#also hello from day 2 of the con i'm blessed to not be in the main hotel cuz its 80 F there and it smells bad lmao
bigcatbulges · 5 months
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Source - chung0u0
(Artist's Patreon Fanbox and FurAffinity)
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Beta Tester
Kozume Kenma X Reader
-YN LN is a popular mangaka
Chapter 29: Tested
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As you sat in the middle of Kenma's sprawled leg, you two cuddled with controllers at hand.
A year at most had passed since the release of Puri Puri Magika: Lost Magic™ and things happened.
Of course PPM recieved a lot of rewards and the hype of the game still hasn't died which surprised you. A multi-player version was also released after 5 months.
You had publish and completed 2 Manga and have a new one on going. Your Manga recieved an anime adaptation which made you proud.
Kenma had won awards as well. Not that we'd go into that🙄. He also 'forced' you to move in so he could make sure you're living healthy and not staying up for a week finishing your script. He also dedicated a day where he streams with you, so you could rest.
You both usually used your time playing games that were on top charts. And among all the games only 1 game almost topped PPM.
The game Kenma had asked Sakujo to make. They publicly released it as a dating simulator, which you could either end up with Kenma or you.
"You idiot! Just fucking die already!!" You screeched as you button mashed.
Right now you were playing Street fighter to match with Kenma's retro theme of the month.
"You suck at this."
"Shut the fuck up! How do I do Kamehameha?!!!??"
Kenma sighed, "It's not called Kamehameha idiot. It's called-" He didn't need to finish his sentence when his character finished you off with a yell of "Hadouken!"
You looked at how your character lost and clenched you jaw.
"You suck!!!! You're a cheater!!!! I hate this let's play something else!!!!!" You screamed.
Kenma frowned at how loud your were but obliged. He checked the comments to see which games they were recommending.
"Let's play th---" He was cut off when the door slammed open outside.
The two of you looked at each other.
"Y/N!!! BABEEEEE!!!!" You heard your Soulmate yell at the living room.
"AHHH! Kuroo!!!!" You hopped off Kenma and ran to the door.
Kenma wouldn't agree but according to the comments, Kenma gave a horrified and broken look the moment you jumped off.
"This idiot." He grumbled and followed you as fast as he could not bothering with his stream.
He saw how you and Kuroo approached each other in slow mo, skipping to each other. So Kenma had no trouble grabbing you by the hood of your hoodie and frowned at Kuroo only to see Alisa holding Kuroo in a choke hold.
"Hey Kenma!" Alisa smiled.
The blond nodded and dragged you behind him.
"Alisaaaaa! Kenmaaaa!!!! You can't split away soulmates!! Let us goo!!!" You and Kuroo struggled from their hold.
Managing to free a hand you both tried to reach out to each other, only for Alisa to choke Kuroo harder killing the poor man.
"I came to borrow YN~" Alisa sang looking at Kenma.
"If she's going be like this, you can have her."
"Swap her with Kuroo?"
"Why the fuck would I want Kuroo?"
"Well I can't have both of them! Do you seriously want them arrested? Again?"
Kenma groaned at sighed. He let Alisa drag you to your closet and he was stuck with Kuroo.
After you got prepared to go out you gave Kenma a kiss and tried to do it Kuroo as well but the demonic aura of the two scared you both so you decided against it and went out.
Unbeknownst to you the two male had a talk about something. Unfortunately unbeknownst to them, the stream was still active...
Alisa dragged you from shop to shop. Buying this and that.
After what seemed to be 3 hours you and Alisa went to a food court.
To your surprise you saw Keiji, Tenma and Yamaguchi together.
"Y/N! Alisa!" Satori greeted.
"What are you guys doing here?" You asked shocked.
"Well we wanted to hang out and Alisa said you were with her so we went here." Tenma grinned.
"Satori dragged me with him." Akaashi said.
They all joined you and then conversation just flowed perfectly. You talked about this and that while eating.
You'd check on your phone hoping to see a message from Kenma but you got none.
"You keep checking your phone, want us gone that bad?" Satori frowned.
"N-No! I was just checking if Kenma left a message."
"Did he?"
"Nope. I kinda wanna go home now."
"Oh my god what if he's cheating on you?" Satori gasped. Which earned him a hit from Alisa and Akaashi.
"As if that hermit could get anyone else. Especially with Kuroo following him. My Soulmate would make girls pass out before they could even glance at Kenma."
"I don't understand why YN loves Kuroo more than Kenma." Yamaguchi laughed nervously.
"Alisa prefers Kenma. Kuroo prefers YN. Kenma hates everyone." Akaashi pointed out.
"If Alisa would let me I wouldn't mind being a third."
"One thing we agreed on is never put you and Kuroo together and unsupervised. So no I don't think so."
"When did you learn that?" Tenma asked.
"After the two got arrested." Akaashi answered.
"It was at a train. Something... Explicit happened." Alisa sighed remembering what happened.
"YN went on her knees on a train. They didn't actually do anything, just suggested the thought but I guess it was enough to get them arrested." Akaashi explained.
"That's where the KenYN break up came in."
"I'm surprised Kenma and Alisa are still dating you and Kuroo at this point."
"I know right?" Alisa cringed. "Anyway we should continue our shopping spree."
You all stood up and roamed around for another hour or two until Alisa got a message.
"We should go home. Kuroo just texted me. You guys wanna come with?"
They all shrugged and said they'll meet you at your place.
When you got home you got home you laughed seeing how messy your place was. It was like there's a con going on at your house.
Everyone in it was Cosplaying as some game character. There were people you didn't quite know who.
"Y/N!!!!" Kuroo came barelling towards you in his Luigi costume with Mario right behind him.
"Ahh! Where's Akaashi?!" Mario, who turned out to be Bokuto, asked.
Alisa stepped in front of you before Kuroo got to you and turned to Bokuto. "He's on his way. He probably changed clothes."
"What's happening? Why is everyone dressed up?"
Kenma came out of the room with his Overwatch cosplay. You told your friends you were going to Kenma and went over.
"Well hello there. What's up with everything?"
"Do you not know what today is?" Kenma asked.
"Oh fuck, is it our anniversary?"
You and Kenma just looked at each. You fucked up.
"You don't know when that is?"
"P-psh. Of course I-I know!
Kenma flicked your forehead and walked away after saying, "Get dressed. Choose whatever you want."
And now he's upset at you. You felt guilty about forgetting what today was.
Luckily you and Kenma often Cosplay during stream so you had spares. You decided to go as Graves from League of Legends with face beard and all.
Everyone was looking at you when you got out of the room which made you feel anxious.
Was this party for you and you forgot about it? It wasn't Kenma's birthday that's for sure. What could it have been?
Alisa came to you in a KDA Akali Cosplay that you assume Kenma lent her.
"Oh my god the photos are gonna be so great."
"I think Kenma's mad at me..." You mumbled.
"When is he not?"
"I don't know what today is..."
"Just- it'll come to you sooner or later."
You frowned as you scanned the room for your man. You saw Akaashi in a Kingdom Hearts Cosplay, Satori and Wakatoshi in a Tomb Raider costume. Hinata and Kageyama in Danganronpa. Link, who is Atsumu, clinging to Skull Kid. Sakujo and his husband wearimg you and Kenma's character in PPM.
But you found no one in an Overwatch costume.
"Excuse me..." You heard from the front. It was Kuroo, Bokuto and Kenma on an improvised stage.
"I'm sure everyone here knows what's going on right?" Kenma said exaggerating on the word everyone.
"Today, to continue our celebration we will be having a treasure hunt! The treasures you're looking for are in a form of a game loot box of various game style."
"There are a total of 21 loot boxes around town. One of them empty. You are to bring the loot box unopened here and you'll claim the prize of whatever it is in it. You could either come home empty handed or 100k courtesy to our dear host."
"The clues to the boxes are cut evenly to all the players. All the players will have 1 clue. Each players could only get one loot box and it has to correspond to your clue. Come up and get your clue!"
With that, Bokuto brought out a box with a hole on top. Everyone went on stage and got their clue. You were the last to get the clue so you were excited.
The thought of at least 45 adults in Cosplay running around town looking for boxes humored you. So you excitedly looked at your clue.
What made today special.
You froze. It was as if they were doing this in purpose. You had no idea what today was, and of course you had to get the clue asking for what today was.
You looked at Kenma and he gave you a look. Did he know which clue you got, and is disappointed you didn't know what it was?
You took a deep breath and went over to Kenma. "I-I'll win! I know it."
Kenma nodded. "That'll be one less 100k. Do win."
"Ready???" Kuroo called everyone.
"Go!" Bokuto yelled and everyone went out.
Eyes were on us with a bunch of adults wearing Cosplay coming out of a room. Some recognized people it made you realize everyone running right now was a pretty big deal in entertainment industry or related to someone. No one recognized you though. Bless your fake beard.
You ran to wherever you could think of. Enix, Jump, your place. But you saw nothing. Then you thought of the party.
The party wasn't a year ago from today but it was the only one you could think of.
You ran you were just so tired. After all you've been running for hours. And when you got there.
It was empty.
It broke your heart. You couldn't remember what today was. You failed Kenma.
You just gave up. You needed Kenma's comfort, but you were afraid you won't get it since you failed.
You sadly made your way back to you place. Tears threatening to fall. You were disappointed in yourself.
"Y/N." You heard someone call. You lifted your head to see Kenma.
The tears fell. "Kenma... I could find the box..."
Everyone was already back, and was looking out.
"I-I looked everywhere and I-I just couldn't find it..." A soft sob escaped your lips. And you looked down.
"I-I don't remember what today is..."
"Y/N look at me." Kenma called.
You lifted your head and saw that Kenma was on his knees. Your eyes widened.
He brought out a Overwatch loot box from his pocket and cleared his throat.
"Today... Was the day when it all started. The day you showed up in my steps with a stupid flash drive..." He laughed weakly.
You blinked confused of what's happening.
"The day I saw, was the most important day for me. It was the day... The day I noticed you. I really hate you back then. You were so annoying, you still are. You're so persistent. So loud. You ruined my stream. And you kept bothering me. "
"Now you're just insulting me..." You laughed sadly.
"I-I... Look... I love you. I love you YN LN." And looked at the box, "Do you want to know what box you got?"
When you opened the box there was a ring.
"Marry me."
You took the box from him and laughed. "You are such a nerd!" Wrapping your arms around him and gave him a kiss.
The crowd hollered and awed at you two. Chanting "Answer him!" and "Say yes!"
When you two parted you rested your forehead against his.
"I love you so much Kenma. I'd love to spend an eternity stuck with your stupid nerdy ass."
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This was the last chapter!!! Thank you very much for sticking with it!!!!
It was kinda dull and all that but I had an issue with my messaging app so I couldn't use it so I went for written only
I hope you liked this and I want to thank you all for supporting this I had so much fun writing this
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @synx-ed @normalisthenewnorm @0majuh0 @leachann @nikanikabitch @almondeupeach @immxnty @mer-majesty @yamayoomi @simpingoveranime-men @lostmarimoismyhubby @mariishat @just-snog-already @sadcosmicdoggie @so-lo-stuff @emperor-eros @nachotrash @themisadventurescrew
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typingtakoyaki · 4 years
may the candles light up your wishes
and the moon lay its light on you
may the constellations take away your nightmares
so days won't feel anymore blue
these letters you're about to see,
may remind you of friendships that keep you free
so keep going, wanderess
for the world awaits for seventeen more years of your presence — m.m.m.
written by Sarah
Who would have thought that in just one night, we shared our hearts together without hesitations and with full excitement inside that room, we are sitting on top of our green screen cloth that's the very moment I realized I'm going to treasure her.
Happy birthday to the girl who, at first, I feel so intimidated but later on up until now, gained my love & my purest form of care I would give to a sister everyday. I always remember her everytime after I take a bath u wanna know why? because she's the one who taught me to properly cover my hair with the bath towel. All I can say is I'm hoping that as we grow older, we remain friends and sisters.
written by Carl
You've been through a lot, and I really look up you for that. First thing that comes up in my mind whenever I hear "Juliana, Juliana Milanbilen" is a strong independent woman.
As I get to know more about you, I've seen your greatness, your different sides and a lot of things I truly admire—and your fun side's my favorite!
I am beyond grateful that I've met a Juliana Milanbilen. Your baby boy always got your back! All your love, your help and other things we share are truly appreciated. Happy, happy birthday, Ate!
written by Jacques
To the best anchorwoman and one of the faces of Cavite and CALABARZON TV Broadcasting, happiest birthday, Juliana! Two years na tayong magkakilala at kahit tuwing may press con at trainings lang tayo nagkakasama yung nabuo nating bond at friendship ay strong pa rin. Makwento ko lang. Noong DSPC 2018, akala ko talaga grade 11 ka rin o kaya grade 12 pero laking gulat ko noong training na you are a grade 10 student. Hahaha! Kahusay banaman. Our future anchor, never settle. Never settle for less than what you deserve. I know that you are capable of extraordinary things, and it's your purpose to fulfill your visions and dreams. Don't let those go. Rise to them.
Yana, thank you for laughing out loud, listening to my horror stories, those prankish fights, and all those crazy kinds of stuff we did. Thank you for being our light every time both teams were down. I will forever cherish the memories we've made along the way, and I'm looking forward to more. Sana kahit hindi na tayo masyadong magkikita at magkakasama sa mga susunod na taon, hindi pa rin magbabago yung nabuo nating bond sa loob ng dalawang taon. Yana, I just want to remind you that we always got your back, and we are only one call away. I can't wait to see you on TV! Again, happy birthday!!! I miss you! I love you!
written by Matthew
Hello, ate Juliana! Happiest birthday to you. I hope you're doing well. I'm really thankful to have you as one of my ates during my first year in campus journ. I learned a lot from you. We may not have a lot of moments together, but when we do, they're all nothing but genuine. I remember you comforting me while walking on our way home from school after a depressing training. That day, I learned how harsh it is to be in TVB, but I also learned that no matter how harsh it can become, you will always have friends who are there for you during those trying moments. We are a group— a family, after all.
To be a Juliana Milanbilen is to be a fighter. You are, by far, the bravest gal I've ever met, and for that I'll always have you and your character to look up to whenever I feel hopeless. Again, happy happy birthday to the one and only Juliana Milanbilen.
written by Chloe
Happiest Birthday sa aming Juliana Milanbilen. I don't know but the way you say your name, sobrang iconic. Doon pa lang makikilala ka na. It feels like destined ka to stand up and to stand out. Ever since na makilala kita, you were both a "baby" and an "ate" to us. Sobrang tapang mo, pero sobrang humble rin. I know that you'll be great, and even greater pero I still want to wish you the best because I know that you deserve only the best. Lovelots, Juliana. Happy Birthday!
written by Jhester
Hello, Yana!
First of all, Happiest Birthday sa pinakamabait at pinakamagaling na TV Broadcaster na close friend ko! Hindi ko talaga inakala na super magiging close tayo noong sumali ako sa TV Broad! Super dami kong masasayang memories with you! Lalo na 'yong tatlong mumu! Hinding-hindi ko talaga malilimutan ang naging journey ko na kasama kayo! Super-duper grateful ako sayo yanaaa dahil tinuruan mo ako noong una kong sali sa TVB! Sa pagbibigay ng mga ideas at mga advise na sobrang nakatulong sa akin as in! Nandito lang kaming Team NS palagi para sa'yo! Mahal na mahal ka namin yanaaa!!! Miss youuu and see you soon!!! Happy Birthday!
written by Raffy
To our beautiful and woke future anchor/ reporter, intelligent and sweet bunsoo, i wish you a happy birthday!!! Waaah two years may not be long enough but always know that im forever thankful and happy for having u and get the chance to work with u in the field na minahal ko rin. Alam mo naman na isa ka sa pinakaclose kong kaibigan na para nang kapatid kaya sobrang weird din sakin na kung hindi si micka, ikaw yung shiniship sa'kin sa tvb HAHAAHAA!!! I will never forget all the experiences we've shared in NSPC 2019 kasi doon kita mas nakilala at sa tingin ko, doon nagsimula yung matibay na friendship na meron tayo ngayon. Grabe no, sa 2 years na 'yon, na-witness natin lahat ng ups and downs ng isa't isa kasi halos lagi na tayong magkasama.
Sana sa mga susunod na taon, kahit na magkalayo na tayo ay hindi pa rin magbago yung bond at turingan na meron tayo. Please know that i'm always here to help you, support you, and love you as your friend and big brother kahit ano pa man ang mangyari. Sumbong mo agad samin kung sino mang aaway sa'yo kasi reresbakan agad namin HAHAHA djks. I hope na maenjoy mo pa rin ngayon yung araw mo kahit na wala kami riyan kasi grabe sobrang deserve mo na sumaya!! Ayun langg. Huhu sobrang mamimiss talaga kita yanaa. I love youuuu!!! Have a great day!
written by Krissy
Yana, you’ve always been one of the most admirable women I’ve ever met. At such a young age, you’ve managed to face and overcome so much whether it was alone or with the help of people close to your heart. Through all that, I’ve watched you grow and am continuing to witness you become the best version of yourself.
I am so glad to have met a girl whose love for people, for her passions, for life never burns out. I hope you never run out of fire. Happy birthday, baby! I love you forever.
written by Joash
Hello, Juliana! Only a year has passed since we got really close pero sobrang dami na agad nangyari. Tbh, I'm a little sad because we don't talk much these days and because I feel like I suck at being a friend. Pero as your forever cancer boi, I wanna let you know that I'm always here for you no matter what. Even if we don't talk much, please know that I do think about you and I still care. Actually, sometimes, I still feel like sending you a new song na feel ko magugustuhan mo hahahaha.
Anyway, happy birthday to you, sunshine! I hope you find the peace that you were always looking for and I pray that it stays. There were challenging times and there always will be but I pray that you remain strong as a person and with your faith so that you may overcome it all. Continue being the compassionate yet adventurous soul we've always known. I'll take you for coffee anytime, magsabi ka lang. Love you!
written by Micka
Staying strong in a constantly changing world is called courage, and you might just be the embodiment of it. I have seen you struggle on one foot but still chose to step forward by the other. And when I think superhumans aren't real, I remember you and convince myself I'm wrong — because I didn't just meet one, but also shared moments with — and that, for me, is a blessing.
Juliana, you are a woman fit for love and I sincerely hope you never run out of it even if the world refuses to give it to you. I'm sorry if there are things time don't seem to mend, but I promise I will always be here to put a band-aid on your wounds and make you forget it was ever there at least. Our friendship is the sisterhood I never thought I needed, but as soon as it came, I always prayed that your kind of blessing is what God showers me more of.
Happy birthday to you — the love that keeps growing, keeps healing, and keeps inspiring. You may forget about other days, but I hope you always remember this one. I love you.
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happydaysandersen · 7 years
thank you for replying. Do you know when you will next be opening requests again? if so do you mind saying what you have requested to work? I'm just looking forward to your writing.
Hello again love. it’s perfectly fine, thank you for being polite about it. That is also the cutest thing. bless you I do try. 
Requestsonce i’ve made my way through my requests my love. Or at least through some of them, I will open them back up again. 
topic of current writing/requestsI have my seven prompts: 
Are you flirting with me (Sigurd)
Stay the night please (Sigurd)
Let me go! (Ivar)
You’re hiding something from me (Ivar)
Want to dance? (Hvitserk)
You do love her! (Hvitserk)
I told you to leave me alone! (Ubbe)
Requested works to do
Ivar kills Sigurd in front of the reader 
Reader being one of 2 girls adopted by Floki & Helga (Takes a liking to Ivar) 
Halsey Stranger love (Ivar) also my first song request how exciting
Welcoming Hvitserk home 
Welcoming Ivar home 
Warm beach days (Alex) 
Reader gets injured in battle (everyone find out they’re in love). Ivar being married to another person. reader and him secretly in love.
Clark Kent Alex (Glasses) 
@sconniebelle’s love letter (Hvitserk)
Ohh and comic con Alex, with the reader surprising the cast during the Panel. 
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