linagram · 1 year
[ 𝚛𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚊'𝚜 𝚝𝟷 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗
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THE LAST VD. FINALLY. we're very close to the end of trial 1, now there's only riku and reina's interrogation + their trial results left.
thank you so much for all your support btw! it's still so hard for me to believe that someone would find these guys interesting enough to read all of this 😭💖💕
(divider link)
(door opens)
Eiji: Hello, Prisoner 010.
Reina: Oh! Hello there, Guard-san! Can't believe it's already time for my interrogation! So excited~
Miki: .. Y-you're excited for your own interrogation?
Reina: Of course! I'd love to answer any of your questions.
Reina: Ehehe, it's kinda like.. I don't know, spending the night talking to your friends and getting to know each other better.
Reina: I miss that feeling, not gonna lie.
Eiji: .. I'm glad that you're the last prisoner. You all are way too weird for me to understand.
Eiji: Well, it's not like I want to understand you. I just have to learn more about your crime and then I can vote you guilty without feeling like I've made a mistake.
Reina: Oh, don't worry about that, Guard-san.
Reina: You don't even need to interrogate me to understand why you should vote me guilty.
Eiji: Yeah, sure, you've been talking about how dangerous you are since you got here.
Reina: Well, I am dangerous. You're literally talking to a serial killer right now-
Eiji: Anyway, Prisoner 010, Himura Reina. 20 years old, unemployed.
Eiji: Huh. So you're not even a college student or anything like that?
Reina: Nope. I don't see why someone like me should get an education.
Reina: Also, from what Eiko-chan and Yurika-chan have told me, it sounds very hard. I don't wanna go through something like that.
Reina: We only live once after all. So I wanna spend my life having fun with the people I love~
Miki: Oh, what do you do for fun, Himura-san?
Reina: Kill people, steal their stuff or maybe just beat them up!
Miki: O-oh.
Eiji: And.. you really do it just for fun?
Reina: Yep.
Reina: What, did you expect me to have a deep and tragic reason for it?
Reina: Sorry, I don't have one.
Reina: Oh, I can come up with one right now though! Let's see..
Miki: U-um, sorry, Himura-san, but..
Miki: I still think that you most likely do have a reason to act like that.
Reina: Really? Why?
Miki: Well.. I believe that when someone does a bad thing, they always have some kind of reason to do it.
Miki: Even when they think they don't have it.
Miki: Because.. If everything was fine, if they had nothing to worry about and if they had no problems at all, why would they go this far? Why would they do something so horrible?
Miki: And even if it's "just for fun", it probably just means that maybe there's something wrong with their mental state or the way they see the world.
Miki: So.. Even if you're someone who probably deserves to be punished, I still want to understand you.
Reina: .. Huh.
Reina: *laughs*
Reina: You sure are funny.
Reina: Sorry, but again, I really don't think I had a reason to do all those things.
Reina: My life was perfect. I wouldn't say I come from a rich family, but we certainly had a lot of money. Both of my parents are alive and well. I have a lot of friends and all of them love me and see me as their leader.
Reina: So like, I don't really have a sad backstory or anything like that.
Eiji: .. Hey.
Eiji: When did you start committing all these crimes? And why?
Reina: Ohhh, that's a nice question, Guard-san! Let me think..
Reina: Hm.. I think I was like 16 or something? I just thought that stealing something from an annoying old lady would be funny.
Eiji: I see. And what did you do with that thing?
Reina: It was a pretty expensive necklace and I gave it to my mom as a birthday gift. I forgot to get something for her, so I thought it would be perfect. And I was right.
Reina: She had no idea where I got the money to buy it, so she just assumed I picked it for her and my dad bought it. He also forgot to get a gift for her, so he played along, but he did yell at me after that.
Reina: So ungrateful..
Miki: So you did have a reason to do it.
Reina: What do you mean? I just told you that I did it for fun! I didn't have any reason-
Miki: You said you found that old lady annoying, right? Did she do something bad to annoy you?
Reina: .. I guess she just didn't like kids. She hated seeing me and my little brother play together, so..
Miki: See? You did have a reason to steal something from her, Himura-san. You didn't just do it because you thought it would be "funny".
Miki: You got mad at that old woman and you stole that necklace from her. It's like.. you tried to "protect yourself" from her in some way? Maybe your little brother too.
Reina: ...
Reina: Haha.. Wow, you really should become a therapist.
Miki: Um, is that a compliment?..
Miki: Oh, by the way, what was your relationship with your little brother like? I'm assuming you two got along well, since your life was so great and-
Reina: Oops, sorry, can't tell you! I've said that I will answer any of your questions, but a cool criminal always has to have at least some secrets~
Eiji: Now you're acting even more suspicious.
Eiji: Okay, fine, if you're a serial killer, describe all of your murders right now. I'm listening.
Reina: Huh? What's with the sudden change of topic?
Eiji: I'm waiting, Reina.
Reina: Uh, f-fine! Let's see..
Reina: Okay, I think I committed my first murder when I was 17? Yeah, I think it was my classmate. Haha, I hated her so much..
Miki: .. Himura-san, I'm sorry, but the way you talk about your crimes is very strange to me.
Reina: What do you mean by that, Miki-chan?
Miki: U-um, actually, I'm also a guard, so-
Reina: Haha, I know, I know, sorry. You're just very cute, that's all.
Eiji: "That's like.. the second prisoner in a row. What's with them complimenting her all of a sudden?"
Eiji: "They're just trying to make her vote them innocent, aren't they?"
Miki: Well.. You talk about them like you don't remember them that well.
Miki: I can understand talking like that about minor crimes, but murders..
Reina: When you're a serial killer like me, you eventually stop counting and caring about your victims.
Reina: Of course, I don't remember most of my murders now.
Miki: !
Miki: This is it!
Miki: Himura-san, if you don't care about how many murders you've committed, then why do you keep mentioning how dangerous and scary you are?
Miki: Why do you keep saying that we should vote you guilty if you don't even care about your crimes?
Miki: I'll take Chiba-san as an example. She wanted us to vote her guilty because she was tired of people saying that her crime was "a good thing".
Miki: And most prisoners here want us to vote them innocent because they care about their crimes. They either know that they've done something wrong, but they're too scared of the consequences, or they think that they were in the right and they refuse to admit that they've done something bad.
Miki: If you don't even care about your crimes, then surely you won't mind us voting you innocent, right? I mean, those crimes don't even matter to you..
Reina: ...
Eiji: .. You've got nothing to say, huh?
Miki: That means you do care about your crimes, Himura-san. You probably care about them most than any other prisoners care about their own murders.
Miki: I just.. I can't believe that you can walk around and call yourself a murderer so proudly, but also refuse to talk about your murders whenever someone asks you about them. Or you just try to come up with something right after hearing the question.
Miki: If you've committed so many crimes and you've been killing people since you were only 17 years old, then why did they make you come to Milgram only now?
Reina: ...
Miki: Say something now, Himura-san. Please.
Reina: .. Wow, you sure are smart!
Miki: ...
Miki: .. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, I'm so-
Eiji: It's okay, Guard 002. Good job.
Eiji: Let me handle this.
Eiji: (to Reina) So, do you have anything to say about your last victim? You know, maybe that last murder of yours will help us figure out why you're here.
Reina: .. Haha, sure!
Reina: Let me think-
Eiji: Stop thinking, Prisoner 010. Just say it. Just tell us the truth.
Eiji: Stop trying to evade the question.
Reina: It was a kid.
Miki: .. What?
Reina: Oh, sorry, he wasn't as young as Asahi-kun.
Reina: He was fifteen, actually.
Reina: And I killed him! I killed him just because this is how cruel I am!
Eiji: Give us more details. How did it happen?
Reina: .. I think this should be enough though.
Reina: Like, come on, Guard-san, I literally told you that I killed a child! Do it, vote me guilty!
Reina: This is such an easy decision, you don't even have to think twice about it!
Reina: So go on and do it! Do it!
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Eiji: .. You're the last prisoner we're interrogating, by the way.
Reina: Ehehe, well, I hope you still have some energy left. You also have to watch my video, right?
Reina: So please make sure to watch it closely~ You will see all the horrible crimes I've committed.. I'm so excited!
Miki: .. If you really were so excited, you would just tell us everything right now.
Reina: Um.. Well, where's the fun in that?
Reina: It's your job to figure out what actually happened! So I trust you will do the right decision.
Reina: .. You will vote me guilty, right?
Eiji: Who knows.
Reina: Huh?
Reina: But.. Guard-san, aren't you the one who's obsessed with punishing criminals and all that?
Reina: Look at me! Look at me, I'm the worst murderer here! I definitely deserve to-
Eiji: Maybe the best punishment for you would be being voted innocent and living with the knowledge that you've done something wrong and you can't go back.
Eiji: Miki, how about you try saying the line this time?
Eiji: I'm a little tired of it, to be honest.
Miki: Um.. O-okay!
Miki: Prisoner 010, Reina, sing your sins!
═════════•°• ⚠ •°•═════════
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hamliet · 6 years
How exactly do you define a "canon" pairing? Is it enough that they're shown to have mutual feelings? Or do they need to be explicitly dating? 🤔
Ay, there’s the rub.
I think people have constant debates over this in fandom. Like, there are people trying to argue Yuri on Ice isn’t canon because Victor’s arm covered the kiss so it was really a hug (it wasn’t, I consider it canon) or Ash and Eiji aren’t canon despite the fact that again, if Eiji were a girl, I doubt anyone would be debating it because it’s so clear. 
Like, let’s look at Ash and Eiji vs Yut-Lung and Sing, the latter of which I would not call canon though I do think there is subtext that you can interpret as you wish. Ash and Eiji are explicitly shown to love each other, and one of their first interactions is romantically coded with a kiss. Yes, I know the kiss did not occur from romantic feelings, but as I’ve said before about stories every single moment in a story is there for a reason. If the author included a kiss, even a strategic kiss, at the beginning, it’s because the author wants you to think about their relationship in a romantic context. Everything they do thereafter is also coded romantically. Eiji is compared to a housewife numerous times, etc. 
Yut-Lung and Sing don’t have any of that, but they do have explicit parallels to Ash and Eiji, and there is Blanca’s “someone will definitely love you” line to Yut-Lung in response to Yut-Lung expressly wishing for an Eiji to his Ash (and then Blanca goes and tells Sing Yut-Lung’s past so that Sing goes back to him, and the next scene is them reconciling). That’s subtext--it absolutely does not have to be interpreted romantically, but there’s enough within the text to show you that the author did want you comparing them to Ash and Eiji (who are explicitly romantic), so you can interpret them as such or you can interpret them platonically. 
And then let’s discuss Star Wars, yay. Finn and Rose are canon in the kiss, but Finn isn’t expressly shown as being canonically in love with Rose, but is shown caring about her afterwards. Is that canon? Rey and Kylo Ren in contrast is mostly subtext, but again, you don’t show a character seeing another character half-naked, expressing embarrassment about it, and then include metaphorical sex scenes in the hand touch and Praetorian guards fight, without coding it romantically--but then she leaves him when he makes a terrible choice (as she should). Is that canon? There are arguable. It’d say they’re romantically coded canonically, but there is likely to be more development either way for both whereas in a show like Banana Fish the story is told and over, so I call them “likely to be canon.” 
And them FMA. Are Roy and Riza canon? That’s huuuuge subtextually, including some very obvious romantic coding, but they never acknowledge their feelings in the text. Still, the subtext and arranging of their arcs does seem to imply to think of them romantically, but it’s never explicitly acknowledged in the text. So is that canon? Ehhhhhh... 
In other words? Canon is debatable. For me, I’d say it has to be somewhat acknowledged in the text but also depends on the text and the text’s framing and genre in particular. Like, I consider Asheiji canon, but not Yuesing. Reylo and Finnrose are likely canon in terms of where IX is going to focus its energy though whether they all get happy endings I’ve no idea. Royai? I have no idea what I consider it. I think probably canonically implied? 
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