#also i imagine that sou got in trouble for playing on his phone during lessons a lot
beforeitrains · 1 year
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Teenage Sou and Kai
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[Translation] SOARA Drama CD Vol. 4 - Track 2 - Part 1
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Here’s track 2 of SOARA’s 4th drama CD~! The actual track is 23+ minutes long so it’s cut into two parts again ^^ This track runs from minutes 0:00 to 15:04. Still quite long but, it was kinda difficult to actually cut it into parts XD
A special thank you to @ryuukia for sharing with me~!
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 2: [~現在~今日も元気にレッスンです!] “~Present~ We’ll face our lessons excitedly today, too!”
  DANCE INSTRUCTOR (JUNYA): Alright! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…
JUNYA: Sora-kun, you’re a bit too fast.
JUNYA: Ren-kun, don’t look down. Look in front.
JUNYA: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… (laughs) Nozomu-kun, that’s a great smile! Can you still do more?
NOZOMU: Yes! I can still do more~!
SORA: (tired) Nozomu-kun’s really lively, huh?
NOZOMU: Leave it to me! Being lively is my specialty!
NOZOMU: Spin here and then a killer pose!
SOSHI: Sensei, looks like it’s okay to make Nozomu do 10 more of these.
NOZOMU: Are you a demon?! I might be lively but 10 times is too much!
MORI: Soshi, too… The fact that you can speak normally after this… You have a lot of energy, huh? (sighs)
SORA: (panting) Well, Mori’s more fit than I am…
REN: A-a-are you okay, Sora-senpai?
SORA: Ren-kun, the pretty boy at first glance is actually a kendo boy so obviously, you have a lot of stamina.
REN: Obviously, you say…
SORA: This is bad! At this rate, I’ll…! I feel like I’ll be the only one who’s super weak…!
JUNYA: Ah, no~ To me, Sora-kun seems super energetic!
JUNYA: Alright~! Let’s do one from the top again!
JUNYA: Okay, that’s a great response~! I’ll be dancing with you in the next one so try to keep up.
JUNYA: Here we go! Okay, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…
  SORA: (sighs) It’s over.
SORA: I overcame… a lot of things.
SOSHI: I think you mean that you did your best but I feel like that sounds like something else.
SOSHI: Hey Sora, don’t sleep on the floor.
SORA: But the floor’s cold and feels good!
MORI: I understand that but, you’ll get dirty, Sora.
MORI: Here, a towel. If you wash your face you’ll feel refreshed.
NOZOMU: Yep, yep~! Nozomu-kun will also wash his face, be sparkling clean, and be dripping with water~!
SOSHI: What a good puppy. (Soshi starts petting Nozomu) There, there, did you get all clean~?
NOZOMU: Woof, woof, woof—Hey, Soshi-paisen! When I said ‘dripping with water’ I meant like, the way hot guys do, not like dogs do!
(Nozomu spills water)
SORA: A-a-ah…! That’s cold! The water’s splashing!
REN: Ah, geez, Nozomu. Your hair’s dripping wet. (Ren wipes Nozomu’s hair with a towel)
NOZOMU: Ah, sorry, Sora, Ren.
REN: I wonder why even though you dried your face, you didn’t dry your hair.
NOZOMU: I wonder why, too~!
REN: You don’t know either? Ah, come on. You’re getting wet here, too.
NOZOMU: Eh, which? Where, where?
REN: Your nape. Give me the towel. If you don’t dry off properly, you’ll catch a cold.
NOZOMU: (laughs) That tickles!
REN: I’m not playing with you! Stay still!
NOZOMU: Y-yes…!
SOSHI: He really is a dog. I’m sure he is.
SOSHI: A big dog that’s a lot to deal with.
SORA: Yeah, I can tell. Nozomu’s a dog. A puppy.
MORI: Come now, you guys. Don’t treat your cute kohai like a dog.
MORI: Come on Sora, go wash your face, too.
SOSHI: Guess we have to take care of the clingy toy dog, too.
SORA: Who ya callin’ a clingy toy dog, hey!
SORA: I am a man who is a wolf at heart!
SOSHI: (with a sarcastic tone) Yeah, yeah, sure. A wolf. Got it. So cool~ (he pats Sora’s head) There, there, good boy~
SORA: Awoo~! Hey! Don’t come at me just ‘cause you’re tall!
MORI: That’s becoming common for Soshi now, huh?
  (water splashing)
SORA: (sighs) I feel so refreshed~ My body will be super sore tomorrow for sure. Ah, is it time to head back?
SORA: Ah, I was right on the mark. 6 PM.
SORA: Time to review “LIFE IS AMAZING”.
SORA: (breathes in) Finally, huh? (sighs)
SORA: It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not alone this time.
SORA: It’s what everyone decided.
SORA: It’s a song that everyone agreed to and supported me with.
SORA: (sighs)
(Sora’s phone vibrates)
SORA: Hm? It’s from Wakatsuki-san. What’s it say?
SORA: “Everything’s all in place~!” (laughs) What’s with this sticker?
SORA: Wakatsuki-san’s really good at finding appropriate stickers. That calmed me down a little.
SORA: Let’s see… (Sora starts typing on his phone) Thank you for going out of your way to report to us…
NOZOMU: What? What are you looking at, Sora?
REN: Sora-senpai?
SORA: Uwah! You startled me… Nozomu and Ren?
REN: Sou-nii told me to go wring Nozomu’s hair.
SORA: His hair’s that wet? Geez, what were you doing?
NOZOMU: (laughs) It was wetter than I thought~
REN: You were checking your phone, Sora-senpai? Did something come from the agency?
SORA: Ah, yeah. Wakatsuki-san contacted me about our preview video.
SORA: The PV was supposed to be released at 6, right? SOARA’s RE:START Series. A song with all five of us after a while. For “LIFE IS AMAZING”
NOZOMU: Ah, I see! That was today, wasn’t it?
REN: Nozomu… It’s important so you should remember it…
NOZOMU: I knew the day but I couldn’t remember the exact time.
NOZOMU: Alright~! I’ll go retweet it to help advertise, too~! Ah…! I left my phone there.
SORA: I already did it~ Advertising’s important, right~?
REN: Yes. I’ll do it later, too. So, uh, senpai…
REN: How was the reaction…?
SORA: It looks like they’re saying “it’s amazing!” or “it’s cool!” That’s great, huh~
SORA: Well, there are also some so-so reactions.
REN: Ah… Is it a reaction that says something about how it’s different from usual?
SORA: Well, that’s right. I understand anyway~ They’re people who have been listening to our music since the beginning after all.
SORA: Compared to a solo or a duet, it’s easier to tell a unit song’s atmosphere.
NOZOMU: You know, Sora? I really love our new song.
NOZOMU: All our songs before were good but this one is exceptionally good!
NOZOMU: Singing and performing it is super fun and it makes you excited! I wanna hurry and perform it live.
SORA: Nozomu…
REN: Me, too…! I love it too, senpai. “Life is Amazing” is a song that we can sing because of who we are now.
REN: The past me wouldn’t have been able to sing such a grand song. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to follow with all the challenging and powerful lyrics.
REN: No… Even more than that, I couldn’t imagine myself even singing back then.
REN: If I did sing, I’m sure that it would have been with a small voice.
REN: It’s not only because I lacked skill then but my feelings about it weren’t strong as well.
REN: This song is important to me because it’s proof of how much I’ve grown by being able to follow with such a strong song.
SORA: Ren…
SORA: Ah, um… Am I being comforted by you two? I wasn’t really…
SORA: I guess I was…
SORA: Yes, I’ll admit it. I was honestly curious about it. Also, a little bit scared. Like, a lot of things might happen again…
SORA: But, I know now.
SORA: Just like when I told everyone that I’ll be sharing my burdens, I challenged it while knowing the consequences.
SORA: I have to receive those results properly, too.
REN: Senpai…
  SORA: Hm, Sensei? You’re still dancing?
JUNYA: Ah, I just thought of starting the choreography for my next work.
JUNYA: Your lessons are already over so, rest assured.
JUNYA: Review the parts you had trouble with and try to work on it, okay?
SORA: Yessir~!
MORI: It’s already this late but you’re still working. Sensei, you had another lesson before ours, didn’t you?
JUNYA: Yeah, I did. Oh, by the way, those boys are from TsukiPro, too.
JUNYA: They were going to start filming a PV next month. They’ve started practicing the choreography for that.
JUNYA: It’s got a lot of steps so we had to start earlier.
SOSHI: From the same agency, huh… So that’s why I thought there was someone who looked familiar when we were arriving…
MORI: Eh? You greeted them when you weren’t aware?
MORI: I knew who they were.
MORI: You need to remember the faces of the people who work at the agency. It’s an important part of this job, too.
SOSHI: Ah, damn. I got lectured.
SORA: Yeah~ Sou got scolded~ I knew who they were, too~!
SOSHI: Shut it.
SOSHI: I entered the studio last so I really only got a glimpse of them.
MORI: Sou, that’s not an excuse.
SOSHI: Yes, I’m so sorry.
SORA: (laughs) He got scolded again.
SOSHI: You better remember this later.
JUNYA: I’ve been having lessons since this morning with a lot of TsukiPro artists.
JUNYA: TsukiPro is such a good agency to actually secure rehearsal times early, huh?
JUNYA: That kind of method is the best in the long run so I’m not regretting doing a lot.
MORI: You’re right. I think so, too.
MORI: Normally, we perform as a band and don’t really dance. But, during the joint live, we all had to do a dance.
MORI: That time, I thought that it was good that we did lessons beforehand.
NOZOMU: Ah~! You mean for “Dear Dreamer.”? When the song run was done, they sudden;y said, “okay, let’s start counting!” and they started adding choreography! That totally surprised me!
REN: Exactly. The other units followed easily as if it was a given.
REN: They do dances normally and they could remember the choreography easily. I was really panicking then.
SORA: Like SolidS’ Tsubasa-san and those three from Growth, right?!
SORA: I really panicked a lot then! The dance was only showed once and they could already dance most of it!
SORA: It made me think, “What are these people?!” y’know?
SOSHI: And then, the one who’s panicking and dancing desperately behind them was our Ohara Sora.
SORA: Shut up! Even I… knew that much!
REN: So you knew?
JUNYA: Well, remembering choreography is a talent but it’s also something that takes getting used to.
JUNYA: Dance is a fixed form to a point. But it can also be freestyle so I understand the feeling of not knowing what comes next.
NOZOMU: Oh~! Is that so?
JUNYA: It’s pretty simple but there’s really not much steps that are very showy, you know?
JUNYA: Plus, dance should be something that anyone can dance regardless of the costume they’re wearing, and skill level, when the music plays, right?
JUNYA: Today’s should’ve been adjusted to your level, though.
NOZOMU: Oh ye~ah! The choreography lesson today didn’t scare me so it must’ve been that.
SOSHI: Oh yeah. Whenever we go to rehearsals or to a venue, the production staff were dancing along at the end, too.
REN: The chorus is pretty lively after all.
JUNYA: I think it’s important for idols to have dances that are easy to remember even for normal people, rather for your fans.
JUNYA: If that happens, the song will be a big hit, too.
NOZOMU: And then we can go wild together during the live!
JUNYA: Exactly. That’s important, right?
NOZOMU: It totally is!  
JUNYA: That’s exactly why we choreographers do our best to make dances easy to copy but unique at the same time.
MORI: I knew it was obvious but, making choreography requires a lot of thinking too, huh?
MORI: We don’t really know much about dance so that was very useful to know.
JUNYA: I tend to talk a lot when it comes to dance, y’know~?
JUNYA: Like, for example. Even though they’re all idols, there’s a lot of difference between the choreography of idols from Japan and those that are K-Pop idols. There’s a lot of instances where they go all out with their dances that they’re pretty hard to copy.
JUNYA: A lot of those steps are kinda cool so I try to incorporate them sometimes, too.
MORI: I’ve seen those in videos, too. They all look like they’re professional dancers.
JUNYA: Yeah! Over there it seems like dancing is a must-have skill so if you try to debut as an idol there, the hurdles are definitely higher.
JUNYA: That sounds troublesome, doesn’t it?
MORI: Now I feel so glad that we’re a band in Japan.
JUNYA: You guys do a lot of work that are similar to idols but under the agency label, you’re “artists” aren’t you?
MORI: Yes. There’s never really been a division between those who do idol work and those who don’t.
MORI: But, the work we do receive is somewhat different.
MORI: There’s a possibility for us to actually do work like acting in dramas or stage plays but our main focus is music.
MORI: Though I think there would be opportunities and things that we want to do that would play to our strengths, too.
JUNYA: It’s wonderful that you want to do and your visions for the future won’t be imposed on you by the agency but rather something that you’ll be discussing together.
JUNYA: But I’m sure that there a lot that might not be easy to do.
MORI: It looks like it, yes.
MORI: It makes me so glad to have joined an agency where we could learn a lot about things like that.
JUNYA: (chuckles) I guess you could say that. TsukiPro is quite a large agency so I guess it’s flexible and kinda stable, too.
JUNYA: And so, everyone in SOARA, please relax and just make good music. I’ll be supporting you as a fan, too.
To be continued~
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] SOARA Drama CD Vol. 3 - Ano Hi, Bokura wa - Track 3
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Here’s the final track of SOARA’s Vol. 3 drama CD~
SOARA Drama CD Vol. 3 [Ano hi, Bokura wa] (That day, we were…) Track 3
Under the cut as usual, enjoy~
SOARA Vol. 3 Drama Track 3
SORA: We’re home~
SOARA: We’re home.
SORA: (sighs) Oh, home sweet home.
SOSHI: It’s a dorm though. Well, guess it’s like a second home.
NOZOMU: I feel like my head’s gonna explode from all that new info.
REN: The news about our exclusive manager, Wakatsuki-san, the news about the release of our new song, the TsukiPro Live on summer, and then…
NOZOMU: The interviews and the overseas event.
SORA: Exactly! Overseas, they said. It’s so amazing, huh~ We finally made our overseas debut!
NOZOMU: For now we do a lot of big events here but someday… Someday, I wanna do a live overseas, too~!
SORA: Ohohohoho~ (sparkles) Just imagining it is exciting!
SORA: Me standing on top of a stage overseas!
NOZOMU: RIGHT~!? (sparkles)
NOZOMU: Fufufufu, I feel like I’m getting one step closer to Nii-chan!
REN: Uwah… I’m so jealous of the both of them. Just imagining it, I… I feel so nervous…
MORI: (chuckles) I’m the same as you so it’s okay. It looks like we’ll be busy a lot from here on.
MORI: I’m grateful for it but we’ll have a lot on our plate now.
MORI: We have to do our best, huh?
SOSHI: That’s the reason why they assigned a manager to us, right?
SOSHI: Let’s have Wakatsuki-san work a lot, too~
MORI: (chuckles) That’s right. Well, I’ll pour out some tea for us now.
SORA: Ah, Mori, I’ll help out.
REN: Me, too.
REN: (sighs) I’ve finally calmed down.
NOZOMU: Totally~ I was so surprised!
NOZOMU: A lot of surprising things happened to day but the biggest one was our manager, Wakatsuki Hinata-san~!
REN: Exactly.
SOSHI: A manager for us… A manager, huh?
SORA: It totally feels like we’re celebrities now.
SOSHI: Aren’t you just saying that because you want to be one?
SORA: Well, I mean it’s what you’d think normally, isn’t it?
SOSHI: Guess so.
MORI: Wakatsuki-san seemed young but I wonder how old he really is.
MORI: Let’s ask him next time if we can… or will that be too rude?
SOSHI: You’re both guys so it’d just be like a normal conversation.
MORI: (chuckles) You’re right. Ren and Nozomu did manage to hold a normal conversation with him.
MORI: What was he like?
REN: Ah, um… He’s a very youthful person. He speaks a lot and he doesn’t hesitate on what words he’ll say. I think he’s the type who knows what he’ll say in any situation.
NOZOMU: And then he’s also a kinda tough guy who managed to survive in America for three months without preparation! Guess that’s it.
SOSHI: Doing a job overseas is no easy thing, right? That means he’s the type who can handle large jobs.
SOSHI: Despite his looks he’s got the experience and skills.
MORI: If that’s the case then he’ll be very reliable!
MORI: If I were to judge by his looks I’d say he’s 23 or 24 years old but…
MORI: I bet he’s the type that just looks young. He looks like he’s the same age as Sou.
SORA: Ah~ Soshi looks old and Wakatsuki-san looks young so you really can’t tell, huh.
SOSHI: Hey, Sora. Who’re you calling old-looking? (he grabs Sora’s head)
SORA: Owowowowow…! Soshi-san, a basketball player’s strength is no good! It’s bad! It’s super duper bad. I’m serious!
(phone notification goes off)
NOZOMU: Oh~ Here it is! A message from Tsubasa-kun.
SORA: Huh? SolidS’s Tsubasa-san?
NOZOMU: Yep. I thought I’d try asking how things are gonna change after we got a manager.
NOZOMU: SolidS has a manager named, Haiduki-san, right? So, I—
REN: Nozomu did…!
SOSHI: Something responsible.
SORA: Yeah, he did…!
REN/SORA/SOSHI: For real!?
NOZOMU: HEEY! That’s rude! Haven’t you been reacting like that a lot lately?! Hmph.
NOZOMU: Never mind. Let’s see… Let’s see… Tsubasa-san said…
NOZOMU: Number 1, he’ll be coming to get you from your dorm most of the time you have work to do.
SORA: Very well.
NOZOMU: Number 2, he’ll be arranging a lot of our schedules.
REN: He is a manager after all.
NOZOMU: Number 3, he’ll do a lot of the more complex shopping, gathering info, and other misce… miscellaneous stuff?
MORI: (chuckles) That means he does a lot of different things.
NOZOMU: We can ask him to do that.
SOSHI: It’s nice to have someone you can rely on to do last-minute things, huh?
SOSHI: Like for example, in a venue where there’s a long waiting line, he can wait normally for the lines to wane or he can just go ahead whenever. Since there’re times when we get confused about whether we can skip ahead of the line, right?
SORA: Yeah~ We can tell by ourselves sometimes but everyone in the staff is usually so busy and we don’t know who we can talk to.
NOZOMU: Number 4, he’ll be present during big events. If something happens, he’ll be able to inform the agency immediately.
MORI: That sounds so reassuring.
NOZOMU: All in all, Tsubasa-kun says that having an exclusive manager’s not that different from having a daily manager.
NOZOMU: “But, an exclusive manager’s gonna be able to do a lot more difficult tasks so he’s super dependable,” is what he said.
MORI: I see. Thank you for the advice, Tsubasa-san.
SORA: Thank you very much~! I’ll send my feelings of gratitude through the walls in the dorms!
SOSHI: Isn’t this great, Mori?
MORI: Huh?
SOSHI: That someone can finally take care of SOARA’s schedules. You’ve more or less been in charge of that until now so maybe you can take it easy.
MORI: Oh, you meant that.
SORA: Right?! He did help coordinating a lot with me whenever I get stuck on a new song.
SORA: You’re always saving me so thank you.
MORI: (chuckles) I’m doing it because I like it so don’t worry.
MORI: It’s obvious that it’s a lot more troublesome for you since you’re the leader and the composer.
MORI: I’m happy enough to know that I could help create a light atmosphere for you to write wonderful songs.
NOZOMU: Mori-senpai’s really such a huge fan of Sora-senpai’s music, huh~
MORI: Ever since I heard his first one.
REN: What sort of situation were you in when you started to like Sora-senpai’s songs?
REN: I’ve always thought about it.
REN: Morihito-senpai sounds like he thinks highly of Sora-senpai’s music, not just the lyrics but the emotions you feel as well. I thought that maybe there was a special reason for it.
SORA: Oh, I’ve always thought that, too. I feel like I wanna hear why, too… Only if you’re okay with it though…
MORI: It’s not really a very deep reason though.
SORA: Then please tell me. I’m happy enough to hear that you love my music without reason. I’ve never doubted your love, Mori~
SORA: But, you’re the person who pushed me to go back to music when I tried to avoid it. And you’re also one of the reasons why SOARA’s here now and you continue to do stuff with SOARA’s sake in mind, right?
NOZOMU: Yep, yep~ If Sora-senpai wasn’t the leader because of his natural skills, Mori-senpai’s totally the type who’ll do his best to lead.
SORA: Totally! That’s why I think about whether I live up to Mori’s expectations or if my music really has something worthy of him. When that happens, I usually end up in a slump or my head gets all muddled up.
SORA: And so, I’m genuinely interested even if it’s a really lame reason.
SORA: Why do you love my music so much, Mori?
SOSHI: It’s true. I’m a little curious, too.
MORI: Today is a day that makes me recall a lot of nostalgic memories, huh~ (chuckles)
MORI: You see? I was saved by Sora’s music that day.
SORA: Saved…?
MORI: Yep. My parents are professional musicians and do a lot of professional performances, right?
MORI: Being the child of such people, I was made to learn both the violin and the piano at a very young age. Ah, it’s not like I’m complaining about it though.
MORI: I love music and I really loved learning to play the instruments. That’s why, when I was younger, my dream was to become a professional musician, too.
MORI: But… I finally saw it when I started getting older.
MORI: That I have my limitations. That I didn’t have talent.
MORI: It was around 5th or 6th grade, I think. I started having doubts.
MORI: I thought that if I continued doing lessons, I might become a little good but… not good enough to be at a professional level.
MORI: I knew that and yet I wondered if I should still continue with my lessons.
MORI: Both my parents were professionals so they thought I’d be good in no time. I had no talent to become a professional musician.
MORI: But, isn’t it kinda difficult to admit it to your parents when they were already decided? I couldn’t say it.
MORI: They were such short words but I couldn’t say them.
MORI: “I want to quit,” I wanted to say.
REN: And then you encountered Sora-senpai’s music during that time…?
MORI: Exactly!
MORI: I heard in the news that Sora was about the same age as I am.
MORI: That’s why it made me feel a little strange when I first heard Sora’s music on my PC.
MORI: I felt like a blue sky suddenly opened up in front of me!
MORI: It made me forget my hesitations.
MORI: “There’s a person out there the same age as me who can make such great music. That’s what talent is. I couldn’t make this kind of music. I can’t be like this person. But, that’s who I am. It’s not bad or good but that’s how it is,” is what I would’ve said.
SORA: Mori…
MORI: (chuckles) Although you did run into a little trouble, too, didn’t you? But it felt fresh to me.
MORI: That night, I told my parents this, “I love music and I plan to have it a part of me in whatever way it can be. But, I don’t think I can be a pro so I’ll just do it as a hobby.”
MORI: And then after that, I stopped taking lessons to become a pro.
SORA: Hmm… H-hearing that my music somehow… somehow made you look for a different future makes me feel a little… complex…
MORI: I thought about that so I didn’t speak about it. Sora, I said so from the beginning, didn’t I? I was saved by you.
MORI: If I had continued like that while knowing nothing will come of it, I’ll be suffering and feel regret even if I chose the path myself.
MORI: I may have been a despised person who’ll end up saying that I was forced into it without a choice.
MORI: But, that didn’t happen. I was a little upset at first but I decided to move forward. I think that’s amazing.
MORI: That day, I was really saved by Sora’s music.
MORI: That’s why, all of the music Sora makes is amazing. I love the music that Sora makes!
MORI: Forever, okay?
(Sora starts sniffling and then crying)
SORA: MORIIIIII!!! (he glomps Mori and starts crying louder)
MORI: W-woah, there. (chuckles) There, there~
SOSHI: But you ended up being a professional musician though, Mori. You’re doing a lot of performances, too.
MORI: (laughs) That’s right. I got a little nervous when I first told my parents about the debut but I was happy when they said they were excited about it.
MORI: It’s a bit strange, huh? I returned to a path that I abandoned using a different approach.
NOZOMU: You might not have thought of it at first, huh~
NOZOMU: But now that you’re at it it’s a really wide road that you can explore.
NOZOMU: Even if you stray a little, you’ll still be on the path. It’s not a failure nor is it a bad thing and there might be times when you feel like you’re going through a lot of walls, too, huh?
REN: It sounds a lot more convincing when Nozomu says it~
REN: Nozomu’s carefree personality gives off the feeling that he can overcome a lot of things.
NOZOMU: Hm~ Are you praising me?
REN: Yes! Very much. I’m a little jealous, too. I always think that I should learn from you.
REN: I wish I could be a little carefree, too. Not just super awkward.
NOZOMU: Ren’s not completely awkward, you know? You’re just really diligent and always thinking of a way to move forward.
NOZOMU: I admire that a lot, too! I feel like I can learn a lot from it.
REN: I-is that so…?
SOSHI: Us sitting here thinking about nostalgic memories may be a sign that a lot of new things are about to happen, huh?
MORI: That’s right. We have definitely moved up one step as SOARA after the TsukiPro Live.
MORI: I feel like we’re standing on top of a new place after moving up.
REN: We’ve gotten a lot of work aside from concerts since then, too.
NOZOMU: Ah! The number of people who recognize me as “SOARA’s Nozomu-kun” has increased, too~!
SORA: Plus, we met our exclusive manager Wakatsuki-san today, too!
MORI: Right?
SORA: Our music will continue to become broader than this starting now. It’ll be a lot, lot bigger than we imagined in the future! I’m so excited!
SOSHI: And then that excitement will help with your music.
SORA: Oh~ You do get me, Soshi-kun~ Exactly!
SORA: A lot of ideas and melodies are overflowing in my head right now!
SORA: (sighs) I’m so happy! I feel like I can make a lot of new music!
NOZOMU: Do it, Sora! Let’s go “BAM”, “WHOOSH” and “CRASH” like we usually do~!
MORI: Then, I’ll continue supporting you, together with Wakatsuki-san.
REN: I’ll try my best to follow so I won’t get left behind!
SORA: (laughs) SOARA has levelled up! We’re standing on top of a new place, we’re aiming for a new goal, and then we’re starting again!
SORA: And so… Shall we do the usual?
SOSHI: Oh, that.
NOZOMU: That, huh~?
REN: I understand!
MORI: Then, all together now.
SORA: Come on…
SOARA: Let’s start the music!
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