#also i dont want to inherit my house there are too many bad memories attached to it tbh
italofobia · 2 years
me, freshly 20 years old, reading reviews for the puss in boots sequel on the couch:
my father, inexplicably pale, a forlorn look in his eyes: so when are you getting married
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Vol. 6 Questions (but mostly theories)
- Who is the Winter Maiden? So far the maidens we have seen (with the exceptions of Amber) have been characters that knew of beforehand and are already familiar with. Is the Winter maiden going to be someone we already know of? or is going to be a whole knew character?
-Speaking of the Winter Maiden, are we going to see Penny again? Will she be the Winter Maiden? I think that they are going to build another Penny- maybe with the memories of the old Penny or a whole new Penny. I was never attached to Penny as a character, but i hope we get to see Penny again so we get to learn what her purpose was to the government of Atlas.
- What is the state of affairs in Atlas? I mean its been pretty heavily implied that Atlas is a military dictatorship of sorts (and i use that term loosely for this case). The military isn’t directly controlling the government, but the general of the military does hold two seat in the government council. And judging from this picture (WOR: Atlas):
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there are only 5 members in the council. Meaning that holding 2 seats is a huge amount of influence- influence that the military general has. Not only that, but the military also controls the output of possibly the most important people in Atlas-hunters. I mean, Jacques probably has a huge amount of influence in Atlas, and Ironwood was able to directly go against him- even smashing up his desk lol. That should speak to the amount of sheer power that the military has.
-Going off of that, is Salem going to try to use those tensions in Atlas to get what she wants? I wouldnt be surprised if she sends in Dr. Watts (who arguably has the most know-how when i come to the culture of Atlas) to somehow manipulate the people at the top to get what Salem wants. Due to the current distress the SDC is under because of Ironwood closing the borders, i wouldnt be surprised if Dr. Watts finds his way under Jacques’ skin in order to convince him that going directly against Ironwood is the way to go. All that Jacques’ cares about is the company, so using his power and influence to somehow ‘dethrone’ Ironwood (who has made it clear that he wouldnt take Jacques’s opinions on policies) would be great for the SDC. Salem wont go the Mistral route of trying to get the headmaster on her side (*cough* Lionheart *cough*) and trying to destroy atlas with grimm will absolutely not work, getting her hands on the Relic of Creation will probably be the result of her and Dr. Watts manipulating the various twists and turns of Atlesian high class society.
-  And if my hypothetical situation does take a turn for the worse for Jacques- he looses against Ironwood and gets thrown in jail for sedition idk- what happens to the SDC? I mean its been heavily implied that the Weiss Arc, when it comes to the inheritance, is not yet over. She still needs to find a way to get the SDC back and I dont think its going to be the way many people in the fandom think its going to go down. Perhaps Ironwood is going to install Weiss as the heir of the company again. He is going to need someone who is loyal to him running a huge company that supplies dust, so why not Weiss (or perhaps Winter)? 
-  Where is Mama Schnee? I mean RT has completely avoided showing her even when one of the main characters was literally in the same house has her. Is it to further enforce the fact that she is negligent and absent? or is there another reason that she is literally missing most of the time? Idk. I hope they do something with her character, she seems really interesting. I mean, the daughter of Nicolas Schnee, the beloved bad-ass hunter and creator the SDC. Is Mama Schnee also a huntress? Perhaps Weiss’ rapier was passed down to Mama Schnee first from her father and when she married Jacques and started a family she resolved to give it to Weiss. All i know is that i need Snow People soap opera angst in my life. Is mama schnee the winter maiden?:000000 n o s e r i o u s l y 
- free my nigga whitley schnee    Honestly WHY does Whitley dislike his sisters? Its such a weird thing to me. I have 2 siblings myself, and even tho there are times when i hate their guts, i would never want to see them unhappy or in emotional pain. People say its bc of his jealousy of their powers, but i dont think that’s it. It was so weird that in the entirety of vol 4 this question was never answered. When he was asked directly, he deflected the question and stared talking about how hunters are barbarians. I want to know tbh. Im really curious, bc its probably not something he learned from Jacques. Jacques is an abusive control freak, but i doubt he hates Winter and Weiss. He sees them as children (and to an extent- his property), not has individuals worthy of someone’s hate. So its probably something Whitley came to learn on his own. thisboybetterbringhistrashyassbackinvol6orimmabemorethanupset
- speaking of people who should bring their trashy ass back in vol 6, is Dr Watts going to play a larger role in the Atlas Arc? I think he is. He is much for subversive and sneaky- traits that you need if you want to make your way in Atlas. Lets be honest ppl, you cant fight your way to victory in Atlas. Their society probably looks down on that, so if Team RWBY wants to get what they want, theyll probably have to do it in a sneakier way. They cant just show up and start beating ppl up and declare they relic is theirs. And Dr Watts seems more like the knowledgeable type, not much of a fighter. I for one am looking forward to our favorite character trying to find their way through ‘polite’ high class society.
- Winter the Ice Queen herself Schnee. Thats all i have to say. This is not even a question but sometimes it be like that.
Sorry for the long post my dudes but i have waaay too much free time on my hands lol. Please give me feedback im bored as shit.
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