#also i love your consistency juxtaposed with my chaos it really is a nice friendship cocktail :') 🖤🖤🖤
piratebay · 6 months
WAIT, WAIT, Sharky - disregard that last one!! Ahhh!!!
1, 8, 12, 15, 18, 28, 33, and 38! :D
no worries!! i know i forgot to tell you i changed my name 😅 ty for asking these, my friend 💖
this got really long, so i'm putting it under the cut!
fun questions
1. what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
hmmm this one's hard! i'm going to cave & say my family...my dad, especially personality-wise, & my grandmother really influenced my taste, mainly in the arts. my mom influenced me musically. all three encouraged me in my endeavors for the most part, despite some hiccups. my close-knit family has kept me a stable person in some respects.
8. any reacquiring dreams?
i take this to mean recurring? i used to have recurring night terrors, one in particular where i was at this run-down, grungy amusement park that was more like a large, abandoned fair, & i was stuck with people who didn't like me & would bully me until i was silent.
i dreamt of this place very often, & different nights' dreams would show different parts of the same place, with the same people, different rides, & sometimes the same dream of the same ride. i think i had this log-ride dream where the drop-off was in the dark about 6 times. we never made it out the other end. it would stay dark & people would be screaming in terror until i woke up
i also used to dream of drowning A LOT
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
probably past-due advice for us, but helpful nonetheless: i was 20 & discussing what i wanted to do for my 21st birthday & my mom told me to "drink at home, it's cheaper"
15. what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
oh, actually, a few different places & the memories attached to them...the place i'm in now, my childhood home, & my aunt's house where we all used to gather for christmas before everybody died. i'll send you some pics later if you'd like :D
18. do you believe in ghosts &/or aliens?
i don't believe in ghosts, actually. i know i've been haunted, but i refuse to be affected lmao. ever since i saw this person's video where they stated a lot more colonists would meet their demise if ghosts had a claim on the physical plain, i have put some thought into it & come to the conclusion that ghosts aren't worth my time, really 😅
aliens would be awesome, however, & i look forward to their meaningful discovery!!
28. do you collect anything?
um i have shitloads of art supplies, paper, & finished works i haven't gotten my ass up to sell yet? if that counts 😂
33. any hobbies?
painting!! drawing, sketching! i also love singing, & i'm in a somewhat substantial chorus :D i would say it here, but honestly, i'm unconfident about my visage... *looks away shyly*
38. fave song at the moment?
you probably already know this guy butttt this song has really been stuck in my head lately lmfao & that's a wrap!!
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fxkthatdairy · 4 years
Look After Me: Chapter One~ Ethan Dolan
OVERVIEW: (Y/N) Houck holds a special place in many people’s hearts. She doesn’t take shit from anyone, she works hard for her success, and she makes people want to be a better version of themselves when they’re with her. She’s also a crackhead. And Ethan Dolan loves her for it. Growing up, (Y/N) and her older brother was very close. That means that when Kyle decided that he was going to move to LA to pursue his dreams, his 19-year-old sister (Y/N), went along with him. They moved into a small apartment in downtown LA and when Kyle began filming for the twins (Y/N) followed behind them. Through the many days of filming, the group got extremely close. After a few months of living in LA, (Y/N)  meets 22-year-old Zachary Lewis, and they began dating. When she finds out his true identity what does she do? Who does she confide in the most? Does she fall for the man who truly fell in love with her?
Warnings: Angst, Cheating, drug usage, heavy language, fights, mentions of depression, and much more
Collaboration with @dickdowndolan
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(Y/N) Houck has always been far different from her brother. She’s abnormally short, juxtaposing greatly to her brother who (much to her annoyance) closely resembles a beanstalk. She’s also never been the typical skinny California girl, she has curves and a tummy that she at times, has a very love-hate relationship with. She would often be described as overwhelmingly sassy, but she knows what she wants and what she wants she gets. It’s this determination that has allowed her to become a big success in the corporate world. (Y/N) Houck created a company that works alongside other businesses to help find the most ethical and sustainable ways to produce products. She’s only 19 and she’s already proving herself to be a boss ass bitch.
But there’s a different side of the youngest Houck sibling, one that rarely anyone ever gets the privilege to see. More times than not, she chooses to be very secluded in how she handles her emotions, she doesn’t always like to share her thoughts or feelings. (Y/N) has always been scared of how people would react if she were to share how she really felt. The only person she has ever been completely vulnerable with about her true mental obstacles is her older brother, Kyle. While her brother was three years her senior, they are often assumed to be fraternal twins based on how close they are. So when Kyle made the big decision to move to Los Angeles and pursue his dreams in photography and videography, she was bound to follow him. She now stands in the middle of the apartment that she shares with her brother, tired from the long journey from Washington to Los Angeles. Kyle had been moving their boxes in from the car while she was supposed to be unpacking them when he notices his sister standing silently, looking around at the view of the city from the window in their new empty living room.
“What’s wrong, Simba?” He questioned using her childhood nickname, an ode to their shared love of the Lion King.
“Nothing, everything is just different is all. I feel like it’s gonna take some adjustment,” she exasperates loudly, taking the box that was in his hands and placing it on the kitchen counter.
“A good different, or bad different?”
“Good different, I just have a feeling,” She said with a smile.
Two weeks later, the two were officially settled into their apartment and it had come to the time that Kyle would start working as a videographer for the Dolan Twins youtube channel. He decided to bring (Y/N) along simply because she had yet to make any friends in LA and he didn’t want her to be alone. So with that in mind, he trudged into his sister’s room at around 6:00am to drag her out of the house to help behind the scenes. The only problem with his plan is that the one thing about his sister that has been consistent since birth is that she is not, nor will she ever be a morning person.
“Come on (Y/N), time to get your lazy ass up,” Kyle roused turning on her bedroom light.
“Fuck off, asshole, 30 more minutes,” comes her voice from under the pile of blankets at the center her bed.
Kyle then lets out a sigh and walks over to the bed, yanking the blanket from her clutch and exposing her to the light of day. In tandem, he also exposes her body to the cold temperature of their apartment because the air conditioning is broken, stuck full blast until maintenance decides to come fix it.
“Knowing you, it’s going to take a whole hour and a half for you to get ready and we need to leave by 8:00 so get up Simba,”
“It’s cold as fuck in here, you’re lucky I’m way to tired to go and whoop your ass, Mufasa,” she says throwing her legs over the side of her bed and standing to stretch out her tired muscles.
“Be ready by 8, we are leaving at 8:05,” she hears following the slamming of her door.
(Y/n) then walked over to the bathroom and looked at her disheveled state in the mirror. She shrugged her shoulders, not caring about her appearance at the moment, and grabbed her toothbrush beginning to brush her teeth. She turned on the shower, setting the water temperature to something that wasn’t extremely hot but also not freezing. She rinsed her mouth off in the sink and then stripped of her pajamas, stepping into the shower. She quickly washed her hair and body, took the time to shave her legs, and got out of the shower. She dried herself off before putting on her undergarments and sliding on a pair of black distressed jeans. She threw on a light grey loose tank top and topped it with a jean jacket. She brushed her hair and straightened it a little and then applied minimal makeup that included a full face, eyeliner, and a nude lip with a glossy finish. Not necessarily minimal, but she made it look natural. By the time she finished getting ready, it was 7:55. She slid on a pair of checkered vans and grabbed her phone as well as her black bookbag with all of her belongings and headed into the living room.
“I’M READY,” she yelled from the couch as her brother exited his bedroom, carrying his giant duffel bag full of filming equipment.
“Okay let’s go then,” he said and they both exited the apartment, making sure to lock it behind them.
An hour later (fuck LA traffic, honestly, the drive was supposed to take 15 minutes) they’re pulling into the twin’s driveway to start filming. Looking out the window she sees an array of expensive cars, and a house that she could never even imagine being able to afford, even with all the success of her new company. But the nice house and fancy cars aren’t what caught her eye. What caught her eye was the two beautiful and identical men standing on the porch smiling and waving at them as Kyle parked the car. Even though the two men appeared to be identical, (Y/N) was able to notice tiny differences between the pair like the slight difference in figure, and the mole on only one of their chins.
Still sitting in the car, Kyle rolls the window down to talk to the pair as he puts the car in park.
“Hey guys, I hope you don’t mind but I brought my sister today, I didn’t want her lonely ass sitting at home all day and I thought she could get some human interactions beside me. (Y/N), meet Ethan and Grayson. Grayson and Ethan, meet (Y/N).” Kyle said,
“Nice to meet you two,” She said while reaching down to grab her bag from the floorboard of the car.
“Nice to meet you as well, I’m Ethan by the way, you’ll learn to tell us apart quickly,’’ he responds with a laugh.
“Good thing I learn quick, I can already tell you guys apart. Grayson has a mole on his chin and the dangly earring that you have a good enough fashion sense to know is a bad idea. It’s not hard,”
“You hurt me (Y/N),” Grayson says, hand clutching over his shirt where his heart is, “you really hurt me.”
“Hey Simba, you mind grabbing the duffel out of the trunk for me?” Kyle hollered over the roof of the car as they both opened their doors to get out.
(Y/N) nodded and grabbed the bag, walking up to face the twins.
“Simba?” Ethan inquires pointing at (Y/N), eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, the Lion King was our favorite growing up,” Kyle answers while secretly bending over to get some mud from the ground. He then quickly grabs (Y/N) from behind starting to sing the starting notes to The Circle Of Life (he’s off-key but no one cares) and smears the mud on (Y/N)’s forehead.
Kyle continues to sing as he runs away from an angry (Y/N). As he gets to the chorus, Ethan catches (Y/N) mid stride, monkey thrusting her ass into the air just like in the opening scene of the movie. Many would say that this is a weird way for a first interaction to unfold, but that’s what makes their dynamic so special. It felt like they had all been friends their whole lives. Their group chemistry was instant and was full of chaotic energy. They were all crackheads, and they each fed off of their group chaos.
Throughout the next couple months they all got closer and closer. They filmed videos of course, but they also began to hangout outside of filming as well. They were all together when (Y/N) met a vlogger named Zach. Ethan and Grayson were skeptical of him because they had previously heard some shady things about him at some of the events they had been to. But Zach and (Y/N) on the other hand, they hit it off instantly. So well that they had agreed to go on a date later that week.
In the beginning, (Y/N) and Zach’s relationship was similar to that of a film worthy love story. (Y/N) fell hard for Zach and he fell for her in return. They were in love, they had the kind of us against the world mindset that people crave to have with another person. Many times, (Y/N) had to prove this mindset. The problem with Zach was that he was a disguised clout chaser. A Logan Paul trying so unbelievably hard to be a David Dobrik. There was a craze in the tabloids suspecting Zach's infidelity, possible drug use, and desire to exploit the success of (Y/N)’s company as well as her friendship with the twins. But regardless, she stuck with him through all of it. He made her feel special and he made her feel wanted. No matter how many times Grayson, Ethan, or Kyle expressed their concern she repeated that to herself, and honestly she believed it too.
She pushed their concerns aside as she was reassured over and over again by Zach that he loved her, that they were meant to be. So many times she would be questioned or told not to when she mentioned going over to the twins or spending the day with her brother.
“I don’t want you hanging out with the twins, baby, they always fill your head with doubts about my feelings for you,” Zach brought up one night as (Y/N) was getting herself ready to head over to the twin’s house to film a video.
“Babe, I can’t stop hanging out with my friends. I just ignore them most of the time when they say anything about you, trust me I know you love me. Now I've got to go so that I won’t be late for the shoot, love you,” she told him real quick and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Zach felt extremely hurt that she just walked away like that, in his mind, her going to the twins house was the equivalent of her not caring about him. So he grabbed a beer from his fridge and downed it.He was pissed, he had been a lot lately. Zach knew that he had been acting up, but he’s pushed himself far past the point of caring. He knew he should have dealt with his issues long ago, but with (Y/N) he had a distraction so he didn’t need to. He knew that he was losing her, so he decided that if he really was going to lose her, she would need to feel the pain that he does.
Overtime, (Y/N) grew her own suspicions aside from just his jealousy. These suspicions led to many fights, but she was determined to make it work. That is, until one night when she was at her lowest and all she wanted was her boyfriend to make it better. She needed him to tell her that everything was going to be okay, that the stress of her company was going to be worth it, she needed him to tell her that despite everything she was hearing, he was there and with her for the right reasons.
Unfortunately, when she walked into his apartment holding the key that he had given her on their one year, she had another thing coming. Opening the door (Y/N) heard the noises that she had thought Zach had reserved for only when the two of them were together. Walking further into the apartment, she saw a sight she would never be able to erase from her mind. There Zach was, fucking his assistant from behind on the kitchen counter, not even stoping when he saw her standing there.
Looking at her dead in the eyes, he said words that, after all they had been through, truly broke her. “Why do you look so shocked, babe? You ignored the tabloids. You knew you were never good enough for me, I just needed the money from your company to get my youtube career to where I wanted it to be. Now that I have what I need from you, I don’t need to pretend to be in love with your clingy ass anymore. I feel free as hell. You can see yourself out right? Leave my key on the counter”
The entire time (Y/N) said nothing. She didn’t know how she had let this happen, how she could believe Zach over the people that have never done anything but be completely honest with her. She ignored the warnings from the people that she loves, the people that she trusts, only to find out that it was all for nothing. She quickly took the key off her keychain and threw it at Zach and his assistant (who was still taking her now ex boyfriends dick up her ass) and swiftly turned around, walking out of his apartment without a single word.
She didn’t know where to go. She didn’t feel like it was safe for her to drive in her current emotional state. That really limited her options on where she could go, but she knew there was only one place that she really wanted to be anyway. So she started walking. The way she moved was almost mechanical. She just kept putting one foot in front of the other while tears were streaming down her face, mixing with the cold rain. It was like the universe just knew how shitty she felt at that moment and just decided that in spite of LA’s predisposition to clear and semi warm nights, it seemed suitable to downpour and reflect how she felt inside.
Despite her tendency to block out her own emotions, what she was feeling at that moment was too strong. (Y/N) felt everything, she felt pain and betrayal and anger and self doubt. Anything that she could feel, she felt in that moment.
So when that same driveway that she and her brother pulled up to only a year and a half ago came into view, she felt some reassurance. It was reassuring to know that despite how much she felt like her life had gone to shit in the past couple hours, she always had Ethan and Grayson.
With that, she pounded on the door of the twins house, she would have called but she left her phone in her car which was still parked in front of Zach’s house. Her only hope was that her pounding on the door would wake one of the twins up.
Little did she know, Ethan and Grayson were inside looking at each other holding baseball bats, ready to call 9-1-1 when they saw her through a crack in their curtains. They swung open the door to see one of their best friends in a state of such heartbreak, and looked at each other silently vowing to never let anything hurt her like this ever again.
With that, the pair rushed her inside and gave her privacy to shower and change out of her wet clothes before they all talked. She gets out of the shower feeling slightly better and sees the clothes they brought in for her on the toilet. Those ridiculous red basketball shorts that E used to wear way too often and a black crewneck. She got dressed and headed out to the living room where the twins were seated on the couch whispering quietly.
“(Y/N), what the hell happened?” Ethan asked as she sat down on the couch looking back and forth between her two friends.
At that, all composure that she gained since she walked into their house was gone. She started to tear up as she tried to explain what happened between sobs.
“I-I’m not good enough, and I’m never gonna be. I probably deserve this. You guys all warned me too. But I didn’t want to listen, I wanted it to work so badly.”
“Who made you feel this way, (Y/N)? What’s going on?” Gray asked furrowing his brows.
“Zach and I broke up,” (Y/N) paused to take a shaky breath, “I went to his apartment because I had a really shit day and I needed him. But when I got there he was fucking his assistant on the kitchen counter. He didn’t even stop when he saw me standing there. It hurts so fucking bad guys, I think he really broke me.”
Both boys took a minute to respond, not surprised in the slightest, their lack of immediate answer was more so that they could reign in their tempers. Ethan is the first to respond, cupping (Y/N)’s face in his large hands and wiping a few falling tears with his thumbs.
“Listen to me,” he demands softly, “this is not your fault, you hear me? The only person to blame here is Zach, he made a choice. He made the wrong choice because he hurt you, but he made that choice. None of this is your fault, you did nothing wrong, this is all on him.” he comforts as he pulls (Y/N) into his chest and sharing another pointed look with Grayson, who’s still making efforts to control his temper.
When he’s finally able to think past his anger, Grayson pulls (Y/N)’s legs onto his lap and exhales loudly as he begins to speak, “We love you so much, (Y/N). I’m so sorry that he did this to you, no one deserves this and especially not you. We’re gonna make sure you’re okay, this isn’t what will break you. You’re so strong, you’re going to be okay, we’ll make sure of it.”
Following Grayson’s words, the three of them sit there in silence just holding each other until they all fall asleep on the couch. (Y/N) curled into Ethan’s chest with her legs sprawled across Gray’s lap, surrounding her in a blanket of support as they drifted to sleep.
They were all peacefully asleep until the next morning when Kyle burst in screaming, “Does someone feel like telling me why the fuck I just got a call saying the car’s been towed?”
Hey guys! This series has been in the works for a while 😊. I’m so proud of it and I’m proud of my friend Jamie for helping me write this series. I hope you guys truly enjoy the series and if you would like to be on the tag list let me know 😊 As always if you have any requests or concepts let me know and I love you all. Be safe xoxo
Tags: @graydolan12 @graysavant
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