#logan chadwick ;; answered memes
cursivebloodlines · 1 year
❛ can we just have one more kiss. ❜ (Danielle/Logan)
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A dark chuckle escaped his lips. “Can’t get enough of me, hmm?” Logan couldn’t resist teasing. He was deflecting, as usual. Or maybe he really was that arrogant.  Either way, he knew damn well that he certainly could not get enough of her. The truth was, Logan would kiss Danielle any and every time she wanted him to, until the end of days. It had already happened before, after all. In a perfect world, maybe he would have gladly accepted it. But this was not a perfect world and despite what may have happened before, he was still a man of morals. Even if said morals turned to be questionable from time to time, usually when Danielle was concerned. Matters of the heart were a truly complicated manner. He’d always thought the saying, ‘Right person, wrong time’ was a load of bullshit, an excuse. But boy, he could not be more wrong if he tried. He let his resolve crumble once. Once was a mistake; twice, however, was deliberate.
However, Logan would hardly call the first time a mistake. The only reason it could be was simply due to the situation. He was unavailable. Natalie was a lovely woman, and he was making every attempt to make it work; he couldn’t bear to hurt her. Sure, their blossoming relationship was still in its early stages but that didn’t mean it was okay to fool around with someone else. That’s not the sort of man he was. And if some man dared to try that on any one of his younger sisters, he would kill them. He should be setting an example. But as usual, all thoughts of logical were chucked out of the window wherever Danielle was concerned. But where did this leave them, exactly? How did she feel about Logan? Did she even have feelings towards him or was this an experiment? To see how far he could be pushed before deciding in the end that she didn’t want him. Because if he could straddle the line between her and someone else, who's to say he wouldn't do the same to her in the end? He would never subject her to such pain, but he wasn't foolish—well, mostly. He understood how easily these actions could be misconstrued.
One more kiss. The words hung in the air, heavy with finality. It felt like a goodbye, absurd as that seemed. Did it have to be this way? Surely, she knew the depths of his feelings for her... He had professed them enough times, humiliating himself in the process. Initially passing it off as a joke when he faced rejection. Then awkwardly stumbling through his words, her struggling to find the right response when there was none. But still, if she wanted anything, if she wanted him in any capacity, he would willingly oblige without hesitation.
But first…
A small hint of a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he drew a deep breath and closed the distance between them. Logan regarded her with reverence, drinking in every detail of her face. "Okay," he murmured, his voice barely audible. Carefully tucking strands of her hair behind her ear, he relished the moment, savouring it like the fleeting taste of forbidden fruit. Could she hear the pounding of his heart, the thunderous anticipation echoing in his chest? Logan inched closer, his lips hovering tantalizingly close to hers, but then he hesitated. It was a tease, his own twisted way of provoking her, silently daring her to bridge the gap.
And then, at the last possible second, he moved upward, bypassing her lips and pressed his mouth gently against her forehead. Lower, he trailed kisses to her cheeks, one and then the other. His heart pounded like a drum against his ribcage with each tender touch. Lingering beneath her earlobe, he pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. Logan paused, his breath a ghostly caress on her skin. "But first, tell me this," he murmured with a low, unsteady voice, struggling to rein in his own rapid breaths. His tongue darted out, briefly licking his lips in a fervent mix of anticipation, desire and (dare he say) nerves for what lay ahead. "What is it that you truly want?"
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unovatrainer · 6 years
Get to know the Mun
If you’re not comfortable doing this then dw. Copy and paste, and be sure to add in your own answers and tag some friends!)
general info:
♡ preferred name: Ash
♡ age: 28
♡ pronouns: Whatever’s clever
♡ sexuality: Queer
♡ height:  5′5″
♡ hair colour: Dark brown
♡ relationship status: married, together for 12 years with @fear-the-night
favourite things:
♡ favourite colour: Rose quartz, Serenity blue, Lavender
♡ favourite song: It’s hard to name just one, I have so many songs I love and listen to repeatedly, because I love them. I’ll just list some songs I find myself frequenting more, right now. Sunset Lover by Petit Biscuit, Spell (Sando Remix) by Hollywood Principle, How Does a Moment Last Forever by Celine Dion, Good Time by Inna, Don’t Want You Back by Bakermat...Soooo many more, but those are really common plays in the rotation right now.
♡ favourite band / artist: Gorillaz, Girl Talk, Above & Beyond, A Perfect Circle, Eminem, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Zedd, Pitbull, Anamanaguchi, Slime Girls--so many more, I can’t possibly list them all.
♡ favourite youtubers: H20 Delirious, CaRtOoNZ, Ohmwrecker, Mr.Wobbles, Mega64, Dorkly, Gotcha the Cockatoo, みぎちぐま , Gigguk, Behind the Meme, TheMostPopularGirls, Loliconics
♡ favourite food: Pizza
♡ favourite family member: My husband.
♡ favourite bird: My blue-headed pionus, Tiki. Caiques are HUGE favorites, I love tanimbar/moluccan/umbrella cockatoos, macaws (I love hyacinth, lear, and spix’s macaws)
♡ favourite animal: Lambs, jellyfish, dogs, birds
♡ favourite celebrity: Will Smith
♡ favourite time of day?: This is such an oddly specific question, but, if I HAD to pick, I feel like I’d pick the afternoon. Like 12-5pm
♡ favourite holiday(s): Halloween
♡ favourite season: Depends on where I am, but I can generally agree on Fall
♡ favourite fruit: Mango
♡ favourite flower: Water lillies, I don’t think succulents are considered flowers, but I do like when succulents flower (even if they’re shy to do so)
♡ favourite emoji(s): O.K. 👌 👌 👌
♡ favourite app: Pokemon Go, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Vine in it’s better days (RIP!)
♡ favourite hobby: Playing games, drawing, watching anime, listening to YouTube (music, informational, artistic, shitposting, you name it), Tarot and Oracle reading, sewing
♡ favourite country: Err, I don’t really know. I don’t think I have one.
♡ favourite weather: Rain, and LOTS of it. I love it while it’s either overcast or sunny.
♡ favourite element: Water.
♡ favourite language: Sign Language, Spanish, English, Xhosa, Japanese
name of:
♡ name of your crush: Seth, MCU’s Bucky (Sebastian Stan) & T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), Daniel Kaluuya, a few more I’m sure
♡ name of your pet(s): Logan, Hazel, Briar, Tiki
♡ name(s) of your best friend(s): Seth
this or that?
♡ introvert or extrovert: Introvert
♡ nerdy or sassy: Both
♡ tall or short: Depends on what we’re talking about. I wish I was a little bit taller wish I was a baller??? but I like my feminine peoples shorter, masculines taller, androgynous peoples taller
♡ looks or personality: Personality
♡ homesick or traveler: Traveler
♡ musician or artist: Artist
♡ woods or city: City
♡ tv or youtube: Youtube
♡ phone or computer: Computer
♡ family or money: Family if it’s my chosen family. Money if it’s my birth family
♡ books or movies: Movies
♡ food or sleep: Fuck! Both!
Tagged by:  @unluckyvoice (thank you sweetie!)
Tagging: @fear-the-night, @crystalsoul16, @sephypants, @spectral-speaker-violet 
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cursivebloodlines · 1 year
📸 - logan
Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) | @overnightheartbeats | Accepting!
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Dani dragged Logan to another museummmmm which he probably groans at to start with - another one? Really? but we all know he loves it really. Loves going with her specifically, even if it's just to take the piss and poke fun at everything there. This photo? Definitely the result of him poking fun while he was trying to take a photo of her. "How did they even use to wear this shit? No wonder they all look so serious in their paintings. It's a bit overkill, isn't it? How can they even breathe in that thing, especially with it coming right up to your neck? Do you think I bet I could pull it off? I bet I could. You think so, don't you? C'mon, don't lie." And we know what he's like, he just goes on and on and on. Resulting in a laughing fit on Danielle's end; he clearly captured the perfect timing because it's in the middle of her laughter which he finds absolutely adorable :')
She was having computer problems which she absolutely tried to fix herself sooo much before succumbing to asking Logan for his help. He totally was like 'why didn't you just call me in the first place????' and got the problem fixed in like 15 mins, tops! He had to take a photo to prove that he didn't always get on her nerves because look at that smileeeeee! We love them for it. :')
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3. Probably was taken after a party and they're trying to find their way to their hotel room lmfaoooo. They're drunk and just laughing at nothing to the point where maybe Dani fell over lowkey lmfaoooo. Logan tried to take a photo of her on the floor because it's fucking hilarious but by that point, she's just sat up. Probably refusing to get up because now, the floor is comfortable. Thankfully not hurt, though that wouldn't have stopped him from laughing at her because he's terrible like that :') that smile on her face though! She's just adorable :') (He does help her up in the end, when they can finally get themselves together lmao!)
4. Can't imagine what time of the year this was taken at??? LOL! I feel like even if they go and stay with their fams over Christmas, they always have their own little Christmas too no matter what their other plans are. As part of their own little Christmas, they make it a competition to see who can find the most obscene Christmas sweaters. And of course, they take photos of each other wearing them, being complete and utter dorks. She totally won that year. But he thought it was too adorable, and definitely accused her of buying a reindeer soft toy and chopped it up to sew to her jumper. "How could you do this to poor Rudolph?" "How can it be Rudolph? There's no red nose!" "You probably cut that off too!"
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5. They went out for dinnerrrrrr and Dani looks ready to chomp. How could he not want to take a photo? :')
6. Everything about this aaaa. Probably went out for a little picnic or something and look at the beautiful backdrop of flowers! Of course he would take a photo hehe. She's not even fully looking at the camera properly but that's okay because he thinks she looks beautiful anyway. So precious. <3
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cursivebloodlines · 5 years
👄: Which of your muses would probably get sexual with each other, if they met?
omg. That is interesting. I’ve thought about this plenty of times in a verse where they are all connected. (This be a thing though I haven’t fully meddled with it because effort sdjlsgg).  But unless they’re drunk off of their asses or something, I don’t think they’d get sexual with each other upon first meeting sldkjgslg.
A definitive NO would be: Dougie/Lydia because Lydia scares the crap out of Doug without even trying. She thinks he’s cute but not in a ‘I-would-have-sex-with-him’ kinda cute. Also Lydia/Logan. I think this one’s hilarious because thinking about it ages ago, I HC’d that Logan used to have a thing for Lydia but she stuck him in the friendzone lmao. This only amuses me even more now because Danielle and Lydia share the same FC. Logan has a type I’m creasing lsdkgsaldgdgsd. 
Possbilities: Doug/Pippa. They’re both sweethearts who have been through Too Much Shit, both from the UK, I could ship it lmao. I think they’d have to be dating for things to escalate to a stage of sexual interactions hahaha. Although HIGHLY UNLIKELY, I wouldn’t say no to Aaron/Lydia. They get on each others nerves and well, maybe that would be their way of diffusing the tension lmfao. (Not in the verse with Aaron/Odette tho because Odette and Lydia are pals and Lydia ain’t about to get in the mids of that kldjglsdgjalsgd). I was about to say Tommy and Zoe but then I realised their FCs and I swear that was not deliberate dkgjslgjlsdg. But I do think they would lmfao. Another unlikely pairing could be Alfie and Aaron TBH but I’m waffling enough.
I know this sounds more shippy than who would boink but hey maybe not I’ve given it all too much thought either way ldkgjslddg
💀: Which of your muses would probably fight each other if they met?
Lydia and Aaron would get on each other’s nerves so I’d imagine they’d forever be bickering and winding the other up. Eventually, Aaron would let Lydia win even if she’s not in the right – she’s too stubborn and hotheaded and eventually he’d just have to shush because chances are something else would distract him.
I also think Zoe and Tess wouldn’t see eye to eye funnily enough. Tessa has more of a positive outlook on life whereas Zoe is more realistic – and can be pretty cynical. Both have strong opposing opinions so I could imagine they’d clash.
I do wonder about Logan and Aaron tbh because they are similar in many ways. Are they too similar? I dunno. I think Logan and Alfie would clash because Alfie’s too serious and Logan would tell him to lighten up a bit lkdjglskgsdg.
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cursivebloodlines · 5 years
🐞: Which is your most childish muse?
🐞: Which is your most childish muse?
I think half of them are childish in their own little ways sdgjslgsdg. If I had to narrow it down then it would be Aaron, Logan and Tessa. Aaron and Logan are big kids at heart, that sort of childish. But I think Logan knows when to kick it back a notch whereas Aaron doesn’t. On the other hand, Tessa acts immature when she wants to be, she is younger though so I guess she can get away with it xD.
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cursivebloodlines · 5 years
🐦: Which of your muses is the vainest?
🐦: Which of your muses is the vainest?
Ooh. That’s a tough one lmao. Hmm. I want to say it’s a toss up between Logan and Lydia haha. However, on second thought, saying that now...I do think Logan takes the icing on the cake for this one, though I imagine he would vehemently deny it because he’s truly oblivious to how vain he can be. 
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cursivebloodlines · 5 years
“I wish you and her nothing but peace and love. I wish you the best.” (Danielle & Logan)
At first, Logan said nothing. His eyes remained trained on Danielle, unable to decipher what to say, how to say it, what to do. Something felt...off. He couldn't pinpoint it though. It was probably wishful thinking; that's what. Instead, he sat in his chair in his little office area of his apartment, swiveling slightly from left to right as he tried to figure it out, tried to figure her out. It was probably him overthinking, wishing for something that could never be possible. His own feelings for his friend still getting in the way, despite him trying to move on with someone else. Logan figured it was for the best. The only way to settle things between the two, a way to restore their friendship back to what it was. Seeing someone else would make it seem like he was over her. And if he could convince Danielle of that, then it was working. But it wasn't right. It wasn't fair on the woman he recently started seeing. But he hoped he could move on, push aside his feelings for Danielle and hope that in time he would develop the same feelings for someone else.  Logan opened and closed his mouth a few times, wanting to ask the question but the words wouldn't come out. His fingers tapped drummed against his desk, eliminating the silence in the room...Until he finally said something.
"Why do you say it like that?" the man asked after what felt like an eternity of silence. His voice felt hoarse, the words came out croaky but they were out. Regretting what he asked instantly, he swallowed thickly before turning back to face his computer and pretended like he was actually focusing on whatever was on his screen. "Let's...let's pretend I never said anything, yeah? I never said anything." He swallowed the lump in his throat once more and purposely avoided her gaze. How could he look at her when all he could say were the wrong things? "What I meant to say was...thanks. I appreciate it."
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cursivebloodlines · 6 years
3, 16, 19 and 26 // from the asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse 🔮🐍
3. Which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
It fluctuates. It mainly depends on who I have more muse for etc. Right now, the muses I find tricky to get IC for are probably Alfie and Logan but by next week like that could all change.
16. Which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
Lydia, without a shadow of a doubt. She believes she’s right about everything and she’s too stubborn for her own good. Very argumentative as well and tries to get the last word in no matter what.
19. For each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them?
Honestly I don’t know what this question means? Like a character for each of my muses to interact with or one of my characters on a separate blog to interact with? ‘Cause if the latter is the case then all of my characters are OCs so idk?? I just want them to interact with everyone always. :’)
26. Which muse is most likely to have kids?
Alfie already has two children in his main verse, so most likely him. As for the others I’d probably say Dougie because he’s so good with them?? But only with the right person and if he’s in a better frame of mind.
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cursivebloodlines · 6 years
“Do you love me?” (Danielle & Logan)
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Who knew such a simple question would drain all colour from Logan's face? It was asked in a joking manner, he was aware of that. That little amused smile on Danielle's face, the innocence in the way she asked the question. He couldn't even remember what they were discussing before, all that ran through his mind was that blaring question. Like a screwed up alarm clock that continued ringing long after you pressed the 'snooze' button. Logan didn't dare answer at first, couldn't trust himself to, instead paid more attention to his laptop screen, pretending like he was actually doing something productive as he tapped at the keys -- anything to shake his mind from the answer dancing on the tip of his tongue.
But no matter how well-intentioned the question was, he could feel the coil deep inside of him continue to tighten until the spring in it snapped.
"Yeah, I do, actually." Logan tentatively peered up at her, a flame of panic rising in his chest as he tried to backpedal quickly on his words. "I mean, obviously right? We're friends. You're supposed to love your friends. Which - which I um, I do. You being one of those people obviously and um, well, yeah," he stumbled over his words, an indicator that there was more to it than he was saying. Especially since this was definitely not like Logan. The words caught in his throat as he attempted a nervous smile, dropping his gaze back to the laptop as a weak laugh left his lips.  A heavy silence filled the atmosphere and something was telling him to just get it off his chest already. The worst part about it was knowing she never felt the same way. He had already told her that once then tried to pass it off as a joke when he got rejected. He would definitely have some explaining to do and --
He was doomed, wasn't he?
"The real question here is whether or not I'm in love with you. Now, that's the real corker." Where did he even pick up that word from? He wondered that as soon as it was out. Probably one of his British friends. Who knew? Certainly not him. And now he was trying to not think about the actual topic at hand. His heart felt like the weight of steel. The pause in between sentences felt way too long and he knew he needed to say something and fast. He'd been rambling for what felt like forever until his brain finally concluded to just come out with it.
Fuck it.
He laughed a humourless laugh and said, "And the truth is, I am." There. It was out. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he averted his attention from the screen back up to Danielle so she knew he was being serious. "Before you say anything, I already know you don't feel the same way and...that's okay. I get it. But I - after hearing that question I just...I realised I had to be straight with you and come out with it. It was never a joke." Logan sighed heavily, closing up his laptop. "I passed it off as a joke because I felt stupid when I discovered you didn't feel the same way. It was immature but that's what my brain was telling me to do and well...I'm tired of pretending." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He hated himself for it, hated how he had these feelings in the first place, hated how he's now potentially ruined the friendship he had with Danielle. What an idiot.
"I'm sorry."
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