#also i rlly am gonna come back and edit this more cause i wanna replay some of these questlines and refresh my memory
kuroimarzipan · 2 years
job quests and how they went in my canon (very long post that i will return to and update on occassion.)
guy that loves the warrior questline more than anyone else she knows: so anyway i rewrote the entire warrior questline
marauder quests are done by Roeh years and years before ARR - she’s in her late teens at the time (1565 6AE to be precise). it’s when she starts dating Solkwyb (though they break up a few years later amicably). Sighard grows older and eventually joins the marauder’s guild himself.
the 30-50 job quests are also done by Roeh, during 1 7UE (five years before the start of ARR). over the course of the questline she grows quite close with Curious Gorge and there’s a lot of back and forth UST... but then the fight where he loses control in the level 50 quest happens, and they both almost kill each other - Roeh’s neck is so badly damaged on her left side that even after healing magic she no longer has full motion of it, and Gorge takes a blow to the chest so forceful the only reason he survived is likely his plate armour. Understandably, this creates a rift between the two and makes the next few years... uncomfortably awkward, to say the least.
the 50-60 job quests take place during ARR, rather than hw, just after Roeh meets Niuwyb for the first time. The quests take place mostly as they do in game, with Niuwyb as a tag along as she learns how to be a Warrior from Roeh, Gorge, and Broken Mountain. At some point during this, Niuwyb meets Skaetswys, Roeh’s girlfriend, who privately takes her aside and is like. Can you do something about those two. make them talk. Roeh is driving me insane the way she talks about him to me and somehow hasn’t got with him yet. Skaetswys and Niuwyb team up to get Roeh and Gorge to Fix Their Shit and after five years of mess they finally get together just before the final quest.
60-70 job quest happens during post-ARR and.... is essentially a funny haha love triangle with the introduction of Dorgono that ends in a triad. Roeh is still way too embarrassed at the prospect of saying “I love you” even at age 31, but Dorgono and Gorge understand she shows it in other ways.
Mellow is a longtime friend of Mylla, even if she wasn’t directly involved in the gladiator questline, she’s absolutely heard about it.
The 30-50 job quests in this case are done from an insider’s view - by Mellow, who has been a sultansworn for decades, and with the extra drama of her romantic involvement with Solkzagyl, who she firmly believes would never betray the order. She solves the issue much like in the questline, but is heartbroken when he decides to leave. 
the 50-60 quests take place very early on during Heavensward - Mellow volunteers to find out what Solkzagyl’s investigation has led to on her own, as the Sultansworn are incredibly busy, for the most part, dealing with the aftermath of the bloody banquet. When she finds out that Solkzagyl is seemingly dead, Mellow is nigh inconsolable, but throws herself into training Constaint in his place and continuing the investigation. the quest proceeds as it normally does until she meets a travelling Roeh in Falcon’s Nest, en route to Dravania, who... not only saw Solkzagyl alive, but bedded him - something she regretted rather quickly, and even more so after finding out he was a liar that was already spoken for. She gave Mellow what information she could, along with an offer to get drinks sometime, before heading to her actual destination. She confronts Solkzagyl at the end of the questline, defeats him, takes Oathkeeper, and returns to Ul’dah with Jenlyns, telling Solkzagyl she never wants to see him again.
the 60-70 quests take place after Mellow has left Ul’dah with X’rhun - she receives a missive and returns to help with the situation. Everyone is relieved that she finally seems actually, legitimately happy with her lot, and don’t begrudge her at all for taking off when she did.
Worth noting: Sonje learned the fundamentals of the sword and shield as part of her training as a soldier of the ala mhigan army in her youth, and this was her bread and butter until she received a dark knight stone. Roeh also has minimal knowledge of gladiator style fighting that she learned from her mother (who, unfortunately, really sucks at it.)
Dark Knight
These are done by Niuwyb over the course of heavensward with minimal changes from canon - 30-60 during early heavensward, and 60-70 on the tail end of hw and very early sb.
Worth noting: Sonje is also a dark knight, but received her jobstone and training from a nameless hermit in Coerthas en route to Dravania - they actually followed Sandrine and Sonje to Tailfeather until Sonje’s training was complete, before disappearing without a trace. Sonje swears that the hermit was familiar to her in a way she was never able to place.
The pugilist questline is done by Roeh at the tender age of 12 years old, as her mother leaves her in the care of quite possibly the worst possible babysitter ever: her old friend Hamon Holyfist. After two weeks of failed adventuring, Wild Juniper returns to Ul’dah to see her child beating up bandits in the middle of the street. she is not pleased.
The monk questline is undertaken by @childofdrought ‘s Kihfo, and you should absolutely ask them lots of questions about it (evil)
extra note: Niuwyb is a monk, but learned this from Lyse during sb over the course of their travels, rather than during the canon questline for it.
The lancer quests were done by Niuwyb during post-ARR quests, fairly early on, and were followed very closely by the dragoon 30-50 quests, which were done just a little bit before Estinien showed up in msq for the first time. yeah it was funny.
50-60 job quests were done very early on in heavensward, and 60-70 was done between 4.0 and 4.1.
White Mage
Conjurer quests are done by Niuwyb late in ARR, after the events of the Chrysalis. Niuwyb specifically returned to Gridania and enrolled as a conjurer despite her lack of talent in magic because she didn’t want to see anyone else she cared for die, and if there was anything she could do to prevent that she would, even if it was difficult for her. Truth be told, she struggled a lot until she received the white mage stone and the guidance of A-Towa-Cant filled in the gaps of her natural abilities.
Worth noting: Sandrine learned a Gelmorran style of conjury during her time living in Gridania, with much less focus on attuning to the elementals.
Flaming Orchid’s main job, and very key to her storyline, which is Drought’s domain once again, along with the arcanist quests.
Worth noting: Sandrine was a member of the arcanist’s guild during ARR, purely as something to pass the time until Operation Archon.
Another questline undertaken by Flaming Orchid.
worth noting: Sandrine first undertook astrologian training as part of her studies in New Sharlayan, years and years before msq. It’s still her main job today, although she has never met Leveva nor Jannequinard. Slightly ironic in that she is an Ishgardian that learnt Sharlayan astrology decades before THAT drama.
Undertaken by Niuwyb with minimal canon deviation over the course of heavensward. Interesting of note is that her marksmanship improves in leaps and bounds after she receives Hraesvelgr’s eye. Every other time Niuwyb comes through and sees the machinists she ends up having a fling with Rostnsthal, and every time they end up going their separate ways again. It’s almost like a tradition at this point.
Another job undertaken by Flaming Orchid. I’m glad Y’mhitra is friends with her sister’s gf
Red Mage
Upon returning to Ul’dah after the paladin 50-60 questline, a despondent Mellow takes her leave of the sultansworn, and is wandering the streets when she encounters someone in need. She may have left the sultansworn, but she is not one to leave someone in need alone, and resolves to help the child. It is then that she meets X’rhun, who invites her to share a drink at Black Brush Station, and then offers to teach her the art of red magic. She takes to the art quite well, and takes to X’rhun even more so...
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