#and some teachers appreciated that while others considered him to be creepy
beforeitrains · 1 year
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Teenage Sou and Kai
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23 - Van Halen - 1984
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Starting with a sentence that is pretty much guaranteed to piss off my dad: i was never a big Van Halen fan. (Look, if you heard "Right Now" as many times as i did growing up, you'll understand.)
That said, a few of the songs on this one are among the songs by them that i do actually like, and the cover art cracks me up every time i see it.
Also, my wife is exactly one day older than this album, and i just think that's neat.
• 1984-
Spacy synthy intro song. Not what i was anticipating this album to start off like. Kinda dig it, though.
An absolute classic. As I'm fond of saying: "it ain't about the fall down, it's about the bounce back", and that's the whole idea of this one.
Also, that guitar solo is fucking insane.
One of the songs that broke Noriega, and i think the govt used it solely because of the irony of the title being used against a Panamanian asshole dictator.
Personally, i like the idea of using songs over bombs in combat. Fewer pieces of bodies to pick up afterwards.
That said, what the actual fuck does the nation of Panama have to do with this song that's about a hot lady being described somewhat like a sports car? The world may never know.
Fuckin banger, though.
•Top Jimmy-
(But, i hardly know Jimmy!)
Holy shit, Eddie, are your fingers okay? Because goddamn that's some fast fingering on those harmonics.
Top Jimmy cooks, you say? Well, let him fuckin cook!
Another kick-ass solo, naturally.
Didn't know this one before today, but it fuckin slaps.
•Drop Dead Legs-
To be honest, i always figured Diamond Dave was a tits man, but apparently he also appreciates "a giant butt". Good for him.
All in all, gotta say that ZZ Top wrote the better leg-song.
•Hot for Teacher-
A song that has been relevant a number of times in my life, and that's all I'm gonna say on that matter.
That drum intro absolutely whips ass, and the guitar coming in only makes it better.
It's a little skeevy, lyrics-wise, but overt horniness can't stop it from being an all-time banger.
•I'll Wait-
Oh, that early-to-mid 80s synth. 😍
Kind of a weird one, since it's literally just about jerking off while looking at a legally-distinct-from-a-Playboy magazine. Not the best song on the album, for sure, but it's interesting enough to keep my attention.
I still can't believe this was a single, though.
At the end of the day: the centerfold isn't gonna fuck you, dude. Oh wait, shit, you're David Lee Roth... never mind, yeah, she might, actually. Go for it, bro.
•Girl Gone Bad-
"I'm in love with a prostitute", the spiritual prequel to "I'm in Love With a Stripper", i guess?
•House of Pain-
Just couldn't fuck dirty enough for that girl, could ya? Or, from a different, much darker point of view, kinda feels a little Josef Fritzl-y.
So, yeah, this album is pretty fucking great, (surprising nobody, considering it's their best-selling album).
Funny (but also lame as shit) fact: "The front cover was censored in the UK at the time of the album's release. It featured a sticker that obscured the cigarette in the putto's hand and the pack of cigarettes.".
For real... Are y'all okay over there?
Favorite Track: Hot for Teacher. Every aspect of it just kicks ass.
Least Favorite Track: House of Pain. On one hand, it's creepy. On the other hand, it's very creepy.
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infernal-fire · 3 years
I love your dark Jake Jensen and I have a request for him, so the team gets in contact with reader for supplies for a mission an Jensen feels a spark between them so he makes every excuse to talk to reader to the point the team teased but helps him out with his grand scheme to get with reader but they don't know how far he'd go to make reader his ☺️💕 thanks
I love a good dark!jake fic!! I have changed the specifics a litttllle bit so i hope this is alright :)
Warnings: implied noncon/dubcon, some creepy behaviour, mention of stalking, drugging, mention of breeding kink
Summary: 5 days; that’s how long it takes him to become fixated on you.
Wc: 2k 
You’re My Delusion
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They could have gone to any supplier. Fate would have it that Aisha wanted you, and only you. 
The melodious tune of a piano ringtone chimed in your bag. You ask the other daycare teacher to take over for you and picked up the phone: Unknown Number. You watched the phone ring until the line went dead and resumed your day. 
It may have been an ‘unknown number’, but your subconscious unequivocally knew who it was. Grumbling at the thought of being contacted again, you twisted the handle to your condo. Of course, you didn’t bat an eye when there was an envelope on your countertop, one that you didn’t put there; Aisha knew that you knew the phone would ring again, and if you didn’t answer, she would pay you a visit.
When Unknown Number flashed across your screen for the second time that day, you considered letting it go to voicemail again, but picked up anyway. 
“If you’re gonna ask me for an assist-”
Aisha cut you off. “I know you don’t do missions anymore. We need a safe house that’s off the books.”
“Who’s we?”
“They’re all men.” As if on cue, you heard someone guffaw in the background. “It’s making me lose my goddamn mind,” she elucidated. 
“You know I don’t really do this stuff anymore,” you huffed, “But I’m making an exception this one time. For you.” You could hear Aisha let out a squeal of happiness, and realized how bad it must be if she uncharacteristically showed excitement.
While cleaning up your old warehouse-turned-safehouse, Aisha’s words echoed in the back of your head. “Some of them are a little... bulky. Let them sleep on the floor.” You tried to protest, asking her, what’s the point of a safehouse if they aren’t resting well, but she dismissed the question. “Trust me. They’re nothing more than cavemen.”
It was 4 AM; foot tapping impatiently and sipping on the third coffee of the night, you smacked your forehead in frustration. It was way past bedtime. After living alongside Aisha for years, anyone would appreciate nights that consist of 8 hours of sleep. 
You could certainly appreciate it. Being a daycare teacher, living in a civilian condominium and not engaging in government work was something you couldn’t take for granted. Not after all the shit you’ve seen. 
3 brusque knocks sounded on the metal door to your right. Your head snapped to the source, waiting for Aisha to call out the code word. 
“LOSERS!” a voice hollered from the other side. You trudged to the door, trying to shake off the dizziness that came with standing up too fast. 
Opening the door with caution, you had only blinked a few times before a body pulled you into a tight embrace.
“You’re never this excited to see me. That bad, huh,” you sneered. 
“You have no idea.” Aisha pulled out of the hug and turned to face the men who had lined up nearby. 
“So… who’s this?” The guy with dirty blonde hair, nerd glasses and a horrible sense of fashion piped up. His whole appearance was an oxymoron to his build - muscles protruded out of the bright pink shirt that hugged him like a second skin. On the other hand, you couldn’t imagine him as anything more than a harmless golden retriever.
“Don’t ask as if you don’t know Jensen,” Aisha groused. You could practically hear her roll her eyes. 
“What’s your name, darling?” another guy spoke. He exuded the energy of a leader; you looked him straight in the eyes and gave him your name. 
The golden retriever repeated your name as if to try out the taste of it on his tongue. You gave him a lopsided, close-mouthed smile and asked Aisha for her teammates’ names. 
“You don’t need to learn their names.” She stalked off, unwilling to be a part of the conversation any longer. 
The guy you had assumed was the leader sighed at her attitude before introducing himself as ‘Clay’. He pointed at each person and gave you their titles. 
“Okay so you’re Clay, that’s Cougar, Roque,” you skipped over Jake, “and Pooch.” 
“Me?” Jake softly inquired.
The rest of the team began picking up their things and walking away, but not before Pooch nudged Jensen with his shoulder and winked. The puppy-like man flushed in response and rubbed the nape of his neck.
“What about you?” you asked once you were alone. 
“You didn’t say my name.” 
“I know it’s Jake… but can I call you ‘daddy’ instead?” 
He froze up, looking at you like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Relax Jakey,” you put a hand on his chest, “I’m only teasing.” You winked and strutted away, snickering to yourself at how he looked like he was about to pass out.
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The entire team was trying to egg you and Jensen on. Well, not the entire team. 
Aisha and Roque couldn’t care less, and Cougar did nothing more than smirk at your playful banter. 
Often, Jensen would start a conversation that would escalate quickly, your witty dialogue interrupting his rationale. You thought it was adorable how he didn’t know how to respond; a guy like him could have fantastic game, but he was too much of a sweetheart, not the mention, way too awkward. 
One particular night, you let down your guard, just enough to actually get to know him. 
“You seem like a really supportive uncle,” you commented at his excitement for his niece’s next soccer game. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. I wish my parents would have done this for me.”
“Done what?”
“You know… Tell me they’re proud of me.”
“Well Jake... I think you should know, that I’m proud of you for everything you’re doing for the country.”
Jake looked up at you, sporting the signature look of the uncertainty of how to respond. It didn’t take a genius to be able to tell that he wasn’t used to being praised. 
“Thank you. That means a lot more than you know,” he quietly responded. 
The rest of the night was spent in a solemn, yet understanding silence, one that both of you were oddly comfortable with. 
Unfortunately, that would also be the last time you saw him. 
Or so you think. 
The mission went sour, and for the first time since retirement, you wished you had assisted. Maybe if you assisted, the mission wouldn’t have gone south. Maybe if you assisted... you would have been able to say goodbye. 
Without even realizing it, Jake had burrowed a little hole into your heart. You hoped life could go on with the little leak in your pump. Regardless, there is no time for sulking; after all, no amount of reminiscing would change the way things happened.
It had been months after Aisha and the team went back into hiding but you were faring well. Life as you knew it had continued without a trace of the burly, soft man-baby. You almost forgot about the ordeal, up until that day. Perhaps it was fate that had you switch the TV on at that time. You would never know.
A team of rogue CIA agents, presumed to be dead, have now infiltrated a crime branch operating within the US government. They have been pardoned from their status as “Enemies of State” but can no longer work for the CIA taskforce, as their identities have been indefinitely compromised. 
You blinked at the screen, watching Aisha’s name and picture appear. Subsequently, there was Clay, Pooch, Jensen, Cougar and Roque. You were happy for them.
Pooch could go back home to his wife. It was hard to imagine what it must have been like for the missus; pregnant and alone. Though you didn’t know Pooch that well, you knew he was a good partner and husband. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your front door shutting and clicking in place. Your hand frantically pressed the ‘volume up’ button on the TV as you hurled for the handgun under your pillow. 
Sliding to the wall beside the door, you cautiously peered into the dark hallway and made out a large figure. You huffed quietly before appearing in the doorframe with your gun pointing straight at the mystery guy. At this point, you had a good idea of who it was, but you wanted to mess with him anyway. “Hands up, and not another step forward.” 
He tried to speak, but you cut him off. 
“Don’t. speak,” you punctuated each word. Reaching for the light switch, you flipped on the hallway light. The dim light revealed your golden retriever standing there with his eyes wide open in fear. 
“Don’t shoot?” he said, like a question. 
You grinned and tucked the gun into your waistband.
“What are you doing here?”
“Thought I should come see you.” 
“You could have knocked, like a normal person.”
He shrugged sheepishly. 
“How do you know where I live?” you questioned. To that, he fiddled with his fingers and looked down. 
“Only Aisha knows this place. And I know she would have never told you.” You intently stared at him while leaning into the nearest wall and folding your arms.
Jake didn’t want to tell you that he had been stalking you. Every spare moment he had during the remainder of the mission was spent tracking you. After a few weeks, it felt as though you had moved on. It pained him, to say the least.
“I- uhm,” he looked up at you and took a step forward, “Hey, I just-...” He stopped when you reached for your handgun again, now wary of his intentions.
He put his hands back up. 
“I wanted to ask you out properly.”
“What do you mean ‘properly’? We were never going out, to begin with.”
Before you understood the spur of movement, Jake lunged for you and plucked the handgun out of your pyjama’s waistband, throwing it over the railing of your staircase. You tried to kick him, but he pricked you without giving you a moment to react. 
“What did you give me?” You clutched your neck in the spot he sunk the needle. 
“I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to do that,” he exhaled. He tried to hold you, but you weakly pushed him off, still trying to recover from the shock of his betrayal. 
“Takes 5 minutes to really work,” he scratched his neck. 
Then there was the fight. You gave it your all but with no weapon or leverage, you were going up against 200 pounds of pure muscle who was hell-bent on restraining you for some reason. 
2 minutes into the fight, you began to really feel the effects of whatever he gave you. He point-blank caught a punch that you tried to drill into his sternum. You look up at him incredulously, unable to still believe that he was trying to take you down right now. 
At last, he snapped. 
“Listen to me,” he grasped both your hands.
You momentarily struggled, but your shoulders slumped and you gave up on trying to free your wrists. 
“How could you move on without me?” he asked, attempting to look you in your eyes. You wouldn’t meet them. 
“Jake, you are delusional! I barely had a crush on you for 5 days,” you cried, letting the wetness spread over your cheeks freely. At this point, it was clear, what he was here for. 
“You should know, those 5 days were some of the best in my 29 years of living. I want that for the rest of my life.”
“Why couldn’t you have done this like a normal person?” You finally met his eyes with an excess of tears blurring your vision. 
“You keep saying that,” he began, letting go of your arms and wiping your tears, “but you know that you and I are not normal.” Jake leaned down to kiss your forehead. 
Your legs were beginning to buckle, but Jake caught you, throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He strode into your bedroom as if he had been there a thousand times, put you down on the bed gently, and brushed the hair out of your face. 
Here we have Sergeant Linwood ‘Pooch’ and his wife reuniting. It is the first time he has seen her since his last mission, before disappearing. It is also the first time he will be seeing his child. Definitely, an emotion reun-
Your captor turned off the TV and turned to smile at you.
“Wouldn’t that be nice?” he asked, but seemed as if he were talking to himself. 
You couldn’t respond, all your muscles now refusing to attend to your demands. Instead, more tears streaked down your face. 
“A baby,” he whispered, “Yes, that would be nice.”
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Tag list:  @oneoftheprettynerds @partiesandblurrypolaroids @hitmewithyourbest-shot @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @bval-1 @quxxnxfhxll @sunflowerbunny2 @captainslittlegirl @sohoseb @iviesinmymind @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @old-enough-to-know-better73 @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay
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evakuality · 3 years
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Mia, episode five
1.  One thing Druck is super good at is these aesthetic shots.  This whole opening bit reminds me of the scene with Amira when she’s praying in her room.  Lots of beautiful shots of the room, curtains and stuff, which are just super pretty with a few hints of colour.  I dunno, this is just an aesthetic I like and I appreciate that Druck caters to me.  Mia is so cute, too!  Like both the way she looks and also how kind she is.  She still doesn’t really like Alex a lot (though you could see in that montage from the previous night that she’s warming up to him) but she still feels like she should leave things looking nice.  These little post-it notes are sort of cute too, and you can see that she thinks they’re sweet.  I don’t like this Bjorn though.
2.  Interesting that we get a clip specifically one week later.  I have no idea how that must have felt while this was live, and I’m really glad that I didn’t have to live through these long gaps in any of the things I did watch in real time.  This one was reasonably low key though, so maybe the wait wasn’t as agonising.  If you didn’t know who Bjorn is (I’m assuming the Niko character) then nothing in the last couple of clips would have felt all that alarming.  But Mia’s so flirty here - that one conversation at his house must have really charmed her.  Pity we didn’t really get to hear a lot of it because he still hasn’t charmed me!!  And actually that ‘show a montage of how things are going while a song and/or other conversation plays overtop’ is a huge thing Druck does, I think.  I feel like in some cases (Matteo and David after their first pool kiss moment, for example, or Hanna and Jonas breaking up) work quite well.  But here, I think we needed to hear more of Alex to actually believe that Mia would be this flirty with him.  For me, this is too big a turnaround from her very cold manner with him at the piano and an actual proper look at that conversation might have helped.  But also, I am super biased because William and so maybe a more reasonable person might like it okay.  This bit with Linn is weird.  Genuinely creepy, and I’m not sure why they’re setting her up to feel like this.  Maybe some sort of hint of the creepiness to come with Bjorn (I’m assuming it’s coming, anyway).
3.  I don’t get this bit with all the pictures at the school.  I assume it will become obvious later but I’m not sure what exactly they were trying to do with this.  You’d think they run the risk of having the whole Abi chaker clan thing shut down - if this happened in my school there’d be so much trouble.  A groups of kids once put post-its all over one teacher’s room and they got in SO much trouble for it, and that wasn’t obscene like this is.  This thing here seems so targeted at the Abi thing, using their plan specifically, that it feels like someone outside the group wants them not to be allowed to run their theme.  Or someone in the group who wants a different motto maybe.  I don’t know, but it feels very mean and very specifically directed at this group of people.
4.  Hmmm, I’m with Leonie on this one.  I’d be giving Carlos the super evil stare too.  It may be ‘funny’ to some of these people, but given that there are younger kids at this school (I assume, right?  They still have classes running for the smaller ones at the end of Matteo’s season, allowing their prank to go ahead) this is sure to go down really badly with the school itself.  I’m rolling my eyes at the ones who are outraged that the school is considering reporting it - what did they expect?  Also, surely they can figure out who was doing it - people were literally throwing handfuls of the pictures over the stairs.  Surely they could work out who it is.  It’s pretty clear that Alex still thinks this is funny and I’m losing patience with him.  Every time it seems like maybe he’s getting less gross he goes and acts like this again.  Bleh.  I’m not often rooting for Leonie and feeling for her, but wow today I really am.  This is shitty and she has a right to be angry.
5.  Ew, Alex, why are you stalking Mia again?  She’s made it pretty clear she’s not happy with you.  Turning up out of the blue like a creep isn’t a good way to go about winning her over again.  His ‘we were drunk, what can you do?’ is so... stupid???  They’ve lost money from this, the school is really angry, they could easily have some pretty bad consequences and he’s all ‘meh, it was a drunken prank’?  I know money isn’t an issue for him, but there are issues here beyond the money.  I’m also kind of annoyed that everyone keeps suggesting she’s upset because she’s jealous.  I’ll be really annoyed if the show carries on this way - this isn’t just a silly little prank, and people have every right to be angry and annoyed.  Diminishing it to jealousy isn’t cool.  Is Leonie also jealous?  The people who are angry and upset they’re being blamed and their money has been taken?
6.  I do love scenes where the whole girl squad is together.  They make me happy and I miss seeing them together so much.  But OMG, Alex is blackmailing Mia again????  I mean I guess it worked the first time so why wouldn’t he?  But this is seriously shitty behaviour.  Honestly, in clip one I was mildly starting to warm to him with the post-its and all, but he’s managed to speed run right back into ‘asshole’ category.  This was the problem in the og as well - William was such an asshole, that in order to make him likeable, we had to see a much more genuinely villainous character.  Alex is still super dislikeable and so we need someone ‘worse’ to make him look palatable, which I assume is coming.  We’re halfway through - we should like him by now.  I dunno.  Maybe some people do?  But he still has done nothing to make me think he’s nice or someone who Mia might be attracted to.
7.  Oh a long Friday clip?  Almost half the episode?  I guess it’s going to be a rough one for Mia then.  More reflections again - her whole face in the mirror now, but it’s surrounded by graffiti.  I’m always fascinated by the way mirrors and reflections work, and it’s fun to see Mia slightly obscured in her mirrors even now.  It’s not as disjointed as it was at the start but it’s not a fully clear reflection either.  I may not like the way Noora/Mia’s story goes but I do like some of these things which show the progress.
8.  I feel kind of sorry for Jonas, because that break up wasn’t his choice.  But seriously, he seems to be blaming this on Hanna a bit and like ????? He chose to make her feel small and unworthy through her whole season.  She’s allowed to try to figure herself out outside of him and his wants and needs.  Eh, I know he’s hurting and all, but that’s actually his issue and he shouldn’t be pushing it on her.
9.  This scene with Mia and Alex bothers me.  He still seems to have no idea why she might find his actions (selfish and self-serving and filled with blackmail) offputting.  ‘I fixed it, so we should totally be together now’ is such an immature and childish take on this.  These types of guys need to grow up and learn that they can’t just buy and/or coerce their way into whatever they want.  I like the way they decide to have Kiki walk past just as Mia has to choose whether to say she doesn’t want Alex or not.  It adds a poignancy to it and Mia obviously chooses to stick by her friends.  I do wish it felt more conflicting, like if Alex genuinely had changed or had shown he has depth or something it would be a bigger ‘wow she’s rejecting him for her friend’ but instead he’s still such an unpleasant character that I don’t care.
10.  I’m not sure why Mia does the brushing off of the makeup - I feel like it made more sense when Noora did it (I mean I watched it once a very long time ago so who knows, but my memory is that it was her way of trying to reject being ‘pretty’ and having guys liking her because it was messing her up).  With Mia, I don’t understand.  Someone help me out?
11.  I still don’t get what Mia sees in Alex.  Again, I know I have a really big bias against him because of William and I know it was always going to be tough for him to be someone I care about.  But even so, this feels like a huge whiplash when she says of course she likes him.  I’d get it if we’d seen any of his development, but every time he took a mini step forward he shoved himself right back into dislikeable territory.  Once again, I mourn the actual conversation between Mia and Alex.  This all feels far too fast, and the fact that this is suggesting his blackmail is all good is very worrying.  All the post-it notes in the world can’t make me think he’s nice enough to want to kiss.
Overall, I didn’t really like this one.  I feel like the pacing is still off; I don’t believe the speed at which Mia has fallen for him and honestly it hasn’t been very long since Kiki was with Alex and had her heart broken.  The fact that Mia even saw her and told him she doesn’t like him only to turn around immediately and change her mind is strange to me.  Mia has always come across as a caring person who tries to do the right thing and help out her friends.  That she has apparently no qualms at this point is difficult for me.  They’re acting the hell out of this, but I can’t buy it.  Unfortunately.  Sadly, because this is based on a very flawed original, I don’t think it’s going to make me enjoy these two.  There are things that I’m interested in seeing as we go forward but most of those have zero to do with Alex.
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imaginesbymk · 3 years
“Something’s Wrong with Mr. Pink.”
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Reservoir Dogs One Shot
Summary: There’s been spark between you and Mr. Pink, but he’s one to shield his emotions. He realizes he’s starting to lose you, but he’s out of ways to win your heart. Desperate, he approaches Mr. White for help.
Pairing: Mr. Pink x Fem!Reader
Tags: swearing, sexist remarks, smoking + mentions of drug use (marijuana)
Non Requested
Word Count: 2,054
Author’s Note: as you can tell, quentin tarantino movies have been on my list!!! the reader is codenamed Miss Beige!! i never thought i’d have this much appreciation for steve buscemi until now, he’s such a cool guy :(((  also thank you @myriadimagines​ for checking my title capitalization aksnskdns - leave a like/reblog + feedback!!! <333
MR. BROWN gave Mr. Pink a ride to the next meeting, and the whole trip there, Brown rambled on and on about God knows what. It came through one ear and out the other for Pink. Brown didn’t seem to notice because of his investment of his proven theory of a movie he had seen and wanted to share it with someone. 
If he wasn’t listening in silence, Pink would always have something to say. It would usually be a comment, an opinion on something about social life. This one afternoon, he bit his tongue, despite the guys knowing his mind was occupied, even Nice Guy Eddie raised a brow. It didn’t start the day they were all given your colour coded names. It didn’t start the day they reviewed the plan of the heist with each other. It all started when you two were unintentionally left alone at the large dining table, moments after the guys had walked out the restaurant for something.
“Pink’s a pretty colour.” You gave him a reassuring smile, stirring your straw in your milkshake.
“To you.” 
“And to anyone else who would want to be codenamed Pink!” you scoff. “Sexist.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re Miss Beige,” he says, his mouth full of his toast. 
“And I happen to like my name. It’s a pretty colour,” you paused. “Just like pink.”
Pink huffs, swirling his coffee mug. “I can’t wait to smoke.”
“My buddy sets up Thai sticks like it’s one of those model boats in a bottle. It’s so fragile to him, and he saved one for me. Something tells me I owe him a shit ton.”
“You smoke Thai sticks?” you ask. “Your poor lungs.”
“Nah, I gotta smoke outta one anytime after coffee just for me to either black out or jump off the Empire State building by the time we hit Easter.”
You chuckled.
From the windows of the restaurant, you could see the guys standing outside their parked cars including Nice Guy Eddie and Joe, talking to each other about whatever. You could see their mouths moving, Nice Guy Eddie using a lot of hand motions at Mr. White, and Joe calling someone on the phone.
This wasn’t the first time you spent a limited amount of minutes alone with Mr. Pink. At Uncle Bob’s Pancake House, you two did sit close to each other, except Mr. Blue sat in between the both of you, and you had to lean forward to see Mr. Pink if he was speaking or if you two were giving each other looks if someone said something stupid.
If you were that childish, you would've considered the five minutes of alone time with Mr. Pink a first date - without the formal introduction. You two didn’t give each other your names because of Joe, but you wouldn’t mind slipping it out.
Silence, and then-
“I know this really cool café near my apartment. We should check it out sometime,” you blurted out.
Pink was in the midst of swallowing his food. He chokes on his ketchup dipped toast, taking his coffee mug to chase the contents down his throat.
“Wait a minute-” Pink cleared his throat, then cleared it again. “Are you-” he cleared his throat for the final time. “Are you asking me out?”
“Y-yeah,” you sheepishly smile, holding in your breath. “I mean, we can go get coffee, hang out at my place afterwards - it’s just a five minute walk - and sit on my couch, listen to K-Billy’s Super Sounds of the ‘70s, you can smoke your Thai stick, I wouldn’t mind...” By looking at Pink’s face made you trail off your words. You knew where this was going. 
“You couldn’t ask Brown or Orange?”
“No, I wanted to ask you. We’ve been talking lately, we seem to get along, thank God, and you’re really cool. Even when you can be an absolute dick almost all the time, you haven’t scared me off. Just one date, it won’t kill us.”
“A date...” he frowns a bit. “With you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” your heart sank.
“Nothing’s wrong with you, Miss Beige. Ya just got the wrong idea. We’re here for a job, not to hook up. If you want to suck someone off, try your luck with Mr. Blonde. Besides, I go for chicks at a bar. I know from experience, they’re always coming in hot - first come, first serve typa’ shit.”
“Right. My bad.” You felt yourself shrinking now, fighting the urge to get up and make a dash outta there, somewhere to scream in embarrassment, whatever emotion it was. 
“Excuse me.” Mr. Pink gets up and walks away, just as the rest of the guys start making their return to the large table.
“Where did Mr. Pink go?” Mr. Orange asked.
“Little men’s room, I’m guessing.” You sighed, sliding the milkshake away from you. “I’m full.”
“Something’s wrong with Mr. Pink. Did you guys get in a fight? We were only gone for five minutes,” Mr. Brown laughs.
You sat in silence, staring down.
“Nah, I bet she finally put him in his place and he’s crying like a baby in there,” Mr. Blue said, lighting the cigar in his mouth with a match.
“Most definitely not.” Mr. White shook his head, patting his pockets in search of his lighter. “That man’s a smartass, and smartasses like him know how to shield themselves. He’s fine. If anything, he can walk his ass home.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Pink calmly entered the restroom, placed both hands on each side of the tiny sink, stared at his reflection in the dirty mirror, and screamed in anger. 
He jumps when he notices a man had appeared from one of the stalls just a moment ago, staring at him worriedly.
“WHAT?!” Mr. Pink snaps.
If someone treated him like a friend, he goes along with it if they weren’t weird or creepy. If someone told a joke, he’ll laugh if it isn’t corny or cringeworthy. But if someone admitted their feelings to him? Let alone ask him out?
That was the thing: Mr. Pink doesn’t like the idea of vulnerability. He’s aware that it’s unavoidable, it’s human nature - he just chooses not to give into it. Mr. Pink won’t waste a breath giving anyone the impression that he’s easy to get along with and that he’s a kind of guy to not act like a complete jerk half the time, because that’s not true. Not on his behalf, at least. 
“Mr. White,” Mr. Pink approaches him in the vacant room at the hideout one day.
He knows people can judge. So he naturally survives on witty remarks, being a sarcastic ass most of the time, and coffee, coffee, and more coffee. Coffee times six. 
Mr. White finishes combing his hair in the small mirror, nodding at him as a response. “You all right, son?”
But at the same time, his heart was telling him he wants you all to himself.  “I got a problem...”
"SO you want my help?” Mr. White said, a few moments after Mr. Pink had explained the situation he was stuck in. “You’re completely hopeless right now? Gosh, is it my birthday already?”
“You’re full of shit,” Pink mumbled.
“Thought you’re s’posed to be a fuckin’ professional, like you said?” Mr. White chuckled. “I would have thought you would know what to do by now.”
“What am I, the Dalai Lama? I don’t know the answer to everything.”
“I mean... I kinda figured something was goin’ on between you two, I tried to warn her,” White shoots him a blank stare.
“Warn her?” Mr. Pink scowls. “Like I’m some fuckin’ tiger on the loose?”
“I did tell her: Listen, honey,” Mr. White grimaced, as he saw you like a sixteen-year-old teenager not knowing better than to get her heart broken. “Are you one hundred percent sure you like Mr. Pink? He’s a pretty cynical guy. You know he doesn’t tip waitresses?”
You shrug.
“Look, I know I can be very close to myself while very outspoken but,” Mr. Pink sighs. “I mean, c’mon, you’ve seen Miss Beige. Who wouldn’t want her? One time, she called in sick for a job she worked at just to play Super Mario World.”
“You could go there and apologize to her.”
“It’s not that easy, White.”
“How so? Just tell her you freaked out but you had a change of heart.”
“No, man. I could have accepted it right there and then, I could be taking her out somewhere, a place she likes, or that café she was talking about. But no, I turn into the cold piece of shit I always am ‘cause I’m a fucking-” Mr. Pink kicks the rusty chair in anger. “-idiot!” He kicks it again, hurting his foot in the process. He cries out in pain and hops away to the table for balance.
“Mr. Pink, it’s not too late to win her heart. If you really like her, and I can tell you’d take a bullet for her, then brush the professionalism aside for one second and make your move.”
“How?” he chuckles, taking a seat in the chair he had just kicked.
“Well, you can start by introducing yourself.”
“Already done.”
“No I mean, your name.”
“Whoa, whoa whoa. What we’re not gonna do is that.” Mr. Pink ran his fingers through his hair, turning his back to White to therapeutically stare at the light pink tiles on the walls. 
“Why not?” White shrugs. “I told her mine. And it’s-”
Mr. Pink turned around. “What?”
Mr. White furrowed his brows. “Huh?”
“You told her your name?” he said. In his mind he prayed Mr. White gave her a fake name on the spot.
“I mean, not just her. Mr. Orange, too. My first name and where I was from, it was a normal conversation.”
“...WHY?!” Pink’s voice echoed in the warehouse.
“Orange asked.”
“You know what Joe said, we’re not supposed to reveal any personal info about ourselves!”
“Joe said this, Joe said that- fucking teacher’s pet,” Mr. White mocks.
“What the hell were you thinking, White?” he shouts.
“How else can you and Miss Beige take a step further if you can’t even tell each other your fuckin’ names? Just introduce yourself, Pink. That’s one way to start,” Mr. White says.
“And what if she doesn’t like my name?” He could only come up with such a question like that.
“What is your name?” 
“Fuck you, man.” Mr. Pink stood up from the chair, earning a chuckle from his colleague.
“All right, if you won’t tell me your name, then tell y/n. Y/n should be the only one who can know.”
Mr. Pink turned back to him again. “Y/N?” he says. “That’s her name?”
Mr. White nods. As heated as Mr. Pink was, he knew one day your name would have to fall out of his lips and not a colour, and he wouldn’t mind that. Y/N...
Mr. Pink wouldn’t mind that one bit.
FROM now on, the café near your apartment complex would be your go-to. It was a café not too small but not too big, and no one would bat an eye if you showed up in your pajamas. The following Saturday you went there alone, sipping your coffee and turning to the second page of the morning paper. 
What sucked was the fact that after you were turned down, you came to think that Mr. Pink wouldn’t be able to see how cool the interior was. He sure was missing out. Sure his Thai stick won’t be stinking up your living room while throwback songs from the ‘70s play on the radio, but indeed, sucks for him.
“Shit, you were right, y/n. This place is pretty neat.”
The newspaper crinkled when you lowered it down. Standing at the foot of your booth was Mr. Pink. This time he didn’t have on his silly Hawaiian shirt like last time, and no, he didn’t ironically wear pink as a kind gesture. He did look good in a white tee, though. 
You had to smile. He knew your name. And you wondered how...
“Oh, Mr. Pink. Morning,” you nodded.
He takes a seat in front of you. “C’mon, we’re not at work. Just call me—”
TAGLIST: @locke-writes
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highly-flammable · 3 years
Reacting to Legacies 3x03 (SPOILERS):
1. So ARE we FINALLY getting to some proper firstborn Mikaelson witch breakdowns?
2. Oh well, apparently no. They'll just try to wave it off as some one time thing probably.
3. So Hope and Landon are on a break. Okay. TBH watching them sass each other is interesting.
4. The guidance counselor is pretty much a compulsion monster, is that it? Well, I do like his wardrobe.
5. Alyssa's concern for MG is so fake I can't.
6. Nobody other than Jed read for Stefan? THE DISRESPECT.
7. Lizzie playing Caroline makes total sense but them asking Josie to play the lead without even an audition looks a bit bad TBH. Like, give the other interested people a chance, at least.
8. I find it a bit repetitive how there are mind-controlling monsters popping out again and again.
9. So MG is basically going through a phase similar to what Cami was going through when Klaus used to compel her at the beginning of TO. Considering Quincy's fondness for Cami, he must have liked playing that.
10. I understand that Landon is supposed to be a capable songwriter in-universe but it takes more than that to write and direct a musical and it's very weird that they didn't even find a guest star to pose as a Drama or English teacher who is guiding him or something. WHERE ARE ALL THE TEACHERS?
11. I kinda feel like some of the lead characters in this show are colour-coded. I see Hope and Landon in red and blue a lot (the two gowns we have seen Hope wearing also fall into this pattern) and Josie wears yellow in like, every other episode. If I recall correctly, Lizzie wears a lot of white, too. I wonder what the reasoning behind these choices are.
12. Well, I liked Hope and Landon's relationship in S1, I have no idea what was going on with it in S2, and I still don't know what to think about it.
13. Lizzie casts herself in Caroline's role and then chokes at rehearsal. Not totally unrealistic but still feels a bit forced to me. Would have been better if Landon cast her because she's Caroline's daughter and Lizzie was a bit apprehensive in the first place because she didn't want to mess up the role.
14. I appreciate the show taking a moment to talk about Lizzie's bipolar disorder though. It's been a while.
15. "Bonnie just disappears for long periods of time"? Dude, she's still super important and you're putting her in the play. Right? RIGHT?!
16. Landon, THANK YOU for pointing out how weird Caroline and Alaric's relationship was. The guy deadass got engaged to her and had a pissing contest over her with Stefan, that will never not gross me out.
17. So the monster is mind controlling Landon to put Klaus into the play. Saw this coming IG.
18. Hope is painting again, like her dad used to do when he felt things were going out of control. I've been rewatching TO and this is making me so emotional. I MISS KLAUS AND HIS SHENANIGANS. And not a single character on Legacies comes close to Klaus, Elijah and Hayley for me. (Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings but Legacies really is a downgrade from TVD and TO)
19. Ugh, why would he use the contents of the letter as lyrics? Dude, is it because you're mind-controlled? No, I don't like this. Klaus loved Hope to the ends of the earth and wanted everyone to know but Hope wants to keep things private, and her wishes should have been respected.
20. So apparently Landon tries not to put Klaus' villainous antics into the show. Well, okay, it's definitely a copout but since he is Hope's boyfriend, makes sense. But I don't understand why the musical HAS TO BE about the Salvatore school. The accreditation excuse is lazy, writers! Also, Landon, my dude, Klaus was a major donor of the school. Put that in instead of the other things, stop pissing off your girlfriend FFS. Even if you're mind-controlled 🤦🏻‍♀️
21. I do find it funny how Landon is all gaga over Klaus' use of language though. The guy really did have the best lines, didn't he? (Tied with Elijah, I suppose, for me)
22. The other singers of the first song are really good so Kaylee sounds a bit rusty in comparison. Also, she reminds me too much of Dark!Josie with the hair and makeup. From a distance, she can be mistaken for Nina though.
23. I love that the backstage activities are being shown.
24. I'm digging Jed as Stefan and I really like his singing voice. And the Hero Hair wig cracked me up. Kaleb is obviously good at singing at it's nice to hear more from him. I also like how Chris Lee didn't try to exactly emulate Ian and played Damon how someone who has only heard about him might play him.
25. Is Hope painting herself before the pit or something? Or is this supposed to symbolize her despair at her parents' loss? ALSO, I WANT SOMEONE TO MENTION HAYLEY :( Why is Hayley so ignored?!
26. The same person probably wrote MG's notes and Caroline's letter IRL and therefore, in-universe, MG has Caroline's handwriting and it's funny to me.
27. Jenny sings well, I like it. I don't understand the song though, was Caroline actually ever feeling this insecure? I feel like the song became a lot more about Lizzie than her mother. (It's been forever since I watched TVD, if anyone has yet to guess, I prefer watching TO)
28. The doppelganger thing cracked me up.
29. Wait why did the monster attack Josie?! Ohhhh he's forcing Landon to improvise and put Klaus' song at the end. Well, I guess it makes it seem a bit less like Landon's fault. But would Hope know that?
30. It's hilarious how they lowkey make a call back to Nina leaving TVD and them having to put Elena in a sleep spell though.
31. Landon having a hissy fit is funny to me. Aria needs more comedic scenes.
32. Wait, where did Jade come from? Has she been in the school all these weeks?
33. While the scene seems a bit shabby to me, Klaus talking to Hope reminds me of their scene from TO 4X03. I needed more of Summer Fontana and Joseph Morgan together. Also, the donation did get mentioned, YASSSS. Man did some horrific things but he did fund the school so maybe a little less badmouthing in the presence of his daughter now that you know the story, eh, students?
34. The fact that the guidance counselor actually wore a leather jacket and a henley is cracking me up. It's really bizarre.
35. "Terrible painter" XD Klaus would have eaten you for saying that if he were alive.
36. Um, Hope, wouldn't you ask your family if you are doing enough to make your father proud, instead of this random bloke who supposedly met him once?! Maybe call Freya or Rebekah.
37. Why is this monster being nice to Hope? Doesn't it try to break people up or something? You'd think he'd try to piss her off even more and ruin her relationship with Landon.
38. Stefan was trying to be more like Damon by sacrificing himself? Um, what?
39. Well, this musical at least gave Stefan and Caroline a goodbye scene. I wonder how much the twins remember Stefan, must have been a bit emotional for Lizzie to play that. Jenny's singing was gooood, really liked it.
40. JED WAS GONNA KISS LIZZIE AND I WANTED IT TO HAPPEN. But a forehead kiss does work.
41. Hope's playing Elena now? What?
42. Ngl I want Hope and Jed to be friends. She needs more of a connection to her wolf side. Both of her parents wanted her to be surrounded by wolves and she's barely interacting with the wolves in this show, which always makes me sad.
43. So this monster can also do little spells and move physical objects eh? Whatever, this is random.
44. And this monster brings people back together? Why?
45. So when Hope is singing, is she doing it as Elena or Hope? She came on stage as Elena, but I thought the song is about Hope. So WHAT IS IT?
46. Oh Damon's on stage, so Hope is singing as Elena and it's a call back to the graveyard scene from the TVD finale.
47. Danielle sings pretty well. It's good she decided to perform this time.
48. Okay, that lifting up scene was adorable. I feel like Hope and Landon are at their cutest when they're a bit spontaneous. But she's Elena on stage and it lowkey looks like Landon crashed her romantic scene with Damon to kiss her so I'm cackling.
49. How much older is Jade supposed to be than Josie?
50. So is Josie going to leave the school for a while and that's why Ethan will be back in the picture?
51. Jade used to babysit Josie? Okay, it is hella awkward.
52. Josie why, don't do this, yikes. Kissing her once doesn't make it non-creepy.
53. The Sheriff feels kinda shoehorned to me. Also, I don't care for Matt Davis or his character.
54. So Candice did the voiceover for Caroline's letter. That's nice for the show. I still don't understand why the letter showed up in Hope's fireplace though LOL.
55. This episode should have spent more time exploring the aftermath of the loss of Rafael. The abrupt shift from the last episode wasn't nice.
56. Yeah, kids, talk out your problems, thanks.
57. I feel like Klaus is too much of a controversial figure that Hope's conflict about her father's reputation would be resolved in one day. This is feeling undercooked. Speaking of, when is one of Klaus' or Hayley's enemies coming after Hope, because she did inherit all of them. Would make for better storytelling than this monster of the week nonsense. And yeah, still no mention of Hayley, I hate this.
58. The monster's characterization was really odd to me and I am so tired of this format SMH.
59. So they toyed with MG for weeks to get a vampire for the spell? That sounds like too much effort. There are tons of vampires from Klaus and Rebekah's bloodline, they couldn't find another? Also, I wonder who is the wolf that they will use.
Well, I felt like this episode was mostly okay, but not that well-cooked or epic or whatever. What is horrific is that they didn't show Bonnie, though. They could have at least gotten a female black guest character who is one of the witch students or something. This is very offensive.
Also, I don't think it makes sense for the show to do any more musicals in the future. This ain't Riverdale.
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years
Fic Prompts: Folklore Friday
Or more precisely, Eldritch Friday, the day when I deliberately retell a Lovecraft story badly.
He’s public domain, he’ll just have to deal with it.
Today’s story: The Unnameable. Let’s see, which unfortunate soul are we reading the statement of today? Annnnnd it’s Randolph Carter again.
Guy didn’t learn his lesson last time, apparently. Statement Begins:
Randolph is, once again, in a cemetery. By his own volition this time, instead of being conned by a “friend”. There’s an old creepy house and some trees nearby that he supposedly used as a setting for a story he wrote at some point. He stares at an old willow and starts waxing poetic about it drawing nutrients from the skeletons below, or some kind of “unnameable” horror. His buddy, Joel Manton, has been putting up with this kind of talk for a while now, evidently, as Carter has become a Weird Fiction author.
I smell a possible Lovecraft expy.
Manton gets on Lovecraft Carter’s case for overusing “unnameable” and “unmentionable” instead of, you know, actually describing your horror. He also bluntly informs Carter that nobody’s been buried there for a very long time -- presumably why nobody minds them chilling on the tombstones -- and the tree just sends its roots into regular old dirt.
Randolph has picked up a bit of an ego, apparently, since his last statement. He disputes Joel’s more Doylist approach to the supernatural, and writes off the admonition as “the futility of imaginative and metaphysical arguments against the complacency of an orthodox sun-dweller”. So of course he gets defensive of his apparently pretentious stories and starts insisting on the existence of the supernatural, despite already knowing that Joel believes in the supernatural. (He just doesn’t think it’s “unnameable” or makes for good penny dreadfuls). Mind you, Randolph is actually a skeptic at this time. He just likes writing about supernatural fiction. (Presumably his previous statement has finally dawned on him as incredibly fishy.)
“”Common sense” in reflecting on these subjects, I assured my friend with some warmth, is merely a stupid absence of imagination and mental flexibility.”
Gee Randolph, you must be fun at parties.
To his credit, Joel doesn’t back down. He’s a teacher, and he’s used to this kind of thing, apparently.
Carter whines about a story he’d published, complaining that it was retracted because of “silly milk-sops” who just didn’t get it, while his readers in New England are described as reading it and going “meh. Not biologically possible, but it’s a nice story.” Carter insists it was based on an account written by Cotton Mather -- historical side note: Cotton Mather was a Puritan minister in colonial America. Known for promoting inoculation, but also for being a strong influence on the creation of the Salem Witch Trials -- and repeated in an ancestor’s diary. Said ancestor claims to have been run down on the road by something with horns, hooves, and “anthropoid paws”. 
Now, this could be some kind of New England minotaur, as Carter claims by the bones he says he found in the attic of the old house and buried. But with Carter’s tendency to exaggerate scary things, for all we know his ancestor could’ve wandered straight into some poor ox-cart’s path in the middle of a dark road. Probably scared the snot out of that poor bull.
Joel Manton insists that supposing this creature had existed in Puritan days, it still wasn’t Unnameable because sooner or later somebody had to scientifically classify the thing. Side note I feel like Lovecraft would hate some of the names we give cryptids and that amuses me greatly. Yes we named him Mothman, Howard. No we won’t call him “The Thing” or “The Nameless Horror” or something like that. Carter gets more theatrical with his tale, and actually gets a reaction out of Manton. 
It also gets a reaction out of something else that presumably does not appreciate Carter’s storytelling.
Out of the house comes an ice cold wind and -- I kid you not -- the two get run over by a minotaur. They literally wake up in the hospital with hoofprints on their backs like Looney Tunes characters. Randolph “Make Up Stories About The Supernatural Because I’m A Skeptic” has taken a turn into Wile E. Coyote’s neighborhood, and one can hope he learns to stop clamboring around on people’s tombstones after this.
And just like his last statement by Mr. Carter, once again Mr. Lovecraft seems to have a very broad definition of what constitutes “gelatin”.
“It was everywhere -- a gelatin -- a slime; a vapor; -- yet it had shapes, a thousand shapes of horror beyond all memory.” 
Howard dear, gelatin and vapor are two very different consistencies. And gelatin doesn’t leave hoofprints on your back when it bowls you over like a semi truck. But I shouldn’t be surprised, considering this man also used “gelatinous” to describe a pack of rats. 
Randolph’s statement is, in my opinion, a bit unwieldy. He puts a lot of time into arguing for the spooky, eldritch side of the supernatural, and putting his “friend” down for having “common sense”, and yet he claims to be skeptical of such things. Which is it, Randolph? You certainly protest a lot for someone who thinks it’s all fiction. Sort of strikes me as Randolph making it up in his armchair, nursing a drink and imagining some variation of the debate where Joel experienced something that would make him capitulate to Randolph’s opinions.
But on the other hand, it’s a bit difficult to be skeptical once you’ve had The Incredible Cow Man use you as part of the pavement in the local cemetery, I suppose. We shall have to see what the resident minotaur has to say about the encounter, and whether their statement differs from Mr. Carter’s.
Statement ends.
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floxalopex · 3 years
I don't know if somebody already did this specifically. But yh the heck let's go.
WARNING 1: THIS IS NOT A POST FOR SENSITIVE PEOPLE AND/OR MINORS. (it contains gore and sexual themes and more).
And yes, SALT. Lots of salt.
WARNING 2: this has nothing to do with Christianity specifically. Atheism isn't hate towards your god(s) and/or its believers. Although there are many forms of atheism (some of which are so strong and violent they make me furious) think about mine as a general form of indifference. I hate the Church state, yes, but sorry I have that "at home" so please don't blame me. I don't like Abrahamic religions in general, but I've grown up with one.
I'm thankfully not a cult survivor, but I can understand some things.
WARNING 3: living in a very religious contest I have many beloved friends and relatives (starting with my mother) who believe in their god a lot. So if my words are too disrespectful tell me, I really don't want to hurt anybody.
I've seen many similarities between the cult Horde Prime put his clones in and your very average, very white, very western idea of Christianity.
1) Theophagy:
First of all, I really don't know much how this thing is lived in other Christian countries, but in mine they put a lot of emphasis on the Eucharist.
As far as I've seen I think it's pretty obvious how much in ancient cultures there's a very carnal and very grounded idea of the spirit. That can result in believing the soul to be the "psyche", so literally "the breath of life", the coordination of your sinapsis togheter (to me a very poetic definition of how our whole being ourselves is just us being our central nervous system) or it can lead to you eating the ashes of your granpa so you get his good qualities (something some cultures still do today). They said that the head of Orpheus was buried in the island of Lesbo and that's why its land was filled with amazing poets like Sappho. There's this very, sorry, brutal idea of the embodyment of the soul, the talents of a person, that even a piece of corpse is considered a magic thingy.
This is no different in the very old, very ancient, very rural Christian religion (at least in the most common version of it, we have many flavours of one truth apperentely).
When I was in High School we studied a lot Bacchus and the Baccanalia, because there are several commedies about it. My teacher, being very religious, was almost ashamed to admit that a lot of acts of those festivities (let's say that the most normal thing was for women to give their milk to animal cubs) were actually not very dissimilar in their rawness to certain habits of the religion.
So, what about Horde Prime? (me *yh, what about it, stupid ADHD?*). I have seen a post in the past explaining that yes, even though spacebats have the dentition of a frugivore bat and not haematophagus bat, the scene of Prime recharging in his throne with all those disgusting cables filled with green liquid referred as "the life force" of his clones...well, it's surely something.
Looks like a sort of sci-fi vampire thing. Which is very cool and I love this headcanon. So again I kept thinking...what is THAT amniotic fluid? I am a student, so correct me if I say something wrong.
Amniotic fluid is a combination of water 99%, proteins, glucids, fats and some salts (...it's even effective for electric conduction...the heck is that pool).
The most similar body fluid is plasma, so blood less cells. Even the serum, so plasma less proteins, is very similar.
Now, stated that Prime is a manipulative jerk, stated that I don't know much about aliens' physiology, stated that that fluid can come from blood potentially, in Church they say this:
*and Jesus said: "This is my body/blood which I offer in sacrifice for you"*
Apart from it being very creepy, there's this idea in the whole religion-thingy: if you are human you are a selfish monster, so monstrous you made our Lord and Savior die for your sins for how messed up you were.
So basically you don't become a sinner, you are concived as one. Humanity is sin itself, it can never lead to something good.
So are the clones. That's why Prime, in his benevolence, feeds them with himself. To make them pure, to protect them from the outside world. To make them remember who their strenght comes from.
If you don't want to read all of this just go for the Futurama soda episode, it's basically the same thing. Bleah.
2) Corpse feticism and more.
Again, don't know you guys, but here we are filled with mummies. I went in a place in Palermo and ...my gosh why did I do that.
We have everything here, hands, heads, feet, teeth so many of them, dead babies, dead virgins, dead popes, dead elders, all of them for half the prize, but only if you call today.
We are. Filled. With these atrocities. At least we don't touch them anymore.
Sometimes I wonder if, apart from the "hygene", people in Middle Ages used to die at the honorable age of 13 also because they kissed those... thingies there.
So, can we please talk about Horde Prime collection of "previous selves"?
This man has a whole room filled with corpses of himself. In the Vatican you can find corpses of dead popes as well, preserved and even dressed in a very good way. In Italy in general we have these, I remember a whole room in a town near my city filled with skeletons of "saints". Personally I find it very disturbing because you are basically not allowing that body to rest and serve its last biological purpose, especially if you consider that most of these "saints" were mentally impared young kids who were killed brutally and died as "martyrs". In ancient Greece the WORST thing you could do to a corpse was to leave it unburied, without dignity.
It's getting darker now.
I like both headcanons for Prime, that of a spoiled (maybe even sexist) royal of a lost culture who wanted to conquer the universe and that of him being a sort of ancient evil spirit, but I personally like to stick with the latter.
Imagine the old bodies of the clones Prime used for himself. Pushed to their limits. Clones dying young is horrific as well, but like these people were forced to go on. Not to die. Not to age as much as possible. And now that they are dead they can't even rest. They are a show off for anyone to see. Their brains preserved and their literal dead flesh still tormented for reading.
One may ask me, then what about corpses in formalin for medical use? Well, one thing is a donor or a dead fetus or a corpse nobody claims. That's the story of the skeleton in my university, a young male who didn't eat much. A very lonely man. Well at least now he is well loved and appreciated, ah if only he knew that.
The point is, we respect them. We are grateful for the informations they give us. Gosh, I know I'm creepy, but I even cuddled one bone once. We know they probably suffered. Like, search for HeLa cells. That lady has my highest respect.
But Prime? Those are. Vessels. Just that.
Anyways, apart for the "respect the deads thing" I found Hordak's behaviour in that room that of high distress. Like, ehm, any normal person? Search for "Convento Dei Cappuccini", that place I was talking about in Palermo. The fact that I heard kids cry and "MEMENTO MORI" everywhere.
Everyone and everything is afraid of death, I just accepted that fear because it's normal. That doesn't mean I want to be reminded of it every week, especially if I'm a 7 yo kid.
Honorable mentions: that horrible art collection.
3) Double standards
When I went to catechism my teacher used a very feather hand on males and an iron fist on us ladies. We weren't allowed to wear trousers, to play football, to raise our voice. We were forced to be very clean, to sit with our legs as closed as possible. I heard it was worse before, at least we could play volleyball and weren't forced to knit.
We were however "encouraged" to sing and bake stupid cakes for Sundays. Mind you, I'm very feminine, but one thing is liking ribbons one thing is being a slave.
The boys...well, they could literally do anything. They broke things, used petards, beat each other. They were NEVER reproached, the teachers would say "oh, they are just boys". Like once I was so engrossed. I remember I had to sit behind a guy with his butt almost uncovered (because the lower you put the helm of your trousers the cooler you were) while I had to stay still with my head high, chest out, belly in and legs closed for 2h. The problem was: I almost pitied him. I was like "poor thing he doesn't know how to behave properly". That's so crazy, I was piting a free soul while I had my hands handcuffed because I truly believed the bullshit they put into my mind.
Now, imagine how did Horde Prime's clones feel about Catra and Glimmer.
They can dress as they please. Eat non amniotic fluid. Catra can even go wherever she wants.
To me, they didn't feel envious. As they should! That's how far an indoctrination can go.
Take Yudi interaction with Catra, he believes everything he is saying.
But I think deep down he knows, they all know, the truth, juding by his bitter reaction after being possesed. He knows he is the slave here, not the free man. But he wants to believe the other way round.
I think that yes, of course Prime kept Glimmer and Catra (and Hordak) because he needed them to conquer Etheria. But that is also a good way to show to the poor clones of how lost people far away from Prime's light can be. Slaves of their bodly needs and slaves of their individuality.
4) Sexual abuse
Do I need to explain this? Plus all those sick touches Prime gives not only to Hordak, but to Glimmer, Catra and Adora as well?
I don't know much about other countries, again, but here the Church is a real cancer. If a priest gets accoused of raping children he just gets put into another Church far away, and generally he keeps being a pedo even there and the game goes on.
I wouldn't exately say that Prime is a pedophile but clones are pretty innocent and neotenic to me so...idk.
Of course, Prime is his own state and his own rules, so yh. Raping all day. That's why I don't like to ship him with anything rather than a 100 m fall. Not even with his clones, sorry I know its kinky maybe but he is a monster.
Also, the way the clones feel like...honored to be raped. That's so sad. Maybe he convinced them this is the only right way they could experience sex and intimacy. I really don't know.
One thing I'm sure of is that Christian religion likes to often put shame on some "impure" acts. That's the name. The most impure of all is masturbation. If you are a male ...mmm well it's okay dear, it's not your fault you are male and so a sex starved animal. But if you are a girl? Ihhh oh dare you bitch.
Mind you, I fall in the ace spectrum but I did too have puberty and needs, and these thoughts in my head made me only conflicted.
Last thing. More of an asking. And more irriverent, so please stay away if you don't want to read.
So basically I understood I was atheist at 5 yo, just because I read two different versions of the birth of the Universe, one in my science book and one in my Bible (MY Bible, I still have it, was a gift of my aunt) and preferred the science version. I still felt conflicted, like once during a religion lesson at School (well...I don't blame Mussolini much in this case, I mean the Vatican wasn't still recognizing country indipendence and we needed a compromise) the teacher told me to stop drawing dinosaurs with Adam and Eve because they never existed. I mean...yes that's anachronistic but still I felt very sad, dinosaurs were cooler than that story. I remember I even made an experiment "if I say I don't believe in god will I get thunderstruck?". It didn't happen so I was like "oh cool, science wins". But then CATECHISM ecc ecc. The fun fact is that they think atheists are those who don't study religion, while I was the most zelous of the class.
I just wonder...my baby boy Hordak is a man of science, what were his thoughts after his separation from Prime. I mean of course he still believed, but also not as much after some time. Entrapta is a support system for him of course, but he accepts her affection quite easily on canon. Which is amazing, still... maybe he was already doubting his devotion?
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densi-mber · 4 years
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A/N: This takes places in the semi-near future. For today’s prompt: Kensi or Deeks as a teacher. This fic represents what happens when my mind runs wild with an idea.
“Hey, can I call you back in about an hour and a half?” Deeks asked as he jogged down a flight of stairs to the third floor. “I have office hours starting in a few minutes.”
“Sure. Good luck with the gremlins,” Kensi answered. He rolled his eyes, nodding to a passing professor.
“Kens, they’re in they’re 20’s. You have to stop calling my students things like gremlins and children.”
He walked into the small office where he spent his time when he wasn’t teaching Contract Law to thirty or so L1 students. He dropped his bag by the desk, and slipped his jacket off, rolling his sleeves up a few times so he wouldn’t end up getting ink or chalk on the fabric. His dry cleaning bills had definitely increased since he started wearing dress shirts and ties again.
A little less than a year before, when he’d be aimlessly looking for a job, one of his former classmates had suggested teaching until he found something more permanent. Deeks had balked at the idea initially, but eventually given when it became clear that he needed to work and his other options were unavailable.
He’d never anticipated how much he would enjoy it. Now he taught three classes throughout the week at Loyola Law school as an adjunct professor. It was strangely satisfying to have a hand in teaching the next batch of lawyers.
“All I’m saying is that they look a lot younger that I did at that age.” Deeks snorted at Kensi’s completely inaccurate observation as he wrote a few notes on the blackboard that took up most of the back wall.
“You were just a baby when I met you,” he teased.
“Yet you still married me,” Kensi pointed out.
“Ooh, touché.” He heard a noise behind him and glanced over his shoulder. “Oops, gotta go. See you at dinner.” Deeks hung up, turning around completely to face one of his students, Mallory Baten.
She was lingering in the doorway and if Deeks didn’t know better, he would have thought she was hesitating. But that didn’t align with the young woman he knew. Mallory was one of the most outspoken and confident students in the class. She also had a biting sense of humor that Deeks found hilarious.
“Hey Mallory, what can I do for you?” he asked, gesturing for her to take a seat. Again she hesitated a little before pulling up one of the metal chairs situated opposite his desk.
“I had a few questions about Monday’s lecture, Mr. Deeks,” she said, pulling out a thick, color coded binder. The sight of it always reminded him of his own college experience and made him slightly nauseous. He did not miss the stress of studying and exams.
Deeks dragged his chair over with his foot and sat down with his forearms braced against the back, waiting for her to continue.
Brushing her light blond hair back from her neck, Mallory flipped to a page from the last class notes. Deeks instantly recognized her small, neat handwriting covering the majority of the paper.
“So, I was rereading the section on unjust enrichment and I wondered if you could clarify the concept. The text book had some examples, but I thought it was a little lacking,” she said, pointing to her notes.
Deeks tilted his head, quickly scanned her notes and nodded. It was a fairly simple concept, but Mallory tended to be exceedingly thorough. She was one of five or six students who regularly attended his office hours.
“Ok, so unjust enrichment essentially says that if I provide you with a service or product, I deserve compensation. Even if you end a contract early or have an issue with how I provided the service, you still need to provide compensation for those services or produces you received,” he explained.
“Even if the services or products weren’t satisfactory?” she asked, writing something in the corner of the page.
“Well, that would fall under a different part of contract law and would be considered a breach of contract. Assuming there was a legitimate contract to begin with. Does that answer your question?”
“Yes, it does, Mr. Deeks.”
“Awesome, I’ll see you on Wednesday,” Deeks said, grabbing a stack of homework assignments that needed grading from the end of his desk while Mallory packed up her binder.
“Actually, I have one more question,” Mallory said. He glanced up, mildly surprised to find her standing over her desk. “Do you want to have dinner with me tonight?”
Deeks froze, sure he’d heard her wrong.
“Do I-what are you asking me?”
“I’m asking you to go out to dinner. On a date.” Her cheeks were a little flushed, but her gaze didn’t waver.
“You know, I’m married, right?” he asked a little desperately. He saw Mallory’s eyes flick to his ring and then back to his face, and she nodded.
“I know.”
“And I’m your teacher.”
“You’re also really hot,” she said bluntly and he felt his cheeks fill with heat. “Plus you’re funny, caring, and my god, your muscles are incredible. Sometimes I come to office hours just to watch the you move.”
Mallory seemed past the point of embarrassment, but he wished a hole would open up in the floor. Or he could throw himself out a window. Unfortunately, his office didn’t have one so he’d have to actually face this. It didn’t help that Mallory was now openly checking him out.
Suppressing a groan, he turned in a half circle, pinching the bridge of his nose as tried to figure out what to say. The continuing ed classes he’d taken hadn’t prepared him for this possibility at all.
“Mart-Mr. Deeks, are you ok?” He almost laughed at the question.
He turned back around to face Mallory again, balancing a on hand on his hip. She looked a little more uncertain again and was watching him avidly.
“Well, this is, uh, wow.” He cleared his throat noisily and tried again. “While this is incredibly, um, flattering, I think we both know that nothing is going to happen between us. For a multitude of reasons,” he said as gently as he could.
“We could still just go out for dinner,” she suggested hopefully. “As friends.”
“No, we can’t,” Deeks said firmly. “Now we should go talk to the dean about getting you transferred to another class section for the remainder of the semester.”
“Hey baby,” Kensi greeted him at home later that day, punctuating it with a kiss. “How was work?”
“An unmitigated disaster,” he sighed. He dropped his bag by the door, and flopped onto the couch. Kensi sat next to him and grabbed his hand with a look of concern.
“What happened? Everything seemed fine when I talked to you earlier today.” Deeks groaned, silently reliving the last few hours.
“One of my students hit on me today.” If he’d expected Kensi to react with outrage, he was about to be disappointed. She visibly relaxed beside him, smacking his arm with the back of her hand.
“Why didn’t you lead with that? You had me really worried,” she said, shaking her head at his apparent lack of consideration.
“The fact that a 23 year old asked me out to dinner doesn’t bother you at all?” Deeks asked. Kensi shrugged.
“I figured it was only a matter of time.” Deeks gave her a look and she rolled her eyes at him. “For someone who claims to be a reformed lady’s man, you are ridiculously oblivious when someone is flirting with you. Half the women in your class have a crush on you.”
“No they don’t.” Kensi actually laughed at his protest, patting his arm with false sympathy.
“Uh, yeah they do, babe. Every time I’ve visited you at work, there are no less than three students staring at you at any time. Sometimes even a couple teachers,” she said, clearly enjoying this more than she had any right to.
“Ugh, now I’m going to be thinking about these kids checking me out during class,” he groaned. “This sucks.”
“You’re not even a little bit flattered?” she asked with mild surprised. He shrugged. Maybe he would have been at one time, but now it just seemed weird and a little creepy.
“I might be if I wasn’t old enough to be their father.” Kensi squinted at him and he clarified, “If I had them really young.”
“I’m sure they don’t think of you in a fatherly way.” Deeks made a face at that and gave a full-body shudder.
“Well, thanks for that horrible thought,” he said dryly. “And here I just thought they all loved my teaching.”
“Well, I’m sure they appreciate that too.” Kensi smirked at him as he pouted, running her fingers through his hair. “It’s all your own fault, you know.”
“How is this my fault? I didn’t ask for any of this.”
“You can’t walk around all day in tight shirts and pants with your sleeves rolled up and not expect to get noticed,” she said, leaning in and gliding her nose across his jaw. She inhaled deeply. “You look good enough to eat.” As she spoke, her hand drifted up his bare forearm to cup his bicep. It was a fairly innocent touch, but he still felt a shiver work its way up his spine.
“Is that an offer?” he asked, thoughts of Mallory quickly leaving his mind. Kensi walked her fingers up his arm and across his chest, pausing at his collar. She fiddled with the button on his collar and then slowly tugged his tie free.
“It’s a promise,” she said, the husky note in her voice incredibly sexy. Deeks settled his hands on her hips as she rose up on her knees and straddled his thighs. Smiling down at him, she brushed her hair back, the glossy strands dancing around her shoulder, and slipped the top button free on his shirt. Then she looked up, her expression playful, and added, “For later.”
“That’s cruel,” he complained. “Especially when I’ve had such a terrible day. It was mortifying.”
“So how much did you freak out when she asked you out?” she asked slyly.
“I handled it with all the finesse and professionalism that you would expect from a former criminal defendant, detective, and federal liaison,” Deeks said with mock solemnity and Kensi raised an eyebrow at him.
“Really?” Her voice was filled with disbelief.
“Yeah, no, I kept hoping a freak tornado or earthquake would come along and put me out of my misery.”
“So, I don’t have to worry about you running off with any promising young law students?” Deeks rolled his eyes at Kensi’s question. He thought she was mostly joking, but just in case, he cupped her jaw between his palms, cradling the back of her head and firmly kissed her. She made a noise of surprise in the back of her throat that quickly turned to satisfaction.
“Never. They’ll just have to find another incredibly attractive, middle aged teacher to chase after.” He kissed her again. When they pulled back, Kensi was smirking at him as she fiddled with his collar.
“You’re an idiot, but I love you anyway,” she said, pulling him back down to her.
A/N: I know nothing about law, other than what I googled.
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post-itpenny · 3 years
How would Blair and Chloe feel about everyone else?
Tagging @grodygabe since I decided to answer for EVERYONE.
Mary- Immediate new friend. Chloe thrives off building connections with others and Mary is so nice and cool! And gosh the roller skates, Chloe loves that. Plus Mary understands a little of what Chloe has gone through, which is something she hasn’t had before and… that’s a very bittersweet thing, especially in a place like this.
Cora- Also cool. Chloe gets the sense she has to prove herself to Cora though and she doesn’t know how. It’s not that Chloe needs to be friends but that she knows in a place like this it will be better if they can work together. So, it’s Chloe’s own personal mission to get Cora to trust her.
Pandora- just seems to have her own wisdom about her in- in her own way that is. Plus she’s also traveled a lot. I can imagine Chloe would love swapping stories with her.
Bastion- He seems so nice, and she really appreciates does appreciate him trying to look out for her. She accepts his help because it doesn’t seem like he’s doing it out of pity- she can’t stand when people think she needs their pity- Chloe is capable. She clearly is or she wouldn’t be here! Something tells her this place, whatever the heck it is, does not take those who can’t survive for long. Anyways, she likes Bastion and I can see these two becoming good friends very fast, she’ll want to watch out for him as well.
Kiyoko- Chloe would be surprised to realize this one is nervous around her but that’s ok! There is never anything wrong with being shy. Chloe would give her space and respect that’s what Kiyoko needs. If they’re hanging out in the same space between trials Chloe would just whip out the old guitar and play because that always seems to loosen anyone up. If it doesn’t work, then that’s ok too.
Thomas- He is also closed off, but it’s like he wants to trust her and be friends but something holds him back. She wonders why…
Johnny- His arms! She would honestly want to cry the first time she gets a good look at him. To see someone’s prosthetics look just that amazing, to see all the cool things he can do, and he built those himself?! She really would find it a little inspiring. Don’t get me wrong, she’ll still find him terrifying. But just- just wow. Calls him amputee buddy behind his back.
Thaddeus-Is it weird that in some ways he reminds her of her own grandfather? Very no-nonsense and gruff but she has a suspicion he can be nice if he really, reeeeaaaaally wants to. Plus she would find his treatment of Cora a little funny.
Gisela- Is beautiful in a very creepy way. I think Chloe would enjoy visiting her realm the most just because she likes the aesthetic of the different maps. She would be cautious around Gisela however. Chloe gets the vibe that upsetting her would be a very bad idea.
Akane- Is probably going to get the guitar treatment often X3. It’s really nothing personal, it’s just Chloe has a particular fight or flight response and if something that angry and scary is coming after her you know what you’re going to get. She would actually be rather intimidated by Akane since running isn’t her strongest suit.
Apophis-Chloe has never had a problem with snakes… until now. She normally feels a little bad when she has no choice but to get aggressive with the other killers. Chloe is determined to survive but she doesn’t really want to hurt anyone. But Apophis makes her actually feel like she’s being hunted, not just chased. He would put her on edge almost as much as Blair does.
Irene- She’s so rude and bitter! Just…. why?! Chloe will honestly love Irene’s map, but I think what will be most interesting is that Chloe will insist on being nice to Irene no matter what. Perhaps it’s a bit of a “kill them with kindness” approach.
Blair- she’s so afraid to run into him again. But she knows it’s going to happen eventually so the best she can hope for is to prep her fellow survivors for what will be coming.
Mary- This one has spirit, he’ll see her as a challenge in matches and enjoy it. Her cleverness, her quick remarks, it will all be fun banter for Blair. He’s more likely to avoid focusing on just her in a chase however. Blair plays the long game, relying on patience and strategy rather than just barreling after a survivor. He knows this would do better to throw off her game anyways if he won’t give in to any of her baiting.
Cora- He’ll see a lot of her ancestor in her, that independence and stubbornness; honestly he can respect that. I hate to say it, but Blair will mess with her in matches from time to time just to annoy Thaddeus. Purely because Thaddeus being angry is funny to him.
Pandora- Another fighter, he’s learned from Chloe it's best to watch the feisty ones. Pandora would probably be able to get in a swing but that’s it. He would switch to getting her from a distance with flash powder or fumes. If that doesn’t work then shepherd her into an area like the funhouse or animal tent instead of simply trying to corner her.
Bastion- Sorry to say it, but the moment Blair learns Bastion is afraid of clowns he’s going to go ham finding all the ways he can scare the poor guy.
Kiyoko- A bit of a mouse yes? How timid this one is, let’s see if there is a lion in her yet.
Thomas- In some ways he pities the boy for having to deal with Irene. Buuuut, not that much pity. Again, like Cora, Blair would mess with Thomas during matches because it would make Irene angry. His newfound favorite hobby.
Chloe- Here’s the thing, Blair actually respects Chloe. The entity interfered with the match which he considers cheating. But he knows that wasn’t her doing, plus it was at a minute left on the clock. Meaning there was a very real chance she could have held him off just long enough to win. So in Blair’s opinion she did win, something no one has done and walked away from with their sanity intact. All the others were assimilated into the circus, so he decided Chloe is now a member as well, regardless if she wants to be or not. Her role is a unique one at that but she is one of them nonetheless. He’ll take to quietly keeping an eye on her for now.
Johnny- Will thank him for the compliment of being called a clown, every single time. He’s definitely going to want to tease Johnny from time to time but the gentleman minds his own business and for the most part Blair will respect that. He is very curious about Johnny’s technical creations though. Blair was just a boy when the idea of “modern electric lights” and other marvels were first made available to the public. To see how far technology has come is astounding.
Thaddeus- Will also thank him for the clown compliment. Blair really doesn’t have much interest in the old man except that it’s fun to annoy him. Otherwise, like Johnny Blair will respect Thaddeus’ space.
Gisela- Now Blair has a pretty decent connection with the entity they serve, but he takes one look at Gisela and immediately will understand “that… don’t mess with that.” He will however be so amazed at the idea of real magic. One of Blair’s earliest lessons was that there is always someone better at your job, you just have to perfect your craft to yourself. He is proud of his talents but would want to learn real magic so badly. He knows however, she would not be a willing teacher. But Blair is patient, he knows when she’s visiting his realm and lets her explore freely, perhaps it is a start.
Akane- After just one meeting Blair would get the sense to just leave this one alone. He’s not afraid of her and her anger. But, something about this one and the way she acts. He just gets the feeling he should leave her be.
Apophis- While Blair finds Apophis’ appearance and abilities to be fascinating, Blair is not intimidated, definitely a lot of banter between these to. Both are proud and while Blair never has trouble sharing the spotlight Apophis will irritate him. Also, the snake is not allowed to visit his circus unsupervised for the safety of his people.
Irene- Hehe, they can’t stand each other. Blair will take a lot of enjoyment riling Irene up into a full on tantrum. He actually remembers seeing a much younger Irene in newspapers back in the old days. He thought she looked arrogant even then. You can imagine Irene’s thoughts on circus performers so these two are always going at each other.
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kitsutaes · 4 years
pluto protector
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pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: fluff, coming of age-ish, bffs2lovers!, astrophysicist!reader, & artist!taehyung
word count: 2.6k
rating: pg-13 i guess
warnings: none
a/n: this is inspired by rex orange county’s song pluto projector, a song i love so so much. also this fic is split up into small parts & it focuses more on tae’s and reader’s small but important moments together !! i hope you like it even though it isn’t too heavily edited. p.s. thank you teresa / @sketchguk for looking this over !! you da best !!
summary: you and taehyung have been in the same galaxy, orbiting one another for as long as you could remember. but as time passes, gravity pulls you in closer and closer, ready for the two of you to collide.
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Kim Taehyung was your protector. Just at the age of nine, Kim Taehyung held your hand as the two of you ran around the playground, feet hitting the wood chips that spewed around. His disheveled chocolate brown hair bounced around as he ran, eyes bright as he turned around to look at you. He had a goofy smile plastered on his face, exuberant as any nine year old at the park with his best friend should be.
“___! Let’s go on the swirly slide!” Taehyung yells, pointing at the bright red slide ahead. The playground near your neighborhood was huge since it was already part of an already massive park. While the park had its own variety of plants and wildlife, the playground consisted of slides, swings, monkey bars, and corkscrew climbers that allowed you to climb up and slide down like you were going down a fireman’s pole; only round and round instead of sliding straight down.
“Okay, but only if we go on the monkey bars next Tae!” You respond, swinging your arm that held his hand. Your eyes matched his, bright and bubbly. Taehyung nodded as the two of you climbed the blue steps that led to the big red swirly slide.
“You first or me?” Taehyung asks, letting go of you hand to grasp the yellow metal bars on the sides of the red slide. You roll your eyes, seeing his mischievous grin, basically telling you he was he was ready to go first.
Sticking out your tongue at him, Taehyung takes off, gravity pulling him down until his sneakers hit the ground. He turns around, motioning for you to slide down.
“C’mon ___!” Taehyung calls from below. His arms are crossed as he waits for you to come down. You nod, your own hands gripping the metal bars Taehyung previously held onto as you’re seated on the bright red plastic. Letting go, you slide down, feeling parts of your hair stick up to the underside of the slide.
Taehyung’s eyes widen as he knows what’s coming next. You’re up and off of the slide, ready to chase him and zap him with your finger charged with static.
“___! Come and get me!” Taehyung giggles running off to the opposite side of the playground to avoid getting shocked. You’re right behind him, but you trip on your own foot, falling onto the wood chips.
Instead of a smile, you’ve got a pout on your face. Eyes turning red, brimming with tears, ready to cry. Taehyung’s looking back at you with a worried expression, heels turning around as he’s running back towards you.
“Tae!” You cry as his arms are helping you up, feet standing upright once again. His hands are gripping onto yours, leading you back to where your parents were.
“It’s okay ___, I’ve got you.”
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At the age of twelve, Kim Taehyung was still your protector. Although you ended up with different teachers and classes, the two of you didn’t drift apart like most friends did as they entered middle school. Most kids ended up finding new friends, groups, cliques–forgetting and leaving the friendships they made when they were just a few years younger. But, you and Taehyung weren’t like most kids. The two of you stayed together in gravity’s grasp, never leaving the solar system you shared.
Just like always, after school, Taehyung came over to do homework with you since you shared the same subjects. His green backpack would be plopped onto your carpeted floor right beside yours, colored pencils and papers almost spilling out of them.
“You had to read The Monkey’s Paw too?” You ask turning around in your seat, nose scrunching at the thought of the story Mrs. Tang read to your class today that gave you the chills. It was a story written by W.W. Jacobs that just had to be a part of your English class’s “Poetry and Short Stories” unit and you couldn’t wait for it to be over.
Taehyung was seated on your bed while you were seated at your desk. Taehyung looks up from his math homework, nodding at you. 
“Yeah, I kinda liked it.” He says, giving you a small shrug as you shudder.
“It was creepy!”
Taehyung laughs at your expression, your face showing that you were totally repulsed that he slightly enjoyed the supernatural short story that was required to be read in every 7th grade class.
“Just a little bit,” he responds as he looks down at his homework, “I bet you’re enjoying science right now though.”
Taehyung was 100% correct, you were loving science this week. This week’s unit was about space and that was something you held close to your heart. There was just something about the universe, galaxies, protostars, and planets that intrigued you to no limit. You wanted to be like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Carl Sagan, exploring the vast universe full of the unknown. Just last year it was announced that Pluto would no longer be considered a planet and just that, broke your heart to pieces; Taehyung was there to witness it. Your love for the little planet was undying, feeling as if it deserved much more appreciation just like Neptune and Jupiter. In your eyes, Pluto was something special.
“Yes, oh my gosh! We get to make a presentation of a planet of our choice, and I’m still picking Pluto. I don’t care what Mr. Peterson says.” You scoff, a determined look gracing your face as you turn back around in your seat.
In that very moment, in Taehyung’s eyes, you were something special.
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Graduation had finally fallen upon you. After days of graduation practice, you were finally here; sitting in the risers, that was placed on the fifty-yard line of the football field, clothed in your graduation gown that possessed one of your school’s colors. The night had overtaken the sunny skies, leaving you and your fellow classmates and friends underneath the shining stars as well as the bright stadium lights your school used for all sorts of events.
Your parents were in the stands, most likely with Taehyung’s family, along with other parents and family members of graduating high school seniors with their phones and cameras taking pictures to capture this once in a lifetime moment.
You didn’t graduate a valedictorian or salutatorian, but at least you made it until the end. It may pain some to hear it but grades aren’t everything. Despite getting kids into higher level colleges, grades don’t and can’t define a person, you learned that the hard way. High school’s about learning about yourself and the people you surround yourself with. Are they real friends? Do they talk about you behind your back? To you, it’s about exploration, finding the people who fit you well and help you shine brighter like the stars, and hopefully avoiding space debris that just get in the way.
Taehyung’s seated a few rows above you with only a few people separating the two of you, meaning you’re still able to make faces at each other, winking and scrunching your noses while the ceremony proceeds.
He looks great, handsome even. Dark locks trimmed just for this special event, since his mom made him. His bright eyes are shining even brighter with the reflection of the stadium lights as you peer up to look at him. 
Seeing him like this, you realize how grown up he looks. Despite only being eighteen, the Kim Taehyung sitting a few seats away from you definitely does not look like the Kim Taehyung you met in 3rd grade. That Taehyung you met years ago is still somewhat the same as the Taehyung now, but just older, more mature–not mature, but more. It makes you realize how time flies, because it literally just seemed like yesterday where Taehyung first moved in a couple houses down from yours. Your neighborhood was full of elderly people, so when you found out a kid your age had just moved into town, you were ecstatic. Ecstatic to the point where you bugged your mother to take you to meet your new neighbors.
You smile to yourself as you look away, eyes reaching the stars that you were always fond of. 
This was a moment you hoped you would remember forever.
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“I felt like gouging my eyes out.”
Taehyung’s eyes roll at your complaint. You just came out of your physics class with Mr. Garcia’s lecture picking at your brains during the entire hour and a half. You and Jungkook (the only person you knew in that class) walked out looking as if your souls had left your body; even though that was exactly what happened. The two of you part ways with a tired wave as he had another class to attend. 
Taehyung had been waiting for you since his class finished a few minutes before yours. He was nose deep into a book when you find him sitting on a bench just outside your building. His bright blue hair made him easy to spot anywhere. He made you dye his hair before the semester started, insisting on trying a brand new look.
Before the two of you graduated high school, you’d done college applications. You’d gotten into one of your dream colleges, opening the acceptance letter in front of Taehyung and your parents. Taehyung on the other hand, didn’t tell you what college he got into until after the graduation ceremony. It led to you punching his arm while exuding tears of happiness. Now, at the age of 21, you’re spending your time attending classes, studying for exams, while downing cups of coffee during breaks with your best friend.
“Seriously ___, your fault for wanting to be an astrophysics major.” Taehyung scoffs, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as the two of you head off to one of the coffee shops you and Taehyung frequent the most. Fortunately it was close, just a couple blocks away.
Smacking his arm away, you frown. “You say that every single time.”
“I’m just stating facts.” Taehyung shrugs, wrapping an arm around you again, and this time you don’t fight it.
Your own arm wraps around his waist, gripping onto a part of his coat. Taehyung, even though you didn’t want to admit it to anyone else but yourself, made you feel safe. Whenever he’d scoop you up into his arms for a hug, or just had his arm around you as you two walked down the street, it made you feel loved. Knowing that someone cares in this world full of fortunate and unfortunate events, is one of the greatest feelings in this world. 
“I wish I was still in astrology 101 or 102, learning about the stars, black holes, and the Milky Way,” You say, grinning cheekily at the man beside you. “—not the chocolate.”
“I literally wasn’t even going to say that.”
“Liar.” You snort, nudging his side with your elbow. The two of you have reached your destination, ready for caffeine that you’re desperate for. Taehyung’s arm has left your shoulder, a certain warmth departing with him, as he opens the door for you like the gentleman he’s always been.
“What do you want?” He asks as you both reach the cashier and glass display case showing an ever so wonderful variety of pastries to eat with an already amazing cup of coffee.
Peering through the glass you see some newly added goods, alongside the usual but you already have your order in mind.
“I’ll have a macchiato and some madeleines please,” You say to the woman manning the cashier with a soft smile, while taking out your wallet from the small pocket of your backpack. Taehyung’s hand stops you, handing his own credit card to the lady who grins cheekily at the two of you. She was around maybe thirty years old.
“And I’ll have a hot chocolate please.” Taehyung’s lips are pursed, nodding his head as she repeats your order.
“You guys are a really cute couple by the way,” She smiles, handing Taehyung back his card along with the receipt while you’re left standing there staring at him with wide eyes as he thanks her for the compliment.
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At the age of 24, you’d think you would have plenty of things figured out. You don’t.
But at this age, you’ve learned that things really aren’t constant in the world, and that everything’s prone to change. Although somehow, there’s one thing in your life that hasn’t really changed.
“Tae, where are we going?” You whine, head leaning on the car window. Taehyung had just picked you up from work, a long day of work, and all you wanted to do was go home.
You and Taehyung had been dating for awhile now, after he admitted his long time feelings for you when he took you to his studio and painted you your favorite planet in the Milky Way. His feelings for you were returned, having loved him ever since you were kids as well. Now, he spends most of his time at your apartment as if you two shared it; not like he didn’t do that before already. 
“___, you’ve asked me that 5 times already and I told you that it’s a secret.” He says, turning his head towards you for a moment before looking back on the road. You don’t see it, but he’s sporting a small smile on his face. Taehyung’s been waiting to show you this secret of his for quite some time.
Your head isn’t leaning on the window anymore as you recognize where you’re headed to. “Wait, we’re going to your studio?” The road to Taehyung’s art studio is one that isn’t too familiar but isn’t unknown as well.
After a few more minutes of driving and parallel parking (which actually doesn’t take Taehyung long to do it) you’re already standing in his studio, gazing at his works of art.
“Tae, these are incredible.”
While you’re gaping at his paintings, Taehyung’s laughing at your reaction to his creations. This is the first time in a long time you’ve visited his studio, and the first time in a long time that he’s shared his pieces with you. While you’re studying about outer space and the secrets of the universe, Taehyung’s in his studio painting his heart out whenever he wasn’t busy.
Whenever he was in the mood to paint, he’d enter this zone, totally blocking out anything and everything, letting his passion for the arts take over. Sometimes when he’d pick you up to have a cup of coffee or when he’d come over to have dinner at your apartment, he’d have paint marks all over his hands and occasionally his face. 
Like you with your science idols, Taehyung admired plenty of incredible artists who worked with various mediums like, Claude Monet, Keith Haring, and especially Vincent Van Gogh. Taehyung had this affinity for Van Gogh’s artworks that even he couldn’t fully explain why he loved them so much.
“Wait until you see this,” Taehyung says, reaching towards one of the canvases he had stacked and leaning on the side of his wall.
You’re so immersed into some of his other paintings you don’t realize he’s right beside you, ready to reveal one of his latest pieces. Taehyung loved to experiment with different mediums, always trying to find his niche. You noticed even though he painted a variety of things, he loved to paint scenery. You could feel yourself getting absorbed into his creations full of lush greens and calming sunsets, fluffy clouds, and sometimes quite the opposite.
“___,” Taehyung nudges you, poking your cheek to get your attention and it definitely works. You’re turning your head, eyes catching a painting of Pluto that looks exactly like the real deal, as if you’re seeing the planet with your own eyes.
“I love you ___. As much as you love this little planet and as many light years it would take to reach other universes out there.”
304 notes · View notes
Emily in Paris episode 3 or it’s still more accurate than American media recent coverture on France.
Ah, I had to write that title. And I am not even talking about American Twitter. But yeah. Feel better. Somewhat I have the impression that this is going to substitute the still a better love story than Twilight in my mind. But, I’m sorry, Stephenie Meyer, I am not here for that but to make a belated, totally improvised, not at all completely planned recap of Episode 3 of Emily in Paris, your favourite Instagram version of the French capital.
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So episode 3 starts with our heroine running, as she usually does every morning. Why this Paris is more empty than the town where I live which has like 25,000 inhabitants? So many questions about where did people go. The case is her boss in Chicago calls. Yes, the one who speaks French and should be now best friends with Sylvie but it’s stuck in Chicago with her pregnancy.
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I know, Madeline, I know. It would be frustrating for me too that the main trait of my personality was I’m pregnant and on my bed. They both exchange about how now that Doug dumped her Emily’s life is full of croissants and sex, when actually is about sex. Also Emily meets street furniture. As does Madeline, too. I guess that’s not the kind of idea she had of meeting French men. Thanks Anne! Hidalgo of course.
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Madeline is sending Emily the corporate commandments for Savoir. Yikes, I thought again, a cultural clash is coming and what are corporate commandments anyway (I don’t know, sounds tacky, I’m just a puzzled European), but for now there are another problems to solve. Emily’s shower breaks, the building manager only speaks French and of course our leading lady is still struggling with understanding it. Also, sidenote: manager building is right with Miss Cooper. Only problems.
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Fortunately Gabriel exists and he helps her to break the language barrier. But this isn’t going to magically repair her shower and so Emily has to wash her hair in one of humanity’s wonders, one apex of civilization, the bidet. It’s supposed to be a bad hair day for her afterwards but... Does she look that different? Well, not for me! Discuss:
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This shows... A character development! At last! Emily is trying to learn French, and even if her beret isn’t going to help in the task, is good to see she’s trying to adapt. Still, she’s overdoing a bit with that Gioconda bag.
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I mean, girl. Relax. In order to improve her knowledge, she tries to trick her teacher - who considers a working place full of French people must be an interesting environment where to study the behaviour of the Emily Cooperius Chicagoensis but refuses the pleasure of her company if there’s not a 50 euros banknote in between. Business is business after all. Cut to Emily reuniting with my adored godess Sylvie, whose elegance and beauty only can be matched with the flag of the twelve stars in the background. Ah, Freude, schöner Götterfunken/ Tochter aus Elysium,/ Wir betreten feuertrunken/ Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
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Well, the case is they are going to film the advertisement for De l’Heure today and it’s an important thing Emily keeps her mouth closed and unsmiling because she looks stupid, at least in Sylvie’s opinion. I’d say more scary but well.
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Luc and Julien receive them with the enraged face of every European citizen who just met an aggresive attempt  of being forced into the American Way of Doing Things. Which they refuse naturally. Madeline just sent the corporate commandments and everyone is pissed at nonsense like giving praise in public and critizising in private. But off to filming the spot for the perfume. The location is the Pont d’Alexandre III that has featured in like 20,000 advertisement for fragrances. Here they met Antoine and Emily has the twentieth humiliating experience with languages telling she’s horny out of a sudden when she wanted to mean excited.
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Emily meets the model, a Serbian blonde beauty that doesn’t speak French, that’s her personality trait. Our heroine seems rejoiced to find at least a kindred soul but we won’t have more time with the model, whose task is to walk across the bridge naked - or wearing the perfume, Antoine says - , while surrounded by men in costumes. The campaign Dream of Beauty, in short. Emily’s reaction is this:
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Antoine argues this is meant to represent the woman’s fantasy, to be desired by all these men. Emily doesn’t think this is going to be appreciated by women at the other side of the Atlantic ocean and says the idea is sexists rather than sexy. Filming stop for they to debate, which seems expensive. Stopping, not debating. Without entering on what fantasies are valid or not and who actually pays attention to advertisements for fragrances - I am not one of these people - we don’t get to learn if Emily knows who Cocteau was.
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The following morning the plumber can’t fix Emily’s shower. His gestures are pretty easy to understand, as it’s an universal fact that often the pieces needed to repair are not immediately available. Anyway, Emily asks Gabriel to help her with translation again. She must pay him or something. The thing doesn’t get to be fixed and Emily gets to shower in Gabriel’s appartment.
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Maybe he has a fantasy of some sort here? Who knows. At the office and after her class, Emily’s first conversation of the day with Sylvie goes, as usual, for a rocky start. She has made lost money and time to the company, her boss argues, and on top of that she’s the prude police. The final straw for Emily immediately after that is that someone (called Luc) drew a dick on the Sacred Corporate Commandments. Having forgotten the fact that drawing penises is part of the human nature since the dawn of times, Emily doesn’t take well the profanation. It’s too much so she goes to lunch with Mindy.
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Mindy - who is celebrating a party later and invites her - rolls her eyes at the corporate commandments and more or less say she deserves the hate because she could not expect French people were going to receive that gladly because they are against all. Well, it’s one of their multiple charms. “People like me! That’s my thing!” , Emily argues. Oh my sweet Summer child... Once back at the office, the commercial is as nonsensical as your average perfume commercial. Emily suggests a poll on Twitter to decide if it’s sexy or sexists. Bad or good, they’ll have publicity. Sounds about right?
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One day I want to be Sylvie when she answers, after Emily invited her to Mandy’s party: Sorry, I’m busy. Also when she goes on with a mini the reason you suck moment: “You come to Paris. You walk into my office. You don’t even bother to learn the language. You treat the city like it’s your amusement park”. Apparently Emily can’t wrap her head around the idea of not everyone liking her and that you don’t have why to be friends with your bosses or workmates. Girl, just a civilized relationship with them is enough. Anyway... Emily does invite her, incapable of taking a no for an answer.
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As predictable - don’t say you didn’t predict it - the party is a bit crowded and, leaving aside Mindy, Emily doesn’t know anyone there. Because, Sylvie knowing better, she didn’t show up. Well done Madame. Out of water again, Emily finds an apparently cute boy who engages in a conversation with her. With hand kissing at the balcony at all.
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All it’s very romantic until, when they are strolling the streets and after flirting a bit, Fabien I think was his name - sorry, not checking again - tells her he likes American pussies. This is too much information all of a sudden for Emily - even if it could lead her to learn another the meaning of a new French word, equally related with felines - and storms off to Gabriel’s restaurant. Why is a thing the chef is there, available to serve her a glass of wine, I don’t know, I didn’t write this thing. But finally, finally, FINALLY our heroine says she’s going to stop trying being liked by everyone. Thank you Paris, you inspired some adult realities on Emily’s brain. It’s also a productive night after all because Gabriel says he likes her. So... yay? Since many of you have already seen the complete season, you know that things are... more complicated than that.
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Of course the last three minutes of the episode are reserved for Emily Was Right After All moments. The poll is a success even if the commercial is not universally liked - but as Emily has learn this is not that important anymore -, she takes revenge on Luc bringing a dick shaped bread, or cake - I don’t know exactly what it is - which is a funny and irreverent way to respond him aaaand... finds a present from Antoine on her desk, lingerie from La Perla. Which is, ew, a bit creepy.
Aaaand that was all. I had to rewatch it because it had been eras since I last wrote about this series. I promise to be more disciplined with the next ones. Until then.
P.S. Down with Corporation Commandments.
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silvia7272 · 5 years
? ~ Threats & Frights Tonight
I decided to do some smaller fanfics to just make sure everyone is on the same page as me so the SongFic will be revealed later on. However, I’m going to write out of order just like season 3 because I thought this would be cool and a nice way to introduce my OC.
I believe this takes place in season 3, after Lila gets back but before the oh so great finale episodes, so they’re still like around 14. I won’t mention all the episodes but I will post more about how my OC becomes friends with Kagami and Luka. (And Felix because I love Fanon Felix)
Also, I want to ask, do you want consistent salt, salt but redemption for few or all?
Edit: The question mark just means I’m unsure which part this takes place in my main story. It doesnt mean too much.
Word Count: 2203
Marinette stood there frozen, her new best friend, one she knew she could trust with everything, one who knew her identity… Was being Akumatized right in front of her.
Rosina, the newbie of Collège Françoise Dupont, the one who was able to get Marinette and Chloé to settle their differences and let them become friends had fallen for Hawkmoths Akuma.
Why don’t we go back to see how that happened?
Ever since Marinette and Chloé’s friendship blossomed apparently overnight, things had only gotten worse for the girls.
All the classmates had believed that they were always friends but decided to trick them so Marinette would be seen as their ‘Everyday Ladybug’ while Chloé was the bully.
Thank god they ditched her as soon as they saw her “true inner colours”
However, even with all the glares and comments directed towards the girls they never even bat an eye to them, they just kept on walking ahead never looking back. They even had the nerve to smirk back at them.
And now it had appeared there was one more person they wanted to convert.
Rosina Scoats.
She had been a new student to Dupont, and everyone had been excited.
She had looked so pleasant, and everyone had tried to warn her of Marinette, the bully, the one who had made Lila feel so sad and disheartened after Marinette had openly tried to oppose her for being a “liar”.
After all, she had done nothing wrong.
…Nothing wrong.
And yet, no matter what they did, she had always gone back to the outcasts of the class, and they talked as if they had been long-time friends.
It was hopeless now, she had fallen for their lies, there was no way they could save the poor girl.
Although they thought it weird it was only after she came that Marinette and Chloé became friends.
It had just started like any other day. Marinette and Chloé had arrived first and walked to the back where their seats were located, not that they minded being at the back.
Because Rosina had been staying with Marinette she made sure the busy girl got up early for school much to Tikki and her Parents comfort, although she hadn’t appeared yet as there was something the girl had to take care of before coming so the trio became dos at the back.
Then the quiet ones, Nathaniel, Juleka, Ivan, Mylène and Adrien came in. The latter held a disapproving stare at the two girls who should’ve taken the higher ground. They shouldn’t have rocked the boat, and what did they do? The exact opposite.
Honestly, they were worse than Lila at this point.
He just wanted them to apologise to Lila and they could be friends again, couldn’t they see the error in their ways?
It was even worse when he had that argument with Chloé. After that everyone told him it was great, he finally got rid and stopped being friends with Chloé, he could, at last, see just how much she had hurt all his friends and he felt like a fool; he only just realised. Chloé had hurt people while Lila hadn’t.
How ironic right?
Then all the rest came in, ending with Lila, again sprouting some nonsense about meeting several celebrities and she was like a little Sister to them all. Alya was sucking all this information and typing it on her Ladyblog, which by now should be called ‘Lilablog’ considering all the information dedicated to her ‘bestie’ instead.
“Of course, but because they live so far away, they can’t come and celebrate my birthday. Sometimes it’s hard being so far away from them, they’re like family, but they always give me a message and the best presents to make up for it” Her fake tears earned her so many sympathy votes the girls were surprised she wasn’t nominated for best actress.
A scoff was heard, and all heads turned towards the back, it would’ve been creepy considering how in tune they all were, but they didn’t say anything.
“Yes, is there anything wrong?” Lila innocently asked but pulled a disgusted face when no one saw her.
“Oh, nothing nothing, I just love watching Reality TV so early.” Chloé knew they all hated her, but she didn’t care, Lila had already turned Sabrina against her, so she only had Marinette and luckily newbie Rosina as friends.
“Don’t listen to them Lila, their just jealous of all the people that love you compared to them” Some snickers were heard but the girls didn’t pay them any thought. However, a noise disrupted the talk amongst the students.
A phone ringing.
Marinette’s phone was ringing.
“H-” Before she could even get a word out, she had to pull her phone back by how loud the girl’s voice had been on the other line.
“OPEN THE WINDOW NOW OPEN THE WINDOW NOW OPEN THE WINDOW NOW OPEN THE WINDOW NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!” Marinette confused but used to weirdness in her life did what she was told and opened the nearest window. It was a close call as a body slammed into her just as the window opened, leaving no room to run.
“Sooooooorrry about that Mari. I got held up again. That thing I told you I had to do while here, weeeeell it came up, so I had to take care of it, and then Piper wanted to- AHH! Piper are you ok? You aren’t hurt, are you?”
The redhead turned to the bundle she had been carrying while she flew through.
A child, possibly 4 or 5, with black hair and pink eyes in a colourful mini dress, that looked incredibly cute on her all the girls awwed at the girl that they all knew as Piper.
Their meeting would be stated for another time.
Part of her hair was tied in a small high side ponytail, adding to the girl’s cuteness as well as her fringe. They just hope the girl wouldn’t become a bully like the other two. But whenever they tried to come up to her she was always too shy and would bury her head in the girl Rosina.
The little girl nodded before going over to Marinette and trying to help her up. Even if she was shy of the class somehow the bullies were able to warm their way into the girl’s heart, it seemed surreal.
What did they have that the rest didn’t?
“Don’t worry Piper I’m fine you don’t have to worry about me.” The girl nodded before hugging her after noticing everyone was still glaring at her, or rather Marinette.
Before they could even sit-down Lila just thought she should tell the class her thoughts.
“Shouldn’t Piper be around some nicer people? I would hate to think what would happen if she continues to be in that type of environment?” She said sneakily yet no one seemed to notice while they all still nodded.
Rosina although knew about the situation between her friends still always wanted to remain positive for her besties and besides, she was great at being civil.
“While I appreciate your concern, Layla-”
“Layla, my seat is assigned here, and Piper would tell me if she wanted to move. So, Piper, would you like to-?”
“No thanks,” A barely audible voice spoke before she could even finish.
“Well you heard it folks the answer is no. Hey, Piper, you want to draw something?” She nodded enthusiastically and started drawing while Lila wasn’t finished.
“But I’m worried. I’ve been to multiple care homes and helped out whenever I could, and all children love me. You can just leave her with me, I’m sure it would be good for her to spend some time with new people.” The rest seemed to agree with her and started to encourage both girls to hang out with them instead, even if the child had previously said no.
But Piper had been focusing on some particular words.
Leave her with me.
Leave her.
“No no no, p-please don’t leave me, p-please y-you promised me you would s-stay with me!”
Everyone stopped, they didn’t realise the girl would be so upset over this. Even Lila, she was mean but not heartless, especially to a kid.
The three girls at the back tried to comfort the girl with her worries, one bluenette especially worried.
But that didn’t stop the Akuma from entering. Mylène had been the first person to see it.
“Quickly move! The Akuma’s headed for the girl” Even if the teacher was there what could she do? Become Zombizou and have to go through all those Kissy Boo again? No thank you.
Rosina didn’t know what to do. Sure she had faced Akumatized victims before and helped Ladybug (Marinette) whenever she could, she was an amazing fighter, but that was all after the Akuma.
This, right here, was now.
And like hell, she would let Piper be Akumatized.
“Chloé!” Before the girl could respond Piper was placed in the blonde’s arms anyway, the girl would’ve denied but she could see the urgency in her eyes, plus she was trying to be a better friend anyway.
At that moment Rosina was concentrating. She focused her feelings, learning that you must keep a level head in this city, she had to make sure to display positive emotions all the time.
So she threw all of that out the window.
The Akuma had nearly touched Piper but quickly changed course once more prominent emotions appeared. Surely Hawkmoth would prefer a capable fighter to a little girl?
Hehe, you’ll see.
There was a bow in her hair, just begging Hawkmoth to Akumatize it.
And so, that was how everyone stood in terror to the girl with the magical pink mask on her face.
“Rosina please control it you have to!” Marinette grabbed onto the girl, trying to calm her. Tikki looked apprehensive, there was no way Marinette would be able to turn into Ladybug now, all they could do was wait.
“Angerella, that anger is nothing like I’ve felt before. I am Hawkmoth, I see all you want is to protect your little girl, I can give you the power to make that come true, all I ask is for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous.” Hawkmoth’s offer and voice seemed so tempting.
“I can protect and conquer” No. No this couldn’t be possible, all that’s left would be the purple substance covering her, she was going to have to fight her friend.
A friend with a lot more fighting experience.
“If I cared.” Marinette breathed a sigh of a relieve, as well as Adrien. She knew she should’ve trusted her newfound friend but she was so scared. She’d make it up anyhow.
“Now Hawkmoth, I have your attention and you best listen to every word I say” The class looked on in anticipation, some had run off to try and get some help from teachers. Alya, thinking it would be great for the Ladyblog, started recording the whole ordeal.
“That girl you were about to Akumatize, if you ever try to Akumatize her again I will give you hell. Not even the heroes would be able to protect you from my wrath, understand”
“Your answer is duly noted. Now!” She but her hands on her head, seemingly struggling with the sudden Akuma. Was Hawkmoth increasing his control?
“Get out of my head! Now!”
“It's… Gone…” They didn’t expect that to happen, certainly not.
So they cheered and raved how great and cool she was able to do that. Alya cheerfully exclaimed how excited that scoop she was able to get and posted it on her blog right away.
And they all carried on as nothing had happened.
As if it wasn’t important.
Little did they know repelling an Akuma took a lot out of you, ask Chloé she’d tell you.
“Rosina are you ok? You had us so worried” When Rosina stumbled because of her unbalance, Marinette held onto her tighter, that ordeal really frightened her.
“I-I -pant pant- just need a moment, can we get some air? Please?” She nodded and the four immediately left.
“Rosy? Are, are you ok?” Rosina smiled and hugged the girl as they approached the entrance.
“Of course, don’t worry Li’l Piper, no one will ever hurt you, if Hawkmoth knows what’s good for him he will stay away from you.” She rubbed her head as the little girl smiled.
“I gotta say that was impressive, you had me worried for a sec but of course you’d be able to pull something like that off” The blonde lifted her ponytail up and down while commenting the tired girl.
“Thanks for your belief. I never would’ve forgiven myself if I hurt either of you. I love you two so much” She hugged them both surprising them more.
“We love you more Rosina. But please don’t scare us like that again. Angerella” Marinette couldn’t stop the light punch coming from the redhead before they all laughed.
All the while Hawkmoth in his lair was coming to a conclusion.
“She is the one who will bring me both the Miraculous’”
I just noticed this was more about the OC than salt so sorry, I’ve never done salt before so hopefully, I’ll get better as time goes on. But anyway I hope you liked it and I may do another one to add more details if you want.
Have a good day/night.
210 notes · View notes
012: “I can’t stop thinking about you.” Intrulogical? - theo-lord-of-love-and-rage ( bc I can't ask from side blogs and that makes me a sad panda )
Blush For Lunch
Summary: Logan finds a new diner that he decides to become a regular at, not necessarily just because the food is good
Warnings: food mention
Ships: Remus x Logan, Intrulogical
WC: 1,420
A chaotic man with an immaculately cared for mustache was the first thought in Logan's head as he watched the waiter waltz between and around the tables of the cramped diner. Somehow keeping two trays balanced on each hand and a third on the left shoulder while he stood on his tiptoes and twirled around a stray bag, hair flopping messily into his eyes as he did so. He was mesmerizing, as cliche as that might be and Logan blushed as he ducked his head back down, hoping no one caught his staring.
Burying his face in the menu instead he searched for something simple and quick to eat as he worked through the stack of papers he had brought to grade. Being a teacher was a rewarding pursuit but the endless stream of paperwork was definitely something he could stand to do without. His shoes shifted and squeaked on the clean floors, making him appreciate the diner even more considering how many floors his shoes had stuck to rather than slid on. The menu had a variety of simple yet delicious sounding choices as well that the smells wafting around only exaggerated. Hopefully this would be a nice place to lunch at more often.
"Are you ready to order?"
A nasally but pleasant voice brought him out of his thoughts, bringing him face to face with the whirlwind if a waiter. His dark green eyes gleamed in the low light and Logan found himself speechless for all the vocabulary he drilled into his students.
"I uh-eyes."
For all his previous praise of the floor Logan found himself swearing at it profusely at the nerve of it not opening up and swallowing him whole. His face heated up as the waiter blinked and then laughed outright, plucking the menu from his hands. "Coming right up!"
Before Logan could even begin to guess what was happening the other was off with a swish of his hips, leaving him to wonder what exactly was going to end up on his plate. Fiddling with his tie he glanced around nervously as his face began to cool, thanking the stars no one had noticed the exchange.
Within a few minutes a plate was set in front of him with two larger mounds of what looked like fried rice with cartoonish pupils and irises drawn on them in some kind of sauce. The waiter beamed at him as he looked up in question, gesturing to the dish.
"Meat stuffed fried rice balls with hot sauce eyes drawn on!" He tilted his head to the side and frowned in thought. "In hindsight it's more akin to putting googly eyes on testicles but it's close enough."
By the time Logan had managed to process the comment the waiter was gone, back to darting in between tables. Idly he poked at the food in front of him while laughing quietly at the strange mans antics. Actually tasting it however made him appreciate whoever it was even more, as the hot sauce made the dish burst with flavor. Watching from the corner of his eye while the other served patrons made him smile into his plate, ungraded papers completely forgotten. He'd definitely be coming back here.
"You're back."
Logan snapped his gaze up from his work to meet the waiter's gaze, eyes twinkling from lights or amusement he couldn't say. Blushing slightly and adjusting his glasses Logan nodded.
"So? What'll it be this time?" The man gestured to the menu and Logan refused to admit he loved the others black glittery nail polish even if it was chipping. Carefully avoiding his gaze he handed the menu over and cleared his throat.
"I was hoping...you'd pick again? Usually I despise surprises but it was quite pleasant yesterday."
The server grinned wide. "Not gonna give me something to go off this time?"
Logan faltered for a moment. That smile...
Grinning even wider he took the menu and twirled away. "Won't be mine but I'm good at improvision!"
Logan gaped as he realized he must have actually said that outloud, once again turning him into a stuttering mess that quickly buried itself back into the paperwork with renewed vigor. Don't think about him, don't think about him, don't think, don't think-
Groaning he shoved the papers away and dragged a slow hand under his glasses. He hadn't had a feeling like this since...he actually couldn't remember. Everything that random waiter did was just another point on the growing list of reasons Logan was beginning to deduce meant he had feelings for the other. Even though that was impossible since they had only met twice and the other was only serving him food since it was his job but he would much rather be given his number than whatever it was he was going to bring out. Would it be inappropriate to write his number on the receipt? Did people still do that?
Looking up as a plate was set in front of him he was met with a wink and another dazzling, if slightly manic, smile before he was left alone, his heart beating painfully against his chest as he once again tried and failed to contain a blush. He looked down to be met with a stereotypical smiling meal of eggs and bacon...with tomatoes cut like fangs placed under the bacon and the yokes poked and smeared with what appeared to be a dot of ketchup in each to represent the eyes. It was as ghastly as it was amusing and Logan was happy to find it was just as delicious as the meal previous.
The rest of the week passed in a blur of failed flirting on Logan's part and delicious meals on the servers. He caught himself thinking about his next lunch more often than not, wondering of the white streak in the others hair was dyed or hereditary, if he had more piercings besides his ears and the one he had seen in his eyebrow, how it was possible for jeans that tight to be comfortable.
Saturday brought a hint of nerves as he wasn't sure if the man he had grown infatuated with would even be working but his shoulders noticeably relaxed when he caught sight of his smile getting closer, already carrying a dish to his table. In just a week a tradition seemed to have started where Logan wasn't even handed a menu anymore, some sort of oddly decorated meal already ready when his allotted time for lunch came around.
"Wasn't sure you'd be here today but I'm glad you came."
"I- wait why- what?" Logan stuttered through his half question as the waiter disappeared around the tables without answering, leaving him gaping embarrassingly before snapping his mouth shut and turning towards his lunch. His brow furrowed as he realized it was alphabet soup with the letters arranged in suspiciously straight lines that upon closer inspection spelled out numbers with a question at the end.
Call me?
He spent an undetermined amount of time simply staring at the bowl, leaving a rather gross congealed mass in place of the previously steaming lunch. Taking out his phone slowly he typed out the number, panicking slightly as he thought of what to say before settling on his curiousity.
???: Why soup?
???: Why not nilf?
???: I don't know what that is.
???: I don't know your name so that's what I've been calling you.
???: My name is Logan but that doesn't answer my question.
???: I'll tell you when you're older Nerdy Wolverine. Or I could tell you over a proper dinner rather than a lunch rush meal? I get off at 7. Name's Remus btw.
Logan's mouth quirked at the nickname even as his face heated impossibly brighter at the dinner proposal. Feeling bold he texted back quickly.
Logan: I'll admit I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I started coming here, so dinner sounds lovely.
Burying his face in his hands he did his best to contain the awkward embarrassment he felt. Why had he said that? He was going to come off creepy and weird and he was certain that wasnt how you secured a date and-
He peaked out from his fingers as his phone buzzed. Tentatively he opened the text.
Remus: Glad the feeling's mutual!
"Wanna meet up outside the restaurant tonight then?"
Logan looked up at the familiar face, eyes shining with mirth as he leaned forward. He offered a smile of his own and nodded.
"I'd like that."
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: I Like Toast 'Ems
I love Jennifer’s Body. I’m on record singing this thing’s praises from the top of my lungs. I honestly believe this is one of Megan Fox’s best performances. She loved this part and it really shows. I was one of the few who saw this thing in theaters way back when, it came out on my birthday so the narcissism demanded i partake, but i was wholly surprised by what was presented. When the reviews came out, i was stunned because they did not reflect the film i had watched. Over time, the appreciation for this movie has grown considerably and with Fox experiencing a ind of career resurgence, i wanted to revisit her best role thus far. Plus, there’s an unrated edition of this thing that i didn’t even know existed so i wanna check that out anyway. IS the Unrated version worth a watch? Let’s find out.
The Good
I have to commend the direction in this flick, it’s absolutely superb. The choices made in constructing this story were right right on the money. There is a definite female energy which permeates every scene, which is makes sense considering the source material. Karyn Kusama did an excellent job putting this film together.
This thing’s soundtrack is kind of amazing. It’s weird hearing  Florence + The Machine, Hot Chip, Black Kids, and Hole in such a mainstream movie but i dig it hard. I’m such a f*cking hipster, man...
The dialogue in this sh*t is not anything a proper teenager would say, but i still love every bit of it. It’s ridiculous and campy and ridiculously charming. Diablo Cody has a knack for that. It’s not realistic in any sense, old suits in stuffy boardrooms would say otherwise, it’s still quaint in it’s own right.
Look, i give the dialogue in this thing the most sh*t, but the writing is actually pretty tight. Diablo Cody is brilliant at her craft. Juno was amazing and so is Jennifer’s Body. It’s weird that her career kind of petered out there at the turn of the decade. I mean, it didn’t, but it definitely felt that way. Cody has written some dope sh*t since Jennifer Body. Both Young Adult and Tully were great, but even so, it’s like she just disappeared. I guess that is the fleeting nature of being the “It” in Hollywood.
I was talking about this the other day, but Megan Fox is outstanding as Jennifer Check. She has this smarmy, arrogant, sultry energy about her and it just permeates the entire character. Fox humanizes the monster in Check, in spite of this try-hard dialogue. This is easily the best role i have ever seen Fox in and she deserves more visibility. Ma has the talent to be great in this industry, all she needs in the opportunity.
Amanda Seyfried is, arguably, the linchpin of this entire narrative. I love how she brought a deceptive frailty to Anita “Needy” Lesnicky. I’ve been a huge fan of Seyfried since i saw her in Mean Girls and have followed her career ever since. She’s made interesting choices, Lovelace and Chloe immediately come to mind, but Needy is easily my favorite in her filmography. That said, it’s super weird watching Seyfried pretend to be the frumpy friend.
I really like this cast. There’s a few standouts, outside of the two leads, but it’s chock full of great performances from a pretty legitimate ensemble. I was surprised by a few but, overall, this thing feels like everyone fits their roles perfectly.
It’s hilarious that Adam Brody is considered a sex symbol in this flick. He plays the murderous Nikolai Wolf, the whole reason Jennifer got possessed in the first place. This sh*t is definitely a product of it’s time.
Kyle Galner is his greasy, creepy, self as always. This time, he’s a scuzzy wannabe rocker named Colin Grey. I don’t know what that dude looks like after a bath. Every character I've ever seen him play, always seems so sticky.
Speaking of out-of-place cameos, f*cking Chris Pratt is in this thing! Andy “Star-Lord” Dwyer, himself! He’s the douchebag almost-cop. I can’t believe i didn’t make that connection until now.
I would be remiss if i didn’t the great J.K. Simmons. Dude is Jennifer and Needy’s teacher, Mr. Wrobleski. Dude isn’t in this too much but what we do see of him, is dope. As always. That guy is the king of cameos.
So Johnny Simmons is in this. He plays Needy’s boyfriend, Chip Dove. Dude is kind of forgettable but i think that’s the point. The thing is, i know this dude from something else but i couldn’t place it for the longest time. Then it hit me like a truck; Young Neil. He played Young Neil in Scott Pilgrim! Which is hilarious because Chip Dove is literally the same character.
I really like this story. I don’t go for the teen drama too much but this one does a great job of supplanting that with actual, interpersonal, conflict. Jennifer’s Body isn’t a horror story. It isn’t a gore fest. It’s not some vapid, superficial, teenage wasteland of a flick. This is a character study. It’s an expose of growing up and growing apart. This is coming to terms with a broken heart and a lost love. This is a proper, character driven, tragedy and i love it.
The Verdict
Look, i love Jennifer’s Body. That is no secret. it’s not a surprise. High recommend. This review is more for the “unrated version” of the movie. That little bit is actually wildly misleading. There isn’t any extra violence, you don’t get to see Fox’s boobs, it’s not really “unrated.” It’s actually closer to a directors cut than anything. As far as a recut, this thing is awesome. I think i prefer this version over the theatrical but both versions are still great. Megan Fox gives an amazing performance as the demon possessed lead, while Seyfried is exceptional was the evolving heroine. The story is a little cliche but the characters are more than enough to keep you hooked. Jennifer’s Body is a gem and it’s a proper shame it didn’t get the shine it deserved upon it’s original release. If you have time to kill, and considering we’re about to go round two in quarantine so you just might, give it another shot. I think you’ll be charmed.
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irandrura · 4 years
Now, just for fun, I’m going to list everyone I recruited and give some brief thoughts on each one. If I spend more time on a person, it’s because I found them more interesting, or did more supports, or the like.
I did go a bit overboard recruiting people, but I feel validated by that decision considering the number of people I might have had to kill otherwise. As it is I only had to kill two people I didn’t want to – Lorenz and Caspar; Linhardt also appeared but I was able to avoid him – and while I’m sad, especially since I should have gotten Caspar for the paralogue with Mercedes and the Death Knight, it could have been a lot worse.
I will, however, skip the four DLC kids, since apparently you need to start their supports in White Clouds, I missed them, and didn’t feel like going back. So I don’t have the content there.
Here we go:
Byleth: I covered some of my thoughts on him in the post on Jeralt. I wouldn’t say that I dislike Byleth as such, but because Byleth has no dialogue and has few definite character traits beyond “doesn’t show emotion much” and maybe “likes being a teacher”, there isn’t much to work with. I suppose I find Byleth a serviceable enough player avatar protagonist, but if I were writing fan fiction or anything, I think I would need to work hard to develop a memorable personality for Byleth. As it is, Byleth only works because you imagine yourself in his or her shoes.
Sothis: I was originally quite worried about Sothis, since I thought she might be too sexualised. Fire Emblem has a bit of a tradition of uncomfortable loli characters, but fortunately in the game itself Sothis was not that bad, and definitely walks back the creepiness level from someone like Nowi. Instead it felt a bit more like Byleth was playing the same role as Micaiah, with a child-like fragment of the goddess accompanying him. I suspect other routes do more with Sothis, though, because on this route, you could probably cut Sothis from the game entirely without losing much. Azure Moon seems to be the route that is least interested in the history of the goddess, so I should not judge too prematurely.
Dimitri: The hero of this route, even if he sometimes feels like an anti-hero, or even just a psychotic maniac we unfortunately have to deal with. Of the three house leaders, I think it’s fair to say that Dimitri looks the most like a traditional FE protagonist, but as it shakes out, he might be one of the least. He seems to be quite straitlaced, reliable, and even bland at the start, but a lot of that turns out to be a cover and he goes on a real emotional journey, I suspect to a much greater extent than the other two. I do think his emotional arc goes a bit too fast and the game should have spent more time on it, but it was still a good idea, and I genuinely appreciate just how messed up and traumatised Dimitri is. He has issues, he suffers, he runs off into the wilderness and talks to ghosts, but I like it. I feel like he validates the idea that it’s okay to not have everything together. For him, overcoming his demons was the real triumph, and defeating the Empire was just a coda.
Dedue: He reminds me quite a bit of the Tellius games, with their overall subtheme of selfless service and lord/vassal relationships. Like Dimitri, he has issues, but because he’s such a quiet and reserved person, it can be easy to miss them. I suspect he’s a very easy character to misinterpret as well, both IC and OOC, where the temptation for Westerners to interpret him in terms of contemporary racial politics is going to cause problems. But ultimately I quite liked him, and felt that his faithful service really ennobles the person he serves. My one concern or regret around Dedue is that he isn’t present during the period of Dimitri’s madness, so we never get to see how his dedication to his lord might be tested. Would he enable or even encourage Dimitri’s instability? On the other hand, it seems like the belief that Dedue was dead was a major contributor to Dimitri’s madness in the first place, so perhaps if he’d been around, he would have held his friend back from the brink.
Felix: I like that Felix never stops entirely being an asshole. As time goes by his abrasiveness seems less important, and you get a better understanding of why he feels the way he does, but he’s still a bit of a jerk even to the very end, and that’s part of who he is. I also appreciate that he plays a useful role in being the only Blue Lion who actively dislikes knights and chivalry, so he’s important for the way he can provoke the others into justifying themselves. After all, the Blue Lions are a bit of a knight fan club, and he provides some contrast. Nonetheless, for all his scowling, he is a faithful retainer and can be relied on.
Ashe: He’s just a sweetheart, really. A commoner background contrasts nicely with the others, his lockpicking skill is useful, and he’s just generally very genuine and kind. Plus his appearance and voice-acting sell that he’s a bit younger than the others and on the callow side. I feel like he’s one of the characters who grows most in overall maturity, and his journey towards knighthood is probably the longest. He was a character I relied on a lot and I never got tired of him taking down the boss with a single arrow from halfway across the map. In my playthrough he ended up together with Petra and I am sure the knightly order they create will go on to be fantastic.
Sylvain: I’m a little confused by Sylvain. Early on it seems like he irrepressibly flirts with every girl he sees and always gets dumped, but later on, in part two, he clarifies that girls constantly flirt with him because they want to marry into a bloodline with a crest. It seems like it can’t be both ways? I suppose the best reading might be that Sylvain constantly flirts with strangers, who don’t know his heritage or his crest, while rejecting advances from people who do know about them, because what he really wants is someone who loves him as a person, not as a mere opportunity to increase in social status. For someone who seems so cheery and laid-back on the outside, he actually has some real problems beneath it all. That said, at times I was a bit suspicious of the translation: there are a few opportunities to call him a jerk, and I wonder if those were added, since otherwise his flirting seems like it’s presented as harmless, fun, or even a charming character quirk.
Mercedes: I didn’t think a whole lot of Mercedes at first: the caring healer character appears in a lot of FE games, she didn’t seem to put much of a twist on it, and I found her voice acting a little stilted at first. I suppose, to be fair, a soon-to-be-ordained friend of mine has a similar cadence, so it’s possible, but it did throw me off a little. For the most part I found Mercedes very reliable and my primary healer/mage, but I think a more full judgement of her character will need to wait until I do her paralogue with Caspar. Her family background and relationship with the Death Knight seem key to understanding her.
Annette: The translators and voice actor were clearly having fun with her dorky improvised songs, and I love them. They’re great. That said, Annette didn’t really come alive for me as a character until she got to interact with Gilbert. He’s probably a more interesting character than she is, really, but their relationship is what makes them both start to stand out. Overall I find her likeable and reliable, but, Gilbert aside, not one of the most fascinating characters on the roster.
Ingrid: Again, a quite straightforward character in many ways. She wants to be a knight. She trains hard. She becomes a knight. Okay. I did find it a bit odd that even at the end of the game she still talks about wanting to be a knight, even though she’s spent the last few missions entirely in the Falcon Knight and Holy Knight classes, has battled across the continent at the side of her liege, and has defeated countless enemy champions. Eventually I wanted to ask her, “What more could you possibly need to do before you’re a knight?” There is some drama around marriage and social expectations for her as well, and it surprised me that it took her so long to figure out that she could be a knight and serve her family. Her family don’t want a political alliance through marriage or anything: it is specifically money and resources that they need. Knighthood seems like a career that can bring you great wealth – plunder, ransoms, tournament rewards, etc. – so it seems like knighthood, no less than marriage to a wealthy noble after a crest, could be a path to restoring her family’s fortunes. (Also, she was the one I S-supported, so I suppose the marriage plan worked out anyway. *shrug*)
Ferdinand: Everything about him is laser-focused on this question of, “What is nobility?” At times it got a bit tedious, and I wanted him to just shut up about being a noble for five minutes. However, while he laid it on a bit thick sometimes, what I like about him is the way that his character development seems like it could really change based on which route he ends up in. After Edelgard declares war and dispossesses his father, he has a really interesting choice to make: take up arms against her and join the resistance, or accept her offer of rank and power in the Empire. Since I recruited him at the very last minute, in the last month before the assault on the monastery, I might have imagined him struggling with that choice, and I like to picture him debating the importance of visible rank and status to the nobility that he tries so hard to achieve. I could easily imagine him going either way on that choice, believing in Edelgard’s vision or passionately warring against it, and that to me made him much more interesting.
Bernadetta: Her voice actor was clearly having a ton of fun. The energy she brought to the role made the character very entertaining to listen to. That said, I feel bad for her: her extreme social anxiety is sometimes played for laughs, but knowing that it’s the result of an abusive childhood makes it quite a bit less funny. Oddly my favourite support with her was Bernadetta/Sylvain, mainly because of the supports that I saw, he was the only one who made a serious attempt to respect her boundaries and to communicate with her in a way she would find comfortable. Seriously, writing her a letter and tucking it into a book was quite clever and sensitive of him... even if he ruined it by just walking up afterwards and saying hello.
Dorothea: Judging from the online stats the game showed on loading screens, Dorothea must be one of the most popular characters in the game, and was deployed almost every mission. This makes it a bit awkward that I never really deployed her at all, or focused much on her. I don’t have anything against her, and she seems interesting enough, but I suppose I already had enough mages and other people were higher priority. Oh dear. Maybe next time. She seems to be a popular choice for the dancer class, but since I made Marianne my dancer…
Petra: On the other hand, I did like Petra a lot, built her as an assassin, and got a lot of use from her. I wonder what her odd speech pattern is in Japanese? Looks like in Japanese she misunderstands idioms, rather than misuses the present continuous tense. At any rate, I really like the role Petra plays in worldbuilding, since her status as an outsider taken to the empire to be educated as a hostage serves to characterise both Brigid and the empire itself. Like Ferdinand, I also think she’s in a fascinating position where she could plausibly end up either pro- or anti-empire. I enjoyed being able to fight for freedom and self-determination, but I could also see her buying into Edelgard’s vision of a reformed empire. That sort of flexibility seems really valuable in a game with different routes like this.
Raphael: Unfortunately another character I recruited only at the last minute and didn’t get to spend that much time with. The fact that I avoided brawlers probably didn’t help. However, from what I did see, I liked that they included a character who genuinely struggles with his studies, and I also thought it interesting that he presents yet another character who wants to be a knight, but for a totally different reason. Ashe has a romantic view of knighthood; Ingrid has a relatively romantic view as well but also thinks of fighting for her ideals; Felix outright hates knighthood and chivalry as a bunch of lies. In contrast, Raphael’s pragmatism is a little refreshing. He just wants to support his family, given his strength fighting seems like a good way to do it, and knighthood promises more stability than mercenary work. Good for him.
Ignatz: And yet another character thinking about knighthood, albeit again for a different reason. He doesn’t want to be a knight as such, but has to because it’s his duty. At times even I got a bit sick of the game constantly talking about knighthood, but the wide range of opinions on it was definitely a good thing. Alas, all Ignatz wants to do is paint and worship the goddess. Sadly I used Ashe as my main archer, so I didn’t see as much of Ignatz as I might have liked. Another playthrough, then.
Lysithea: See above, really. I get the impression she’s a quite popular character, but as with Dorothea, I already had a few mages and didn’t have much need for her. I’m guessing she would have a lot more importance on a route where her backstory with what are presumably creepy Slitherer magical experiments is more relevant? As it is, sorry, I just didn’t see that much. Young, likes sweets, ambitious in order to help her family because she hasn’t got long to live… but that’s about all I got.
Marianne: On the other hand, I did use Marianne quite extensively. She was my backup healer after Mercedes, and she was my dancer, so she was very useful. (Some might say it was cruel to make her dance in public: I thought it might help build her confidence!) Her paralogue also stood out to me as one of the most interesting and fun. At first I thought her self-loathing might be irrational or a symptom of depression, but it turns out that she actually has quite an understandable reason for thinking that she’s awful and that no one should  ever get close to her. Bringing peace to her ancestor and giving her the opportunity to increase her confidence and bloom as a person was very heartwarming. Her character arc gave me some WAFFy feelings, and I enjoy that sometimes.
Leonie: It’s weird to me that a character defined by her relationship with Jeralt, the player’s father, is so easy to miss recruiting. Nonetheless I did pick her up, because I love cavaliers and use far too many of them. Still, most of the other cavaliers were nobles, which made Leonie’s role as a mercenary knight a nice change. I think it might have worked better, though, if I’d known a bit more about the role of mercenaries in Fódlan. Are there mercenary companies? How do they usually find work? It would have been nice to know a bit more about the world that Byleth supposedly comes from, and which Leonie is so keen to break into.
Seteth: I was not a big fan of Seteth at first, but he grew on me, which surprises me particularly since I was on a route that never actually explains what his deal is. I feel like every long-term series fan, on meeting Seteth and Flayn, must have gone “oh they’re dragons”, because they fit that archetype just so closely, but somehow I got through the entire arc without anyone figuring it out. Nonetheless, while he starts off as quite suspicious of you, and even hostile, I enjoyed how further supports gradually humanised him. Seteth/Felix or Seteth/Ingrid, for instance, stood out to me as nice: the older man going out of his way to give practical advice to someone who’s still sorting himself or herself out. He’s a good mentor. I know often the thing people remember about Fire Emblem is the young protagonists and the shipping and so on, but sometimes it’s the older, more mature characters that I find the most interesting.
Flayn: In contrast, I did not find Flayn as interesting as Seteth. She’s a nice enough person, and the enthusiasm of the Flayn/Dedue support was cute, but ultimately I didn’t see that much of her. Mercedes and Marianne were my primary healers, and Byleth had a high Faith skill as well, so I didn’t need another one and didn’t take her along that often. I hope there are more depths, because as it is, I wasn’t that struck by her.
Hanneman: Another character I generally did not take along, so most of what I learned about Hanneman was around crests and his scientific curiosity. I think Hanneman supports my previous speculation that Fódlan might be starting on an intellectual renaissance at the time of the game. He is the Father of Crestology, even though crests have been known for a thousand years. That suggests that the organised, academic study of such matters is in its infancy.
Manuela: Again, not someone I looked at too closely, and her most obvious character trait, her romantic loneliness, could be a little bit cringeworthy at times. I would have to do more supports and look more closely at her to form a stronger opinion. The parts that I found most interesting with regard to her were about her history with the opera. Her relationship with Dorothea seems like it might reveal some more about both of them, but alas I didn’t use each character much.
Gilbert: On the other hand, I did use Gilbert quite a lot, since Dedue went missing for a while and I needed a substitute tank. Gilbert is clearly a loyal man who has suffered an immense amount, especially under the weight of guilt and self-doubt. It’s striking that he abandoned his family and homeland and fled to the church in order to assuage the weight of guilt he felt for the king’s death; but in the end the separation from his family only intensified feelings of guilt and unworthiness. Nonetheless, despite being a man who’s really screwed quite a lot up, he stoically tries to coordinate the Faerghus war effort, even when Dimitri is in his worst state. I was very glad to eventually get the Annette/Gilbert paired ending, as a valuable reminder that even at Gilbert’s age, it is possible to start healing and putting your life back together.
Alois: I really only got the Byleth support with Alois, so I don’t have that much to say. His cheery optimism is a nice change after a lot of the other faculty and knights are either serious or sad, and I enjoy horrible puns as much as the next man, but I think I need to see more.
Catherine: Speaking of cheery knights, Catherine’s rough-and-tumble confidence is also pretty appealing. Unlike the students, Catherine is strong and she knows that she’s strong, with a confidence that comes of years of fighting. What I saw of her personality I generally liked, and I learned a bit about her history, but I’m going to hold off on any further comments until I get some more context for her and Rhea. She is obviously incredibly devoted to the archbishop who saved her life, and in some ways seems to have reinvented her life from who she was before (cf. Dedue, the loyal service theme again), but I think I should need to see a route where Rhea plays a larger role before I come to conclusions.
Shamir: I like Shamir quite a lot, and she might be my favourite of the knights, even though she doesn’t have much to do with the actual plot. Her outsider status is the most striking thing about her: unlike pretty much everyone else, she has no personal investment in Fódlan or its politics, which frees her to focus on the needs of the moment. I would like to know a bit more about Dagda and Brigid, to be honest, but I suspect I’ve seen all there is to see already...
Cyril: Unfortunately I never used him. I can tell that he’s the Est of the game, a young character who probably has excellent growths and can excel in any class, but my roster felt pretty complete by the time I got him, he didn’t seem like he had interesting relationships with other characters that I might want to explore, and he’s so young that I feel uncomfortable making him a soldier. I can completely accept that there might be really good material around him, perhaps especially on the Golden Deer route where Almyra might come up, but as it is I don’t know any of it.
Anna: Yep, she’s Anna. Not much to say. Anna is always the same character, and Fódlan’s Anna doesn’t seem particularly special or unique.
 …phew, that took much longer than I thought. These games and their giant casts, man.
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