#also i just wanted this vd to really feel like.. the last one. like eiji finally agrees that maybe they should vote someone innocent
linagram · 1 year
[ 𝚛𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚊'𝚜 𝚝𝟷 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗
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THE LAST VD. FINALLY. we're very close to the end of trial 1, now there's only riku and reina's interrogation + their trial results left.
thank you so much for all your support btw! it's still so hard for me to believe that someone would find these guys interesting enough to read all of this 😭💖💕
(divider link)
(door opens)
Eiji: Hello, Prisoner 010.
Reina: Oh! Hello there, Guard-san! Can't believe it's already time for my interrogation! So excited~
Miki: .. Y-you're excited for your own interrogation?
Reina: Of course! I'd love to answer any of your questions.
Reina: Ehehe, it's kinda like.. I don't know, spending the night talking to your friends and getting to know each other better.
Reina: I miss that feeling, not gonna lie.
Eiji: .. I'm glad that you're the last prisoner. You all are way too weird for me to understand.
Eiji: Well, it's not like I want to understand you. I just have to learn more about your crime and then I can vote you guilty without feeling like I've made a mistake.
Reina: Oh, don't worry about that, Guard-san.
Reina: You don't even need to interrogate me to understand why you should vote me guilty.
Eiji: Yeah, sure, you've been talking about how dangerous you are since you got here.
Reina: Well, I am dangerous. You're literally talking to a serial killer right now-
Eiji: Anyway, Prisoner 010, Himura Reina. 20 years old, unemployed.
Eiji: Huh. So you're not even a college student or anything like that?
Reina: Nope. I don't see why someone like me should get an education.
Reina: Also, from what Eiko-chan and Yurika-chan have told me, it sounds very hard. I don't wanna go through something like that.
Reina: We only live once after all. So I wanna spend my life having fun with the people I love~
Miki: Oh, what do you do for fun, Himura-san?
Reina: Kill people, steal their stuff or maybe just beat them up!
Miki: O-oh.
Eiji: And.. you really do it just for fun?
Reina: Yep.
Reina: What, did you expect me to have a deep and tragic reason for it?
Reina: Sorry, I don't have one.
Reina: Oh, I can come up with one right now though! Let's see..
Miki: U-um, sorry, Himura-san, but..
Miki: I still think that you most likely do have a reason to act like that.
Reina: Really? Why?
Miki: Well.. I believe that when someone does a bad thing, they always have some kind of reason to do it.
Miki: Even when they think they don't have it.
Miki: Because.. If everything was fine, if they had nothing to worry about and if they had no problems at all, why would they go this far? Why would they do something so horrible?
Miki: And even if it's "just for fun", it probably just means that maybe there's something wrong with their mental state or the way they see the world.
Miki: So.. Even if you're someone who probably deserves to be punished, I still want to understand you.
Reina: .. Huh.
Reina: *laughs*
Reina: You sure are funny.
Reina: Sorry, but again, I really don't think I had a reason to do all those things.
Reina: My life was perfect. I wouldn't say I come from a rich family, but we certainly had a lot of money. Both of my parents are alive and well. I have a lot of friends and all of them love me and see me as their leader.
Reina: So like, I don't really have a sad backstory or anything like that.
Eiji: .. Hey.
Eiji: When did you start committing all these crimes? And why?
Reina: Ohhh, that's a nice question, Guard-san! Let me think..
Reina: Hm.. I think I was like 16 or something? I just thought that stealing something from an annoying old lady would be funny.
Eiji: I see. And what did you do with that thing?
Reina: It was a pretty expensive necklace and I gave it to my mom as a birthday gift. I forgot to get something for her, so I thought it would be perfect. And I was right.
Reina: She had no idea where I got the money to buy it, so she just assumed I picked it for her and my dad bought it. He also forgot to get a gift for her, so he played along, but he did yell at me after that.
Reina: So ungrateful..
Miki: So you did have a reason to do it.
Reina: What do you mean? I just told you that I did it for fun! I didn't have any reason-
Miki: You said you found that old lady annoying, right? Did she do something bad to annoy you?
Reina: .. I guess she just didn't like kids. She hated seeing me and my little brother play together, so..
Miki: See? You did have a reason to steal something from her, Himura-san. You didn't just do it because you thought it would be "funny".
Miki: You got mad at that old woman and you stole that necklace from her. It's like.. you tried to "protect yourself" from her in some way? Maybe your little brother too.
Reina: ...
Reina: Haha.. Wow, you really should become a therapist.
Miki: Um, is that a compliment?..
Miki: Oh, by the way, what was your relationship with your little brother like? I'm assuming you two got along well, since your life was so great and-
Reina: Oops, sorry, can't tell you! I've said that I will answer any of your questions, but a cool criminal always has to have at least some secrets~
Eiji: Now you're acting even more suspicious.
Eiji: Okay, fine, if you're a serial killer, describe all of your murders right now. I'm listening.
Reina: Huh? What's with the sudden change of topic?
Eiji: I'm waiting, Reina.
Reina: Uh, f-fine! Let's see..
Reina: Okay, I think I committed my first murder when I was 17? Yeah, I think it was my classmate. Haha, I hated her so much..
Miki: .. Himura-san, I'm sorry, but the way you talk about your crimes is very strange to me.
Reina: What do you mean by that, Miki-chan?
Miki: U-um, actually, I'm also a guard, so-
Reina: Haha, I know, I know, sorry. You're just very cute, that's all.
Eiji: "That's like.. the second prisoner in a row. What's with them complimenting her all of a sudden?"
Eiji: "They're just trying to make her vote them innocent, aren't they?"
Miki: Well.. You talk about them like you don't remember them that well.
Miki: I can understand talking like that about minor crimes, but murders..
Reina: When you're a serial killer like me, you eventually stop counting and caring about your victims.
Reina: Of course, I don't remember most of my murders now.
Miki: !
Miki: This is it!
Miki: Himura-san, if you don't care about how many murders you've committed, then why do you keep mentioning how dangerous and scary you are?
Miki: Why do you keep saying that we should vote you guilty if you don't even care about your crimes?
Miki: I'll take Chiba-san as an example. She wanted us to vote her guilty because she was tired of people saying that her crime was "a good thing".
Miki: And most prisoners here want us to vote them innocent because they care about their crimes. They either know that they've done something wrong, but they're too scared of the consequences, or they think that they were in the right and they refuse to admit that they've done something bad.
Miki: If you don't even care about your crimes, then surely you won't mind us voting you innocent, right? I mean, those crimes don't even matter to you..
Reina: ...
Eiji: .. You've got nothing to say, huh?
Miki: That means you do care about your crimes, Himura-san. You probably care about them most than any other prisoners care about their own murders.
Miki: I just.. I can't believe that you can walk around and call yourself a murderer so proudly, but also refuse to talk about your murders whenever someone asks you about them. Or you just try to come up with something right after hearing the question.
Miki: If you've committed so many crimes and you've been killing people since you were only 17 years old, then why did they make you come to Milgram only now?
Reina: ...
Miki: Say something now, Himura-san. Please.
Reina: .. Wow, you sure are smart!
Miki: ...
Miki: .. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, I'm so-
Eiji: It's okay, Guard 002. Good job.
Eiji: Let me handle this.
Eiji: (to Reina) So, do you have anything to say about your last victim? You know, maybe that last murder of yours will help us figure out why you're here.
Reina: .. Haha, sure!
Reina: Let me think-
Eiji: Stop thinking, Prisoner 010. Just say it. Just tell us the truth.
Eiji: Stop trying to evade the question.
Reina: It was a kid.
Miki: .. What?
Reina: Oh, sorry, he wasn't as young as Asahi-kun.
Reina: He was fifteen, actually.
Reina: And I killed him! I killed him just because this is how cruel I am!
Eiji: Give us more details. How did it happen?
Reina: .. I think this should be enough though.
Reina: Like, come on, Guard-san, I literally told you that I killed a child! Do it, vote me guilty!
Reina: This is such an easy decision, you don't even have to think twice about it!
Reina: So go on and do it! Do it!
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Eiji: .. You're the last prisoner we're interrogating, by the way.
Reina: Ehehe, well, I hope you still have some energy left. You also have to watch my video, right?
Reina: So please make sure to watch it closely~ You will see all the horrible crimes I've committed.. I'm so excited!
Miki: .. If you really were so excited, you would just tell us everything right now.
Reina: Um.. Well, where's the fun in that?
Reina: It's your job to figure out what actually happened! So I trust you will do the right decision.
Reina: .. You will vote me guilty, right?
Eiji: Who knows.
Reina: Huh?
Reina: But.. Guard-san, aren't you the one who's obsessed with punishing criminals and all that?
Reina: Look at me! Look at me, I'm the worst murderer here! I definitely deserve to-
Eiji: Maybe the best punishment for you would be being voted innocent and living with the knowledge that you've done something wrong and you can't go back.
Eiji: Miki, how about you try saying the line this time?
Eiji: I'm a little tired of it, to be honest.
Miki: Um.. O-okay!
Miki: Prisoner 010, Reina, sing your sins!
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linagram · 5 months
[ 𝙿𝚛𝚎-𝚃𝟹 𝚅𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 #𝟶𝟸 ] 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕
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so yeah this vd is supposed to describe the changes that happened between the ending of season 2 and the beginning of season 3. please enjoy!.. or don't. you are free to suffer as well
Warnings: descriptions of murder and suicide attempts.
Hinode: Are you ready to begin, Miki-san?
Miki: .. Yes. 
Hinode: So.. The trial hasn't even started yet, but we already had to go through a lot.
Miki: Y-yeah..
Miki: I mean, we had to expect something like this. It's the last trial, after all.
Miki: But still.. Everyone has changed so much.
Miki: And it's.. kind of our fault too.
Hinode: We had to punish the guilty prisoners somehow, you know that.
Miki: ...
Miki: I don't think you saw punishing them as a way to save them or the other prisoners.
Hinode: Huh?
Miki: Are you sure that you really don't like seeing other people in pain, Hinode-san?
Hinode: W-what are you talking about, Miki-san-
Miki: Never mind.I just hope Eiji-san comes back soon.
Hinode: .. This might be a weird question, but.. what kind of relationship do you two have? Are you close?
Miki: Eiji-san is very important to me. That's all.
Hinode: Do you like him?
Miki: .. *sighs*
Miki: I don't agree with most of the things he says. He can be really annoying. He's way too cruel when he punishes the prisoners. 
Miki: .. But I still want him to come back.
Hinode: So you do like him.
Miki: Guard 003, let's get to work already.
Hinode: U-uh, yes, sure.
Hinode: So.. It looks like the relationship dynamics between the prisoners have changed significantly.
Hinode: Those who were enemies are starting to become closer and those who were friends now hate each other's guts.
Hinode: Let's talk about the changes every prisoner went through during this period.
Hinode: Prisoner 001, Miyagawa Akio.
Hinode: Thankfully, Akio-san has started to get better.
Hinode: His injury isn't that bad anymore, but it's possible that it will still impact his life in.. not the best way.
Hinode: He still has to wear bandages just in case, but now we know that he has a pretty big scar there. 
Hinode: Thanks to him being voted innocent, according to Jackalope, he was able to receive treatment from someone we don't know yet, but since Akio-san's condition really is getting better with each day, I don't think that person is dangerous.
Miki: "I wonder who that person was.. Maybe a doctor that works here?"
Hinode: It's easier for him to walk now and his headaches aren't as bad anymore. He can finally read without anyone's help again and it also looks like he's not that obsessed with his accomplice anymore. I'm happy for him.
Hinode: He also seems to have changed as a person as well. He still prefers to spend most of his time alone, but he's not as.. "arrogant" anymore, maybe?
Hinode: Actually, it seems like he became closer with some other prisoners and not just Aimi-san.
Hinode: Those prisoners are Kei-san, Asahi-san and..
Hinode: .. Riku.
Miki: ...
Hinode: I knew about what happened between Akio-san and Riku before the second trial, so I was also.. shocked.
Hinode: However, Akio-san was the one who saved Riku when he tried to do.. that to himself, so maybe Riku is actually somewhat grateful to him?
Hinode: Looks like Aimi-san was a good influence on Akio-san, haha.
Miki: But what about Miyagawa-san's relationship with Aimi-chan?
Hinode: .. Well, let's talk about her then, shall we?
Hinode: Prisoner 002, Hanasaki Aimi.
Hinode: Aimi-san has been voted innocent, and to be honest..
Hinode: It seems to have really changed her as a person.
Hinode: Or maybe that's actually her letting her true colors show?
Hinode: I've expected her to be more happy about her only friend being voted innocent, but now that Akio-san is close with other prisoners and seems to have found friends in this place..
Hinode: .. Aimi-san is feeling lonely again now.
Hinode: She doesn't talk to Akio-san that much anymore. She doesn't talk to anyone actually.
Hinode: .. Except you, Miki-san.
Hinode: She seems to like you a lot.
Miki: .. Yes, she does.
Miki: She always says how I'm her "only friend" and that I'm the only person in this place who she can trust.
Miki: If I accidentally call her "Hanasaki-san" she stares at me with this weird look in her eyes and makes me call her "Aimi-chan" because "that's what I'm supposed to call her as her friend".
Miki: I just.. don't get it. I thought that if we vote her innocent, she'd act more..
Hinode: I think she's acting like this exactly because we voted her innocent.
Hinode: Aimi-san now thinks that she was in the right. She has been voted innocent twice now, of course she would think that.
Hinode: Of course she sees you as a friend. Because friends forgive each other.
Hinode: And even though you have.. also changed, you're still kind to her no matter what.
Hinode: So it's possible that..
Hinode: ...
Miki: What's wrong, Hinode-san?
Hinode: .. So, her brother thought that her classmates deserve to die for treating her like that, right?
Hinode: But what if he thought they deserve to die not only for bullying her, but also.. 
Hinode: .. For not being her friends?
Hinode: And since she killed him for "betraying her trust" in a way and doing something a friend wouldn't do..
Miki: .. She believes it's okay to hurt and even kill someone if they refuse to be friends with her?
Hinode: Possibly.
Hinode: And considering that she's been spending most of her time in her cell lately and writing something..
Hinode: .. Who knows what she's planning. 
Hinode: Now.. 
Hinode: Prisoner 003, Ishizu Shun.
Hinode: Well, this one has caused us a lot of trouble.
Hinode: He really didn't take being voted guilty well.
Hinode: Considering his memory problems, his memory loss is much worse compared to other guilty prisoners.
Hinode: Thanks to the way this machine works, we can also watch the recording of him getting his memory erased for the first time.
Miki: Do we.. really have to watch it?
Hinode: I found some of the things he said very interesting, Miki-san. We are the guards of this place, so we have to pay attention to everything the prisoners say.
Miki: .. You're right.
(the recording starts playing)
(Shun: .. W-where am I?
Shun: .. W-who are you two?!
Shun: T-this doesn't look like my-
Shun: Wait, what are these clothes?!
Hinode: It's okay, take a deep breath. You're fine.
Shun: I don't understand.. I don't understand!
Shun: W-where are they?
Shun: Where are Hina and Jouhei?
Miki: Hinode-san!
Shun: You just want to ruin my happiness, don't you? All of you.. All of you think I don't deserve to be loved, right?!
Shun: *starts sobbing* I JUST WANTED TO BE HAPPY!)
Hinode: I'm still grateful to you for saving me back there.
Hinode: I don't know if it's because I'm not that physically strong, but I really felt like Shun-san was going to kill me.
Miki: If something happened to you, we would have two injured guards to deal with. I didn't want that.
Hinode: Haha, understandable.
Hinode: So, I guess now we know his victims' names. 
Miki: There's something that bothers me about this.
Hinode: Really? What is it?
Miki: .. Why did he sound so worried about Hina-san's new boyfriend?
Miki: Actually, from what I remember, in the end of his second video, he was eating cake with both of them. And he looked happy and didn't mind Jouhei-san's company.
Miki: If he believed that Jouhei-san was a bad person who didn't deserve Hina-san, why would he want to spend time with him? Why would he worry about him?
Hinode: Maybe he actually liked them both, haha.
Miki: What was that?
Hinode: Never mind, that sounds stupid.
Hinode: It's just.. Shun-san likes both Kei-san and Eiko-san, right? And he also really wants to be loved..
Hinode: I feel like it wouldn't be out of character for him to be in love with both his "ex-girlfriend" and her new boyfriend even if he hated him at first.
Hinode: But that's just a theory~
Miki: .. Hinode-san, we're having a serious conversation here.
Hinode: Haha, sorry, sorry.
Hinode: Anyway, it took a while to make Shun-san go back to his cell and he actually tried to run away, believing that there must be some sort of exit.
Hinode: And when he actually did get his memories back..
Hinode: .. The first thing he did was attacking Kei-san right after he saw him eating with everyone.
Hinode: He really hated the fact that Kei-san got voted innocent while him and Eiko-san got voted guilty.
Hinode: .. He chose the wrong person to attack, however. Kei-san really did suffer from the consequences of being voted guilty in the past, but he can still fight back as long as he has a weapon.
Hinode: So, uh...
Hinode: M-maybe attacking Kei-san when he had something sharp in his hand wasn't the best idea.
Hinode: Oh well, at least they match now when it comes to eye injuries.
Hinode: Except Shun-san's eye is.. Uh..
Hinode: Pretty much gone-
Miki: Can we stop talking about it?
Hinode: Fine, fine.
Hinode: So, we can confidently say that Shun-san is one of the most dangerous prisoners right now. His relationship with Eiko-san is getting more and more weird too..
Hinode: He actually doesn't talk to anyone except Eiko-san now. He avoids Kei-san too, but every time he sees him, he looks angry and.. heartbroken, maybe?
Hinode: Looks like he really did like him.
Hinode: So, Prisoner 004, Chiba Naomi.
Hinode: Let's watch the recording first, since she got her memories taken too.
(the recording starts playing)
(Naomi: ...
Hinode: Okay, I think we're done.
Hinode: Naomi-san, how are you feeling?
Hinode: Naomi-san-
Naomi: .. M-mom?
Naomi: Mom, I'm sorry, I..
Naomi: *starts crying* I am so sorry.. for failing you..
Naomi: I just.. I don't know if I.. 
Naomi: I don't know if I want to-
Naomi: .. Huh?
Naomi: .. Who are you two?
Naomi: W-where am I? W-where is my mother?
Hinode: Calm down. Can you remember who you are?
Naomi: U-uh..
Naomi: M-my name is Chiba Naomi. I am 30 years old. I'm an elementary school teacher. I live in-
Hinode: Okay, it worked.)
Miki: The first thing she did when we took her memories was start crying for her mother..
Miki: I didn't know Chiba-san was so attached to her.
Hinode: I don't think she was attached to her in a good way though.
Hinode: The way she acted after losing her memories was very interesting.
Hinode: It's like.. At the same time she was more anxious, but she also was very friendly with all the youngest prisoners, even Asahi-san.
Hinode: Perhaps it's because she didn't remember what happened to her victim and how he treated her, since we took more memories from her than we did in Shun-san's case. 
Hinode: Maybe she used to see her victim in Asahi-san, but since she forgot about her crime, she started to like him more.
Hinode: But then she got her memories back and..
Hinode: .. The glass cat figure.
Hinode: She broke it and put the glass shards in Asahi-san's food when no one was looking.
Miki: ...
Hinode: Are you okay, Miki-san? 
Miki: My own little brother almost got killed, but sure, I'm okay.
Hinode: Got it, not okay at all, haha.
Hinode: Asahi-san was saved by Kei-san who noticed that something was wrong with the food and stopped him before he tried to eat it.
Hinode: I really didn't expect Kei-san out of all people to save him. You must be feeling very grateful to him.
Miki: .. I do, actually.
Miki: I did get him a strawberry milkshake as thanks later after that.
Hinode: This guy really made one prisoner lose an eye but saved another prisoner's life..
Hinode: Oh, by the way, let's talk about him now, shall we?
Hinode: Prisoner 005, Sanada Kei.
Hinode: His injuries are healing, thankfully, but I'm afraid there's not much we can do about his eye.
Hinode: Reina-san requested a new eyepatch for him, actually. A more.. uh, "cute" one, maybe?
Hinode: She really cares about him. At first she protected him from Yurika-san and now this..
Hinode: He got a new outfit and he feels much more comfortable in it now. 
Hinode: It's like he's back to "normal" but he's also more.. I'm not sure how to say it..
Hinode: It's like, now he has people he's actually close with and he sticks with them? 
Hinode: Though he is still very.. uh.. friendly with me, haha..
Miki: "I don't think Kei-san just wants to be friends with him.."
Hinode: But I think an innocent verdict really did have a good impact on him. He's still friends with Reina-san and he's now close with Asahi-san and some other prisoners as well.
Hinode: His relationship with them is much more healthy than whatever he had with Eiko-san and Shun-san.
Miki: .. I don't know if he will finally open up about his crime though.
Hinode: Well, Miki-san..
Hinode: Maybe he has a reason to be so afraid of talking about his crime.
Miki: Like what? And why do you think he's afraid of it and not just.. I don't know.. being mysterious, I guess?
Hinode: Well, let's think about it.
Hinode: Sanada Kei is a man who likes to be in control. When he sees someone he likes, he immediately tells them about it. He doesn't take no for an answer.
Hinode: .. But judging by how much he screamed during his punishment and how much pain it had caused him, he hates not being in control.
Hinode: He still has horrible scars on his back. He's shown crying and begging for help in his second viideo.
Hinode: Now, Miki-san, what is the worst thing that could ever happen to a man like that?
Miki: ...
Miki: .. I understand now.. I think.
Miki: L-let's talk about Yoshioka-san now.
Hinode: Okay.
Hinode: Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko.
Hinode: Let's watch the recording first.
Hinode: Her behavior after the punishment was.. unexpected, to say the least.
(the recording starts playing)
(Eiko: ...
Eiko: T-takeru?..
Eiko: Where's Takeru?..
Eiko: H-have you two seen him?..
Eiko: Please, I just want him to reply.. Please..
Eiko: I don't know if he's even alive!
Eiko: And if he's alive..
Eiko: Why is he still.. ignoring me?..
Eiko: .. Maybe.. it actually would be better if he turned out to be dead.. haha..)
Hinode: After that she just started laughing and walked back to her cell. She didn't ask us anything about this place, she was too busy thinking about Takeru-san.
Hinode: We not only took memories of her crime, but some other memories as well, so she also didn't remember what Takeru-san did and why he stopped replying to her messages.
Hinode: I still wonder what exactly he did to make her kill him.. 
Hinode: I know, maybe it looks like Eiko-san is way too obsessed with him, but..
Hinode: To be honest, I can't help but feel like Takeru-san really wasn't the best partner for her.
Hinode: Well, whether it's her being too possessive or him being a manipulator.. 
Hinode: It's our job to find that out.
Hinode: Anyway, now Eiko-san is spending time only with Shun-san and doesn't talk to anyone else. 
Hinode: Interestingly, it doesn't feel like she only sees him as her "bodyguard" anymore. It's like..
Hinode: She really does feel like she can't trust anyone else here.
Hinode: She also seems to really hate Yurika-san judging by the way she glares at her now.
Miki: She attacked Eiji-san and Yoshioka-san likes him a lot, so..
Miki: I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out she's plotting something.
Hinode: Yeah, we have to be careful with her.
Hinode: Prisoner 007, Yano Asahi.
Hinode: This poor boy is somehow getting better and getting more traumatized at the same time.
Hinode: He almost got killed by a woman he trusted and who is the only person that can be seen as a mother figure here.
Hinode: And it's possible this woman will try to kill him again since Naomi-san really is.. not doing good right now.
Hinode: But at least now he has people who can protect him.
Hinode: He likes Kei-san a lot now and follows him everywhere. Kei-san doesn't mind and even plays along and acts as his older brother.
Hinode: He plays the same role for other two prisoners actually. 
Miki: ".. What is it with Kei-san being an actually good big brother for other prisoners, but not for his own little brother?"
Hinode: He's more open now and he smiles more often. Well, at least when Naomi-san isn't around. 
Hinode: He's also still a little afraid of Yurika-san for obvious reasons, but he's okay with her company as long as he's with Kei-san.
Hinode: He also gets along surprisingly well with Akio-san now.
Hinode: You must be happy to see your little brother making so many friends here.
Miki: Y-yeah..
Miki: "But I'm also tired of them trying to kill him over and over.."
Hinode: Prisoner 008, Maruyama Yurika.
Hinode: It was.. really hard to punish her properly.
Hinode: When she found out about what happened to Shun-san, Naomi-san and Eiko-san, she decided to fight back and threatened to kill Riku and your brother if we did anything to her.
Hinode: .. That didn't work however, since you've knocked her out instantly.
Hinode: You.. are really taking advantage of your status as a guard now, haha..
Miki: .. I know that she's capable of killing Marito. I couldn't just let her do that.
Hinode: You really care about your brother a lot-
Miki: Yes, unlike you.
Hinode: ...
Miki: I'm pretty sure she doesn't know that me and Marito are related though. So why did she-
Hinode: She probably chose him because she noticed how close you two are and because he's the youngest one here.
Hinode: A-anyway, let's watch the recording.
(The recording starts playing)
(Yurika: .. Hey.
Yurika: Where am I?
Yurika: Ugh, did I really get sent to prison or something?
Yurika: Uhh, wait, I was told that if something like this happens, I'll-
Yurika: ...
(sounds of Yurika standing up)
Yurika: You'll never take me alive, losers!
Yurika: Gh-
Yurika: W-what are you-
Miki: Seriously.. Maruyama-san, you're not actually that strong.
Miki: It's easy for you to attack the weak ones, like children and the injured prisoners..
Miki: But what about someone who's stronger than them and can actually put up a fight?
Yurika: ...
Miki: Now, sleep well.)
Hinode: We actually had to take more of her memories later, since she still continued to act.. unstable and she only got better when we took memories of her being "betrayed" by her parents.
Hinode: After that she started to act like a young woman who.. uh.. comes from a quite rich family-
Miki: And who never had to work to make a living.
Miki: It was kind of annoying, but at least she didn't try to kill everyone.
Hinode: It would be nice if we could just leave her like this, but we still need more information from her, so we had to give her her memories back. 
Hinode: She still likes to threaten everyone, but she doesn't actually do anything.
Hinode: It also seems that she's back to being friends with Reina-san.
Hinode: I wonder what made her have this sudden change of heart..
Hinode: .. Prisoner 009, Kuroki Riku.
Hinode: ...
Hinode: Let's watch the recording before I say anything.
(The recording starts playing)
(Riku: .. I hate him.
Riku: I hate him so much, I hate him so much, I hate him so much, I hate him so much..
Riku: I am so done with this.. Why do I still have to spend time with him..
Riku: No.. 
Riku: Why can't I.. leave him already?
Riku: I hate him, right?.. So why can't I just tell him to leave me alone?..
Riku: I don't get it..
Riku: Huh.. I don't think I've seen this place before..
Riku: Well, it doesn't matter.
Riku: As long as he's not here, I'm fine with it.)
Hinode: .. He didn't even notice me.
Hinode: He didn't even notice his own brother, haha..
Hinode: Well, he does have some very strong feelings about Yue, so I shouldn't be surprised.
Miki: ...
Hinode: .. *sighs* I guess we still have to talk about.. that.
Hinode: Shortly after Riku got his memories back..
Hinode: .. He tried to kill or at least hurt himself by putting that hair dye he requested earlier into his tea.
Hinode: Thankfully, he was stopped by Akio-san, who noticed his drink looking strange and asked what was in it. 
Hinode: While Riku was trying to come up with an answer, Akio-san looked closer, remembered Riku's request and realized that it was black hair dye.
Hinode: Riku was mad at Akio-san at first, but now..
Hinode: They get along really well, actually. I rarely see Riku without Akio-san and vice versa.
Hinode: I think it's because deep inside..
Hinode: Riku actually wanted someone to stop him. Maybe he even wanted it to be Akio-san. 
Hinode: Maybe he wanted it to be him so that he could make sure Akio-san is not mad at him and has forgiven him.
Hinode: Riku seems to have become more social again and he spends a lot of time with Akio-san, Kei-san and some other prisoners.
Hinode: And now, finally..
Hinode: Prisoner 010, Himura Reina.
Hinode: She.. completely ignores us now.
Hinode: She said she doesn't care about our opinion anymore and she "has her own plans for this place", whatever that's supposed to mean.
Hinode: However, even though she's so cold now, she seems to have become quite popular among prisoners.
Hinode: She can be often seen with Kei-san, Yurika-san, Akio-san, Riku-san and Asahi-san.
Hinode: Aimi-san, Naomi-san, Shun-san and Eiko-san still avoid her though. I wonder why..
Miki: ...
Miki: I have a bad feeling about her becoming more popular.
Miki: And with these particular people too..
Hinode: Well, it's not like she can do anything to stop us or stop the trial from happening.
Hinode: Okay, that's the end of the report. We really should be more careful this time, now that we know what will happen to everyone after they receive their final verdicts.
Hinode: Are you ready, Miki-san?
Miki: .. I wonder what will happen to us after the third trial is over.
Hinode: W-well, they'll most likely just send us back home.. 
Hinode: Probably.
Miki: Also, where's Eiji-san?
Hinode: I've heard he will join us later, but I'm not sure when exactly. 
Miki: .. Okay.
Miki: *stands up* Let's go, then.
Miki: We can't let ourselves make a wrong choice this time.
Miki: .. Let the third trial begin.
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linagram · 26 days
[ 𝙺𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚒 𝚁𝚒𝚔𝚞'𝚜 𝚃𝟹 𝚅𝙳 ] 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗, 𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝙸𝚝 𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚠
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RIKU. OH RIKU. enjoyed writing both his mv and his vd a lot! hope y'all like it too :) (his mv and vd destroyed me)
Warnings for Riku's VD: descriptions of toxic relationships, suicide, bullying and self-harm.
Warnings for Riku's MV: same as his VD, not counting the bullying part, Riku also gets to be really violent in this one and there are a lot of mentions of blood.
(sounds of footsteps)
Miki: .. So..
Miki: It's time for us to interrogate your brother.
Hinode: .. Yes.
Miki: .. Hinode-san, how can you be so calm even though your own brother is one of the prisoners here?
Miki: How can you just.. be so calm even though your brother has murdered someone?
Miki: And not just that, you voted him guilty too. Again, I understand Eiji-san's situation, but-
Hinode: Because I always knew it will end up like this.
Miki: Huh?..
Hinode: I knew that their friendship will end with someone's death. I knew that it will either be Riku or it will be Yue. 
Hinode: I.. I always knew it.
Miki: .. Why didn't you help him? 
Miki: Why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you tell your own brother that this friendship will only hurt him? 
Miki: Do you even love-
Miki: ...
Hinode: .. I'm so sorry, Miki-san. 
Hinode: It's just.. Haha..
Hinode: Who knows. Maybe I really don't care about Riku that much.
Hinode: .. I was too focused on my own pain to think about his pain too.
Miki: .. Sorry.
(the door opens)
Miki: .. Hello, Riku-san.
Riku: I heard you two arguing. Did something happen?
Riku: And, um.. Hello.
Miki: I-it's nothing. Please don't worry about it.
Miki: .. How are you feeling, Riku-san?
Riku: .. A little better, haha.
Hinode: ...
Riku: (to Hinode) .. Are you not going to say anything?
Hinode: .. I'm sorry about.. that.
Riku: *laughs* You're this scared to talk about your brother's suicide attempt?
Riku: .. No. No, that's not the right way to say it.
Riku: You're so used to my suicide attempts that you don't feel anything at all anymore. 
Hinode: ...
Miki: .. Hinode-san..
Miki: .. You really are a terrible brother.
Hinode: .. I know.
Riku: Hey, hey, come on, let's talk about my crime instead.
Miki: B-but don't you want to talk more about how your life in Milgram has been? 
Miki: I just want to know how you are-
Riku: I'm fine.
Riku: T-thanks to Akio-kun.. I'm fine.
Miki: But what about-
Riku: Guard 002.
Riku: Don't you think you should stop asking prisoners about things other than their crimes? Especially things that trigger them and make them uncomfortable?
Riku: If you care so much about us, why don't you respect our privacy?
Miki: ...
Miki: "His attitude towards me has.. completely changed."
Miki: "It's like he's not trying to make me trust him anymore."
(the sound of a screen turning on)
Eiji: That's what I like to hear. If you want to talk about your crime so much, let's start with your murder method.
Eiji: Guard 002 asked you about it the last time, but you didn't give a proper answer. 
Eiji: So, how did you do it?
Riku: .. I thought you would have seen something like that in my video.
Miki: "Hinode-san told me everything about it, but I can't just tell Riku that I've heard it from his brother."
Miki: .. Did you.. use your reputation to make everyone hate Shiozaki-san?
Riku: ...
Riku: Yep. That's what the popular guys do.
Eiji: Popular guys don't just drive someone to suicide.
Riku: Hmm, I disagree. Our whole existence makes others wish they were either just like us or simply dead.
Riku: I'm sure at least one person was close to committing suicide just because of how great I am.
Miki: .. And you're proud of it?
Riku: Sure. I had the same thoughts every single day, why wouldn't I be happy that someone feels the exact same way because of me?
Riku: It's like.. a compliment, really. Like wow, I'm so cool that someone would rather die than continue living their boring and pointless life that has me in it!
Eiji: .. We should've voted you guilty twice.
Riku: But anyway, yeah, I just used my popularity to spread gossip about him and told everyone how bad Yue is and that it would be better if the guy just killed himself already..
Riku: And it worked! Yay~
Hinode:  .. You're not actually that happy about his death, are you?
Riku: .. What do you mean?
Hinode: Sure, you still have your band, your friends, your classmates, but..
Hinode: Yue understood you like no one could. He gave you as much attention as you needed. 
Hinode: It could've been overwhelming, but it was the exact amount you needed. That's why you couldn't have just ended your friendship like a normal person would.
Riku: .. Why don't you just continue to sit here and not say anything?
Riku: You never understood me, Hinode-
Hinode: Your whole family doesn't understand you. That's one of the many reasons why Yue's death will only make your life more miserable.
Hinode: Your main source of attention and affection is gone. 
Hinode: Who will you start feeding off this time? Akio-san?
Hinode: You don't see people as people, you just see them as pairs of eyes that are supposed to only look at you.
Riku: .. Says the guy who stole all of our parents' affection.
Eiji: Shut up, you two.
Eiji: First of all, I don't want to know anything about what was going on between Riku and Yue. I'm only interested in the murder.
Eiji: And also..
Eiji: If your parents pay more attention to only one of their children, it's their fault. The other child is not the one to blame. 
Eiji: And.. maybe the child that gets more attention is not the one to blame either.
Riku and Hinode: ...
Riku: .. Yue was planning to jump off the school rooftop.
Riku: And not just that. I was the one who suggested it.
Riku: I left a note for him that said I'm tired of everything and that I want to end it all, but I'm not doing it without him.
Riku: Of course, he agreed and came to the rooftop, but..
Riku: This wasn't supposed to be double suicide. It was basically supposed to be.. murder that would look like suicide.
Riku: Me and my friends came to look at it and.. taunt him a little, I guess.
Riku: Like, we were just going "Jump! Jump! Jump!"
Miki: Were your friends really.. okay with all of this?
Riku: Eh, I don't know and I also don't care.
Riku: Maybe they really are this cruel, maybe they just didn't want to lose their status. Who knows.
Riku: But then.. I walked up closer to Yue. 
Riku: I just wanted to continue making fun of him, nothing more. Maybe, also, um.. Push him a little.
Eiji: Making fun of him and pushing him are two different things. You weren't trying to get him to commit suicide anymore, you were trying to kill him yourself.
Riku: Come on, I was just.. bullying him a bit. Like all friends do.
Miki: ".. Sometimes I forget how insane Riku-san is."
Riku: B-but.. Um..
Riku: Then, Yue hugged me. I thought that maybe he wanted to hug me for the last time before he jumped, but..
Riku: .. H-he wanted to fall with me.
Riku: H-he wanted us to jump together.
Riku: Y-you don't understand, he even pulled out a boxcutter that we used to-
Riku: A-and he said that he was going to stab me if I didn't jump with him.
Riku: He was that insane. I was the victim. Please trust me.
Eiji: So he was so obsessed with you that he was okay with dying, but only if that meant you kept your promise and you two committed double suicide..
Eiji: .. Heh. Things are getting interesting.
Miki: T-there's nothing interesting about it! It's just.. it's just..
Riku: So anyway, I tried to fight back, but he hugged me again and..
Riku: W-we almost fell off the roof. 
Riku: And then my friends tried to save me and..
Riku: T-they did. A-as you can see, I'm still alive.
Riku: My shoe fell off, but it's.. fine.
Miki: .. So Shiozaki-san ended up falling, but you survived?
Riku: .. Y-yeah.
Riku: Stop looking at me like that! Do you think it would be better if I died with him?
Eiji: Yes, actually.
Riku: What-
Eiji: You deserve it, like a murderer that you are.
Riku: How- H-hey, Hinode! Don't you want to protect your little brother?!
Hinode: .. I knew that you were the one responsible for his death, but..
Hinode: .. How can I care about my little brother, when he's.. 
Hinode: When he's even more cruel than me?
Riku: .. Come on. Come on, at least someone in this room has to care about me.
Riku: Miki-chan.. Miki-chan, please..
Miki: .. Please, shut your mouth, Riku-san.
Miki: I'm so tired of you.
(the bell rings, machinery sounds)
Riku: .. You will forgive me, right?
Riku: You understand that I'm the victim, right?
Miki: I thought you changed, Riku-san. 
Miki: You could've died, but you were saved by the person you hated. I thought this would change you.
Miki: Even Miyagawa-san has changed. 
Riku: .. But I'm innocent.
Riku: I was just trying to survive. It was either me or him. It was basically self-defense.
Riku: You will just vote me guilty again? You want me to die this badly?
Miki: I-it doesn't mean that you will die-
Eiji: You don't have the same power here that you used to have back in school.
Miki: "I should use the memory machine-"
Miki: ...
Riku: I know what you're trying to do.
Riku: If you use that memory thing on me, I will still find ways to hurt myself. And you don't want that, right? Because you're our savior, right?
Miki: You won't-
Riku: What, do you think my brother will stop me? Do you think.. uh.. I forgot his name, anyway, you think Guard 001 will stop me?
Riku: Nobody in this prison cares about me. I had to learn this the hard way.
Miki: .. But Miyagawa-san does.
Riku: ...
Miki: And I don't think he just sees you as a replacement for someone anymore.
Riku: .. He's just another source of attention to me.
Riku: .. Fine. Do whatever you want.
Riku: It doesn't matter if I live or die, I will still continue to suffer. It's like I was born to do exactly that.
Miki: .. Thank you for trusting us.
Hinode: Wait a minute, Miki-san.
Hinode: Riku.
Riku: *sighs* What do you want?
Hinode: .. I know that our relationship is impossible to fix. We'll never be as close as we should be. 
Hinode: You're mad at me and I'm mad at you. But..
Hinode: Sorry. I wish I could've been a better brother.
Riku: ...
Eiji: ...
Riku: .. I wish you could've been better too.
Miki: .. A-are you ready now?
Riku: Yeah. Guess it's time to sing my final song, haha.
Miki: .. How can you still make jokes in this situation?
Riku: 'Cause I'm too used to suffering. No matter what you choose, it will bring me nothing but pain.
Riku: I want to live, sure, but I want to live a better life.
Riku: .. I don't want to go home.
Miki: .. Prisoner 009, Riku, put all your heart into this song and sing your sins.
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[ Riku's Trial 3 MV: Sun Sets, Games End ]
The video starts with showing us many different scenes, all of them appear for a second or two. We see an orange sky with some clouds and then we see a seesaw, a swing, a bench, a merry go round and a tree.
We see little Riku sitting in his room and trying to do his homework, but it looks like it's hard for him to stay focused. He gets distracted again, sighs and walks to his window. He can see a playground next to his house from it. As he's looking at it, he gets scared when he sees a familiar figure playing there. 
"Press "START GAME" to begin
But I want this to end
Please go away, I don't wanna see you
Please go away, playing as your friend is getting tiring"
It's little Yue who notices him too, turns to him, smiles and waves at him. We see Riku still standing in his room and it looks like he's not sure if he should go outside. He looks at his homework again.
"But I am still lonely, my heart's about to break
This desire for attention is getting too strong for me to handle
I guess I'll play another round today"
Riku and Yue are playing on a seesaw now and Yue is having a lot of fun and Riku is smiling too, but his smile looks forced. 
"We're going up, look at us, we're still friends
We're going down, we're arguing again
No balance, this relationship is too unstable
Friends? Enemies? What role am I supposed to play?"
Yue is laughing and suddenly, he falls off of it. Riku is already standing not so far away from him and we can see that Yue is definitely injured. But for some reason, Riku isn't in a hurry to help him and it actually looks like he's hesitating to do so. 
"We're supposed to be friends, so I'm supposed to help you
But I don't feel anything at all
My head is empty, I don't wanna do anything
Maybe this game will end if I just ignore you"
Now, they're on a swing. Yue's head is bleeding, but he doesn't care and even though Riku looks worried, he doesn't say anything. Yue is still laughing and enjoying this, but then, he falls again. And this time the fall is more serious. 
Riku runs up to him and sees that Yue is lying in a pool of blood coming from his head injury. He's visibly panicking and doesn't know what to do, but if you look closer, you can see that it looks like he's trying really hard not to smile. Suddenly, he sees that Yue is still able to move and Yue gets some of his own blood on his finger and starts drawing a heart on Riku's cheek. When he's finished, Riku is shocked, but Yue is still smiling.
"Let's play until the sun goes down, let's play until we see the sky turn purple
That's what they want us to do anyway
Hey, are you having fun? Aren't you tired? Don't you wanna go home already?
"Nope, I'm just getting started!" Well, let me end everything here"
We see the sky slowly turn pink. We see older versions of Riku and Yue now (17 and 18 years old) sitting on a bench. Riku is helping Yue bandage his arm. Yue also has some bandaids on his face and bandages on his other arm, but he looks like he's even enjoying the process and watches Riku do so with a smile. We can see their school bags on the bench as well and there's a box cutter and scissors sticking out of one of them.
"More years, more pain, more fighting
More attention, more joy, more love
Will this game ever end? Will it be as long as my life?
If that's the case, I know how to quit"
It starts raining and Riku is trying to get back home as quickly as possible, but Yue seems to be taking his time. Riku turns to him and tries to call him, but then we see a lightning flash. Yue gets excited and runs off somewhere and Riku tries to follow him and another lightning almost strikes Yue. 
"Why are you like this? Why are you doing this?
Do you want to end this game already, just like me?
Then let's press "QUIT GAME", please, this can't go on
With tears in your eyes, with blood on your hands, you smile again"
Riku and Yue are in Riku's room now and Riku is drying Yue's hair with a towel. The scene looks surprisingly peaceful. We can even hear rain sounds in the background. Yue still has the same happy expression on his face while Riku is really stressed. The door opens and we see a woman that seems to be Riku's mother and she smiles after seeing Riku and Yue together like this. Yue smiles too and holds Riku's hand. His grip looks really tight and we also can see that Riku's fingers have some bandaids on them too. 
The sky is purple now. We see the playground again. Riku and Yue are playing on a merry go round. Yue is having fun as always, even though he has even more bandages on his body now, while Riku's eyes look completely empty, his hair is more messy and he's not trying to hide his scars anymore. 
"It keeps going and going and going and going
I don't think I will ever be able to escape this hell
We keep playing and playing and playing and playing
Let me turn it all off, let me close my eyes and wait for the end"
The merry go round stops as Yue points at a tree we saw in the beginning of the video. 
Yue tries to climb it as Riku watches him. It looks like Riku doesn't want to join him, but he still follows him. They're climbing together now and Yue gets on the highest branch. He looks even happier than before as he watches the sky become a darker shade of purple, but when he turns to look at Riku, Riku quickly makes him fall off the branch.
"Let's play until the sun goes down, let's play until we see the sky turn purple
That's what you want me to do anyway
Hey, are you having fun? Aren't you tired? Don't you wanna go home already?
"Nope, I'm just getting started-" SHUT UP ALREADY AND LET ME END THIS!"
Riku gets down. There's even more blood than in the beginning of the video. Yue's eyes and face expression make it look like he really is dead. Finally, Riku shows a genuine smile for once, even though this smile makes him look more insane rather than happy. He starts laughing and he sees one of the branches on the ground and starts hitting Yue's body with it. 
"Beating you with my words, my power, my reputation
If I say "Kill him", they will follow me
Please, just die, just die already 
That's the only thing you have to do to make me happy"
But then, it's revealed that Yue is still alive and just like in the beginning, he gets some blood on his finger, but this time he puts his finger in Riku's mouth. Riku is shocked and disgusted, but Yue is still smiling. 
"No, no, what are you doing
We weren't supposed to end up like this
I'm not gonna follow you, you're going there alone
Riku continues to hit him with the branch, until he eventually gets tired and his body is just lying on top of Yue's now. Both boys are covered in blood and there's so much blood that it's getting harder to recognize them.
"And we're still repeating and repeating and repeating and repeating
This cycle of pain and abuse and torture all over again
INNOCENT? GUILTY? Both options are too painful
Even though you're gone, my heart is still broken"
We see someone watching this scene from what appears to be a classroom. There's not just one person, there's a lot of students watching and we can't see their face expressions. One of the students turns to the camera. It's Riku, who is still covered in blood. He looks happy.
"I can't see the sun anymore, the game's finally over
Congrats, you're the winner, you got your prize
Haha, don't worry, I'm not mad at you
You got there first, but I'm okay with the second place"
The video ends.
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linagram · 4 months
[ 𝙸𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚣𝚞 𝚂𝚑𝚞𝚗'𝚜 𝚃𝟹 𝚅𝙳 ] 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝙼𝚞𝚌𝚑, 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎
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it's time to judge the second pair! i really like this vd title since it's a reference to shun's first vd.. kinda cool..
just like in aimi's case, i have no idea what verdict shun will get this time. i feel like he still kinda deserves a guilty verdict, but i also think his mv shows him in a much more innocent light so who knows, maybe he'll get forgiven this time!
Warnings for Shun's VD: None
Warnings for Shun's MV: themes of memory loss and dissociation, toxic family dynamics.
(the door opens)
Miki: Um.. 
Miki: Hello, Ishizu-san. How are you feeling?
Shun: ...
Hinode: *whispers* Yeah, I don't think he's feeling well, haha..
Shun: .. You know I can hear you, right?
Shun: My memory is terrible, sure, but my hearing is still fine.
Miki and Hinode: ...
Miki: A-apologies. Let's get started then.
(sounds of Miki and Hinode sitting down)
Miki: So, Ishizu-san.. Um..
Miki: "I-I don't even know what to ask.. How can I even talk to someone who's in a condition as bad as this?"
Miki: *takes a deep breath*
Miki: "It's fine. I had to interrogate Miyagawa-san and Kei-san after they got punished by Eiji-san. It's fine."
Miki: "But really, I thought Hinode-san would be more.. tactful, maybe? Especially considering his own struggles.."
Miki: Again, how are you feeling? Are you getting better?
Shun: .. W-well, I thought I was getting better until I got punished by you two.
Shun: Oh, sorry, that's not the right word.. "Betrayed" fits better than "punished".
Miki: "Betrayed"?
Shun:*laughs* .. Do I have to jog your memory, Guard 002-san?
Shun: You voted me innocent last time. I remember that well.
Shun: I was doing fine. Great even. My memory started to get better. I felt like I could finally.. I don't know.. express myself better? More freely, maybe? 
Shun: It became easier for me to talk to people. I started to feel more confident. I started to feel like maybe I don't need to prove myself to anyone, I don't need to become better, I don't need to pretend like I'm better than I actually am.
Shun: And then.. You took all that away from me.
Shun: And I just want to know.. Why?
Shun: Did I do something wrong?
Miki: .. You were quite happy to find out that you can touch Eiji-san. 
Miki: You even.. threatened him, basically.
Shun: Is that it? Is that the only reason?
Shun: Of course, maybe that's just my brain being weird, but if I remember correctly, you were supposed to judge me based on my crime.
Shun: A-and how can you even compare me simply teasing him and what you did to me-
Miki: And what would you do to him if you got more freedom, Ishizu-san?
Shun: .. Huh?
Miki: If I didn't stop you, what would you do to Eiji-san?
Shun: ...
Miki: Why were you so happy to realize that you can touch him? Were you going to use that to your advantage?
Shun: ...
Miki: That's what I thought.
Miki: And how exactly could we vote you innocent after that? 
Shun: .. You promised you will vote all of us innocent, Guard 002-san. 
Miki: Oh, so you remembered that?
Miki: *sighs* It's a promise that can never be fulfilled. Sorry.
Shun: .. But why would you punish me like that?
Shun: I-I'd be okay with getting beaten up. Or.. I don't know.. You could take my another eye. 
Shun: W-why would you go for my memory? 
Shun: Are you.. N-no way..
Shun: Last time, Eiji-san went for t-that boy's head, and he was the smartest one.. A-and Kei-san was very proud of his looks and body, so Eiji-san left him with all kinds of scars and injuries on his whole body..
Shun: .. N-no.. *stands up*
Hinode: Shun-san, all guilty prisoners got punished in the same way. It's not about you-
Shun: ...
Shun: .. I feel kind of dizzy..
(sounds of Shun sitting down)
Miki: "Looks like Hinode-san used the memory machine.."
Miki: "I really didn't want to use them again, but if the guilty prisoners continue to act like this.."
Miki:".. Maybe I should be prepared."
Hinode: Shun-san, do you remember where you are right now?
Shun: .. I-Is this my cell?
Shun: W-wait, what are you two doing here-
Shun: (to Hinode) A-and who are you?
Hinode: Everything is okay. I'm just another guard and we're currently interrogating you.
Hinode: We'll ask a few questions about your crime, if that's alright.
Shun: W-what crime?.. I-I've told you everything I remember about it!
Hinode: Shun-san, do you remember how many people you've killed?
Shun: W-what kind of question is that?! A-and I've already told you that it was only one person!
Shun: I just wanted to protect someone I loved! How many times do I have to repeat it?!
Miki: .. Ishizu-san, if that's okay, can I ask you something about your ex-girlfriend?
Shun: U-uh.. S-sure, I guess.
Miki: Do you remember her name? You've mentioned her so many times, but you've never told us her name.
Hinode: True.. You must remember her name, if you loved her so much, right?
Shun: .. W-well, I don't really care about her anymore, so-
Hinode: If you don't care about her anymore, would you say there was no point in committing your murder?
Shun: O-of course there was! I just wanted to save her from the guy she started to date!
Hinode: But did you manage to win her over after that? 
Shun: ...
Hinode: Do you remember what happened after you murdered her new boyfriend?
Miki: Hold on.. Ishizu-san, didn't you say she was there when you murdered him?
Shun: U-uh.. S-she..
Shun: I-I.. I don't..
Hinode: Please, try to remember it. Your final verdict depends on it.
Shun: S-she.. I think she..
Hinode: Okay, let's try to think about it like this. If she was there, how do you think she would have reacted?
Hinode: Would she be happy that her new boyfriend is gone? Would she be sad? Would she be terrified? 
Shun: .. No idea.
Shun: H-how am I supposed to know all that about her?
Hinode: .. If you had dated her for a while, you would probably know what kind of person she is.
Shun: ...
Shun: .. Haha..
Shun: .. Are you implying that we never were a couple?
Hinode: I don't know. Were you a couple?
Shun: .. I-Inaba Hina. 
Shun: S-she was 21. A university student, psychology major..
Shun: A-also had a part-time job as a babysitter.
Shun: I-I remember typing something like that in my notes app..
Hinode: .. Why would you type something like that there if she was your girlfriend?
Shun: .. Y-you aren't supposed to do that?
Hinode: I'm just curious why you were collecting information about her like that. What was that for? Wouldn't you just know about it if you two were dating?
Shun: .. I-I thought it was a normal thing-
Hinode: Let's think about it like this. Shun-san, you like Eiko-san, right?
Shun: Y-yes! I like her a lot, haha..
Hinode: Have you been trying to find more information about her? Maybe you wrote it down somewhere?
Shun: No?.. She just tells me about it if she wants and I try my best to remember-
Shun:  .. Ahaha..
Shun: I see.. B-but if she-
Shun: ...
Miki: Did you remember something, Ishizu-san-
Shun: .. "Who the hell are you".
Miki: Huh-
Shun: That's.. the only thing I remember her saying.
Shun: I-I can't even remember her calling me by my name.
Shun: N-no.. No, we were a couple, right? She loved me, right?
Shun: Because i-if we weren't..
Shun: .. Haha.. T-there was no point in committing my murder after all..
Shun: ...
Shun: .. Oh.
Miki: Did you remember-
Shun: I did remember something.
Shun: .. If me and.. that person actually weren't a couple and I killed her boyfriend who.. wasn't my rival at all..
Shun: .. She probably would've been really mad at me.
Hinode: I-I can imagine that, haha..
Hinode: So.. What did you do after that?
Shun: .. Probably killed her, honestly.
Miki and Hinode: !
Shun: I mean, I can't imagine myself doing anything else. I probably panicked and killed her. Or got mad at her too.
Miki: .. So you admit that you probably had two victims?
Shun: .. I'm just guessing.
Miki: .. Can I ask you why you got so.. focused on love and dating and all that?
Miki: Like.. if she really never was her girlfriend, why would you think-
Shun: Family stuff.
Miki: Huh? What do you mean?
Shun: They.. really wanted me to find someone already.
Hinode: And.. were you interested in "finding someone"?
Shun: .. I think I was. 
Shun: And I think I've already found her.
Shun: I thought Kei-san was also the one, but.. I was wrong.
Shun: B-but even if you two betray me again, I can just rely on Eiko-san for everything.
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Miki: Ishizu-san.. Are you ready for your final verdict?
Shun: .. I just want this to end.
Shun: I want to get out of here. I want to start a new life with Eiko-san.
Shun: I-I really want to make her happy, you know? Like, I-I want us to live together, I want us to get married and everything..
Shun: I even came up with names for our future children recently, haha..
Miki: You did what-
Shun: But Guard 002-san.. 
Shun: (to Hinode) And, uh.. Guard 001-san?
Hinode: T-that's not my number-
Shun: Please, don't betray Eiko-san again, okay?
Shun: Don't take her away from me. I love her. A lot.
Shun: S-so if you punish her again.. Just execute us together or something.. 
Shun: Maybe this way we can die and be reborn together, haha..
Hinode: But Shun-san.. Does Eiko-san love you back? Or is this just another one-sided situation?
Shun: ...
Miki: "You really shouldn't have asked him that, Hinode-san."
Shun: .. So you're not Guard 001-san?.. What's your number then?
Hinode: Ah, I'm the third guard. Nice to meet you.
Shun: .. Oh.
Shun: Then can you please tell me..
Shun: Who is "Eiji-kun"? Is he the first guard?
Miki: *whispering* Hinode-san, don't tell him-
Hinode: That's right! Sanada Eiji-san is the first guard and-
Shun: Oh, so that's who I need to kill!
Miki and Hinode: ...
Shun: Thank you for reminding me! Haha, she just keeps rambling about him.. It's kinda annoying..
Shun: I love her a lot, but I just can't let her ruin our future, you know? I mean, it sounds too perfect for it not to become a reality-
Miki: *whispering* Hinode-san, grab the memory machine.
Miki: Prisoner 003, Shun, quick, sing your sins! 
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[ Shun's Trial 3 MV: ??? ]
The video starts with showing us a fancy-looking dining room in mostly dark shades of red and gold. Shun is having dinner with his parents, however, his parents are dressed up for the occasion meanwhile Shun is still wearing his usual outfit, which means yes, he's wearing an anime girl hoodie. Both of his parents stop to look at him as Shun isn't paying any attention to them and is only looking at his phone. He is also eating with his hands, not looking away from his phone even for a second. His parents look at him with disgust and when Shun notices, he falls down on the floor and doesn't even try to get up. 
"Who are you two? I don't want to remember
All the promises, all the lies like 
"I'll be a good son, I'll be a good husband, I'll be a good father, I'll be a good person"
How can I promise something if I can't even remember my own name?"
As he's lying on the floor, he hears his parents laugh and gets up for a moment and sees that now a different Shun has taken his place. This Shun looks much better than him: he's obviously taking better care of his appearance, he isn't afraid to look his parents in the eyes, he's smiling and laughing and he seems to be much better job at doing social stuff. 
"Who are you? I don't want to remember 
My soul, my memories, my love, my body
My identity, my everything and more
And then, suddenly, someone else walks into the room and the other Shun stands up and walks over to that person. The original Shun stands up and freezes when he sees who that person is. 
It's Hina, in a beautiful red dress, looking at the other Shun with nothing but love in her eyes. He invites her to dance. She agrees.
"This woman over here, her name is My Love
Or something like that, well, who cares
I just know that I love her
So let us spend the rest of our days together, sharing our joys and sorrows"
Shun's parents look proud as they watch them dance meanwhile the original Shun looks shocked. He drops his phone and the setting changes, it looks like some kind of street and it's dark outside.
Now we can see his phone lying on the ground and someone picking it up. That someone turns out to be Hina and she smiles awkwardly and hands it to him. The original Shun can't stop looking at her, he starts blushing and his hands are visibly sweating. 
"She's the only one who I can trust
She's the only one who can save me 
She's the only one who I can love
She's the only one who I'm allowed to love"
But right when he finally takes the phone, the setting changes again and now he's in his room. He's sitting on his bed, looking like an even bigger mess than before, staring at his phone screen and going through his gallery.
A photo of Hina on a walk. A photo of Hina with her little brother. A photo of Hina with her new boyfriend. A photo of younger Shun. Huh?.. No, that's not right. Another photo of younger Shun in his high school uniform. A photo of younger Shun with his parents. Both his parents have rather serious face expressions meanwhile Shun himself looks uncomfortable and he clearly wants to leave. 
"What's the point in remembering?
What's the point in keeping those memories?
What's the point in me listening to you?
Was I ever supposed to listen to you?"
Shun keeps looking at that photo and images of Hina picking up his phone and him having dinner with his parents start to flash. Shun gets sick of it and he drops his phone again, but this time on purpose, and he breaks it. 
I don't remember the meaning of this word
Why was I supposed to love? Who was I supposed to love?
Is it even okay for me to love somebody?"
He leaves his room, almost tripping because of all the trash on the floor, and runs to the exit. We can see just how dirty his apartment is while he does so. 
"It's a crime for me to be in love, so I'll play it safe
No more heartbreaks, no more lying to myself
I'm ready to live a happy loveless life 
So please, just forgive me already!"
But right as he opens the door, he ends up in that dining room again. Shun gets scared, but he still walks in. He sees the other Shun talking to someone, smiling and eating, but the original Shun doesn't see his parents anywhere. He walks closer. The other Shun notices him and smiles at him, and when he does so, the original one stops walking and looks at him in horror. 
"Hey, what do you think you're doing?
Don't steal the love I've earned and worked for
"Who are you?" "I'm you, but better"
But why would someone like you even exist?"
The other Shun still smiles, but now, the screen starts glitching and we can see that it's Hina and her new boyfriend who are sitting next to him. 
"Why can't I remember you? Why do you remember me?
Why do you remember them? I don't remember them
My brain, it hurts, it hurts, hurts so much, what was this song about?
Ah, I think I remember"
Except, when the screen glitches again, we can see Hina and her boyfriend's headless bodies sitting next to the other Shun and the other Shun is still smiling with lots of blood on his lips. 
"Your original sin was consuming all this love and leaving me with nothing
My original sin was being born a loser not worthy of love"
The screen glitches for the last time. Everything goes black. There's a message on the screen.
"Do you accept that you're nothing but a failure and your life is worthless?
- Yes
- Yes"
The cursor doesn't click on anything. The screen starts shaking and we can hear Shun taking a breath. The message disappears. The video ends.
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linagram · 14 days
[ 𝙷𝚒𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚊 𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚊'𝚜 𝚃𝟹 𝚅𝙳 ] 𝙰𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 (𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝙽𝚘𝚠)
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the last prisoner vd of the current linagram. we did it everyone. we're here.
Warnings for Reina's VD: Reina's relationship with her brother wasn't exactly abusive, but it was far from perfect.
Warnings for Reina's MV: there's a lot of violence, but the blood is "censored" and gets mentioned only closer to the end.
(sounds of footsteps)
Hinode: ...
Miki: .. Hinode-san, are you okay?
Hinode: .. I-I'm fine, haha. Just a little tired.
Hinode: All those interrogations have been so overwhelming..
Miki: O-oh.. I understand.
Miki: It's your first trial too..
Hinode: .. This might sound weird, but..
Hinode: Do you mind if I take a short nap during Reina-san's interrogation?
Hinode: I'm sure you and Eiji-san will figure everything out without me.
Miki: Um..
Miki: Hinode-san, you're actually.. u-uh..
Miki: Very smart.
Miki: So it would be nice if you could-
Hinode: Come on, Miki-san. I know you will do a good job without me.
Hinode: And also..
Hinode: I've been feeling a bit.. like I don't belong here.
Miki: What do you mean-
Miki: Ah-
Hinode: Woah, be more careful.
Hinode: You almost tripped.. You must be very tired.
Miki: ".. His grip is very tight-"
Miki: I-it's okay. It's the last interrogation anyway.
Miki: So about you feeling like you don't belong-
Hinode: Please forget what I just said.
Hinode: I'm not an attention seeker like my brother, haha.
(the door opens)
Hinode: Hello there, Reina-san. How are you doing?
Reina: .. Fine, I guess.
Hinode: Hmm, you don't really sound that enthusiastic.
Reina: Well, I've been voted innocent twice in a row, even though I kept begging you to vote me guilty.
Reina: Haha.. Now I understand that it doesn't matter what kind of verdict I want. 
Reina: Just as you can vote someone guilty even though they want you to forgive them, you can easily vote someone innocent even if they want you to punish them.
Reina: So much power in your hands and for what?
Hinode: Please, if you have any issues with that, talk to Eiji-san and Miki-san. I'm not really passionate about morals and such. 
Hinode: *yawns* I really think I should rest..
Reina: Wait-
Reina: (to Miki) Did he just.. fall asleep during an interrogation?
Miki: A-and so quickly too..
(sound of a screen turning on)
Eiji: Huh..
Eiji: Guess it's just you and me interrogating her, Guard 002.
Eiji: Just like the old times, haha.
Miki: .. Y-yeah, haha.
Miki: ".. I'm so glad Eiji-san is here."
Miki: "But still.. why is he so nice to me?"
Reina: .. Can we just not do it?
Miki: What?
Reina: I don't want to do the interrogation.
Eiji: *laughs* You think we care? 
Eiji: You still have to answer our questions, whether you want it or not.
Reina: Okay. What questions do you have left?
Reina: Actually, no, I'll just tell you the whole story.
Reina: Fine, I wasn't a serial killer. That was just me putting on an act, hoping that you will execute me right after the first trial. I hated myself that much. I still do.
Reina: I still was a bad person though. A horrible one.
Reina: Me and my friend robbed people for fun, we liked to beat them up, break into their houses, we did a lot of bad stuff.
Reina: .. Well.. I didn't really enjoy it.
Reina: But I don't want to talk about why I did it.
Eiji: If you're going to tell us the whole story, make sure to tell us literally the whole story. Tell us everything.
Reina: .. Okay, fine. Fine, what do you want me to say? I hated myself. I hated my family. I hated my life.
Reina: I had way too much anger inside and had no idea how to release it. 
Reina: I guess that was just.. a really bad coping mechanism.
Miki: Did your family know?..
Reina: .. My brother did.
Reina: But he still believed that it was just my friends' bad influence. He couldn't imagine me actually enjoying doing something like that. 
Reina: I've told him so many times that it's not his business and that he should ignore it, but.. he refused to listen.
Reina: That stupid kid was obsessed with "saving" me.
Reina: .. He was a lot like you, Guard 002.
Miki: ...
Eiji: ...
Reina: What's wrong, Guard 001? Do you find this situation familiar as well?
Eiji: S-shut up.
Reina: So, one day he decided to pay a visit to my friends and tell them to basically leave me alone.
Reina: *laughs* .. That did not go well.
Reina: My friends knew that I have a brother, but they have never seen him before. They just saw him as a random annoying kid.
Reina: According to them, he also never said that he was my brother, he just told them to stay away from his sister, but never told them my name.
Reina: .. I don't really believe them, to be honest.
Miki: .. You think your friends would have still beaten him up even if they knew he was your brother?
Reina: They looked shocked when they finally noticed the resemblance and they really were sorry, but.. I think he would have definitely told them that I was his sister.
Reina: They probably just ignored it or didn't believe him. They're idiots, I know.
Reina: A-and..
Reina: *takes a breath* When I came back, I saw.. 
Reina: ...
Miki: Y-you don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to-
Eiji: Your brother's corpse, right?
Miki: Eiji-san!
Eiji: We already know it was her brother. She has no choice but to talk about it.
Reina: .. Yeah. Yeah, it was his corpse.
Reina: They didn't want to kill him and it was an accident. 
Reina: One of them pushed him too hard and his head ended up hitting the wall of one of the buildings they were standing next to.
Reina: .. T-they told me he died instantly.
Miki: .. Do you believe them?
Reina: .. I don't know. I want to believe he did. 
Reina: It's not really fun to imagine your brother slowly dying from blood loss, you know?
Eiji: Has anyone else seen what happened? It must have been an intense fight, I'm sure someone would have heard it.
Reina: It was pretty late and not that many people live in that area, so.. No one heard it. Even if someone did, they didn't do anything about it.
Miki: But.. If you weren't the one who murdered him.. 
Miki: Then why-
Reina: I was the one who murdered him.
Reina: If it wasn't for me being an idiot, this fight would have never happened.
Reina: He wouldn't have to go and ask my friends to leave me alone. And I just kept arguing with him, yelling at him and telling him to ignore the fact that his sister is a criminal.
Reina: And because he admired me way too much for some reason, he..
Reina: .. I can't do this.
Reina: Why am I telling you two this anyway? You will just vote me innocent again.
Reina: I-I don't really care about my verdict that much anymore, but.. 
Reina: .. Even if the best punishment for me would be to continue living, I still want to-
Miki: Himura-san.
Miki: E-even if you really were a bad older sister..
Miki: From one bad older sister to another, I want you to know that I forgive you.
Miki: I genuinely don't think it was your fault. 
Miki: You weren't the one who murdered him, so.. How can we vote you guilty now that we know that for sure?
Eiji: I'm still here, by the way.
Miki: B-but Eiji-san, you agree that Himura-san is innocent, right?
Eiji: Just like she said, if it wasn't for her being a terrible sister, all of this wouldn't have happened. She should have known better.
Miki: Eiji-san! We already voted her innocent two times, what's the point in us voting her guilty this time?  What will she learn from that? It doesn't make any sense for us to do so, considering the verdict system-
Eiji: ...
Reina: ...
Miki: .. I wasn't supposed to say that, right?
Reina: Verdict system?..
Reina: What verdict system?
Reina: Tell me everything you know.
Miki: We're not supposed to tell you that-
Reina: I will accept any verdict, just please, tell me about the verdict system!
(sound of Reina standing up)
Miki: Himura-san, let's just forget about it-
Miki: ".. Forget.."
Miki: "But what if she notices?"
Reina: Just tell me what's going on! I want to know more about this place!
Reina: I'm not asking you to tell me who's in charge, at least tell me how your verdicts work! 
Eiji: .. "Our verdicts"-
Miki: Himura-san, please, let's calm down. 
Miki: "I should distract her somehow-"
Miki: !
Miki: .. Where's Eiji-san?
Reina: You think you can trick me like that?
Reina: ..  Wait, where is he?
Miki: The screen isn't showing him..
Miki: I-it's okay, maybe he just.. needed to go to the bathroom or something?  
Miki: "Where is he. Where is he. Where is he. Where is he. Where is he. Where is he. Where is he-"
Miki: "W-wait, maybe that was his idea from the start?"
Miki: "R-right! He probably just wanted to distract Himura-san, so that I can use the memory machine on her!"
Miki: "Ah, Eiji-san is so smart!"
Miki: "I just have to-"
Miki: ...
Miki: "Where is it."
(the door opens)
(sounds of someone running)
Eiji: *breathes heavily* 
Eiji: .. Miki, we-
Miki: Eiji-san! What are you doing here?!
Miki: You couldn't have gotten here so quickly-
(sounds of Eiji's footsteps)
Miki: ...
Eiji: .. Huh?
Eiji: W-where the hell am I?..
Eiji: And who are you all? And what is this.. thing?
Miki: .. Himura-san.
Miki: What have you done.
Reina: Haha.. I guess you could say this was my plan all along.
Reina: I wanted to get rid of one of these things, but still wanted to use the other one on you two.. well, you three.
Reina: You all are victims just like the rest of us. You will continue worshipping Milgram no matter what, so I had no choice but to make you forget about it.
Miki: .. How did you get it-
Miki: Don't point it at me!
Reina: But it's your turn, Miki-chan~
Reina: I couldn't break the video machine, but at least it's easy to use and break this one.
Miki: "The video machine!"
Miki: "I have to extract her video right now-"
Miki: ...
Reina: .. Miki-chan?
Reina: Did it.. work?
Reina: .. Why are you so quiet, Miki-chan?
Eiji: Can someone tell me what's going on?..
Reina: Miki-chan-
Reina: !
Hinode: I'll take that, thank you.
Reina: .. So you weren't actually asleep, huh.
Hinode: Haha, you got me~
Hinode: Though I am still feeling a bit sleepy..
Hinode: But it's okay, I can wait.
Hinode: Now, Prisoner 010, Reina..
Hinode: Could you do me a favor and sing your sins?
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[ Reina's Trial 3 MV: (Un) Forgivable ]
Her video starts with showing us an empty street. The weather is sunny and we can also see a lot of graffiti around. We see a young woman walking and turning around to see Reina and her friends standing not so far away from her. Reina points right at her and we hear her say:
"Get her".
We see that woman lying on the ground and crying and Reina walks closer to her and touches the woman's chin and makes her look into Reina's eyes. 
"Useless, all of them
Nobody would care if I cried, if I laughed, if I even simply existed
It's like I exist to be everyone's good girl
But I can't even do that, oh, what a failure, what a failure I am!"
The woman doesn't understand what's going on and then Reina stands up, kicks her in the stomach, making her cough.. neon green paint? 
"What about becoming everyone's bad girl?
Sorry to disappoint, but I can't even do that
They keep saying I'm innocent, that "it can't be that bad"
Hey, guys, I haven't finished telling you everything"
And then she walks away. Her friends laugh and even clap and they all leave. 
As they walk, they see a group of people who are most likely the same age as them and who also look like delinquents. Reina's friends turn to her, waiting for her order and she nods. 
"Too bad to be an angel, too good to be a devil
Shut up, shut up, I'm the one who makes all the choices
Your honor, I'm not done, won't you hear me out?
You've already made your decision? Sorry, but I won't hear you out"
The whole street immediately gets covered in paint, almost looking like a rainbow because of all the colors. Reina just casually continues walking, somehow avoiding all the paint while her friends and the other delinquents get completely covered in it. 
"All of them? So guilty, guilty! 
"You are innocent" Haha, no, I am innocence itself!
This kind of behavior is unforgivable?
Just remove the "un", make it forgivable!"
In the end, she's seen sitting on a pile of bodies that are covered in paint as well and she looks bored and apathetic. We can see a young boy who looks a lot like Reina's little brother, Neiro, walking by and stopping to look at his sister. He runs away before she can notice him.
It's getting late and we see Neiro walking up to Reina's friends, but it looks like Reina is not with them right now. 
"What are you doing? You know I don't deserve it
Trying to save me? Oh, I'm honored
Sorry, but I've already made my decision
Hearing you out was never an option for them"
He's trying to have a conversation with them, but they just laugh at him and it looks like they're telling him to leave. Neiro actually looks a bit scared, but he refuses to do so and even tries to attack one of them. He fails and Reina's friends shrug and start beating him up. 
"Stupid weakling, get out of my way
This is my revolution, I will never obey
Good kids like you should go to bed
Or else your future will become as dark as this night"
The street becomes colorful again and Reina comes back and it looks like she's about to say hi, but then she stops and looks at the scene in front of her. 
"All of them? So guilty, guilty! 
"You are innocent" Haha, no, I am innocence itself!
This kind of behavior is unforgivable?
Then why did you still forgive me?"
Everything around her starts becoming blurry and she sees her little brother lying up against the wall and his head is covered in paint. The paint is changing colors really quickly until it finally becomes red and we can see how the scene actually looked like and how bad Neiro's head injury was. 
The scene suddenly changes and now we see a cute little Reina doll appear on the screen. The dolls of her friends start to appear too.
"Okay everyone! What should the punishment be for this awful, horrible sin?"
Silence. The Reina doll's smile becomes wider.
"Correct answer! We shouldn't punish her at all!"
All of her friends' expressions become happier too and they start to smile and laugh and we can hear everyone cheering and clapping in the background.
The scene glitches and we go back to reality. Reina is carrying Neiro's body (even though it's hard to see it because it looks very blurry) and her friends, who look very worried, run up to her and try to offer help. She ignores them and continues walking. 
"I did it, I did it, it was my fault
Look at me, this is the truth you've been avoiding all this time
"It was an accident", "She wasn't the one who did it"
So this is forgivable? Add the "un", make it unforgivable"
We can see more and more red paint (or blood?) appear on her clothes while her friends look completely fine. We can still hear the cheering and clapping and it gets louder and louder and gets mixed with sounds of someone crying and screaming. It actually sounds a lot like Reina is the one crying and screaming. 
Finally, Reina lets Neiro's body fall on the ground and turn into more paint. The paint gets on Reina's body and clothes and she turns to her friends who all look terrified. 
Reina, however, smiles widely and gives them a thumbs up. 
"Come on, put your best smile on, let's dance while everyone's heads roll
The queen of innocence is here, her trial is over
To the ones who are watching, to the ones who can hear me
What you're doing is truly UNFORGIVABLE"
The scene glitches again and her friends' expressions change to happy ones and they all lift Reina up and we can hear all of them go "Yay!~" in the background.
The video ends.
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5 notes · View notes
linagram · 11 months
[ 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚢𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝚢𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚊'𝚜 𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚡𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚢, 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝
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ladies, gentlemen and everyone in-between. her.
good luck yurika. good luck yurika you'll need it this trial.
Warnings for Yurika's VD: Mentions of Yurika being stalked, mentions and descriptions of physical violence and torture
Warnings for Yurika's MV: Do you remember the flesh door. Yeah, everything takes place in uh. Uh. Some kind of flesh dimension. There's lots of descriptions of it. Also I think some parts can be counted as body horror?
(sounds of footsteps)
Eiji: ...
Eiji: .. Do you think he remembers you now?
Miki: Huh?
Miki: Oh, uh.. I'm not sure.
Miki: But he still said that me hugging him feels familiar..
Miki: And that makes me happy, hehe.
Eiji: Actually, I still don't understand why Asahi doesn't remember you. Like, you two are siblings. Sure, you had changed in some way, but it doesn't mean-
Miki: I think his case is the same as Ishizu-san's.
Eiji: ...
Miki: Oh, u-um, it doesn't mean that I'm sure he's the same as Ishizu-san, but.. 
Miki: I have a feeling that he is.
Miki: Asahi-kun's childhood was very sad and traumatic, of course, he wouldn't want to remember that.
Miki: And also, he has an "imaginary mother", so..
Miki: I'm afraid he's already prone to escapism in some way.
Miki: I don't think he even remembers his real name, it's no wonder that he doesn't remember me that well.
Eiji: Speaking of that, what's his real name?
Miki: W-why do you want to know?
Eiji: .. Just curious, I guess.
Miki: ...
Miki: To be honest, even I forget his real name sometimes. Our father never called him by his name anyway.
Miki: After our mother's death,he didn't even want to give him a name. But our mother already had some ideas and he loved her and wanted to honor her wishes..
Miki: .. And that was the beginning of Andou Marito's life.
Eiji: .. I see.
Eiji: .. It's weird.
Miki: Hm? What is?
Eiji: Your parents were horrible people, weren't they?
Miki: W-well.. Haha..
Eiji: But your father still wanted to make his wife happy and he still gave his son who "killed her" a name that she wanted him to have.
Eiji: .. How does that work?
Miki: ...
Miki: *smiles* Now you understand, don't you, Eiji-san?
Miki: Now you understand why I always want to forgive everyone no matter how cruel, selfish and violent they are?
Miki: I don't see people as someone who's always pure and free of sin, Eiji-san. But I still choose to forgive them because I know this world isn't all black and white and all people have their reasons to act the way they act.
Miki: "And also.."
Miki: "If I forgive them, that means they will finally start listening to me."
(the door opens)
Miki: H-hello, Maruyama-san..
Yurika: What took you so damn long?
Eiji: This interrogation is going to be a fun one. 
Eiji: *sits down* How are you feeling, Yurika?
Yurika: Wow, isn't it so nice of you to ask something like that?
Yurika: *stands up* Well, look at me! Do you like what you see, you sadist??
Yurika: If I could kill you right where you stand, I would do it without a second thought.
Eiji: .. I'm sitting though. Like, look at me.
Yurika: ...
Yurika: You know what, let me just choke you right now-
Miki: Maruyama-san, sit down!
Yurika: What? Weren't you going to forgive me that last time, you liar? Like hell I'm going to listen to you now-
Yurika: !
(sounds of Yurika being forced to sit down by Miki)
Yurika: D-did I give you a permission to touch me?!
Yurika: You're not any better than those men I had to deal with-
Miki: Shut your mouth already, will you?
Eiji: ".. S-she really scares me sometimes."
Eiji: "Though maybe she's just doing it because now prisoners can touch me and she doesn't want Yurika to hurt me?"
Yurika: No, but seriously, what's with voting me guilty? Weren't you going to "forgive everyone in this place"?
Yurika: I'm talking to you, uh..
Yurika: I forgot your name.
Miki: Call me by my name first then. Maybe I'll listen after that.
Yurika: You little-
Eiji: Do you think you're allowed to talk to a guard like that?
Yurika: I can do what I want, so shut up, okay?
Miki: Sorry for reminding you, Maruyama-san, but you no longer have the power that you used to have before you, uh..
Miki: Got kicked out by your parents.
Yurika: ... I'm literally going to kill you.
Miki: You're not making this situation any better, you know that, right? 
Miki: If you wanted us to forgive you, you would.. 
Miki: I don't know, maybe act like a sane person for once?
Miki: Or maybe act just a little bit nicer?
Yurika: .. Heh.
Yurika: Oh, I get it now.
Yurika: You like it when prisoners beg you to forgive them, don't you?
Yurika: You have so many lives in your hands and you can do whatever you want with them.
Yurika: This guy likes to make them suffer and torture them in any way he wants. I'm not sure if there's some deep reason for that or he's just a freak.
Eiji: "Now she's just making me sound like I'm Kei's clone or something-"
Yurika: But you, my dear, like to be subtle. You like to control everyone in a different way. Why control them with fear when you can control them with kindness and make them become addicted to your "unconditional love"?
Yurika: I never changed my opinion about you. You're as bad as him in my eyes.
Miki: .. Well, what would you do if I said that I still want to forgive you?
Yurika: .. I-I would just say that this is your another attempt to manipulate me.
Eiji: "It looks like she still wants to be forgiven though."
Miki: Sure, I still think you.. really could be nicer, but I also think there must be a reason for your actions.
Miki: So I still want to save you. I want to understand you, I want to see what kind of person you really are, Maruyama-san!
Miki: So please, tell me more about your crime, so that I can-
Yurika: You know you're kinda starting to sound like a cult leader, right?
Yurika: .. Maybe you actually already might be one.
Yurika: Like, even if we don't count other prisoners, look at your partner. This guy is suspiciously quiet.
Yurika: It's almost like he's too afraid to say anything when you're around. Or maybe he just admires you that much.
Eiji: ".. It's because I know that if I say something wrong, Yurika will try to attack me."
Eiji: "And my arm still hurts, so.."
Eiji: "Of course, I want to punish her, but I don't want to risk it right now."
Miki: Eiji-san was the one who did most of the talking during other interrogations, so he's taking a break right now.
Miki: So, let's start talking about your crime, shall we?
Eiji: "I wonder why Miki is acting so confident right now."
Eiji: "It's almost like she really does want me to take a break and she wants Yurika to get angry at her and not at me, so that Yurika would want to attack her instead."
Eiji: ".. Or maybe she's just that mad at her because of the first interrogation?"
Yurika: I have already told you everything.
Miki: Well, your video showed us that your murder was..
Miki: A little bit more brutal than we imagined.
Yurika: Are you saying stalkers don't deserve to be killed in that way?
Miki: It's not just about the murder, Maruyama-san.
Miki: Why did you have to torture them? Were you that angry at them?
Yurika: ...
Yurika: I think they deserved to be tortured.
Yurika: Wouldn't you want to do the same thing if you had people watching your every move and trying to find as much information about you as possible, not letting you leave your house, but also making you feel unsafe even when you stay at home?
Miki: .. Hm.
Miki: Maruyama-san, I have another question to ask.
Yurika: I swear, if you're going to say it was my fault-
Miki: Are you sure they were your stalkers?
Yurika: .. What does that mean?
Yurika: Are you saying I'm crazy for thinking those people were stalking me? I COULDN'T SLEEP BECAUSE I KNEW THAT THEY WERE WATCHING ME!
Eiji: .. I think I know what you mean, Guard 002.
Miki: You noticed it too, right, Eiji-san?
Miki: Maruyama-san, I can't help but feel like the words you use to describe your victims are.. kind of ambiguous?
Miki: "People watching your every move and trying to find as much information about you as possible".. Why would they want to do that?
Yurika: What kind of stupid question is that? Obviously, they were just that obsessed with me.
Miki: True, people like that do exist. But still.. your video had way too many inconsistencies.
Yurika: Well, let me watch it and I'll tell you what's consistent and what's not!
Yurika: Can I even trust you when you talk about that video? I haven't seen it, what if it doesn't even exist?
Miki: "Now that I think about it, can the prisoners even watch those videos?.. In theory, probably yes, if we allow them.."
Miki: Okay, I have another question.
Miki: But I'll let Eiji-san ask it instead.
Eiji: .. Are you sure you're not a professional in that field, Yurika?
Yurika: I don't even know what you're talking about-
Eiji: Oh, I'll explain it.
Eiji: Let's assume you really were stalked by two people and eventually they went too far and you had to protect yourself. That also happened while you were walking home, if we believe what we saw in your video. They attacked you and you couldn't even stand up after that.
Yurika: Huh. Well, at least the video got that part right.
Eiji: But somehow, you still had the energy to knock those people out, take them home, torture them and eventually kill them.
Eiji: That could be possible to do, however. For example, if you have already done something like that many times before, or.. 
Eiji: You had someone to help you.
Yurika: ...
Eiji: Well, which one is it?
Yurika: ...
Yurika: .. *whispers* I'm sorry.
Miki: Huh?
Yurika: Yes, I had someone to help me. So what?
Yurika: I knew I couldn't walk home alone, especially when it's late, when I have someone stalking me. Of course, I asked one person to help me.
Eiji: Was it your "boss"?
Yurika: !
Yurika: W-why do you think it was her?
Eiji: "Thankfully, my boss was always there to protect me."
Eiji: Guard 002 may not talk that much during interrogations, but she always makes a lot of notes and makes sure to remember everything the prisoners say.
Miki: Hehe..
Yurika: ...
Yurika: Fine, whatever.
Yurika: Even if it was her, what are you gonna do? She just helped me fight them and get my revenge on them.
Eiji: .. What's with the gloves then?
Yurika: ...
Eiji: The video showed you wearing gloves while torturing those people and talking to someone.
Eiji: It just sounds.. weird to me. Getting someone to help you, wearing gloves and making sure there's no fingerprints or anything, torturing your victims and killing them either in the process or after that..
Eiji: That is sure an interesting case of self-defense.
Miki: And also..
(sounds of Miki writing something down)
Miki: Didn't you just say "she just helped me fight them and get my revenge on them"?
Yurika: ...
Yurika: .. Haha..
Yurika: Hahaha..
Miki: I-is everything alright?
Yurika: Aww, you're still worried about me! That's so nice of you!
Yurika: .. I'm going to kill both of you, just like I killed those two.
(sounds of Yurika attacking Eiji and both of them falling on the floor)
Yurika: Huh.. That's interesting..
Yurika: Weren't you two supposed to be all powerful and impossible to touch?
Yurika: Haha.. Did those people realize just how much of a power imbalance it is?
Yurika: Hm? Why are you holding your arm like that?
Yurika: Let me see..
(a sound of Eiji's arm breaking and him screaming)
Yurika: Oops, sorry.
Yurika: Just so you know, it was already not in a good condition. I didn't even have to do much.
Yurika: I didn't even have to use my "professional skills", haha.
(sounds of Eiji crying as Yurika keeps talking)
Yurika: But it's weird, isn't it? You say that it's so bad that I have experience with torturing people and killing them or something..
Yurika: But aren't you the same as me, Guard-san?
Yurika: You know what I mean. Like, you know exactly how to break people both physically and mentally.
Yurika: I hated working as a maid, so of course, you have to make me act like everyone's maid now.
Yurika: Kei is secretly afraid of being in pain, so now his whole body is in pain 24/7.
Yurika: And Akio is obsessed with being smarter than everyone, so you literally went for his brain.
Yurika: I doubt that it's just you being so naturally creative.
Yurika: .. You have experience with this stuff, don't you, Guard-san-
(a sound of one of the chairs hitting the wall)
Yurika: !
Yurika: How-
Miki: Good, I got your attention.
Miki: "I kinda wanted to hit her with that chair though.."
Yurika: .. What is wrong with you two?
Yurika: No, seriously, what kind of people did they choose as guards?
Yurika: Why did it have to be you two??
Yurika: No, no, this doesn't make any sense..
Miki: Oh, so you're worried about him now?
Miki: Ah, so us killing you is messed up, but you killing us is okay?
Yurika: You two deserve it.
Miki: .. Well, maybe some prisoners deserve to be punished too.
(the bell rings, machinery sounds)
Yurika: Come on, just let me watch my video for once.
Yurika: I just want to know what is going on here.
Yurika: If you give me the answers, I promise, I won't hurt anyone here-
Miki: And if I don't?
Miki: Also, seriously, are you trying to blackmail the guard right now?
Yurika: .. Let's just say I'll start with the younger ones.
Miki: .. You make me sick.
Yurika: Haha, so you don't want to save me anymore-
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Her MV would have different shades of red and pink (mostly the darker ones) as its colors.
Her MV starts with weird monster-like creatures (if you need a reference, they look a little bit like INMF Muu, but without the queen bee motifs) that kind of look like Yurika and her manager, Takame, plus some other creatures standing around a red coffin with a creepy flesh or meat-like texture that keeps pulsating, almost like it's an internal organ. Everything is silent and we can only hear a heartbeat-like sound coming from it.
When the coffin finally stops moving, the manager nods and Yurika immediately stabs it with her sword, causing it to bleed, though the blood is pastel pink and even looks like some kind of cream. All other creatures cheer and the song starts.
"Ah yes, that's how we do things in this world
It may be scary, but that's just how the adults' life is
I will do anything to put food on my plate
So keep ordering me around, I'll do what you say"
The creatures reveal that they've actually been holding buckets all this time and Yurika and her manager start filling them with parts of that coffin and its "blood".
"But I'm not the only one who's like that
Everyone has their own needs and it's our job to satisfy them
Think of us as heroes, we just want to help"
When they're finally done, all creatures walk away and the manager smiles at her gently, making Yurika smile back and blush.
"I'm not a fan of relying on people like that
If I could become more independent, I would've left you a long time ago
But as long as you keep giving me everything I want
I will stay by your side, like your personal maid"
Then Takame turns around and sees a bigger monster bringing two people that look like they're statues made entirely out of chocolate. We can't see any of their features clearly, but Yurika looks excited and even proud.
"Yes, I was the one who did it! You will reward me, right?
They were standing in our way, punish them, give them what they deserve"
Takame simply thanks that monster and asks it to leave them there. She turns to Yurika and gives her a smile again, though it looks a bit more scary this time.
The scene changes and now it looks like Yurika, Takame and those people are eating together. The walls look.. weird. It's like all of them are inside some kind of creature, the walls are red and they keep pulsating and you can still hear the sound of heartbeat throughout the song. Their guests don't have any appetite at all and they're not eating anything. Both of them look extremely uncomfortable.
Suddenly, one of them turns to Yurika and Takame and starts talking to them about something and the chocolate slowly starts to melt, revealing actual human body.
"What are you trying to say? Do you really think you have any rights in this place?
"Let's think about it more", "Let's calm down", who do you think you are?
You should be begging for mercy, stop pretending that you're braver than you really are"
We still can't see that person well, because now all focus is on the other guest who decides to leave quietly while Yurika and Takame are too busy listening to the first guest. As they move, the chocolate melts as well.
Yurika seems interested in whatever the first person is saying and turns to Takame who smiles, nods and then throws her fork right into that person's heart. The chocolate melts completely and that person's human body disappears, leaving nothing but liquid. The chorus starts playing as Yurika laughs and claps her hands, but then she notices that the second guest is nowhere to be found. Yurika leaves the dining room and tries to find that other guest and as she runs, more and more holes start to appear in the walls.
"I can't disappoint you, no, no, I won't give up
I've come so far, turning back equals death in this world"
When Yurika stops for a second to look at them, it turns out that all holes have arms inside of them (that also look like they're made out of chocolate, but they move like they're completely human). The arms start trying to grab Yurika by her hair, arms, etc and she continues running after that other guest while also avoiding the arms.
"Stop saying it was my fault, you would do the same!
I'm nothing but a victim, I was just a follower, why don't you punish the leader instead?
Stop acting like you're better than me, you're just like me
You would do anything to make the stronger one like you"
When she can finally see that person, the chocolate is almost completely gone and the only body part that still has chocolate on it is their arm and it looks like that person is a young woman with light pink hair and green and purple eyes. She tries to have a conversation with Yurika and tries to calm her down and holds her hand out to her.
"What do you mean, you're forgiving me?
You understand me, you know what it's like?
Your words taste so sweet, but here's the thing
I never liked sweet things, so why don't you shut up?"
She gives her a smile, but Yurika only stands there until suddenly, she bites that woman's chocolate hand off, making her whole body turn into that pastel pink liquid from the beginning.
She turns around and sees Takame and smiles at her while still having the hanf in her mouth. The chorus plays again, but if you listen closer, you can also hear Yurika sing "I don't need your forgiveness, I will save myself" over and over. Takame smiles approvingly and shows that the creatures are back with their buckets. Yurika spits the hand out, nods and puts the hand in the first creature's bucket.
"You have to agree, there's nothing more bitter than losing all your power"
The video ends.
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14 notes · View notes
linagram · 1 year
[ 𝚔𝚎𝚒'𝚜 𝚝𝟷 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢
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his vd is here, everyone. the most problematic male prisoner so far's vd.
just so you know, i feel like the universe itself didn't want me to write his voice drama. the power went out like two times while i was trying to write it, uni is killing me and i also had to rewrite his voice drama multiple times.
i'll be so surprised if anyone votes him innocent tbh 😭😭 the original version of his voice drama was supposed to make him look more sympathetic, but that scene was deleted because 1) his vd would end up being way too long and 2) i had to stop myself from revealing too much kei lore, like this is only the first trial! the original version was also supposed to reveal more information about kei and eiji's parents and i also had to delete that, again, it would just be too long and it would look like i was trying to give you reasons to vote him innocent. (and i'm not doing that! do what you want with him <3)
also this voice drama mentions those other crimes kei committed before milgram and. um. yeah, they're bad. i don't want to spoil anything, so just know that there will be mentions of torture, they're not detailed though. there's also a mention of kei getting injured thanks to eiji. again, it's not detailed and the injury isn't that serious. (also warning for kei refusing to accept that eiji and miki are not a couple and just being his usual self. you know what i mean /lh)
(divider link)
(sounds of footsteps)
Miki: Hey, Eiji-san..
Miki: That next prisoner.. he's your brother, isn't he?
Miki: I mean, you both have the same last name and you look alike, so..
Eiji: Yes, he is my brother.
Miki: Ah, I see-
Miki: Wait, REALLY??
Eiji: But even though we're related, it doesn't mean that I will forgive him that easily.
Miki: But.. He's your family..
Eiji: Well, I don't consider him my family. I don't see my own parents as my family either.
Miki: Were they.. um, bad people?
Eiji: .. Yeah. The worst.
Miki: .. I'm sorry.
Eiji: It's fine. I'm just happy that Milgram gave me an opportunity to punish this guy for ruining my life.
Miki: But Eiji-san.. We are supposed to judge them for their crimes.
Miki: We can't judge them for something that's not the reason why they're here.
Miki: Like, for example, maybe that prisoner really was a bad person, but what if his crime is actually forgivable? We can't just vote everyone guilty based on their personality-
Eiji: I know this guy better than you do.
Eiji: And let me tell you, he does deserve the worst and most painful death.
Miki: Was he the one who did.. this to you?
Eiji: ...
Eiji: Even if I tell you the truth, you will still try to defend him.
Miki: I will defend all the prisoners until I actually see why they're guilty and why they deserve to be punished. Until that, I will try my best to understand their motives and reasons!
Eiji: .. It's only the fifth interrogation, but you've already changed so much.
Miki: T-thank you, I guess?
Eiji: It's time. I hope you're ready to meet him.
(door opens)
Kei: Oh! Here you are!
Kei: You really kept me waiting, you know.
Eiji: Get your feet off the table.
Kei: Yep, it really is my dear brother.
Eiji: And is that a milkshake?..
Kei: Yeah, a strawberry one. Want some?
Eiji: Where did you get that-
Eiji: Oh.
Kei: I made a request and this adorable little guard gladly agreed to get it for me!
Eiji: .. Gladly?
Miki: Uh-
Miki: W-well, y-you see..
Eiji: (to Kei) What did you do?
(sounds of Miki still trying to explain herself)
Kei: Nothing, really. I just smiled at her and told her she's the only one who can help me and that's it.
Kei: And why are you so nervous? Really, I should be more nervous than you.
Eiji: Yeah, I'm literally about to vote you guilty and punish you for every single thing you've done.
Kei: No, no, I'm not talking about that!
Eiji: And what are you talking about then?
Kei: Well, now my plan is ruined.
Eiji: .. What plan?
Kei: Oh, I just thought that maybe I can try to seduce the guards so that they vote me innocent, but then I found out that the guards are actually my own brother and some high school student who turned 18 recently, so..
Kei: Yeah, that's not gonna work.
Kei: But judging by your partner's reaction-
Eiji: If you do anything to her, I'll forget about the whole "three trials" system and I'll just kill you right after the first trial.
Kei: Hey, I literally just told you that I'm not gonna do anything to your girlfriend, so calm down!
Kei: ...
Miki: ...
Kei: .. Then who is she to you?
Kei: It's impossible for her to be anyone else to you. You know, she's a cute girl and she's always with you, of course, you'd start falling in love with her sooner or later!
Eiji: You don't even know what it's like to love someone.
Kei: Of course I do-
Eiji: Not in that way.
Kei: .. Fine, you win.
Eiji: Let's just get started before I smash that glass over your head.
Kei: Woah, scary~
Eiji: So, Prisoner 005.. Sanada Kei, 25 years old.
Kei: That's me!
Kei: (to Miki) Wait, no, actually, did you know that I'm the younger brother and Eiji is the older one?
Miki: Really??
Eiji: Don't believe a word he says. He loves to lie just to mess with people.
Kei: You are no fun at all.
Miki: Actually, Eiji-san..
Miki: Do you mind if I'll be the one asking questions this time?
Eiji: Huh? Why?
Miki: I just.. don't want you to get too emotional. I think it wouldn't be fair if you were the one judging your brother.
Eiji: But I-
Eiji: What are you talking about? You know that I will judge him fairly!
Kei: Oh, I would love to talk to your partner more, Eiji! You get kinda boring sometimes.
Miki: Hehe..
Miki: U-um, first of all, Sanada-san-
Kei: Just call me by my first name. Me and Eiji are brothers, so like, it can get confusing.
Miki: O-okay then. So, do you like this place? Is it comfortable?
Kei: Are you worried about me? That's so kind of you!
Kei: Well, I'm not really happy about the fact that I'm in prison, but wow, I don't know who's responsible for all this, but they really brought some of the hottest people I've ever seen to this place.
Kei: Like, have you seen Eiko? Or Shun?
Kei: Yurika is beautiful too, but.. we don't get along well, haha.
Eiji: Do you even have any friends here?
Kei: Of course I do! I've already mentioned Shun and Eiko and I'm very close with them! I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that they're actually in love with me.
Kei: Oh, I'm close with the younger prisoners too! I'm basically their older brother figure or something.
Eiji: .. Really?
Kei: Akio can say whatever he wants, but he really does trust me. I'm the only prisoner who knows some of his darkest secrets, hehe~
Kei: And me and Riku are so similar! Haha, he really reminds me of my younger self.
Miki: I see.. I'm glad to hear that you like it here.
Miki: Okay, second question. I don't remember Eiji-san mentioning it, but.. what do you do for a living?
Eiji: ...
Kei: Oh, well, I'm just a photographer-
Miki: Really? That's so cool, I can definitely imagine you being one!
Kei: I'll take that as a compliment. But to be honest, I'm.. not exactly proud of working for fashion magazines and most of my "normal" photos.
Kei: I'm more proud of working for my father's friend!
Eiji: Wait, you still work for-
Miki: Oh, is it because they're someone famous?
Kei: .. I wouldn't say that. It's actually better for his identity to stay unknown.
Miki: Why though?
Eiji: Because that friend of our father is a criminal who kidnaps people and tortures them.
Eiji: A-and then Kei takes photos of them while he does so and that man either keeps the photos for himself or sells them to other.. monsters like him.
Miki: .. What?
Kei: Man, when you say it like that, it sounds like something illegal. Just so you know, all of my.. uh, "models" are still alive!
Eiji: Yeah, they're alive, but I'm sure most of them are now missing at least one body part!
Kei: Hey, it's not my fault that people like those photos so much. I just do it for the money, it's not like I have a choice-
Eiji: Don't even try lying to us, you just do it because you enjoy it! You're not any better than him!
Kei: Well, what's so wrong with me liking my job? You enjoy being a prison guard and torturing people and I enjoy taking pictures of people while they're being tortured! We both suck, let's admit it.
Eiji: .. But I-
Kei: What, are you trying to say that you don't like making people suffer? Come on, everyone can hear other prisoners' screams when you interrogate them. I definitely heard Shun begging you to let him go earlier. Why would you be so cruel to him if you didn't like hurting people?
Kei: Ah.. You're just trying to act more like me, aren't you? You're just scared, aren't you? You don't know what to do, you're lost, you're confused, and now you have to judge your own brother! Of course, you have no other choice but to act like your older brother who is so much stronger and braver than you!
(sound of glass breaking)
Kei: .. Well, this is a new one. Usually I'm the one who makes people cry and I never end up being the one in pain, but I'm open to new experiences.
Eiji: I just thought it would be nice to change things up.
Miki: Kei-san's hand is bleeding and I don't have anything to-
Kei: Please, don't worry about me, I'm fine. I have a very high pain tolerance.
Kei: Unlike my little brother~
Eiji: YOU-
Kei: Haha, what are you gonna do next? Come on, show me what you've got! You want to be as strong as me, right? Then act like it!
(sounds of Eiji standing up and walking closer to Kei)
Kei: What, are you going to slap me or-
Kei: ...
Kei: W-why is everything so colorless now?..
Kei: I don't want to live in a world like this..
Kei: Hey, give my sunglasses back.
Eiji: Make me.
Kei: Come on, you're just acting like a child right now. I said, give them back.
Eiji: Nope.
Kei: Ah-
Kei: So I can't even touch you, huh?
Kei: So boring..
Miki: Wait, so this means.. We're allowed to do whatever we want while the prisoners aren't able to do anything to fight back?
Eiji: Sounds fun.
Kei: Heh, you really did turn into a younger version of me.
Eiji: S-shut up!..
Kei: How interesting.. So, you can either vote me innocent to protect me like you always did in the past or you can vote me guilty just to see me cry and make me apologize to you.
Kei: I wonder what you will choose.
Eiji: I've already told you that I will vote you guilty no matter what.
Kei: Sure, say whatever you want. But remember one thing..
Kei: If you vote me guilty just because you want to see me suffer, that means you really are just like me.
Eiji: !..
Kei: *laughs* Finally! This is the face I wanted to see so much!
Miki: Eiji-san, are you okay?
Eiji: Just a reminder that I still have your sunglasses and I can break them right now.
Kei: .. See? We really are alike.
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Miki: Wait! Kei-san, I don't know what's going on and I don't know anything about your relationship with Eiji-san..
Miki: But please, tell us at least something about your crime! Just why are you here?
Eiji: That doesn't matter-
Eiji: ...
Kei: .. So like, is she the one who's more dominant or-
Miki: Tell us about your crime. Now.
Miki: If you do, maybe I'll be able to change your brother's mind. And you want to be voted innocent, right?..
Kei: .. *laughs* Wow, Eiji, your girlfriend is insane.
Kei: Fine, I'll give you a hint. Just give me my sunglasses back. I don't feel like myself when I'm not wearing them.
Kei: Oh, and make my dear brother vote me innocent, of course.
Miki: Eiji-san, sunglasses.
Eiji: You're really gonna let him-
Miki: Do you want to learn more about his crime or not?
Eiji: ...
(sounds of Eiji's footsteps)
Kei: Thank you~
Kei: Ah, I feel so much better with them.
Kei: So, about my crime. Haha, I wonder what my video will show.
Kei: But anyway, here's your hint! Look at my uniform. Look at it very carefully.
Miki: What do you mean by that?
Eiji: You're just trying to fool us, aren't you?
Kei: Okay, then, Eiji, do you remember what you said earlier?
Kei: My name, my age.. what else?
Eiji: "Sanada Kei, 25 years old"..
Eiji: Listen, I don't have time for this.
Eiji: Let's just finish this already.
Kei: Well, I tried my best to help you.
Kei: So, Eiji.. Vote me innocent, just like a good older brother that you've always wanted to be, would.
Kei: Or vote me guilty and accept your defeat-
Miki: "Prisoner 005".. IT WAS "PRISONER 005"!
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linagram · 1 year
>:D Now you have to tell me what songs you'd assign to Eiji and Miki!
OKAY OKAY so i actually did have some t2 covers for them in mind, but i don't think they're gonna get a new profile this time because uhhh, i feel like "the end of the first trial" and the pre-t2 vds show their personality changes well and also if i tried to describe their t2 personalities more, it would be like "but you will see that in one of the future vds!" or "but i can't say much about it because spoilers!", like sure, i have to keep a lot of info about my prisoners secret too, but when it's the guards who are like, literally the protagonists, it's very hard to hide everything. and i didn't want to make a whole new profile just so for their covers (and possible voicelines) soooo yeah i'll talk about them here! also i was too lazy to draw their t2 versions.
Milgram covers.
Eiji: Yeah, he gets Bring It On this time. I had to do it to him. I also thought of giving him Harrow, but let's be honest here, I like to joke about Eiji and Kotoko's similarities, since both of them are so passionate about justice and both of them punish the guilty prisoners, but.. That's where their similarities end. Also, I don't know much about Kotoko, I'm not like, her biggest fan here (though I don't dislike/hate her), so I can't say much about her, but I feel like Eiji is more.. uh.. Basically, sure, he wants to punish all criminals and he wants to see them in pain, but it's not because he wants to make this world better or anything. He's just really obsessed with revenge and he wants to feel in control for once. Honestly, it's actually kinda scary to think about, because like.. What if Eiji went "You know what, maybe I shouldn't focus only on criminals AND I SHOULD JUST HURT EVERYONE". I feel like it really could happen if after T1 there were more guilty prisoners and not the innocent ones. Also I just think his Bring It On cover would sound really cool and that last scene with Fuuta looking anxious and staring at his phone and realizing what he had done?? LITERALLY T2 EIJI SEEING EVERYONE'S VERDICTS AND DOUBTING HIMSELF.
Miki: She gets Triage! I feel like her cover would sound really soft and pretty :) The lyrics sound a lot like her T2 version: yes, she's still blaming herself for Asahi running away from home and not protecting him enough and she also wants to help the guilty prisoners, but also now she knows how much influence she has over everyone here. She can save them. She can save both innocent and guilty prisoners. So please, give her another chance. Yes, she thinks she's worse than all the prisoners here and she thinks she's the worst older sister ever, but also, she's one of the guards. Most prisoners like her and Eiji is willing to listen to her. She's indispensable.
DECO*27 covers.
Okay, this one was hard because to be honest, I was just kinda planning to make them follow in Es's footsteps and cover Hibana together dkdksdlsl. But I tried my best to assign them separate covers.
Eiji: Hmm, I don't think it sounds like something he would sing because I imagine Eiji usually covering more "loud" songs, but I decided to go with At! Now, again, as with pretty much all DECO*27 songs, this one is about a romantic relationship, but hear me out. Like, look at the lyrics. "The day after you die, I wonder what I would eat", "If I voiced it out, you would have gotten mad at me, so I'm keeping that in my head", "Why is it when I'm certain of it, I end up wanting to cry alone".. Or how about "The day after I die, I wonder who you'll rely on"? Or "And I'm surprised, you've been having the same thoughts as me"?? OR "UNTIL THE FAR, FAR FUTURE, LET'S KEEP HURTING EACH OTHER"?? OR "BECAUSE UNTIL WE GET TO UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER, I'LL NEVER LEAVE YOU"?? OR "HITTING AND SHARING THIS EXPERIENCE TOGETHER BECAUSE WE'RE WRONG, WE'RE SHINING MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE NOW, RIGHT??? Yeah, I think you know who I'm talking about. I was so shocked when I read the lyrics because?? THIS IS LITERALLY KEI AND EIJI'S RELATIONSHIP?? Like, even lyrics like "So as we feel troubled, let's tell each other "I love you"" sound a lot like them because GOD THEIR DYNAMIC IS INSANE. Eiji constantly reminding Miki how much he hates Kei for everything he did to Eiji and having understandable reasons for wanting to kill him, but instantly going "protective older brother (who is actually younger)" mode when he sees Kei suffering?? Like seriously, if he could kill Kei, he would. But he didn't. Kei is injured, but still alive. Why did Eiji hold back? Is it because he's still scared of him? Is it because he's so used to Kei's abuse that it feels weird to do the same thing to his older brother? Is it because in a very twisted and also sad way, it's too hard for him to let Kei go and he actually loves him?
Miki: I decided to go with Find the Light! (Both songs are also from the same album, so yay, they match!) The lyrics sound so much like her T2 version and they actually sound a bit scary in this context: "The light slowly vanishes here in this dark world" (her talking about Milgram in general and how there's three guilty prisoners now and the prisoners' relationships are starting to become more toxic and even her relationship with Eiji is a bit different now), "Loving yesterday but hating tomorrow" (She actually gets to hang out with some prisoners sometimes and she ends up having fun, but then she remembers about Trial 2 and Trial 3.. and yeah, those thoughts scare her), "Only a monochrome black and white is reflected in my eyes" (The whole "Innocent or Guilty" thing), "Pushing back the needle of hopes with a finger" (She really is the guilty prisoners' only hope right now and the innocent prisoners also have to ask her for help too).. Some of them are kinda wholesome though, like "So that even if this voice breaks, cry out with a voice that reaches out to recolor the darkness" or "The smiles that I want to protect are right here".. Miki is such an interesting character to me, because at the same time she's a very naive girl who genuinely wants to help others, but also, just like Eiji, she really wants to be in control. Not for the sake of revenge though, but for the sake of stability. She just wants everything to be peaceful for once. And if anyone tries to disturb the peace, well, here's another reminder that she's still one of the guards.
Non-DECO*27 covers:
Again, I wanted to give them one song as a duet and that song is Punishment Game by Kururingo! Like it describes their T2 dynamic so well, or at least that's how Eiji sees their relationship now. Miki is mostly chill about it, but Eiji is slowly starting to see her as a rival. Some moments are so fun to imagine with them too, like "You're wearing that docile expression just to hide your own nervousness, am I right?", "You look like you're enjoying yourself", "You’re trying to keep up that quiet personality, but it’s falling to pieces, I can see it on your face", "No way, could it be that I was the one struggling uselessly this whole time?" and especially "Punishment game, but I'm not laughing, the person on the other end of the strings that move this world, who is it?"/"Hmm, I wonder who it is..".
But if I had to give them separate covers..
Eiji: Hitori Yurari by Kanaria and Maretu! Again, IT'S BECAUSE OF HIS DYNAMIC WITH KEI. IT'S A BIG PART OF HIS CHARACTER PLEASE UNDERSTAND ME. (Or maybe I'm just in that mood because Kei's profile is next and I'm. I'm looking away from his VD. His album trailer voiceline is also such a huge spoiler actually.) But honestly, I'd just love to hear his cover and I think it would sound so cool! The lyrics describe his and Kei's dynamic well too, like Eiji constantly repeating "There's still just no love at all" and also some hints about Kei's past are also there ("You're reeling alone, reeling alone in your dreams, you cried under the shade of a tree in an empty corner") and also lyrics like "Complaining about this and that, you looked down on me, "I love you!", "I hate you!", such an absurd character" and "The way things have gone, I'd prefer it if you'd fall down into hell" AND THE SONG ENDING WITH "I CRIED UNDER THE SHADE OF A TREE IN AN EMPTY CORNER" AND "I WANT TO LIVE WAY LONGER THAN YOU"?? YEAH.
Miki: This one is probably a bit sudden, but.. I decided to go with And Then You Became The Moon by Kikuo. I JUST HAD TO GO WITH A KIKUO SONG FOR HER THIS TIME IDK WHY LIKE I FELT LIKE I HAVE TO DO IT. Now, why this song in particular? Well, this is a cute song about two children playing in the snow and then both of them dying in a blizzard and becoming the Moon and the Star. So, uh.. Miki and Asahi <3 LIKE. THIS SONG SOUNDS SO CUTE AND SO SOFT BUT MIKI SINGING IT MAKES ME SO SAD. She literally thought her little brother died and she blamed herself for it 😭 Honestly, I feel like this song would sound cute as their duet too. I think Andou siblings' voices would sound very soft together. And also the lyrics like "At the very bottom they are together forever" are making me go :') because.. yeah.. It literally took both of them becoming a guard and a prisoner to finally reunite.. So yes, both guards get songs about their siblings this time!
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