#the mirror was so dirty… but thats not my fault! its my parents!
justmwahstruly · 1 year
alr i have been depriving you guys of stufs so
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Molly in my Ren Faire fit!
refs if you want to see >:)
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no lookin at my dogs 🫵👁️👁️
i look funky dont i heheheh
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ifuckingloveryoshu · 19 days
Thoughts about Lob Corp Ryoshu Uptie
I like the new identity, I did not get her but a friend recorded her uptie story for me. Her uptie story speaks to me and also makes me feel icky (which is very good! You'd think its bad but for me, that just means it was written well. People tend to try and seperate themselves from their negative feelings on the basis that it feels horrible and effects them. I am guily of this several times over. It needs to stew and digest and I should know when I need to step out for a bit.) For that reason, I'm waiting for a day or two, maybe less or more to reblog things relating to this identity. For now though, just mostly unfiltered thoughts (that are probably wrong, ya know? biases and all.) and storing some quotes.
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The way Ryoshu challenged the Spiderbud's motherly instincts, oh and unreliable narrator not always being right, that big theme of Hell Screen and other works of Ryunosuke Atagawa such as In The Bamboo Grove. Questioning the love of a mother to her children to their face using your own baises or trying to get a rise out of them, its like its own silent furry. The control over herself Ryoshu has to a creature who's supposed to mirror her in a way is admirable. (Anyone in any profession working with children having to deal with grown adults who act less mature and set on their ways as adults need all the support.) Either Ryoshu was once like the Spiderbud (and maybe thats what her EGOs are suppoed to represent, how Ryoshu used to be) or what Ryoshu was in risk of becoming.
I love too how gently she decides it isn't the little spiderlings fault, its just how their being taught by their mother. They don't have any peers or diffrent mentors in their life other than the Spiderbud. Having external influnces outside parents is important for child development and idependent identity.
More and more when Ryoshu talks about family and things relating to parenting, even if i've never been a parent before, I can't help but project onto her the way she projects onto Spiderbud here. So, my interpretation for now is the reason she's able to weild Penence is that she wants to repent for what happened to Yuzuki in some way. She can understand Spiderbud because she's been there herself, probably being from the Backstreets if Yuzuki was actually her child, and that got her. I find her so darn relatible, hopelessly so.
I forgot what else I wanted to type without airing out my dirty laundry so I'll leave it here for the moment.
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arcadia-writings · 9 months
"if you don't heal what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you," he says, as if that means anything to me. i wish it meant something. i wish i could take it as a lesson to be kind to myself, but i cant. as selfish as it is, i cant.
"then its their fault for standing so close. anybody who stands near a bleeding person is only wishing to bandage the wound and call it healed so they can feel better about themselves, unaware of the blood continuing to flow. if they get dirty, its on them for not doing a good enough job."
"is it them who approached, trying to fix you, or was it you who stood too close, expecting them to?"
"i dont expect anyone to fix me, i— i dont even need fixing in the first place," i say, because he's right. i could defend myself all i want, but it wouldnt change anything. he's right. i want someone to fix me, to bandage these wounds with the care of a parent, or maybe a lover, or just someone who cares. but they never even try. and then i bleed out and die on them and they have the gall to be appalled.
"that tiny, thin bandaid youve put on yourself doesn't hold anything. youve healed a paper cut, when the rest of you is covered in deep gashes. that's no way to live."
i stare at him, horrified that he's seen me. terrified that he knows— understands, even, from the way he talks about it like he's talking to a mirror. is he? am i a broken mirror, covered in cracks, that he looks into? or is it the other way? am i the one looking at a mirror world, where my reflection is spoon feeding me the truth of my existence because i cant figure it out myself?
maybe its both. maybe i have too many walls and need to be told i am falling apart, and he has spent so long being told the opposite that he needs to admit to himself— to me— that he is broken and we are both bleeding together, onto each other, because we refuse to heal.
thats no way to live, he says, as if he does not live in the same house.
"isnt it? its the only way for people like us to live. no amount of bandages or drugs or conversations will fix us. this lonely, torrid warehouse is all we can afford."
he looks back at me and i stare into his eyes and see my reflection staring back at me. a mirror and the mirrors in his face, accepting that the reflection is right. am i the reflection? or is he? or is this a two-way mirror, and we're just staring at each other, dumb with recognition?
"..a bandaid is better than nothing, i guess. might as well keep living."
and thats where it is— the lesson, the moral of the story of reflection, the point of this idiotic talk. we're going to keep living anyways, no matter if we bleed, if we're fixed, or we learn to heal on our own. no matter how cracked, the mirror has to do its job until every last shard is disposed of. we're not there yet. a bandaid to keep the glass from falling off the frame is better than losing the shard, even if the mirror is uglier by result.
i look into the mirror, at him, at myself, for one last time, and i accept it. ill keep living, if not for health then for the sake of living itself, because what else do i have? this is it. the bandaid will keep me going, for now. no matter if it bleeds through. ill keep living, anyways. its all i have.
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wisteriafield · 4 years
Had a thought again, the saying "yesterdays heroes are tomorrows enemies" which was a sentiment about how tons of tankies back in the cold war would dispose of their muscle to remove the risk of being upended themselves after they did the dirty work or any other possible dissidents
But suddenly i thought of an original gundam story that could use that phrase in multiple contexts as a tagline for its story
I was thinking about how colonization and loss of collective identity create nationalist movements and 0079 paralleling that with Japan, i feel a similar thing happened with Vietnam
During WWII the US trained vietnamese soldiers to harass Japanese troops stationed in Vietnam and the people who volunteered (like ho chi minh) saw it as an opportunity to try to vouch for their peoples independence after being a french colony, but after the war the US treated vietnam like property to be returned to the french because that was their terms to agreeing to join NATO, which greatly angered them and caused them to be disillusioned with the us and became radicalized
Its often told that despite leading a movement, minh would eventually be cast aside from his own peers for their own ambitions once he became too old.
Notes about this series
Main character is a girl, with tan skin closer to how southeast asians look
The earth-a-like would be referred to as "the central planet" as earth federation is parallel to the US, the moniker refers to the US's spotlight in world politics as well as their own self absorption
The planet to parallel Vietnam is a dense two layered canopy jungle planet called Verdia because im brainstorming right now, and is a colony of the central planet
The first episode shows disturbing normalized things in the girls life as she runs an errand like carrying water; she memorized the location of land mines on the road as well as being completely unfazed by the sounds of battle nearby and constant bombing runs of mobile suits dropping bombs or burning trees in the upper layer canopy for better visibility, because the 2nd layer obscures even mobile suit vision by being just as tall as them. Shes heard stories of bombs that were dropped but didnt explode and how some of her friends died by getting too close to them out of curiosity and then suddenly exploding and knows to steer clear of ordinance even if it looks already used
Most of the central planet soldiers are around her age too, one night in her village she has an uncomfortable encounter with two of them wandering, obviously inebriated or on something else, and has to fight them off and steals one of their mobile suits and has to kill them to survive. The stress of having her idealized perception of central planet soldiers that was shown to her and being forced to kill to narrowly avoid sexual violence and death causes her to physically break down in the cockpit once the fight is over.
She is eventually found by a guerilla bloc that opposes the central planet and works with them, her uncanny survival ability owed to her understanding of the ecosystem (such as using firmer trees to make harder turns than MSes normally can) as well as the instinct shown in the beginning thats kept her alive up to this point. While she has a mass produced grunt suit (eventually customized), the gundam of the story itself is piloted by who would be her rival
Her rival embodies the idealization of Lyndon B Johnson’s “Hearts and Minds” program. A conscientious, compassionate soldier who truly wants to do good by the native population of the Verdians, but has misinformed convictions of what he’s been told the enemy is due to a lack of perspective. Disciplined to a fault, his rigid but noble nature clashes with those under his command, leading to a fragging attempt later on. He allows a private journalist to shadow him, with his naivety thinking that he can be a positive and benevolent force among his peers.
His MS is the only with beam tech, in particular there is an anecdote of one of his men wish he’d just use the beam saber to cleave down the jungle so they can get a better visual, reminding him in a time of which he did exactly that, which caused a mudslide that decimated a nearby village. The rest use machetes and ballistic weapons
The central planet has plenty of enemies beyond their reach, some of which fund the guerillas on this planet, but to avoid stretching the span of the plot this wouldn’t be too heavily focused on.
By virtue of a proxy war, the central planet has trained locals who believe in their cause to fight their own kind, in order to minimize casualties of their own
While they skirmish a few times before, a major turning point in the middle of the story is a parallel to the My Lai Massacre, his men organizing bombing runs and sortieing their MSes behind his back on a village due to their frustrations, betrayed expectations of wanting to go hunting for enemies rather than protecting and supplying locals, fueled by distrust and xenophobia for Verdians. The girl and the rival decide summarily that they have to work together, fighting together at first, and then she leaves the rest to him so she can try and protect some civilians, taking some children into the cockpit with her. Though she tries her best, many still die needlessly, causing her to cry uncontrollably clutching her head and pulling at her hair. The children make themselves small and hold each other, like walking in on a parent in a moment of emotional weakness they know they should not be looking at. The event ends with them having a tense and uneasy but mutual respect for one another.
The rival becomes disgusted beyond reconcile and deserts, realizing he could never have disciplined by example nor led by virtue, and that the attitude the central army has towards verdians is fundamentally wrong to its core (in which he recalls his CO who resembles General McArthur speak of verdians as savages whose natural state is chaos and evil)
The girl begins to doubt her place among the guerillas as they yearn to “reclaim” a national identity which they have not been able to call themselves true Verdians having been colonized by multiple nations with deeply vested interest in their resources, or being used as a staging point to reach the central planet. The movement for freedom begins to turn into a call to establish superiority by a show of strength, boldly planning to make a move to annex the capitol to prove it.
In the end of the story, rather than fight a battle trying to beat the central army, she needs to deliver the recorded proof of atrocities that took place on verdia to the journalist that the central army tried so hard to bury, in a 3 way battle between her, the central army, and her former allies she no longer wishes to associate with in the destruction waged in the capitol city during a mass evacuation effort, scenes mirror the infamous images of people clinging to helicopters taking off as they fill the helipad
The central forces eventually leave due to political backlash, but the planet is a smoking crater, cities ruined, millions of her own people dead, and despite her efforts, her own fellow verdians would later be consumed by propaganda from the central planet and defend their actions despite everything she did by the time she becomes an old woman coping with her trauma
The rival is publicly awarded by his government for heroism for his intervention during the massacre, but in private is court martialed and dishonorably discharged, while government officials lament the plummeting of their outside image while alluding to the Domino Effect.
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Will auto insurance rates go up if filing a Comprehensive claim in Texas?
I had windows knocked out and body damage done to two trucks by vandals, the vandals were identified and police report files and charges will be pressed. I carry $1000 deductable and damage was in the range of $2000 per vehicle. Any insurance claims adjusters want to comment? PS I havent called my insurance yet, cause I know just making the call will go down as a claim . Best answer: Try this site where you can compare quotes: http://cheap-insure.info Related Questions Autoinsurance and Automobile obligations? I am looking to purchase small vehicle or a 4x4 vehicle of some sort starting from $ 3000 to $7000. I know it is a challenging thing to response but if everyone can give some tips and rough estimates that might be fantastic to me! Im 19 years of age, I've 3 charge cards all payed on a cellphone contract plus time. I've a 600 something credit rating and I am thinking just how much a vehicle fee could be with no cosigner? Also what's up with insurance companies? They want to charge me $300 to $400 dollars per month on any car year make or design monthly without even examining my back round... Is there some area where I will get cheaper prices? I cant afford that junk. Any help is liked, cheers!" Car Insurance confussed?? (uk)? O.k signed-up with insurance which worked-out about 60 per month and purchased a-car and so Im a driver. My car smashed down beyond repair and that I have suspended my insurance as needed to scrap the vehicle. Today I been on auto insurance sites to evaluate a variety of vehicles to determine which will be cheapest and all my other specifics are same but it doesn't matter what car specifics i fit (distinct ages/ ideals) but all tiny automobiles similar to my last automobile the offer arises double the cost at more than 110. Exactly why is this?" Could you generate a parentis auto in NY without insurance? My name isn't on it, although dad includes a vehicle with insurance on it. Can it be legal for me to travel the vehicle? I live in New York, and that I'm not focused on injuries being not covered by the chance of insurance because my brand isn't about the insurance. I am sensible 18 year-old and my parents declare that I only travel a fortune would be cost extra by since adding my title using the insurance, the automobile. If it's not illegal I just need to find out. Cheers!" Why are Americans so against universal medical insurance? Just about any Developed industrialized region has it, perhaps Canada, plus they are no more bankrupted compared to US as a result of it. It looks like getting for the regional populace in the way of advancement, definitely. Therefore, what are individuals against this reform's reasons? Thanks." I searching for teens a cheap car insurance? she have tickets in her title. i searching for an individual who can make a deal with us. Insurance on 1965 Ford Mustang? What wouldn't it cost annually in Colorado for a 16-year old? Any facts about additional decades (66-68)? Projected motor insurance price for an 18 year old novice driver? Till I went along to get my people permit until I turned 18, I waited. I have had 2009 to my permit since November 18. I want to stay until its expiration time on the permit. I am uncertain what vehicle I want to purchase from then on, anything economical (nothing outrageous) and that lasts quite awhile. Today accepting that, may any of you tell me what your car insurance transaction is regular, just an estimation naturally. And throw therefore I might get a better strategy, in what type of auto you have in. I'll be 19 during the time I eventually get my certificate. Our parents won't be introducing me for their insurance, I've to fund this on my own and so that I can produce the payments without problem down the road that I'd like to start getting some cash away. Are their any factors I - can do to reduce the cost of my auto insurance aswell?" Simply how much can an extended mistake in my motor insurance insurance charge me (on-average) once I make an effort to get inusrance again And by long I mean between 6-12 weeks. Business-names?What is a great name for an insurance agency? What's the very best title for an insurance agency "Buying car insurance(GEICO) for your firsttime,?" Okay so in roughly 9 months I will purchase my first auto, now I understand the brightest and safest point you certainly can do first is get insurance. what I have to understand is how does it function, like do i get the insurance first? How can geico insurance that is getting function? what's the prices for very first time consumers? Do I spend buy the month, every month that is different? ." Medical Health Insurance for Seniors inside the U.S.A but I am Canadian? I am 26, A Canadian that's going to obtain a U.S small business.(in California) Can anyone recommend a great heath insurance policy. I also would like to understand could I get an arrange for my parents (both age 60) once they come-down and stick to me for more then half a year? Thankyou like constantly!!" Using a driving permit in California? Insurance? Could my dadis car is driven by me but with some other person training me to travel. Do I must take the insurance coverage? How does that work? Were is it possible to get cheap car insurance? i am 17 years of age. I have ford kA and i am wanting to try to find inexpensive insurance cn anybody assist? xx Howmuch is insurance for teenage boys drivers? I want to get im and a new-car 18 years of age. Dad says he wont set me if i purchase a new car but insurance on the new-car like $400 a month is likely to be!!!! I've no injuries or tickets my report is not dirty. Is this usual? I dont live in a negative spot and it's also a pontiac g6. ThanX" How much do you consider I would be cost for by insurance? I'm 16 just got my lisence. I live in NS Canada. i finished the small individuals class which is purported to ensure it is cheaper. I intend on operating a 99 jeep cherokee." About just how much does bike insurance expense? And it is it more than auto?...about... Any affordable medical insurance alternatives for a thats not eligible for Medicare? Our inlaws are 65 years-old and simply transferred for the US (legally!). Since they're not People in America however, for that to happen, and it will consider, they don't be eligible for a Medicare. Consequently my concern is, is there any economical choice to get healthcare coverage for someone who has ended 65 yrs old? Since my husband and I are supporting them if they cannot purchase a medical (or any) bill, they will come after us and we all discover how costly cancer or possibly a straightforward surgery can be, obviously that people are not resting properly at night! Thanks! Sheila (your lovelife paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com" Is just a 3 a low rider also an insurance company? will an insurance company look at a straightforward mazda 3 a sportscar? like not just a mazda 3 speed, only a normal mazda 3 sedan 4 door" "I have experience working in the insurance marketplace, now im thinking what task I really could make an application for? I worked at an insurance carrier being a medical case manager. We were a 3rd party firm. Used to do telephone interviews with persons trying to get personal insurance for several...display more Is it possible to remove yourself from your parents' health insurance ? I just wish to know. Is it possible? Thanks. "Can my auto insurance prices increase, hit and run accident?" I had been left out-of my friends house and seemingly within my visit someone had struck on my vehicle that has been parked quietly of the street. One other car just nicked my bumper (no harm to fender) but struck it hard enough to absolutely tear the bumper off the driver side and the front of the car and was left hanging about the passenger-side. There have been also scores at the top of my driver-side mirror, as well as the mirror sprang out and was smashed. Generally my issue is... will my premiums increase, if I declare it? In my opinion I'm protected under my parent's titles and never my own. I had one accident which was my fault about a couple of years ago." Can my Healthinsurance cover for my Motor Insurance? I now have High Point as my car Insurance and AmeriChoice as my Health-Insurance. Does anyone discover this works? I have some individuals state that they have their automobile inches. with their health ins. Plus they end up spending less $$ due to their car Ins. Help! "Auto with simple insurance compromised, what'll insurance company claim?" Our 90 honda civic was stolen, and that I had the most basic insurance legally possible. Can my insurance help protect this in any respect? I've car insurance and that I previously called them... But before insurance cost honda civic Will notice back from their website, I have to wait 24-48 hours. May anyone that's been in a scenario that is similar load me in, although I do believe I know the answer previously?" What's the health insurance that is very best? Trying to discover what the best affordable medical health insurance for my 62 y/o dad is? Do not need the obamacare! Do car rental companies request proof insurance? Listed here is my conditions, I'm 22(have charge card in my own brand) and am planning to hire an automobile. I'd insurance for 4-5 decades, have not been at an at fault collision and also have one racing citation, and so I'm a fairly good driver, when gas was near $4.00 I dealt within my vehicle, and it's good as I bicycle everywhere as itis all near me. Iam having household over for a couple times and require a vehicle nevertheless, it really is easy to generate around community, I'm virtually 100% sure I wont enter a, but I've a sense the insurance would be higher priced compared to the rental itself which will be outrageous for somebody using a driving history including mine. Can I state then signal something that says easily do any damages, what would be the strategy to escape this I Will buy the rental and purchase just liability?" Best answer: Try this site where you can compare quotes: http://cheap-insure.info Anyone recognize the lowest priced auto insurance ? The lowest priced auto insurance is known by anyone ? Auto insurance and collision? the destruction was my front bumper is more or less destroyed, the mirror smashed off, wrecked leading left tire, along with a large long reduction to the front left top of the automobile right before attaining the top hood as well as a pit near the door and now i cant open leading door all the way. After i had to change the tire and that I drove home. It was my first crash involving im 17 and auto insurance. Will i be ready to operate a vehicle in the event the motor insurance covers it? I truly dont understand whats about to occur." What motorcycle insurance can I get? I recently got KLR650 and was wondering what kind of insurance should I get? What is the most common insurance? Also what insurance carrier are you are you happy with them when it comes to cost and service and applying? Thanks for the answers Health-insurance problem? I would want to go-to the doctor but I actually donot wish my parents to understand about it. I've an insurance from my dad's function. Since i will use your family's insurance will they learn about me planning to the doctor?" Libs the task continues to be open Locate A reliable resource that states the AVERAGE rates/deductibles...? Have been down following the Cost-Effective attention Affordable treatment work aka Obamacare down. All I'm seeing is the fact that its rising dramatically in the most common. millions of people are losing their present huge numbers of people are currently dropping their existing program current plan is being lost by millions losing their approach that is existing and : ObamaCare forcing millions to lose their insurance http://hotair.com/records/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacaremillions-to-eliminate-their-insurance/ I consult this earlier without any http://www.answers.yahoo.com/problem/list?qid=20131026173956AAYY3AC "Do before I can take my drive exam, I've to get proof insurance? and what else do I must carry with me? How will you produce insurance for your vehicle cheaper? Fresh driver and cannot locate any insurance providers that are realistic in any way! Easily profit my insurance(life) after 34 years? 2500 plan? I was created in 1962 my loved ones acquired a $2500 life insurance policy is its worth today? May I hold my car insurance? I'm 18 yrs old, male, clean driving history, pupil that is superior, likely to school. I'll just be planning house for occasional weekends, and holidays, and I want to be protected and so I can generate my vehicle (saturn 2000 sl) around. I want to have I want it, but don't wish to buy a complete year of car insurance although coverage. I don't recognize alot about car insurance but, how is it possible to just contact my automobile insurance organization (MetLife) when I need and suspend or unsuspend my car insurance? Is that this a training that is normal? Thanks!!" Insurance stuff? I have a primary insurance right now, and medicaid as a second insurance. His agreement has been taken over by another business, will medicaid include the payments till i get his fresh insurance started although my partner still has a job?" What is the typical insurance sum yearly to get a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? What's the typical insurance quantity yearly for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? Simply how much if the motor insurance premium end up like after a couple of years? Simply how much if the car insurance premium be like after 2 years? Honda Fit insurance issue? On getting a Honda Fit I had been planning and that I wondered regarding the insurance charges. I had been hoping to get a 07-08 Hobby type. I would get yourself an information, although I don't know if transmission performs a role within the insurance. I am a 17 (turning 18 in August) year old male. I'd get full protection. I'd determine that it is a fuel economy car, and that it'll not be cheap but ok as a result of safety functions. Any info might support. Cheers." Quick question about car insurance? Just turned 18. got my permit. Planning to get my license next week. I'm permitted to use my parents car and it has insurance under her name. Is it authorized for me to push the automobile if I do not have my own individual insurance?" Howmuch typically does it charge to really have a 16-year old A student on my insurance? I have a child who is dying to push (we'll be revealing my vehicle) but I really donot know basically can afford the insurance! If you have a child that is similar just how much did your insurance go up? Anything about the rates appear off, although I tried all these free price places...did a month, you have to cover $300? Just how much was your insurance originally?" Howmuch can my insurance rise? I am 16 and I just got my first speeding ticket. honda fit insurance cost have state farm which is my first violation. I was only buying a ballpark estimate. Ways to get insurance without licence? If i dont possess a licence, can i get insurance" "For US: basically got injured in a vehicle accident, will the charges be covered by my heath insurance? Or even the auto insurance?" I am an international scholar studying in NJ. And so I got one it is mandotory for many individuals to have heath insurance. I recenty bought a vehicle . I m looking for insurance prices now. I m confused about this matter! In honda accord insurance cost (cyprus) car insurance firms just buy your damages to cars or environment. The medical costs are covered by your wellbeing insurance. I think it's unique in here USA..." Car insurance for new people? I'd prefer to get yourself a car insurance but i'd want to possess the insurance for just a couple of months, since i will buy a new-car quickly. Is this feasible? Then which firm can you advocate and do i get it, if yes? cheers!" Could my 22 year- step that was old -boy nevertheless be covered by his dads health care insurance if he's not in university? I have a 22-year previous stepson who is not in university but feels he can be coverd by his fathers my partners medical insurance that is, we live-in size. If that is legitimate could you tell me?" What aspects affect how much I'll pay for car insurance? What're the components that affect the quantity i purchase insurance on the car? Im buying my first vehicle and wish to understand what i can't afford. How much an automobile? Car + insurance + NY condition? hi, i would like to discover how much may a car cost, simply how much may be the avarege? a in addition to the insurance in Newyork state?" Need motor insurance? Right now im spending 388 with a firm named dairyland insurnace. I've factors on my certificate right now. And it is currently killing me. The car is just 06 stratus. should i raise my deductible? This can be simply a lot of. The cheapest id would rather get is 300 also. Anybody know perhaps the easiest way or a bit of good organizations to seek out cheap insurnace. Can I try the pages rather than the net "What're the cheapest organizations to cover me as being a 2nd driver on a 1.2 punto (MALE, 19, UK)? I'm A - 19 yearold male surviving in the UK in Birmingham! I handed around A2 weeks ago! it's too expensive although the lowest priced quote I discovered was 1600 on the comparison site! Is it worth obtaining a tracking product and stuff and alarm fixed? How else could my insurance be lowered by me?? Might you propose every other automobiles I could get rather than a punto? (no greater than insurance class 5 no more than 3000) CHEERS! =] Is it possible to have economical auto insurance? How do I get inexpensive motor insurance without truly restricting the kind of protection that I get? I just want to be ready to cover less for my motor insurance obtain still get top quality. Best answer: Try this site where you can compare quotes: http://cheap-insure.info
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