIS IS CLUTCH; AND HE HAS HIGHLIGHTS TAKE THAT BINCH, ugh I’m so conflicted right now with all of these flops and clean skates and my head is muddled guessing 106 okay okay lowballed the components gets a 104 also had to save a couple landings I get it but THOSE THUNDERTHIGHS SAVING THE DAY
Javier Fernandez oh please please please all I want is for you to bring home a medal GIVE US CHAPLIN GIVE US 4S AND 4T3T THIS IS YOUR CHANCE GO FOR IT, NICE ON THE COMBO, NICE 4S HOLY HELL ALSO SHOUTOUT TO MY MOM FOR RECOGNIZING THIS AS CHAPLIN U KNOW HE’S DOING HIS JOB and that AMAZING TRIPLE AXEL; so lovely oh my god this is beautiful, tbh I think my mom is actually falling in love with him “his costume looks so good on him O.O” she’s predicting he’ll win and my mom is like...never wrong so...okay tech score just exactly 60, I’m hoping 109 range oh my god GIVE HIM THE PCS IF NOT FOR HIM FOR MY MOM OH MY GOD
Okay wow so heading into the FS tomorrow: 
-Nathan, get that redemption skate, go big, go clean, love it, love yourself
-Yuzuru: bring that Seimei power, work your natural magic, be yourself, keep the intensity, and just let it flow
-Javi: VAMOS VAMOS VAMOS BE QUIXOTE, get your own redemption from Sochi (also lol I don’t think it matters what happens in the end but you’ve already won in my mother’s heart)
-Shoma: SHOOM SHOOM INTO OUR HEARTS EVEN MORE, channel your 2017 Worlds Diva moment, do it do it DO IT
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