#also how do people color snk oh my gosh
taohs · 2 years
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EREMIKA || For my wonderful Angie @okkottsus ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ♡
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im sending a submit since i write WAY too much!
This is for the matchups! You can do this, or the letter i sent, or both, or neither, i dont mind lmao
Looks: I’m around 5'4, 120lbs, hourglass figure (large chest, tiny waist, wide hips). I have long brown hair that’s often dyed MANY different colors, with side bangs that swoop to the right (if you were looking at me). I’m very petite, at one point i was able to wrap my whole hand around my ankle. I often wear makeup that pops out (lots of vibrant colors), unique earrings, platform shoes, hoodies, and torn jeans! I also have natural stretch marks bc of how im built, along with a lil stomach.
Personality: I’m not very social, so when you meet me im very quiet, very closed-off. Once you get to know me a bit, I’m very crazy, kind, and playful! But once you REALLY get to know me, I’m snarky, crazy, blunt, and often call people names like “idiot” or “bitch” AS A JOKE, so it can often come off as wrong if you don’t know me.
Issues I Have: I often get too scared to be open, and when i tear up/cry I’ll hide my face, since I was told i was “too emotional” and to “not shed a tear” when i was younger. I get anxious of what people will think if I’m honest, so I’ll do what I’m told, even if i dont want to just so people dont get mad at me. I have moments where I feel alone, like people forget about me, just like everybody else. I hate failing, and i handle my emotions on my own, even when i know i shouldnt.
Things I Like: Plushies, alternative music/clothes/etc., anime (duh), makeup, art, classic disney movies, animals.
Ty hun! Im sorry this has so much ^^
Alright I LOVE doing matchups with the ladies bc come on. The aot/snk ladies need some love! 
I hope you’re okay with me projecting my absolute ENDLESS love for this GORGEOUS human right here…
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GOSH OK, just HOW GORGEOUS?!?! her hair? her lil nose? omfg
just ENDLESS love. 
I feel like you and Nanaba would exude such power, just so much power. You with your gorgeous colourful makeup, and Nanaba with just a lil concealer, maybe some mascara? I DUNNO WHY I can see it, and I love it. 
Your kind of alternative look would also mesh well with nanaba. I feel like shes more the type whose aesthetic would switch depending on how she feels? So sometimes you two are both hard as hell, and sometimes, she’s the opposite of you, and either way, its so super cute.
She wouldn’t mind if you were snarky, and would probably snark you back (gosh is that even a word?) if you two were close. 
Nanaba also screams protective to me, so would defend you to no end. Someone will have to restrain her if someone hurt you, because oh ho she is gonna CUT someone. But, despite all that, when shes with you, she just…big ball of mush around you. She would get you all the plushies and listen to your regiment of rotating the plushies so everyone gets equal cuddle time, and the both of you take the rotations very seriously. art on your days off, or watching Disney movies and letting you snuggle against her with a tissue box at the ready? muah beautiful perfect. power couple! 
Valentines Day Event 
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unraavel-me · 8 years
2, 4, 5, 6, 20, 22, 23, 28, 31, 35, 46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60, 65, 70, 72, 73, 79, 83, 84, 85, 88, 90, 99, and 100. Sorry that it's a lot but not-sorry because hey u said u were bored >:3
Heheh okie dokie
2. Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
Yes, very much so!
4. How do you take your coffee/tea?
Like a MAN
5. Are you self conscious of your smile?
6. Do you keep plants?
By keep, do u mean like water them regularly or preserve them because I do the latter
20. What’s your favorite eye color?
Hmmmmh I like lots of them, but blue are by far my favorite to draw
22. Are you a morning person?
Lmao no
23. What’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days?
Draw or watch youtube
28. Sunrise or sunset?
Hmm sunset!
31. What’s ur opinion on socks? Do u like weird socks? Do you confine yourself to white sock hell?
I like socks, I LOVE weird socks, and no hell no
35. Do you like stationary and pretty pens?
I looove pretty pens and yes I use them all the time
46. Worst pun you can think of:
What do u call a cow with no legs………ground beef….BWAHAHA
50. What’s an odd thing you collect?
mm, I have a collection of various book series, some Michael Jackson stuff, snk things, and different cute mementos~
51. Think of a person, what song do you associate them with?
Aha…I thought of my oc Joey and the song cake by the ocean…aha..(God damn, see you licking frosting from your own hand)..don’t ask
52. Favorite memes of the year so far?
Lord don’t do this to me
53. Have you ever watched the Rocky horror picture show? Heathers? Beetle juice? Pulp fiction?
Yeeesss beetlejuice, I used to watch pulp fiction with my grandpa
55. Whats the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
I once gave a flower to someone to prove to a friend how much I really liked them, cough, my freshman year
56. What are some things you find endearing in people?
If they talk softly, kind eyes, if they take time to get to know you, call you bY A PREFERRED NAME
60. Do you like poetry? Who’s ur fave?
I don’t really like reading it, but I really love writing it!
65. Who’s someone you haven’t seen in a long time that you wanna hang with?
My mom
70. Ever used a ouija board?
Nope and don’t plan to
72. Are you a person who needs to note everything down or you’ll forget it?
Short answer: yes
73. What are some of your worst habits?
tend to pick at my nails and pinch my skin when I’m nervous, and I lose focus a lot
79. What’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
oh my gosh I could name so may things, uhhh, most recent: Ash made me a name tag that looks like a flower and says “Jo,” um???? I love it???? And you????
83. What’s some of your favorite album art?
I really like the “Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die” album’s art (p!atd) and the art for the song Roses by The Chainsmokers
84. Are you planning to get tattoos? Which ones?
Yes and no, I’m on the fence because I’m a weenie
85. Do you read comics? Faves?
Honestly, not much. I draw them a lot, though
88. Are there any artistic movements you enjoy?
I’m not quite sure what this is asking,,..,
90. Talk about one of your favorite cities
San Francisco is gay and cold and salty and I love her
99. List some songs that resonate your soul whenever you hear them
Oooo, hmm: Roses -The Chainsmokers, Shelter - Porter Robinson and Madeon, Starboy - The Weeknd, Elastic Heart - Sia, Boy - Erasure, Collar Full - Panic!, Helena - MCR, Sing Me To Sleep - Alan Walker, I could go oooooon
100. If you were presented two buttons, one that takes you 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which would you press? Why?
The one that takes me 5 years backwards. I have a lot of reasoning for this, one being I could go back and make myself cuter and avoid hella awkward pictures, mkey. Another thing: 5 years back would mean my mom and I would still be talking and stuff, plus I miss a lot of old friends
Also the one that would take me 5 years forward, for a couple reasons. First of all, I used to be super dysphoric, more than now I mean, and 5 years forward would mean a more comfy me, college, and hopefully someone to hold me while a pet a good cat, watching snk season 3 (🙏)
Ps: sorry this is late but it was great and yeeeeees!!
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