#also i suck at animals sorry chica
calyxthenerd · 9 months
Group Vacation Surprises
What is everyone up to? How are all our couples fairing? How many mexicanless (and Ninaless) groups have gotten lost? And what is Delfi up to?
Previous Chapter
Down by the piers
“So, what do you think?” asked the flannel-wearing guitarist
“What I think???? What I think???? What I think is i don’t know how we didn’t do a collab yet!!”
“Well, now that Nico’s back and we have the band in full swing and you’re launching your solo career, we haven’t exactly had the time to plan this type of thing, we were lucky that we managed to align everyone’s schedules for this week, with Matteo’s album and business school, Ámbar’s work, Delfi’s journalism, Jazmin’s fashion, your and Jim’s music comedy school, Gastón and Nina who had to fly in from England, everything with the team that has kept Luna, Ramiro and Emilia busy, we’re following different paths, and I’m thankful that we make a little time for reunions like this”
“Yeah, me and Jim have been talking about it a lot, and we really miss having everyone together all day…”
In a nearby aquarium
“Look at the dolphins Di!!!!! They’re so pretty!!!!” screeches the bow wearer, tugging on her boyfriend’s shirt
“I’m seeing them, preciosa, they are pretty, not as much as you, though” flirts the Spaniard, as his boyfriend hugs his waist from behind, resting his chin on top of the shorter one’s head
“You two having fun?”
“The only thing wrong is that she’s paying more attention to those animals than to me, and also, these disguises suck, after the whole fiasco with the girl’s alter egos I didn’t really want to wear a wig again, though I look hot with sunglasses” complains the shorter male, resting his hands on top of his boyfriend’s and leaning into his touch
“Don’t worry DiDi, you have all my attention, and you look hot in anything” Marco breathes out against his ear, leaving him squirming
“Marco, we’re in public”
“You know full well it’s not going to show, relax, it’s fine, love” he assures him, before their girlfriend pulls them away to the next exhibit
On a random street near the ocean
“Bet you can’t catch me, Chico Fresa!” challenges the moonchild, zooming away
“You’re on, Chica Delivery!” bites back the Italian, racing after her, catching up to her after a while, and moving past her, only to stop in front of her, causing her to crash into him due to the speed and fall, making him have to catch her, lest she hurt herself, then they stare into each other’s eyes, with him holding her by her back and her arms around his neck, they start moving closer to each other until-
“Hey!!! You’re Leon’s cousin’s friends, right????” Asks a bubbly, cheery voice, popping the bubble they had wrapped themselves in
“Andrés! They were clearly having a moment! I’m so sorry for my friend here, he’s not the best with reading a room, we’ll leave you two to your thing, we have a nightclub to get to” he grabs Andrés by the arm and starts dragging him away
“Esperen!” calls out the short girl, making them stop on their tracks “Can we go with you guys? We’re done skating and I’m pretty sure my aunt’s house is in the way to the place you’re going to, so we can go there and drop off our things and I can borrow some of my cousin’s clothes to change into, Simón actually told me some stories about the times he went there, Can we go Matteo? Pleaseeeeeeee????”
“You know full well I can’t say no to you, specially with that face, so, if it’s alright with these guys, we can join them”
“It’s fine by me, from what I hear, you Mexicans are great at parties, and I can’t wait to find out how much truth there is to that statement”
“I’m from Argentina- you know what? Whatever, let’s go, we are wasting time!” She grabs her boyfriend’s hand and rolls away, with the other two scrambling to follow “Also, why are you wearing scarves around your faces and caps? It’s really hot out”
They both look at each other and back at her “Long story”
In fancy restaurant on the other side of town
“You really thought about everything, huh? If we didn’t have this booth, the entirety of Cancún would be after us already”
“Good thing I thought to pay everyone that served us extra to keep quiet and told everyone to bring disguises, right? I always thought you looked really good in that pink wig…”
“Mi Sueño, you know full well how much I loathe that thing, I would’ve burned it if it wasn’t such a dangerous thing to do, imagine if I caused a fire by trying to erase my past! I could never have forgiven myself” she bites her lip nervously at the thought
He grabs both her hands on his own, kissing both her knuckles, one right after the other “Don’t worry, you would never be so selfish to cause that much harm to other people by doing this sort of thing, you’re incredible, mi sueño, since the first time I met you, I knew you were the one for me, and since that day, I have not stopped loving you for a second, even on all the times I was furious at you, or myself, the love never really went away, through all the trials and tribulations we went through together, the tours, the screaming matches, that brief period we tried being friends-” he chuckled “the miscommunications and all our ups and downs, it’s always been there” he pauses, fishing something out of his pocket and kneeling on the ground, opening a little red velvet box, showing a ring “so that’s why, in name of that love, I wanted to ask you, Violetta Castillo, will you marry me?”
Somewhere, a few kilometers out of the mexican coast
“So, Em, since when do you have a boating license?”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, gorgeous” says the goth, leaning against her girlfriend’s chest, where they’re laying on the outside of the boat, watching the sunset
“Mysterious, I love it”
Suddenly, the other girl goes quiet and sits up, looking at the heiress
“What is it, hermosa?”
“Ámbar… have you ever though we’d get here?”
“What do you mean?”
“You know… we did a lot of bad stuff in the past, when we were hurting, but have you ever thought we could get out of that and heal, just to end up in this beautiful place, together?”
“I can’t say that this is the life I expected for myself, but it’s definitely better than anything I’ve could have imagined” she pulls her girlfriend close by the neck, kissing her
On the path back to the hotel
“Thank you so much for accompanying me, after Delfi bailed on us, which sucks, because her fashion taste is leagues better than you guys’”
“What? It’s the truth! anyways, we’re here, let’s go, my room is on the sixth floor, we’ll leave the bags there, and then maybe go out for drinks?”
“Sounds good, after carrying all these bags, I could use a little booze, Pedro?” says the bassist
“I’m down, this is supposed to be a trip to relax anyways”
They quickly dispose of all the bags in Delfi and Jazmin’s room and head out to a bar
At the airport
“Where is she??? Her flight was supposed to have landed a while ago already! She should be here by now!” Delfi questions herself, before feeling a pair of hands cover her eyes
“Guess who?” Asks a voice in heavily accented spanish
The black haired girl quickly pulled the hands away, smiling, and turned around, hugging her british companion “Emma!! I’m so glad you could make it!”
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spadesofthecards · 4 years
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so, an art prompt i got at 11PM at night led to this.
if this gets enough notes I'll finish the sketch.
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glamrockfanfiction · 3 years
could i possibly get sick male security guard reader (or gender neutral if u prefer that) headcanons
(like how Freddy and the others would look after you if you are sick) mostly looking for fluff ^^
tysm and have a good day/night whether you do my ask or not :D
Hello! Thank you for the request, dear! I hope this is what you were hoping for, lots of fluff of course because these animatronics love you and only ever want to see you happy and healthy
Warnings: none!
Pronouns: he/him
- "oh no"
- "My boyfriend"
- "he's broken!"
- she's gonna baby you, I'm sorry
- so many cuddles and kisses
- she also doesn't completely understand at first?
- she sees you cough and sneeze, and she's just like "??? Babe?? Humans can glitch out? Are you okay?"
- her first reactions are to feed you, but let's be honest extremely sugary and greasy food (the only food she thinks is valid) really isn't good when you're sick.
- when you eventually get her to understand how human bodies are trash and can hate themselves every now and again, she decides!!
- no!!!
- you don't need to do your job!!
- come CUDDLE AND STAY with her in her room
- sure she might smother you in blankets and pillows and stuffed animals
- but I mean, the alternative is meandering through a giant complex for the entire night, and have some *really* creepy stuff try and crunch your spine like a fortune cookie!
- and hey, getting to cuddle your sweet, weird, girlfriend who doesn't always understand personal space is always a plus
- Vanessa so much as gives you a disapproving *look* when you take sick leave and Roxy will be putting her into her place so damn quickly
- yes she understands that Vanessa has higher authority than her
- no, she doesn’t care <3
- look she doesn't completely understand *what* is going on with you, but she cares about you so much
- you’re her boyfriend, and she really hates to see you sniffling, or looking completely tired, or watching you practically throw yourself to the nearest washroom in a near vomit induced panic.
- so she sees that any managers and bosses don't bother you and she just relaxes with you in her room
- she also sees that *you* don't bother *you* if you are too stubborn and don't want to stop working.
- she also enjoys the fact that Vanessa will have to work all alone for a few days.
- call her petty.
- she wears that shit like a damn badge of honor
- this is one of the few exceptions when she will allow you to be super cuddly with her.
- she really does prefer her personal space, but she also prefers seeing you happy and comfortable??
- so like, she is a big girl, and she can suck it up if it means you resting peacefully.
- even if you're snoring
- and slightly drooling on her shoulder
- and though she won't admit it, you one hand being curled up and running through her hair is *definitely* a plus
- oh he hates seeing you sick.
- he ended up visiting you one morning before a show, coming to the tiny little apartment Faz. Corp. let you take up, and he just sees you all curled up on your couch
- there are tissues everywhere and two empty water bottles and one halfway done, and you're shaking
- he's pretty sure his heart seized at that. He doesn't ever want to see you sick. Ever.
- he tries to take care of you as best he can, but eventually he has to go back and do some shows and parties, but don't think he's doing them because he wants to!!
- no, he'd much rather be sitting with you on that couch, with your legs up on his thighs and messaging you calves.
- eventually when he gets the time to check on you, it's night time. And he comes in just as you're putting on your uniform and grabbing your belt.
- he really tries at first to get you to rest, but if you refuse and prefer to work through it he respects that
- but he's coming with you! He is going to help you as much as he can, whether that be helping check certain parts of the Pizzaplex for you or just keeping you company.
- he's got you back
- if you do decide to stay and rest he is going to end up unconsciously showing you just how husband material he is, even if you aren't one for marrying.
- he's making you tea and filling up you water bottles, taking out clean throw blankets and putting you favorite movie on.
- he is absolutely taking care of you, whichever way you choose, and whatever way he can help
- "bro what the fuck is wrong with you?"
- jk jk
- well
- only a little bit.
- he swears he doesn't mean it in a harsh way, because when he sees you walk into his room in the middle of the night, he is literally frozen with a fucking *couch* above his head at the sound of your sniffles and red puffy eyes.
- at first he thinks you were crying?
- but you rapid coughs that broke a brief glaring contest show him otherwise.
- "Monty I do not have the time for this, put the damn couch *down*"
- he is so tempted to put it down in the most destructive way possible, but he also can't ignore the genuine concern he is feeling for you.
- I mean, you two have been dating for two months now
- and he might like to be a challenging little shit every one and a while, and you might get a bit short with him, but there's a distinct difference between that, and the tired, thick tone you just used.
- so... fine.
- the couch is still functional
- for the *moment*
- when he finds out what you've got he is probably the most chill compared to the rest.
- he cares about you! But also he knows you'd tell him if you were dying.
- You're a big boy and you can handle yourself.
- of course, he still ends up offering a hand
- a hand which, of course, with Monty, turns into two which are wrapped around your thighs as he piggy backs you across the Pizzaplex
- you end up going through your rounds far quicker than you expected
- and than a few more because the two of you are having *way* to much fun causing a slight bit of chaos and zipping around
- Vanessa ends up hearing about how you two absolutely *barreled* through a fence and knocked over like, three giant crates
- and while she isn’t at all impressed
- Monty lowkey scares her more than the others??
- so she ends up just giving you both a glare and telling you to just go clean it up
- which you do, though there is a lot of giggling and messing around whilst doing so
- he can be really goofy when he wants to be, and if he has to up it a little bit to make you laugh while you’re struggling with being sick, he has no qualms to that
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inukag-4ever · 7 years
Fanon Theory - Souls in InuYasha
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AKA @inukag-4ever thinks that Midoriko, Kikyou, and Kagome all contain the same soul and are trapped in a karmic cycle and this is my evidence based essay thing on this. 
soooooooo I’ve been seeing a theory floating around that Kagome isn’t Kikyou’s reincarnation. As much as I love fan theories, I just HAD to say something about reincarnation and the nature of souls in InuYasha, & add my 2 cents about how souls are viewed in InuYasha. I’m not going to be arguing that Kagome is Kikyou’s reincarnation - that’s something that’s confirmed without a doubt (just read chapter 47 + 48 in the manga). But is Midoriko the original soul of these two women? That’s unconfirmed. 
🏹 Midoriko → Kikyou → Kagome 🏹
And for those of you who don’t know (so, like, everyone) I was actually a World Religions major with a specialty in Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism. So I have some background on this topic! 
I will be arguing that not only is Kagome the reincarnation of Kikyou, but Kikyou is also the reincarnation of Midoriko. Here are my points:
I will be dividing this post into 3 sections: First, I will discuss the nature of souls in Eastern thought and InuYasha; my second point will be on inheriting skills from past lives; and lastly I will discuss karmic patterns.
First of all, @mustardyellowsunshine asked me a great question that I’d never considered: In the Japanese Buddhist/Shinto traditions, how is the soul viewed? I don’t have a comprehensive answer to this question since it’s not something that’s brought up too much in Buddhist texts. What I can confirm is that souls are considered eternal or “unkillable,” shall we say. After death, it is believed that the soul is either reincarnated or lingers on as a spirit for a while. There aren’t really any instances I’ve found in texts where a soul can be completely destroyed. That’s the simplified answer. 
However, we see something interesting in InuYasha - the soul seems to be able to exist in 2 places at once. The easiest example of this would be when Kagome’s soul is sucked into Kanna’s mirror but is unable to be contained. Though Kagome is missing part of her soul, she is still able to move. 
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It also seems like the same happens when Kikyou is resurrected. Kagome is called a “shell” after her soul is sucked out of her and put into Kikyou’s body, but it seems that she’s still able to call her soul back to her (meaning she is not a shell, there must still be some part of her soul left inside).
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But, after she calls her soul back, Kikyou is still able to move. 
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Urasue claims it’s because Kikyou’s filled with anger towards InuYasha. I’d like to argue that Urasue isn’t correct. We see throughout the series that Kikyou’s malice towards InuYasha disappears. Malice is not the only emotion she feels. In the end, she fills a Shikon shard with light so she can destroy Naraku. This doesn’t really read to me as someone who’s only able to remain alive because of anger. Since we know the soul can be split (and it cannot be destroyed) I would argue that part of Kagome’s soul, the part that was Kikyou perhaps, remained in her clay body. 
Plus, I can argue that Kikyou’s soul returns to Kagome’s body after her death (while Kikyou’s borrowed souls are able to pass on). That’s what it looked like to me in the anime and manga!
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We also know that Midorko’s soul existed within the Shikon Jewel (eternally battling youkai until Kagome broke the cycle), yet was also able to be one of Kikyou’s souls to sustain her body at the same time. 
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Here we see Kikyou’s shikigami deadass stealing Midoriko’s soul from her corpse somehow? Anyway.
Basically, it’s complicated. It looks like one soul can exist in many different places in InuYasha. 
Next point: Inheriting Skills
In reincarnation thought, it is believed that one life builds upon the next. When one dies, her slate would not be erased. If someone commits a crime in one lifetime, there will be retribution in the next one. The same goes for positive actions! Plus, it’s believed the soul has a memory. (also this is a super simplified way of explaining it FYI karma is super complicated)
This brings me into Kagome’s spiritual powers. Kagome is BORN with very incredible ability. She easily accomplishes things Miroku won’t even attempt. See this panel, for example:
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Bear in mind that Mirkoku was born into a family of of monks and has likely been in spiritual training his entire life. Plus, he is considered a high level monk. This is evidenced through his shakujo, aka gold staff thingy. Miroku has six rings (or khakkhara) on his staff, which would indicate that he is advanced in skills. Only the Buddha himself can carry a staff with more than 6 rings.
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So how did Kagome get so powerful without any spiritual training whatsoever? Well, she did technically train quite a lot, just not in her lifetime as Kagome. Same goes for Kagome’s archery ability - this was a skill she mastered quickly in her lifetime as Kagome because of all the training that occurred during her lifetime as Kikyou. 
It is well-known that Kikyou was a prodigy. Her sister Kaede, who trained as a miko for many more years than Kikyou, could never hold a candle to her older sibling’s abilities. And how did Kikyou become such a powerful priestess at such a young age? Well, because she’s the reincarnation of Midoriko! I’ll be arguing this in my last point on karmic patterns.
One last thing I’ll throw in though, is a point from one of my favourite and lesser known arcs. When Tsubaki is battling the inu-tachi, KIkyou is positive Kagome will defeat her. 
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This would be because Kikyou already defeated Tsubaki while she was alive, and Kagome has inherited Kikyou’s spiritual powers and then some.
Karmic Patterns/Cycles
Before I get into the meat of this argument, first I will discuss something very important that was left out of the anime!!! And it’s a damn shame too, because this is a very interesting point.
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Uuuh, yup. The exact same thing happened to Midoriko that happened to Kikyou. Gross dude falls for hot miko, he gives his soul to a bunch of youkai so he can tap dat, it all goes wrong and it ends in the hot miko’s demise.
It’s not a coincidence. When one makes a mistake in a past life, she is given the opportunity again and again to learn from it, or fail and remain trapped in the cycle of birth and death. FYI, one of the main goals in Buddhism is to release oneself from the pattern of being reborn because life is suffering.
So Kikyou attempted to fix the mistakes she made in her previous lifetime as Midoriko. When she died, she tried to destroy the jewel by burning it with her body. But since its the Jewel of Four Souls, and MADE UP of souls, it’s not something that can be destroyed by fire. In order to destroy the jewel, the karmic cycle needed to be broken. 
Kagome is the one tasked to destroy the jewel; she was born with the jewel in her body, after all!! Her life task was to fix the mistakes she made in her lifetimes as Midoriko and Kikyou, and break the karmic pattern. 
For the record, here are the past indiscretions Kagome made as her lifetimes as Midoriko and Kikyou (from an Eastern/Buddhist perspective):
Midoriko was too attached to her life in her earthly body. So instead of dying when she should have, she cast out her soul and formed the Shikon Jewel (inevitably causing chaos and death)
Kikyou was going to make the wrong wish (a selfish wish) on the Shikon Jewel (turning InuYasha into a human would’ve been super selfish ultimately and it would’ve continued the pattern of the jewel)
Kikyou resisted her fate as a priestess and longed to be an ordinary woman (this wish was actually fulfilled in her lifetime as Kagome)
LASTLY, Kikyou almost flat out says that Midoriko and her have the same soul when she uses it to live for just a little while longer:
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I don’t really know what the original Japanese is or how this was translated. I’d be curious to know, since in the anime Kikyou actually does say that Midoriko and she have the same soul (again, I don’t know if this is a translation thing or an anime adaptation thing so I can’t rely on this point as my main piece of evidence).
This is a theory I consider quite easy to argue since I’ve always assumed it was Rumiko Takahashi’s intention that Midoriko  ↝ Kikyou  ↝ Kagome and just from the sheer volume of textual evidence, but I’ve been wanting to lay this all out!
That’s it!! I’ve been sitting on this post for a while and damn, I’ve been meaning to post it. Please feel free to send me questions about any of this if you’re interested!!! imma tag some people who may be interested in this too: @gypsin@inuyashasforest @adorableears7 and some chicas who idk if they’ll find this interesting but i think they might so i’ll tag em @lacyjaybird @inukag @kags09 @inunanna (& as always sorry if I missed someone, I’ve been out of this fandom sphere for a hot minute thanks to my life being so hectic)
Thanks to those who read!! <3
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