#also i have tess/diego to be published after this AND i've finished a zoe/eric but i want to read that one over before publishing it - i'll
cursivebloodlines · 1 year
❛ can we just have one more kiss. ❜ (Danielle/Logan)
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A dark chuckle escaped his lips. “Can’t get enough of me, hmm?” Logan couldn’t resist teasing. He was deflecting, as usual. Or maybe he really was that arrogant.  Either way, he knew damn well that he certainly could not get enough of her. The truth was, Logan would kiss Danielle any and every time she wanted him to, until the end of days. It had already happened before, after all. In a perfect world, maybe he would have gladly accepted it. But this was not a perfect world and despite what may have happened before, he was still a man of morals. Even if said morals turned to be questionable from time to time, usually when Danielle was concerned. Matters of the heart were a truly complicated manner. He’d always thought the saying, ‘Right person, wrong time’ was a load of bullshit, an excuse. But boy, he could not be more wrong if he tried. He let his resolve crumble once. Once was a mistake; twice, however, was deliberate.
However, Logan would hardly call the first time a mistake. The only reason it could be was simply due to the situation. He was unavailable. Natalie was a lovely woman, and he was making every attempt to make it work; he couldn’t bear to hurt her. Sure, their blossoming relationship was still in its early stages but that didn’t mean it was okay to fool around with someone else. That’s not the sort of man he was. And if some man dared to try that on any one of his younger sisters, he would kill them. He should be setting an example. But as usual, all thoughts of logical were chucked out of the window wherever Danielle was concerned. But where did this leave them, exactly? How did she feel about Logan? Did she even have feelings towards him or was this an experiment? To see how far he could be pushed before deciding in the end that she didn’t want him. Because if he could straddle the line between her and someone else, who's to say he wouldn't do the same to her in the end? He would never subject her to such pain, but he wasn't foolish—well, mostly. He understood how easily these actions could be misconstrued.
One more kiss. The words hung in the air, heavy with finality. It felt like a goodbye, absurd as that seemed. Did it have to be this way? Surely, she knew the depths of his feelings for her... He had professed them enough times, humiliating himself in the process. Initially passing it off as a joke when he faced rejection. Then awkwardly stumbling through his words, her struggling to find the right response when there was none. But still, if she wanted anything, if she wanted him in any capacity, he would willingly oblige without hesitation.
But first…
A small hint of a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he drew a deep breath and closed the distance between them. Logan regarded her with reverence, drinking in every detail of her face. "Okay," he murmured, his voice barely audible. Carefully tucking strands of her hair behind her ear, he relished the moment, savouring it like the fleeting taste of forbidden fruit. Could she hear the pounding of his heart, the thunderous anticipation echoing in his chest? Logan inched closer, his lips hovering tantalizingly close to hers, but then he hesitated. It was a tease, his own twisted way of provoking her, silently daring her to bridge the gap.
And then, at the last possible second, he moved upward, bypassing her lips and pressed his mouth gently against her forehead. Lower, he trailed kisses to her cheeks, one and then the other. His heart pounded like a drum against his ribcage with each tender touch. Lingering beneath her earlobe, he pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. Logan paused, his breath a ghostly caress on her skin. "But first, tell me this," he murmured with a low, unsteady voice, struggling to rein in his own rapid breaths. His tongue darted out, briefly licking his lips in a fervent mix of anticipation, desire and (dare he say) nerves for what lay ahead. "What is it that you truly want?"
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