#also i moved the butterfly clip to the hair bc i didn’t feel like drawing it over the necklaces
justmwahstruly · 9 months
alr i have been depriving you guys of stufs so
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Molly in my Ren Faire fit!
refs if you want to see >:)
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no lookin at my dogs 🫵👁️👁️
i look funky dont i heheheh
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lytters · 2 years
HELLO i saw your reblog of my denki thing (thank u btw) and I WANT TO SHARE THOUGHGS. HE’LL DO SILLY THINGS JUST TO MAKE YOU SMILE OR LAUGH.
you hear a little buzz in your ear right before denki’s shouting your name, and he’s pulling you close with an arm around your shoulder just to show you a tiktok on his phone, and then he gives you a big kiss even if he’s not leaving.
denki can be blasting music on his earphones but as soon as he sees you looking at him, mouth moving, he doesn’t just take off one… he pauses the song and instinctively disconnects the earphones because now he’s listening to you.
when you’re feeling sad so then he’s feeling sad, he’s very empathetic… him being the bf that gives you smooches anytime anywhere, the kind of guy who’ll draw on you with a marker but gets scared when it doesn’t wash off, the guy who asks for your number every few months bc he breaks his phone and doesn’t memorize your digits.
whenever he puts a hand on the top of your head and messes up your hair, it’ll stand up like with a balloon. also denki likes buying random stuff just to feel cute. i SAY YOU WOULD TOTALLY FIND CUTE HAIR CLIPS, maybe butterfly ones. skin care nights.
sorry this was long, i didn’t mean to jump into someone’s inbox but i love denki
KDSF I AM A CLOWN WHO DOESN'T CHECK HER INBOX, ONLY NOTIFS I'm so sorry I didn't reply earlier 😭😭
pLEASEEE thank you for giving me more denki food 🤩
I think there's something that so so special about knowing that denki is in the room just from being able to feel his electricity?? but also it makes it really funny bc he can never scare you, and also always loses hide and seek bc your hair immediately stands when you walk near his hiding spot
denki completely taking off his headphones? for me? yes. marrying this man in an instant. he'd be such an attentive listener, and he's the best to talk to, because 1. he doesn't try to give advice/solutions (like most ppl do) unless you ask for it, 2. he 100% will side you AND bitch out whoever is the cause of your unhappiness with you <3
also also when he kisses you, sometimes when he's feeling a little cheeky, he definitely will send you a little zap through the lips, and will laugh when your hair stands up JDKF
matching hair clips. it's your thing. denki and you will wear anything from cutesy butterflies to bleeding skulls depending on your moods. but you will match. always.
please never apologise for that my inbox is always open ESPECIALLY if you're gonna talk about denki 🥰🥰 we can love him together <3
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