#also i rly hope i dont fuck up and get my faves killed (or me) on this so called final suicide mission šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
lucky-draws Ā· 2 years
hii I was just wondering if there are any songs you associate with particular mgs characters or ships? any playlists? I need recs for mine!! ty <3
HELLO!!! um OK i don't have any playlists of my own but there are definitely a bunch of songs i associate w mgs ppl/ships... (apologies in advance for a lot of them being by the same band LOL)... erm maybe what iā€™ll do is iā€™ll just list them here first without any explanation but then under a read more i will post the same list but with some thoughts/specific reasons why so you can choose whether to listen blind/draw ur own conclusions OR to read my thoughts beforehand etc, i wont talk abt every song tho just a few of them, SO yeah: by Depeche Mode: Judas - ocelot Bottom Line - ocelot Halo, Personal Jesus, Only When I Lose Myself - bosselot In Your Room - bosselot, or any other ship (horny) (lol) Never Let Me Down Again - kaz Walking In My Shoes - big boss Mercy In You - otasune/david pov Black Celebration - otasune Barrel Of A Gun - david, maybe venom snake too Policy Of Truth - sort of kaz and bb but more generally just like. lies. betrayal. etc. just general horny songs by the modes which u could apply to whoever include Rush, Higher Love, World In My Eyes (< that oneā€™s kind of bosselot?) by the Pet Shop Boys: Opportunities (Letā€™s Make Lots Of Money) - Kaz (lol) Pandemonium - bosselot? Two Divided By Zero - otasune? vaguely... by Kraftwerk Computer Liebe/Computer Love - dr strangelove/strangeboss (lol), also maybe otacon actually (idk if there are any others by them iā€™d specifically relate to a character BUT. just the general electronic loneliness might bring some vibes to a playlist....i will just list some of my fave kw songs for fun lol: Radioactivity, Radioland, Airwaves, Ohm Sweet Ohm, Neon Lights, Pocket Calculator...) by Duran Duran Is There Something I Should Know? - very vaguely bosselot View To A Kill - a cheesy james bond film song but that makes it snake eater esque and therefore kind of bosselot or mgs3 in general (snake eater itself also definitely works as a bosselot song....get that tree frog in your playlists) by The Jam Thick As Thieves - bbkaz? ok thatā€™s all i got for now rly, apologies that these are all the same kind of uh genre sort of. if u dont like depeche mode or synthpop in general then i guess this was no help at all.......LOL.......really tho depeche mode and metal gear just fit so well together in my opinion itā€™s a win if ur a fan of both....
so yh anyway hope u manage to fill your playlist!!! have a good day :-) <3
ok errm i wont talk abt every song bc that would be a lot but iā€™ll do the ones i have the most to say abt/think they need explaining/can actually articulate something abt:
Depeche Mode:
- Judas - ocelot and his devotion to bb. religious suffering. martyrdom. all the shit ocelot does for big boss. yeah.
- Bottom Line - kind of ocelot also, his devotion to bb again but specifically like. idk 'the apple falls, destiny calls, i follow you' was the line that made me go (!) bc i saw a post on here where someone i think it was a user called captmelbourne mentioned the whole. ocelot born from a snake shaped scar thing. 'destiny and shit' was the words they used i believe and like! fucking. exactly that... idk. ocelot and bb being so weirdly horribly intertwined bc of the boss is what makes me go insane every time
- Never Let Me Down Again - i sort of relate this to bbkaz like from kaz' pov...the 'he' the song talks abt being bb...'im taking a ride w my best friend. i hope he never lets me down again. promises me im safe as houses (as long as i remember who's wearing the trousers.)'..... just the whole kaz caught up in euphoria of being w bb except we know and maybe he himself knows that it will not end well. bb's power/control over and eventual betrayal of kaz etc. u know?
Pet Shop Boys: - Pandemonium - maybe the type of music itself doesnt feel that bosselot-ty but the lyrics sort of are, from bbā€™s pov marvelling at ocelotā€™s general lunacy, ā€˜in major trouble since u were almost a minorā€™...ā€™sometimes i think weā€™ll both explodeā€™...just their crazy dynamic basicly - Two Divided By Zero - you could see this as like philanthropy otasune, always on the run kind of thing....? idk its just a song that i like LOL ...half of these are like my fave songs anyway that i also happen to go (!) what if i forced this to be related to mg somehow LOL
Kraftwerk - Computer Love - just makes me think of strangelove + the ai pod, loneliness, literally ā€˜computer loveā€™ in terms of building the ai as a replacement boss kind of thing.....and also maybe more generally otacon? makes me think of him pre-meeting snake, his lonely nerd era etc Duran Duran - Is There Something I Should Know? - only vaguely bosselot but i class it in similar vibes to snake eater ish, just the cheesiness, ā€˜donā€™t say ur easy on me, youā€™re about as easy as a nuclear warā€™ is very metal gear i think LOL, just in general mgs3 bosselot meeting, same w View To A Kill The Jam - Thick As Thieves - just vaguely bbkaz, ā€˜like a perfect stranger you came into my life, like a perfect lone ranger you rode away..ā€™ just friendships falling apart etc...more childhood friends in the song than uh whatever bbkaz are but ya know, just vibes
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oursidae Ā· 5 years
long ass rant abt bl3
just, so many spoilers under the readmore, things i thought the game did poorly and things i wish were changed
I should have expected it to be not great being that, borderlands was NEVER fantastic with its writing and character development. Ive been spoiled by tales from the borderlands tbh. I think borderlands three tho was likeā€¦ fantastically underwhelming.
I had a blast with the beginning of the game up through the end of the first vault, where the excitement peetered off.Ā 
Firstly, i wholly believe Maya was done horribly. Compare her death to say, Roland. Even if you hadnā€™t played BL1, you had almost the entirety of 2 to get to know him and his character and his place in the world of borderlands. Mayaā€™s death was INCREDIBLY early in comparison. And not only that, the characters dont get to mourn aside from a few offhand voicelines. Mordecai mourned for bloodwing in a more substantial way - you get two full side quests about it. Zer0 says one offhand voiceline for maya. They were her friend goddamn it, i wanted MORE.Ā 
ava is a good character but the fridging of maya just makes her intoā€¦ what, a brat who accidentally got her killed and now has her powers? it would have been more interesting for them to develop alongside each other through the game and if maya died near the end, youd have cared a lot more about ava too. sheā€™s just really one note right now.
Speaking of side quests, there were very few. They were sparse and honestly i dont think they added much to the plot of the game or the world.
in borderlands 2, side quests, at least in my eyes, were what forced you to explore the map. in borderlands 3 they forgo a lot of side quests in favor of the crew challenges, which were far less rewarding imo. like, build claptrap a gf with parts from dead claptraps in the world. disable COV radio towers for moxxi, kill fauna for hammerlock, people for zer0, etc, but except for zer0 and hammerlock you just get very similar voice lines in return. as well as xp. they dont add to the plot or worldbuilding or characters in any way.Ā 
the lack of side quests i think really hurt my enjoyment of the game, because in bl2 it was the sidequests that got you to know the main cast and see that they were working behind the scenes. like brick and his slabs, moxxi asking you to sabotage opportunity, ellie and scooters more jokey side quests even!! it made them feel real with motives outside the main quest. bl3 didnt really have any of that past the first vault (i say this because lorelai gave some good sidequests.) in 3, moxxi and hammerlock only give u one side quest each. marcus (who gave u a lot on bl2) didnt give you any. he was literally just there to run the ammo shop.Ā 
some of the more hyped characters dont really do shit. the b-team, mordecai/brick/tina dont really doā€¦anything, they bust hammerlock out of jail, and then give you one side quest per person. thats really it. i hoped that, considering their roles in bl2 and their relationship to lilith, theyd have big roles here too. they didnt. they were truly forgettable.Ā 
aurelia showed up to fill a villain slot and died. maybe im a sucker for redemption, but i hoped theyd had more in store for her. and they justā€¦didnt. just like, a whole mission of wainwright calling her a harpy while hammerlock really wants to convince her to not be evil only to get fucking shot by her, like,,,,
vaughn is a joke. they did him truly dirty. his character development tanked into a ā€œhaha look at him hes strange and nakedā€ joke. tftbl ending vaughn would NEVER. i wish theyd acknowledge the events of tales from the borderlands AT ALL. or had vaughn and rhys SPEAK TO EACH OTHER.
rhys is another thing, i rly dislike the relationship theyre pushing w him and sasha even tho sasha literally didnt show up in the game. apparently theres echo logs of him obsessing over and searching for her (i didnt find these in my own game but like, i believe it) and her picture on his desk and god DAMN it just let it rest,
BALEX was bland and so immediately misogynistic that i hated him on principle.
so then theres this character Typhon Daleon. he is the first vault hunter, but to my knowledge the only mentions of him occur in bl3. in fact, i dont think heā€™s mentioned in a main quest until after you kill troy and meet him in person, you only hear of him in the typhon logs which are optional. Then in the final quest you learn troy and tyreen are his kids, then he dies. i had no attachment to this character! he should have at least been built up in borderlands 2, if not in all of the previous games to get me to at least go ā€œhuh neat!ā€ when its revealed hes alive, his kids are the villains, etc.Ā 
tannisā€¦ they handled her being a siren poorly, my gripe isnt that i called it, its that it isnt really explained how she got her powers. i was pissed for like a good while after she reveals that she has ANGELS powers because i assumed somehow she stole or manufactured them. theres an eridian recording that KIND OF explains it, but again, those are OPTIONAL. idk if i just blanked out when she went, oh, by the way, heres why,Ā  but to my knowledge its never explained to the player in a main or side mission, at least until you see ava get mayas powers. its infuriating.
worldbuilding wise, this is a much smaller issue, but i wish there were nonhostile fauna on the other planets. pandoras whole thing, the big meme the big laff, is that everything wants to kill u there. so it wouldve been nice to like, see some fauna thats docile. runs away from the player, is chased around by the carnivorous fauna or bandits or something. maybe a hammerlocks challenge could be to use stealth to kill a docile animal or something, it just would have been nice,
i also didnt think the ending made sense, lilith,.. punched the moon and disappeared? died? also brick and mordecai DIDNT GET TO BE THERE FOR HER OR WITH HER AT ALL. after all of bl2 where its SHOWN theyā€™re good friends who care about each other, youd think theyd get to witness her death/disappearance. on top of that it felt like the whole game was building to something with lilith and the climax was so underwhelming.Ā 
i just want to beat randy bitchford with a rolled up newspaper until he stops being a piece of human shit and borderlands can develop the characters and world.
the good parts of the game wereā€¦the graphics and the bossfights. the boss fights were all unique and interesting and FUN. katagawa jr, troy, the second vault monster, and tyreen were my faves in that order. hammerlock and wainwrights relationship was adorable and i liked the credits art of wainwright proposing. clay was a fun character but like all the others, didnt have development.
i also had a lot of glitches. my game would crash if i navigated menus too quickly, i had an issue with effects from shields staying on my screen even tho they should have ended, as well as a lot of glitching after cutscenes, most notably falling through the floor after the troy bossfight. a lot of my quest objectives glitched and wouldnt activate until i reloaded, which was frustrating.
i DID like the game. but i dont know if ill do a replay past promethea. i was just wishing itd be a whole game on the level of the Commander Lilith DLC.
TLDR i wouldnā€™t have minded the game being so lilith centric if the other characters got to matter at ALL.
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gangtheway Ā· 5 years
42 45 50 gogogo
42. do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
i do both simultaneously. but given that im sitting all day at work, i flop on couches like no other. then slep.
45. favorite pajamas?
some kinda sweatpant/pj pant with pockets (not flannel unless its actually cold out) and a tshirt from somewhere that was giving out free tshirts at some point in my life.
shirt n socks optional depending on temperature
50. whatā€™s your dreamhouse?Ā 
i am constantly flip flopping between extravagant mansion with hidden passages and secret rooms/ small house within walking distance to a supermarket where i can just lock myself in, emerging only for supplies on an annual basis.
but see a big house is harder to clean and also im gonna be living alone and at that point the only upside is the acoustics of a big house for dramatic speeches to a dog.
definitely needs a slot for mail and packages. maybe a smart fridge so i stop eating spoiled food. roomba for cleaning up. A/C and heater is a must. black-out curtains bc fuckt he sun.
aaaa i want a library even though i havent read an actual book in YEARS. mostly so i can hide doors behind bookshelves. Oh. I could put a whole fucking maze behind bookshelves just for funsies since this is a dream house. I will build a hidden labyrinth for brooding and also maybe so when i die no one can find my body until a couple of intrepid teens happen upon it years later and go on an adventure.
oh you know what lets put a big ol tv in here somewhere for games. and like 50 really good computers incase i break one. homeless people can come into the computer room and use them. thereā€™s free laptops and phones for them too. they came with the house shhh. thereā€™s a 3d printer.
one room has the entire library of alexandria in it. i saved it by making a time paradox and now its in my house that can be filleld with literally anything. i cant read any of them though bc im dumb. so thereā€™s like a scientist chilling in my house too i guess.
one room opens to space. just as an option. yes there is an endless vacuum behind this door and yes it will kill me instantly but its fuckign SPACE. i can shoot shit through a vacuum tube to go into space too. i shoot all my embarrassing poetry adn art into space and the aliens make a religion about them. im the 7th grade god now.
oh yeah theres a room filled with money. actually its a corridor full of doors that lead into the bank accounts of the rich. like the physical versions of them. i use this corridor to become robin hood and finally find fulfillment in life. i steal all the crown jewels and send them to their countries of origin. OH and also doors into museums. im gonna do crimes of culture. save the cultures. give them their art back. and leave a calling card with just a crude drawing of a dick at the museum. i become known as the cock crusader but SURPRISE i didnt have a cock this whole time its the perfect crime.
theres another room thats a straight up time machine. i go into the past and un-birth hitler. i seduce his mom/dad/grandpappy and then also matchmake them to randos. i proceed to appear at various points in history as a mythical creature. i m the mothman i predict the tragedies now.
i have a room of spiders. i throw my enemies in there. i dont really have any enemies yet. i hope one day i will so i dont waste the spider room.
theres probably a pool somewhere too. itā€™s filled with the cure for all disease but it doesnt work unless you have less than 1 million dollars of material wealth. i dont make the rules. the pool does.
at least one room is noneuclidean. i dont know how it works either so take it up with god
theres a room with real pokemon. no mr mimes though bc he freak me out. tbh its mostly pikachus bc im basic af with my faves and pikachu herds sound adorable and i will die.
another room is like. a room where you go and talk to people who died. not like a dedicated ouija room. thats in the bomb shelter. no like you sit at a table and their soul just floats on over and theres a hologram and everything.
i have a ton of robots. theyre all vaguely sexy. they make me uncomfortable but i am irresponsible with my power
one room has a megaphone. when you speak into it it doesnt make any noise but instead it beams your voice into the mind of who youre thinking of. i use it to brighten the days of my friends and destroy the psyches of my enemies. still dont have any enemies yet. would it be overkill to do this in addition to the spiders?
there is an attic filled with mannequins. this is my nightmare room. i never go there and i pretend it doesnt exist. when someone wanders in there, their heads follow their movement wordlessly. they dont do anything but its really unnerving and no one likes it.
there is a completely soundproof room that i go into and make whatever noises i want. no one can hear me here. i practice doing accents where no one can hear how bad and ashamed i am. even with no one else listening, i get self-conscious. this room is now the Screaming Room for makign stress noises in.
one room is filled with conversation starter cards and a mirror. i go here and study often. the cards ask me about my childhood traumas and i burn them. the room is now a room for pep-talks. i get self-conscious halfway through the peptalk and walk out, dejected. why is talking so hard.
one room opens into a ranch. itā€™s where we put all the shelter pets. there are therapy areas for them so they learn love and be loved again. they run in large open areas and are happy and fuzzy and clean and full. itā€™s staffed by people who know how toactually take care of animals. i go there sometimes to get swarmed by big ol dogs and big ol cats and so many fuzzy babies. then i go to the allergy removal room bc i didnt think that through.
thereā€™s a never-ending food room. i dont know where it comes from or how fully-prepared food just appears like that. world hunger is ended and im still a lazy shit and forget to eat more than a single tortilla. the food doesnt make you sick or unhealthy its just good food that tastes good and feels good and is good. there is maybe an onion corner and i dont acknowledge its existence aside from the occassional glance.
theres a dumb bitch dungeon for the people i have a one-sided hatred for who ruin life for the entire planet. it shoots off into space. they get dissected and analyzed by aliens. the aliens decide to never come to earth bc jfc is this really what yall do. a small price to pay. maybe other aliens might come and be chill. i have a room for the aliens just in case.
theres other houses for people i care about and a few more for those i dont yet know that i care about. no rent. just a place to live and be happy. its filled with friends and happiness and i really want this eldritch abomination of a house now.
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ificanthaveu Ā· 5 years
-the CUTEST lil flower photo booth outside. we love that.
-couldnā€™t find the floor entrance lol but overheard people talking so we found it
-had to ask a bunch of different pictures for people bc most of them sucked oops
-chatted it up with girls behind/next to us and they were such sweeties!!!
-a bitch goes HARD at concerts
-alessia FUCKN cara is a saint and has the voice of an angel and we r blessed to be in her presence
-she sang out of love and itā€™s my fave so i was so excited
-scars to your beautiful made me cry like a baby :)
-made friends with all the girls around me and what some AMAZING SWEETHEARTS i wish them nothing but happiness and thoughts of shawn mendes
-there was a tall man a few rows ahead of me whoā€™s head was conveniently where shawn was most of the time so ya girl had to lean
-the aggressive guitar strumming on thereā€™s nothing holding me back is the only reason i am alive and thriving
-stitches can still get me hype like the first time damn
-SEƑORITA KILLED ME like holy shit man bury me alive it was so slow and beautiful (will probably post video of this)
-and RIGHT INTO ikwydls...to the part shawn says he can never remember soooooo boy whyā€™d you pick that part then??
-#1 mutual stan, dani here, saying that her dreams have been fulfilled
-the ā€œI NEED TO KNOWā€ at the end of the camila mash up....wow....he really did that
-a SMILEY and SWEATY boy (but i cant talk bc i was also both)
-the LED bracelets? fuckn cool. nice job shawn.
-during never be alone people were tryna get to the B stage and the security was like back the FUCK off, but lucky us, we were in the rows right next to it
-so security steps back and we SPRINT and we get right by the barricade (well one girl ahead of me but she was short so all was good)
-and he walked up on the stage and i swear i saw heaven
-and he sang my fave of all time, i wanna dance with somebody
-AND I S2G HE LOOKED AT ME AND ILL TAKE IT TO MY GRAVE (since i did not get a hand touch :()
-he only high fived like a lil chunk which made me a lil sad but we forgive and forget
-the mash up of all those songs? me? emo! did she cry at ALTM? you fuckn bet!
-real talk, ALTM is the reason i made it through freshman year soooo thank you shawn mendes a million and one times for that masterpiece
-connor was right in front of us for a lil bit!! a videographer king!
-LOTP is a classic, a banger, and 5 years old??????
-the fact that i stayed up until midnight for that release and here i am 5 years later, still being a huge fan of him, is the absolute coolest thing and iā€™ve loved growing up with him (i just made myself cry fuck)
-during LTBY he had his back to us and we were all kinda like aw damn but then the girl behind me was like ā€œok this VIEWā€ and iā€™m like girl look at u lookin on the bright side
-so i stared at his beautiful beautiful back side
-THEN HE MOVED THE MIC and he was like.....RIGHT THERE and we freaked
-ruin? one of my favorites? just feet away from me? we stan.
-particular taste is everything iā€™d hoped itā€™d be and more
-he did the ā€œyupā€ and my soul left my body
-fallin all in you hits me in the best place wow we love her so much
-YOUTH YOUTH YOUTH first, his speech? amazing. a king of words. and fuckn listen to him. WE HAVE A VOICE. USE IT.
-i said the same thing last time, but it is so emotional when it is just us, him and his acoustic. thereā€™s something so special and intimate about it that really makes u understand the song on a new level
-my snapchat crashed during IICHY and i lost the first chorus :)
-but i got the end so we gucci
-him sitting on the edge of the stage and singing why is the cutest thing ever, donā€™t fight me in this
-aaannnddddd the finale. i cried during IMB, ofc. it just means the world to me bc i cant relate to love songs bc iā€™ve never felt that. iā€™ve never truly been heart broken or any of that. so when my favorite singer release a song about struggling with anxiety? you bet i cried.
-i took my bb sister to this with me for her first concert and i gave her too high of expectations for the rest. i donā€™t think she understands they sheā€™ll never be that close to any other artist. iā€™m just too good.
-also one of my friends was there and sitting farther up and she know how much ALTM and IMB meant to me so she sent me lil messages saying how much she loves me during them and a bitch was emo :( i donā€™t deserve her :(
-i got a cute shirt too so yeet
-iā€™ll probably remember more shit later
-if youā€™re hesitant on going to a shawn mendes concert...FUCKING GO. iā€™ve gone 3 times and each time is different and heā€™s so amazing and itā€™s obvious he loves what he does so damn much. SUPPORT THIS KING.
-i have no voice. iā€™m so tired. all 110% worth it.
-woke up this morning and i am very sad bc i am so in love with shawn mendes
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reigensarataka Ā· 6 years
Have you ever made a fic rec list you could link me to?? If not what are ur fave fics???
whatā€™s are ur fave klance fics overall?
do you have some nice fluffy klance fic recommendations? pls i need sustenance
ive been putting this off for so long now bcs i never save/bookmark the fics i read nd i can never remember the titles BUT i managed to dig some of them up so!!!!!!! under the cut bcs its kinda long wuwhwuhw
Cut to the Feeling by usernicole
ā€œLetā€™s do it again,ā€ Keith says breathlessly. ā€œHere and on every planet we come across. Letā€™s get married on every planet we can.ā€ā€œAre you joking?ā€ Lance asks, incredulous. ā€œYou really want to get married to me on every planet we land on?ā€ā€œYes,ā€ Keith says, voice high pitched and shaky with residual adrenaline. ā€œYes. Every planet. If it feels like this every time, letā€™s get married ten, twenty, a hundred times.ā€
Ā ā€œLetā€™s break records. I want the universe to see us and be jealous.ā€
Or: Five times Keith and Lance get married, and one time they donā€™t.
my good bitch. my dude. if u havent read this then PLEASE do urself a favor nd read it asapā€¦. like i shit u not this is probs my all time fave and its just them getting married on every planet nd. its just. idk just rly gives u that warm feeling in ur heart u knowā€¦ā€¦
call me, beep me by orphan_account
(00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose?(00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake?(00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it?(00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgyā€¦(00:33) Cause, you know, her threes could very easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones?(00:45) What(00:46) The(00:46) Fuck???(00:47) Oh good, you are awake!
where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
a classic from the early fandom days, rly popular so yall probs read it already but text fic nd just. yah its cuteā€¦..
A Light In The Dark by usernicole
Far away from his friends at the castle, Keithā€™s only way of communicating with them is a battered old phone. This is maybe going to be harder than he thought.
A long-distance, friends-to-lovers fic, set during season four.
u might not know of this but i am one huge slut for these kind of fics nd all i gtta say is this shit rly changed my goddamn life (i think there r two parts but im not sure if i read the second one so!!)
blue notes by mothpoem
This laughter, here and now, is hushed, and soft as rain, and Lance can feel it against his face, in warm puffs of air. Itā€™s a laugh reminiscent of a furtive secret, like something only Lance is allowed to see. He watches it run its course in the near-pitch black of the observatory, with starlight gleaming weakly against Keithā€™s pale face, and thatā€™s right about when Lanceā€™s heart gives a few foreboding throbs, heavy on the bass, as if to say, theyā€™re here (they being romantic feelings for Keith Kogane, Lanceā€™s former mortal enemy and current friend).
Oh, he thinks to himself, with sudden and startling clarity. Iā€™m Fucked, capital F.
its not finished nd i havent even read chap 2 yet but its a rly good take on lances pov from all the moments from s1 (also the garrison *eye emoji*) with keith nd. yeah.. its goodā€¦ā€¦
and we dream of home by mothpoem
ā€œThen come see me,ā€ Lance murmurs, and it makes Keithā€™s heart pound behind his breastbone. ā€œUs, I mean. Once a week or something? Like mental health check-ins. We can just hang out, orā€¦or go on low-priority, low-stress missions? Scouting, or flower-picking for Coran, or supply runs. Dumb stuff. Justā€¦so we know how you are. I donā€™t wantā€¦I mean, we all miss you. And I donā€™t want to sound presumptuous, butā€¦it feels like youā€™re notā€¦not okay, Keith.ā€
Well, Keith thinks, a little weakly. He never really stood a chance, did he?
ā€œOkay,ā€ he says, right away. No fight. No refusal.
His life is a hell of a lot easier when he lets himself cave under all the ways he wants Lanceā€™s luminous attention, and company, and friendship. All the ways he wants Lance, full stop.
another one of those fics set during s4ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ once again nothing to add just. please read itā€¦ā€¦ i loved thisā€¦ā€¦.. smā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
Moonset Deep by MilkTeaMiku
Ā  All his life heā€™d been told to make sure he was never seen ā€“ it was what all the children were taught from the moment they were born. Never let a human see you, never fall in love with a human, and most importantly, never kiss one.
For Lance, humans were a mystery. Heā€™d lived beneath the surface of the ocean with his shoal his entire life, and had intended to remain there. He knew the danger humans posed to his kind, and what would happen if he came close to one. Thatā€™s why, when he found one drowning, his first instinct was to save him.
Heā€™d never been good at following the rules anyway.
mer au!! i started reading this a rly long time ago and im on chap 27 i thinkā€¦. but this ones goodā€¦ā€¦.
can we burn it slow by saltylances/stereostars on tumblr
ā€œSweet dreams, pilot.ā€ A wink. ā€œMake sure not to drool over me too much.ā€
Keith thrusts his middle finger over his shoulder as he steps out of the room, but he canā€™t hold back the smile that kicks up the side of his mouth. When he dares a look back, just before the doors are about to slide shut, he sees Lance kiss his fingertips and blow air over his palms at Keith.
It makes Keith wonder if itā€™s possible to fall any harder.
In which alternating snapshots between Keith and Lance lead to their eventual relationship.
WUH i love anything saaj writesā€¦.. a masterpieceā€¦. also please read ā€˜so what are you waiting forā€™ tooā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..
under your feet the dirt turns to gold by laallomri
ā€œI like you,ā€ Lance says in a rush.
Keith blinks.
ā€œThat isā€”ā€ Lance clears his throat, shifting his weight uncomfortably. His hands are still in his pockets, his shoulders still hunched. ā€œI like youā€”I like-like you. Like, in a more-than-friends-way like you.ā€
For a long moment Keith can only stare at him, astonishment and disbelief and cautious delight warring for dominance. And then, because heā€™s an idiot, because he spent a whole goddamn year in a goddamn shack in the middle of the goddamn desert and has no idea how to be a socially competent person, because heā€™s Keith, he says, ā€œThat was a lot of the word ā€˜likeā€™ in one sentence.ā€
In which Keith has about a dozen chances at happiness, and sabotages (nearly) all of them.
yummyā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. this one rly hit the spot my dudesā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ i think there r 2 parts too!!
Sweet Quiznak by CheckeredCloth
ā€œYouā€™re really into him,ā€ Hunk mutters, and wow, Lanceā€™s face is on fire. Ā Hunk is killing him.
ā€œLook, read into how you like, Freud, just make sure that if I die Keith knows I totally wouldā€™ve mowed his ass like grass. Ā That way, I can laugh hysterically at his emotionally-constipated expression from the afterlife.ā€
Or: Lance is badly injured and has a few skeletons in his closet. Ā Or maybe just the one.
a classicā€¦. one of the first fics i read so i dont rmmbr much but yeahā€¦ā€¦
Stormchasing by sinelanguage
This isnā€™t how Lance intended to spend his vacation, chasing after Keithā€™s premonitions. But here he is, and heā€™s one hundred percent blaming Keith for all the trouble theyā€™re about to get into. Keith makes bad decision, Lance makes mistakes, and both of them are stuck together on a space pirate adventure neither of them asked for.
if im not wrong i think this is one of those handcuffed together ficsā€¦ also rly cuteā€¦ā€¦
weā€™ll make it, you and me by asexualrey
ā€œKeith, if we make it out of this alive, Iā€™m going to kiss you.ā€œĀ 
the description gives it awayā€¦.. yall know what tf goin onā€¦ā€¦..
Public Displays of Affection by VaraderoBeach
Lance held his breath. He knew, at this rate, theyā€™d have two options: fight with what they had (which was Keithā€™s knife and team spirit) and hope they can skirt by with the help of the locals, or submit and become prisoners to the Galra. Neither situation was ideal. Lance looked to Keith, at his eyes and his eye lashes, the curve of his nose and the pink in his lips. He knew it was bad timing, but he really wanted to kiss Keith before whatever happened, happened.
But when Keith turned his body to face him and said, ā€œKiss me.ā€ With the same amount of emotion one would say, ā€œHand me that stapler,ā€ it threw Lance completely off guard.
ft that scene from the winter soldier (i think??) yeahā€¦ā€¦ good foodā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
something as true as this by astrolesbian
ā€œYou better fucking call me,ā€ Lance says, and reaches out to rest a hand on his shoulder, and smiles, sad and bright all at once. ā€œIā€™m not taking no for an answer on this one. Okay?ā€
ā€œOkay,ā€ Keith says.
and lastly yall shld know since this is the THIRD TIME im putting a fic like this on this list that i love this shit nd justā€¦.. yeahā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. op snapped
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hyungkyun Ā· 6 years
HENLO!!! this is ur actual bday present, not that Gross thing i sent earlier lol. again, do whatever u want with it!! u dont have to post it or anything. itā€™s just easier to submit stuff like this than to, idk, send u an email like a seƱora lol.
ok so im doing this in bullet point format bc the last time I wrote a coherent, well-written paragraph was like 5 years ago or smth. anyway!! since u hated soooo much my beautiful, amazing, unique goths au im going with the loser couple auā€¦ which was also a college au of sorts?? dskjhksjdf this isnā€™t even an au, since yā€™all are already losers tbh (^: this also got out of handā€¦. this shit is eight pages long. idk enjoy bithc.
first of all, ck the kind of dude everyoneā€™s lowkey scared of bc heā€™s silent and serious af. also he does seem kind of a weirdo, tbh?
youve seen him around, maybe youā€™re in the same dorms but u have absolutely no idea what heā€™s majoring in :o and u ask around but no one has any idea either!! oh wow a mystery~~
BUT heā€™s kinda cute hmmm (^: and u probably find the weirdo vibe interesting
however itā€™s so hard to get to talk to him. u always run into him when youā€™re out with friends or in a hurry to get to class so :///
but destiny works in mysterious ways~~~ and once u meet itā€™s rly. so unexpected.
actually, itā€™s awful since u get locked out of ur dorm sound familiar?? during winter break, rly late at night after a long study session at the library yes, the library, fight me. so u kinda just. sit down miserably outside ur room, since ur roommates are gone, cursing everything and everyone. u will eventually go looking for someone to help u out or smth but right now u need to Whine.
but oh my!! enter mister im changkyun!!! that weirdo who actually lives a couple of doors away from u (how come you never found out wtf???)
he sees u basking in ur misery and actually. finds u rly cute??? bc youā€™re pouting, cursing a little under ur breath, fumbling with ur phone. but u also look angry as fuck, ready to kill a man??? and yet youā€™re really fucking cute what the hell!!!!
so he comes up to u and asks u whatā€™s wrong, to which u answer not so nicely without even looking up from ur phone, bc youā€™re rly so done with this situation ://
but then u look up and u See who it is fuck fuck fuck fuckfucbicvufkhkcfj
but since ckā€™s Nice and he understands that u must be having an awful time (and also bc he thinks youre cute) he offers to help u. youā€™re kind of skeptical since heā€™s just another student, what could he do???
until he tells u he knows how to pick locks lmaoaoaoaoa. that lil weirdo (ā€˜:
anyway he saves ur night. but since heā€™s an annoying lil shit heā€™ll tease u abt it every time he runs into u for the rest of winter break.
since that day y'all basiclly become an old, bickering, married couple fnsdjdj
u never stop annoying each otherā€¦. youā€™re wearing a hoodie? heā€™ll probably pull the hood all the way down until it covers ur eyes, and u get him back by messing up his hair which, by the way,is so softā€¦.. hmmmm
u call each other nerd and loser and dumbass all the time lmao. heā€™ll constantly bring up the way u met just to jokingly say that youā€™d be lost without him :/// he rly is a lil shit.
itā€™s funny bc everyone figures out u are falling for each otherā€¦ except u two. and i rly do mean everyone. ur friends. his friends. ur roommates. ur cat. the janitor, too, probably. itā€™s so obvious it hurts.
one time someone implies u would be a cute couple and y'all literally go all ā€˜no???? haha me??? liking that loser??? pfft not in a million yearsā€™
itā€™s the biggest lie, of course (: and ever since that person suggested u would look good together, both of u kind of realize itā€™d beā€¦ nice. more than nice. actually, super nice.
but since both of u are dumb tsunderes, Ā as ive said before, u will literally be the embodiment of this sceneā€¦ except it goes both ways. honestly u are so gone for each other itā€™s GROSS.
but we need some angst up in here so y'all dont get together for a reaaaaaaally long time :/ smh. the pining is Real. ppl come and go in ur lives, and each person u go out with sees that u already fell for someone elseā€”and thatā€™s why all potential relationships donā€™t last muchā€“, but sdjkfhksjdhk!!! neither of u want to openly admit it.
itā€™s A Mess bc u are actually good friends and u tell each other abt ur dates and stuffā€”secretly hoping the other will do somethingā€”but y'all looove being dumb so u act like itā€™s all cool and be like ā€˜o rly!! good for u, i hope it works outā€™. right. :/
yā€™all keep dancing around each other for several months until one Merciful Soul gets tired of ur shit and forces u to sort things out. im talking abt locking u up in some room and not letting u out until u stop pretending u arenā€™t disgustingly in love with each other. or smthequally cheesy (: u know ilove cheese
((obviously everyone eavesdrops through the door bc cmon, theyve been waiting for this for sooooo long))
at first u two are just annoyed at the Merciful Soul betchait was minhyuk, and u spend ur time yelling and cursing them for doing this (all while claiming that this is pointless, since u have NO feelings for each other. none. nada!)
after a very long time, itā€™s ck the one that confesses first lmao. youve been whining and being grumpy the whole time youve been locked up together and it kinda reminded him of the way u metā€¦ damn. here come The Feelings.
heā€™s tired, and thereā€™s nothing left to lose. so he tells u The Truth.
[suspenseful pauseā€¦.. whatā€™s going to happen next?? :OOOOO]ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ tune in next year to find out, in the continuation of Cristinaā€™s Cheesy Birthday Present!!!
jk, proceed to the next bullet point pls.
obviously u tell him u feel the same way [insert ppl crying in the background] and heā€™s actually shocked when u say u like him backā€¦. and gosh, he does look cute when heā€™s surprisedā€¦
so yeah!!! itā€™s until then that u FINALLY go on a date during the weekend!!. hallelujah. thanks minhyuk,u beautiful soul.
so!!! ok!! first date!!! a rly cute fairground in the evening!!!
u try to be fake mean to each other like u used to but everything feels different~~~ (^:
so instead yā€™all act bashful as hell, and blush at everything jjdfghjfhd. hands brushing accidentally?? BLUSH. eyes meeting? BLUSH. BLUSH BLUSH BLUSH!!! u also laugh at everything bc both of u are so nervous oh gmhg fdknjjkdsfjoidf this is gross.
heā€™ll tell bad jokes to make u laugh and theyā€™re rly so so so bad that he actually keeps u in stitches. if u look rly closely youā€™ll see his huge ass heart eyes bc !!!! he made u laugh!!!! and u look so pretty when u laugh omg!!!! dis-gos-tinnnnn
itā€™d be such a cute date tbh im crying just thinking abt it (ā€˜ā€™ā€™ā€™: obviously heā€™s a gentleman and he lets u choose what to eat, which ride to go to first, etc. u could literally tell him ā€˜hey letā€™s just sit down and do nothingā€™ and heā€™d say yes. heā€™s so gONe, ifmgfjdmf.
heā€™s kinda quiet and a lot shier than u wouldve expected but youre literally melting bc thatā€™s a new side to him that youā€™d never thought youā€™d see.
u end up having so much fun (ā€˜: u gross lil idiots, u.
oh and heā€™s def the type to ask if he can kiss u at the end of the night EYYYYYY
even if u find that incredibly endearing youā€™ll probably roll ur eyes with a huge ass smile on urlips lmaoaoaoao and call him a dummy for even asking when youā€™ve literally be in cloud nine since ur date started kjkhwjeqdkwjlk Ā 
[hello, brief break to clarify that from this point i forgot this was actually a college au lmao, so the rest of the bullet points are literally just. random facts abt u two dating hhhhhh. We dont even know what ckā€™s major is odjfngnfdj] Ā 
at first things are a lil awkward in ur relationship tbh
catch ck googling ā€˜how to relationshipā€™ on a daily basis dnfndkfjdncn he is sort of clueless abt how to handle The Feelings. mostly bc this is Important and the last thing he wants is to mess it up )^:
that goes away eventually, tho!! heā€™ll start being his weird little self real fucking soon, so Get Ready
u still call each other nerd and all that stuff, but ur voices are dripping with fondness when u say itā€¦ literally everyone around u gets cavities from it, ew.
heā€™s not that big on planning dates but from time to time heā€™ll take u to rly cool, unexpected, interesting places :o Ā and eventually heā€™ll show u his favorite secret spots ((ā€™:
study dates are a thing. i bet heā€™s that type of person that enjoys reading in weird ass positionsā€¦ his legs are like, halfway off the couch and his arm is bent in a way that looks almost painfulā€¦ what the hellā€¦.?? but itā€™s fine (: it goes so well with ur study methods, those that are Too Weird for the library, yeah?? (:
he will also stare at u a lot bc u look cute when youā€™re rly focused on smth that is, when u stop Ā whining abtstudyingā€¦
every time u catch him doing that youā€™ll go all ā€˜stop staring at me!!! wtf are u looking at u weirdoā€™ and heā€™ll answer ā€˜youā€™re so pretty~~~ ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā€™. youā€™ll blush like a lil idiot, naturally (^: hmmmm
and yea, yea. nap dates are a thing too :/// with sleepy forehead kisses and raspy voices and tangled limbs. all that sappy stuff. heā€™s a lil shit tho, so heā€™ll sometimes poke ur ribs to tickle u lmao.
buuuut heā€™ll also take a lot of pics of u sleeping bc he thinks youre cute )))): his faves always end up being his wallpaper for months.
heā€™ll get strange gifts for u, like rly bizarre plushies and rare books on topics he thinks u will like, Ā tacky anime memorabilia, etc. heā€™ll always give them to u at random times bc he just saw them and reminded him of u ā™„ļø Ā 
he makes a lot of playlists for u too!!! pls listen closely, he puts a lot more thought into them than he lets on.
u like his selfies??? well heā€™ll send u a lot of those. unfortunately, bc heā€™s a lil shit, heā€™ll mostly send double chins and weird ass faces from equally weird angles Ā 
from time to time heā€™ll send u a Nice One tho ((((^: and u know, tongue selfies since youreSO fond of his(and I quote) ā€œ5ft tongueā€. and oh gosh! is that a tongue piercingā€¦??? eyyyyyy
if u want to take couple selfies then youā€™re gonna have a real hard time bc heā€™ll always be making weird faces and poses just to be annoying. eventually u will make dumb faces too tho (ā€™: what a couple of losers
expect weird random texts: he loves telling u abt whatever is on his mindā€”probably aliens. he thinks a lot abt aliens and the universe. throw some conspiracy theories in there, tooā€”. heā€™ll also send obscure memes. and a lot of russian cats!!
heā€™ll love ur cosplay hobbie. he thinks itā€™s super cool. heā€™ll call u a nerd but donā€™t be fooled! he totally brags abt it with his friends (^:
oh! and this is unrelated but at some point y'all will look like an emo goth couple. u wonā€™t even realize that youā€™re both wearing black and looking Edgy, itā€™ll just happen spontaneously. tragic šŸ˜”
there are a lot of comfortable silences when u hang out, but late night deep convos are also fundamental :o!!! bc y'all are Smort.
heā€™ll act like f*cboi from time to time tbh?? heā€™ll tell lots of dirty jokes LMAO. u roll ur eyes at him a lot bc theyā€™re rly. so bad.
if he winks or does Eyebrow Things then u canā€™t rly roll ur eyes and act like youā€™re annoyed bc (: u like it (: and u think it suits him (: and he knows it (: (: (:
u get back at him by telling him heā€™s cute tho, and heā€™ll get all shy and heā€™ll stutter and saying ā€œnooooooā€ while also fighting back a smile
he will also howl or bark at u to annoy u jdfhkjdf. damn f*rry ://
on that note, he loves to embarrass u in front of ur friends bc heā€™s a lil shit :DD
But heā€™s also the sweetest??? whenever he sees youā€™re feeling down heā€™ll start doing weird shit to make u laugh. if that doesnā€™t work then heā€™ll hug u real tight without saying anything else, bc thatā€™s Enough, u know?? (ā€™:
ok time to get Domestic lads!!!
Idk who the hell is going to cook bc y'all are a damn mess in the kitchen. u two try to cook Nice Meals sometimes. seven times out of ten u end up ordering takeout lmao.
be prepared: he sings in the shower, and he does so terribly. (he might do it a little louder and a little more off-key sometimes bc he knows it makes u laugh)
random kisses are a thing!!! he kisses ur cheek or ur shoulder or ur nape or literally. any body part he can get his lips on when u two are just hanging out, watching movies or smth. itā€™s so soft and cute )^: wtf im crying
but also stolen kisses!! heā€™ll kiss u at the most unexpected of times and it alwaysleaves u breathless
heā€™ll constantly put his head on ur shoulder and make this face at u (^: Ā 
canā€™t sleep??? donā€™t worry!!! heā€™ll sing to u with that pretty, soothing voice of his
anyway. what I meant is that yā€™all would be such cute little idiots together this was long af. wow. im so sorry. happy birthday??? lmao
icb u rly did the fairground first date i rly fucking hate u why did i even tell u these things i knew it was gonna fire back im fjjgjkknknnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn urĀ ā€˜tragicĀ šŸ˜”ā€™ when we become a goth couple :/ u dont understand goth love
why the fuck did u make him howl. i wanna fucking die rn. what the fuck. he fucking would. fuck off.
i dont wanna talk abt all that domestic shit how did u even write all of that without dying i literally wanna rip all my limbs off i wont make any comment. i didnt need to know what that would be like but u looooove ruining my life so :)
i rly hate u ksdjfhskdjhfksjh icb u did this thank u i wanna die??????????? wtf nat !!!!! no but rly thank u :( u took the time to write this long ass college au (is it????? whats cks major tho rly :/ ) and just skdfjsjk u remembered all the weird shit i told u thats cute and also Really Bad what else do u know that i forgot i told u skdfksjh im literally always screaming at u abt this shit how did u !!! remember all of this!!!!! dldskfjshljhlakjsh this is so cute and horrible nat wtf how could u :( now im gonna cry :(
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hundredsunny Ā· 7 years
op oc #3: APRIL
im baaaaaaack
u are about to read about my prime DAUGHTER april. the rogue princess. a real pokemon! hahahhahaha she nabbed herself the AURA AURA FRUIT yo this is wild so get ready to learn about olā€™ blue eyes!!!!!!!!!!
NAME: april (i dont have a surname for her i cant think of anything and ive had her for 8 years im sorry) EPITHET:Ā ā€œaura shooterā€ ooOOoOOoOoo AGE: 18 (pre) 20 (post) BIRTHDAY: april (incredible would u have ever guessed) 5th!!!Ā  BIRTHPLACE: nimbasa island in the south blue SEX: female HEIGHT: 5ā€²6ā€³ WEIGHT: 122lbs HAIR COLOR: sandy brown EYE COLOR: blue APPEARANCE: before she escaped her home, she wore an icy blue dress underneath a navy blue cloak and her hair down with a CROWN of course but she hated wearing it a lot. her hair when worn down reaches the middle of her biceps. after she escaped she ONLY wore her hair in a ponytail and she always wore a red bandanna with a white arch atop her head at all times!! it was a gift from her mamma the QUEEN herself. she also wore a white t-shirt with red triangles bordering the collar and the ends of her sleeves. does that make sense? i sure hope. she wore a red sash around her waist and then she popped on some black pants and boots. real piratey. also some of her hair kinda pops out in the front so theres a good chunk that sometimes covers her left side. look at u go princess. AFTER the timeskip she cut her hair so it reaches just above her shoulders, and instead of wearing her hair up and with the bandanna, she wears it down but with a black headband. her bandanna is tied around her left bicep (fashion inspo: zoro). she wears a green sleeveless crop top, and theres a scar that reaches from the back of her shoulder to the end of her collarbone. she earned that shit from her wild timeskip training. oof. shes ok. she wears light-washed pants and some addidas-lookin shoes lmao she also wears a rly loose belt too. also she has gold earrings and thas about it. her eyes are round and just v pretty and blue. her nose turns up at the end just a tad bit and itā€™s so cute sheā€™s so cute. she has a dimple on the right side of her mouth. her mommas face :ā€™) shes fairly skinny but after the timeskip she gained some muscles made 4 punching douchecanoesĀ  REPRESENTATIVE SMELL: vanilla FAVE FOOD: pasta FAVE DRINK: lemonadeĀ  FAVE SEASON: fall REPRESENTATIVE NATIONALITY: australian BOUNTY: initial bounty was 60,000,000 (for being runaway royalty) but after dressrosa she SKRTED up to 155,000,000 DEVIL FRUIT: aura aura fruit a paramecia type. the fruit allows the user to manipulate their energy. with the aura aura fruit, users are able to detect the aura of others, repel the aura of others, and project their own. the power of aura is mood-sensitive and can change a lot. can u believe april is lucario 6 forms of aura: red is physical nature, orange is intelligence, yellow is sheer willpower, green is healing, blue is emotion, vioilet(i THINK) is mental communication. i forgot what i wrote down for the aura types lmaoooo the biggest drawback of this fruit is that the user can only use a limited amount at one time. another drawback is that they cant manipulate other peopleā€™s aura??? itā€™s rly hard to explain this but trust me it makes sense when itā€™s put into action i promise SKILLS SET: most of her attacks are used with red aura since it relates to physical nature. wild.Ā ā€œaura bulletā€ is just shootin aura goodbye. i love pokemon. lmao. uhĀ ā€œaura detectā€ is when she can see what someone elseā€™s aura looks like, so basically she can determine if someone is a bastard or not before they even open their mouth.Ā ā€œaura cloneā€ clones herself with aura and that takes a LOT of effort to pull this one off especially when she wants to use multiple clones.Ā ā€œaura bombā€ yo this one is wild she uses it for diversions and escaping since it kinda acts as a smoke bomb but when she uses this thing in battle OOOOH BOY.Ā ā€œstarstormā€ ok this is like theĀ ā€œim going to die after i do this moveā€ kinda thing. it combines all the damn types of aura and it just RAINS down on ppl. goodbye april. anyways there are more basic moves but i dont rly wanna get too into that rn im sorry PROFESSION: runaway princess lol CREW: straw hat piratesĀ  PERSONALITY: an easygoing girl. v mellow for the most part but there are times where she can get pretty goofy (thanks jack). if the wrong buttons are pushed, she becomes a HURRICANE. she does have confidence issues but since she met luffy, sheā€™s really started to overcome them. shes got a horrible habit of being sarcastic and also she asks a LOT of questions holy SHIT honey. she is TERRIFIED of heights so when franky lays down a good ol coup de burst, her soul leaves her body. g o o d b y e. she was very cold when she first met luffy and the gang bc she lived with the person who killed her mom AND jack left sooooo she was a little bitter. eventually she learned to rly live with the mugiwaras. when she first joined the crew, she was very shy and timid and tried hard to fit in. she was SO intimidated by zoro like he genuinely scared the fuck out of her so she always tried hard to not be a Fool around him but once she got comfortable with everyone she just had a good ol time.Ā ā€œhey grassy ass!! :))ā€Ā ā€œcan u fucking not call me thatā€. she has the CUTEST laugh oh me oh my. honestly just a rly passionate gal, she just wants to be strong and be able to protect her pals. refuses outside help. bros out with luffy and usopp and chopper sometimes but also judges them from afar like nami does. it all just depends on the day. truly. i once wrote a series of one-shots where each one was an adventure that april had with one other straw hat. luffy was the first one, and THAT was wild. zoroā€™s was fucking baller. so on and so forth. rly shows off her dynamic with each member. april? shes honestly just a good person and im proud of her bc she works so hardĀ  LIKES: training, traveling, every single animal ever, reading DISLIKES: heights, the marines, the heat, people who walk horrifically slow in crowded places WEAPON(S): aside from her devil fruit shes got a dagger she sometimes uses. jack gave one to her right before he left HISTORY: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO king jed and queen serena had a baby girl. APRIL. that made her the princess. anyways she grew up as any princess would--spoiled. however the spoiling never got to her head bc serena was so good about teaching her things like that. serena was a goddess i love her pls come back. serena was wildly popular with the citizens of the kingdom bc of her caring and friendly personality. she would always take april into the kingdom every day and pay visits to the citizens. out of all the citizens they paid visits to, the most common faces she saw were those of the solo family. cain was jedā€™s most talented and trusted knight. he and his wife celeste had 2 kids: jack and sho YO. jack was 7 yrs older than sho and 3 yrs older than april. april and jack became fast friends and often explored the kingdom together. regular kid stuff u know. jackā€™s mom was always likeĀ ā€œjack NO u CANNOT take the PRINCESS to the farms thats FILTYā€ hahahah but they went anyway.Ā  jed? a dark man. idk who hurt him or what made him so murderous. but. he was tired of serena treating the citizens like equals. he believed that royalty should be viewed as gods.Ā  when april was 8 jed killed serena oh god there it is theres the tragic anime mom death. as soon as serena died, the dynamic of the kingdom instantly changed. soon after jed took total control, people began leaving the island. eventually, the island became so empty that only a handful of families remained. jed did not allow april to leave the castle at all, and with that rule, it damaged the friendship that she and jack had. ofc around that time jackā€™s dad ran off as well so he stopped tryin to visit her for a bit. but then once he got back into his groove hed sneak all about, avoiding the night patrols, and hed just sit outside of aprilā€™s window and talk to her.Ā  when april was 11 she discovered a devil fruit hidden away in the trashed artifacts that belonged to her mother. she ate the devil fruit and was likeĀ ā€œnow im strong, fight me JEDā€ but lol she got her ass whooped poor bby when april was 16 jack left the island, leaving her completely and utterly alone. the exposure to such loneliness began to change april into a more reserved, bitter person.Ā  2 yrs later the STRAW HATS stumbled upon the island. at that time april had started a habit of sneaking out of the castle to roam the empty streets of nimbasa, but during one of her strolls, she encountered robin, franky, and brook. she ended up knocking them unconscious bc she felt threatened. the second group she met consisted of zoro, chopper, and sanji. they had been captured by guards and were brought into the throne room to be interrogated by jed. april was required to be there as well so she kinda sat in her throne and looked mad the entire time. sanji was likeĀ ā€œNO WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO MAD SHE NEEDS TO BE HAPPYā€ and zoro was likeĀ ā€œive never seen someone so happy to see my faceā€ and chopper was just having a crisis bc they were abt to be tossed into the shadow realm at the hands of the king. zoro got mouthy and jed didnt have none of that shit so he told april to kill zoro but she just knocked him out instead. that pissed jed off. THE NEXT person she met was luffy. she only met luffy bc he infiltrated a banquet thing by sitting underneath a cart. classic luffy. she didnt meet nami and usopp until WAAAAY later. yadda yadda yadda shit goes down (i wrote a whole arc for this. itā€™s called the princess and the pirates lmao original but yes i wrote an entire arc for her recruitment and itā€™s A Lot) ANYWAYS luffy asked her to join the crew but she declined at first bc she thought pirates were just like her father: power-hungry and murderous. however that obv changed when she was exposed to the straw hats more when luffy defeated jed who ate the ___ ___ fruit (tbh i forgot what fruit he ate im sorry) she KNEW she belonged with the straw hats. :ā€™) she still be sailin with the legends. shes had some wild times obv. her arc comes a bit after thriller bark. woopie!!!!!!! like always, lemme know if u wanna know more about her!!!
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dreamerology Ā· 7 years
anonā€¦..ā€¦u asked for it heres 1.2k on Some of the reasons why i love minhyuk :((Ā 
oh my gosh i dont even know where to startdsjfgjdfj i guess iā€™ll talk abt what i was gonna talk abt the other night which is how minhyuk is literally made for the stage?????????????? he looks so Alive whenever hes on stageā€¦..he just glows and hes so happy and ecstatic and his eyes sparkle a bit more and u can just tell how happy he is to be there!!!!!!!!! like the fancam of the rush comeback stage where he smile the whole time? GOOD SHIT!!!! u can just see how much he loves it!!! he gets like. Extra Confident when heā€™s performingā€¦ā€¦sometimes he just goes tf off,,,hes so dangerous he truly thrives on stage and i love it. i cant wait until they come to canada and minhyuk kills me behind a tim hortons
i cant believe im abt to expose myself but also i feel like i might have talk abt this before kskjdfhksjdhf do u wanna hear abt the worst thing thats ever happened to me and im never gonna be allowed to live it down?? soā€¦ā€¦.i associate minhyuk, the human personification of the sun, with the colour yellow ofc rightā€¦.this took place like when the teasers for beautiful were dropping i went on a trip and i Cannot handle plane rides i get motion sickness nd claustrophobic mixed w the usual anxiety so its always a bad time. Anyways i had taken not only gravol (which my friend calls me a lightweightā€¦ā€¦half of one can knock me Out usually but it wasnā€™t working so i took a full one) but i also took ativan when i started to have a panic attack like half way through the flightā€¦..I WAS SOOOO OUT OF IT THAT NIGHTJHSDJFH BUT so we got to the place we were staying and i go to my room and the bed sheets were yellow dsjfhdsfhj so i started texting my friend (who knows nothing abt kpop) abt how it was a sign and mh was watching over me dsfjhsdjfhkjhdfh bc clearly yellow = minhyuk. i passed out right after that i forgot everything abt that night until i got home like a week later and she brought it up and i had no memory of it djfshdjfhsjfhsdh that was months ago and she still teases me abt it i hate me dkhsdjhfkjhdfkhd
anyways minhyuk is the literal sun???? ? hes always positive and happy and just the complete opposite of me in every way tbh,,,,i just rly love that abt him like no matter how many things get him down hes able to get back up and try again and keep going and keep a positive attitude and i know ive said this before but he genuinely inspires me to be a better personā€¦..like im such a pessimistic person but i wanna be able to be more positive and radiate warmth he Never fails to cheer me up like watching videos of him being bubbly nd happy makes me so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope hes able to feel that happiness forever he deserves every second of it!!!! i feel like it has to be tiring being that positive for that long but somehow he does it and it amazes me??? his personality was the first thing to draw me too himā€¦.its true opposites attract
AND OH MY GOD HES SO CARING!!!!! like it sorta goes w the positive attitude but hes so observant of the others nd makes sure theyre ok and heā€™ll make sure theyre included nd hes just a pillar of support for them!!!!!!!!!!!! i love family!!!!! i remember wonho saying he wasnt confident enough in himself and he didnā€™t feel comfortable unless minhyuk was next to him :((((( and half the time he Ā wouldnt even have to say anything minhyuk would be the first to approach him and ask if he was ok nd offer comfort and :(( it just makes my heart rly warm. like he makes sure hes there for the others and makes sure theyre comfortable enough to approach him and is just there to love and support themā€¦ i love a caring man :((( reason number 3532 why minhyuk makes me want to b a better person!!!!
also i absolutely adore how goofy he is sjfhksjdfhjdsdf hes like literally a 5 yr oldā€¦ā€¦what a fool i love him. one of the things in the beginning that i found rlyā€¦..endearing??? thats not the right word but i canā€™t rly think of it rn is that fuckigndsfjhs dolphin noise/high pitched squeal he makes when he gets rly excited sdkfhskjdfh s like its????? So Cute idk why its also hilarious and literally never fails to make me laugh butā€¦.yeah i love it hes so weird. and yeah hes smart but that boy can say some of the Dumbest shit dskfjhdkjfhksdhfjh anyways im gonna just leave it at that for now but yeah. hes so funnie he always makes me laugh and cheers me up!!!
i saved the best for last (not that this is a complete list butā€¦.i doubt anyones actually gonna read all this to begin w soā€¦.ill shut up after this but. this is my fave thing abt him i think) I COULD RLY TALK ABT THIS FOR HOURS BUT. his voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh ym god my favorite sound it the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (mayb only second to his laugh which. Dont even get me started i could write an another entire essay just on his laugh n smile) ANYWAYS HIS VOICEā€¦it was the first one i was able to pick out when i first got into mx. its rly distinct and its just. So Calming to listen to?????? like idk if its weird but a lot of the time if im rly anxious or cant sleep iā€™ll just listen to some of his solo vlivesā€¦..like his voice is rly pretty and i could listen to him talk for hours. he can be so Loud sometimes but it can also b rly soft when hes not yellingjghjshdjfh and no offence but heā€™s rly got the prettiest singing voice tooā€¦..not 2 b biased but hes got the best voice in mx?????? god idk if its bc im fuck deep in l*ve but lately whenever one of his lines comes on it just knocks the breath out of me!!!!!!!!!! i just,,,,immediately start tearing tf up whenever i hear his voice now!!!!!!!!! hes improved so much its so crazy to hear??? like rewatching no mercy u can just Hear how much his vocals has improvedā€¦like he was good back then but now!!!!!!!! holy fuck i love a man hes so talented and hes got the most beautiful voice in the world. also in this vlive when he was just singing along or humming it after without the lyricsā€¦ā€¦i love a man my heart is so warm nd soft hes so cute :((
this isnt even half of it i didnā€™t talk abt his smile or his laugh!!!!!! or how cute his ears are or how much he loves mbb or how cute he looks in a hat or glasses or how humble he is or how full of love he is and how he never misses a chance to shower his members in love :(( hes so sweet i love him so big im gonna shut up and go now i cant believe i just wrote 1.2k on why i love lee minhyuk the Actual Angel instead of writing my paperdsfjdhsjfs it b like that sometimes
if u actually read all this sappy ramblingā€¦ā€¦ā€¦id die for u
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captainshyguy Ā· 7 years
ok i rly loved that su special and the.....kinda death had me fuckung shook but i do think it ended a lil abruptly???Ā 
ok pros and cons and kinda...middle ground stuff??? it looks like i have more cons but itā€™s that my cons are kinda in depth whilst the pros are like excited blabbering and a lil bit of gushing but it comes out shorter, even though overall i RLY liked this specialĀ 
rhodonite is beautiful thatā€™s the prettiest gem iā€™ve ever seen i need to draw her immediatelyĀ 
infact all the off colours are wonderful hhhh i adore them all???? i cant believe flourite is 6 gems flourite is like...a poly gem how goodĀ 
the white diamond silhouette!!! gettin closer to herĀ 
lars is rly fucknig shining and im delighted i didnā€™t expect to start liking this boi so much im shook??? heā€™s just scared and sounds like heā€™s got that anxiety and probs some self hatred too and like..one of my fave ocs is like that and i relate what a boi im gonna watch all the seasons again with this new knowledgeĀ 
steven reuniting with his family very goodĀ 
lmao blue pearl drawing shitĀ 
lars giving steven a big hug was pure and sad and goodĀ 
new scar v niceĀ 
ok but rly when lars got fucknig knocked backed against the fucknig wall and actually literally died i nearly cried but my fam are downstairs so i was just watching in utter shock??? thank god the boi is backĀ 
homeworld looked v interesting and i like that you felt how much danger they were all in like itā€™s not rly downplayed they have like zero optionsĀ 
zircons being lawyers is rly interesting to me like??? i get that the diamonds are the judges for this bc rose quartz is a big thing, but then do they have normal judges for other stuff?? are there other legal matters that take place, like idk kindergarten locations and stuff idkĀ 
i was losing my shit through most of that like Ā was so shook hhhh
blue zircon is gr8 she rly got everyone thinking well done bb wow Ā cant believe su was a murder mystery all alongĀ 
the whole fucking thing was crazy and i loved it so mcuh happened and we solved how lion came to be v goodĀ 
cons/stuff im worried aboutĀ 
i donā€™t...like that they made lars pink i know that itā€™s a plot point thing but it felt rly uncomfortable to watch hhh so im rly hoping they change that back like let him just be human like....also i dont like watching human characters kinda become...not human idkĀ 
where tf was lapis and peridot when everyone warped in like theyā€™d be looking for steven?? they care abt him too tf is this
also im not sure how i feel aboutĀ ā€˜rose not actually shattering pink diamondā€™ thing??? like rose p much killed what we know is a dictator??? unless they turn it intoĀ ā€˜pink diamond was ā€œrescuingā€ humans from earth bc she knew it was going to be destroyed and she couldnā€™t overpower the other diamonds and yello caught her in the act and killed her and blamed roseā€™ ORĀ ā€˜pearl did it, was pink diamonds pearl and rose took the blameā€™Ā 
i REALLY hope they're gonna grab the other gems and go there immediately?? like i stg if we get filler when LARS IS LITERALLY ON HOMEWORLD then im gonna lose my fuckng shitĀ 
and i rly hope they donā€™t make blue diamond sympathetic, they were kinda doing it in relation to yellow diamond, but she isnā€™t overall??? she clearly is a dictator with her gems and whatnot, so even if pink ends up not being, i want blue to be angry at pink, not yellow, bc theyā€™re both evil rulers who shatter their gems and oppress their entire gem lot!!! like maybe she can be upset at yellow, uoset at pinkā€™s betrayal, and understand why yellow did what she had to whilst still missng pink idkĀ 
that.....better not be the last we see of topaz an tbh i rly hope su ends with them liberating all of homeworld bc tbh if they dont then whatā€™s the point theyā€™ll rly just be back at square one, safe for a bit, with some new characters and some character development, it makes sense if they end up on homeworld for most of the season tbh???Ā 
it ended rly abruptly and i felt like content had been snatched away lmaoĀ 
rly tho why havenā€™t we seen a SINGLE white diamond gem does she not??? own gems this is one of the things im most frustrated about tbh WHERE IS SHE WHERE ARE HER PEEPSĀ 
wheres that steven and lars fusion we all thought was coming there was a wiki page and everythingĀ 
plbease unbubble bismuth and let her help pleaseĀ 
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guaek Ā· 7 years
whats ur favorite season of skins and skam? favorite character/s?
skins gen1 aka seasons 1-2 will forever be my fave i love everyone but i love cassie/chris/jal the most! idk gen1 is just so magical to me everything was so wild like totally opened my pure 15 year old eyes to all these rachet shit and gen2 was pretty good too but i wasnā€™t as attached to them as i was to gen1 charas. i set the gen1 theme song as my ringtone during my first year of uni fa;jsdfkaljf
as for skam....idk i rly like all of the seasons so far! i thought iā€™d be annoyed with isakā€™s bc u kno how the internet is -- they always hop on gay white dick and always ALWAYS stan the gay white dudes the most and honestly i dont get why. i ended up liking isakā€™s tho it was so adorable (i especially auā€™d even/isak to wheebyul and honestly it fucking killed me bC LIKE...EVAKā€™S NOSE TOUCHES/KISSES ARE SO CUTE AND I WAS LIKE.....OK IM PRETTY SUREE WHEEIN AND BYUL ALREADY DO THAT DURING PIANOMAN FOR A HOT SECOND SO WHY NOT) (also spoiler but when even drew those cute ass notes for isak i was YELLING even is wheein, byul is isak do u or do u agree with me on this) anyways, i canā€™t rly pick one fave season from skam. i mean i love everybodyā€™s development so much. my fave characters in skam...all of the girls. noora and sana are tied at the top so everytime they have a scene together I FUCKIGN LOSE IT and eva is fucking gorg af?? chris is hilarious and vilde OH GOD VILDE i get SO MAD when ppl shit on her bc sheā€™s so pure and she only means good intentions for her friends! i also love the boys, too. william can go fuck himself tho like bye felicia i hope william/noora are done foreVER and u kno what give me noora/vilde insteadĀ 
ok this was longer than i expected it to be. i blame mel for dragging me into skam damn taht bitch
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heartyearning Ā· 7 years
i read fic but hate looking for it so like what im saying is yes send me recs. also lol "seems she was right" reminds me of the "she pushed me off a train." "attagirl.". like wOW. violence is certainly what will understands. jack beating the shit out of hannibal was also like šŸ†šŸ”šŸ‘€ thank you batman was all i could think to say about it tbh. caged hannibal is also very childish, without his decadence his pettiness can feel like a punchline. he ate one of his fucking lips.
HI I LOVE YOU LET ME MAKE YOU A LIST also omg i love the attagirl moment can we have more chiyoh and hannibal goodness in general pls and out of all the hannibal men and women who do u like best?Ā anyway heres the fic:
the joy of creation: post fall with mute will, i like this one bc of the whole folie a deux aspect and it rly takes it to the next level, also i rly like will in this one?? good stuff man (this is the one with theĀ ā€œseems she was rightā€)
quiet asphodel: this ones rl fucking long but its so good, do be sure to read the tags and the warnings bc theres some dubcon and also some nasty shit happens to will, i like this one bc its got adopted-by-bella-and-jack!will which i loooooveĀ 
housekeeping: uh tbh this is mostly porn but also its like,, idk this is Dramatique but its v exhausting to read bc its like will cheating on his husband frederick chilton with next door neighbour hannibal, my fave part about this is the fantastic four with bev, jimmy, z AND freddie rather than just the first three (its not a big plot point but i thought id mention it bc i love it)Ā 
alternative means of influence: this is an unfinished (RIP) series but its so worth the read lmao, it has like 8 fics currently (i think) and its a hp crossover and like the first 2 fics r short and nothing special but then u get to fic 3 and then u get to FIC 5 AND 6 AND HANG ON LET ME JUST START CRYING REAL QUICK its amazing, i really hope they finish it, read the warnings theres bad shit the further u go along
taken for rubies: if youve seen any fic recs before im sure youve heard of emungere, who is an amazing writer and wrote this one, its basically like.. not trans will i wouldnt say bc the female thing is def sexual for him (i think idk tho but like i like it a lot either way and i think some trans ppl get annoyed at this kinda thing but my trans ass live for this fic)
54609: ppl dont talk about this fic enough tbh, its like a version of incarcerated!hannigram except its not really?? itll make sense lol also amnesia is a good trope imo
ladders: ok to be fair i only read this like?? a couple months ago bc i know i like long fic (clearly) but 20 parts seemed like a lot even to me.. WRONG, THIS IS AMAZING, THIS IS??? SO GOOD read it pls you wont regret it
a room without doors: this is probably the only one chapter fic ill rec you lol, amnesia again but this time its hannibal, i dont really remember a lot about this except that i read it and like the mood of it stayed with me all day and i loved it
a great and gruesome height: i swear to god i started crying when reading the first chapter of this, i love my boys. um yeah apart from that i dont really remember what happens (or i do but im not sure if thats this fic or another oneā€¦ i read to much fic) but its post twotl and if im not wrong its like really good on the story part like it has a good storyline with good ocs and such
epistolary series: ive only read the first 3 fics which i srsly need to remedy but like.. idk man i might lmao but like ok. the second in this series (paris 1916, i talk about it all the time on here lmao like literally its almost constantly on my mind) changed my life. idk if youve ever read the secret history (YES IM COMPARING A FIC TO TSH YES IM GOING THERE) but like when richard is at like?? henrys place right? not sure but like the big mansion and hes swept up in this world he knows nothing about but these people accept him immediately is basically what happens to will and it hurts me and ive already read it like 3 times dude. read it read it read it dont even read the first one if u dont wanna just PLEASE read paris 1916
verisimilitude:Ā Ā ok so this is amnesia again but its thru lobotomy and when i heard that i was like errā€¦ but ITS RLY GOOD its so good omg and it has molly and wally and just ugh yes more of this pls (its unfinished which kills me)
letters from capgras: this is kind of a weird one to explain, its like a swap where adam raki and will change places and will wakes up in nigels bed and adam wakes up on a shore somewhere with hannibal (idk how deep into the fandom u are yet but if you dont know who the fuck im talking about its nigel fromĀ ā€œthe necessary death of charlie countrymanā€ and adam raki fromĀ ā€œadamā€ and their ship name is spacedogs go and look it up its cute, also if uve done that do basic chickens which is adam from idk i dont remember but its a bad movie and a sequel and elias fromĀ ā€œmen and chickenā€ which is a danish movie but im not gonna try and write the danish title bc ill make a fool of myself) i dont like the hannibal/adam parts bc hannibals a creep but i really really like will/nigelĀ 
revelation: ā€œcannibal magnetos school for wayward murder childrenā€ its like rly good and its super codependent and unhealthy but what can u do
they loved the stars too fondly: i literally dont remember a single thing about this except that i think they go to italy and will jumps into a river to get to a dog (that might be an entirely different fic tho i literally have no clue)
EDITS:me: says i want more chiyohalso me: completely forgets to include the best chiyoh fic
a foxā€™s wedding: they go to japan, abigail & chiyoh are there, its nice
hanging tree: soulmate au, im well pissed that this is just a one shot bc its AMAZING and i rly wanna know how it would continue from hereĀ 
tomorrow, more sun: beardogs, (lee fallon from ā€œthe big cā€ and nigel again) this ship naruto ran into my heart and im so glad i found this bc its amazing and tbh the writer is amazingĀ 
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daisy--sorbet Ā· 5 years
and bc im in a talkative mood
lets talk abt the kh games i guess since i have a lot of love for this series
ive been replaying like. all of the games p much except for days and re:coded since sfjsdf they r not an option but
lets just. quick bullet points for all of the ones ive replayed recently
i forgot how weird the controls feel. it feels so stiff when you go from playing kh2/3/bbs back to the original. but i still love the game tbh bc its just. its such a fun lil time
except for monstro. fuck monstro. still my least favorite world of all time :/
honestly, playing this and beating it on proud mode gave me a lil hope for my abilities ngl like wow i guess maybe im not that bad at video games after all
atlantica is honestly one of my fave worlds from 1. i hate certain aspects of the swimming, but the little mermaid was one of my favorite movies growing up so i think just being able to fight shit w ariel is like. dream come true.
i dont really know if i have a favorite world overall, though. neverland is fun because of the flying tbh, halloween townā€™s atmosphere is rly good, and agrabah is still just. one of my favorite places bc of how much i love aladdin sfkjhsdf
traverse town i guess would have to be my favorite world? the music feels like home.
or 100 acre woods. it makes me so smiley. i love winnie the pooh. hes shaped like a friend and sometimes i really need a friend.
also i beat up tidus a lot so rip him i guess. i was like. level 10-12 by the time i left destiny islands so sdkjfhsdf sorry tidus, u were the easiest to get tech points from.
still the cutest version of sora/kairi/riku. kairi they did u so wrong in the following games :(
not my favorite sora, tbh. hes up there bc hes naive and a lil stubborn, but i think he falls behind...
kh re:chain of memories
this sora. hes angry, hes upset, hes stubborn, hes rash and impulsive and i love him to death. he feels so humanĀ in this one, and honestly???? i get what ppl mean when theyre likeĀ ā€œre:com sora feels the most realā€ because he honestly does.
namine i love u so much oh my god????
the card combat system isnt actually too bad once you get used to it actually? i was extremely adamant about not playing this one bc i didnt want to learn the combat system, but... stickman shamā€™s videos literally pushed me to be likeĀ ā€œokay sure, ill give it another goā€ and now im on floor 7
also stickman shamā€™s videos are just. so fucking funny sdkjfhsdfkh thank u for coming to my tedtalk
larxene could literally kick me down and threaten to kill me and id be ready to propose.
and then sheā€™d kick my ass and id be likeĀ ā€œhey axel, i also love uā€Ā 
im very biased against marluxia rn though because he was a pain in the ass to beat in kh2 but hes lookin to be a promising villain ig? :0
uhhh last comment but
hjoā€™s voice for sora in this game amuses me so much sfjkhsdkfh its just. so funny to hear him try to sound younger i guess??? idk
also this is the only game im playing on beginner because im not that great at it sfkshdf maybe one day ill get around to it, but not rn
probs one of my fave entries tbh? that whole beginning sequence with roxas just <333 i love him so much.
axel is still one of my fave characters and i think this game was what solidified my love for him.Ā 
i think the bosses i had the most trouble with were xaldin and demyx. this is just me talking about non-optional ones though.
i read somewhere that like. the absent silhouettes, from easiest to hardest, are just: marluxia, lexaeus, vexen, zexion, larxene.
and i beat them: zexion, larxene, vexen, lexaeus, marluxia.
like. i struggled so much with marluxia holy shit??? fuck him :/
also i learned yesterday that the pride lands are optional???? wtf.
most fave world: either olympus, beastā€™s castle, or agrabah.
least fave: pride lands i guess
i dont rly have much to say here other than i rly loved most of this game
except for those FUCKING CARS.
kh bbs
i said quick bullet points but im a fool so
fave worlds: olympus, disney town, and neverland
least fave: none, tbh. its a really solid game imo even though it sorta falls victim to theĀ ā€œwe cant talk to each other about any problems bc plot called for itā€ but the dynamics between the characters are just. v good. i love.
i question how anyone trusts xehanort when he looks like that, but also heā€™s supposed to be some esteemed keyblade master so i guess its more of aĀ ā€œi want your approval, even though u creep me outā€ than anything else
aquaā€™s route was honestly the hardest for me to begin with tbh. i had to grind for so long just to get her to to a point where she wouldnt immediately die.Ā 
terras route was my fave, i think. hes just... rly fun to play as.
ventus is <333
i just really love this game, okay
uhhh fave d-link: none because i constantly forget about using them. but i guess if i had to pick, probably stitch bc of the ukulele part. its very cute.
ill ramble abt 3D, re:com in its entirety, and reverse/rebirth later skfjhsd
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moonbinandback Ā· 7 years
My KCON experience!!!!
I just got home and I wanted to write down everything while itā€™s still fresh in my memory so pls prepare for a very long very screaming account of todayā€™s amazing events ;___; (Iā€™ll post the pics and videos I got soon!!)
so my mom and I drove together (she didnā€™t want me to go alone bc none of my irl friends like kpop lol rip s/o to my mom for being the coolest ever!!!), and we got to the venue at around 11:30ish. I wanted to get there earlier bc i was really paranoid about not getting an audience pass for astro ;___; we went to get our wristbands and stuff and our concert ticket barcodes ended up showing as invalid ?? ?! even tho we bought them from the official website ;~; so we had to get our tickets validated at staples center and then walk back to get our audience passes. after getting that sorted, I opened my passes and got Heize and Oh My Girl, both of which had already been completed :((( but as I was standing to the side trying to figure out if I could get passes off facebook, I overheard this group of ppl opening their audience passes and they were likeĀ ā€œwho did u get???ā€Ā ā€œuh... astro....ā€ ā€œme too....i donā€™t rly know themā€ and i was like HI HELLO DO U WANT THOSE BC IF NOT IM LOOKING FOR 2 PASSES FOR ASTRO NO PRESSURE THO and they were likeĀ ā€œuhhh yeah sureā€ AND I GOT 2 AUDIENCE PASSES FOR FREE HOW LUCKY IS THAT !!!!! !Ā šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ bless those ppl i hope they got hi touch or something lol they saved me like an hour of hunting for passes
after that we checked the room where fan engagements are held to see if there was a line for astro and there was already a crowd of like 60ish ppl there like 2 hours before the event and i was like fuk!!!!! but also itā€™s so nice to see fellow astro fans supporting our bois!! c: there were actually so many astro fans at the con i was so happy!! so we got in line and chilled and there were some rly cool fans handing out free astro banners with their own digital art, and one person was passing out these nice quality pics of the boys and askingĀ ā€œwhoā€™s ur bias??ā€ and then just giving them out for free?? arohas are so nice ??? ???
then after we got into the room, i was like 3 rows from the very front of the audience barrier, but the hi touch ppl were way closer than us rip i was so jealous ;~; when the boys walked on i LOST MY FUKCING SHIT AS EXPECTED and OH YM GOD LET ME TELL U HOW BEAUTIFUL THEY ARE! !!!!!! they all had on very crisp clean button ups and slacks and they looked SO FRESH omgĀ 
jinjinā€™s hair was so beautiful and smooth and he looked extra tiny today!!!!! i LOVE mjā€™s current hair color on him it looks so pretty and he also looked tiny af I LOVE!!!! sanha is SO FREAKING TALL like he absolutely towers over the hyungs lmaooooo but heā€™s also the CUTEST BAB his hair was slightly messy and very beautiful i cryyyy and rocky looked SO GOOD with his hair color!! itā€™s actually a lot more subtle irl than in the pics he posted recently :ā€™) itā€™s like a very gentle auburn-burgundyish kinda color, and a little more brown than mjā€™s hair!
and eunwoo!!!! oh my god he is absolutely prince charming irl, even more so than in videos and pics like HOLY SHIT he is so stunning!!!! he was wearing this beautiful white button up and his brown hair makes him look EVEN MORE PRINCELY like i could not believe my eyes and when he hits u with THAT EYE SMILE u are deceased on the spot!!!!!!! he is a very beautiful dork and i love him!!! AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON BINNIE LIKE I THOUGHT I LOVED HIM A LOT BEFORE TODAY?? ??? WHTA THE FUCK ???? he is genuinely the most handsome and attractive person i have EVER seen like i was blown away by his natural charm, hes just SO DAMN CHARISMATIC IRL like if u dont stan bin before u see him irl.. ..u do afterwards lmao like heā€™s UNREAL ;__; he was wearing a bluish black button up with the tucked in and puffy look which I LOVE and some very well fitting slacksĀ šŸ‘€ HES FINE AS FUCK YALL I RLY CANT EVEN EXPRESS HIS BEAUTY RN LIKE GOD DAMN!!! MY IDEAL MAN!!!! i was looking at all the bois but i kept going back to him like i honestly couldnt take my eyes off him he is so gorgeous!!!!
the Q&A session was CUTE AF but i couldnt hear them over the screams ;____; also ppl were sticking their phones in the air all over the place so my view was partially blocked sometimes but i got some lil viewing windows most of the time :D after the general questions from the mc they played this dice roll game where they have to do whatever action corresponds to the number they rolled! they did ā€œswitch partsā€ if i remember correctly, they sang confession and FUCKING JINJIN SANG I HEARD HIS BEAUTIFUL VOICE IRL I WAS DYING HE SOUNDED SO LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!! (@FANTAGIO LET MY BOI SING!!!!) ALSO ROCKY SANG AND I LOST MY MIND HE WAS SO AMAZING AS WELL!!!! sanha, eunwoo, and mj sang their fave pop songs and they were SO GOOD as usual!!!Ā šŸ’žšŸ’ž ALSO EUNWOO RAPPED HE WAS SO CUTE
ok and hereā€™s the part that literally killed me: THE SEXY DANCE WHAT THE FUUKCJKEJGHDJ I WAS ON FIRE!!!!!!! rockyā€™s dance was SO DAMN GOOD and i was like FUUUUUUUUCK ok that was amazing and then the bois were likeĀ ā€œbinnie u do it!!ā€ and i was like GOD.. ..IF UR OUT THERE,,, ,,, MAKE IT HAPPEN and then not only bin but jinjin too! !!! BICH!!!! THEY ENDED ME RIGHT THEN AND THERE I CANT BELIEVE I SAW BIN DOING HIP THRUSTS IRL LIKE ?????? PLS WATCH THE FANCAM OF IT IF U HAVENT, IT WILL SAVE UR LIFE OK
so after the sexy dance i was in a state of euphoria ofc, and i remember them rolling aegyo on the dice and they were likeĀ ā€œSANHA DO ITā€ and he was SO PRECIOUS I LOVE HIM he did the arm cross thing with a lil head shake and rocky joined him too!!!! god bless!!!!!!
during hi touch i just continued to bask in the boysā€™ presence hahah and i noticed they were doing mostly single handed high fives instead of the usual two hand high five/hand hold that they normally do :c but they all looked so cute and happy and smiley!!!! it made my heart so happy!!!!
after hi touch we took a group selfie with the boys (which i am definitely invisible in lmaooo) and then after leaving the room i was likeĀ ā€œah i heard theyā€™ll be at the toyota booth at some point today i better go find out what timeā€ and right as im walking to the booth i see a group of well dressed guys walking on the 2nd floor above me and im likeĀ ā€œno way they beat us hereā€ and then i saw a tall bean with white hair and i was like SANHAAAAAAA and they had just gotten to the toyota booth right as i got there!!!! a crowd had already formed but I got a decent view, and they were doing some more q&a that i couldnā€™t hear lmao but I was so happy that i got to see them again!!!!
when they left I walked around the marketplace and bought a dream part 1 poster (the one where theyā€™re all in white dress shirts lookin cute af) and a poster of sleepy autumn story bin bc im WEAK and I LOVE MY BOIS
then i just hung around the food trucks area until we got to enter the concert venue, and my seats were pretty good!!! they werenā€™t GA or lowest tier, but i was decently close and i had a clear view of the stage like 95% of the time blesssss
first up was KARD and they were pretty good! their songs are not rly my style but theyā€™re very talented and they look like a hardworking group!!! :D also they are all hot hahah
after that was Oh My Girl, and they were also good! again, their songs are not usually what i like but they were SUPER CUTE and charming!!
then Heize played!! I LOVE HEIZE OMG shes so pretty and her voice is beautiful!! i also love her style and her songs are so soothing/fun to listen to!! she asked us to turn on our phone flashlights while she performed Star and she started tearing up before she started singing and i was like NOOOOO BABY she almost made me cry ;~; anyways YES I LOVE HEIZE U SHOULD LISTEN TO HER IF U HAVENT YET
i had only rly listened to Energetic and I only knew ong seongwu before seeing wanna one, but HOLY SHIT they blew me away!!!!! i was really impressed by their choreo and theyā€™re really great performers! their songs are catchy af damn!! AND ALL THE MEMBERS ARE CUTE like daniel?? ??? hot as fuck???? he had on this earring and im like damn?? what is this guy doing to me lmaooo
i hadnā€™t listened to any NCT 127 besides cherry bomb and I thought it was an okayish song, but again i was SO IMPRESSED by their performance!!! they were so on point for choreo, other theatrics, visuals, etc!!!! honestly i feel like all kpop groups are like 100000x better live bc of the choreo and atmosphere!! and there was a guy with light pink hair who was HOT AS FUKC i need to find him omg (taeyong? yeah hes fine as hell hahahah) also the bass in the staples center is SO INTENSE like my entire soul vibrated during cherry bomb lmao
GOT7 were great performers too but after hearing about the jaebum stuff im likeĀ šŸ˜’šŸ˜’ also they give me a very arrogant vibe and im like eeeghhhh (sry to any GOT7 stansĀ šŸ˜·) bambam looked cute tho shhhh
okay onto ASTROOOOOO so they first came on stage with Kim Tae Woo (who i donā€™t know at all rip sry ;__;) and they were wearing white/baby blue suits and they looked SO CUUUUTE they were covering Kim Tae Wooā€™s songs i think? and they did some CUTE AF CHOREO PLS WATCH THE LIVE STREAM TO SEE IT ITā€™S AMAZING
after doing 2 cover songs they LEFT THE STAGE and i was like THE FUKC!!!! but then i was like oh wait theyā€™re definitely coming out later too lmao
THEIR OUTFITS WERE SOOOOO GOOOOOD they were all wearing tight black pants and eunwoo and sanha had on white graphic tees with black blazers and jinjin had a nice black striped dress shirt and mj had this super cool black and white jacket and ROCKY??? HAD A BEAUTIFUL WHITE DRESS SHIRT THAT HE SWEATED COMPLETELY THRU AND U COULD SEE HIS CHEST AASHSHJSFHSJ
when i first saw these outfits i was like CONCEPT CHANGE ???? DARK ASTRO ??? ? so weā€™ll see what happens omg but DAMN the more mature look suits them so well and as much as i love their cute style i 10000% support this more dark look like hnnnn yes
the first song they performed was AGAIN AKA THE SONG OF MY DREAMS THE CHOREO OF MY LIFE and it was EVERYTHING to see it performed live!!!!!! and in those outfits??? i was LIVING oh my god and i got to see bin and rocky do the pirouette flippy thing and it was SO AWESOME
they did their mentions next and they were so cute!!!! also rocky kept jumping and dancing around everywhere hes the lov of my life ;__; then they were likeĀ ā€œwe have a special surprise! weā€™re going to play.... pinata!!ā€ but eunwoo pronounced it PEEN-uh-ta and i was like omg what is that...and then i figured it out when it came up on the screen LMAO EUNWOO IS SO CUTE
it was another randomized game to decide what activity to do and they gotĀ ā€œfan giftsā€ so they all had 1 min to decorate a tshirt to give away, and they also gave away some other signed merch!! then sanha was likeĀ ā€œwe gave the shirts to the ppl in the front bc we canā€™t reach u up there, but we want to give u shirts too!!ā€ and they brought out TSHIRT CANNONS HAHAH but they only shot as far as the lowest tier boooo :c
then they performed a shortened version of breathless and IT WAS AMAZING TO WITNESS EUNWOO CARRYING MJ IRL AAAAAAAA also it was kinda funny watching them perform a super cute poppy song in their current wardrobe lmaooo
then they did a bit of polaris and i was like EEEEYYYYYY and then they did baby!!!!!! the baby choreo is SO GOOD and itā€™s so amazing to see them do choreo irl bc u can really focus on them and see their talent and hard work come to life!!!!! I LVOE THEM SO MUCH AND I AM SO PROUD!!!! THEY ARE SO TALENTED AND THEYVE COME SO FAR I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT THEY HAVE IN STORE FOR USĀ šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•
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